Hundreds Want to Fill Your Want. A Little Want Ad 111 Find Them! * DIED KENNEDY George W. Kennedy, Jr., con of George W. and Clara D. Ken nedy, aged 13 years, 2 months and i Funeral services from his late, resi dence. 1046 South Cameron street, Mon day afternoon. September 18. at i o'clock conducted by the Rev. R. L.- Melacnhelder, pastor of Trinity Evan gelical Lutheran Church. Relatives and friends are Invited to attend with out further notice. MONTGOMERY Mrs. Enneta Gross Montgomery died Friday. .September in, 1915, at her home, 700 North Third s'reet. . „ „ Funeral Monday, September 13. 1915. at 2 P. M. Relatives alnd friends are Invited to attend without further no tice. Burial Harrisburg Cemetery. SHELLY—Entered Into Eternal life Thursday morning. September 9. 1915, at 5 o'clock, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. E. Skeen, No. -uOf> North Sixth. , , Ann Katharine Shelly beloved wl.a of David M. Shelly. No. 535 camp street. In her 76th year. Funeral service Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. W. EJ. Skeen, to which the relatives and friends are Invited. Burial in ily plot In Paxtang Cemetery will be private. LOST LOST—Bunch of keys on Eleventh street, near Mulberry street- Finder will please return same to Myers, the Tire Man. or the Atlantic Refining Com pany. and receive reward. LOST By poor, hardworking col ored woman. pocketbook, containing week's wages, on Sarah avenue to Braconey's Grocery Store, Thursday morning. Please return to 923 Sarah avenue. LOST Young man who found the S4O in bills in front of Butterine Store, on South Thirteenth street, this morn ing. is known, and to nvoid further trouble he will kindly return same at once to 1403 Market street and receive, re wa rd. LOST—Wednesday, on Second street, In Capital City Loan Association build ing. or in trolley from Harrisburg to Enola: pocketbook containing about $62.00. Reward If returned to Tele graph. FOUND FOUND That Eggert's Steam Dye ing & French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market St., do the very bes'c work In the city. Call either phone for ;>roof. We call and deliver. HELP WANTED—MaIe SALESMAN WANTED A-number one solicitor; guaranteed salary; must be a live wire and able to get results. Apply Monday morning. Jewel Tea Co., J69 Broad street. GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS Thorough instruction, $5. Returned If not appointed. Particulars free. American Civil Service School, Wash ington, D. C. WANTED Bright, young boy for office work; must be over 16 years of age; answer in own handwriting, stat ing age and schooling, P. O. Box 759, City. WANTED. IMMEDIATELY One man to work on moulding machine; one. as a cuttlng-up man and one to woftlr on door and window frames. Norte but experienced need apply. E. K. Frazer, Planing Mills, Lemoyne, Pa. WANTED Single white man, who understands farming, to work on farm. Apply 1700 North Second street. DRAFTSMEN STRUCTURAL detailers, checkers and designers. Also mechanical, rolling mill, steel plate and electrical, etc. Fifty rood bonafide propositions. Salaries, 900 to $3,600. Write for information. BUSINESS SERVICE CO., Park Building. Pittsburgh, Pa. GOOD money made at home knitting hnsierv. Machines furnished on time. We buy or sell your goods. Easy and constant work. Gleason Wheeler (Inc.), 337 Madison, Chicago. SBO MONTHLY and expenses to travel, distribute samples and take orders, or appoint agents. Permanent. Jap- American Co., Chicago. WANTED A good boy over 16. who is not afraid of work. Apply New Cumberland Greenhouse. EMERGETIC PERSOX WANTED Supervise campaign we are starting in vour cltv. No selling. Permanent po sition. Alger, Inc.. Aeolian Hall, New York. EVERYWHERE Men willing to distribute circulars. samples, tack signs, collect name 3. etc. No canvass ing. Continental Register, Chicago. COPY LETTERS Persons writing snd copying letters make $lO to $25 weekly following directions, stamped envelope for particuars. Brooks Copy Co.. 970 Pennsylvania Avenue, T\ ash ington, D. C. WANTED Men to sell our goods. Special Inducements. Best paying line known. Write quick. First National Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. MEN AND WOMEN to raise mush rooms In cellars, sheds, boxes, etc. sl2 to 125 weekly. Success guaranteed Write to-dav. Hiram Barton. \\ est Forty-eighth street. New York. I WILL PAY any honest man up to SSO monthly for part at ,BPare time. No canvassing. No capital. Write to-dn\. Voorhies, Desk 155, Omaha. Neb. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. My free booklet, 372 tells how Write to-day— NOW. Earl Hopkins, Washington. P. C. WANTED Tool makers as semblers grinders, machine hands, experienced on gasoline motors. No labor trouble. Pitts burgh Model Engine Co., Lexing ton street and P. R- R-, Pitts burgh, Pa. WANTED First-class toolmaker, profiler, miller, driller, rifler, barrel turners, biacksmiths and steam ham mer men to make drop forges. <*'s<> men for barrel rolling. Address P. O. Box 264. Lancaster. Pa. WANTED Experienced barber. Apply 179 North Front street. Steelton, Pa FOR SALE 25 X. Cameron St. Lot 14R ft. in Cameron St.—im proved with a 2 M -story brick dwelling —lO rooms, bath and steam heat. This plot Is admirably adapted for warehouse or factory. 25 S. Front St. 3 14 -story brick house—-12 rooms —bath and furnace. 2-story brick stable on rear of lot. Delightful location. Property could readily be remodeled for an apartment house. Lot 26x210 ft. 1020 Market St. 3-story brick and frame dwelling and store room. 18x100 ft. to drive alley. Will sell property with or without grocery. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. HEAL, ESTATE Insurance Surct> Bonds Locust and Court Streets SATURDAY EVENING, HAKRI&BURG TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER 11, 1915. HELP WANTED—MaIe , BOYS WANTED Must be over 16 years of age. Call at office of C. Day Rudy Co., Third and Muench, Monday, between 9 and 10 o'clock. WANTED—Two good carpenters. Ap ply to J. W. Wanbaugh, contractor and builder, 459 North Second street, Steel ton. ONE capable of handling our Adding Machine through salesmen and agents In this vicinity. >V> have the cheapest Adder on the market—retails for $7.50 and will do as much as a S2OO machine. To one who can furnish small capital we have a proposition that is worth Investigating. Write at once stating qualifications. Calculator Sales Co., 33 Lafayette street. New York. HELP WANTED —female WANTED Everybody to Know a student March 16 and started work with a structural company July 20—Just four months. Harrisburg Shorthand School. 31 North Second street. • WANTED White woman for gen eral housework. Apply 1206 Walnut street. ¥OO CAN GEI TIE MONEY to get the things you desire if you are trained—office trained. Aspiring young men and women who want to feel the satisfaction of enjoying more than the com mon necessities of life should send for our booklet, "THE ART OF GETTING ALONG IN THE WORLD" We will gladly send you a copy of this little book free and without the slightest obligation. Use a postal to-day. The Of fice Training School, Kaufman Building, 4 S. Market Square. Bell phone 694 R. WANTED White woman for gen eral housework. Apply 1521 North Sec ond street. WANTED A white girl for general housework in family of three; 110 wash ing or ironing. Call, or address, 253S Main street, Penbrook, Pa. WANTED Lady to handle a new magazine proposition; an extraordinary offer; good commission; permanent work; good income assured. Address P. 0..80 x 339, Harrisburg. WANTED Woman to help tn kitchen; also chambermaid. Apply 328 North street. WORKS DRESSMAKING SCHOOL— Become a pupil now. Make all your Fall and winter dresses while learning an art that will be of endless value as long as you live. Day and evening Private Lessons In Short Hana, Typewriting Dicta tion, Penmanship, Etc, At class Instruction rates for students who want Direct Results. You want that kind. Open periods now and then. Write, or call, to-day for Information. Merle E. Keller, Kaufman Bldg., 4 South Market Square. Bell phone 694 R. WANTED— Girls over 16 years of age to learn the trade of Cigar Making. Pay while learn ing. Welfare looked after by a trained nurse. Apply at Harris burg Cigar Co.. 500 Race street. WANTED Middle-aged woman to help in house and store In country town; honest and reliable; reference re quired. Mrs. C. A. 8., R. F. D„ 2, Sid donsburg, York county. LADIES Easy. refined, genteel work; whole or part time. s2o-$65 weekly selling well advertised "KNIT TOP" formflcting petticoats and "CARLETON" made-to-measure silk petticoats and waists. Experience un necessary—we show you how. Write to-day. Spelman & Co., Manufactur ers, 1183 Broadway, New York City. LARGE knitting mill Invites cor respondence with women desirous of earning money, full time or spare hours. Pixperience unnecessary. Good pay. Address International Mills, Inc., Dept. 20, Norristown. Pa. SALESMEN WANTED SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary; easy work; big pay. Write for large list of openings offer ing opportunities to earn from SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn. Address nearest office, Dept. 24 4, National Salesmen's Training Association, Chi cago, New York, San Francisco. SALESMAN Vacancy October 1 for capable man. High-class* specialty; work general trade; $35.00 advanced weekly against commissions. Establish ed 16 years. D. W. Barrows, 846 Wood ward avenue, Detroit. SALESMEN Acquainted with gro cery trade; large demand, liberal com mission. pocket sample. Wlrth Sales book Co., Chicago. WANTED Young white woman for child's nurse, must sleep at Home; ref erences required. Inquire at 106 North Third street. WANTED Ten thoroughly expe rienced power sewing machine opera tors to work on ladles'aprons, children's rompers and wash suits. Steady work and good wages. Jennings Manufac turing Co., 411-416 State street. HELP WANTED—MaIe or Female SONG POEMS WANTED for publica tlon. Experience unnecessary. Send us your verses or melodies to-day or , write for instructive booklet—it's free. Marks-Goldsmith Co., Dept. 233, Wash ington, D. C. | AGENTS WANTED AGENTS To sell greatest Invention i of the age. Cleans silverware without I dirt or labor. Send to-day for free I jKioklet. Walter Supply House, Elmira, | AGENTS MAKE $5 to $25 daily. No] experience. Free catalog and 1 samples. New goods. Quick sales. Big profits. World's Beaters. Cruver Co., ' Jackson & Campbell, Chicago, 111. MEN AND WOMEN WANTED—Make sls to S4O a week in your town selling fruit trees, berry bushes, grape vines, shrubs. You do not deliver or collect. Just take the order for future delivery. We pay cash commission at once. No experience or capital required. Fall splendid season. Write for plan. Ad dress Cane Central New York Nurseries, Geneva, N. Y. A GREAT proposition to you. The newest and best gelling household ar -1 tide on the market. Large profits. 1 Write to-day. Great Eastern Products ; Co., Glenvllle, Pa. I AGENTS Our new household ar -1 tide Is needed In every home. Dem onstration convinces housewives. Book ' let free. Victor Specialty Co.. 2125 I North Marvtne street, Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED, who are mem bers in good standing of the Masons, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias or Ked Men. to sell on commission to other members, Fielding's Celebrated Fra ternity Charts. Full particulars with I miniature reproductions of the Charts sent on application. John H. Daniels & Son, 232 Summer St., Boston, Mass. AGENT to sell newly patented beer and ale cooling and saving device; uni form temperature; rapid service; saving 20 per ceil!, on beer bill. AVrite. Lock City Liquid Cooling Co., Inc., Lockport, N. Y. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Salesman to sell our well-known line of Red Cross Cider and Temperance Drinks in small country towns only; commission, 25 per cent, and weekly drawing account of $35.00. Red Cross Company, Dept. A, St. Louis, Mo. MANAGERS Route Foremen Salesmen. We are in the market for married men over 27 years of age who have sales and executive ability. We operate from Coast to Coast and are opening new territory all of the time. • We want men for both old and new territory. Established business. No investment necessary. Good salary. Permanent position. Excellent oppor tunity to men who can qualify. Bond and references required. Address Pro motion, Dept. A. J., Jewel Tea Co., Chi cago, 111, SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED Stenographer desires position; can furnish best of references. Address Box M, 2983, care of Tele graph. WANTED Work by a good, trusty colored man. who Is able to take care of automobile. Inquire 230 Cranberry street. WANTED Young man desires po sition as stenographer or clerk; can give good reference; has had several years' experience. Address P. O. Box 231, Lemoyne, Pa. WANTED Young colored man de sires position as Janitor or houseman. Address D., 2955, care of Telegraph. WANTED By sober. Industrious middle-aged man, labor work of any kind, or work in livery stable. Address H.. 2976, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young girl, going to school from 9 to 3, wants to assist with housework. Address Box 66, New Cum berland, Pa. WANTED—Young colored man de sires position as chauffeur, first-class reference. Call or address 1712 Wal nut street. Young man IS years of age desires work driving delivery team. Apply at 1321 Wallace street. SITUATIONS WANTED—FEMALE WANTED A position as house keeper, or to assist in housework. Ad- I dress Box L„ 2970, care of Telegraph. WANTED By young woman, day's work of any kind. Want to go home at nights. Address D., 2980, care of Telegraph. WANTED—Colored woman desires washing and ironing for Mondays and Tuesdays away from home. Call or ad-i dress. 11l Dewberry avenue. A white lady wishes to keep house 1 for a small family or widower in the city. Apply at 233 South street. WANTED Position by young wo man as second girl, or general house work. Address 343 Muench street, city. WANTED Colored woman desires day's work of any kind; good refer ence. Apply 510 South street. WANTED White woman wants position as housekeeper for widower. Address A., 2982, care of Telegraph. WANTED by colored woman, cook ing in private family or hotel In the city. Call 1315 Cowden street. Housekeeper wants position. Best references. J. 2976, care of Telegraph. WHITE WOMAN wants day's work in or out of city. Address. C. A. H.. Box 33, New Cumberland, Pa. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE—No. 17 South Eighteenth street, modern three-story brick house, with steam heat, electric light, porch and paved street. Price, $3300. J. K. Gipple, No. 1251 Market street. FOR SALE Corner property at Paxtang. Pa., having all modern im provements, Including hot water heat and containing milk house and stable on rear of lot. Bargain to quick buy er. J. E. Gipple. No. 1251 Market street. PRIVATE SALE OF FINE FARM 85 acres on road midway between Mid dletown and Hummelstown; good build ings; modern conveniences; ail under cultivation; desirable home. Mrs. Ellas Kielser, Hummelstown, Route 1. FOR SAEE Middle Paxton Town ship Farm, 100 acres farm land, 60 acres timber. Good stone house, large bank barn, wagon shed, etc. Well and two good springs near house. Fencing good. Adapted to grain and fruit rais ing. J. H. Shopp. Attorney, Bergner Building. (?r,ooi cash (*r,oo) (Mile) to Trolley (half) more to Silk Mill and (3) to (3) railroads (80) trains daily. (10) Iron and Steel Mills (20) Factories ($1,000,009) expended for Im provements this year. (25) acres only ($1000) six room home, bank barn, all kinds of fruit, flowing spring water. By Public Road, Rural Route, good neighbors, handy to school and church. With Horse) two (cows) four (hogs) fifty (chickens) giveaway at ($1300) terms ($700) cash rest easy payments. (Possessions). FARMS (400) FARMS (Office) offers (only) Bargains. Over (400) farms for sale. Reason (low) prices guarantee sales (30) to (100) days. Ad vertise In (80) papers. U3e (2) automo biles, make (4) to (6) trips daily. All (business) centers at (Danville) offices (opposite) Opera House. Answering by letters (200) inquiries daily is (slow) work. Have (6) telephones for quick action. Many write (and) come after sales. Please (avoid) by telephone (7 to 8) morning (and) evening. Bell (200) and United (200). (150) ACRES 1*3(100) Only (10) minutes' (walk) to trolley and (15) to edge of busy city. Notice only ($24) an acre for (150) acres. With | (4) fine hordes (5) fresh cows (10) hogs j (100) poultry (S) ton nay (10) ton straw (300) bushel oats (500) bushel corn. I Bargain ($4800). Finest location for j stock business, poultry, berries, fruit I and early vegetables In Pennsylvania. ,(100) acres nearly level Southern Ex- Iposure. Running water through stone (milk) house. Mostly (new) painted I buildings. GEORGE B. OSTR.YNDER, I Danville Telephones Sunbury Mornings (7 to 8) Evenings. I CORNER PLOT! 95x105 variety lot fruit In bearing; good garden; chicken house: dwelling with nine rooms, bath, furnace; large porches. Price right. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. ON SIXTH STREET, in the elgh teenth block, n property suitable for business is offered at an at j active price. In good condition and to be sold soon. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing $1,900 WILL BUY a house on Wood i I bine Street 8 rooms bath gas— ! steam heat. Get our list If you want ! other cheap properties. Bell Realty ! Co.. Bergner Building. I INVESTMENT PROPERTIES FOR 1 SALE Two brick houses 7 rooms— \ bath gas furnace norch ce mented cellars—yielding $32 per month i —almost 11 per cent, gross. Bell Realty .'Co., Bergner Building. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALK KOR sale:— , _ Property in the 1200 Block, Bailey St. lot, 21x05- Price, *1,900.00. Rent, SIB.OO. , , „ . ... Property In the 1500 Block, Berryhlll St. corner 3-story brick. Price, i *3,800.00. . „ Property in the 1500 Block, Cutharine St. - L'-storv brick. Price, *2,300. *1.800.00 will buy 611 Herr St. 2>A story frame 6 rooms, bath and fur nace—drive alley on rear—possession at once. _ BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE Desirable Penbrook property; 8 rooms; excellent location; trolley at door; good repair and newly painted; beautiful shade trees; lot, 18x 180 feet; water and gas. A bargain to quick buyer. Apply to Michael Sheaffer, 2635 Penn street, Penbrook. Pa. FOR SALE No. 75 Disbrow street, two-story corner brick house, with all modern improvements and all street paving complete. An attractive invest, ment. Price *2450. J. E. Gipple, No. 1261 Market. FOR SALE No. 1926 Park street, new three-story brick house, steam heated, with porch and side entrance, paved street and drive alley In rear. Price, *3300. J. E. Gipple, No. 1251 Market street. y FOR SALE 152 Acres —1% miles north of Middlesex station —Smiles west of Mechanlcsburg level l5 Acres timberland brick and frame dwelling 1 —frame bank barn. Price, *6,500.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut Sts. FOR SALE—No. 22 South Eighteenth street, three-story, nine-room frame house, in first-class condition. Will rent for *IB.OO per month. Price, *22.50. J. E. Gipple, No. 1251 Market street. FOR SALE—No. 1623 Naudain street, a two-story, six-room brick house with all modern improvements; street and alley In rear paved. Rentals will net 7 per cent. Price, *2OOO. J. E. Gipple, No. 1251 Market street. FOR SALE A reat rarm—no Imita tion, 3 miles northeast of Rockville; 83 acres—ss cultivated; high state culti vation—produces; dandy water; fruit. 1 Don't wait—l'll sell—retiring. No. 2961, care of Telegraph. MAKE AN OFFER on 1728 North Seventh street; brick; lot, 20x212 ft.; j rental, *12.00. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. WHAT will you give for 1947 Ken sington street; 8 rooms; bath; steam lieat; lot, 45x100 ft. Is offered at less than $2,500.00. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South | Thirteenth street. I HAVE FOR SALE in the City of Harrisburg several plots of ground at attractive prices. Just ripe for de velopment. Also several Improved properties in best locations which will be sold cheap and on reasonable terms. A. C. Mead, Eighth Floor Union Trust Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE 205 South Second street, Steelton. Central, good business location, trolley at door, good repair and paint, city water and well: big bargain. Call 177 South Front street. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT 1523 MAYFLOWER Ave, all improve ments. *15.00; IZI King street, all im provements, *16.00; 154 i Vernon street, new. *20.00. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth. FOR RENT Basement room, suit able for tailor, cobbler or plumber, at 1266 Market street; rent, *lO, Including 1 heat and water. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Mar- I ket street. FOR RENT Furnished house at 21 North Seventeenth street; all con veniences; rent reasonable. Apply to above address. FOR RENT ll9O Christian street: two-story brick; all improvements and ' (Up-to-date in all respects; seven rooms, including bath; rent, *17.00. Inquire 259 Herr street, between 5 and 7 P. M. FOR RENT 1713 North Third street; three-story; all improvements; i recently papered and painted through out; Immediate possession. Apply 1100 North Front street Month and up; New and modern. Corner Stores Hamilton and Third Streets Suitable for any business or i office purposes. ! Chas. Adler I 1003 K. Third Street. | REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT I FOR SALE OR RENT —25 bbl. Wolf ' | roller mill in 3}4-story stone building, and two pairs of feed stones; also cider press, saw mill and several acres of i ground, situated on big Conewago • I creek, 11 miles north of York, Pa. For i further information call on or address | J&s. F. Cline, Steilton, Pa. REAL ESTATE WANTED ! WANTED by young cbuple with 1 ! three-year-old child, either small house i or four-room apartment with bath. Within five minutes' walk from Market street. Address 0., 2977, care of Tele graph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT A LOCUST STREET housekeeping ' apartment, live rooms, including bath and kitchen; also locker for surplus articles; immediate possession. Apply Penna. Realty & Improvement Co., t<o. 132 Locust street. FOR RENT On or before October 1, second lloor furnished front suite, large livingroom, bedroom, private bath, city steam, electric lighting, hardwood floors. References required. 218 Pine street. APARTMENT FOR RENT Five rooms, including kitchen and bath; im provements and; city steam; exception ally light and cheerful. Apply 33 North : Second, or 405 Market street. APARTMENTS WANTED WANTED Furnished apartment, first floor preferred, or would consider I furnished house, central location, by young married couple; no children. Ad dress M., 2978, care of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT ! FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or en suite. Bell phone. Address : 719 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Large front room, three windows, nicely furnished; pri i vate family. Call, or address, 426 Hum j mel street. FOR RENT Very attractive first and second-story rooms. In heart of . city, steam heated, moderate rental, last occupant a dentist. Immediate posses sion. Possible purchase option. 202 . Locust street. ; FOR RENT Two large, well-fur nlshed rooms; one with private balcony; each room suitable for two or three gentlemen or married couple. Inquire . 125 Pine street. FOR RENT Large front room, sec , ond floor; pleasant ror man and wife; I ] warm, clean home for winter; hot water system; also smaller room on second floor; use of phone. 117; Pine j street. FOR RENT —Pleasant furnished or t unfurnished front room, in Camp Hill; • two minutes' from car line; lady prefer able; rent very reasonable. Box B, - 2690. care of Telegraph. ; I FOR RENT Furnished rooms, sec - ! ond floor front, with board if desired; i two minutes' walk from Capitol; refer- I ence exchanged. Apply 721 North Sixth | street ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, modern, second floor front, single or en suite; private bath; use of phone; I private family, near Capitol, references i required, lzl State street Bell phone I ! TWO furnished rooms for rent for light housekeeping. Apply non street. v FOR RENT Second floor front I room, newly furnished, across from Capitol Park; all conveniences; city steam heat; large bath. including shower; use of phone. 406 North street. FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms, with large bay window, front; each room convenient for one or two 1 gentlemen. Hoffman Apartments. Fifth and Market streets. Second Apartment. ! ROOMS WANTED I WANTED Livingroom. with sleep ing porch connection; steam heat pre feired; would like to board same place. Enquirer Is refined, young man assum ing position for a year with large wholesale house. Prefer private home. Cost not serious question if suited. Ad dress J. Jr.. care of Evening Telegraph. ROOM AND HOARD WANTED WANTED Young gentleman, re fined and quiet taste, desires room, con venient to bath, and board; must have good car service and home comforts; state terms. D„ 2984, care of Tele _____ UNFURNISHED' ROOMS 429 BROAD STREET Built especi ; aly for light housekeeping, single or ' with kitchenettes; arrangements strictly private; stoves furnißhed free; laundry, phone and bathroom privi leges; lockers for surplus furniture. WANTED *2 TO *SOO EACH paid for hundreds •of Coins dated before 1910. Send TEN cents for our New Illustrated Coin I Value Book, size 4x7, showing prices we pay for coins. It may mean your good Fortune. Get Posted. Clarke | Coin Co., Box 134, Le Roy, N. Y. FOR SALE FOR SALE Scotch Collie dog about one year old nicely marlted. Call Place. Bell phone 178. FOR SALE —One Furman steam boil er, 1100 sq. ft. capacity. Second hand. In good condition. Inquire H. F. Quickel, 123 Pine street FOR SALE Bay horse, 6 years old, , city broke. Will sell reasonable to quick buyer. Guaranteed to work any place. Apply Malman, 67 Conestoga street, Steelton, Pa. BARGAINS IN TYPEWRITERS —Re- built and second-hand L. C. Smith, Un j derwoods, Remington and others from *IO.OO up. Supplies and office equip ment of every description. Geo. P. - I Tlllotson, 36 South Fourth street. ! FOR SALE WALLPAPER Many . patterns at half of list price. Paper de livered anywhere free. Hanging rea sonable. A. U. Spotz, 1317-19 Market 1 street. FOR SALE Harley-Davidson mo torcycle, 1914 model, twin cylinder, two speed, fully equipped, *125.00 cash. Ap ply 1518 Hunter street. MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS lndian. 1914, 2-speed, lamp, preston, speedome ter, claxon, tandem. *150; Indian, 1914, with side car, fully equipped, H6O; Ex : celsior, 1914, equipped, fine shape, *125. Keystone Garage, 814 North Third St v FOR SALE Household furniture; . must be sold before Friday. Call, or address. Mrs. Noble, Camp Hill. Get , oft at toll gate, second house out FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business office. ' FOR SALE Peach baskets and I wood covers. Prompt shipments. Kin zie Apgar & Brother, Callfon, N. J. I SMOKE Cre-Malta 5c Cigars. Limited ; trial offer of 60 for 75c. postpaid. Pre serve this offer. It -may not appear i again. Snell & Co.. Red Lion, Pa. FOR SALE One bay pacing mare, nice driver; good harness, good Jenny Lind. Will sell to quick cash buyer, complete team. *175. Apply H. B. Shel lehemer, corner Cameron and Maclay I streets. Bell phone 2520J-1. 1 ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can t>« secured at the Telegraph Business Office. Gf> TO GABLE'S for wire fence of alt kinds and gates to match. No. 111-117 South Second. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S. 113, 115 I ind 117 South Second street. 5,000 gal- i ' lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme | - quality. All the full line of the Acme i t make. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new i t supply—6o for 25c while they last. Ap ) ply Job Printing Department .The Tele r graph Printing Company. s GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each - six-time order for a classified ad. if I I paid in advance. Inquire at Office of ! 3 Telegraph. [ FOR RENT FOR RENT Two-story warehouse, ' 3 and 5 Cowden street; 5,000 sq. ft. floor space; elevator; railroad siding; posses sion October 1. Apply C. F. Gohl. 1003 j Nprth Second street. Bell phone 899 M. i FOR RENT Second floor room, , 3.700 square teet, for light manufactur ing purposes. New building. Call at ' premises. Twelfth and Herr streets. r BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES > IF you want to start and develop ?:ood paying business on the side ask or our proposition. Address Hubert Ingals Co., 20 Salem street, Lynn, . Mass. ! *SOO TO *I,OOO Investment required. . close corporation now forming that ! controls greatest monopoly ever known demonstration proved same i ("patented), requires Secretary and Treasurer. Act quickly. Call only for _ particulars. World's Cheapest Power, 225 West Ma,rket. Mehanlcsburg, Pn. FOR A MAN who desires to engage In a meritorious, paying business, 1 have an exceptional opportunity to offer. Not so much cash as the right ' man to handle this business. State If can be reached by phone. Address B. • It., care of Telegraph. 1 FREE FOR SIX MONTHS —My spec lal offer to Introduce my magazine. "In vesting For Profit." It is worth *lO a . copy to anyone who has been getting poorer while the rich richer. It demon ■ strates the real earning power of money, and shows how anyone, no mat - ter how poor, can acquire riches. In t vesting for Profit Is the only progres- II sive financial Journal published. It t I shows how *IOO grows to *2,200. Write - now and I'll send It six months free. 2 11. L Barber, 624, 22 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. FOR SALE CKar store and pool ; room, first-class condition; good offer > to quick buyer: located in Steelton, Pa. > Address K.. 2981, care of Telegraph. I MADE *50,000 in five years In the - mail order business, began with *5. ; Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea t cock. 355 Lockport. N. Y. t ——- 3 ANY intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; . experience unnecessary. Send for par p tlculars. Press Syndicate, 798. Lock ; port. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS - WE are headquarters for Trunks, i - Suit Cases and Bags. Bn'fore your va- 1 ; I cation inspect our iarge stock. Have j -1 your repairing done here and save l [ money. Harrisburg Harness & Supply i Company, Second and Chestnut BUSINESS PERSONALS FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary. 113 Market street. Harrisburg. Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. HAULING R. A. HARTKIAN, Hoarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul l?,B- w - ka'he- Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No 2503 R. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGJE. Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We invite Inspection Low insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, fop household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3 Wagons, 75 cent* per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co_ 411 Broad street. Both shone* FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN, having two Ruild mg and L,oan Associations and a Trust Co. Address P. O. Box 496. Steelton, Pa. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that the Auditors appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin Countv to audit the accounts of the School Dis trict of Harrlsburp. Pa., have filed their report which contains the follow injj. Receipts—to cash balance July 1, 1914 $Bl 209 05 Receipts from all sources~ Expenditures, all sources,. $667,386 12 To cash balance 109,046 63 _ , General Fund Receipts $486,122 56 Expenditures and trans fers - 562,482 01 .Shlmmpii Building Fund To balance on hand July t}' i X . 914 ' , SBI,IBB 00 To interest on daily bal ance, 540 00 ex P el ]d'tures 74,883 06 Balance July 1, 1915 6,844 94 . The Sinking Fund* To ,, cB-sh in Funds July 1, 1914 $177 294 00 To appropriation to funds. 42,'966 65 10 city bonds redeemed, .. 600 00 By bonds cancelled $74,000 00 Balance in fundh, July 1, 1915, $146,860 65 Cash on hand 102,201 69 Division of Treasurer's cash balance. Including Shlm ™ey. Fund 255,907 28 Audit of account of Sinking Fund Commissioners showing worth of Sink ing Funds: To cash present worth (total) of bonds $162,360 65 Teachers' Retirement Fund To cash on hand Jtilv 1, 1914 ' •.• $13,614 35 To receipts 26,663 23 By expenditures 29,541 33 Investment of Tenehers* Retirement Fund Mortgages, bond, notes— total, $32,200 00 Assets—total 1,849,407 28 Liabilities— total 1,244,500 00 Excess of assets over 11a hilltles, 604.907 28 That the aforesaid Auditors' Report was presented to the Court of Common "less of Dauphin County on September 10, 1915, and by the said Court ordered to be filed; that the said Auditors' Re port was filed on September 10, 1915, to No. 181 September Term, 1915; that the same will be confirmed absolutely un less an appeal Is taken therefrom with in thirty days, after the filing thereof. HENRY F. HOLLER. Prothonotary. niIBBER STAMnn •sflJ SEALS'* STENCILS L'H " MFG.BYHBG.STENCILWORKS ■ || II 130 LOCUSTS! HBG.PA. If LOOK at the NEW HOUSES;! On Chestnut Street, Nos. 1836-42. CHOOSE YOUR PROPERTY NOW jl Have it finished to suit you. n • | . LOCATION Right CONSTRUCTION BELL REALTY COMPANY,' / BEFK.VEII BUILDING Homes For Sale You are invited to inspect those houses now being erected at Nos. 1911, 1913, 1915 and 1917 Chestnut street. If you really appreciate quality in house construction, these homes will appeal to you. J. E. GIPPLE ; 12 SI Market Street M HMaomaanH]^ Lumber guaranteed to be perfectly kiln dried. Floors laid and finished complete ready for use. Ask for free estimate. C. A. SLOUGH, 232 Yale St. Bell Phone. , Fine Homes For Sale Three Houses Nos. 914, 916 and 918 North Eighteenth street. Built in pairs, having side and rear entrances, all modern improvements, including steam heat. Price and terms liberal. One House No. 1721 Boas street, in course of erection. This is a detached house, having a wide lot and extending to a twenty-foot rear street. Single houses are not usually built for sale but there are many families now appreciating the ad vantages of a home with air space from all sides. Look this house over, you will find in it a thoroughly up-to-date home. TWO BUNGALOWS, built along the Progress Trolley line, between Penbrook and Progress, all improvements, six rooms, hall and bath, steam heat, electric lights. Lots 32 ft. by 150 ft. Attractive, well built and comfortable suburban homes. HA Qlt rtfl-r Owner and Builder . ii.. OiierK, 1325 STATE ST. Damrosch and Elman Appear Here November * One of the big musical events of the coming season In Harrisburg will be the appearance here of the New York Symphony Orchestra of seventy-flve pieces, with Walter Damrosch, con ductor, and the same program, with Mischa Elman, the greatest violinist fcefore the public. This musical engagement was an nounced to-day by the same manage ment that brought McCormack and other noted musical stars here last year. The concert will be given in Chestnut Street Auditorium on the evening of November •" ,' and Messrs, Hand and Sigler, who have made the booking, announce that it will be fol lowed during the winter by others ol equal importance In the musical world. This great Joint attraction will ap pear in only nine cities of the country this year and Harrisburg was selected as one of them by reason of the. splen did support enjoyed by John McCor mack and the others brought here junder the Hand-Slgler management in other seasons. An earnest endeavor lis being made to make Harrisburg a I real musical center and proper sup | port for such attractions as the New "i ork Symphony Orchestra and Mischa ■ Elman will go a long way in that direction. Has Been Serving Uncle Sam in Army for 23 Years James W. Taylor, after twenty-three years' service in the United States army, is visiting his mother. Mr?. - Anna Taylor and other relatives at 1622 Elm street. He returns to his post at Fort Ontario, Oswego, N. Y., on Monday. When Taylor, who has an excellent record, shall have served seven years more, he can be retired on a life pen sion. During his long: service Taylor has had six discharges with excellent character. He first enlisted in the First Pennsylvania Volunteers, but has also served in the Twenty-fifth and Twenty-fourth United States Infantry. He spent five years in the Philiipines and was in seven engagements, being wounded once. He has had a large experience and this is his first visit home in twenty-four years. ELECTRIC MACHINE DEVISER FOR MANICURING WORK Operating in much the same man ner as a dentist's drill, an electric manicuring machine has recently been designed by a TJOS Angeles woman, and is described, with illustration, in the August Popular Mechanics Maga zine. It consists essentially of a small motor to which is attached a flexible shafting, by which the various instru made in disk form so that the trim ming. cleaning: and polishing of the nails is done without the use of knives or scissors. TO BE SOLD 22 N. SEVENTEENTH ST Brick house—steam heat—gas and electric light—vacant—key at office —easy terms. Price reduced. UEI.L REALTY COMPANY Bfr*ner Building THE Harrlsburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open dally, except Sunday, at 3 P. M.. at Its new location, front and Harris streets, for the free treatment of the worthy poor. .j 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers