Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 15, 1915, Page 22, Image 22

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fAn Extraordinary Showing of Hundreds of New Untrimmed Velvet
The Season's Smartest Styles in Hats in Latest Dress Shapes
Fancy Tailored Suits Featuring the
O I he past week we received two large shipments of. velvet shapes,
jv T j j * C T"7 * O 1 l ' lc st y les quality of which cannot be matched at the prices.
P Latest Copies or r oreign Samples jg
Complete Size Ranges For Misses and Women I <mJ\
Heautiful quality of black velvet dress shapes in many stylos, in- ( 'T I
[ A feature of special interest in to-morrow's showing of suits will ne^'ami'a^iiendhi^h.e'at"". ofn ' ,8— $3.95 \ /
' 1 £■ « 1 . rri -II 1 Girls' plush shapes in lißht blue, navy, pink. QQ— \
i he a new group of styles at $25.00. These new arrivals have not been hm "" an " I>la,u \ V/
_ t shown heretofore except at much higher prices, so it will be to the 1 Latest Shapes 1 1 r /
• interest of every woman to inspect them to-morrow. DOSVOfS Brown Blue $4 95 "
Serge, whipcord ami poplin suits in navy, belt finished with military collar, velvet and Mahogany Black] *
green, African and black: velvet collars and button trimming $20.00 r „„„„ hI T ~ J
r • /- u J- J 1- •, • .... , K Large black velvet shape with green or white black velvet Puritan shane*
button trimming SIO.OO Gabardine and poplin suits in military style /Iv/Ov felt facin * and band $4.95 $2.95 $4.»5 to $7.50
New styles in navy, brown and black, with with plain box back: Hudson seal collar and /T" y y\\ back R ° k ve,vet dress sha i ,es . short front and long Small Puritan velvet shapes"..' Vi.os and Jtslos
plaited and full backs: button trimming or fin- cuffs with wide silk braid trimmings, #22.50 /[\X \ \ high-crown' sailor shapes of hatters piu'sh Velvet turban." and small shapes,^^S, 1 8«i50
ished with hand work: pleated skirts, #18.50 Gabardine and poplin suits with plaits and / 1 n(l \ \ witj caracul facing $8.50 Plush sailor and po«e effects with velvet facinV.
~ . i i- t, u u e 11 . . / 1 0 V _f~ \ "dlvet poka shapes in black, navy, garnet and brown blackberrv and blue s» u*
Diagonal serge and poplin suits of African belt; beaver or raccoon fur collar and cuffs: in IX f ) brown $1.95 and 86.50 Small velvet shapes for eideri'v women'' ilr
brown, naw and black: full pleated backs with green, navy, African brown $25.00 [y 0 A 4 , ( .L r l e ," , ams . b ' a i" k hatter's plush dress shapes Large felt fiats for school giris in green! blue
Black, brown, mulberry and green gabardine suits with Vj / i Tv/ Wlth black^ vet facin *' ri^led »*<*• S.O red, rose, brown and black . »ho
plaited flaring coat: velvet collars either fastening close to the ■> 5/ \VV X M T~\ « O 1
throat or low; braid binding finishes the trimming ... $22.50 J J' / \ 1v13.Tl I \A I 00111/ir I'PI
Heavy poplin suits in military style with flaring coat and »•• '. J
Black, navy, green and brown chiffon broadcloth suits •>*^lk tI // I Ww Velour Hats
with militarv collar, bullet button trimming and finished with / I / / j „ . ...
... ' * xv " MMMMij / . ,\i \ Best quality velour in sailor shapes, MOW P.\R\I)ISF SPItWS
Hudson seal $27..>0 "" - —VSBLi , slightly rolled brim, black with red _ ' ISh Sl KA * h
Mulberrv, black, navy poplin suits with convertible collar I I J r eorded band, green with self-colored Just received a new line of those
, , • .. . • ,J r r iboa nn I I L V A X band SIO.OO beautiful Paradise spravs, in black
and fancy button trimming $30.00 / \ Large velour sailors with soft kid and natural, at $5 95 $6 50 Sfi 95
Gabardine suits with fur collar and broad belt: bone button r \ v\ l 'ands, grey, brown and black, $7.50 s _ siooo sn 00 »•■>■ si-no
a-irknn Ni X * N1 Fine velour hat s. in black, brown, s< -" 3, »«.oo ami Sis.oo
trimming y~~ v navy, greens and old rose $6.50 New fancy feathers and fur novel-
Chiffon broadcloth suits, trimmed with fancy silk orna- Jl S L \ Many styles in leading shades for ties 98cto$ t95
ments and detachable velvet collar '..... $35.00 $ / women ' m,MeB and Kl s r i% 5 at Hn(l S>VBS Dlves - P %^ r &^?^ v t art_Secon ' d
~ ' ~~ ■■^mmm Mmmmm J
Medium Weights of Underwear For Women's Kid Gloves of Style
* "Between-Seasons" Weather
y-sJi'tt'i L , interesting because of the receipt of many smart modes from
/V\ ° ne warm anf ' l ' ie nex t cold it's puzzling how to dress with complete comfort, so many America's foremost producers. Novelties are shown, too, which
f£f * '
Bt ////1 [1 IJSkA \ \\\ Winter fashionable are well represented.
HIGH GRADE TREFOVSSE with bandalette of Van Dvke points
_ _ £ T j 4. ' * . Men's medium weight white lisle shirts and drawers, j WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR GLOVES of contrasting color, black with
j/ cL 111 D s Ol L/OSlyriltly each SH ° Women's white cotton ribbed fleece-lined vests, tights Tres Bon two-pearl clasp kid white $2.25
* o V o Men's medium weight cotton ribbed shirts and draw- to match, each 50c J stitching: black with CENTEMERI GLOVES
•'This certainly is one of the bright spots of the Basement," * Egyptian and grey, each 50c S . el !?" ." nd . 'Tol
remarked a customer vesterdav Sltrvevine our displav of new Men 9 medium w eight natural wool shirts and draw- Women's white cotton ribbed union suits, medium and black sewing $2.25 broidery and white sewing
?a« electric and oil lamos ' ere. each 75c weight SI.OO l-a France two-pearll clasp kid Fiorine two-clasp kid gloves, gun
Hi .u. P . . ... . Men's Egyptian cotton ribbed union suits in medium Women's $2.00 and $2.25 white cotton Swiss ribbed gloves, black with white ernbroi- meta i w | th W hite embroidery himlj
All gas portables are complete with hose, goose neck, burner, man- . , p . . union suits, in medium union SU jt ß $1,50 dery and white sewing $2.25 white sewine 'S > oil
tie and chimney: electric portables with 6 feet cord, plug and socket: and heav X weights SI.OO Women's white cotton ribbed fleece-lined union suits t , Sans Par eil two-clasp kid gloves. wisHimp rfiivpe
oil lamps with fount, burner, wicks and chimney. Fittings are of the Men's medium weight natural wool union suits, $2.00 SI.OO black with white embroidery and watuiAßU!.
best type and designs and construction are along the latest lines. white sewing $2.00 Washable one-clasp Chevrette
Electric portables. $5.00 to $25.00 Boudoir lamps ... $2.25 to $4.50 \ J J 1 \\T _ , TT • FANCY MOrSQUETAIRE r r o 0 n e and P pearl UtChl » and
Gas portables. . .$5.00 to $15.00 Japanese shades for candles and VI TI S F\tlC\ W OtTlßn H OmPfV t-, x- G^°x, KS Two"clasp I^kid ' gloves fn b1 uk
Oil portables ....$1.98 to SIO.OO lamps 50c to $4.50 ITIV/U ° aAIU V Y O 1 IWOICJI The Newport Mousquetaire kid ** o Woveji ini black.
Mahogany lamps. with silk Dining room domes, complete glove with lacing enclosing an ex- "yashZle two-ciasn leatherette
shades $2.25 to $16.50 with fixtures for ga, or ele<-trici«v Men's black lisle hose, seamless, double soles ...10c WOMEN'S SILK HOSE fa ? I<le B° re of v ,, c , ontrast '" K col ?, r v ' gloves UkuU
n ~ k ,aI " PS * l - 5 ° B ,a^ n ' B bIaCK Sl ' k liSl6 h ° 9e ' blat k ' ,an ' Thread silk hose with fashioned feet, lisle garter SS& ££ i' " ™ &
opeciais ror oaturaay Men;s black cashmere Beamlegg hoße » iack siik h °» e - uh ° r » sie « rter to p»- $, o ° that doses at wn ßt r; a ot wh^ B hai,i e • ieathe'vr in
Du Havre assorted 40c choco- 50c fruits and nuts, chocolate Men s heavy black wool seamless hose 25c Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. nearf elasD White with 16-button length, natural, tan and
lates; lb. box 20c covered; lb. box 33c black sVoo « re >' 75c and SI.OO
lates" lh l! li n o 0 v assorled 40c 50c Jordan almonds; lb. box. 33c The "Fielder," a military glove „,5!?l ildr f n . 8 w ashable leatherette
Qulntex assorted 30c chocolates; GOc Hershey milk chocolate a , r tvt . • « t-j - rj tha t closes at wrist with gore of an^ e (a ' n VNO c aspß, " js". r and ß soc
Ib o boX t —> — .-.isc wsses: ib. box ... .44c Announcement of New Goods in the Bargain Basement r & p Dives, pomewy'&stewart-
Quintex chocolate covered cher- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart— v,n n-i. Yu ZT~\ L m* it.
Hes; lb. box 27c 1 Basement. variety of dependable merchandise at matchlessly low prices. ' ' '
TflP V OOUO of Ostnrh Ro/m SOc to 59 C Doinet flannel work 1 50. bloomer trousers of dark | 59c and 69c waists of flannel, per- S SwCfltCf
A A ™ O V/Olliv/ll UUCIO shirts, all sizes. Special 37c ] worsted. Special 33c! cale, lawn, batiste, Swiss and pongee; ___ t>
50c sample shirts in striped per- IiXIT AUTO HOODS slight imperfections; all sizes. Spe- CCI 1
C %v °men are wearing ostrich boas this season than n,adras ' P°"« ee and perca ' e P 50c knit auto hoods and caps, dif- cial 38c OUItS 111 FOUf OliaCleS
ever before. \\ e have received new lots which go on sale to- •• • c ferent colors. Special 25<! APRONS , . .
morrow. SHEETS 50C children's knit caps. Special, 25c Another lot of those 15c embroi- Children s brushed Angora sweater suits in oxford, car
' , ... ... , . 39c Sheets, 72x90 inches. Special 39c and 50c infant caps in silk, dered white aprons. Special 9c dinal tail and Copenhagen—these suits are the latest in Winter
Black and white, white and natural, white and taupe. J7c white corduroy and chinchilla. Spe- ~ , , , .... , 6 . . e , ,
white and navy, white and green, all white and all lU$>V CHILDREN'S DRESSES cial 25c 25c de chine 44 inches apparel for kiddies and consist of leggings, cap and Sweater,
black ostrich Boas, at $1.25. $1.98, $2.25. 52.98 to $12.50 «0c dresses in Copenhagen, cham- MEN'S NIGHT SHIRTS Special '. . . .
Maline Ruffs—some of chiffon in beautiful color com bray trimmed with stripedlgalatea and 69c outing night shirts. Special, 45c WHITE SCRIM Children's Angora four-piece suits in Copenhagen, oxford and
some or mirion in beautiful color com- a. ju plaid gingham, sizes 2to 6 years. Spe- 59c outing nightshirts for boys. 15c ruffled white scrim with nlnk cardinal $5.00 and $5.50
binations oOc to sl.oo ,Jf&fk cial »3c Special 30 C and vc n ow borders Sueoial vnri? Of Children's sweaters in cherry, Copenhagen and tan, made with high
Georgette Crepe Collars, 50c to $1.50 collar and 51-26 plaid gingham dresses, trim- PLAID GINGII VMS 4c print cloth unblSfl Slln collar and pockets $2.50 and $2.75
cuff sets 50c to $2.50 . med wit £ patent leather belt. 6to 14 i oc plaid gingham 32 inches. Spe- Special, yard 3c Children's brushed Angora caps and scarfs to malch in tan, Copen
imported lace collar and cuff sets, in white and ecru: >CarS ' ° Cial ' yard "V A pWiv s * C . " CRIB BLANKETS gown's,'in white with" coila'r'and iong'sl'eeves
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor!' $l ° SI.OO full sized blankets. Special White damaaic napkins. Special,_ 2 blue border. Special .. ,'. th . . P . i ?. k 23c Children's flannelette gowns in pink and blue stripes wfth or'with-
BHC Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart—Basement. out collar, long sleeves 50c and 65c
Styles and Shapes That Lead Children's Embroidery Class ppr T_j •i . TT - ; : rz T 1
** , p , To-morrow Ihe Hidden Value in Overcoats—lt s Quality That Counts
lfl IVlen S I OOtWOar ° ur Arl and Needlework Section an- , .
u , , . . „ , , nounces the opening of the children's t iiat which cannot be seen as readih' as the cut of the garment, the beauty of the pattern and the char
heeis ar ' uss !... — ns .- S .. ace . s .° es '.. e> . ee ..'... roa s.voo Embroidery class, to-morrow,_ at 2 acter of workmanship is the hidden value—the quality of the fabric. We guarantee that when you buy an
Patent colt button shoes, black cloth tops, English last .... $4 00 o clock to continue until 3.30. This is an OVPrrnaf- I-iai-a vnn
Gun metal calf shoes on New England last with blind eyelets and excellent chance for parents to have . U gCt thclt \\ Ilicll llOt Oil 1 \ pIeESCS tllC CVC HS tO g"OOcl looks a.lld pleasing" Style bllt 3. full
low broad heels $4.00 their children learn all that is new in I quota ot hidden value that will prove itself through Actual use
Gun metal calf shoes with grev cloth tops, blind eyelets stitched , , . a i _ . .. . ... /
tips • • , $4.00 ! embroidery work. stamnoii • « re member—that Winter is within a bird's hop and that when you 11 need an overcoat you'll want
Black kidskin and dull calf shoes, broad toe lasts, broad flat heels We are showing a new line or slam pen . RTfrFTT A\A7AV u r j mu u / r i u • j
SI.OO I and American made embroidery 11 Kluni away. Don t be deluded by a few warm days. The hearts of the leaves are showing up red
lace stvfes kidß^ n dul A ? alf . and . . tan .? a ! f^ kin . E . n . BHßh slloes ' butto V{oo ™ tton - against the green. We've the overcoats in ever so many styles—smart English cut form-fitting styles, swag-
Dnes, Pomeroy & Stewart—street Floor, Rear. ui*es, i omero> & Stewart lr or g er £ u jj jj toppers, rich dress coats, heavy coats for winter blizzards—coats for dress, for work, for out
, t~v Corset Specials 00r men ' or ever y occasion.
Men S - Come in to-morrow and try on these new models without one scintilla of obligation to buy
Washable cape kid Kloves. in tan Adler's P.utland cape kid gloves, med pink and " hl "' brooade - ' l ''j t tf* 4r" /Arv /
Sh G d rey out seam S with "tey'mocha gloves W3O New Fall models shown in Warners MdnV NCW Stvl6S 3.X S 15.00
black embroidery Si.oo 51.50. $2.00 and $2.50 and American Corsets in coutih • c/ fJ
black"and grey, sK.vt k " f " r %%"rWso j e ed a fl?tin e^ br °! dery .jL Grey and Brown Scotch Tweeds, Blue Flannels,
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Men's Store. ' Dives, Pomerov & Stewart —Second Floor A. i 1 ,t i » ■ i \X r t
• 1 # black and White Check Worsteds
SfltllfnflV Q SaIP HT Slirfar onrl lirnrPflPC flx/y \ These are medium weight knee-length cravenetted overcoats with
Od I Lll O Odlt/ vJI dIICJ. lvv) V j /\ ( -A velvet collars and patch or slashed pockets. Full back cut, producing a
r \ With each box me will elvo Bnrnbnin'» Tarpon lyiy Prnnnt hllttrr, the very /. I V4/'V *Js'ki<3L< 'faHi g' 3-CCfllllv hanging garment.
125 lb*, granulated I frre nnr-half pounil nf rlamn, the Itnr.t obtain- lirxt Rratlr In Mason top 1/ J X 111 '.jJit __
wHh 8 " .ch «.o« p«ti "Viieioni ireS >1 °j // tip Beautiful Dress Coats
I oliaae excluding noap. | Xew heart rlee ... baked <*ake* t Mix va- »w eorn meal, 5-lb. hue*,
I=s He, miid cured ha™.', cm™ \ »>*■< b-j eo*ee i-ib b. p .,.££ vf] / Every one letter-perfect in its lines of style.
ier,°"bea"to had h sa h t! fcaHWune I-ea." S cleaaed 'llam.nU'" offer, none ho." ! \ i| Black kerSeyS sls, S2O, $25 DarkßOUCleS $25
urday, ih.. isc! half ham. neWpack ...'...1 l-yer « B a. JSJnT!f. a\ Black Meltons ... sls, $lB, S2O Grey and oxford Irish friezes, #lB
, Dromedar, date*. pk»., \Z "TSKUS'ZiJ&rS: \ I , , r D . ,
."*• ,h- ...L » SttCh ,ee,ed „d r„«ted, \\ Cravenetted Raincoats
ITory Soap . \ = .^r d " Sweltaer cheeae, lb. .. 3,Tc «>nr Favorite tea. Ih., 45c I \v i > a. _» __ _ st*. * _ _
P* fi soan I 10 bars, j h' T. P ° Uatarger eheeae, 1b... 35c Senate tea, lb «3c \ Iff CT If\ f\f\
Soap I " m n ™' and beana ... >eufchatcl chee»e, cake, 5e Eellpae Ceylon tea. 1-lh. jT] , K. III! <H/ Oil II I 111 I
Fel« Maptha r 10 obara, *'«>dea ptimpkln ..J Ta.tr eheeae, roll ... |oc eana 50c f B M
Babbitt*. I 93.75 Ocean vrhlte Huh, 10-lh. Flneat crrnm cheeae, lb.. Imported Belarlan pea., enn, . ■■■, i SHKV I'i ffV m . , i t • , •i-, .. .
soap ) p«»" !... 50c 25c —•"-J i' /£?• Black, tan, brown and grey raincoats with militarv or convertible
__ _.w . „ _ Sew mackerel, pail .. DSc Elbow macaroni. \ Imported Italian neaa, can, », J 'HK It to a CI *l. i „
I> o*ic'ri ,;u7a for Fa«c> »e„ ..iL 1.0n B macaroni .. 1 , „ _ 10c IP] Collars, 48 tO 52 inches long.
I)., order, taken for „ !,on« .. V Flneat French mo.hr,,oma. ] AM, ' r ■ 1
F^ g ,c no., »v, bag,, J deHcionn for ...aV |h< ; J \ ~ s suits in a great variety of rich patterns,
!r Bo '.- nd nAC . T ". r, * t sK KTnered herring m - Dives, Stewart. L/- Men'i Clothing, Second Floor, Rear.