8 THE QUALITY STORE" Last Half-Holiday Bargains For Friday's Selling Only I grtii-n' White Wash Skirts—of 35c and 89c neat Figured Silks PopUn Pique and Beach Cloth— ami Voiles, desirable for waists and regularly values to 51.69. the re- dresses. Special for -J E" ruainder of this season's stock to Friday, per yard be closed out; ape- 75 C dal tor Friday, at 6*% c Bleached Twilled Roller Towelli*r neat red border full Lad lee ° and Misee*' Lightweight width and fast edges. Special for Coats—only one of a kind—not all Friday. 3 /?C this season's styles but wearable— per yard " ' were 57.50 to $12.50. <fc 1 QQ Special for Friday, at. .. • * 42x72 Bleached Bolster Cases— — hand torn, made of a fine soft cas- Onlv 2 Natural Palm Beach Suits ing of medium weight—2»e values, and 2' Gray Palm Beach Suits left Special for 22 C —regularly $7.50 and S lO. Spe- Friday, eacb cial for <7 Qfi Friday, at 6V*c I'nbleached Muslin S6 inches wide, clean, even thread Odds and Ends of Lingerie and cloth of medium weight full Tailored Waists that sold all season pieces and perfect. S|>e- 41/o up to 81.50. Special OKr oial for ,H>r > ard • for Friday, at „. . . , . C . IL . made with 3-iuch hem and corded " 5 " "32.50 '° r 12 /2C Friday, at i'nbleached Domet Flannel, 28 inches wide, good weight. Spe- The new Fall Capes and Coats for t i a i for Friday, CIA _ infants are here and specially , H . r j a rd "/4 C priced for Friday— ' J . _ Capes, at $0.50 tO $3.08 Children's >luslln Combination I Coats, atttl "7 \ 4i "i Waist and Drawer, bunch tucks •» it) 'T"''"'"' and embroidery trinunud, sizes 2 to 8 years—regularly 35e. OQU OXLY OXE—High Grade Vacuum Special for Friday, at 4««/V. Cleaner with brush—3 bellows— has been used to demonstrate— Ladies' low neck, short sleeve fully guaranteed worth $8.50. xight Gowns, round and square Special for C GQ necks, good quality longcloth and Friday, at embroidery trimmed were 50c. Special for 45c Matting Suit Cases—24 Inches Friday, at long—well made—waterproof—an ideal case for ladies and children ladies' Silk Lisle Ribbed I'nion lightweight—worth Si.oo. £>Q r Suits, low neck, no sleeves and light Special for Friday, at OI7C knee. French neck, were SI.OO. Special for ~ " . . Friday, at Figured Amiure for curtains and wi&Sf Children's Fancy Top Sox-all patterns - regulirly 39c. Special s f^ d F^ ,Uar " C Vtt,UC '. JSST. 25c ST. ...17c _.. ~ " ~~ ~ , ~ Men's Colored Xegligee Shirts, Rubber Stair Treads of new, live with laundered or soft French cuffs rubber—% -inch thick —odorless— — our regular 51.50 shirts. Spe the sanitary, noiseless stair cover- ,^ a i for Friday Q 1 A A ing—better than carpet. Special for al eao k ' w 1 tUU Friday— -6xlß, special at 10f* Men's Silk und Linen Four-lit -7xlß, special at "I 01/ (* Hand Wash Ties—neat colored /£ stripes and guaranteed fast colors. 9xlß, special at J(Jf. a regular 25c quality. Six-- OC- cial for Friday 3 for OiyiM.<Uc EJUbrQtd.'O with op,. of our w ash goods. They go on one c O table, voiles, tissues, crepes, batistes. P rtc ® a>ptciai 8p etc., that have sold up to 31c. C_ ' or Friday at, per yard Special for Friday, per yard. . Our regular 25c Sanitary Aprons. 25c Turkish Towels perfect S£TV* ial 19c goods, bleached and hemmed, heavy Friday, at weight. Special for ISo Friday, each IOC Elastic Mesh Sanitary Belts— were 15c. Special for 1 SI.OO Colored Petticoats, made Friday at, each , of fine mercerized cloth, fitted and string hand*—full depth, flounce Guaranteed Xlckel Alarm Clocks trimmed with neat tucks and shir- —regular value 89c. Spe- CQ„ ring. Special cial for Friday at, each for Friday Stationery Special—l pound Eng- Lot of White Goods, 27 and 36 llsh Cambric Writing Paper—worth inches wide, suitable for waists, 25c lb., and 2 packs of envelopes to skirts and suits. Have sold up to match, worth 20c. A regular 45c 31c yard. Special for 1 _ value. Special Of . Friday, per yard Xl/C for Friday, at L. W. COOK 41 XORWEGIAX SHIPS LOST ceived at the State Department from By Associated Press the American Minister at Christiana. Washington, D. C.. Sept. 9. Forty- Thirteen ships were destroyed by ~ ' _ . .. Xt . _ „ mines, 24 were sunk by torpedoes, 3 Dne ships flying the Norwegian flag disappeared in the war zone and one have been lost since the beginning of was crushed by a German warship, war in Europe and 76 sailors have, the report stated. Another ship was perished, according to a report re- taken as a prize to Hamburg. ■ and They Won't Spoil S J\ J Rubbers and patented tops may, but ■ I Parowax positively WILL keep pre- ■ \ I serves from fermenting. Parowax seals ■ :k U P the leaks you can't »ee, but which ■ ■n ; ' n are never theless deadly. Parowax is ■ sure-pure paraffine, clean enough to MOJA AN ALL • HAVANA 10c CIGAR What makes a 10c cigar worth the price? It isn't size, shape, band or looks, noindeedy. It's quality-—q-u-a-l-i-t-y. That spells MOJA. Made in 3 sizes, but all alike in quality. Made by John C. Herman & Co. THURSDAY EVENING, A(V)U<SePfI6f)T6 {■■■■ Hi J iMfec aaßtmSm Carlyle Rlackwell in "The Secret Or- I chard" at the Regent to-morrow anil Saturday.—Advertisement. THE COMIXG COUXTY FAIR THE LARGEST YET HELD j The annual exhibition of the Lan caster County Fair Association, which will he held at Lancaster on Septem ber 2S, 29, 30 and October 1, promises !to far outclass anything in the fair | line ever attempted in Lancaster coun ty. Since a year ago, when hundreds of thousands were passed within the i turnstiles of the grounds, many im | provements have been made to tho i permanent buildings on the grounds, {and scores of temporary ones have I either been already erected or are now j contracted for. These buildings prom ise to be filled to their utmost capa city. Space has already been rented by enough firms from all over the ( United States who never exhibited in ; Lancaster before, to make up a fair in itself. These will make displays | alongside the many business concerns who have pinned their faith to Lan | caster from the very start, j The cattle sheds will show some of 'the very finest herds to be found any where. Of datrly products there will be almost no end. Farm machinery i will be grouped with automobiles and ! almost everything else that "goes." I There will be fancy work, cakes, can | dies, preserves and fruits for the i women and everything men want to | see. Tho Midway will be the great est ever, and the free attractions will | outclass many a circus. There will be i harness and running races every day, I and this year a specialty will be made of the saddle events, with liberal | purses offered. The famous Ringgold ( Band, of Reading, will give free con j certs every day, and this one item alone will be well worth the small price of admission charged. The dog and poultry shows will be unusually i large and the heads of both of these i are already at their wits ends for space jto accommodate ihe entries already j pouring in, Viewed from any angle the fair of 1915 promises to eclipse janything of a similar "kind ever at i tempted in Lancaster county, and worth going miles to see.—Advertiae | ment. MAJESTIC VAUDEVILLE The Majestic Installed a new vaude ville show this afternoon which is va ried and well chosen. Mr. and Mrs. i Frederick Voelker and company in j their musical act, "Music Hath Charms," occupy the healine position. This is a delightfully arranged act of its kind, in which the suggested story ; though light is sufficient to bind to gether the musical numbers. Mr. ,Voelker's violin playing is, naturally, the feature of the act and probably anjrthing better in this line hasn't I been heard here. Mrs. Voelker plays i the piano accompaniments tastefully, j and adds much tharm to the stage pic ture while Emma Carroll sings very sweetly and F. Russell Gilbert and Lo i vine Smythe give able assistance. A popular and winsome young miss is Bessie LeCount, a sweet and vivacious 1 singer of late song hits; and Eckert and Parker scored immensely with their bright tomfoolery and parodies. Ernie and Ernie, presenting a very clever novelty act and one of two others rounds out a very deserving show.—Advertisement. AT THE ORPHEIM "The Rod Rose'' "The Red Rose" opens the Orpheum j season to-night. "The Red Rose'' is the production ! masterpiece of John C. Fisher, who created "Floradora." In fact, "Flora dora" often is called the musical com edy sister of "The Red Rose" because the pattern of the last-named piece contains many of the elements that won "Floradorq/s " success. "The Red Rose" is a pretentious musical comedy of the type calling for more than a score of musical numbers, fully as many dancing novelties and dazzling stage pictures, the whole radiating chorus youth, beauty and charm In the great numbers Mr. Fisher always has considered so essential to success.— Advertisement. •DR. RAMEAU" POWEHFVL PHO TODRAMA—COIOXIAIi TO-DAY When a photoplay has the sheer power of dramatic force, to wave an audience from tears to laughter, it Is certainly deserving of the highest praise which is due the wonderful pic turtzation of George Ohnet's famous novel, "Dr. Raraeau" the six-part mas terpiece photodrama which is the fea ture picture at the Colonial to-day. Frederick Perry, the star of the Broadway success "Oil Trial" portrays Straight, Lank Hair No Longer Necessary (Guide to Beauty.) • A simple and harmless fluid, hitherto little used for the purpose, has .proved so wonderfully effective in ouickly turn ing straight Hair beautifully wavy, it bios fair to become "all the rage." You may be surprised to learn that this product is nothing more than plain linuld sHmerine. More surprised, still, when you see how prettily -it dries in the most natural-looking curls, swirls and crinkles you could 1 wish for. It makes a fine dressing f6r the hair, too, keeping it so soft and lustrous. A few ounces of liquid silmerine, which can of course be found in anv drug store, will keep the hair curlv for weeks. It Is neither sticky nor greasy, but quite pleasant to use. It should be appMed at nigfct with a clean tooth brush—a perfectly lovely wave and curliness will be in evidence in the morning. Best of all, one who ac quires the silmerine habit need never i agftUj resort to the barbarous curling I iron.—Advertisement. HAKRJSBURG TELEGRAPH I^XhailcctQl^^riß | \ CHARLOTTE WALKER j l> is admittedly one of the foremost dramatic artists of Amer- \ ' = | l> ica. Her stage successes were so notable that \ I, t] The Jesse L. Lasky Feature Play Co. {lj <1 engaged her to appear exclusively in photoplays for several .'gS =| <l years. The first screen production in which Miss Walker < 1} f appeared was "Kindling." This picture is in demand all >< | t "Out of Darkness" is the title of Miss Walker's latest { 1 > ( picture. This is the story of a rich woman, who, through = ► loss of memory, becomes a worker in her own factory and \ J&T) r . \ thus suffers through the bad industrial conditions imposed < c \ upon her women and children employes. Upon regaining \ |fpj * mf* J&t &- \ her mind she at once takes steps to provide better condi- Asp I -'j§T '| S WJI ||<l tions in her great establishment. 0 \ M j|pL 1 z >< You can see Charlotte Walker only at theaters featuring Jf If M, | ! ) Paramount Pictures | Whenever you see her advertised by a local theater, , |& Jv I go see the picture and enjoy it. I slf no theater in your town is showing Para | <i mount Pictures ask the best theater to book / { Motion Picture Magazine Free jf < § \ Ask your theatre for a free copy of Picture jf . +++ *. z ! Progress. If you can't get it write to us. / ~ j| C biiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiimilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiii I n nniHiimTiTuY^^iTmTTrrrmnfa RENEE KELLY AS JUDY ABBOTT IN "DADDY LONG LEGS" AT THE ORPHEUM, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY • ■; ' ' ■:< - .V- : / • - ■ : ■ • r v ;\. - \ - : . - • . r , , v •. * j§/¥i< :■ ■ ... ■ ~ ■ ...v. ; , '' : ■ ~ * ■ -• > " : ' ■ " . ' the title role In "Dr. Ramcau." It' deals with the life of Dr. Rameau, who rises to be one of the greatest physi cians of the time. Munzel, an artist is dangerously ill and Rameau saves his life. They become fast friends, but the friend proves false. The wife gives birth to a child and Rameau idolizes her. Munzel is mortally in jured in a railroad accident and dies froiji his Injuries. As the years roll by Rameau discovers that the child is the daughter of his dead friend. Ra meau is on the verge of insanity. The girl becomes seriously ill and Rameau refuses to attend her. He battles with himself and after an old friend all but drags him to her bedside, he brings Into play his wonderful skill and science, thus saving the girl for a life of happiness. A splendid musical pro gram is rendered on the monster Colo nial plpeorgan by Herman Yeager. Friday and Saturday the Colonial will present for the feature. The Vitagraph company's latest release, "The Wheels of Justice," with all of the Vitagraph favorites In the cast. —Advertisement. "BROTHER OFFICERS" AT THE REGENT TO-DAY "Brother Officers'' featuring Henry Ainley on the paramount program will be shown. "Brother Officers" Is the story of two men whoae faithfulness to each other survives even when put to the test of loving the same woman. The drama has its beginning in the home of a bookmaker and culminates in the country house of an English lord. —Advertisement. ATTEMPT TO END STRIKE By Associated Press Albany, N. Y., Sept. 9.—Efforts to end the strike of employes bf the United Traction Company in Albany, Troy and surrounding towns were to be made to-d«y at a meeting of rep resentatives of the Commercial Clubs of Albany and Troy to be held here. Representatives of the company and the strikers were Invited to attend the Conference. HAS SUCCESSFUL, OPENING 1 The Robinson Woman Shop, 20 i North Fourth street, was opened un der auspicious circumstances on Tues day of this week. From 2 o'clock in the afternoon until late in the even ing living models gave visitors an in sight into styles that will be in vogue this Fall in cloaks and suits for women and misses. From the time the exhibition start ed, the store room was constantly thronged by women interested in not ing the various styles In apparel which were shown during the demonstration. The storeroom has been remodeled throughout to suit the requirements of the business, and new fixtures and tasteful decorations make it very at tractive. Irving E. Robinson, of this city, who has bee nassociated with such business in Harrisburg and other cities, is the proprietor of the new store. Don't Wash Your Hair With Soap 1 When you wash your hair, don't use soap. Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali, which is very injurious, as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. The best thing to use Is Just plain mulslfied cocoanut oil, for this Is pure and entirely greaseless. It's very cheap and beats soaps or anything else all to pieces. You can get this at any drug store, and a few ounces will last the whole family for months. Simply moisten the hair with wa ter and rub It in, about a teaspoonful is all that is required. It makes an I abundance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out easily. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and Is soft, fresh looking, ! bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to han- Idle. Besides, it loosens and take« out every particle of dust, dirt and dan- I dlrirtr.—Advert lsemeitt- SEPTEMBER 9, 1915. . BICE FID 10 BE ORGANIZED SOON Preliminary Meetings Will Be Ended by the State Officials Early in Next Week Pennsylvania's State Workmen's In- I snranee Fund will be organized with in a month. The preliminary details' are now being worked out and will be | ready for Governor Brumbaugh to, consider when he returns from the Pacific coast. The framing of a sched ule of premiums for employers, the solicitation of business and the organ ization of the office force are now be- i isg studied by experts under the di rection of Albert L. Allen, who is offi cially connected with the New York State fund and who is giving expert advice. Francis H. Bohlen, secretary of the Industrial Accidents Commis sion, which assisted Attorney General Brown in framing the law, is also aid ing in the work as legal advisor by appointment of the attorney general. Ideas from New York, Ohio and other States are being considered and by Tuesday additional data will be ready for the board in charge which is composed of State Treasurer Young, Insurance Commissioner Jackson and Commissioner of Labor and Industry Jackson. They will have charge of the administration of the fund under a manager who is to be named soon. Other officials will be named as rapid ly as needed. Part of the plan is to have men in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh in charge of branch headquarters for business for the fund and these men will visit employers and explain the merits of the State system. According to In quiries made several mutual liability companies will be formed and some of the existing companies will also go after business of insuring employers. • AMUSEMENTS IpEGENj i To-dav "BROTHER OFFI CERS," " featuring Henry Alnley. Parajnount. Friday and Saturday That much discussed photoplay "THE SECRET ORCHARD" with Blanche Sweet and Carlyle Blnckwell. Paramount. The play that was condemned by the Pennsylvania censors, eulo gized by the Pennsylvania courts. Moller'B pipe orgran used ih this Theater. V f N ORPHEUM Wilmer » Vin^ e p^ & A 55 e11, Mgr#<: To-nlfcht M the Opening At- TO-MORROW and SAT.» MAT. SAT. ' traction John C. Fl.ker pre.ent* SEATS OVSALE. £ the Mimical Comfi|)', fQ pk Tbe Rcd raNCLECS MARGUERITE DEVON 3* „ * JUO , RENCC KELLY •• <JUO> AND THE ORIGINAL COMPANY pnipPQ Mat, 25c to VI.SO. PRICES I 35c to $1.50 ' RILLO • - Eve „ l"sc to $2.00. Home of Photoplara PRICES CONTINUOUS PROM Supreme U.OO TO 11.00 COLONIAL and DAILY „ r . T °" DA ?, . FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Foi Film Corporation preaenta FREDERICK PERRY ' Vltnuraph Co.'a Lateat Releaae "DR. RAMEAU" "Wheels of Justice In « Gripping Part*. A Four-part Drama. HERMAN YEAGER AT THE PIPE ORGAN ' The Compensation Board is investi gating the New York system and a joint meeting will be held here Tues day. LUTHERAN COUNCIL MEETS By Associated Press | Moline, 111., Sept. 9. Four hun dred delegates were in attendance to day at the opening here of the meeting of the general council of tha Lutheran church of North America. The sessions will be held alternately fn Moline and Rock Island. BISURATED MAGNESIA A well-known medical writer says: "I always first prescribe Bisurated Magnesia in every case of hyperacidity | (sour acid stomach) that comes to me," j A teaspoonful in a fourth of a glass of hot water usually gives INSTANT RELIEF. Sold by all druggists in either powder or tablet form at 50 [ cents per bottle.—Advertisement. AMUSEMENTS ! ~ \ Majestic The HiffKeNt Bargain of Vaude ! ville In the world. Performance® | '1.30 aiid 7.30 Evening perform i mice continuous. Prices—Matinee i lOe and 15c; Evening 10c, l."ic# 25c. New Bill Today headed by i Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Voelker and Company , : presenting a refined and delightful act entitled IB HATH CHARMS BESSIE LA COMET SIDKIHK Comedienne* ECKERT AMD PARI*ISR Singing and Dancing. I \ ERME AND ERNIE Aerobatlc Eeeentri<|iie. DI'XEDIX DI:O Beauty on the Wheel.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers