r l-111 11 * ■ ' © lOiUoJC* Sterling Gtrm The T" point - eio , CINNAMON ~ BLUK WOAKKK 1 "~1 Strawride to Carlisle by Park Street Folks A pleasant event of last evening was a strawride to Carlisle taken by young people of the Park Street Evangelical church. An automobile truck con veyed the party and supper was en joyed at the Good home. Mr. and | Mrs. Adam Batdorf was excellent j chaperones for the crowd. In attendance were the Misses Mary | Derr, Jennie Kissinger, Myrtle Kitz-j miller, Esther Springer, Mary Lauer, Edna Leopold, Ruth Orner, Lulu | Orner, Mary Dands, Carrie Zeigler, Catharine Bolton, Leah Hanger, Jeanette Hover and Ruth Hampton, Edwin Harris, Wm. Zeigier, Earl Bressler, Paul Hartzler, Robert Hartz ler, Richard Beach, Levi Bolton, F. A. Hoover, Curtis Dunlap, Harry Lan dis, Mark Steelman and Paul Nissley. WOMAN'S GOLF TOURNAMENT j Those entertaining the woman's golf tournament force at the Country Club' of Harrisburg, playing for cups of-j fered by Frank Payne, Ross A. Hickok j and Walter P. Maguire were Mrs. Rob- I ert E. Foray the, Mrs. A. M. Chesley, | Miss Margaret McLain, Mrs. K. M. j Kaltwasser, Mrs. Roy G. Cox, Miss Frances Morrison, Mrs. John M. Wal lis, Miss Emily Bailey and Miss Fran ces Bailey. REMOVES FROM COLUMBIA The Rev. Joseph Daugherty. former pastor of the Columbia United Breth ren Church, and his family, moved to this city yesterday where the Rev. Mr. Daugherty will take charge of the Sixth Street United Brethren Church. MEETS OLD SCHOOLMATES Walter S. Weaver, a student at the Williamson school, Philadelphia, is spending the week-end with J. Harold Wagner at Lehigh University, Bethle hem, and will attend the Lehigh-Al hrlght football game to-morrow. Sev eral former schoolmates of Mr. Wea ver's are playing with the Albright! v eleven. Both young men are former Tech boys taking special courses at the I above college. HOME FROM CALIFORNIA j Mrs. A. M. Clay, formerly of 319 Chestnut street, who spent the - past year in California has returned from the west and is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Charles E. Reeser. of Walnut and Harris streets, Camp Hill. PARENT-TEACHERS ELECT Professor J. D. Patterson gave an illustrated lecture last evening to the members of the Parent-Teacher Asso ciation of the Pleasant View High school. The following officers were elected for the coming year: Presi dent, Mrs. J. D. Patterson: vice-presi dent, Mrs. Douglas: secretary, Mrs. Shrelner; corresponding secretary, Mrs. A. H. Stahler, and treasurer, Mrs. George A. King. SHOCK RESTORES MEMORY York. Pa.. Oct. IS. rShoek of being , knocked down by a team In North York yesterday restored the memory of Albert L. Ziegler, a Cumberland countv farmer, who wandered away from his home near Mechanicsburg, J Wednesday morning in a fit of aphasia. Ziegler was only slightly injured in the accident. j [ponirtm-nfrwai | f |OX"AvORKY—Use CONKEY'S ROUP REMEDY in the drinking water and let the fowls doctor themselves. Con kev's new Poultry Book FREE with a package. Dealers Everywhere. ' iON'T^'wORRY—CON KEY'S POULT RY TONIC in the feed each day will soon round the late hatched youngsters into money makers. Good for all your birds. Get a pail. Dealers everywhere. CONKEY SAYS: — , . DON'T WORRY—But he ready when trouble conies by having a well stocked CONKEY CORNER in your j poultrv bouse. Conke.v Poultry Rem edies save life. Dealers Everywhere. ringing Up Father(fjj) # # # # # IF COURSF F 1 / MAACRE-YOU 1 JYOOI.L NEVER ]I F > MO JI6CB- ) I DOLLAR! IF YOU NJ SAY S NOW JEF,RX [« E T IT BACK- JERRY KEPT HFT 1 FIW' JERRY TELL HIM-I'NL ' RETURN ,T TO SJMUSTHAVE UOODBT HP C^I VEU NL HER^A WAY U *»RO-HE RETURNED THAT A / IEHT ME OVER %ORR"T I CAMTT 1 Y ° U FTER ' Oi-^P O W ETOW Y TH V T M - *»»»*•• TO AT>K XOU L HE NF OE Y^ ED I J H 7 TEN- TODAY: ) CAME FOR ,— J V 7 MP IF YOU'D LEND | ME YESTERDAY; Y~. 1 -V- 5 "7 " TOO: I HTM FIFTY UNTIL FRIDAY EVENING, , HARRISBURG td§ai<Bs TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 15, 1915. fer^onaK2)Soc!3 [Other Social News on Page 8] Miss Emily Carr Leaves For Home in Batavia Miss Emily M. Carr, who has been a secretary and stenographer l'or the Johnston Harvister oifices In this] city for the past fourteen years, has | hern transferred by the company to their home offices at Batavia, N. Y., | also her former homo. | Miss Carr, who left Harrisburg to- j 'day, made many friends while here and the Harrisburg offices regret los ing her services. I She will be succeeded by David ! Decry of Indianapolis, Ind., who has j been transferred from the Kansas City offices of the Harvester Company. Mrs. Moss'oacker of New York is vis iting Mrs.Herman Astrich at 2028 N. Third street. Mrs. George W. Brady, of Carlisle, visited relatives in this city yester day. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kepner are guests of relatives in Chambersburg. Mrs. Leon Simon of Baltimore, for merly Miss Helen Wolfe of this city, was a recent guest of friends here. Miss Belle Heiney of Chambersburg is spending a week among friends in I town. I Mrs. Frank Payne of North Front | street went to Gettysburg to-day with j an automobile party. | Mrs.Blanche Donnelly of 1113 Mont gomery street is home after an ex tended visit in parts of Illinois and Columbus, Ohio. MRS. BALDWIN'S GUEST Mrs. Barker Gremmere of Prince ton will arrive in the city to-morrow for a visit with her cousin, Mrs. Ware- I ham Strong- Baldwin, at 2027 North I Second street, Mrs. Gremmere will be remembered herd as Miss Daisy Breaux, a frequent visitor at the ! Knight home. I ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Smith of 1002 Cowden street, announce the engage ment of their daughter. Miss Mary Ellen Smith to Stanley H. Sheffer of Steelton, the marriage to be an event of this autumn. PR. LYTTLE KNOWN HERE Mrs. Thomas M. Jones of Locust ] street has received word of the death' of her cousin. Dr. Eugene W. L.vttle of Albany, N. Y., a regent of the New York State Department of Education, Dr. Lyttle was a friend and class mate at Hamilton College, of the late Professor Steele of the Central High school, and had frequently lectured at teachers' institutes i nthis cit. But a few months ago, Dr. Lyttle's wife and son. both died very suddenly within a short time of each other. Mrs. Edward Miller of Youngstown, Ohio, was caiietl to her former home in Dauphin by the illness of her moth er, Mrs. Greenawalt. Mrs. Annie Dennis and Mrs. Annie Snyder, 22 2 Kelker street, are in Ha gerstown attending the fair. Mrs. Drusilla Mickey of KOB Oxford street, was hostess yesterday to the Patient Club. Mrs. A. J. Breininger of 1501 State street gave a sauerkraut supper Tues- j day evening to a number of friends. Miss Helen Faber of Market street entertained the girls of the G. R. T. club at her home this afternoon, with luncheon and music. Mrs. Lehman of Highspire is a guest of Mrs. M. J. Quickel at 909 North Sec ond street. Kennedy-Leonard Bridal in California Yesterday Sfrcial to The Telegraph Los Angeles, Cal., Oct. 15. Thos. j B. Kennedy, of Chamebrsburg, Pa.,' and Miss Lois Daphne Leonard, daugh-' ter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse R. Leonard, o fthis city, were married at 4 p. in. Thursday in St. John's Episcopal Church. A reception followed at the bride's home, and after a wedding tour the young people will go to Roanoke. Ya w-here Mr. Kennedy is a division su pervisor on the Norfolk and Western railroad. The wedding party included: Maid of honor, Miss Lenore Leonard, Los Angeles; best man, J. Coyle Ken nedy, Chambersburg; bridesmaids, Miss Margaret Kennedy, Chambers burg; Miss Helen H. Covey, Fitchburg, Mass.; Miss Janet A. Conneil, Scran ton, Pa.; Miss Gladys I. Trowbridge, Worcester, Mass.; ushers, Thomas R. White, Elizabeth N. J.; Wilbur P. Col lins, Flint, Mich.; Warren D. Porter I and Bernard B. Fallon, Los Angeles, j The bride was a student at Wilson I College, Chambersburg, and the bride groom is the eldest son of President M. I C. Kennedy, of the Cumberland Val-1 ley Railroad Mr. and Mrs. William Webster Fin-! ney of Churchtown, Md., announce the) birth of a son, James McCormick Fin ney, Monday October 11, 1915. Mrs. Finney was formerly Miss Eliza Mc- Cormick of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Rohert Harper Cole-! man of Cleveland, Ohio, former Har risburgers, announce the birth of twin boys, Donald Rogers and Robert I Haroer Coleman, Jr., Saturday, Octo-i ber 9 1915. TO THE BUYING PUBLIC I I There is a striking contrast in the |||| I p Doutrich way of doing things, to have our adver- fijlM I Itisements as well as our methods —ring true with E a rich silver tone has been our greatest endeavor. f t 3 From day to day we speak to Read our advertisements-con- Si 1 1 Harrisburg through the columns sid er them as personal mes- m fl I of this newspaper....Reviewing in these _., . .. vA I wm *\ hi messages those things for which this Bages from Doutrlch « to you».they talk store has always stood, Quality, Econ- about your clothing or clothing that l ||||j omy, Service and Satisfaction, Doutrich ought to be yours....They will carry I (Merchandise and Doutrich methods many a money saving Blory lo your \M9 < welcome comparison. Put them be- . . . .... _ BBBr I^o ii. , pocketbooks. .. 1 hey will show you how 1' ¥9 PgPy Jr- 1 M ■ neath the microscope; measure them S (smm by every standard concentrated against GREAT A STORE Harrisburg has ffl f| tSP 1 k them, the full force of criticism, and if made of Doutrichs because we played lj j a m they don't stand the test discard them. square to Harrisburg. fj f xtjH I (Behind this advertising is the DOUTRICH BUYING POWER; lj g t j 1 not only financial, not simply intelligent buying power, based j 6 M upon years of association with great American manufacturers of quality mer- fj Ichandise, but the tremendous buying power of intimate knowledge of what Har- lj /jjftli risburg wants to pay has given us. " 'Stir COPYRIGHT 1913 THE HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMER Sweaters Men's Suits and Bates street 1 - , Shirts are here to all the best OVerCOatS Percale and Madras, I styles, at very lowest negligee style and | j prices for the quality we sell. Well tailored, finest fabri.CS, linUSUally and short stiff bosom. Sizes j Men's, Women's, Boys', Girls' large assortments. 13^2 t0 18 |j and Infants' Sweaters k-- $1.50 j $1 to $12.50 sls, S2O, $25 j jj Overcoats Mei^' s light wei s ht > I I I%A 4 a frfA Cr'g^^lsfAl waysnel Shirts * i n v O tpjLv 3Q4 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa. SI.OO to $2.50 9 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers