J „ . Store Opens 8 A. M., Closes i C Souvenirs Are Now Here "WVaHI I at 9P. M. Saturday. 1 §=: B| •: s J&$L At Saturday Closes This All Important Underselling Event s 'jSt enough"* : I Bi& }y QC- Euery man, woman, young girl and boy will find ample opportunity here for investing money in the most up-to-date new fall apparel and v J u h e e 8 I save more than can be enjoyed at any other store in Hirrisburg. th« d city. the largest wa,Bt buslness ln C A IMEWBFTI/FILLM'FFL A}|W4. |»FPII' R T ! FOUR (IRF \T W VIST V\ITTF"S M 1 SATURDAY WILL WIND VP THE SALE! MANY N ARE READY FOR SATURDAY C j ii ,o seii at si.so RIGHT AND THE TIME IS HERE AND KAUFMAN'S IS THE STORE.w.KS ,»} C :ire selling—boats our expectations. MOt course, we know they can't be :I — T f \~X T 1 C 1 /~\ ' TT 1 11* T7 i "\"Y7"*ll C 1 "D J ■ med. new collars; siees 36 to 46; worth { The Last Day or Uur Wonderful Opening Underselling Hvent Will Smash Records jij 98c • J had anywhere else. Smart ginghams :J ——. y 4 df ■ -y ■" 1 -l / > T"1 -| , ' § Womens and Misses New Fall Garments For Saturday I 1 ) S 4 a ? resses; .. $2.95 At the Most Unexpected Low Prices For the Very Opening of the Season jj I $!Tno o '{'' e d V ' BCe ' r 'mmcd; worth J % Girls' Wool Serge Dresses; shepherd if Kaul'man's stylish garments are the talk of all Harrisburg. Kaufman's values are the standard by which all others are judged. More anil more as the days go by Kauf- ::: se |' lin ' pli,?!" $1.95' § plaids, box pleated and nicely trim- : 1 man's new and better store—the largest ready-to-wcar department store in this section of Pennsylvania—is bringing to Harrisburg .Suits, Coats, Dresses. Wraps, etc., or the rarest : I m mod worth $4.00; JfcO Q{* it beauty and best qualities at low prices never expected. All people are learning that Kaufman's Is the really great garment store In tills section of the State. I # underselling Price » • if Stunning Fur Trimmed New Charming All - Wool New Unmatchable All-Wool New j. ;?Lr., 1 (Girls's4 Dresses; $2951 Fall Suits, Worth Suits; Wort. SgQm Fall Suits, Worth S3O, :S"'K e "Sa i ■ Special at 'r* - * IM/ 8 s Knn at xP J> „ SIB.OO and $20.00, W $32 SO anH $35 00 model tfor evening and street wear; | \ Girls' Corduroy Dresses: assorted | $15.00, St, * ana WB.UU, : worth to $4.00; tOQC,' # colors—all the newest models; sizes 6 g vM, A j fl? 1 A / K , ::: Underselling Price <a£t»VO . m $ JmPure wool poplin, gabardines, broad- f / U. w . m . n , . , ' * 1 " # 1 Girls' $6 Dresses; &A QC | Two very smart fur trimmed mod- braid of veWe P t C ?rimme F d Ur (' An assortment of suits that have i; and laces . I % Soecial at | els. Pure wool poplins; navy, dark A" j"■? .^Eap* or semi-fltted. Coats lined with yarn- i' ®. r . ®^ U ) ,n Harrisburg in a " colors and sizes; * I rills' all nure Wool Dresses coat I Ijrown, dark green, black. Coats gdyed satins or heavy Peau de Cygne. \-Vl| Z quality and st>le for as low a price. : Underselling' Prir $4.95 I ) effect also Shepherd" plaids, nicely j| lined with guaranteed satin, braid and 'i|Bp # trimmed; assorted colors; sizes 6to 14j ;| button trimmed. Sizes for women and (tv thaf mai ; v storf , a a " sk P more than ((5 , I Cloth ' im One twill gabardines First Floor) > S worth to $6.00; $4,95 H misses—l 4to 44. Values that demand ok $20.00 for. See them. —~* ~W £ * mannish whipcords. Beaver trim- ____\ V Underselling Price ilyour attention for popular-priced E$F » // // (Wl JfcJR ming, opossum trimming and the oth- 1 1 || suits Wonderful All-Wool New // / / er popular furs, AH colors and aii Ihe Whole Family 1 25 Dozen of Women's g P /111 Fall Suits, Worth // / ' Vn - only one or two .uit. of :i;, Needs Sweaters Now / fl _ tt MOUF T?all Pnnlin anH< Whin- & 1 i SBffl nn // I / 0\ c sv e. ::: j Largest stock in Harrisbtii'g now J » Pure Thread Silk n wcw ran ropim ip £&, , 5t>25.00, // / / A ; i ready for men, women, boys and girls. C tTT K r va i,,e !i cord Suits, Worth Mm* A - f//I k\ Right-Up-to-Date Extra Size | MEN'S, women's AND BOYS' f Hosiery, ooc value | i // , v c„«. tt, . u AND GIRLS- HKAVY RIBBED COAT C a n . $16.50 and SIB.OO Mp'-.JHM , t * . , I , / V Suits, Worth SWEATERS with pockets, roil coijar: | at I VIP Pair :* ffffl A va J ue that we spend time and ef- I /. J cn *: «" colors and sizes; worth QP - I t| Jt A\ ■* mr 0* i WBgW mm fort in obtaining from one of our best 1 / • , I 3)10.30, ;;; $1.25; Underselling Price ..... WC J H Am. 1 O / imifM xfzWwmis tmfflS manufacturers. Nothing to equal this. I / // / I (T (Snbjeet to slight Imperfections) « XXI 141 *J llrs2SL Finest grades of poplin, imported I / // \ A (M fl 7(1 « BOYS' AND GIRI.S' ALL WOOL 1 A special purchase from one of the i I 1 T « aba J d , ln ® and whipcord Chiffon, | // 111 >l£ { J i RIBBED COAT SWEATERS, shawl I , best mills in the land. We buy thou- 2 Pure wool poplins and whipcords. If 1/ Nc! l '/// / broadcloths and novelty fabrics. Fur : collars, all colors and sizes, worth I w sands of dollars' worth of hosiery fi Belted, semi-belted and box coat mod- 1 / j | J °?" This shows how we provide for the :: ?2 I '.^ o: Un d er- Ifr-i nq| M f „-„, jhem thev turned over to 8 J. » . j »..■ derful assortment of beautitul suits in V ran selling Price wl<9u I lus a large share of their imperfect H els ' Fur trimmed, braid trimmed. all the wanted colors and all sizes for ] V® 7 woman who is hard to fit. Men's wear;;: 1 § goods at a sacrifice. But the "hurts" H Coats lined with yarn-dyed linings. I t / women and misses. I I |yl | serge In black or navy. Correctly cut ;;; WOMEN'S ALL PURE WOOL | % are small and can hardly be seen, g All sizes in black, navy, African brown, // ( \ ... .. . Z___ / 1 I[\ and tailored. Coats are lined with i; COAT SWEATERS, with sacks, In all i M Black and colors. Garter top, double fi Russian green and Copenhagen. No J / \f\ \ All Alterations FREE and I j )3 guaranteed satin. Skirts amply large ; a U 6 s"zes^ S worth s^ a, f(f- S ' Sha »r»° 1 j a i' ' J nafr a " | garments like these to be seen at any /// / Perfect Fit Guaranteed L J Mid with plaits. Sizes to 65 bust meas- ; Underselling Price '.. .' 52.45 | a other store in town. I eficwi lit. uuuiuiticeu ure . ( | ♦♦ f Boys'and Girls 1O 1/ » Extra Size Suits, IC A A Sport COATS; frA AC Corduroy Coats; AC White Chinchilla Coats AC » RK!SSKS; $3.95 11 belt io'A e e i ■ School Stockings. . . |j Worth S2O, at . . Worth up to Worth $lO, at .. . Worthsl2.so, at . . *pC)«y*) Two new models'ln an unusually iii $5.00; Underselling Price. . . $3.95 | a Worth 17e a pair || Stylish stout models. Best grade White chinchilla, white Basket Black, navy, dark green and Fine pure wool chinchilla with vest''effe°t with : K 'l Fast black—double heel and toe— H pure wool popHn, in black and cloth Blanket plaids, checks and dark brown, wide wale, corduroy, belts and convertible collars. The shirring. White collar and cuffs. « Another Lot of Thncp $1 1Q J i ' medium and heavy ribbed. Buy all H n^ fc s '.,„„ ' sHtin mixtures. The very newest mod- lined throughout. Belted models, kind you can wash. All sizes for Black, navy, wistaria, dark brown. Hi m ' I you need at this price—4t's a real bar- H ' to 55 bust measure. els in all sizes. All sizes for women and misses. women and misses. Jit? K reen - olive, Belgium and i| DreSS Shirts, ff gain time. H Kaufman's Underselling Store, Second Floor. olive. ,[&"§& ll I | (Kaufman's Underselling Store— j J( lii No Store Has Ever Attempted More of Those Stylish, Perfectly Made, 95C 1 jl! Such a Revolution in Millinery Selling | New Fall Suits For Men and Young Men I II Mil Kaufman's New Idea in Selling || Ready For the Busiest Saturday Thi* Season HHIHS j ) Trimmed and Untrimmed Hats Has ii <bn 7c AM 47c am a7r JSST^'SSff - "?a 1 lii Proven successful From the Start SX lw Sll 75 m|a 75 { f Fv Hats that cost twice as much are no better nor can you find hats so |! ®jmJß® \l/ vL'JL Jl® and made as high grade shirts | m 11 (jy%T [a\ pretty as the new models we are specializing In at such wonderfully at- ]| ';* '»!</ should be. | sj| tractive prices— ; j KUJ/ For the men and young men who want to put their money Men's Dress Shirts Jl! /[ TVMVLM ill t into the right kind of clothing—clothing that is every whit Made of fast color Percales, m an 1 1 I'i y\\ \ J f\f\ tf- AA a» ano Crn OA I! \ thoroughgoing, clothing that will stand up under the wear and th " newest Fail patterns; laundered C:: nflN 9 mhs9- 9 0 SO-90 1>|.90 SC-91) ;; t«ar heavy travel, clothing that will make a Mlow feel pros- SS .. 48c , f 'VN A / Lk" ==z * W jl perous and look successful. Buy a suit, try it, it's got to be _ —~—. I * 1 '• Ewft wW.vk "ght or your monev back for the asking. Men s Work Shirts rll /;' J| KM. , ' IJ k <t«u o •>. nAi _ . _ Made of fast colors; blue chambr&y ) /!| \ S wWfZ,y Every new conceit in millinery is practically expressed to us the j! These Suits These Suits The Best Men's uSelff™' 1 (j: N raTe n s^^X a e ted ;o^hV neW faßhion hlnt fr ° m XeW TOrk ° r ParlS : l BMO%M «re made of all-wool are made of the newest Suit price 33c C :i dlFt t\ escapes our notice so that j; f cassimeres and wor- va,ue '» Harrisburg. , . I 111 f f You get the most fashionable models—and no two alike «; mLj // steds. Neat checks neat checks and stripes AlUw ° o1 ' hand-taiiored Men s Hosiery 1 Cjl -3 ' * —and made in our own workrooms. I| WWM Ml // and p,n Btrlpes and all - t®ve S "modf.s d AH B re«' bl«Tt"d' fanciest j t oe M Tea S m?eß t e on biick , an°d ' / I % The best dressed women in town are buying millinery at | l&|#| // y y blue serges. %lSes and sizes for P«- ; worth lOcl underselUng >7l/ * r I %(* 'B Not only because of the economy, but because the styles are CORRECT \\ IMR Ml // Sizes 32 to 44 chest, extra stout men and . 1 All regular nHfl . 4 /2C , *|! ' —AUTHENTIC and always ahead of others. <; WfflM Hi Ml // and the price Is the price is ' sizes and sizes for ex- p Ci> Jmff/ljMn/fjVW II tra stout men, at __ , TT m jl' Over one thousand new Fall shapes at ;! £// /K /\ ■■ ■< /K m ja wm ma Itb M M mw* I Men s Hosiery 111 [ We Trim All Hats $1.00,.51.45,51.90, $2.4f and ;i ' mmi I 75 %!■ 75%1J 75 , Cll ETDtrtr $2.90 are ready for Saturday's busy I; II I II • V I LM, I%J ,20c. 1 nderseiiing price .. fii , da y- II V-*--®- # ===| V* *•= | Men's and Boys' Ties , Jll when the hat and trimmings are purchased Every color that Is in demand—every popular !' KJUW // r "\ | Men's and boys' new Fall silk four- | here. When extra or special making is required shape—every wanted material. All becoming hats |i ffP/ W ||W''(T| ! in-hand Neckwear, beautiful patterns: our I'h HUP Is \'ery moderate. will make up beautifully. See them on Satur- || MM // ThrCC PdlltS SpCCialS FOf Saturday CUelHw price' 24 C I F|l KAUFMAN'S UNDERSELLING STORE, 2nd Floor. jj // Well made, excellent materials, all sizes—perfect fitting— , Men's Night Robes i ' J I j ms\ // toco v a l„« Valn.as <S4 nn Vali,»c Men's Muslin Nlfht Robes, of good | C ...... . T ..... a ... a , JOQJI !I,Z ' SU vames - ' , ' 3 ' ;>U va'ues, values, muslin, high or low necks, cut full; all , |: ON SALE <L, ffo'Un.nnm'kntMHn**- 0N SALE 5 $1.49 $2.00 $2.50 fSZS&'A. 3»e • |; SATURDAY SATURDAY j v J I j Police and Firemen's 1 ♦ Shop in Kaufman's Bargain Basement every time ,\t>u go shopping. It will pay you to make the trip J I These Saturday Specials on Sale in Our Boys' Clothing Department II - Men's Police and Firemen Suspend- \ ! every day—for every day there is something new and different. t , _ fXT „ - * ers, wide web leather ends; IC_ , I : 25c Mexican Palm Flower | Doilies at s<*, and 16c Hemmed Pillow Cases, J ® oy f s !?% d^ 0y $3.00 rw Qnftl $3.89 M 25 °' Underße " lng prlce - 15c I S: Baskets at 9<? 150 1 "2y 2 Q j Se best suit l for school wear; made of For boys fto 18 years. An unusual J&f Men's Underwear I J J 25c Mexican Palm Baskets, 8- 10c. 25c and 29c hand crochet 16c flne grade hemmed Pillow ♦ fine rib drab corduroy; extra strong value for these suits. A model of all- Men's medium weight Ribbed Union * I inch to 10-inch diameter; 8 and 9 doilies; 6, 9 and 12 inches in di- fases; size 45x36; wide hemmed t seams. Pants all double stitched; made wool material; the newest patch-pocket / y^|-/\ Suits; black, ecru and gray; all sizes; » I inches high; made in Mexico by ameter, good range of designs; all Roods. Special, 1 01/„p i full peg; sizes for boys 6to 17 years. Norfolk coats. Pants made full. No suits / y*'! PTU* \ worth $1.25. I a ♦ hand. Useful for waste baskets, imported. IC_ each ,xt _„r_ii, tf» r> A A , ' ke them anywhere In town. fl f 'tA 11 I'tSJ Underselling price "JJC K t fruit, sewing and can be used as Special, each, se, and IOC 1 DOyS IMOriOIK HL I /I II 11l 1 IJiW-VIV 7 Sj jardiniere holder. Q c ——-—— 35c Bolster Cases to Go at 25c I Suits tj/AI.IY Boys'Two-Pants Qrt '\\ „ , "* C » Special, each 95 c Pattern Table Cloths 67c Soc hemstitched Bolster Cases, f Usually offered at. $3.50; made of good, Rnits <P<J»OV r \( | t I £ * Full mercerized Table Cloths and size 42x72; made of good OC„ t strong mixture union cassimere; in sizes 'Vere'd' at'iVoo' " Vhese suits ffiljLk -_A jV_ j , ' '',, ,^ Q B °YS }♦ $1 .2 H and $1.50 Bureau extra good quality for gen- fi7r muslin. Special, each 'at* come style', the two pair of \TtS4 W JnaM the newest Fall shapes, in , M * 7_ . __ eral use. Special v» « w jest graae ctoining at an unequHiieu ioh VnleVer* made full peg. The suits come \l I I Wlh. \ji\ I Scarfs at 670 and 870 s9c Mercerized Table ! §j' lce r » r\cc mr\ for boys 6to 18 years. Investigate these V '/m m c5l l "5 and $1.50 real Renais- 85c Swmless Bed Sheets, 69c Damask Kaufmans Offer CAf suits before vo" into a suit, YOU KAUFMAN-S STORE-!,, FLOOR. * J sance bureau and dresser scarfs, 85c bleached seamless Sheets: 59f> full mercerl ' d T^blft n I Boys' Odd KnickerS at OXJK, will want one ' t / MCM I ' (f » eight good patterns to select from; size 81x90, with a 3-inch 69c mask; 2 yards wide; striped and t That would cost you almost double else- Boys Newest Golf Cp , £j()C IT'S I fV% MEN . 9 ♦ size 18xo0 inches. ,8/C hem - Special, each floral designs. io t where. They come in cassimeres and cor- usually offered at 75c, for . . Lk/m\ VjlY\lyi9 CAVE A C ' ft Special, each 67c and« „ , Special, yard 40C J duroy. Sizes 6to 17 years. usu<l y KJKL 'M W' OAVt A } m j ♦ _ , M , u .. Ifi $1.50 to $2.00 Bed Spreads, — ■ Bovs Two-Pants A Kaufman ' 25c r ' 'Mu- price, $1.95 hemmed crochet Red fl|| |f||||l! l §MO Lip ' are strictly all-wool; the coats are 'century. See the new Fall derbies and C | c..mpletr, Spreads, full size; beautiful Mar- | "|| ® J the newest jnodele; the pants ad e FRIDAY EVENING. HAFWBBURG TEJ^EGRAPS SEPTEMBER 24, 1915. 5
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