2 iscentßAbpennAM i WESTERN MARYLAND STATION IS ROBBED! Trunk Carried Away, Broken Open and Thrown in Bushes Along Roadside on Mountain Waynesboro, Pa.. Sept. 9.—Thieves ' broke Into the station of the Western Maryland Railroad Company at Buena Vista Springs, early yesterday morn ing and carried off a trunk that be longed to a Baltimore party, which had been placed in the baggageroom Tuesday evening. BANK STATEMENTS REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, at Har risburg, in the State of Pennsylvania, at the close of business, September 2, 1915: RESOURCES 1. a Loans and discounts (except those shown on b) $702,519 71 2. Overdrafts, secured, ... 11,233 69 3. a L". S. bonds d e posited to secure circulation (par value). ..SIOO,OOO 00 b U. S. bonds pledged to secure U. S. deposits (par value). ... 35,000 00 Total U. S. bonds,. . 135,000 00 4. Bonds, securities, etc.: b Bonds other than U. S. bonds pledged to secure pos tal savings deposits, . $(f,000 00 e S e curities other than U S bonds (not in c 1 u d ing st o c ks) owned un pledged .. 720,311 70 Total bonds, se curities, etc., ... 726,311 70 6. S übscrlption to stock of F e d e ral Reserve Benk, $33,- 000 00; a Less amount unpaid. $15,500 00, $16,500 00 b All other stocks In c 1 u d Ing pre mium on same.. 30.353 85 7. Furniture and fixtures.. 15,268 57 8. Real estate owned other than banking house, , 2.953 $6 j 9. Net amount due from F e d e ral Reserve Bank 18,938 34 10 a Net amount due from approv ed reserve agents In New York, C h 1 cago, and Su Louis 11,334 48 b Net amount due from a p proved re 6 erve agents In other re reterve i cities 80,750 96 11. Net amount due from banks and bankers (other than included . in 9 or 10) 19,595 54 12. Exchanges for Clear ing House 5,829 33 14. a O u t s i de checks and other cash items, .. . 11,026 40 b Fractional c u rreney, nick els, and cents, 477 55 15. Notes of other National Banks 3,785 00 16. Federal Reserve notes. 285 00 Lawful money reserve in bank; 17. Total coin and certifi cates 11,461 50 18. Legal-tender notes, ... 34,216 00 19. Re demptlon fund with U. S. Treasurer (not more than 5 per cent. on c i r cula tlon) $5,000 00 Total $1,842,901 47 LIABILITIES 1. Capital stock paid in. SIOO,OOO 00 Surplus fund, . 430.000 00 Total capital and surplus $550,000 00 t. Uniivl ded ?T O fl tS, 44.145 29: res erved for taxes, $1,929 51: res erved for in t e re st, $2,981 24, . $49,056 04 Less current e x penses. 1 nt e rest and taxes paid 1,637 85 3. C 1 r culating notes 100,000 00 Less amount on hand and In Treas ury for rede mp tion or in transit, .. 2,200 00 € Due to banks and bank ers (others than in eluded in 3 or 6), .. 117,454 19 8. Demand deposits: . a I n d ividual d e p o sits subject to check. ...$690,225 82 b Certificates of de posit due In less than 30 days 7,159 50 cCert tfied checks. ... 1,580 00 d C a s hier's checks outstand ing 4,549 04 eUni t e d States de posits, ... 35,685 42 f Postal sav ings de posits, ... 3,829 19 Total deposits, Items 4. 5. 6, 7, and 8.. . . 860,483 16 9. Time deposits (payable after 30 days. or subject to 30 days or more notice:) n Certificates of deposit. 89,837 33 c Other time deposits, . 197,362 79 Total $1,842,001 47 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phin, SB: I. E. J. Glancey, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement I* true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. J GLANCEY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 9th day of September. 1915 a L. CULLMERRY, Notary Public, Correct—Attest: C. H. BACKENSTOE. A. C STAMM, WILLIAM JENNINGS, . Dlractors. I THURSDAY EVENING, ! OLD-TIME Mil I ll\l NEWPORT STREET Men's Association Will Hold En tertainment For Two Evenings on Paved Thoroughfare Newport, Pa., Sept. 9.—To-morrow ond Saturday evenings the Men's As sociation of Newport will hold an old time carnival on the paved block of Second street. As a preliminary a bicycle and wrist watch are offered to the boy and girl, respectively, who se cures the largest number of votes. The ba.nd. which will be placsd in the middle of the block, will provide the music and those so Inclined will be given an opportunity to dance. There will also be a Cakewalk and numerous other stunts, so that the visitor thereto will find plenty of entertainment. OOAL DREDGER DROWNED Special to The Telegraph t Sunbury, Pa.. Sept. 9. Yesterday the body of Walter Straub, aged 24, who disappeared a week ago was found in the Susquehanna river near Fisher's Creek. Straub was a river I coal dredger. He is by a wife and two children. RAILROAD EMPLOYE KILLED Special to The Telegraph Hagerstown, Md., Sept. 9.—William Porter, aged 40, employed on the wreck train on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, was killed while walking on the tracks from Knoxville to his home in Weverton. Porter's body was found yesterday morning along the track by a watchman. Porter is survived by his wife and three children. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Sept. 9. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Foreman entertained at their Waynesboro home on Tuesday evening. On this occasion they an nounced the engagement of their daughter. Miss Adele Brotherton Fore men. to Robert Spottiswood Payne. Jr., of Staunton, Va. SPIDER BITE SERIOUS Special to The Telegraph Marietta, Pa., Sept. 9. Aaron Sharp, a moulder at the Marietta Casting Company, is nursing a very sore hand, having been bitten on the finger by a spider last week. He paid no attention to the bite, until yester day when It began to swell, and the size of his hand i 3 almost double. He may lose the first finger. LITTLE GIRL BADLY INJURED Special to The Telegraph Hast Donegal, Pa., Sept. 9.—Clara Wade, ten years old. is in a critical condition from having fallen down au embankment into a concrete pit, while at play last evening. She was render ed unconscious and a'number of bones are broken and she is hurt Internally. TRACKLESS TROLLEY RIGHT IS REFUSED Special to The Telegraph Dillsburg, Pa., Sept. 9. Dillsburg council at a special meeting called for the purpose, voted down the proposi tion to grant a franchise to run a trackless trolley over the borough streets, which is to be the terminal of a proposed line from Dillsburg over the State road by the way of Wells vllle and Roeaville. YOUNG GIRL DTES Waynesboro. Pa., Sept. 9. Miss Hazel G. McSherry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William McSherry. died yes terday of heart trouble, aged 16 years. She Is survived by nine brothers and sisters. Pennsylvania Folks Who Cough, Whose Longs Are Weak. Harrisburg, Pa.—' Five years ago 1 had a good experience from using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. I had doctored for bronchitis for twe months without help. Because I could not take the doctor's medicine I took 'Golden Medical Discovery.' My mother had used it some years previous and this gave me faith in it. The first bot tle relieved me—the cough stopped and did not return. I have since had oc casion to use it once in the fall for n severe cold. One bottle has aJways been enough to cure me completely." —MBS. LUCY WILLITS, 1026 Wallace Street, Harrisburg. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery makes weak lungs strong. It cures obstinate deep-seated coughs, bleeding lungs, weakness, emaciation and other conditions. For people who are run-down, nervous, suffering from occasional "Indigestion or dyspepsia, headaches, night-sweats, whose ma chinery has become worn, it becomes necessary to turn to some tonic ox etrengthener which will help them gel on their feet. Fifty years ago Dr. Pleroe of In valids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, at Buffalo, X. Y., found a combination o 1 roots and barks, taken from the field* and woods and made into an alterative extract with pure glycerine, that pro duced results in the system which were satisfactory in cases of blood disorder, chronic coughs and stomach trouble, This concentrated extract of Nature's vitality purifies the blood by putting the stomach into healthy condition, helping the assimilation of food which feeds the blood, and putting the liver into activity. In sickness and health—6end for the "People's Common Sense Medical Ad viser." A book of iaoS pages. Send 3 dimes to Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel. BiifFalo. N. Y. i —• THE Office Training School Kaufman Rldg., 4 S. Market Sq. NOW IN SESSION Day School and Night Srbool Call or send for 32-page booklet— Bell phone 694-R. LEGAL NOTICES In the Estate of Clover B. William son, late of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin county, Pennsylvania. de- NOTICE Letters testamentary In the above estate havng been granted to the undersigned, all persons indebt ed to said estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment to Harrisburg Trust Compa'ny. Executor, 18 South Second Street Harrisburg, Pa. 111 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, State Highway Department. Sealed bids or i proposals for the furnishing of 3.000 i gallons or more of bridge paint will be I received at the offieej>f the State High i way Department. Harrisburg until 10 A. M.. September 15, at which hour they will be opened. Specifications and in structions to bidders can be had on ap plication to the State Highwav Depart ment, Harrisburg. Pa. R. J. Cunning ham. State Highway Commissioner. Complimentary Marriage '• License to the Murrays For Golden Anniversary After fifty yenrs of very happily wedded life gray-haired Mr. and Mrs. William E. Murray, 1531 Vernon street, this morning called at the office of the county recorder and—got a marriage license. They're going to be "married all over again," they ex plained to the clerk. The ceremony Is to be a part of the golden wedding anniversary this evening at the Mur ray home. Deputy Recorder Nissley Mumma, who consented to the issuance of the license, wrote across the paper "Com plimentary to the golden anniversary of the wedding of William E. Murray and Anns Logue." The record of the Issue contains the same facte as to age, occupation, etc., of Mr. and Mrs. Mur ray which were contained in the license Issued half a hundred years ago. DEATH OF PHILIP E. SXYDER Special to The Telegraph Duncannon, Pa.. Sept. 9. Philip Ebert Snyder died at his home In Ponn township, nged 68 years. He is sur vived by his wife, eight children, four sisters and two brothers. The chil dren are: J. W., of Wheatfieid town ship; C. W., of Enola; H. F., at home; W. E., of Martinez. Cal.; C. E., of Panama; Mrs. Charles Fuller, of Dun cannon; Mrs. Joseph Hunter, of Har rlsburg; Mrs. William Secrlst, of Penn township. Mr. Snyder was a member of the local lodge of Odd Fellows for fifty-five years and was also a member of Adams Dodge, No. 319, Masonic order, of New Bloomfleld. Funeral Services will be held on Friday at 1 o'clock p. m. The Rev. F. T. Kohler, pastor of the United Brethren Church, will officiate. Cumberland Valley Firemen in Session at Shippensburg Special to The Telegraph Shippensburg, Pa., Sept. 9.—Tester day the Cumberland Valley Volunteer Firemen's Association began Its an nual session here and decided to make the organization a beneficial one. The following officers were elected: Presi dent, S. K. Baxter, Shippensburg; first vice president, D. B. Davis, Chambers burg; second vice president, G. H. King, Waynesboro; third vice presi dent, J. Albert Hess, Chambersburg; secretary. E. F. Stremmel, Waynes boro, and treasurer, W. H. Richter, Clmmbersburg. It was decided to hold the next meeting at Mlddletown. This after noon there will be a big parade and this evening a band concert. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Gerberich Give Picnic at "Elm Tree" Special to The Telegraph Dauphin. Pa.. Sept. 9. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman C. Gerberich entertain ed a party of friends at a picnic at "The Elm Tree" on Saturday after noon and evening. Games were play ed and supper, cooked over an open grate was enjoyed by all. The party Included Judge Henry Duffy, Miss Maud R. Duffy, and Miss Alice Singer, all of Baltimore; Misses Sarah and Lula Harley, of Thompsonvllle, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. G. B. M. Derr, Mrs. A. F. Wilson, Miss Miriam Elizabeth Wagner, and M. H. Wagner, all of Lebanon, Miss Grace McClintock, of Harrisburg, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey C. Forney, Rev. and Mrs. Robert F. Sterling. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Poffen berger, Mrs. Elizabeth Gerberich, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wayne Singer, Miss Mar garet Brooks, Miss Anna Houck. Miss Mary 8. Poffenberger, Miss Ora Bickel, Miss Carrie Gerberich, Edgar W. For ney and Mr. and Mrs. Gerberich. SOCIETY ENTERTAINED HERE Dauphin, Pa.. Sept. 9. On Tues day evening, the Ladles Aid Society, of the Unite* Evangelical church was entertained on Tuesday evening, by Mrs. A. M. Baker at her home, 1829 Wallace street, Harrisburg. The mem bers of the society were taken down in Welker's jitney bus. The evening enlivened with music and recita tions. Refreshments were served, after which the society adjourned to meet Tuesday evening, September 21, when it. will be entertained by Miss Cora Coffrode. BISHOP HEIJ, WILL PRESIDE Dauphin, Pa., Sept. 9. Quarterly conference will be held to-morrow evening, at the United Evangelical parsonage, at 6:30 o'clock. Bishop W. F. Hell, of Allentown, will preside. On Sunday evening, at 7:30 church services will be held in the Evangelical church with preaching by Bishop Heil, followed by communion services. ANNOUNCE BIRTH OF A SON Special to T)\e Telegraph Dauphin. Pa.. Sept. 9. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer B. Vaughn, of Speeceville, announce the birth of a son, Elmer Breece Vaughn, Jr., on Monday, Sept. 6. 1916. Mrs. Vaughn was, before her marriage. Miss Bessie A. Minnlck. R. T. A. CIXB MEETS Special to The Telegraph Blaln, Pa., Sept. 9.—Last evening the R. T. A. Club met at the home of Miss Ida McKee. Games were played and refreshments served. | WEST. SHORE NEWS | W. A» Givler Squeezed Between Cars at Enola Enola. Pa., Sept. 9. W. A. Givler. of West Fairvlew, employed as labor boss in the Enola englnehouse, was se riously Injured yesterday afternoon when he was squeezed between two cars In a space of 4H Inches In shift ing cars on the engine storage tracks. Mr. Givler weighs about 210 pounds. He was picked up by his fellow em ployes and hurried to the Harrisburg hospital, where it was found that he had a compound fracture of the leg and internal injuries. He is 36 years . old and has ben an employe here for J several years. WILL ENTERTAIN CLASS New Cumberland, Pa., Sept. 9. Mrs. Charles Miller will entertain the Everfalthful Sunday school class of the Church of God of which she Is a member at her home in Fifth street, this evening. MUSIC TEACHER ELECTED New Cumberland, Pa., Sept. 9. Miss Mary Buttorff of Third street, has been appointed to teach vocal music In the local schools. Miss Buttorff Is an accomplished musician having graduated at Stetson University, Fla., and for the past year, has been teach ing In Nebraska. SHOULDER DISLOCATED New Cumberland, Pa., Sept. 9. Mrs. Sterner who lives with her daugh ter. Mrs. Shultz, In Market Square, fell and dislocated her shoulder yester day. WEST SHORE PERSONALS Mrs R. C. Nixon and soi£ Traver, of Steelton, visited friends at New Cumberland yesterday. Mrs. Charles Condron and son Wil bur, of New Cumberland, are visiting relatives at Shippensburg. i ffiUUUSBUR ITEI JEGRAFtf Post Season Games of Ball May 'Be Played During Big Celebration Tentative plans for the great Mu nicipal Improvement Celebration In clude a post season series of baseball games between the Harrisburg Inter national League team, major league clubs, and the Lincoln Giants, who are the crack colored aggregation of the world. Prior to their departure for Toronto yesterday the Harrisburg players were notified to return to Harrisburg at the close of the season, September 20. President Barrow will be here to pay oft the team and instruct the players as to their future contracts. Secre tary William R. Douglass is negotiat ing with major league teams for games during the Celebration week. Republican Candidates Pay Visit to the City Ferdinand Laudermilch, of Halifax, and F. B. Snaveiy, of Hershey, candi dates for poor director on the Repub lican ticket, were in Harrisburg to day meeting voters. Mr. Laudermilch who is well known in the upper end especially, where he has been in busi ness for many years, will have an al most unanimous vote in that district, his friends predict, having received pledges of support both in the lower end and In this city. Mr. Snaveiy has been Identified for years with the man agement of the great Hershey farms and is as strong in the lower part of the county and the city as Mr. Lou dermllch is in the upper sections, those Who have been over the ground say. Both stand high in their com munities and have had years of expe rience in business. AGED COLORED MAN DIES Simon Peter Smothers, aged HI, one of the oldest colored residents of the city, died late yesterday afternoon at his home, 101 Cherry street. He was a veteran of the Civil war, having served three years In Company G, Thirtieth regiment, United States Col ored volunteers from Maryland. Sur viving him are the following sons and daughters: Charles, of this city: H. W., S. Oliver Smothers. Paynesville, Ohio; Mrs. Nettle J. Coleman, Phoe nixvllle: Mrs. Virginia Collier and Mrs. Daisy Thompson; fourteen grandchil dren and two great-grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Bethel A. M. E. Church the Rev. U. G. Leep er officiating. Burial will be made in the Lincoln Cemetery. B. F. BURNS IMPROVED The condition of Benjamin F. Burns, 218 State street, who has been very 111 since Saturday from heart trouble, was reported slightly improved this afternoon. CLARK'S VALLEY PffCNIC By Associated Press Dauphin, Pa., Sept. 9.—On Saturday the Clark's Valley Sunday school will hold a picnic and festival at Bayard's Grove. "A Rubber Chain Tread built on a Powerful Modern Tire" KEEP A TIRE RECORD Factory capacity doubled—ample supply of the famous "Chain Treads" now ready, and at the lowest price in their history Our total factory capacity has been doubled. Now we are ready to supply " Chain Tread" Tires in unlimited quantities at popularprices. For several yejars we have built "Chain Tread" Tires for a limited trade t but heretofore we have not been able to produce "Chain Treads" in large quantities. "Chain Tread" Tires Safety experts acknowledge our rubber chain tread, built on this powerful modern tire, to be an absolutely marvelous anti-skid device. We challenge any competitor's tire to show you the same combination of real anti-skid protection and low cost per mile. We challenge vou to keep a tire record and prove it for yourself. Send your name and address, for a set of Free Tire Record Blanks. Harrisburg Auto Co., Susquehanna and Hamilton Sts. Keystone M. C. Co., 1021 Market St Myers, Tire Man (G. & J. Agency) Cameron and Mulberry Sts. # United States Tires riflEfe Made by the Largest Rubber Company in the World (Operating 46 Factories) • '; Vf i I •• • • * / ■ -\ \ - Edison Diamond Disc Phonograph • YOU cannot realize what a musical triumph Mr. Edison has achieved until you have actually heard the new Edison, with his wonderful diamond reproducer; he has made of the phonograph A REAL MUSICAL INSTRUMENT. A tone that is true, life-like, human, natural. Just what music lovers have been waiting for. New Cabinet Styles—Just Out An increasing popular demand has led to the manufacture of three new cabinet styles—priced at SIOO, $l5O and S2OO. They have the incomparable tone, and express the most modern thought in artistic case design. We want you to hear these new instruments. It will be a revelation to you. You will not be urged to buy. Stop in any time you're passing—or make a special trip. J. H. Troup Music House Troup Eiuilding 15 S. Market Sq. The Only Edison-Victor-Columbia Store in the City. SEPTEMBER 9.1915,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers