j Hundreds Want to Fill Your Wait. A Little Wait Ad Will Hid Ttcmj DIED I PRESCOTT Sept. 7. 1915, at Coates- I ▼ille, Pa., James M. Preecott, aged 41 J Relatives and friends and all or»*<jl- I ugffons of which he was a member are limited to attend without further no tire the services Thursday evening at T 30* at his late residence, 1820 Penn street. Further services and burial Eiizabethtown Friday morning. , MINNING On September 8. IMS, | Francis Minning. «9 years old. Funeral services Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of his daughter, j Mrs. Harry Hill. 16J9 Park street. The body can be viewed between < 9 o'clock. Thursday evening. All rela- . tires and friends are invited to - without further notice. Burial private- GARVERICH On Tuesday morning, j September 7, 191 a. John W. Garv el- Uh. at his home. Lucknow near River Road. Aged 73 years. Funeral on Friday afternoon at o'clock, from his late home, l-ucknow Lane. The relatives and friends are in vited to attend witho.it further notice. Burial East Harrlsburg Cemetery. SHELLY —Entered ' into Eternal life' Thursdav morning, September 9, 1915, at 5 o'clock, at the home _ of her daughter, Mrs. W. E. Skeen. No. Ann Katharine Shelly beloved, wi?.i of David M Shelly, No. 535 Camp street. In her 78th year. Funeral service Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. W. E. Skeen, to which the relatives and friends are Invited. Burial in **"l - plot in Paxtang Cemetery will be private. HAEN—On September 8. 1915, Edward C. Haen. son of Ida M. and Adolph Haen. near Marygvtlle, aged years, 7 months. . Funeral on Saturday at 2 p. m., from his parents' home. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. FREEBURN Died. Tuesday morn ing. at his late residence. 1520 H North Fourth street, Robert Free burn, aged 64 years. ... „ . Funeral serrices will be held Friday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Friends ana relatives are invited to attemd without further notice. A widow and two daughters survive. IX} ST LOST—Breast pin, on Tuesday night. Reward if returned to C. W. Crist, care of Brelsford Packing and Storage Co., Seventh and North streets. LOST This morning. between Sarah avenue and Sixth stueet on Boas, pocketbook with week's wages. Finder please return to 923 Sarah avenue. LOST Diamond brooch irtith gold leaves surrounded with pearls, idiamond in center. D. P. & S. store, Market street and shopping district. Liberal reward if returned to J. M. English, 2518 North Sixth street. LOST—Wednesday, on Second street, in Capital City Loan Association build ing. or in trolley from Harrisbuirg to Enola; pocketbook containing about 362.00. Reward if returned to Tele-, graph. FOOD FOUND That Eggerfa Steam Dye ing & French Cleaning Works, 1246 Market St.. do the very besV work in the city. Call either phone tor ;>roof. V*» call and deliver. HELP WANTED—MaIe WANTED Bushelman. steady Job year around. Apply, J. H. DoutPicn, Middletown, Pa. WANTED Young man to worfk at soda fountain. Address 0., 2969. care of Telegraph. WANTED An experienced sales man for domestic department. Apply Kobinson and Co., Third and Broad streets. WANTED Colored man to cook; for 4 to 6 weeks. Apply. S. W. Fitz gerald, 817 Walnut street. SOLICITORS WANTED—Live wires; fine proposition for hustlesrs only. Ap ply, Jewel Tea Co., 269 Broad street. WANTED—A young man for office work. See office manager. Brelsford Packing and Storage Co.. Seventh and North streets. WANTED—Competent young man to j work In calendar factory. Must come | recommended. Myers Manufacturing i Company, second floor, Tlvird and Cum- i berland streets, city. WANTED Carpenters .and laborers. I Apply Havens Company, Ninth andtj Cumberland streets. City. I WANTED Tool makers as semblers grinders, machine hands, experienced on gasoline motors. No labor trouble. Pitts-* burgh Model Engine Co., Lexing-' ton street and P. R. R., Pitts-i burgh, Pa. WANTED Three first class expe rienced plumbers and helpers. Apply,, F. W. Reuwer, 1928 Lopan street. WANTED Yoang man to learn the furniture and cmfpet business,; state age and experience. Address, A 2972, care Telegraph. WANTED - Neat young: man for counter and floor work. Apply, Rustic Dairy Lunch, 5-7-9 South Third street. WANTED Young man, 18 years or over ,to work In store. Applyi'fiOl State street. WANTED—Form carpenters, on C. V. R. R. bridge, kong job, good wages. Apply on , work to Robert Grace Contracting Co. FOR RENT ' Lemoyne, 352 Tork St, . $7 1502 Boas St.. 2 s. b.. 6 rx CIO 257 Sayford Ave., 2ty s. S $lO 140 Linden St., 3 s. f., 8 n. 912 Enola. Adams St ~.. sl2 2141 Atlas Ave., 2H s. b„ 7 r. b.. sia 2152 N. Seventh St.. 3 s. !>„ I r . sl3 1500 Allison St., 2VS s. b, 7 r. ...sl4 627 Brlggs St., 3 s. f., 8 Tr sl4 Bella Vista. Ross Ave. 914.n0 1503 Allison St.. CV4 s. b, 7 r. b., sls Near Duncannon, s. f., 10 r„ si« 419 North St., 3 s. b., 8 r., b sls 1531 S. 13th St., 3 s. b., 8 r.. b. ...si«l J536 S. 13th, 3 b. b.. 8 r $lfl : JUO4 S. 12th St., 2V4 «• b.. 8 r. b.. $l« t!T9 Emerald St.. 3 s. b., 9 r slT' 109 S. 14th St., 3 s. b., 10 r. A b., SIT 133 N. 13th St.. 3 s. b.. 8 r. & b„ $25. 203 Kelker St., 3 s. b.. 8 r $251 1207 N. 14th St., new, 2U s. b. ...s2s' 2202 N. sth St.. 3 s. b„ 7 r. b. . ..SBO. 1109 N. 2nd St., 3 s. b., 10 r., b. . .480 3rd St., 3 s. b.. 10 r. ... $82.5(1 2108 N. Third St $35 "Hl'l Crest," Bella Vista S«IA Hainlyn (Aldinger Cottage) ... WO, S-Front st - furnished. 4 s. b. 209 E. Front St.. 3 s. b.. 10 r., 2 b. APARTMENTS 343 Muench St., 4 r. & b i.sl2 35 8. Summit St., 3 r., Ist floor,, sl2 825 .N. Bth St. (furnished) S2O Ill.N. 6th St., 3d floor $25 2208 N. 3rd St.. 3d floor S4O 6 rooms—bath $37.50 FOR BENT Summer cottages., fnralahetl and anfuralshed. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. REAL ESTATE Insurance Surety Bonds Locust and Court Streets l L- - J THURSDAY EMENING, HELP WA.VTED—MaIe WANTED First hand on bread and cakes, steady position, SIB.OO a week. Must be honest, sober and ccm i petent. Address Bon Ton Baldery, ! Punxsutawney. Pa. I WANTED lmmediately, one man j to work on moulding machine, as a i cutting up man, two to work on door land window frames; none t>ut ex perienced need apply. E. K. Frailer. Lemoyne, Pa. HELP WANTED iVMALK WANTED Everybody to Irnow a student entered March AS and started work with a structural company July 20 —Just four months* Hartrisburg Shorthand School. 11 North Seconal street. WANTED Girl to do housework; must be respectable and will ha.ve a good home. Apply, 161(0 Market street. I WANTED Reliable white woman | for cook; must be experienced. Apiply, IIS Market street. WANTED Bright girl to learn marking and assorting. Apply. Troy Laundry, 1520-26 Fulton street. WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to»learn the tnade of Cigar Making. Pay while.learn ing. Welfare after by a. trained nurse. Apply at Harris burg Cigar Co.. 500 Race street., WANTED—Toning lady for general; office duties. Must wTlte shorthaud and be willing to work for reasonable wages to start. Apply New Idea Hos iery Company. WORKS DRESSMAKING SCWOOL— Become a pupil now. Make all your Fall and winter dresses while learning an art that will be of endless value as long as you liv*. Day and evwntng WANTED Woman to do pastry work. Apply 211 Walnut street, do mestic Science kitchen. WANTED White womaji for gen eral housework. Apply 1521 North Sec ond street. WANTED Girl about 18 years of* age; must be handy with the needle. Address Box O, J6BJV care of Telegrraph. WANTED Experienced saleslady,, elegant chance tor, advancement. Ad-« dress, S 2971, care Telegraph. FALL TERM commences August 80; Night School, Tuesday evening. August 31. Thorough courses. Individual In struction and the greatest results. Har risburg BhorthanJ School. 31 Northj9ec-> ond street. WANTED Lady teacher to teach boy 9 years old two hours dally (ex cept Saturday); school teacher pre ferred; no objection after school hours;i neighborhood Eighteenth and Walnut. Address J., 2MT, care of Telegraph. YOU CAN GET TIE MONEY to get the-things you'desire if you are trained—office trained. Aspiring young men and women who want to feel the satisfaction of enjoying more than the com mon necessities of life should send for our booklet, "THE ART OF'GETTING ALONG IN THE WORLD" We will gladly send you a copy of this little book free and without the slightest obligation. Use a postal to-day. The Ol der Training School, Kaufman Building, 4 S. Market Square. Bell phone 694 R. J WANTED Experienced saleslady to sell ready-to-wear garments. Ad •dress Box No. 2966, care of Telegraph. | WANTED Toung white woman for [•child's nurse, must sleep at home; ref erences required. Inquire at 406 North '( Third street. I WANTED Ten thoroughly expe rienced power sewing machine opera [tors to work on aprons, children's "rompers and wash suits. Steady work and good wages Jennings Manufac turing Co.. 414-416 State street. WANTED Salesgirl; steady em ' ployment; experience not required; ref , erence in own handwriting. Address G., 2964, care of Telegraph. LAUNDRESS WANTED White wo man. Apply Bolton House. 1 HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female EXPERIENCED SALESPEOPLE WANTED Permanent positions jfor men and women who are honest,, earnest, alert and anxious to render genuine service. Splendid environment. Good pay for efficiency. Apply at once to General Manager. BQWMAW & CO. SITUATIONS WASTED— MaIe WANTED Tooumg married mm, sober and honest, desires position run ning Ford car as Jitney. Call or ad dress, N. I. Z., 626 Schuylkill street. City. WANTED Toung married man, ex perienced in all kinds of office work, desires position; can furnish good ref erence. Address, M 2974, care Tele j graph. • I WANTED By sober, industrious i middle-aged man, labor work of any i kind, or work in livery stable. Address iH„ 2976, care of Telegraph. WANTED By young eoan, position as chauffeur. Ford automobile prefer rfid. Apply, 14 North Fifth street. I WANTED—Toung eolored man de | sires position as chauffeur, first-class I reference. Call or address 1712 Wal nut street. ! Y<#ung man 18 yeans of age desires ' work driving delivery team. Apply at 1 1321 Wallace street. I WANTED —Br young man, position as bellman or kitchen help; can give reference. 1111 Grape street. SALESMAN WANTS position. Hiv« sold machinery for laat fifteen year*. Will accept any kind of position Ad dress M.. 2966. care of Telegraph. WANTED Boy. with bicycle, -wanta a job delivering packages or errand boy; well acquainted with city. Apply Joseph Banner, Box 16, West Palrvlsw, Pa. WANTED Toung man desires to finish trade as printed. Call, or ad | dress. Joe Wise. Enhaut, Pa. WANTED Toifcig man desires po sition as printer. Call, or address, Fred Koenlg, Jr., Enhaut. Pa. SI'IXATItJNb WANTED—FEMALE WANTED Middle aged -white wo man desires position as housekeeper in small family, or second coek; can fur . nlsh raferences. Write 214, North Arch il street, Mechanicsburg, Pa. . StTl AnoXS W ANTED —Female WANTED— Colored woman desires washing and Ironing for Mondays and Tuesdays away from home. Call or ad drees. 11l I>ewberry avenue. WANTED Colored woman wants work of any kind. Apply 116 Vi Liberty street. A white lady wishes to keep house I for a small family or widower in the city. Apply at 233 South street. NURSE, colored, with hospital experi ence, will take full charge of infant or invalid. Address 8., 2963, care of Tele graph. . WANTED Colored woman desires • washing and ironing to do at home Call, or address. 1308 North Seventh street. WANTED Position by young wo man as secopd girl, or general liouso work. Address 343 Muench street, city. WANTED by colored woman, cook ing In private family or hotel In the city. Call 1315 Cowden street. Housekeeper wants position. Best references. J. 2976, care of Telegraph. WHITE WOMAN wants dav's work in or out of city. Address, C. A. H.. Box 38, New Cumberland. Pa. WANTED Young woman ni-ants fiosltion as housekeeper for small fam ly. Address L. E. (?.. General Delivery. Hill Station. Harrlsburg, Pa. WANTED To do general house work; Catholic family preferred. Ad drt'i I. M. P., R. F. D. No. 1, Dauphin, care of James Hocker. WANTED Colored woman would like position at general housework or day's work, in or out of citv. Address Box A. 2962, care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE A PROPERTY on the hill with a lot 21 feet front, In good condition, with all Improvements, rented at SIB.OO per month, is well worth 81900. Get tn touch with UB for particulars. Brln ton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut •streets. FOR SALE—No. 17 South Eighteenth street, modern three-story brick house, ■with steam heat, electric light, porch /and paved street. Price, 83300. J. E. Glpple, No. 1251 Market street. FOR SALE Corner property at PaMang, Pa., having all modern im provements. Including hot water heat and containing milk house and stable on rear of lot. Bargain to quick buy er. J. E. Gipple, No. 1251 Market street. PROPERTY In the 1400 block Zarkei street, 2Vt story frame, (1,600. Property In the 1800 block White hall street. 3-story brick, 84,500. Property in the 1600 block Market street. 3-story brick. $450. BRTNTON PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE Desirable Penbrook property; 8 rooms; excellent location; trolley at door; good repair and newly painted; beautiful shade, trees; lot, 18x 180 feet; water and gas. A bargain to quick buyer. Apply to Michael Sheaffer, 2635 Penn street. Penbrook. Pa. FOR SALE A real rarm—-no imita tion, 3 miles northepst of Rockviile; 83 acres—ss cultivated; high state culti vation—produces; dandy water; fruit. Don't w»tt—l'll sell—retiring;. No. 2961, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE No. 75 Disbrow street, two-story corner brick house, with all modern improvements and all street paving complete. An attractive invest ment. Price $2450. J. E. Gipple. No. 1251 Market. FOR SALE—No. 22 South Eighteenth street, three-story, nine-room frame house, in first-class condition. Will rent for $15.00 per month. Price, $22.50. J. E. Gipple, No. 1251 Market stteet. FOR SALE No. 1926 Park street, new three-story brick house, steam heated, with porch and side entrance, paved street and drive allev in rear. Price, $3300. J. E. Gipple, No. 1251 Market street. FOR SALE—No. 1623 Naudaln street, a two-story, six-room brick house with all modern Improvements; street and alley in rear paved Rentals will net 7 per cent. Price, S2OOO. J. E. Gipple. No. 1251 Market street FOR SALE 205 South Second I street, Steelton. Central, good business . location, trolley at door, good repair land paint, city water and well: big bargain. Call 177 South Front stceet. FOR SALE A Cumberland county j farip of 52 acres, 2H miles from New Kingston, 12 miles from Harrisburg; good 7-room house with 8-ft. porches around three sides; good barn and other buildings. Price. $2,000, or will ex- i change on city property of equal value C. Fry, Carlisle. Pa., ft. P.. No. 1. REAL ESTATE FOR KENT FOR RENT ll9O Christian street; two-story brick; all Improvements and up-to-date in all respects; seven rooms*, I including bath; rent, $17.00. Inquire , 269 Herr street between 6 and 7 P. M. j FOR RENT—Two-story brick house, , 8 rooms, all improvements; side en- ' trance. Rent, SIB.OO. 1820 Boas street. Call, H. W. Ward, 1518 Walnut street. FOR RENT Basement room, suit able for tailor, cobbler or plumber, at | 1266 Market street; rent, $lO, including heat and water. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Mar ket street. FOR RENT 1713 North Third street; three-story; all improvements; recently j>aj>ered and painted through out; Immediate possession. Apply 1100 North Front street. sl2 and modern, Corner Stores • Hamilton and Third Streets SuMable for *b y kuls«u or office purponca. Chas. Adler 1002 K. Third Street. REAL ESTATE FO« S.\LU OR BEST FOR SALE OR RENT 26 bbl. Wolf Toller mill in 3%-story stone building, and two pairs of feed stones; also cider press, saw mill and several acres of ground. situated on big Conewago creek. 11 miles north of Tork. Pa. For further Information call on or address J»b. F. Cltne, Ste?lton, Pa. HEAL ESTATE W AMI Ii WANTED by young couple' with ihree-year-old child, either small house ■or four-room apartment with bath. "Within five minutes' walk from Market street. Address 0., 2977. care of Tele graph. APARTMENTS FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Second floor at the Walidort facing Capitol; ail rooms, tiled bath and pantry; hard wood floors. «loctrlc light and city at earn. Inquire 400 North street. FOR RENT On or before October Ist. second floor front suite, large liv ing room, bedroom, private bath, city •team, electric lighting, hardwood ■floors. Reference* required. 218 Pine street. FOR RENT A second floor apart ment; four rooms with uae of bath; all rooms front; pleasant location. 1532 Green, corner Harris. A. Buckingham. FOR RENT S-room apartment; 2 squares from Capitol; all modern im provements Inquire, 287 Forsrter •treet. FOR RENT—Tlilra floor, front apart ment, No. 32 North Second street.; 1 rooms and bath; steam heat and elec tric HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH M'AKTMEMS EOR RENT I FOR RENT 225 North Second I streeT, housekeeping apartment; 5 j rooms, pantry, tiled bath, modern In .every detail; private hall entire length 'of apartment; city vapor heat; hot > water furnished. Apply 218 Pine street. i Bell phone 559 W. APARTMENTS WANTED APARTMF.VTS WASTED FURNISHED—four rooms and bath; would consider furnished house—not more than $35 a month Miller Brothers & Co.. Locust and Court Sts. ROOMS FOR KENT FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or en suite. Bell phone. Address 719 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Very attractive first and second-story rooms. In heart of city, steam heated, modern rental, last occupanl a dentist. Immediate posses sion. Possible purchase option. 202 Locust street. FOR RENT Two large, well-fur nished rooms; one with private balcony; each room suitable for two or three fentlemen or married couple. Inquire 25 Pine street. FUitNISHED ROOMS With all im provements, city steam heat and elec tric lights, 209 Walnut street. Inquire of Ellanora Gove, 226 North -Third street. Millinery Store. FOR RENT ond floor; pleasant for man and wife; warm, clean home for winter; hot water system; also smaller room on second floor; use of phone. 117 Pine street. | FOR RENT Furnished rooms, sec- I ond floor front, with board if desired; I two minutes' walk from Capitol; refer ence exchanged. Apply 721 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, modern, second floor front, single or en suite; private bath; use of phone; i private family, near Capitol, references I required. 121 State street. Bell phone I 801 R. FOR RENT Second floor front room, newly furnished, across from Capitol Park; all conveniences; city steam heat; large bath. including shower; use of phone. 406 North street. FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms, with large bay window, front; each room convenient for one or two gontlemen. Huffman Apartments, Fifth and Market streets. Second Apartment. ROOMS WANTED WANTED To rent office room in downtown section. Reasonable rent. I Apply Box 339, city. WANTED Furnished apartment, first floor preferred or would consider furnished house, by young married couple, no children. Address M. 2975, care of Telegraph. WANTED Three or four rooms, i with bath, on second floor front, be | tween Kelker and Emerald streets and Third and Sixth street; no children. Address N„ 296 K. rare of Telegraph. ROOM AND BOARD WANTED WANTED By married couple board and room In modern house with private family; location preferable, north of Derry Btreet on Hill. W. J. Robinson, care Dodd and Struthers, Sixteenth and Elm streets, city. WANTED for young man. 18 years old, room and board In congenial sur roundings and good Influences, between Boas and Kelker. and Front and Sixth streets. 1217 North Third street. WANTED Board and room in mod ern house with private family; location preferable, nortn of Derry street on Hill. Address. W. J. Robinson, care Dodd and Struthers. Sixteenth and Elm streets. City. BOARDERS WANTED WANTED One or two boarders or roomers tn private family; home com forts; t ites reasonable. Apply at No. 102 Calder street, near river. FOR SALE BARGAIN'S IN TYPEWRITERS —Re- built and second-hand L. C. Smith, Un derwoods, Remington and others from SIO.OO up. Supplies and office equip i ment of every description. Geo. P. | Tillotson, 36 South Fourth street. I FOR SALE WALLPAPER Many at half of list price. Paper de vered anywhere free. Hanjginc roa- I sonable. A. U. Spotz, 1317-19 Market j street. | FOR SALE Fine piano, French ; walynut case, in good condition. Will i sell at half of original cost. Good reason | for selling. Can be seen at No. 20 South Sixteenth street. ! MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS lndian, I 1914. 2-speed, lamp, preston, speedome ! ter, claxon, tandem, $150; Indian, 1914, I with side car, fully equipped, $160; Ex- I celslor, 1914, equipped, fine shape, $125. Keystone Garage. 814 North Third St FOR SALE Motor trucks, aecond -hand, different makes, at bargain prices to quick buyers. Capacities range from 800 tbs. to 3 tons. Call at 619 Walnut street for information and demonstration. FOR SALE Wagon, suitable for baker, grocery or laundry. Apply D. Wilder, Fourth and Bridge streets. New Cumberland, Pa. FOR KALE CARDS on Mia at the Telegraph Bualnesa office FOR SALE Farmers, contractors, for sale cheap. twenty thousand feet lumber, tables, counters and stock racks, also fixtures for chicken farm. 230 Court street. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S. 113, 118 ind 117 South Second street. 5,000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme I make. | FOR SALE Sorrel horse and run i about shifting parasol. Price. $l5O. Can be seen at 1735 North Twelfth j street. I FOR SALE 1912 Cadillac Roadster, in fine condition; full equipment. Includ ing electric lights and starter; shock absorbers all around and gas saver; new tires. Communicate P. O. Box 188, Har rlsburg, Pa. FOR SALE —I Peach baskets and wood cover*. Prompt shipments. Kin zle Apgar & Brother, Califon, N. J. FOR SALE. CHEAP Carpenter's ; and lewpler's lathe; good condition. | Apply beforp Saturday evening. No. 620 I Oxford street. I FOR SALE Three-piece parlor set ' for sale. Call at 610 Peffer street. City. FOR 6ALE Scratch Pada new i supply—so for 25c while they laat. Ap : ply Job Printing Department .The Tele | graph Printing Company. I GLASS window slg-na. Furnished | Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms. Roorai and I Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these Bigns will be given with each | six-time order for a classified ad. If ! paid In advance. Inquire at Office of 1 Telegraph. FOR SALE Bed spring and mat tress. cooking utensils, dishes, carpen ter »aw, fancy hand-made cushions, cur - tains, pictures. Jelly glasses, wringer, I Irons and ironing board. 124 Sayfcrd avenue. Bell phone 3877 J. I FOR SALE Bay carriage, In good condition; Pullman style; dark green j body and hood: was used only a short 'time. Gohi's Bakery, 226 South street. Bell phone 2579 M. FOR SALE Oakland Roadster; good tires; Just overhauled; big bar gain. H. V. Runic. Central Garage. ' FOR SALE Twin HarJey-Davidson motorcycle, with light, horn and gaa I tank in perfect running order; will eeli jcheap. 324 south Fourteenth street. f~OK SALE ROOMS FOK RENT CARDS can M secured at the Telegraph Buslneas Office. Op TO GABLE'S for wire fence of ell kinds and gates to match. No. 111-11* South Second. FOR RENT _FOR RENT Second floor room. 3.T00 square feet, for light manufactur ing purpose*. New building. Call at premises. Twelfth and Herr streets. WANTED "WANTED To repair chimneys In Enola. Leave your address at Enola Restaurant. I will call. William Sheaf fer, Enola Restaurant. WANTED A second-hand hot-air furnace. Bell phone 1420 W. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES "WANTED To make an Investment where services are required; SI,OOO to $4,000; must be a going huiiineas. Ad dress, M 2973. Rre Telegraph. I MADE $60,000 In Ave years In the mall order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 355 Lockport. N. T. ANT Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798, Lock port, N. T. BUSINESS PERSONALS WE are headquarters for Trunks. Suit Cases and Bags. Before your va cation Inspect our iarge stock. Have your repairing done here and save money. Harrlsburg Harness & Supply Company, Second and Chestnut. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street. Harrlsburg. Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. HAULING R. A. HARTMAX, Boardlnft Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of planoa. safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No 2503 R. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE. rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We invite Inspection. Low insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrlaburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household roods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, tl to $3 Wagons, <6 cants per month. Apply D. Cooper A Co.. 411 Broad street. Both ohone*. FINANCIAL MONEY TO LOAN, having two Build ing and Loan Associations and a Trust Co. Address P. O. Box 496. Steelton, Pa. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE By virtue of a cecree of the court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, sit ting in Equity, riled to No. st»o Equity Docket, the undersigned will expose at public sale and sell to the highest end host bidder, in accordance with the terms of the decree aforesaid, at the Courthouse In the City of Harrlsburg, on Friday, the sth day of November, 1915, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, all the lines of telephone and system of telephone communication of the Cum berland Valley Telephone Company as now constructed and in operation, whether constructed by said company or acquired by purchase, lease or other wise: Located fn the Counties of Dau fihin. York, Adorns, Cumberland. Frank- In, Perry, Juniata, Mifflin, Snyder and Schuylkill in the State of Pennsylvania.- commencing in the City of Harrlsburg, thence extending southwesterly through Mechanicsburg. Carlisle, Newvllle, Ship nensburg, Chambersburg. Greencastle to Maryland State line; from Chambers burg southeasterly through Fayette ville, GralYensburg, Cash Town. Mc- Knlghtstown, Gettysburg and thence to Littlestown to Maryland State lir\e; from Gettysburg to and through New Oxford. Hanover, Spring Grove . and thence connecting with the York Tele phone and Telegraph Company; from New Oxford through East Berlin to Hamptajn; from Chambersburg west to St. Thomas and Richmond, connect ing with the Orblsonla Telephone Com pany; south from St. Thomas through Mercersburg to Welsh's Run; from Greencastle southeast through Waynes boro. thence to Maryland State line; from Gettysburg through Seven Stars, Biglervllle to York Springs and Latl more; from Shlppensburg through to Orrstown to Strassburg; from Newvllle to Green Snrlng connecting with the Hopewell Telephone Company; from Carlisle through Mount Holly to Pine Grove; from Carlisle through Church town to Boiling Springs; from Carlisle through Elllottson to Plalnfield; from Mechanicsburg south through Shep-. pardstown; Bowmansdalc to Grantham; from Mechanicsburg to Hogestown; from Harrlsburg to West Fairvlew and Enola, thence connecting with the East ern Perry Telephone & Telegraph Com pany; from Harrlsburg to and through Steelton to Oberlln and Hlghsplre, con necting with the Mlddletown Telephone Companv; from Harrlsburg through Penbrook to Progress, connecting with the East Hanover Telephone Company; from Harrlsburg east through Paxtang, Rutherford. Hummelstown. Hockers \'llle, Hershey to Campbellstown. con necting with the United Telegraph & Telephone Company; at Hummelstown connecting with the Farmers Mutual Telephone Company and at HockersviUe connecting with the Derry Township Telephone Company, also connecting at Hummelstown with the Mlddletown Telephone Company; and from Harrlsburg north through Rock ville, Dauphin, thence to Mata moras. there connecting with the Lykens Telegraph & Telephone Com pany, with all trunk and other lines connecting and uniting the same, al< branch and service lines In the cities and boroughs and townships of the counties named, all exchanges, private branch exchanges, exchange and station outfits, switchboards, supplies and ap paratus and transmitting communica tions. cables and wires, overhead and underground, In buildings or exposed, all telephones and transmitters, whether placed In the property ol Cum berland valley Telephone Company or of other corporations, firms or individ uals, together with all branches and extensions thereof and therefrom, all lines and rights of way occupied by lines of said Company, granted by municipal or proper authorities of cit ies, boroughs and townships, and all the estate, right, title and interest of tha Cumberland Valley Telephone Com fiany In and to all the aforesaid, and all eases and contracts and all the es tate In leased lines and all extensions now belonging and maintained by Cumberland Valley Telephone Com pany, constituting and making an en tire plant and system of communica tion. improvements and hereditaments used for the purpose of operating and conducting the business of a telephone company, together with all private branch exchanges, furniture, tools. Im plement* and materials belonging to ■aid Cumberland Valley Telephone Company, and together with all and singular the ways, easements. rights and franchises to operate salt] line of telephone company, liberties, privi leges, hereditaments and appurtenances, as well as the rents, tolls. Income, Is sues and proftts. and generally all the estate, real and personal, and all the estate, right, property. Interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the Cum berland Valley Telephone Company, in law or In equity or otherwise howso ever. Also all the right, title, interest and ownership of said Cumberland Valley Telephone Company in and to the fran chises, property, rights and credits formerly of a corporation known aj> the Juniata & Susquehanna Telephone Company, all of whoso property Is sub- Ject to a mortgage of the par value of »6,<J00.00 and consists of certain tele phone lines and property situate In the counties of Perry. Snyder, Mifflin, Jum dta. Dauphin and Schuylkill, In the State Pf Pennsylvania, the terpiinal SEPTEMBER 9, 1915. points thereof being as follows: The boumlary line between Centre and Mif- , nin| counties at a point near Milroy, also Belleville, Mifflin County; also a point on the west bank of the Susquehanna River at the end of the railroad bridge opposite Sunbury, Northumberland County; also New Bloomtteld, Perry County; also East Waterford, Juniata County; also Montgomery's Ferrv In Perry County, and certain lines buflt In the Lykens Valley in Dauphin Coutity, connecting with the lines of the Lykens Telegraph and Telephone Company. And also, all the right, title. Interest and ownership of the said Cumberland valley Telephone Company in and to *10,000.00 par value of the capital stock of the Lykens Telegraph & Telephone Company, a corporation of the State of Pennsylvania, being the total issue thereof; and $138,760.00 par value 01 the capital stock of the Cumberland \ alley Telephone Company of Balti more City, a corporation of the State of Maryland, doing business in the States of Maryland, Virginia and West Virgin la with exchanges In Hagerstown and Willlnnisport. State of Marvland, in Martinsburg. West Virginia and Win chester, Virginia, being the total issue thereof; and all the right, title and in terest of the said Cumberland VaJley Telephone Company Ir. and to a claim agnlnst the United Telephone & Tele graph Company for an amount not less than $300,000, said amount being due as rentals to said Cumberland Valley Tele phone Company. More definite Information as to the quantity and location of property to be sold, if desired, may be obtained upon application to the undersigned. All the property above described and referred to will be sold as an entirety to the highest ana best bidder. No bid less than fifty thousand dollars will be accepted, and no bid will be received from any bidder who shall not deposit with the undersigned, ,as h pledge that he will make good his bid in case of Its acceptance, the sum of five thou sand dollars In cash or In a certified check on a National Bai»k or Trust Company in the State or Pennsylvania Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be returned when the property has been stricken down and the deposit of the successful bidder will be applied on account of his bid Twenty per cent oi the purchase money must be paid' i. cash to the undersigned within ten days after the property is stricken down, the deposit above provided for to be part of said 20 per centum and the rest of the purchase monev shall be paid to the undersigned within three weeks after the date of confirmation of sale by the Court, application for which confirmation will be made two weeks after the property shall have been sold The purchaser in making payment of 80 per cent, of the purchase money will be entitled to deliver to the Trustee and use toward the payment of said 80 per cent, first mortgage bonds of the Cumberland Valley Telephone Company at such values as the Trustee may esti mate, as provided in the decree direct ing this sale to be made. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY Trustee, Harrlsburg, Pa. NOTE—lncluded in the property to be sold as the property of the Cumber land Valley Telephone Company Is the lot of ground, with the improvements thereon, being No. 227 Walnut Street Harrlsburg, Pa., and occupied by the Company as an office and exchange building: sl7.e of lot, 24'2"x100'x23'3"x 100'; subject to mortgage for $8,833.34 and interest; (see Mortgage Book "A." Vol. 3. page, 460, Recorder's Office, Har rlsburg. Pa.). PHII.AHF.I.PHIA STOCKS By Associated Press Philadelphia. Sept. 9. Wheat Steady; No. 2, red, new, spot and Sep tember, $1.05 % ® 1.07 % ; No. 2 red west ern, new, $1.09f151.11. Corn Market lower; No. 2. yellow, local, 85% (g 1 86 Vic; No. 2, yellow, 84% @> 85% c. Oats Lower: No. 2 white, none, here; No. 3, -white, new, 89(R41c. -r. -j Bran—The market is steady; wlnter.j city mill, winter, per ton. $26.50; western, winter, per ton, none here; spring, per ton. $24.00@24.60. Refined Sugars Market lower;' powdered. 5.80 c; fine granulated, 5.50c;i confectlonersS A, R. ,oc. Butter Market steady; western, creamery, 27c; nearoy prints, fancy, 30c.' Eggs The market Is Arm; i Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $7.50®7.80 per case; nearby' current receipts, free cases, $6.90© 7.20; western extra firsts, free cases, Si.Bofi. 8.10; western firsts, free cases, s7.2o<R'» 7.50. Live Poultry Market dull; fowls 15i®li>%c; old roosters, 12®13c; roil ing chickens, 15(gl8c; spring ducks, 14< #lsc; old ducks. 12<&' 14c. Dressed Poultry Market steadyr; fresh killed fowis fatic> ... average. 17%# 18c; do., unattractive, 16®i 17c; do., old roosters, 3c; do., broiling chickens, nearby, 22@2flc; do., western. 16(S 21c: do., spring ducks. 1$ ®l7c; do., western. 10®12c; ice packed fowls. ISffllSc. Potatoes —Market steady; Madne, per bushel. 16£p2(tc: New York, nor bushel. 15W20c: Southern. p»r 50c051.25; Jersey No. 1, per basikjet, 25 (§>3sc: Jersey No. 2, per basket, 10<g>15c. Flour Quiet; winter straights, new. $4.75(95.00; spring, straight®, new, $4.75®5.00: do., patents, new, $5.00® 5.25; do., patent, old, $6.25®7.00. Hay—.Steady; new hay, $16.00®f21.00; per ton as to quality; No. 1, large bales. s24ou® 2500; No. 1. ,rn*>dlum bales, $25.00: No. 2, do.. $14.00; tfJo. i. do.. $20.00(0 21.00. : Light mixed. $24.00; No. 1. d0..,>522.50 ©22.U0; No. 2. do.. $20.00® 21.00. CHICAGO CATTI.E By Associated Press Chicago, Sept. 9. —Hogs; receipts, 1,000; strong. Bulk $6.50© s7.&>: light $7.30© $8.20: mixed $6.30® $8.15|: heavy $6.10(5 $7.55; rough $6.10©56.3(0; pigs $6.50© SB.OO. Cattle; receipts 4,000; weak. Native beef cattle $6.10® $10.25; western $6.70 ©58.85; cows and heifers $3.00<®58.45; calves $8.00©512.00. Sheep: receipts 11,000; weak. Sheep $5.40©56.00; lambs $6.25f1»5R.85. Homes For Sale You are invited to inspect those houses now beingierected i at Nos. 1911, 1913, 1915 and 1917 Chestnut street. If you really appreciate quality in house these homes will appeal to you. ' _,#! J. E. QIPPLE 1251 Market Street «- ' Fine Homes For Sale Three Houses Nos. 914, 916 and 918 North Eighteenth street. Built in pairs, having side and rear entrances, all modern improvements, including steam heat. Price and terms liberal. One House No. 1721 Boas street, in course of erection. This is a detached house, having a wide lot and extending to a twenty-foot rear street. Single houses are not usually iraih for sale but there are many families now appreciating the ad vantages of a home with air space from all sides. Look this house over, you will find in it a thoroughly up-to-date home. TWO BUNGALOWS, buflt along the Progress Trolley line, between Penbrook and Progress, all improvements, si* rooms, hall and bath, steam heat, electric lights. Lots 32 ft. by 150 ft. Attractive, well built and comfortable suburban homes. HA Qli n«*lr Owner and Builder • A. oner*., 132S STATE sr. 1 ... ~r 11 FURTHER HIES IN WAR SPECIALTIES Bethlehem Steel Opened 3 Points Up at 302, Rising Gradually to 310 in Short Time New York, Sept. 9. Further sen sational advances m war specialties overshadowed all other operations In to-day's early market. Bethlehem Steel opened threp putnts up at 302, ris ing gradually to 310. to which It im mediately added another five points, ex ceeding its previous high record by four points. The preferred opened at 150. a gain of 9Mi- Crucible Steel showed nn overnight gain of 1% at 89, soon advancing to 90%. Other issues in this group rose 1 to 3 points. tJ. S. Steel made an initial gain of a frac tion. later rising to 76. a full point. Among railways Reading. Canadian Pa cific and Erie first preferred rose a point each, while Morris and Essex, a i''?*«5 a, Y ann . a Kl| bsidiary declined from 163 laßt P rev '°u» quotation, to NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by E. S. Goshorn. 208-209 Arcade Building. New York, Sept. 9. «. . „ , Open. High. Low. Clos. Alaska G M 32Va 32% 32% 32** ' Am Bt Sug 66% 67 % 66% 66% Am Can .. 37% 58% 57% 58% Am C& F. 68% 70% 68% 69 Am Loco . 53 54 53 64 Am Smelt . 81% 82% 81* 81% Am Sugar . 110 110 110 110 Am T & T. 1?2% 123% 122% 123% Anaconda . 70% 71% 70% 70% Atchison .. 102 102% 101% 101% Baldwin .. 60% 81% 80 81% RAO 83 83 % 82% 83% Beth Steel . 302 326 302 325 xßklyn R T 83% 84% 83% 83% CalPetro.. 18% 18% 18% 18% Can Pacific 154H 154% 153% 154% Cent Leath 44 % 44 % 44 44 u r&O 49% 60 49% 49% 84 * 85 * *<* 85% P ' 20 20 * IS % 18% £ - 4r,% 4B * 451 * 45 **> Col F & I. 47% 47% 47 47% Con Gas .. 126% 127 % Cruc St .. 88% 91% 88% 90% Dist Sec ..26 27% 26 27 ® rle 29% 30% 29% 29% Eric Ist pfd 45% 47% 45% 47% Erie Ist pfd 45% 47% 45% 47% Gen E Co.. 172% 172% 171% 171% Gen Motors 262 265 262 264% Goodrh BF 62% 63% 62% 63% Gt Nor pfd 119 iij Gt N Ore s 41% 42% 41% 41% GugExpl.. 65% 66% 65% 66 InspCop.. 35 35% 35 35% In-Met 21 21% 21 21% In-met pfd 78 7g KC So ... 26% 27% 26% 27% Lehigh Val 144% 145% 144% 145 Mex .Petro. 83 85% S3 85 Miami Cop. 27% 27% Mo Pac . . 3 % 4 3 % "4 Nat Lead.. 65 66 64 % 65% N Y Cent.. 92% 94 92% 93% NT.NH& H 66% 69% 66% 68% NY.O & W 26% 27% 26% 27% North Pac. 107% 108% 107% 1«8% Pac Ma 11... 31% 31% 31% 31% Pa Rail... 109% 110 109% 110 P G and C 115 115 115 115 Pitts C../. 34% 34% 33% 83% Pitts C pd. 102 102% 102 102 Press SC.. 63 63% 62% 63% Rail 6S. . . 39 39 39 39 Ray C C.. 22% 22% 22% 22% Reading .. 150% 151% 150% 160% Rep 15... 44% 44% 43% 44 Rep I S pd 101% 101% 101% 101% South Pac. 89 89% 88% 89 South Ry. . 16% 16% 16% 16% South Rpd 50% 50% 50% 50% Studebaker. 114% 117% 114% 116% Third Ave. 55% 56% 55% 56% Union Pac. 130 130% 130 130% U S Rub.. 50 51 % 50 50% U S Steel.. 76% 76% 76% 76% U S Stl pd. 113% 114% 113% 114 Utah Cop.. 66% 67% 66% 66% West Mfg.. 115% 116% 115% 116% xEx div 1 %. CHirACO CATTLE Chicago. 111., Sept. 9. Board of Trade closing: Wheat September, 95%; Decem ber, 92; May, 96. Corn September, 71 % ; December, 57. Oats September, 36; December. 35%. Pork October, 12.07; January. 14.85. Lard October, 8.05; January. 8.35. Ribs October. 7.95; January, 8.26. THE Harrleburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open daily, except Sunday at 3 P. M„ at Its new location, front and Harris streets, for the free treatment of the worthy poor. Mbber stamiui afy SEAL S & STENCILS |#V II MFG.BTHBG.STENCIi. WORKS ■ .1 II 130 LOGUSTST. HBG„ PA* I# IN MKMORI AM IN MKMORIAM ln memory of oup •dear father who departed tht» life to ■ the year of our Lord September S. HI 8. , There Is a vacancy in the home which can never be filled. How sad It Is wtttv ; out our dear Father. In loving remem- I hrance hy his wife and daughter. Mrs. 1 M. H. Hopple. /
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers