10 [You Pay Less For Better Quality at Miller and KadesJ mimm 1 We Extend a Cordial Invitation to Our Many Friends | | to Be Our Guests Saturday During Our Fall Opening § K g tttE are enthusiastic about our merchandise and believe that when you pay us a visit you will share our enthusiasm. We have made H S W special arrangements for tomorrow and want you to join us. The autumn spirit prevails throughout our store—there is an air of H g cheerfulness that you will enjoy. Everything is here that goes to make a home happy and comfortable during the season now launched. J| g Furniture from the leading factories of the country—Rugs of every conceivable material, color and pattern—Stoves from the most g H reliable naker in the country—all the necessities and luxuries that contribute to home furnishing. We want you to see all these good p H things yourself. So again we bid you welcome. Come and bring your friends. tt S —r? tt ff Quarted Oak H llf This Great Big English Fireside Rocker This Very Handsome Dresser || H BUFFET Upholstc* I I Made selected quartered Qg tj 111 nothing TlsewhVe he to | 11 tt H Actual $23.50 value. Has heavy top, plenty of SSM J ml,* f\ it drawer and closet space, one of the top draweis is price for Saturday, as you * I ill ♦♦ lined with plush for silverware, etc. To realize the ex- see, is almost half their Kg&U IrlS gpji* * Ulw VV/11 v vulvlliV ★♦» tt traordinarv value vou should come and examine its actual yaiue—an o PP or- wl» 47a * j- _ -n M* § construction, quality, the finish, etc. T'Ll" I Tlfl Wrmrtrt ffOA 50 « S ♦♦ most every home In this 1 .Mn|, 'j| I • * UVV w vUI/VA I* W * ♦♦ I SI.OO Down and 50c a Week I sl Cash 50c a Week «P"*' #== ! | tt Will Deliver One to Your Home SI,OO cash will deliver this rocker to your home | ♦♦ IVWWJWWW.WWWWWWWWWVSWWWWftWWtfWWWWi» ...... nnA n>., „. __ * * 3ft Hi i HIGH GRADE SUPERIOR, MIDDLETOWN MADE * J (.1111 * * S A New Lot of Our Famous "Everwear" 9x12 7 I"T* %—B E=? FV T O A XiriDC I IrliW' . .'3 $ || tt I" R "g». Priced for Saturday at CpO• L«✓ | ★ tt tt ;> So popular have these rugs i; SPECIAL FOR 4J2 o Q g SET UP I ♦ TBllKi' 1 *j; H j TO-DAY ONLY COMPLETE | ~ | « ♦* We are constantly receiving J * * tt e? '■ , v '~jfe';^.wec;i d new shipments, which are . _ * Frame is golden oak, fumed oak or mahogany and J tt ££ •: they o we picked" up°b" ewr J *is upholstered in the finest Boston leather. With a sin- J Xt It :• darta'brtght and frLhfand i t g ]e motion it opens from a compact davenport to a * g Xt "'■ x" includes many beautiful? * large roomy bed, very easy to operate and guaranteed t :: : : « rt o%rLi£rTti\ } I to remain iii good working order; <{\ t tt tt ■: rt 'these''famous""Ever- { ,« * sells regularly for $40.00. Price QZV.DV * g I": : fe l ■*".'■ wear" Rugs are sold only in 5 tt '■ ' Harrisburg at Miller and < WT - • I <® s >wL <as i Have an extra room ? This davenport will turn t tt It : . I 'i ,; > s ?Kades—that they give extra < * , . . .. . i >'• • Z Zt tt > service and cost no more than s * whatever room you place it in —parlor, dining room or J tt tt >| the ordinary kind. J library—into a spare bedroom for that unexpected J |t ♦♦ • w.'.v.v/.vAv.v.-.v.'.v.v.vw.v.wAv.w.v.v.vAwvA'A-AVMvi * guest. * ♦♦ H Cedar Ckest I 3 Handsome Pieces of |! g | !iO ; Special at . | Furniture ;| | || ~»j [| $7.75 | For the Bedroom i: H H !| I Solid $$ Pl* 1 tX uOllu USK «,] || (|s made of selected Tennessee which makes it. I # II tt H China Closet*? mountain cedar. Well finished, I Everybody knows the fine wearing, cooking and heating qualities of Mid- I 5 H*T II t♦r tt •. . , dletown-made ranges and heaters. X * ■ u I !, ♦♦ 8 64 inches hip-h % inches ' prese " S SOme app^ ar " First of all—they are made at home by first-class mechanics and of the 1 Chiffonier. Dresser, ( Dressing Table, -±t H -j m t F ; l ? ChtS ance and Wlll absolutely protect best materials. I worth $55.00, worth $62.50, worth $45.00, II g tt ex i a neavy trame j ts con tents against the moth's The finish is the best. The castings are heavy. They cook and bake and f now now now ;; ♦♦ g work, double strength glass, ravages At »87.75 it is an ex- heat and give the best service in every way. Consequently, the cost of main- r. . . _ * ++ foul" shelves and carefully . ' , . „ taining them is less—they require less fuel and should anyone need repairs ?U* OA ff A*7 L A 01 Ou tt tt finished. ceptional value and IS offered at or should a part be broken, the factory is here to make things right. $ Qll I rjll S II this price for Saturday only. Middlctown-made ranges are far superior to most makes. , yuv.vv Y I 3 and KADESf^If § of Best Hurniture Department Store 10 riAvn"' § I Service | 7 NORTH MARKET SQUARE Euyers j H Hm:m: —— ammH | The Only Store in Harrisburg That Guarantees to Sell on Credit at Cash Prices j | XT FRIDAY EVENING, . HARRIS3URG TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 15, 1915
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