BANK STATEMENTS REPORT OF THE CONDITION of TUB SECURITY TRUST COMPANY, of Harrisburg, Nos. 36 and 38 North Third street, Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, at the close of business, September 7, 1916: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes $44,674 SO Duo from approv ed reserve agents 19,656 78 Legal securities at par 13,000 00 Nickels and cents 369 76 Checks and cash items 6,685 68 Due from Banks and Trust Cos. not reserve 230 81 > Assets held free, viz: Commercial paper purchased: Up on one name,.. $398 00 Commercial pacer purchased: Up on two or more names 192,746 67 Loans upon call with col lateral 91,176 02 Time loans with collateral,. 27,449 44 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 16,050 00 Loans without collateral, .. 5,585 90 Bonds, stocks, etc 64,510 03 Mortgages and Judgments of record 267,445 31 Office building and lot 62,625 86 Other real estate 4,810 00 Furniture and fixtures 14,636 63 Overdrafts 39 34 Other assets not Included in above 96 99 Total, $830,986 76 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $125,000 00 Surplus Fund 25,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid, ... 16,445 11 Individual deposits suoject to check (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Sav ings) -. 132,716 33 Time certificates of de posit, (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Savings) 29,507 29 Deposits, saving fund (Ex clusive of Trust Funds),.. 351,761 61 Deposits, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania 6,000 00 Deposits, municipal 6,000 00 Due to Banks, Trust Cos., etc., not reserve 826 15 Dividends unpaid, 25 00 Treasurer's and certified checks outstanding 5,149 27 Bills payable on time, mort gage bonds sold and guar anteed 134,555 00 Total $830,986 76 Amount of Trust Funds In vested 90,010 00 Amount of Trust Funds, un invested 3,732 24 Total Trust funds $93,742 24 CORPORATE TRUSTS Total amount (1. e. face value) of Trusts, under deeds of trust or mort gages executed by Cor porations to the Com fiany as Trustee to secure ssues of co-porate bonds, 1 n c 1 uding Equipment Trusts SBOO,OOO 00 Total amount of securities deposited by Corporations with the Company as Trus tee to secure issues of collateral Trust Bonds None State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phin, ss: I, J. O. S. Poorman, Treasurer of the above named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and be lief. (Signed) J. O. S. POORMAN, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of September, 1915. (Signed) VILLA M. BAKER. [Notarial Seal.] Notary Public. My commission expires March 9, 1919. Correct—Attest: (Signed) GEORGE A. GORGAS. (Signed) J. E. GARNER. (Signed) JOSEPH DAVlfe. Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The HARRISBURG TRUST COMPANY. of Harrisburg. No. 16 South Second Street, of Dauphin County, Pennsyl vania, at the close of business Septem ber 7, 1916: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes $78,444 20 Duo from ap proved reserve agents 413,404 47 Nickels and cents 1,076 44 Checks and cash items,.... 6,833 73 Due from Banks and Trust Cos. not reserve 2,229 39 Securities pledged for spec ial deposits 10.000 00 Assets held free, vis: C o m m e r c lal paper pur chased: Upon one name $9,100 00 C o m m t r c 111 paper pur chased: Upon two or 1 moie names 734,420 80 Loans upon call with col lateral 801,341 9S Time loans with collat teral 102,866 16 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 14,694 42 Loans without collateral,. 10,746 00 Bonds, stocks, etc 293,244 25 Mortgages and Judg ments of record 16,285 65 Other real estate 147,800 00 Overdrafts 52 07 Total $2,640,538 46 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In $400,000 00 Surplus Fund, 400,000 00 Undivided profits, less expense# and taxes paid 45,630 96 Individual deposits sub ject to check (Exclu sive of Trust Funds and Savings) 854,086 96 Time certificates of de posit (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Savings). ... 562,916 65 Deposits, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, . 195,610 5# Deposits. U. S. Postal Savings, . 6,649 99 Deposits, municipal, 65.000 00 L>ue 10 Banks. I rust Cos.. etc., not reserve 120,264 78 Dividends unpaid 120 00 Treasurer's and certified > checks outstanding 1,358 55 Total, . ........... ....$2,640,638 46 Amount of Trust Funds Invested, . ............. $2,370,692 27 Amount of Trust Funds uninvested 185,853 45 Total Trust Funds $2,556,346 72 CORPORATE TRUSTS Total amount (1. e. face value) of Trusts under deeds of trust or mort eages executed by Cor porations to the Com pany as Trustee to se / cure issues of corporate bonds. Including Equip ment Trusts, ....$24,166,400 00 Total amount of . ;curltles deposited by Corpora tions with the Company as Trustee to secure is sues of Collateral Trust Bonds lIMSB 00 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau- I, h 'Geo? G. Carl. Treasurer of the aboio named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and te " Ilet '(Signed) GEO. G. CARL, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 15th day of September, 1916. (Signed) CLINTON M HKRSHEY. [Notarial Seal.) Notary Publl<v Correct—Attest: (Signed) ED. S. HERMAN, (Signed) EDWARD BAILEY, (Signed) E. J. STACKPOLE, Directors. Resorts ~ DOUBLING GAP, PA. White Sulphur Springs Hotel DOUBLING GAP. PA.. Via Newvllle Noted for Its refined patronage, numerous medicinal springs, natural beauty, and abundance of fresh vege tables which aid In emphasizing ex cellent table service. Special attention along with reduced rates will be giveu to Harrisburg patrons during the month ef August. For prompt reply Inquire of Mrs. G. A. Freyer Try Telegraph Want Ads SATURDAY EVENING, PUBLIC UTILITIES IN HARMONY WITH ESTHETIC DEVELOPMENT OF GREATER HARRISBURG The above etching la a silent Illustration of the fact that the public utilities of Harrisburg are In harmony with the esthetic development of the city. Tills picture shows a bit of the beautiful environment of the reinforced concrete car barns of the Harrlsburg Railways Company In Cameron street, between State ana Herr. Through the Interest of Edward Bailey and Frank B. Musser, officials of the company, this artistic treatment of the surroundings of the car barns was worked out and the employes of the company have heartily Joined in the effort to create what is really one of the most attractive *pots In the city. It is Immediately In front of the Twelfth street playgrounds and the flowers and vines and wide stretches of lawn have been much admired. MBS. SUSAN MASTERS DIES Special to The Telegraph New Cumberland, Pa., Sept. 18.— To-day the body of Mrs. Susan Mas ters, whose death occurred at the home of her son Harry in Chicago, was brought here and taken to the home of John Fisher, at New Mar ket. Mrs. Masters was aged 76 and had lived in this vicinity all her life. She was a member of St. Paul's Lu theran Church. Funeral services will be held at the Episcopal Church at New Market to-morrow afternoon and will be conducted by her pastor, the Rev. A. G. Wolf, of the Lutheran Church at New Cumberland. The funeral cortege will leave the home of John M. Fisher at New Market at 1.30 o'clock, witii services at the church at 2 o'clock. BANK STATEMENTS tttirtJKX OF THE CONDITION OF THE CENTRAL TRUST COMPANY, Of Harrisburg, No. 1230 North Third Street, of DauphTn County, Pennsylvania, at the close of business, September 7, 1916: RESOURCES Reserve Fund: Cash, specie and notes. |58,633 00 Due from ap proved reserve agents 46,257 82 Nickels and cents, 534 49 Cash and cash items, ... 6,831 67 Securities pledged for Special deposits 6,000 00 Assets held free, via: Commercial paper pur chased: Upon one name, . . $3,402 47 Commercial paper pur chased: Upon two or more names 184,405 90 Loans upon call with col lateral 308,126 00 Time loans with collateral. 35,88 V 32 Loans secured by bonds and mortgages 91,569 15 Loans without collateral,. 149,676 98 Bonds, stocks, etc 370,018 97 Mortgages and Judgments of record, 120,848 92 Office building and lot, .. 47,600 00 Furniture and fixtures, .. 17,600 00 Overdrafts 7 94 Total $1,444,5»9 53 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in $125,000 00 Surplus fund 250,000 00 Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid,.. 21,312 92 Individual deposits subject to check (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Sav ings) 303,973 39 Time Certificates of De- « posit (Exclusive of Trust Funds and Savings 214,981 43 Deposits, saving fund, (Exclusive of Trust invested 486,970 45 Deposits, U. S. Postal Sav ings 1,515 36 Deposits, municipal, 10,000 00 Due to Banks, Trust Cos. etc., not reserve, -22,081 01 Dividends unpaid 144 00 Treasurer's and Certified checks, outstanding, ... 9,620 98 Total *1,444,699 53 Amount of Trust Funai invested 401,036 70 Amount of Trust Funds uninvested 14,199 14 Overdrafts 230 81 Total Trust funds 415,465 65 CORPORATE TRUSTS Total amount (I. e. face value) of Trusts under deeds of trust or mort gages executed by Cor porations to the Com pany as Trustee to se cure issues of corporate bonds, including Equip ment Trusts $1,965,500 00 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phin. ss: I, H. O. Miller, Treasurer of the above named Company, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and ba llet (Signed) H. O. MILLER, Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 16th day of September, 1915. (Signed) M. G. POTTS. [Notarial Seal] Notary Publl& Correct—Attest: (Signed) W. M. DONALDSON, (Signed) W. I*. STOEY, (Signed) P. H. VAUGHN, Directors. NEXT WEEK! The Carlisle Fair Oldest Fair In the State NEW FEATURES: Fine "Hoss" Racing Stock and Poultry Shows Automobile and Motorcyle Races Balloon Ascension Every Day Space to Park 2000 Automobiles in Charge of Specials Officers Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday September 21st to 24th At Carlisle Railroad Conductor Is Candidate For Council ' " H .... - jshh^h IRA BIXLER Ira B. Bixler, a well-known passen ger conductor on the Middle Division of the Pennsylvania Railroad, has en tered the political field at Camp Hill. He is a candidate for Councilmanic honors in that borough. Mr. Bixler moved into the suburban district quite a while ago. Since that time he has much been Interested in the welfare of Camp Hill. His record during his citizenship in Harrisburg, won for him a reputation as a man who knew something about municipal affairs. He is a friend of the taxpayer and believes in getting full return for money spent. Besides being popular in railroad circles Mr. Bixler has held the highest offices in the Knights of the Golden Eagle in Pennsylvania and is now holding national honors. HANOVER FAIR CI/OSES Hanover, Pa., Sept. 18.—Thousands of visitors were here yesterday to at tend the centennial and fair. There was a parade of automobiles, and the chief attraction at the Ha.nover Fair was a drill by Battery E, third United States Field Artillery. Aviator Rich ter again thrilled the crowd, this time by a spiral movement, begun at an altitude of 3000 feet. A night carni val and fireworks closed the celebra tion. DEATH OF MRS. E. M. HOFFER Special to The Telegraph Hummelstown, Pa., Sept. 18.—Fol lowing a long illness from compli cations. Mrs. E. M. Hotter died at her home here this morning from com plications. She was 53 years old and is survived by the following brothers and sisters: F. W. Scheffer, Harry Scheeffr, Mrs. Warren Thompson, of Harrisburg, and Mrs. Carrie Gully, of Pittsburgh. Funeral arrangements haye not been completed. LIGHTNING STRIKES CHILDREN Hazleton, Pa., Sept. 18. —Seven chil dren were struck by lightning and had narrow escapes from death when a bolt hit the chimney on the school house at Upper Lehigh, a mining vil lage near here. Just as the pupils had been called in from the recess period. All the children will recover. A num ber of other pupils among the forty in the room, all of them ranging in age from six to eight years, were hurt by pieces of flying brick and debris. IMPERIAL POTENTATE TO SPEAK J. Putman Stevens, of Portland, Me., imperial potentate of the Mystic Shrine of North America, will speak in the Chestnut Street Auditorium Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock to the Zembo Temple Patrol and Band Just before they leave the city for the re ception to Masons in the Masonic home in Ellzabethtown. Mr. Stevens will speak at this reception also. HAHRISBURG TELEGRAPH MEALS FOR SUFFRAGE HE TfcLLS WOMEN [Continued From tlrsl Pa*«.] tlnued. what 1 do not approve of and never will is seeing large sum of money going out (whack-whack) and 110 recoia coming uack where it went. Why, 1 had to account for the wash ing of my towels (another whack) yet nundreus of dollars appropriated for park* and playgrounds simply disap peared. Where did it go? (more whacks.) That's the question! That's why 1 vetoed the bill for more parks, tsut they are good things, tine things when they are gotten in the rignt way." Doctor is for Suffrage To the gratiricaLlon of his Inter viewer, L> r. ALeais expressed himself as tuny in favor of suitrage. "mere are a numuer oi women in this city with more brains man iots of the men," he said, "and I think they nuuiu neip matters wnn tne vote, i aui not so sure but what you will carry it this * aU, too. lou know you can get most anything you want it you go about it right, smile, IOOK. at tractive and all tnat. ' •"But wo uo not want to get by coaxing what should be given in jus tics," interjected his interviewer. ■"Well, no! But then no militant tactics or methods ot tnat sort! lou ought to have a Bay about property you own. it is not fair otherwise, i would not like it myself." ills O. K. lor Advertising; He is strongly In favor of tne Munic ipal Improvement celebration, he said, and considers it a reaily great tiling tor Harnsourg. Then he toucheu upon tne recent disturbance regard ing the printed posterstaiiips by city Forester Mueller. "Why should Harvey Taylor ob ject'.'" ne asKuu, "it is ihe uesi thing mat can happen to a city to adver tise it anywnere and everywnere and an tne time. Why, 1 personally au vertised tne merits of narrisourg as lar away as Soutn America." As to the uewiy-createu position ot City 1< or ester, lie was uncertain. "It has got to ue irieu out, ' ne said. "It is a new tiling and must woi'K it self out to prove it me idea is a good one or not." Cracks the Newspapers Dr. Meats says he btucves in the power of the press in more ways than one. He ueneves the printed ac counts oi evu deeds, tne detailed de scriptions of murucr and crime oniy tenu to inflame tne imagination ot tne wicked and bring within the limits of tne city tne piuiessiuuai wronguoers. "Vvny will papers reiuse to print liquor advertisementshe asxed, and yet puunsn uicsse other tmngs whlcn start the ball of crime rolling.' is it tair or consistent?'' Hants CUurcli People's Aid Should ne become Mayor again, he wants tne home people, the church people and the honest everyday citi zens of narrisuurg to back 111111 up in nis ef-üßuae against vice and crime, he said. "There is power in the churches, great power," ne announced. "There is a street over there back ot the Capitol where it was not sate for man or woman to walk alone day or nignt. And what happened? The coioreq population buiit a church there and now there is scarcely one arrest a week." In speaking of the new "silent cur few'' law, Dr. Meals said that in his opinion adequate ponce protection was better. "Why, it's cruel to make the kids go in early on a hot night like this for in stance. Where they ought to be is down here by the river in the park and kept in order by the police. If you want to make a stunteu, undeveloped, crooked natured man Just restrict the boy—hold him in too tight and you lose hiui.'" He Hopes for the Best • He has ideas, nag Dr. Meals, big ideas and let us hope if he carries the ticket that they will become more than ideas. He is still a bit old-fash ioned and tried to give Father Adam's excuse about better women making better men but then, as he believes in suffrage, perhaps he really means it. CARLISLE FAIR, SEPT. 21-25 The C. V. R. R. will sell tickets to Carlisle during the week of the Fair. Sept. 20 to 25, at special excursion rates. For time of trains consult ticket agent. Legislator Buried From Dunmore Home The funeral of Representative Wil liam Haggerty, of Lackawanna county, took place to-day from the home of his mother, Mrs. Ann Haggerty, in Dunmore. The mass of requiem was celebrated in St. Mary's Church, Dun more, by the Rev. Thomas O'Malley, a lifelong friend of the late legislator. A number of representatives from Lu zerne, Lackawanna, WyoiAlng and other northeastern counties attended the funeral. Speaker Charles A. Ambler, of Philadelphia, who returned from the Panama-Pacific Exposition Thursday, telegraphed Representative Hugh A. Dawson, of Scrantpn, the following as a committee to represent the legis lative body of the State: Peter A. Murphy, of Ashley: P. J. Wynne, of Jenkins township; David Thomas, of Wllkes-Barre: Richard Powell, of Ed v/ardsville, representing the Luzerne representatives; Hugh A. Dawson, William Luxemberger, W. W. Jones, D. M. Davis and Fred C. Ehrhardt, of Lackawanna; E. E. Jones, of Sus quehanna; F. J. Herman, of Wyoming, fcnd Representatives Wilson and I, Stern, of Philadelphia. MRS. ELIZABETH HARDER DIES Carlisle. Pa., Sept. 18.—Mrs. Eliza beth Harder,died suddenly yesterday, aged 74. She had been ill only a short time, being taken sick as she was about to go to church Sunday even ing. She is survived by a husband and the folloiwng children: John, of Harrisburg; Mrs. Annie Comp, of Enola; Mrs. Raymond C. Shearer, of New York city and William P. Hard en. of Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Harder recently celebrated their fif tjeth wedding anniversary. gmmmmwwwwfWfwymwymmmwyyTWwmmywmwwywymwmmwmmmmmmyyfe STATEMENT OF SEPT. 7, 1915 I Harrisburg Trust f HARRISBURG, PA. | RESOURCES LIABILITIES Cash and Cash Items $85,354.37 Capital $400,000.00 3 fc Reserve Banks 413,404.47 Surplus 400,000.00 3 t Due from Banks 2,229.39 Undivided Profits 45,530.96 5 | t Loans and Investments 2,139,550.23 Deposits 1,795,007.50 3 i t $2,640,538.46 $2,640,538.46 3 t Trust Funds $2,556,345.72 i Corporate Trusts 24,289,055.00 3 • DIRECTORS lit EDWARD BAILEY E. S. HERMAN HARVEY F. SMITH | c J. WILLIAM BOWMAN H. L. HERSHEY E. Z. WALLOWER I j= A. FORTENBAUGH A. S. MATHESON GEORGE W. REILY ! fc R. G. GOLDSBOROUGH E. J. STACKPOLE 3 t Cleans Your Wi ndows and We Want To for the most excellent reasons, because we're In the business and need the money and be cause our rates are so low and our work so superior you can't afford to do it yourself; we use no chemicals. Harrisburg Window Cleaning Co. OFFICE—BOB EAST ST. Bell Phone 631-J Vmwmwwwi—B— < RUDOLPH K. SPICER ' FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER 313 Walnut St. HARRISBURG, PA. LEGAL NOTICES CHARTER NOTlCE—Notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the Governor of Pennsylvania on October 4„ 1916, under the Act of As sembly entitled, "An act to provide for the Incorporation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April 29. 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corpor ation to be called Department Reports Company, the character and object of which is the transaction of a printing and publishing business, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said Act of Assembly. GEORGE ROSS HULL Solicitor. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the Auditors appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County to audit the accounts of the School Dis trict of Harrisburp. Pa.. have filed their report which contains the follow ing: Receipts—to cash balance July 1. 1914 181,209 05 Receipts from all sources,. 695,223 70 Expenditures, all sources,. $667,386 12 To cash balance 109,046 63 General Fund Receipts $486,122 56 Expenditures and trans fers 562,482 01 Shlmmell Building; Fund To balance on hand July 1, 1914 SBI,IBB 00 To Interest on daily bal ance 540 00 By expenditures, .. 74,883 06 Balance July 1, 1916 6,844 94 Tbe Sinking Fund* To cash in Funds July 1, 191 $177,294 00 To appropriation to funds, 42,966 65 To city bonds redeemed, . . 600 00 By bonds cancelled $74,000 00 Balance in funds, July 1, 191 $146,860 65 Cash on hand 102,201 69 Division of Treasurer's cash balance, including Shim mell Fund 255,907 28 | Audit of account of Sinking Fund Commissioners showing worth of Sink ing Funds: To cash present worth (total) of bonds $162,360 65 Teacher*' Retirement Fund To cash on hand July 1, 1914 $13,614 35 To receipts 26,663 23 By expenditures 29,0il 33 investment/ of Teachers' Retirement Fund Mortgages, bond, notes— total $32,200 00 Assets —total 1,849,407 28 Liabilities —total 1,244,500 00 Excess of assets over lia bilities 604,907 28 That the aforesaid Auditors' Report was presented to the Comt of Common Pleas of Dauphin County on September 10, 1915, and by the said Court ordered to be filed; that the said Auditors' Re port was filed on September 10, 1915, to No. 184 September Term. 1915; that the same will be confirmed absolutely un less an appeal Is taken therefrom with in thirty days after the filing thereof. HENRY F. HOLLER, Prothonotary. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between between John Black, Thomas C. Black, James Atticks and J. M. Whlttock, trading as the Keystone Stone and Lime Company of Paxtang. Pennsylvania, expired on the third (3rd) day of September, A. D. 1915. All debts owing to said partnership are re ceivable by T. C. Black, 201 South Seventeenth street. Harrisburg, Penn sylvania, where also all claims and de mands against the same are to be pre sented for payment. Notice Is also given that the quarry ing and selling of stone will be con tinued at Paxtang, Pennsylvania, by J. M. Whlttock for and by himself. JAMES ATTICK, JOHN BLACK, T. C. BLACK, J. M. WHITTOCK. EXECUTORS' NOTICE Letters tes tamentary upon the Estate of W. H, Houtz, late of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, all persons having claims against said estate are requested to present the same without delay, and persons indebted to said es tate to pay the same to ADAM D. HOUTZ, MARY E. HERR, ELIZABETH E. HOUTZ Executors, FREDERICK M OTT, Attorney, 222 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. Try Telegraph Want Ads SEPTEMBER 18, 1915. LEGAL NOTICES ROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE CONSTITUTION SUBMITTED TO THE CITIZENS OF THE COMMON WEALTH FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION. BY THE GENERAL AS SEMBLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA, AND PUBLISH ED BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF THE COMMONWEALTH, IN PUR SUANCE OF ARTICLE XVIII OF THE CONSTITUTION. Number One. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to section one, article eight of the Constitution of Pennsylvania. Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania In General Assembly met, That the following amendment to the Constitution of Penn sylvania be, and the same Is hereby, proposed, In accordance with the eighteenth article thereof:— That section one of article eight, which reads as follows: "Section 1. Every male citizen twenty-one years of age. possessing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections, sub ject. however, to such laws requiring and regulating the. registration of electors as the General Assembly may enact: 1 "First. He shall have been a citizen of the United States at least one month. "Second. He shall have resided In the State one year (or, having previous ly been a qualified -elector or native born citizen of the State, he shall have removed therefrom and returned, then six months) immediately preceding the election. "Third. He Bhall have resided in the election district where he shall offer to vote at least two months Immediately preceding the election. "Fourth. If twenty-twp years of age and upwards, he shall have paid within two years a State or county tax, which shall have been assessed at least two months and paid at least one month be fore the election." be amended so that the same shall read as follows: Section 1. Every citizen, male or fe male, of twenty-one years of age, pos sessing the following qualifications, shall be entitled to vote at all elections, subject, however, to such laws requir ing and regulating the registration of electors as the General Assembly may enact: First. He or she shall have been a citizen of the United States at least one month. Second. He or she shall have re sided In the State one year (or, having previously been a qualified elector or native born citizen of the State, he or she shall have removed therefrom and returned, then six months) Immediate ly preceding tho election. Third. He or she shall have resided In the election district where he or she shall olter to vote at least two months immediately preceding the election. Vourtn. If twenty-two years of age and upwards, he or she shall have paid withl.i two years a State or county tax. which shall have been ussessod at least two months and paid at least one month before the election. Fifth. Wherever the words "he," "his," "him," and "himself" occur in any section of article VII of this Con stitution the same shall be construed as If written, respectively, "he or she," "his or her," "him or her," and "him self or herself." A true copy of Joint Resolution No. 1. CYRUS E. WOODS, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Number Two. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to section eight of article nine of the Consti tution of Pennsylvania. Section 1. Be It resolved by the Sen ate and House of RepreHentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania In General Assembly met. That the fol lowing: Is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, In accordance with the provisions of the eighteenth article thereof:— Amend section eight, article nine of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which reads as fol lows: "Section 8. The debt of any county, city, borough, township, school district, or other municipality or Incorporated district, except as herein provided, shall never exceed seven per centum upon the assessed value of the taxable property therein, nor shall any such municipality or district Incur any new debt, or increase Its Indebtedness to an amount exceeding two per centum upon such assessed valuation of property, without the assent of the electors there of at a public election In such manner as shall be provided by law; but any city, the debt of which now exceeds seven per centum of such assessed val uation, may be authorized by law to Increase the same three per centum. In the aggregate, at any one time, upon such valuation, except that any debt or debts hereinafter incurred by the city and county of Philadelphia for the construction and development of sub ways for transit purposes, or for the construction of wharves and docks, or the reclamation of land to be used In the construction of a system of wharves and docks, as public Improvements, owned or to be owned by said city and county of Philadelphia, and which shall yield to the city ahd county of Phila delphia current net revenues in excess of the Interest on said debt or debts and the annual instalments necessary for the cancellation of said debt or debts, may be excluded In ascertaining the power of the city and county of Philadelphia to become otherwise In debted: Provided, Th&« a sinking-fund for their cancellation shall be estab lished and maintained," so that It shall read as follows: Section 8. The debt of any county, city, borough, township, school district, or other municipality or Incorporated district, except as herein provided, shall never exceed seven per centum upon the assessed value of the taxable prop erty therein, nor shall any such mu nicipality or district Incur any new debt, or increase Its Indebtedness to an amount exceeding two per centum upon such assessed valuation of property, without the consent of the electors thereof at a public election In auch manner as shall be provided by law; but any city, the debt of which on the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, ex ceeded seven per centum of such as sessed valuation, and has not since been reduced to less than such per centum, may be authorized by law to Increase the same three per centum In the ag gregate. at any one time, upon auch valuation. The city of Philadelphia, upon the conditions hereinafter set forth, may increase its Indebtedness to the extent of three per centum in excess of seven per centum upon such as sessed valuation for the specific pur pose of providing for all or any of the following purposes. —to wit: For the construction and Improvement of sub ways. tunnels, railways, elevated rail ways, and other transit facilities; for the construction and Improvement of wharves and docks and for the re clamation of land to be used In the construction of wharves and docks. owned or to be owned by said city. Such Increase, however, shall only be made with the 'assent of the elector* thereof at a public election, to be held in such manner as shall be provided by law. In ascertaining the borrowing capacity of said city of hlladelphia. at any time, there shall be excluded from the calculation a credit, where the work resulting from any previous expendi ture, for any one or mors or the specific purposes hereinabove enumer ated shall be yielding: to said city an annual current net revenue; the amount of which credit shall be ascertained by capitalizing' the annual net revenue during; the year immediately preceding; the time of such ascertainment. Such capitalization shall be accomplished by ascertaining the principal amount which would yield such annual, cur rent net revenue, at the average rate of interest, and sinking-fund charges payable upon the indebtedness incur red by said city for such purposes, up to the time of such ascertainment. The method of determining such amount, so to be excluded or allowed as a credit, may be prescribed by the General As sembly. In incurring indebtedness, for any one, or more of said purposes of con struction, improvement, or reclamation, the city of Philadelphia may issue its obligations maturing; not later than fifty years from the date thereof, with provision for a sinking-fund sufficient to retire said obligation at maturity, the payments to such sinking-fund to be in equal or graded annual instal ments. Such obligations may be in an amount sufficient to provide for and may Include the amount of the Interest and sinking-fund charges accruing and which may accrue thereon throughout the period of construction and until the expiration of one year after the completion of the work for which said Indebtedness shall have been incurred; and said city shall not be required to levy a tax to pay said Interest and sinking-fund charges, as required by section ten of article nine of the Con stitution of Pennsylvania, until the ex piration of said period of one year after the completion of such work. A true copy of Joint Resolution No. 2. CYRUS E. WOODS. Secretary of the Commonwealth. Number Three. A JOINT RE SOLUTION Proposing an amendment to section twenty-one of article three of the Constitution of Pennsylvania. Section 1. Be It resolved by the Sen ate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That the fol lowing amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania be, and the same is hereby, proposed. In accordance with the eighteenth ar ticle thereof:— Amend. .aeciUm twoniy-oo*. article three of the Constitution of the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, which reads as follows: "No act of the General Assembly shall limit the amount to be recovered for Injuries resulting In death, or fop Injuries to persons or property, and In case of death from such injuries, the right of action shall survive, and the General Assembly shall prescribe for whose benefit such actions shall be prosecuted. No act shall prescribe anv limitations of time within which suits may be brought against corporations for Injuries to persons or property, or for other causes different from those Axed by general laws regulating actions against natural persons, and such acts now existing are avoided." so that It shall read as follows: The General Assembly may enace laws requiring the payment of employ ers, or employers and employes joint ly, or reasonable compensation for In juries to employes arising In the course of their employment, and for occu pational diseases of employes, whether or not such Injuries or diseases result In death, and regardless of fault of em ployer or employe, and fixing the basis of ascertainment of such compensa tion and the maximum and minimum limits thereof, and providing special or general remedies for the collection thereof: but in no other cases shall the General Assembly limit the amount to be recovered for injuries resulting in death, or for injuries to persons or | property, and In case of death from such Injuries, the right of action shall survive, and the General Assembly shall prescribe for whose benefit guch actions shall be prosecuted. No act 1 shall prescribe any limitations of time i within which suits may be brought I against corporations for Injuries to per sons or property, or for other causes, ! different from those fixed by general laws regulating actions against na tural persons, and such acts now exist ing are avoided. A true copy of Joint Resolution No. 3. CYRUS E. WOODS, Secretary of the Commonwealth. Number Four. A JOINT RESOLUTION Proposing an amendment to the Con stitution of this Commonwealth In accordance with provisions of the eighteenth (XVIII) article thereof. Section 1. Be it enacted by the Sen ate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Gen eral Assembly met, and it is hereby en acted by the authority of the same. That the following Is proposed as an amendment to the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, In ac cordance with the provisions of th» eighteenth (XVIII) article thereof: — AMENDMENT Laws may be passed providing for a system of registering, transferring, in suring and guaranteeing land titles by the State, or by the counties thereof, and for settling and determining ad verse or other claims to and Interest la lands the titles of which are so regis tered, transferred, Insured, and guar anteed; and for the creation and coilec tion of Indemnity funds; and for carry ing the system and powers hereby pro vided for Into effect by such existing courts as may be designated by tha Legislature, and by the establishment of such new courts as may be deemed necessary. In matters arising in and under the operation of such system, judicial powers, with right of appeal, may be conferred by the Legislature upon county recorders and upon other officers by It designated. Such laws may provide for continuing the regls- { tering. transferring, insuring, and | guaranteeing such titles after the first or original registration has been per ! fected by the court, and provision may I be made for raising the necessary funds i for expenses and salaries of officers, I which shall be paid out of the treasury ! of the several counties. A true copy of Joint Resolution No. 4, CYRUS E. WOODS, Secretary of the Commonwealth. NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Directors of the Merchants Ice Company of Harrlsburg. Pa., has called a special meeting of Its stock holders, to be held at the general office of the said company at the plant, cor ner of Cameron and Berryhlll Streets. Harrlsburg, Pa., on the fourth day of October, nineteen hundred and fifteen, at 2:30 o'clock P. M., to take action on approval or disapproval of the proposed increase of the Indebtedness of this company. R. W. WOODS, Secretary. , k HaxrUburg, Pa., July 31, 1916. 15
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