4 Again the Day tof Grace and the New Which Always Em brace the Newest Mode Requirements SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 A Splendid Well Boned R & G Corset as Low as 50c rr ASTRICH'S rr CotKtt Streets Paxtang Young People Are in Camp at Perdix A happy party of young folks from Paxtang who are spending two weeks camping at the Myrtle cottage, Perdtx. gave a social little rorch party in honor of their guest. Miss Margaret Evans, of Washington, D. C. Games, singing, dancing and a marshmallow toast were enjoyed by the Misses Margaret Evans. Helen Kochenderfer. Mabel Kramer. Kath arine Martin. Mildred Sheesley. Gladys Reichley and Rhea Wright, Howard Rink, Earl Daugherty, George Hors tock. Herbert Myers, Robert Myers, Robert Reed and Norman Sheesley. Mrs. I. R. Lyme and Mrs. J. H. Shees ley are chaperoning the party. Reception This Evening to the Rev. Dr. Smucker John A. Affleck, president of the! heard of trustees, and Al. K. Thomas, superintendent of the Sunday School, of Stevens Memorial Methodist Church, head a committee arranging ; a reception this evening in the social j rooms to greet the pastor, the Rev. j Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker, and his 1 wife, who came home to-day after a I vacation trip. Every member of the church and i congregation is urged to be present this evening at 8 o'clock to make the occasion a rousing success. ' SPRD^g-^^iEELS ' Over 4 Million up-to-date people Wear these heels. They know them to be the real economy-comfort heels. Learn the real joy of walking on Spring-Step Rubber Heels. Shoe manufacturers are rapidly adopting Spring-Step Rubber Heels. Such famous makes as Queen Quality and Dorothy Dodd are equipping with them. These new Spring-Step Red Plug Heels cost no more than ordinary rubber heels. Don't .accept inferior heels —get Spring Steps. Any reliable dealer or repair shop will I put a pair of Spring-Step Rubber Heels on your shoes for 50 cents. Atk for the Heml with the Red Plug ® Spring-Step Rubber Heels are ifiPnNrai made by the Largest Rubber \ Company in the world. ANNOUNCEMENT LAURA R. APPELL, Pianoforte Teacher RESUMES TEACHING SEPTEMBER 20 Graduate New England Conservatory, Boston Mass. | Honor graduate Faelten Pianoforte School, Boston, Mass. j Afterwards studied six years with Mme. Szumowska. Miss Appell specialized in teaching during her whole course : of studies. Studio: 104 Boas Street Mrs. M. Pfuhl Froehlichs' SCHOOL OF MUSIC 203 STATE STREET HARRISBURG, PA. A complete graded course of instruction in the * study of Piano, Pipe Organ, Theory, Harmony and History of Music. Diplomas upon graduation. Term of 1915-1916 Begins September 6, 1915. For terms and further information apply in per son or-by mail to the above address. MONDAY EVENING, " Guests Go to Lancaster For Birthday Celebration Ahtur Koplovitz. Sam Rubin. Mor -1 ris Koplovitz and Sam Koplovitz. of this city, and the Misses Edith and j Minerva Smith, of Steelton. with Miss ! Sadie Levin, of Pittsburgh, went to i Lancaster to attend a birthday sur i prise party given by Mr. and Mrs. ■ William Benn, of that city, for their ! son. Harry Benn. ( Games, singing and dancing were features of pleasure, followed by a sumptuous supper. Later in the even ing the guests were taken for a tour of the city by automobiles. The Lan caster people present included the Misses Lena Eisenberg, Dora Rubin, Rebecca Domnitz, Gertrude Eisenberg, Bessie Lippman. Annie Miller, Edith and Hilda Benn. Ben Cohen. Sam Marks. L Dubinsky. Harry Benn. Leon Cohen. George Domnitz. Mr. and Mrs. Benn and Miss Dorothy Benn. Mrs. Anna Emerick .of Reading, is visiting her son. Charles W. Emerick, at the Althouse apartments, Thir teenth and Market streets. Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Cook, of Pine street, are home after an automobile trip to the Thousand Islands, spend ing most of the time at Henderson Harbor and vicinity. Mrs. Frank D. Carney and Miss Margaret Williamson have returned home after a pleasure trip through New England. BONNY MEIB FOLKS HOLD FIRST OUTING Employes of the Farms and Dairy Enjoy Themselves at Paxtang Park The employe* of the Bonny M«ad I farms and dairy held their flrst an ! nual outing at Paxtang Park, and thoroughly enjoyed the nodal Inter course and supper. The table decora tions were of purple and white asters. 1 Those enjoying the outing were: Mr. and Mrs. James Perle. Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Billett. Mr. and Mrs. Har iry Shearer, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Shultz, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bow man. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gotshall, Mr. and Mrs. William Heiges, Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Waddell, Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Waddell. Mr. and Mrs. Motter Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Varner, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Gochenauer, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waggoner, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nissley, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Lerch, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Poorman, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Clemens, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Shumaker, Mr. and Mrs. Furlough. Mr. and Mrs. John Straup, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Walte, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Laverty, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Toskov, Mrs. George Hocker. Mr. and Mrs. Cook. Mrs. Mary Adams, Mrs. Frances Kovel. Messrs. Frank Horstlck, Harry Fas nacht, Samuel Aungst, Thomas Elliott, Augustus Fishel. John Troup. Michael Wilt. James Walker. K. L. Lyter, Wm. Davis, William Williams. Peter Ml garo, Stephen Shtve, William Francis, Eldred Buffington, Leroy Landis, Jacob Krebs. Edward Hoffman, Wil liam Rice. Frank Ritenour, Harry Auxt, David Dols. Enos Aungst, the Rev. Paul Bergman. Robert Smeltzer, Tennis Stine, Harvey Shive. Walter Helges, Samuel Laverty, Lester Wad del. Joseph Shive. Clyde Shultz, Roy Shultz, Edward Laverty, Clyde Lav erty, Lester Laverty, Harvey Nissley, Jr.. Chester Shultz. George Rice, Thos. Elolt, Jr., Paul Jones, Wm. H. Wad dell. Misses Carolvne Billett, Grace Got schall, Mary Clemens. Lenora Rice, Irene Gochenauer, Helen Hocker, Elizabeth Elliott, Helen Waddell, Grace Kovel. Katherine Etsworthy, Sara Davis. Esther Fasnacht, Ellen Dundor. Verna Elliott. Adeline Me crone, Violet Lerch, Rachel Mataza baugher. Gertrude Heiges, Daisy Troup, Charlotte Troup, Helen Wag goner, Dorothy Furlough. Perle Jones. Sara Jones. Lillian Waite. Mary ■Shultz. Viola Shultz Pauline Nissley. Elizabeth Cook. Thelma Atticks, Alice Waggoner, Mabel Elliott, Edna Elliott and Bertha Elliott. Miss Elizabeth Sheahan, of 703 North Second street, has returned to the city after a vacation trip to the Thousand Islands and Brooklyn. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Douglas, of 262 North street are home after a pleasure trip to New York, Philadelphia and: Atlantic City. Miss Florence Carroll is spending several days with Mrs. J. C. Harlaker, at her Mount Gretna cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Dwlght Anderson have gone home to Indianapolis after a little visit among old friends In this city. Mrs. William Henderson of 25 North Front street, is expected home to morrow evening after spending the summer at Ardmore and points in New England. Miss Miriam Weiser of Lemoyne is spending a vacation with her aunt, Mrs. George Gohl on a farm near Rockvllle. Mrs. B. Handler and daughter, Miss Helen Handler of 1219 North Sec ond street, are home after a six weeks' visit with Mrs. Handler's mother in New York city. Miss Mary Houston has returned to her home, 208 Liberty street, after a long visit to York, Hanover and Gettysburg. Albert MehafHe of 602 North Second street started yesterday for Gary, Ind., to remain for two weeks with his sister, Mrs. J. J. Zimmerman. Mr. and Mrs. Z. F. Lightner and A. L. Lightner. Lemoyne. are home after an automobile trip to Ocean Grove and other coast resorts of New Jersey. Miss Mildred Kauffman of New Cumberland is home after a vacation spent at Pittsburgh and nearby towns. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Drake, of Al toona. are guests of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Drake, 1422 State street. Miss Genevieve Swanson has return ed to Jersey City after spending ten days with relatives In this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Winston of Richmond, Va., were recent/ guests of Harrlsburg friends. Russel Tomllnson, of Chambers burg, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. William Tomllnson, 1629 Regina street. Miss Mame Kolbaugh and Richard Davis, of Frackville, have returned home after a week-end visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Heinley at 7 South Fourteenth street. Miss Rose Lyon, of Kansas City, Mo., is a guest of Mrs. Malcolm H. L'lman at 2137 Green street. Mrs. Stanley C. Smith, of 1605 Green street, is enjoying a week's stay with a house party at Perdix. Miss Hedwig Moss, of Lancaster, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Lee Gold smith. at 243 Woodbine street. Miss Ellen M. Smith, of 14 North Eighteenth street, is home after a stay of two weeks in Philadelphia. Miss Edith Klinepeter, telephone operator for the Pennsylvania Rail road, and George Keys, a clerk for the same company, spent Sunday le Philadelphia with relatives of Miss Klinepeter's. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Hench and chlldien, of Suffern, N. Y., are visiting Mr. Hench's mother, Mrs. Samuel A. Hench, 807 Green street. Miss Eliza MeCormlck, 227 State street, and Miss Maria York, 711 North Sixth street, have returned home after a week's stay at Mrs. McClures cot tage. Williams Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob R. Miller, 1627 North Bixth street, are spending ten days in Atlantic City, Ocean Grove and New York. Miss Anne Glazier. 1111 North Sec ond street, is taking a vacation trip to Ocean Grove. New York and Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Rohrer, 927 North Sixth street, left to-day for a trip to Buffalo, Duluth and Chicago. ON LAFAYETTE FACCLTY Dr. Beverly Waugh Kunkel, who spent the past four years at Beloit, Wis., as professor of biology, has ac cepted a similar position at Lafayette Colege, Easton. where he with his wife and two daughters, will soon re move. Dr. Kunkel is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Kunkel, of 221 North Front street. [Other Personals on Pag HARRXSBURG & TELEGRAPH Club Women Interested in Peace Day Program jjjj^^ MRS. PERCY PENNYP ACKER. WhHe the entire program for "Peace Day" at the Grangers on "Wednesday iM delightful, club women are espe cially interested in the fact that Mrs. Percy Pennypacker, president of the General Federation of Women's clubs will be present and make an ad dress. Mrs. Pennypacker is a fine orator, weighing her words and withholding them till the predetermined moment for utterance arrives. She is distin guished as one of the sanest and calm est minds in the forefront of the modern women movement, and at the same time, one of the most courage ous and determined. Her home at Austin, Texas, is a so cial and intellectual center from which radiates a cordial and generous hos pitality marked by simplicity, and her own hand is always on the domestic machinery. Her children are de- Ladies' Golf Events Start at the Country Club The first event in the ladies' golf this Fall at the Country Club of Har risburg will take place on Thursday afternoon. September 2. Mrs. Walter H. Gaither, chairman of the ladies' golf committee, to-day announced that the ladies' events would begin with a tombstone tourna ment on Thursday and that the sec ond event would be a medal play handicap on September 8, other events to be announced later. A loving cup has been given by William C. Fownes, Sr., of Pittsburgh, for the medal play tournament. GRANGERS' PIC MO For the Grangers' Picnic at 'Wil liams Grove. August 30 to September 4, trains will leave Harrisburg via C. V. R. R. as follows: 7:10, 7:52, 11:53 a. m., 2:16, 3:26, 5:37 and 6:30 p. m. dally. Additional trains at 1:00 and 4:00 p. m. daily except Monday and Saturday and 9:48 a. m. and 7:45 p. m., daily except Saturday. Round trip tickets good to return until September 4 will be on sale the entire week at rate of 60 cents. —Ad- vertisement. Mrs. W. Sherman Steele, Miss Dorothy Steele, and Miss Eleanor Steele, 1622 State street, are home after a six weeks' stay at Mt. Gretna. William Engle of Minneapolis, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. George Engle of St. Paul, Minn., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Engle, 434 Boas street. Miss Julia Bailey and Morris Bailey, of 424 South street, have re turned from a visit to Coatesville, Philadelphia and Mt. Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Harrison, of Baltimore, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Bailey, of 424 South Fif teenth street. Miss Minnie Livingston, of Chestnut street. Is visiting in Atlantic City. HOLD MARSHMALLOW TOAST AT CAMERON EXTENSION The following young people enjoyed a marshmallow toast and cornroast Saturday evening at Cameron Exten sion: the Misses Ruth Baker, Emily Cummings. Ivy L. Jones, Faith Mell, Margaret Miller, and Marietta Myers, Hubertis Cummings, Jay Hoffert, J. Raymond Hoffert, Clarence Mentzer, V. W. Street and Edmund Whited.. point' |i* "Crumble-proof" I —there are six more in I 1 Sterling Gum I The^-point y I votedly mothered and she manages her own financial affairs, her chUrch activities and social duties. She is punctuality and promptness personllied in trao keeping of engage ments which Is a secret of her won derful record of accomplishments. Her enthusiasm and personal magnet ism have won her hosts of friends and no one has ever heard her words of sincere appeal for progress along highest lines without acquiring a per manent inspiration for things worth while. The "Peace Meeting" will begin at 1:30 o'clock with Mrs. Edward Biddle of Carlisle, president of the Woman"s Peace Party of Pennsylvania, presid ing. Trains leave Harrisburg for Wil liams Grove at 7:50. 9:48 and 11:53 a. m.. and it will be better to take an earlier one than risk the later which may be a long while on the way be cause of the crowds. THE HODGDON-MACPHERRAN WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS Cards have been received in this city announcing the marriage of Miss Pauline Duff MacPherran formerly of this place to Edward Hodgdon. of Wilkinsburg on Saturday August 28 at high noon Mr. and Mrs. Hodgdon will reside In Wilkinsburg. AMUSEMENTS REGENT 1 VssßgSP^l Hoarsi 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. To-day and to-morrow Daniel Froliman presents MARGUERITE CLARK In "THE PRETTY SISTER OF JOSE." Paramount In 5 parts. Wednesday and Thursday, JOHN MASON In "JIM THE PENMAN." Paramount In 5 parts. Bell phone 3719. L'nlted 754-Y. Moller's mammoth pipe organ used In this theater. PAXTANG PARK TO-NIGHT THE MILANE OPERA CO. Selections from Grand Opera. Dikie and Billy Warfield Those clever girls in Songs and Platter Mack and Tosh Cartoonists Anil Bartletts Sensational Acrobats Weber and Reed Musical Novelty Bargain Day Wednesday Ladies Free To-night AUGUST 3D, 1915. The Dunmire School of Music Masonic Temple, Third and State Streets, Harrisburg Pa. Homer Rhutrd Dunmire, Director Re-opens For Enrollment Sept. 2, 1915. This school develops (he hand ■■ well m the brain. and offers tiro courses, PREPARATORY A\n AD VANCED In the subjects of» PIANO FORTE, HAM) CIII.TVRE, EAR TRAINING, ENSEMIII.E. MUSICAL, THEORY AND HISTORY. BednnlnK this season there will be offered an nually two scholarships, which are "P*" to the public, and will be award ed to the two pupils entering the school, having the greatest talent and mualeal possibilities for future de velopment. Applicants desiring to compete for these will be examined gratis during the enrollment period. Eor detailed Information apply In person at, or address the school. MOTOR TO MOUNT GRETNA Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Brandt, of 43f- South Sixteenth street, with their sons. John Brandt. 3d, and Ben Brandt, with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Shan non. of 441 South Sixteenth street, were taken to Mount Gretna by John Brandt, 2d, in his automobile for a little visit with his parents at Spincop Cottage. REMOVE TO PITTSBURGH Mrs. Joseph A. McCaskoy, of 1327 perry street, has left the city to Join her husband in East Pittsburgh for a permanent residence. Mr. McCaskey has secured a position with the West inghouse Electric Company. f >1 Harrisburg Conservatory of Music Fall Opening, Tuesday, Sept. 7th NINETEENTH SEASON Oomrse which is revolutionizing piano teaching, used in this school. Special courses for beginners and children. Free lectures and concerts. Our diploma Is recognized by the National Association of Musicians. Send or call for illustrated booklet. E. J. DECEVEE, 607 N. 2nd St. ————————————— ________ ) SPECIAL TO LADIES First 25 Custom Tailored Suits, Regular SSO Value, Opening Price S3O !> Having just returned from New York with a full line of materials and !' i; latest styles for Fail and winter grarments, M. Mall announces his open- \ \ \, «npr herewith. As a special inducement to all former patrons and other <i ,» ladies wishing: first-class custom tailoring. M. Mall will make the first <! j twenty-live suits at $.10.00, guaranteed to be regular SSO values. Regular ! i J, prices will prevail after the first twenty-five orders are taken. MM AT T LADIES' TAILOR • iM.AJLf.Lf 266 HERR STREET AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS LOOK WHO'S HERE! tHMB "The Millionaire A Six-reel Selig Red Seal Play Filled with Mystery and Intrique. Monday and Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday I Friday and Saturday "Hearts and the Highway"! "Eaglesnest" Featuring Lillian Walker |a Stirring Story of the West. _ "Photoplays de Luxe" TO-DAY'S THE DAY— MAJESTIC THEATER firand Opening With a Big Bargain Show of HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE Marion Weeks THE LITTLE GIRL WITH THE BIG VOICE Master Gabriel & Co. Simpson and Deane (Original Buster Brown) One of those polite singing presenting and dancing acts always popu- ~ "LITTLE KICK" lar in Harrisburg. Gaston Palmer Exclusive Pictures Avon Comedy Four Presenting "THE NEW TEACHER" 3 Shows Daily, 2.30, 7.30 and 9 —Doors open 2 and 7 M M^?Bo™*;sc sci b "-|complete change of Evening—Orchestra 25c; Bal- BILL EACH MONDAY cony 15c; Gallery 10c; Boxes AND THURSDAY 35c. apn 1 < BRING JERSEY CITY VISITOR Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Devlin and son, Howard Devlin, of 1314 Klttatinny street, have returned home after a pleasant visit to Jersey City and near by coast resorts. They brought home with them Miss Esther Crawford, ot Jersey City, who will be their guest for some time. HOME FROM PEN MAR Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Wood, Jr.. and Miss Evelyn Wood, of Cameron Extension, with Mrs. Wood's mother, Mrs. William Pinkney Hamilton, of Brooklyn, returned to the city on Sat urday after spending a month at Glen don Heights, Pen Mar.
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