22 fAn Extraordinary Showing of Hundreds of New Untrimmed Velvet The Season's Smartest Styles in Hats in Latest Dress Shapes Fancy Tailored Suits Featuring the O I he past week we received two large shipments of. velvet shapes, jv T j j * C T"7 * O 1 l ' lc st y les quality of which cannot be matched at the prices. P Latest Copies or r oreign Samples jg Complete Size Ranges For Misses and Women I la,u \ V/ _ t shown heretofore except at much higher prices, so it will be to the 1 Latest Shapes 1 1 r / • interest of every woman to inspect them to-morrow. DOSVOfS Brown Blue $4 95 " Serge, whipcord ami poplin suits in navy, belt finished with military collar, velvet and Mahogany Black] * green, African and black: velvet collars and button trimming $20.00 r „„„„ hI T ~ J r • /- u J- J 1- •, • .... , K Large black velvet shape with green or white black velvet Puritan shane* button trimming SIO.OO Gabardine and poplin suits in military style /Iv/Ov felt facin * and band $4.95 $2.95 $4.»5 to $7.50 New styles in navy, brown and black, with with plain box back: Hudson seal collar and /T" y y\\ back R ° k ve,vet dress sha i ,es . short front and long Small Puritan velvet shapes"..' Vi.os and Jtslos plaited and full backs: button trimming or fin- cuffs with wide silk braid trimmings, #22.50 /[\X \ \ high-crown' sailor shapes of hatters piu'sh Velvet turban." and small shapes,^^S, 1 8«i50 ished with hand work: pleated skirts, #18.50 Gabardine and poplin suits with plaits and / 1 n(l \ \ witj caracul facing $8.50 Plush sailor and po«e effects with velvet facinV. ~ . i i- t, u u e 11 . . / 1 0 V _f~ \ "dlvet poka shapes in black, navy, garnet and brown blackberrv and blue s» u* Diagonal serge and poplin suits of African belt; beaver or raccoon fur collar and cuffs: in IX f ) brown $1.95 and 86.50 Small velvet shapes for eideri'v women'' ilr brown, naw and black: full pleated backs with green, navy, African brown $25.00 [y 0 A 4 , ( .L r l e ," , ams . b ' a i" k hatter's plush dress shapes Large felt fiats for school giris in green! blue Black, brown, mulberry and green gabardine suits with Vj / i Tv/ Wlth black^ vet facin *' ri^led »*<*• S.O red, rose, brown and black . »ho plaited flaring coat: velvet collars either fastening close to the ■> 5/ \VV X M T~\ « O 1 throat or low; braid binding finishes the trimming ... $22.50 J J' / \ 1v13.Tl I \A I 00111/ir I'PI Heavy poplin suits in military style with flaring coat and »•• '. J Black, navy, green and brown chiffon broadcloth suits •>*^lk tI // I Ww Velour Hats with militarv collar, bullet button trimming and finished with / I / / j „ . ... ... ' * xv " MMMMij / . ,\i \ Best quality velour in sailor shapes, MOW P.\R\I)ISF SPItWS Hudson seal $27..>0 "" - —VSBLi , slightly rolled brim, black with red _ ' ISh Sl KA * h Mulberrv, black, navy poplin suits with convertible collar I I J r eorded band, green with self-colored Just received a new line of those , , • .. . • ,J r r iboa nn I I L V A X band SIO.OO beautiful Paradise spravs, in black and fancy button trimming $30.00 / \ Large velour sailors with soft kid and natural, at $5 95 $6 50 Sfi 95 Gabardine suits with fur collar and broad belt: bone button r \ v\ l 'ands, grey, brown and black, $7.50 s _ siooo sn 00 »•■>■ si-no a-irknn Ni X * N1 Fine velour hat s. in black, brown, s< -" 3, »«.oo ami Sis.oo trimming y~~ v navy, greens and old rose $6.50 New fancy feathers and fur novel- Chiffon broadcloth suits, trimmed with fancy silk orna- Jl S L \ Many styles in leading shades for ties 98cto$ t95 ments and detachable velvet collar '..... $35.00 $ / women ' m,MeB and Kl s r i% 5 at Hn(l S>VBS Dlves - P %^ r &^?^ v t art_Secon ' d ~ ' ~~ ■■^mmm Mmmmm J Medium Weights of Underwear For Women's Kid Gloves of Style * "Between-Seasons" Weather y-sJi'tt'i L , interesting because of the receipt of many smart modes from /V\ ° ne warm anf ' l ' ie nex t cold it's puzzling how to dress with complete comfort, so many America's foremost producers. Novelties are shown, too, which f£f * ' Bt ////1 [1 IJSkA \ \\\ Winter fashionable are well represented. HIGH GRADE TREFOVSSE with bandalette of Van Dvke points _ _ £ T j 4. ' * . Men's medium weight white lisle shirts and drawers, j WOMEN'S UNDERWEAR GLOVES of contrasting color, black with j/ cL 111 D s Ol L/OSlyriltly each SH ° Women's white cotton ribbed fleece-lined vests, tights Tres Bon two-pearl clasp kid white $2.25 * o V o Men's medium weight cotton ribbed shirts and draw- to match, each 50c J stitching: black with CENTEMERI GLOVES •'This certainly is one of the bright spots of the Basement," * Egyptian and grey, each 50c S . el !?" ." nd . 'Tol remarked a customer vesterdav Sltrvevine our displav of new Men 9 medium w eight natural wool shirts and draw- Women's white cotton ribbed union suits, medium and black sewing $2.25 broidery and white sewing ?a« electric and oil lamos ' ere. each 75c weight SI.OO l-a France two-pearll clasp kid Fiorine two-clasp kid gloves, gun Hi .u. P . . ... . Men's Egyptian cotton ribbed union suits in medium Women's $2.00 and $2.25 white cotton Swiss ribbed gloves, black with white ernbroi- meta i w | th W hite embroidery himlj All gas portables are complete with hose, goose neck, burner, man- . , p . . union suits, in medium union SU jt ß $1,50 dery and white sewing $2.25 white sewine 'S > oil tie and chimney: electric portables with 6 feet cord, plug and socket: and heav X weights SI.OO Women's white cotton ribbed fleece-lined union suits t , Sans Par eil two-clasp kid gloves. wisHimp rfiivpe oil lamps with fount, burner, wicks and chimney. Fittings are of the Men's medium weight natural wool union suits, $2.00 SI.OO black with white embroidery and watuiAßU!. best type and designs and construction are along the latest lines. white sewing $2.00 Washable one-clasp Chevrette Electric portables. $5.00 to $25.00 Boudoir lamps ... $2.25 to $4.50 \ J J 1 \\T _ , TT • FANCY MOrSQUETAIRE r r o 0 n e and P pearl UtChl » and Gas portables. . .$5.00 to $15.00 Japanese shades for candles and VI TI S F\tlC\ W OtTlßn H OmPfV t-, x- G^°x, KS Two"clasp I^kid ' gloves fn b1 uk Oil portables ....$1.98 to SIO.OO lamps 50c to $4.50 ITIV/U ° aAIU V Y O 1 IWOICJI The Newport Mousquetaire kid ** o Woveji ini black. Mahogany lamps. with silk Dining room domes, complete glove with lacing enclosing an ex- "yashZle two-ciasn leatherette shades $2.25 to $16.50 with fixtures for ga, or ele<-trici«v Men's black lisle hose, seamless, double soles ...10c WOMEN'S SILK HOSE fa ? I' 75c and SI.OO lates" lh l! li n o 0 v assorled 40c 50c Jordan almonds; lb. box. 33c The "Fielder," a military glove „,5!?l ildr f n . 8 w ashable leatherette Qulntex assorted 30c chocolates; GOc Hershey milk chocolate a , r tvt . • « t-j - rj tha t closes at wrist with gore of an^ e (a ' n VNO c aspß, " js". r and ß soc Ib o boX t —> — .-.isc wsses: ib. box ... .44c Announcement of New Goods in the Bargain Basement r & p Dives, pomewy'&stewart- Quintex chocolate covered cher- Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart— v,n n-i. Yu ZT~\ L m* it. Hes; lb. box 27c 1 Basement. variety of dependable merchandise at matchlessly low prices. ' ' ' TflP V OOUO of Ostnrh Ro/m SOc to 59 C Doinet flannel work 1 50. bloomer trousers of dark | 59c and 69c waists of flannel, per- S SwCfltCf A A ™ O V/Olliv/ll UUCIO shirts, all sizes. Special 37c ] worsted. Special 33c! cale, lawn, batiste, Swiss and pongee; ___ t> 50c sample shirts in striped per- IiXIT AUTO HOODS slight imperfections; all sizes. Spe- CCI 1 C %v °men are wearing ostrich boas this season than n,adras ' P°"« ee and perca ' e P 50c knit auto hoods and caps, dif- cial 38c OUItS 111 FOUf OliaCleS ever before. \\ e have received new lots which go on sale to- •• • c ferent colors. Special 25V CHILDREN'S DRESSES cial 25c 25c de chine 44 inches apparel for kiddies and consist of leggings, cap and Sweater, black ostrich Boas, at $1.25. $1.98, $2.25. 52.98 to $12.50 «0c dresses in Copenhagen, cham- MEN'S NIGHT SHIRTS Special '. . . . Maline Ruffs—some of chiffon in beautiful color com bray trimmed with stripedlgalatea and 69c outing night shirts. Special, 45c WHITE SCRIM Children's Angora four-piece suits in Copenhagen, oxford and some or mirion in beautiful color com- a. ju plaid gingham, sizes 2to 6 years. Spe- 59c outing nightshirts for boys. 15c ruffled white scrim with nlnk cardinal $5.00 and $5.50 binations oOc to sl.oo ,Jf&fk cial »3c Special 30 C and vc n ow borders Sueoial vnri? Of Children's sweaters in cherry, Copenhagen and tan, made with high Georgette Crepe Collars, 50c to $1.50 collar and 51-26 plaid gingham dresses, trim- PLAID GINGII VMS 4c print cloth unblSfl Slln collar and pockets $2.50 and $2.75 cuff sets 50c to $2.50 . med wit £ patent leather belt. 6to 14 i oc plaid gingham 32 inches. Spe- Special, yard 3c Children's brushed Angora caps and scarfs to malch in tan, Copen imported lace collar and cuff sets, in white and ecru: >CarS ' ° Cial ' yard "V A pWiv s * C . " CRIB BLANKETS gown's,'in white with" coila'r'and iong'sl'eeves Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor!' $l ° SI.OO full sized blankets. Special White damaaic napkins. Special,_ 2 blue border. Special .. ,'. th . . P . i ?. k 23c Children's flannelette gowns in pink and blue stripes wfth or'with- BHC Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart—Basement. out collar, long sleeves 50c and 65c Styles and Shapes That Lead Children's Embroidery Class ppr T_j •i . TT - ; : rz T 1 ** , p , To-morrow Ihe Hidden Value in Overcoats—lt s Quality That Counts lfl IVlen S I OOtWOar ° ur Arl and Needlework Section an- , . u , , . . „ , , nounces the opening of the children's t iiat which cannot be seen as readih' as the cut of the garment, the beauty of the pattern and the char heeis ar ' uss !... — ns .- S .. ace . s .° es '.. e> . ee ..'... roa s.voo Embroidery class, to-morrow,_ at 2 acter of workmanship is the hidden value—the quality of the fabric. We guarantee that when you buy an Patent colt button shoes, black cloth tops, English last .... $4 00 o clock to continue until 3.30. This is an OVPrrnaf- I-iai-a vnn Gun metal calf shoes on New England last with blind eyelets and excellent chance for parents to have . U gCt thclt \\ Ilicll llOt Oil 1 \ pIeESCS tllC CVC HS tO g"OOcl looks a.lld pleasing" Style bllt 3. full low broad heels $4.00 their children learn all that is new in I quota ot hidden value that will prove itself through Actual use Gun metal calf shoes with grev cloth tops, blind eyelets stitched , , . a i _ . .. . ... / tips • • , $4.00 ! embroidery work. stamnoii • « re member—that Winter is within a bird's hop and that when you 11 need an overcoat you'll want Black kidskin and dull calf shoes, broad toe lasts, broad flat heels We are showing a new line or slam pen . RTfrFTT A\A7AV u r j mu u / r i u • j SI.OO I and American made embroidery 11 Kluni away. Don t be deluded by a few warm days. The hearts of the leaves are showing up red lace stvfes kidß^ n dul A ? alf . and . . tan .? a ! f^ kin . E . n . BHßh slloes ' butto V{oo ™ tton - against the green. We've the overcoats in ever so many styles—smart English cut form-fitting styles, swag- Dnes, Pomeroy & Stewart—street Floor, Rear. ui*es, i omero> & Stewart lr or g er £ u jj jj toppers, rich dress coats, heavy coats for winter blizzards—coats for dress, for work, for out , t~v Corset Specials 00r men ' or ever y occasion. Men S - Come in to-morrow and try on these new models without one scintilla of obligation to buy Washable cape kid Kloves. in tan Adler's P.utland cape kid gloves, med pink and " hl "' brooade - ' l ''j t tf* 4r" /Arv / Sh G d rey out seam S with "tey'mocha gloves W3O New Fall models shown in Warners MdnV NCW Stvl6S 3.X S 15.00 black embroidery Si.oo 51.50. $2.00 and $2.50 and American Corsets in coutih • c/ fJ black"and grey, sK.vt k " f " r %%"rWso j e ed a fl?tin e^ br °! dery .jL Grey and Brown Scotch Tweeds, Blue Flannels, Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Men's Store. ' Dives, Pomerov & Stewart —Second Floor A. i 1 ,t i » ■ i \X r t • 1 # black and White Check Worsteds SfltllfnflV Q SaIP HT Slirfar onrl lirnrPflPC flx/y \ These are medium weight knee-length cravenetted overcoats with Od I Lll O Odlt/ vJI dIICJ. lvv) V j /\ ( -A velvet collars and patch or slashed pockets. Full back cut, producing a r \ With each box me will elvo Bnrnbnin'» Tarpon lyiy Prnnnt hllttrr, the very /. I V4/'V *Js'ki<3L< 'faHi g' 3-CCfllllv hanging garment. 125 lb*, granulated I frre nnr-half pounil nf rlamn, the Itnr.t obtain- lirxt Rratlr In Mason top 1/ J X 111 '.jJit __ wHh 8 " .ch «.o« p«ti "Viieioni ireS >1 °j // tip Beautiful Dress Coats I oliaae excluding noap. | Xew heart rlee ... baked <*ake* t Mix va- »w eorn meal, 5-lb. hue*, I=s He, miid cured ha™.', cm™ \ »>*■< b-j eo*ee i-ib b. p .,.££ vf] / Every one letter-perfect in its lines of style. ier,°"bea"to had h sa h t! fcaHWune I-ea." S cleaaed 'llam.nU'" offer, none ho." ! \ i| Black kerSeyS sls, S2O, $25 DarkßOUCleS $25 urday, ih.. isc! half ham. neWpack ...'...1 l-yer « B a. JSJnT!f. a\ Black Meltons ... sls, $lB, S2O Grey and oxford Irish friezes, #lB , Dromedar, date*. pk»., \Z "TSKUS'ZiJ&rS: \ I , , r D . , ."*• ,h- ...L » SttCh ,ee,ed „d r„«ted, \\ Cravenetted Raincoats ITory Soap . \ = .^r d " Sweltaer cheeae, lb. .. 3,Tc «>nr Favorite tea. Ih., 45c I \v i > a. _» __ _ st*. * _ _ P* fi soan I 10 bars, j h' T. P ° Uatarger eheeae, 1b... 35c Senate tea, lb «3c \ Iff CT If\ f\f\ Soap I " m n ™' and beana ... >eufchatcl chee»e, cake, 5e Eellpae Ceylon tea. 1-lh. jT] , K. III! dea ptimpkln ..J Ta.tr eheeae, roll ... |oc eana 50c f B M Babbitt*. I 93.75 Ocean vrhlte Huh, 10-lh. Flneat crrnm cheeae, lb.. Imported Belarlan pea., enn, . ■■■, i SHKV I'i ffV m . , i t • , •i-, .. . soap ) p«»" !... 50c 25c —•"-J i' /£?• Black, tan, brown and grey raincoats with militarv or convertible __ _.w . „ _ Sew mackerel, pail .. DSc Elbow macaroni. \ Imported Italian neaa, can, », J 'HK It to a CI *l. i „ I> o*ic'ri ,;u7a for Fa«c> »e„ ..iL 1.0n B macaroni .. 1 , „ _ 10c IP] Collars, 48 tO 52 inches long. I)., order, taken for „ !,on« .. V Flneat French mo.hr,,oma. ] AM, ' r ■ 1 F^ g ,c no., »v, bag,, J deHcionn for ...aV |h< ; J \ ~ s suits in a great variety of rich patterns, !r Bo '.- nd nAC . T ". r, * t sK KTnered herring m - Dives, Stewart. L/- Men'i Clothing, Second Floor, Rear. FRIDAY E\nENI~XG. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH OCI OBER 15. tttS