8 \fc?o Men agpj nreßfes Wife Must Stand First In Husband s Heart By KLL.V WHEELER WILOOX (Copyright, 1916, Star Company). Unless a woman Is utterly devoid of reason and good sense, It is the simplest of matters for the man she loves to make her happy after mar riage. A little tact, a little self-denial, a little patience, much consideration, many small attentions and unfailing kindness will keep the average woman as happy as her days are long. But in spite of the simplicity of the undertaking the world is filled with domestic failures; and the discontent ed and disappointed wives seem to out number the satisfied ones. Most men begin married life with more real love in their hearts than most women bestow upon their hus bands. yet, after a few years of domes tic life it Is the woman who gives and the man who seems to fall In bestow ing the proofs of affection which are so necessary to the happiness of most women. The leading desire of a woman's heart is to feel always, and under all circumstances, that she Is first in her husband's thoughts. The next desire Is to feel that he likes to be with her; that he enjoys her society, and that he comes to her Joyfully, and goes from her regretfully, even as In the days of courtship. It Is Just in these two matters that eo many men fall. Most decent men give their wives dutiful attentions. They provide for their wants, and are anxious to have them entertained; but too frequently they are satisfied to provide amuse ment and entertainment which does not necessitate their personal partici pation. A woman who had received an expensive New Year gift was, never theless. made unhappy by having her husband sit in an absentminded man ner through the dinner hour with friends, and to hear him ask to be excused as soon as decency allowed, SKIN BATHING //Wo if\l WITH CUTICURA SOAP Means in most cases a soft, cleai skin free from irritation, redness, roughness and pimples. Samples Free by Mall Cutlcurm Soap and Ointment sold everywhere. Liberal sample of each mailed free with 32-p. book. Addre« post-card "Cuttcura," Dept. 27F. Boston. * * J Conscientious J Dentistry By Experts | Bell Painless Dentistst J It costs you nothing to $ J have your teeth examined J * by the most careful dentists * * 3f wide experience, and in * * one of the largest and most J J complete dental offices in the J * State. We challenge a com- * * parison of workmanship and ♦ $ cost with no one barred. J * Bell Painless Dentists f * 10 North Market Square # * HAHRISBI'Rf; * * * HOURS I 8 a. ra. to 6 p. m. dally. 4 * Open Monday, Wednesday and J Saturday evening* 'till fl p. m. * LADY ATTENDANT $ lat ' What You Want Digest What You Eal If food doesn't agree with you— if you are particularly susceptible to Dyspepsia and Indigestion—by all means try Forney's Dyspepsia Panacea It enables you to get full value from the food you eat and prevents upset stomach conditions. 50c the Bottle FORNEY'S DRUG STORE 426 Market St. School of Commerce Troop Building, Phone, Bell IHU. IS So. Market Square, Harrlaburg, Pa. 'Fall term begtnai Day School, Septem ber 1| Night School, September t Office open from 8 a. m. to S p. m. Phone, write or call for catalog or farther Information. Harrisburg Business College Day and Night School Sept. 7, 1915 Business. Shorthand and Civil Serv ;lce. 30th year. 820 Market St.. Har risburg, Pa. WEDNESDAY EVENING, and to see him hurry away to watch the old year out and the new In in his club. Her unhapplness over this incident seemed unreasonable to him: yet had he given her that hour of his un divided attention and shown pleasure in having her at his side as the New Year came in, he could have finished the night with his club and left no scarring memory of the heart of the woman he had chosen from all the world to be his companion. It required only a little self-denial and a little tact to make this one wife happy. Unless a woman Is obsessed by the demon of Jealousy, which makes her incapable of sane reasoning and good Judgment, she does not object to hav ing her husband show other women gracious attention. She is, indeed, proud of him when other women ad mire him and find his society agree able. , But in order for any woman to take this view of life, the man must be tender and tactful enough to make his wife feel ALWAYS . that she stands first in his heart. He must look In her eyes when she is talking to him; not past her to gaze at some other; he must see her when she enters a room, and come to meet her; he must not forget her presence and sit or stand with his back to her while he entertains some other woman and he must be as ready and quick to praise his wife as he is to praise others. When a man springs quickly to the defense of another woman who is criticised in any manner, and at the same time Is prone to think his own wife needs criticism, he must not be surprised if she exhibits what Is com monly called "Jealousy." The tactful man can and will avoid such situations by keeping his wife confident of her power to charm and please him; and whenever he goes from her presence he will make her TRAVELETTE By NIKSAH WHITE It was at White Post that George Washington, when a youngster of seventeen, a brawny lad of huge di mensions, dug a deep hole and in It placed a very substantial post. As he performed this task Lord Fairfax, his employer, stood by and figured upon the margin of a map. For the King of England had granted Lord Fairfax a great tract of land in this, the Shenandoah Valley, and the Brit isher had engaged the young Amer- I ican to survey it for him. The post they were planting was to be a landmark. It was 166 years ago that this bit of work was performed, yet that post is still standing. It had not been planted long when it became the center of an important crossroads in the Shenandoah. Greenway Court, the residence of Lord Fairfax, was a measured mile to the south of the post, the line having been run by young Washington. To the north was Charles Town near which came to dwell Samuel and Charles Washing ton. Winchester came Into being a little to the west, and the road to tha east stretched out toward Mount Ver non. Lord Fairfax painted this post white, and standing at the Intersec tion of roads, it came to be spoken of as White Post. Soon an inn was planted at this crossroads and was known as White Post Inn. It was solid and of country rock and still stands. There is hardly a name asso ciated with all pre-Revolutionary Vir ginia. the owner of which has not quenched his thirst at this old tavern. Lord Fairfax, who died a bachelor The Harrisburg. Academy RE-OPENS Junior School September 20th. Senior School September 21st. The school is open for Inspec tion every day from 9 to 4: the office will supply all Informa tion. The Headmaster will meet pros pective pupils at the office from 9 to 4 on Mondays and Thurs days, and other days by appoint ment. Register Yoar Son Now. Do Not Wait a Year and Regret It Phone 1371-J. P. 0. Box 617 Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE In Effeet June 17. IMB. TRAINS leave Harrisburg— I For Winchester and Martlnsburg at 6:08, *7:62 a. m., *8:40 p. m. | For Hagerstown. Chambersburg, Car -1 lisle, Mechanlcsburg and intermediate stations at *6:08, *7.62, *11:63 a. m ! *8:40, 5:87. *7:46. *11:00 p. m. Additional trains (or Carlisle and | Mechanlcsburg at 9:48 a. m„ 8.16; 8:86 6:80, 8:36 a. m. For DUlsburg at t:08, *7:68 and ! *11:68 a. m.. 2:16. *8:40. 6:87 and • :!<» P 'Dally. All other trains dally exeast Sunday. H. A. RIDDLE, J. H. TONQB. Q. P. A. Resorts DOUBLING GAP, PA White Sulphur Springs Hotel DOUBLING GAP, PA., Via Newvllle Noted for its refined patronage, numerous medicinal springs, natural beauty, and abundance of fresh vege tables whioh aid In emphasizing ex cellent table service. Special attention along with reduced rates will be given to Harrlsburgpatrons during the month ef August. For prompt reply Inquire of Mrs. G. A. Freyer. [BiHi'JUIiH Non-greasy Toilet Cream iv^eps the Skin Soft and Velvety. Prevents tan, relieves sunburn. An Exquisite Toilet Preparation. 260. GORGA9 DRUG STORES feel that he goes regretfully. There are men who treat their wives as good-hearted boys treat their mothers when they first develop into young manhood. A husband of this type tries to do this duty by his wife; he looks after her comforts; he sees that she has some one to help her pass the time; he gets theater tickets for her and her friends, and then he Joyfully hurries away to find his own pleasures. Just as the hoy hurries oIT to his comrades and his girl friends after being sure that he has neglected no duty toward his mother. But while the mother Is satisfied with this kind of attention the wife is not not unless she has ceased to care for her husband other than as a provider for her physical comforts, and unless she. too, has other pleas ures more congenial than her hus band's society affords. A woman who possessed every earthly blessing was envied by her friends because her husband came to her directly after business hours with some plan for her entertainment, and seemed always solieltlous about having her enjoy herself with other people. Yet he found all his pleasures at the club or in entertainments apart from her. When she complained to him that she felt lonely and dissatis fied with her life, he thought her most unreasonable and unappreciative of a good husband. Did he not do his duty better than most men of her acquaintance? He could not understand that a quiet eve ning at home, where he seemd to be happy and contented because he was with her, would have meant more to her than all the pleasures he pro vided her apart from him. . Alas, when It takes SO LITTLE to make a woman happy (a loving and reasonal worn an >, how needlessly snd It seems that so many women are unhappy. despite the tendency of the modern Virginian to claim descent from him, was a rollicking, pleasure-loving, fox hunting country gentleman, with only Sam Washington as a rival In this part of the State. Traditions of his times still persist hereabouts, but the most enduring monument in the commun ity is that to Washington w.ho laid down the ground plan for all this part of Virginia, a plan that will survive to the end of time. The original White Post has been reinforced by a modern planking, but still makes up the core of the struc ture that stands to-day at the cross roads, supporting a dim light as a beacon to travelers. Past it rode Sheridan on his dash for Winchester "twenty miles away." A stringtown of a village has gathered about it with a country store and hoarding house, for city folk come Into the Shenandoah in the summer. It slum bers in the sun and dreams of the past. Woman Who Lived in Cave For Thirty Years, Dies Special to The Telegraph Hazleton, Pa., Sept. 1. Mrs. Mary Gambler. 80 years old, who lived 30 years in a cave in Kidder township, died this morning of tuberculosis at the Laurytown almshouse. She was brought to the Institution August 27 by the poor directors of the Kidder district. Mrs. Gambler's husband shared the cave with hor until he died years ago, and since then she was alone. When the cave was examined It was found to have no floor. Two bed steads of wood and rope were in the cave, to-gether with an old stove. The woman had lived by picking huckle berries and digging wintergreen. GUESTS HAVE CI.OSE CALL Eire In Blnlr County Summer Home Dlacovered In Time Special to The Telegraph Altoona, Pa., Sept. 1. When flre of unknown origin destroyed the summer home of Professor F. P. M. Glpprlch, on Brush Mountain, near here yesterday, five young Atoona women and two chll dred had narrow escapes. Miss Elizabeth Metzgar was burned about the body, arms and hands, and Miss Rebecca Smith about the shoul ders. The crackling of the flre arous ed Miss Edith Deininger, who gave the alarm, and the occupants hurried out In their night clothes. GRANGERS PICNIC For the Grangers' Picnic at Wil liams Grove, August 30 to September ! 4. trains will leave Harrisburg via C. |V. R. R. as follows: 7:10, 7:52, 11:53 j a. m., 2:16. 3:26, 5:37 and 6:30 p. m. j dally. Additional trains at 1:00 and 4:00 p. m. daily except Monday and j Saturday and 9:48 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. daily except Saturday. , Round, trip tickets good to return until September 4 will be on sale the entire week at rate of 50 cents. —Ad- vertisement. ROBBED IX BALTIMORE Waynesboro, Pa., Sept. 1, —Samuel Cordell, near Waynesboro, was robbed of his watch and chajn while In Bal timore on Saturday. He did not miss his valuables until he had gotten aboard the train. 'Tlor^SD'S^ l Acid Phosphate (Non-Alcoholic) When you feel exhausted by the heat or humidity; when the body needs to be refreshed, the brain rested and the blood cooled—a little Horsford's Acid Phosphate in a tumbler of water, is bracing; reviving, and A Vitalizing Summer Drink \ THE Office Training School Kaufman Hl<l a., 4 9. Market S«. NOW IN SESSION Day School and Night School Call or send for 32-page booklet— Bell phone 894-R. Suffer cts / from slcln tortures get speedy and per manent relief by using Dondi Eczema Ointment Cases of Eczema of years' standing have responded to the treatment and permanent relief effected. Price SS cents. All druggists or P. O. Box 411, Hai*. rlsbunc. Pa. F, hsrribburg tecegrzph CRETONNE WITH ORGANDIE A New Modal With V«t E««t By MAY M ANTON 8737 Blouse with Vett Effect, 34 to 42 butt. Cretonne has become an accepted ma terial for gowns and for accessories. It is really very pretty when the colors are well chosen and this bodice with its full waistcoat and long sleeves of organdie is exceedingly attractive. The colors of the cretonne are simple and by no means aggressive and upon the choice of the colors must always depend the success of the material. As a matter of course, silk can be substituted or indeed any preferred material and the silks, are all good for August, but nothing more fashionable than this com bination could be suggested. Later, this same bodice would be charming made of cripe or faille silk with the Georgette crtpe or with a heavier cr6pe or indeed witn chiffon or net. It is very attractive, it shows the very newest features and is very simple to make. Tha bodice is extended over the shoulders and the full sleeves are joined to it below the shoulder line, so there is no fitting required. The full fronts, are stitched to the bodice proper to simulate the waist coat and the closing is made at the front. If preferred, the sleeves can be made shorter, but the long ones that fall over the hands are both pretty and extremely fashionable. For the medium sire will be needed I yds. of material 27 in. wide, iJi yds. 36 or 44, with \\i yds. 36 for the full fronts, the sleeves and the collar. The pattern No. 8737 is cut in sizes from 34 to 4a in. bust. It will be mailed to any address by the Fashion Depart ment of this paper, on receipt of tea cent* Bowman's sell May Manton Patterns. COTTON AND POWDER BY FREDERIC J. HASKINS [Continued from Page ff.] their purpose. There remains but the Jelly of cotton. To this Jelly are added the quantities of nitrates known to he necessary that the proportions in the finished pro duct will be such that every particle of it will be burned up when the ponder explodes. Gun Cotton In this stage the product is known as guncotton, a name it acquired be fore the process of breaking down the fibrous condition was discovered. Gun cotton Is a very terrible explosive. It is the material which makes the mines that are planted about the harbors of Europe and so deadly that no vessel strikes one. It is the material that is inside the war heads of the torpedoes that are launched from submarines. It was a charge of this guncotton. probably not more than a hundred pounds of It, that tore the Lusitania in two and caused her to sink. Eighty pounds of cotton from Texas and twenty pounds of saltpeter from Chllo did the terrible work. This guncotton Is too powerful for the purposes served by powder. Ex ploded In the breech of a gun It would tear It to pieces. To convert gun cotton Into gunpowder It Is necessary that Its explosions should be slowed down and It is adulterated to accom plish that end. When the jelly-like mixture is just right to make modern smokeless it is squeezed through the molds and cut off in the lengths de aired for the final product. Even In this time when powder is attempting to dominate the world it may not he generally known that the "grains" of modern smokeless may be as big around as a broom handle and three inches long. They are of that size for the big, slxteen-lnch guns that are to guard the Panama Canal. A twelve-inch gun uses a grain the size of your thumb, a six- Inch gun one as big as a section of a lead pencil an inch long and so on down. Each of these grains of powder has seven perforations running through it lengthwise. These perforations are to regulate the rapidity of its burning. They give more surface exposure. This powder burns as would a piece of paper ignited in its center with the flame spreading always toward the outside. The bigger the grains the longer it will take them to burn up. This is as It Is intended for the ex perts want the powder to burn longer in a big gun than In a small one. Gunpowder explodes slowly and keeps pushing the projectile all the way down the barrel of the gun. Its ex plosion is most violent just before it Is all burned up and this gives the projectile a great push just as It reaches the end o'f the barrel. The grains for the big guns are bigger be cause they must burn longer in push ing a projectile all the way down a longer gun barrel. This smokeless powder has come Into being since the Spanish-Amer ican war. It is used by all nations and is always made of the same raw materials—cotton and nitrate. In Europe, however, it assumes different forms. English powder looks like a bundle of sticks tied together and thrust into the breech of a gun. The French make up their powder In strips that look like chewing gum. So. when a great war broke, the powder-makers of nations were mdst anxious to keep In touch with the sources of cotton supply. When the command of the seas passed Into the hands of the allies there arose the great dlfllcvjty on the part of the Ger mans of mr.lntainlng the supply of cot ton for powder. America, in the mean time, had become alarmed over the closing down of European mills and the loss of cotton markets. America did not know of the quantities of cot i ton' that would be necessary la UM ||o— _OLOOD = „ 3 —Crumble-proof ~~ CS\ JZ _JfEMPE* * = " ATE 100 "= HS? 40 ~= All- chewing-gum is at sword's points _iuMMt« 30£ _j*iu jLm. with the thermometer. Up north t: the cool, crisp days, and down south the ~" 20 "E extreme heat try in different ways to 60 TfMftg I io -= urge gum into a crumbly condition. .= A " _zi«o no when or where you buy Sterling Gum you will find it crumble- 40 ~ -\ — proof. You will find that each stick quickly 30^ 2Q _= _ becomes a velvet-bodied confection. E '"1 E So you will always find real enjoyment 20 z: ~~ I in Sterling Gum while hunting for that KfE 1 7th point. a J (®l @ "Mr" s B * Gum H - I The 7-point dum <oi 9B The Sterling Onra Co. f I /JR SE PEPPERMINT - RED WRAPPER (®J g Greater New York CINNAMON - BLUE WRAPPER \ N manufacture of powder for so great a war. Rnffland and Cotton England was anxious to keep cot ton from her enemies but she was equally concerned with the necessity of keeping on friendly terms with the nation that produced the mass of the cotton of the world. If she shut down on cotton to Germany and to those countries through which it might reach Germany, might not she so antagonize the cotton people over here that they might decline to furnish her cotton ? So did England delay in declaring cotton contraband. While cotton obviously intended for Germany was stopped, it has been permitted to go to Holland and Scandinavia and those countries have used fifteen times their normal consumption, much of it obviously leaking through. Fifty ship loads, amounting to 160,000 bales, aro now held subject to the action of British prize courts. This, however, will all ultimately be paid for. Cotton Prices Vp While cotton dropped to a very low price early in the war, it soon revived. E. J. Glenny, president of the New Orleans Cotton Exchange, believes that cotton would have gone as low If there had been no war for 17,000,- 000 bales were produced last year and this was an unprecedented crop, 4,- 000,000 hales above the average. Mr. Glenny also holds that attempts to keep cotton out of Germany did not hurt the price. While cotton has been selling for eight cents outside, Ger many has been offering thirty-four cents a pound and the bare possibility of getting cotton through and real izing these prices has stiffened the market. Just now there is a new element introduced into the cotton situation that promises to have a favorable ef fect. Great Britain has declared an embargo on jute. India produces the greater part of the jute of the world. England wants that jute for the manu facture of bags for the use of her soldiers in the building of breast works. She will not allow it exported. Cotton will have to be used as a sub stitute. This opens up a possibility for the use of a million and a half bales of cotton. The burlap around bales of cotton has heretofore been made of jute. It will this season be made of cotton. Cotton Acreage The acreage planted in cotton this year is 20 per cent, less than it was last year. The crop this year will MRS. WILLIAMS' LONG SICKNESS Yields To Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Elkhart, Ind." I suffered for four teen years from organic inflammation, [jli'l'lH -yd; ',female weakness, ' pain and irregulari ties. The pains in , my sides were in- Nns?) 35w 1 creMed b y walking j■ \ L> W... or standing on my , \ j ; ; feet and I had such I aw^u ' bearing down feelings, was de \ pressed in spirits ■ •'y^S'ij/•I'l became thin and ■v/*' VW/.' P ale with dull,heavy ■ ' ■' ———J eyes. I had six doc tors from whom I received only tempo rary relief. I decided to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a fair trial and also the Sanative Wash. I have now used the remedies for four months and cannot express my thanks for what they have done for me. "If these lines will be of any benefit you have my permission to publish them." —Mrs. SADIE WILLIAMS, 465 James Street, Elkhart, Indiana. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound,made from native roots and herb.?, contains no narcotic or harmful drugn, and to-day holds the record of being the most successful remedy for female ills we know of, and thousands of voluntary testimonials on file in the Pinkham laboratory at Lynn, Mass., seem to prove this fact-. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound will help you.writo to Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn,Mass., ifor ad' vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict confidence i SEPTEMBER 1, 1915. probably be. ahout normal. There Is money in raising cotton at eight cents which is the present price. It is ex pected to go to ten cents this Fall which means profits in the cotton belt. The nation seems to be pulling out of the hole even on the industry which was hit hardest. It seems that all conditions conceivable are con It Cleans—Positively Won't Rub Off [a. Renovator] fif white shoe, kid canvas —»o«._ tl or expensive buckskin. White Shoes | $ Mason s *f White Dressing W really c^eans t^e s^°e —^° es J tyfc more than merely white pyl wash it. Absolutely free i l j acid. Buy your pack- A age to-day. - MASON co •^"Tir.r 0 - '// 134.140 N. Front Street - '""-"PEt-PHm. ph." // Philadelphia S3 Yearw of Leadership {■■■■ l BUY Ri niIKR GOODS IN ARI RBKIt STORE ■■■■■§ End-of Season Sale of Guaranteed Garden Hose Balance of our stock of high grade garden hose, moulded I and ribbed, braided, non-kinkable and guaranteed to stand up I under high water pressure. All this season's stock. Formerly 18c and 20c 1 Per Per Foot. Sale Price, ' Foot LHarrisburg 205 Walnut Street ■B IF IT'S MADE OF RI'RBRR WE HAVE IT ■MHBBSSB WORLD FAMOUS EMBROID- To Indicate you are a regular reader you must present ONE Coupon like thia one, with 68 cents. % THE WORLD FAMOUS EMBROIDERY OUTFIT is giu*. anteed to be tha best collection and biggest bargain in patterns ever offered. It consists of more than 450 of the very latest designs, for any one of which yon would gladly pay 10 cents, best hardwood em. broidery hoopa, set of highest grade needle* (assorted sizes), gold tipped bodkin, highly polished bone stiletto and fascinating booklet of instruc tion* „Tring all the fancy ditches so dearly illustrated and explained that any school giri can readily become expert. $ SEVERAL TRANSFERS FROM EACH DESIGN ONLY SAFE METHOD All old-fashioned methods wing water, benzina or injurious fluids are crude and •ut-of-date. This is the only aafa method. Others injure expensive materials. N. B. Out of Town Readers will add 7 cents extra lor postage and expense of mailing | spiring to thrust prosperity upon tha I United States. As the Department of Agriculture it is said that the South Is to reap a I great incidental benefit because of I the scare over low prices of cotton, lit turned many farmers to diversifl- I cation of Crops and this is the great I need of the South.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers