16 Why Suffer With Backache, Kidneys or Rheumatism Now? Letter Tells of Long Looked-for Prescription. Dear Readers:—l am making a per sonal appeal to those of you who are bothered with kidney and bladder trouble and rheumatism, to give up the use of harsh salts or alcoholic kid ney medicines that you know nothing about, and in their place take a short treatment of "An-Uric" and be con vinced of its superiority, as I was. I have taken many of the kidney medicines but none with the results of "An-Uric." I am so pleased with the curative properties of this wonderful prescription that I cannot say enough about it. You've all undoubtedly heard of the famous Doctor Pierce and his well known medicines. Well, this prescrip tion is one that has been successfully used for many years by the physicians and specialists at Dr. Pierce's Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, of Buffalo N. Y., for kidney complaints and dis eases arising from disorders of the kidneys and bladder, such as backache, weak back, rheumatism, dropsy, con gestion of the kidneys, inflammation of the bladder, scalding urine, and urinary troubles. I*p to this time. "An-Urlc" has not I Saturday || Sept. :25th | Will Be the Last Day to Enroll In Our j Vacation Saving Club j !j We give this notice in advance, so you will not be j disappointed by coming too late. ! | Many hundreds have already joined, and the Club is : much larger than we expected. !| There is room for more however, and we shall be \\ pleased to have you become a member. . it ;! Pay in SI.OO weekly, and get $40.00 ] jl j; Pay in 50c weekly, and get $20.00 1 With Interest !| ! j Pay in 25c weekly, and get SIO.OO J Double or Treble These Amouts if You Wish CALL ON US FOR PARTICULARS || Union Trust Co. |j • of Pennsylvania HARRISBURG, F»A. Absolutely No Pain / JK* lijsSjk'!> lata, tnproved ap j pllances, Including •» / / • j oxygenized nlr nppar- / # VV S atns, makes extract- / -y X Inst and all dental f f Mh. ( wo r k positively / V JX painless and I* / X m i IS' ?:n."Vi«e h '»T-x sr ul \ objection). X / „°so. 'goM EXAMINATION / "K --rnrr / m ee rKtt / . / n»en«, 60c. Gold Graduate / . aXT / ."V 6 Mon - Wed. / S »nd Sat., Till 0 ». m_i Sua. Assistant! S ▼ / days, 10 a. n». to Ip, rn. / / 1 > / Bell Phone 3322-R. X S KASV Tisll MS OF L 20 Market St. < C||f (Over the Hub) / Harrisburg, Pa. « Dld Hurt .b» P AIITinN! when doming To My Office B UA U I lulls Sure You Are In tho Right Place WHrk- k h"i---L I NOTICE— $ I Geo. W. Geistwhite, M fi nt | Is now located at | 21 South Fourth Street | (in the room recently occupied by Jones' Dancing % 4j Academy) directly opposite former location, & J I 22 SOUTH FOURTH STREET T T Destroyed by fire September 16th 4. FRIDAY EVENING, been on sale to the public, but by the persuasion of many patients and the increased demand for this wonderful healing tablet. Doctor Pierce has final ly decided to put it into the drug stores of this ununtry within immedi ate reach of tul sufferers. I know of one or two leading drug gists in town who have managed to procure a supply of "An-Uric" for their anxious customers in and around this locality. Simply ask for Doctor Pierce's An- Uric Tablets. There can be no imita tion. Every package of "An-Uric" is sure to be Dr. Pierce's. You will find the signature on the package just as you do on Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, the ever-famous friend to ailing women, and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, proven by years to be the greatest general tonic and re constructor for any one. At any rate don't give up hope of be ing cured of your malady until just a few doses of "An-Uric" has proven that it will make you feel like a dif ferent person.—F. W. D. EDlTOß—Please insert this letter in some conspicuous place in your pa per. She Finds It True that a checking account keeps her from spending as much money as she would otherwise, the housewife says. She also finds it very con venient to pay her bills that wav and not have much money in the house, as a temptation to burglars or thieves. If you haven't a checking account open one now in the First National Bank 224 MARKET STREET SOW WHEAT LATE SURFACE ADVICE That Is the Best Way to Avoid the Ravages of the Hessian Fly in Next Year State Zoologist H. A. Surface, who has just received a number of reports from districts in the Cumberland, Leb anon, Juniata and lower Susquehanna valleys where the Hessian fly damaged wheat is out with a warning to people to get after it before It can propagate for next season. The zoologist says the pest "is very small, but power in its influence." To head it off, sow wheat late, he says. The female is now laying eggs on the volunteer grain and will lay on the leaves of the wheat as It appears this Fall. They are the cause of wheat assuming a bluish-green ap pearance. The best plan, and one which he has tested, is to sow wheat late. This is the best time to start in the southern counties. Dr. Surface says: "Some persons have suggested pasturing the infested fields with cattle, or with sheep so that the tramping of the animals would crush the larvae. It has also been suggested to roll the fields with a i roller, but neither of these suggestions lis worth much toward destroying the j pests. One cannot spray for the Hes sian fly after it is beneath the sheath jof the leaf, because it is there pro | tected. One cannot crush it by rolling ior trampling, because what would do j this successfully would also crush the I plant and grind it to pieces. In short, ithere is no method of attacking the | larvae of the Hessian flv after it is I once in the plant. Therefore, the best possible means of avoiding its dam age must be in measures that will pre vent its appearance in the wheat. 1 he primary and most valuable means of all is to sow the wheat late. In the southern part of this State it should not be sown before the 25th of September. For each full degree of latitude northward it may be sown two days earlier, and for each five hundred feet of elevation it can be sown a day earlier in addition. Thus one can figure out the earliest possible date at which it is safe to sow to avoid damage by the Hessian fly, in accord ance with the latitude and altitude. In general, and especially during this warm season, farmers should avoid sowing everywhere in this State this year until toward the end of the last full week in September. "There is another brood of the Hes sian fly next summer, but the proper °,f , sowin S for the control of the full brood, and at this time of the year no better means of its control is known than late seeding." A(V?U6eM6f)T^[ ORPHEUM To-day and to-morrow with daily mat inees—Lyman H. Howe's Travel Festival. Tuesday and Wednesday and Wednes day matinee, September 24 and 25 Weber presents "The Only Thursday matinee and night, Septem ber 30—"The Girls From Joyland." CELEBRATE BY TRAVELING WITH HOWE How well the expositions are doing may be realized after seeing Lyman H Howe s filmization of the event itself tn® completion and operation of the Panama Canal—and also the cele brations at San Francisco and San Diego at the Orpheum for two days commencing to-day with special mat inees both days. These pictures are here just at the right time, the cele bration of our own city improve ments. Every foot of film exhibited by Howe commands admiration. While a trip to the California Exposition through the Panama Canal" will be the predominating feature of the new program, there will also be many other splendid subjects widely di versified in character, one of which imparts the sensations of a ride on a submarine. "Our Baby" will be re peated by request—Advertisement. "THE OXLY GIRLi" What promises to be one of the most important, is the appearance of 'The Only Girl" which comes to the Orpheum Tuesday and Wednesday with a special tnatince Wednesday. The production comes here under the management of Joe Weber, direct from the Lyric Theater, New York, where it ran for nearly one year. "The Only Girl" is the result of the collaboration of Victor Herbert and Henry Blossom, who have in the past given us "The Red Mill," "Mile. Mo diste" and operas ot that high stan dard. "The Only Girl" is something new in musical comedy inasmuch as it does not have a stage full of a varied lot of clumsy chorus girls but instead a group of stunning young women who have been carefully selected for their distinct types of beauty. The sale opens to-morrow. Advertise ment. MAJESTIC VAUDEVILLE One of the artistic hits of the Ma jestic's new bill is the delightful terpsichorean offering of Mile. Sabina and Cleve Bronner. This is the lone act of the bill that is not a mirth ringer, but it is of so high an order that it will interest and compel ad miration from any audience. The big headliner, however, of the celebration week bill is the Max Comedy Circus, vaudeville's greatest comedy animai attraction. Claud and Marion Cleve land, the clever musical comedv pair, are certainly pleasing and with seeing; the Pearl Brothers and Burns, song and patter comedians, are creating an upheaval of laughter and applause; for clear skin and good hair Try Resinol Soap for a week. You will be surprised to see l.u«r it clears and freshens your complex ion, even in that short time. Used for the shampoo, it removes dan druff, and keeps the hair live, rich and lustrous. The soothing, healing influence that makes this possible is the Resitiol which Resinol Soap contains and which physicians have prescribed for over twenty years in the care of skin and scalp troubles. Sold by *ll druffiats. For sample free, write to Dept. 6-P, Ketinol, Baltimore, Md. HARJUSBURG TELEGRAPH I! Homes of Refinement These artistic homes are located on North Seventeenth Street, near Briggs and 13oas Streets. Careful restrictions have heen placed around this territory, which with the ample f : lawns and space between buildings, make it one of Harrisburg s :§j most desirable residence sections. The houses are extremely well built and The homes shown in the upper illustra- || !§ finished. In the house shown in the lower lion are equally well finished in Flemish || M illustration, there is a splendid living room 0ak < blrcl ; and ivory white. A M nS • I j • • , . . fe . pantry adds to the convenience of the gn jg hmshed in .vory white, dining room in ma- kit chen. A sleeping balcony is provided nogany, upper floors in ivory white. at the rear of the building. '&£ j|| The interior decorations are selected by an expert decorator, who gives personal jig ug attention to the effect in each room. The houses are steam and vapor heated; have com- Eg plete electric and gas service, with the best fixtures —in fact, no modern convenience has Kg been omitted. Lawn sodded, shrubs and trees planted; street paved. Sg isl • • • The houses are open for inspection at any. time. See them at your con- 9s £§§ venience, and be assured you will not be annoyed by agent or representa- So tive. GEORGE A. SHREINER - - ■ SEVENTEENTH & FORSTER STS. and Reynolds, the daring equilibrist is the most amazing we have seen. Will Oakland, of phonograph fame, and who was a great headliner at the Or pheum last season, will appear with his company at the Majestic next week.—Advertisement. COLONIAL TODAY The Circular Staircase Inasmuch as few mystery stories have proven successful when adapted to motion pictures, Manager Lanham of the Colonial Theater, considers himself lucky in securing the five reel Selig Red Seal play "The Circular Staircase." This exciting film will be shown to-day and to-morrow and the critics who have pnssed judgment on it have declared it to be the most successful film of its class. The novel from which the film was adapted was written by Mary Roberts Itinehart and its characters and theme are too well known to need repeating. Eu genie Besserer, who has been a star of the Selig Company for several years, is featuicd. The supporting cast includes such well-known play ers as Guy Oliver, Edith Johnson, Stella Razeto and William Howard. Monday and Tuesday the Colonial will present Robert Edeson in the Vita graph's great feature of a medical mystery, entitled "Mortmain" in which Edeson is shown in a strong acting role. —Advertisement. FIN AL ARRAX<.KMKXTS FOR THE BIG 1915 EXPOSITION" AT HAGERSTOWN Pinal arrangements for the 1915 exhibition of the Great Hagerstown Inter-State Kair and Exposition are now being made by the officials of that great fair. The wants of thousands of patrons, the exhibitors, the army of conscs sionaries, and the hosts of employes, will be provided for in every way. An information bureau will be main- i tained as usual. A department of the post office will be established at the fair grounds. Express companies will be quartered there, while there will be. telegraph and telephone privileges. With the great main exposition hall, enormous grandstand, seating capac ity over 8,000 persons, the automobile exhibit, shown in the automobile building, the immense cow barn, cov ering an acre of ground and capable of housing 800 head of cattle, the poultry building, wherein will be shown nearly 10,000 birds, the magni ficent racing and attractions, the ag ricultural hall and the corn show, all combined, makes an exhibit that requires an effort to view complete in s the four days that the fair will be in I operation. The indoor accommoda -1 tions are so great that rainy weather ■ causes little inconvenience. Adver t tisement. IBOYS ANDGTRLSHERE IS YOUR LAST NOTICE I ! To-morrow morning nt nine o'clock j , | bring your dead flies to 11 North Mar- | . ket Square so that they may be meas- ; I ured by the committee in charge if . the contest. Five cents a pint for all I , flies and many prizes, also. The com- j | mlttee lias already received by parcel [ post a box of flies from a little gtrl 1 j living in the country. This will end I the second Fly Contest of the Civic j I Club, and the committee asks that the j contestants bring In their files as soon j CATARRH GERMS I EASILY KILLED. Only Way To ( arc This Dint-nap la to j Destroy KM CHUMO If you have catarrh and want to get rid of It you must kill the germs which cause catarrh. Stomach dosing, oint ments, sprays, creams, douches, etc., fail because they overlook this fact. They all help by giving temporary relief but they do not reach the germ life that has found lodgement in your head, nose, i throat, and could not destroy It if they I I did. I The best known way of destroying I the dajngerous germs of Catarrh ana j I consequently ending the disease itself, j ! Is to breathe into the air passages of i your nose and throat the pleasant. | penetrating air of Hyomei (pronounced | High-o-me). Hyomei Is made from purest oil of Eucalyntus combined with other powerful, healing, antiseptic and germicidal ingredients. You breathe it through a little pockft inhaler which H. 'C. Kennertv and other leading drug j gists in Harrisburg and vicinity are , furnishing with every complete treat , ment sold. Every time you Inhale the ! sweet, fragrant air of Hyomei through this little device vou are drawing Into your swollen. Inflamed. germ laden membranes a medicated air which will not only reduce all the swelling and Inflammation and open your clogged nose and stopped-up air pass.}g«-s, hut I will absolutely and positively destroy j i every trace of Catarrh germ llfo it I reaches. Druggists are so sure of the I blessed, lasting relief that Hyomei brings to catarrh sufferers that thev ! sell It invariably on the positive guar- I > antee that money paid will be refund ed If successful results are not secured from Its use. Get a Hyomei outfit from your druggist to-dav and begin at once tf< drive this dangerous and distrusting disease from your system forever. Advertisement • SEPTEMBER 24,1915. after 9 o'clock as possible. The contest is in charge of Mrs. Robert H. Irons, chairman, Mrs. Wil- 'lO CANVAS TREAD TIRE FACTS tiONSKip 1. «00n mile* irnnranteed—Ford Cur* «000 mile*. -* Sion-«kld —— no chains re / S " X " < Puncture " No Blow <• No Stone Bruises. .«of THt ca a n - No l.oour Treads. £/ ffflSr V WCH E' \J Crarklntt of Tread. ' f/ >)W v V> W. \t 7. Tire Mllenite Doubled. : aw~~ s —WS&' i H * Tlrp Co,t Cut '» • [ mmy W® I 0. 25 per cent. Gasalene and I Hm o AV/r- en"/ SBB 2 Engine Tower Saved. oAv tuU /o g|| S io. n * r A® ON YOUR TIRES HS/S Lrt V .£ Demonstrate Canvas i »\®R 1 VJUIX I ll\l_o ffra»| Tread Superiority. m BY DOUBL,NG m HARRY P. MOTTER Ik YOUR MILEAGE 1925 Derry Street iLwrnSw Harrlshurg, Pa. Bell I'bone 31)53. General nßrnt for the Canvas -■■ Tread Tire Co. of lltlca, N. Y. ' The New Labor Law The new Workmen's Compensation Act goes into effect January Ist, next. If you arc an employer of labor you should be familiar with every phase of this most im portant piece of legislation. Wc are prepared to supply this act in pamphlet form with side headings for easy reference. Single copies 25c with very special prices on larger quantities. The Telegraph Printing Co. PRINTING—BINDING—DESIGNING PHOTO-ENGRAVING HARRISBURG, PENNA. t liam Henderson, president of the Civhj Club, Mrs. Mabel Cronise Jones and Miss Rachel Pollock.
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