2 wms in mm OF MISS sun Attractive Pittsburgh Girl Is Much Entertained During Stay in the City Among the pleasant social events gi\en in honor of Miss Mildred Galla gher, of Sheridan, Pittsburgh, who haf; been visiting .Mrs. Harold K. Goodman, in this city, was an informal party with Mrs. Ray L. Bolton hostess al her home. 2305 Hoffer street. The , guests made candy and did some pretty fancy work prior to refreshments. In attendance were Miss Mildred Gallagher, Miss Helen WhaYton, Miss • Gretna Esllnger, Miss Josephine Zug, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Weaver, Mrs. L. Stouffer and children, Andrew and Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Good man. Mr. and Airs. R. L. Bolton and son Richard. Ohl-Fa&liioiicd Games Guests at a eornroast given by Mr. and Mrs. Harold K. Goodman at their r<Kidenee, 2307 Hoffer street, spent a delightful evening after the feasting, playing old-fashioned games and in singing and dancing. Japanese lan terns lighted the poreli and garden. Invited to meet their house guest. Miss Gallagher, were Miss Josephine 7ug, Miss Jane Beard. Miss Eleanor Weaver, Miss Beatrice Hinkle, of Enola: George Trump, Charles Pol leck. John Gaugler, Robert Hartwick, Harold Fast. Mr. and Mrs. Hufter and son. Donald Huffer, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bclton and son, Richard Bolton. RETURNING TO TEXAS Mrs. William Armstrong, of Houston, Texas, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. William Pearson at their country place, near New Cumberland, left to day for a visit at Roanoke, Va., on the way to her southern home. OFF FOR THE SEASHORE Major and Mrs. Frank R. Leib, of The Terraces, New Cumberland, and their daughters, Mrs. Dwight Luding ton. of Baltimore, and Miss Marion Lell>. have gone to Asbury Park for a ten days' outing. , ON PLEASURE TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Chris Sauers. Miss Virginia Sauers, Mrs. R. R. Donovan and Miss Leona Teeter, of 1719 State street, left to-day for a pleasure trip including Philadelphia, New York and Atlantic. City. Robert W. Hoy, commercial man ager of the Harrisburg Light and Power Company, left to-day for a week's fishing trip to Overview. Mr. and Mrs. William King havo returned home after a week's auto mobile tour of Lancaster, Reading, Columbia, York and other towns in this vicinity. Ross Potts has returned from an auto trip to Reading. Misf. Jessie B. Kishpaugli, of 409 South Sixteenth street, started to-day for a vacation trip to Philadelphia, wher* she will visit her sister, Mrs. John P. Hoverter. Captain and Mrs. Robert C. Wil liams and Miss Arta Williams went to Goldsboro to-day for a week-end stay with Mr, and Mrs. Paul A. Kunkel at their country place, Kunkelheim. Miss Ada Wohle, of Mont Alto, spent several days in the city with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. W. McLaughlin, 11 Of- North Sixth street. PARENTS! 1 School Time Is Here "An ounce of precau tion is worth a pound of _ cure. Have your child's eyes examined; more than likely, just rest glasses in aluminum frames, worn while studying, will prevent wearing of glasses constantly later in life. Bring your child to us. Our complete facilities put us in a position to give you the highest grade of optical service, at a moderate price. Exclusive Optical oiure 205 Locust St. ■ Eye ■ Examined. I.rnaea Ground. Open Wednesday and Saturday. Evenings until 9 Opposite Orpheum Coal Goes Up Sept. 1 If price concessions ap peal to corporations and business concerns with vast capital at their command in the purchase of fuel and other supplies to run their plants, why shouldn't the privilege to buy coal for less attract the individual con sumer. Get your order in to Kel ley before September 1, when coal prices advance to the old winter rate. H. M. KELLEY & CO. Office, 1 N. Third Street Yard, Tenth and State Streets SATURDAY EVENING, PRIZE WINNER AT WILDWOOD BABY SHOW 1 1 I LUCY GERTRUDE MUSSELMAN Little Lucy Gertrude Musselman, daughter of Howard Musselman, chief train dispatcher for the Pennsylvania Railroad, was awarded the second prize, a $lO gold piece, at the recent baby parade at Wlldwood, N. J. There were 97 3 youngsters in the competition. Mr. and Mrs. Musselman and their small girl live at 29 South Nineteenth street. Enjoy a Little Outing at Wayne Cottage, Perdix Quite a party of Harrisburgers went to Perdix by automobile yester day afternoon for a eornroast and marshmallow toast at Wayne Cottage, where Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geisel, Jr., are spending a month. Dancing to Victrola music was a special feature of the evening's pleas ure, enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. William C. Fishel, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Ensminger, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Myers, Miss Keeney, Miss Mary Sliker, Miss Lola Freeiand, Miss Mabel Sliker, Miss Leola Ebner, Miss Mildred Moliler. Miss Jane Balthaser, Cameron M. Geisel and Richard C. Geisel. Joseph A. Minnaugh and John R. Taylor have returned home after a ten days' trip to Buffalo, Toronto, Cleveland and Detroit." Robert C. Gohl, of 1003 North Sec ond street, who is spending a week's vacation in New York is a guest of his sister, Mrs. Howard M. Greena walt. Miss Bertha V. Sellers, of Dauphin, left today for an outing at Atlantic City and nearby pleasure resorts. The Misses Mildred. Flora and Mae Durborow, of Columbia, are visiting friends in this city. Miss Nona Wertz has gone to Lan caster after a brief visit with her cousin. Miss Reffina Dick, at 116 Mul berry street. Harry Day, of Carlisle, was a busi ness visitor in town yesterday. Miss Dorothy Pauline Martin, 1725 Walnut street, is visiting her grand mother, Mrs. Kathryn Klinepeter, at Newport. Miss Blanche Walzer, 180S North Second street, Is spending a month in Boston. Mrs. Calvin MacDowell and Miss Mary MacDowell, of 230 North Second street, left today for Brooklyn for a visit with Mrs. Thomas Lawrence Dickinson of that city, who has been their guest for several weeks. Miss Dorothy Henderson, Miss Mary Ann Harris, Miss Jane McCreath and Mr. and Mrs. Henderson motored to York yesterday. PEN BROOK W. C. T. T T . The usual monthly meeting of the Penbrook W. C. T. U. will be held In the Reformed church. Sunday, Aug. 29 at 3P. M. Mrs. B. F. Newman will preside and speak on "Temperance Facts and Figures." Mrs. Nlles M. Nissel and daughter, of Carlisle, were recent visitors in the i city. "Sterling Washer" AT LAST A WASHER WITH THE MOST CORRECT PRINCIPLE YET PRODUCED). AN EXCLUSIVE MA CHINE, FLAT DISC TYPE, OSCIL LATING TUB, no pegs to tear the clothes, will wash anything to be washed. FOl'R POSITION REVERSIBLE WRINGER. Steel frame, full length folding extension rack. Largest cedar tub made, detachable. ELECTRIC or ENGINE POWER AS DESIRED. Come look it over. Hbg. Electric Supply Co. 24-26 South Second St. ilarrisbursr. Pa Spray-Stouffer Bridal Takes Place in Indiana Mrs. J. Howard Roop of Lafayette, Indiana, announces the marriage of her sister, Miss Grace M. Stouffer, to Robb Spalding Spray, of Indianapolis, Wednesday, August 26. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Frank S. C. Wicks, of Indianapolis. The bride was a former resident of Harrlsburg and a graduate of the Cen tral High school, class of 1906. The bridegroom is a graduate of Purdue University, class of 1914 and was prominent in athletics and mus ical circles. After a short wedding journey, Mr. and Mrs. Spray will be "at home" at State College, Pa., where Mr. Spray has accepted a position as instructor in botany and experiment station work. MISSKS MoCORMICKS' GUESTS MEET ROCHESTER VISITORS Miss Jane McCormick and Miss Elizabeth McCormick, of North Sec ond street, entertained at a prettily appointed luncheon in honor of their cousins, the Misses Dorothy and Louise Henderson of Rochester, N. Y. In attendance were Miss Mary Ann Harris, Miss Beatrix Wallis, Miss Georgia Stewart, Miss Margaretta Black 4 the Misses Henderson and the Misses McCormick. * TELL WEIRD GHOST TALES ALONG THE OONODOGUINET Guests of Miss Mary Snyder, last evening at a cornroast along the Conodoguinet told weird ghost stories and played games after the supper. In attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Shaull and daughter, Elizabeth, Miss Martha Moore, of Newark, N. J.; Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Snyder, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hockly and daughter, Edith; Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Seldel, Brower 1 Hoglan, Miss Agnes Drayer, Edward Him es , Harry Phillips, Miss kettle Jack son. Miss Laura Martin, Miss Marlon Bretz, Miss Alice Ferguson, of Millers town, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Snyder, Jr., and daughter, Mildred, Eynon Rowl and Miss Dorothy Snyder. Mrs. William Bickiey and her sis ter, Miss Mollie Lingle are enjoying a stay at Atlantic City. Dr. Robert P. Williams and his brother Charles L. Williams of North Second street, went to Atlantic City today for a little outing. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Stauffer, of Pax tang, and their guest Mrs. M. L. Zieke, of Reading, are spending several days In Philadelphia, guests at the Adelphla hotel. Mrs. H. G. Eslinger of 1729 Market street, is visiting friends in Center, Snyder and Union counties for a week or two. Miss Mildred Gallagher returned to her home at Sheridan, Pittsburgh after visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Goodman, at 2307 Hoffer street. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ross Bealor, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Rlcker and small son Daniel Rlcker, of Paxtang, are taking an automobile trip to Atlantic City. Miss Margaret Atkinson and Miss Ruth Atkinson, of 537 Peffer street, returned last evening from Atlantic City, where they spent a week's va cation. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Richards left this morning for a brief stay in New York and Boston. Miss Margaret Clancey, 824 South Cameron street, will spend two weeks in Baltimore and Washington, D. C. Miss Martha Orth Seller and Miss Sue Seller, of 17 North Front street, are guests of Mrs. Edward Bailey at her cottage at Eagiesmere. William T. Parks, 1342 North Sixth street, is spending a week at Crls flfcld, Md. AWAY FOR TEN DAYS Mrs. John E. Snavely, Mrs. William J. Straub, Mrs. Charles W. Blosser, Miss Katherine Blosser, and Miss Elizabeth Blosser, have returned to the city after spending the past ten days in Philadelphia and Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Bowman, Miss Helen Bowman, and John Bow man, of Mattoon, 111., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Young, of 1017 Green street. Mrs. Ada Funk, of Port Royal, who has been the guest of Mrs. W. H. B. Pennell, 503 Muench, street, left yesterday for Downlngtown. HABJUBBURG TELEGRAPH ISK COURTS TO PISS! OH REPORTS SEPT. % Receiver and Guardian Will Pre-' sent Accounts For Final Con-. j firmation Pending Exceptions ■MMMHHi Four accounts of JJ-t] Jf j/j receivers and guar dians which have /*& been on file In the P r °' honotar - V 8 °® ce weeks will be pre- TrßlWllMfl sented to the Dau- InlDilnfiEEFffl r> . llin ( - ounty t!o y rt confirmation unless exceptions be filed. These accounts include: Fourth and partial account of Charles F. Kirschler, receiver of the Treasury Trust. Company, Pittsburgh; first and partlat account of Theodore W. Stone, receiver for the Electric Mutual Casualty Association, Philadel phia: first and final account of Elmer W. Ehler, committee for Philip Al dinger, a lunatic; account of Joseph F. Romberger, guardian of the estate and effects of John H. Stroup, a feeble-minded man of Mifflin town ship. At the Register's Office. —The will of S. Cameron McCormick was pro bated yesterday and letters on the es tate were Issued to his widow. Anna C. McCormick, and letters testamentary on the estate of Henry J. Stewart, formerly of this city, were Issued to Nannie Holler Stewart. Bijr Rush to Pay Ctty Taxes.—Scores of people anxious to avoid the 3 per cent, penalty for failure to pay city taxes before September 1 are crowd ing the offices of City Treasurer O. M. CopeliV daily. During the last few days thousands of dollars have been paid in. Twenty-First Birthday of Lewis Neiffer Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Neiffer. of Riverside, arranged a delightful little celebration in honor of their nephew. Lewis Neiffer Snyder, who has just reached his twenty-first birthday. Supper was served on the lawn and afterward the party went to Paxtang for the evening. In the party were Miss Mary Himes, Gettysburg; Miss Nina Rudisill, , Littlestown; Miss Marion Smith. Lock Haven; Miss Mary Hay. Miss Lillian Miller, Miss Mildred Buttorff, Messrs. Boas Sites. James Knier, Harry Zerby, Clarence Webner, Lewis Neiffer Snyder, Jacob Rudisill, Alfred Ellenberger, Evan Miller, Rob ert Cook, Kenneth Rineard, Robert George, Raymond Isenberg, Albert Hamer, Frank Gardner, Mr. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M. Neiffer and Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Snyder. BOY BEGINNERS' CLASS ENTERTAINED BY TEACHER Mrs. H. M. Parthemore, of 3346 North Sixth street entertained the members of the boy beginners' class of the Sixth Street United Brethren Sunday school with games, music and refreshments. Those present were Clair Balsbaugh, Charles Bobbs, Leroy Dlmm, Robert. Albright, Arthur Shell enberger, Paul and David Evans, Paul Shepler, Daniel Fisher, Leroy and Lester Fitting, Robert Carnethen, Elmer Weaver, Paul Ritter and Leroy Wolf, and the Misses Elizabeth Ream, Dorothy Ream and Helen Wolf were also present. Assisting in entertain ing were Mrs. Bromall, Mrs. Wolf gang, Mrs. D. S. Wolf and Mrs. Parth more. Mrs. Emma J. Eyster, of Paxtang, Is visiting friends at New Oxford for several weeks. Miss Emma Mason of 1430 North Second street, is home after a month's visit with her brother, W. W. Mason at Honeybrook. Mrs. Sarah Frankem and Mrs. R. L. Perkins of North Second street left to-day for Niagara Falls and Buffalo remaining away for a week. JUST A QUAKE: THAT'S ALL Tokio takes its earthquakes com pacently. The Tokio Advertiser limits its comments on a shakeup to the fol lowing: "The second severe earth quake within two weeKs was felt in Tokio last night. Although hardly as severe as the shock of June 20, last night's quake lasted longer or rather was perceptible to human faculties longer than the one two weeks ago. It began at 10:38 o'clock and the earth could be felt to shake for more than three minutes. The movement of the earth was horizontal rather than vertical as was the case to a small de gree in the earthquake that preceded this one. Japanese who claim a knowl edge of earthquakes say that this one portends falling weather." Fancy what the New York papers would make of such a terrene twinge. Mrs. Francisco Villa Now in California I; ij * 1 l&> . | V. Wy , <£> INS ZENORA F/M.VCtSCO VILLA, Here is a recent picture of Mrs. Francitico Villa, wife of the Mexican Rebel leader made at Long Beach, California, where she is spending the summer with her younger sister and her baby. Senora Villa is but seven teen years of age. A STRICH'S Monday, August 30 Twenty-Five Cent Day ANY HEMP HAT F* IN THE STORE >/ Will Be Sold Monday For ..... This includes Large Black Sailors—Large White Sailors—Large White Sailors with Black ' | % Flanges—Black Hemp Turbans, Plain Edges—White Wash Hats—Silk' Outing Hats—Silk ( * Hemp Turbans—Children's Trimmed Hats, Etc. Your unrestricted choice of any of Q £ I ■ the above on Monday O C I \ A nominal charge for trimming on account of the low price. I ■ NOTICE—BIack Milan Hemp Turbans with white flanges will be sold Monday at ACkf% I % and are not included in 25c sale. (Any Colored Trimmed Hat, on Monday . . . f Including French Models, Formerly $6.00 and $7.00 M r J All Other Trimmed Summer Hats . . . Cjf 661 9 Regardless of Former Prices. Choice of Stock V . • j | FANCY FEATHERS AND TRIMMINGS j C At Special Prices I 1 Ostrich Fancies, Ostrich Fancies, Ostrich Fancies, Ostrich Fancies j \ Worth 75c 1Q _ Worth SI.OO 9Q_ Worth up to QQ_ Worth up to QQ_ j C and SI.OO, at and $1.25, at $2.00, at . . OOC $3.00, at . . WC f" # Ostrich Pompons Ostrich Pompons Ostrich Lobster Tips, All Colors, i (r . Fe " <r - 59c rth $1 : 50 - 83c tE&Z"* 48c 3 Bu nch ßunch : 29c1 5 Genuine French Ostrich Plumes Genuine Ostrich Plumes { 1 White, black and all colors, QC r White, black and all (M OO Vworth $2.00, at 2JOC co lors, worth $2.50, atV**^ | | Special Sale of Pink, Jack and American Beauty Roses ( Regular price OQ-I Regular price A A I Regular price ££ J Regular price Q7 C 50c, Monday, < «*'C|7sc, Monday, * *C| 98c, Monday, OOC| $1.25, Monday, • C 1 Special Sale of White Black and Colored Wings and Wing Fancies f* 1 Regular price I Regular price CO _lßegular price 7Q_| Regular price 7Q_ I 1 49c, Monday, «iwC|7sc, Monday, «JOC|9Bc, Monday, ifCj sl.2s,Monday, Ostrich Pompons Ostrich Pompons Broad Ostrich Bands I 1 With feelers; white, black and With feelers; regular price With tips; all new colors; value C 1 high colors; regular QQ $1.98. d* yj>| $3; regular price 1 CQ C I price $1.49. Monday, Monday <P 1 ♦ fc t 4 T $1.98. Monday .. *J> * ■ Oi/ # In addition to the above advertised items we will show hundreds of other equally attractive bar- # gains in nice clean, new trimmings. LOOK FOR RED MONDAY SALE TICKETS. £ SWEDISH ARMY DEVELOPED T nndon —The Swedish army has been considerably developed since the beginning of the European war ac cording to a correspondent ol tne Exchange Telegraph Company It is , sr. Mo*"™".*?, ssf stvrmers Supplies of ammunition and have been brought up to date and the Swedish military writers state that the army has *"? stood at such a high point of efficiency. Five thousand new officers and non ci mmtssioned officers have been ap pointed and all old 80crf ? S called up for a course of supplemental training. FORMER MAYOR HAYES DEAD Special to The Telegraph Baltimore. Md„ Aug. 28.-Thomas Gordon Hayes, ex-mayor of Baltimore, a noted lawyer and for many years prominent in Maryland politics, was stricken with heart, failure in the street in Oakland, Md., and died in half an hour. Asthma Sufferer' Write to-day I will tell you free of charge how I was cured of asthma 1 after 28 years of terrible suffering, by I a simple inexpensive home treatment which never fails. I am so grateful I for my present good health 1 want I every one to know of this wonderful treatment. Mrs. Fred E. Moraine, Box 555 Des Moines, lowa. Select Suitable Lumber Before buying lum ber it is advisable to tell your lumber mer chant the purpose for which it is intended. No one kind of lum ber is adapted for all purposes. Certain woods are well suited to interior use, but are wholly unsuited to ex posure to the weather. We shall be glad to tell you the best kind to use. United Ice & Coal Co. Forster & Cowden Sts. AUGUST 28. 1915, DIES OX HIS LOCOMOTIVE Special to The Telegraph Pottsville,- Pa., Aug. 28.—During his run to-day In the cab of the locomo tive attached to the miners' train on the Mine Hill division of the Philadel phia and Reading Railway at West wood, George Frey, of Cressona, a fire man, was found dead upon the tank. Apoplexy was the cause of death. JyaiaKi t Co-executor and Co-trustee / WHERE it is desired to combine the advant ages offered by a trust company with the services of a family member or a friend possess ing personal knowledge of the testator's business affairs, such an individual may serve with the trust company as co-executor and co-trustee, if so stipulated by will. In such cases the trust company co operates in all respects for the safety of the estate and the best interests of > the beneficiaries. ■ ■ 213 MARKET STREET Capital, *300,000 Surplua, *300,000 nCW " reCOr^S r our Victor booths.^ KING INJURED BY FALL Special to The Telegraph Stockholm, Aug. 28.—King Gustave had a narrow escape from serious in jury yesterday at Jerna. As he was entering his car to proceed to Stock holm the train started with a sudden jerk, throwing him down. His foot, was Jammed between the car and the platform and he fell heavily.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers