If - ■■■■..» wwm.wwwf, : Four Friday Moraine Hours And the B. B. B Sale Together Offer Doubly Interestiw Values' I !; To-morrow—Open Until Noon *re*tme values ; ; I > ; - i" ; <££?&-££& Kitchenwares 3,000 Pieces White Porce- 1 ] ]domestics BoW Clnliiinrr l v 25c to 50c; work bags Lipped Saucepans, 150— lam Dinnerware, consisting Tj , . # fjV LJKJyS 1 I; hair receivers, hand- " C Jc?in%'ht pftwns -m jr Norfolk Suit., 85.25 _ kerchiefs, button bags. Gas Hot Plate* flt! QR bowls and others, at A 27 inches wide. _ formerly $2.95 and $3.50 l< powder puff and jewel formerly $2.50 and $2.98 - "** J Chambray. 3# yd.-regu- models; sizes 6to L bags. with star drilled burners BOWMAN'S —Basement. each 'any 8c; plain blue and pink; ' \ y Floor. Knife and Fork gets ) slightly soiled. Palm Beach Suits, 94.15 ~ form «r- L K regularly 98c white i\ * * - r-\ » ■ Pillow Cases, 80—regu- formerly $7.50; for men ~ Norfolk, Khaki | ; Underwear and Sr£'i^« kniv " and Bi * Men s & Boys Children's ffi 2MciblMChe<l;45x36 a I«TLT'3o* suits:si " s ;< ► * T Gas Hot Plates, $2.98 R-< .I . «■ Unbleached Muslin 70 merly up to $1.90; limited Play Overalls, 390 — < ► Hosiery formerly $3.50 and $3.98 T UmiShingS WPaf yd—regularly 10c; 36 inches quantity. regularly 50c checked < j ► W1 star drilled burner. ® W Cdi wide; extra heavy quality. BOWMAN'S— Third Floor waist with plain blue pants; ■* \ y Women's Union Suits. Mason Fruit Jars, 45* Men's Half Hose, 9* pr., Dresses, at Sheeting, 150 'yd.-regu- 7 ~ S 'T 3! ° 7 '< ► 250 regularly 50c— } dozen regularly 60c— 3 pra. 250—plain black and l v «i;n, «ol c u? larly 22c; bleached, in rem- FtbreCovered Oliver Twist Suits, 19<J— 'H bleached; cotton ribbed and quart size. colors; double heels and - v to sl.9B—fine white nan ' t i engths; unbleached Trunk, s6.9B—regu- regularly 29 c striped and <4 open mesh; low neck; |. 6 Packages Swifts' Was- toes; seconds. crepe, with small colored cut from the full piece •72 larly $8.98" round tan waist, with plain blue !< I sleeveless; lace knees. Sec- j »ng_Powder, 19* regular- Boys' Shirts and Waists, figure: Empire and suspend- inches wide. edges with heav,, P a "ts: sizes 2to 6 years. » * ° n^ s ' V l2° roll. a T-i TJ 100 regularly 250—light er styles, trimmed with col- Feather Pillows, $1 pr.— brass'lock and hard ,l,? oth f 5 I" r b3 n ► Children s Waist Union I Crepe Toilet Pa- and dark colors; plain and orec j D j n j nt y i a ~_ __J ;k . reeularlv covered with ia. nard shapes, for boys 7to 14 I ► Suits. 18C- bleached; low Per, 28*. neat .tripes; slightly soiled. E andfilled w h years old, reduced to SB* { .neck; sleeveless; knee Men's and Boys' Sport 26 saniiarv feafhers from 50c ; «9* Iron, SI.OO. } ; length. Shirts, ,390 plain colors White Pique Coats, Ticking. 14* vd rem,- r>w . BOWMANS-Thlrd Floor < ► Women's Hose, and neat stripes. 91.49 formerly $2.25 to larly 20c; blue and white UfaDeneS ~i TTi W * Laces and £?." IT? Sale Sheets : ► soles; wide garter tops; cot- t,on or scalloped edge at cuff . Chalto, yd.-cu ularly 10c -in black vei i T 1 ► ton and silk lisle; broken " and collar; sizes 6 months to desitrn<s P iece - in oriental low and heliotrope. ' I ATC LOWCrCQ | ► lines and seconds. I—JITI DfOICIGriCS Oil ISO •' years. TT ,Burlap, 80 and 16* vH T I~> • I , Children's Stockings, 9c SILKS c f „ Unbleached Muslin, 10* formerly and 25c III PriCC pr. fine ribbed cotton : Cluny Laces, 100 yd. 1 raw Hats, .»O0 form- yd. regularly 17c; 48 cretonne and blue denim. double knees; all sizes. regularly 20c pure linen. Black Dress Taffeta, 840 erly SI.OO to $2.98 for e ® wide; even, round Furniture Guimp 1* and I^O-lTn k BOWMAN' S—Main Floor Embroidery Insertion, 60 yd. regularly 95c chif- girls 2to 10 vears old thread. 90 yd. reeularlv anH IHUI lUW' < A " yd f ? 2 I C - fon finish; 36 inches wide. BOWMANS-Second Floor yd—regu- 5c - green and mixed col- SheeU, at ssc, or s for '< ► j Embroidered Wool Flan- Black Satin Messaline. lariv l_ /a c, 36 inches wide; ors. $l.O0 —regularly 45c—welded I | ► \Y/L:I. n J I nel ' yd—regularly 39c 84* yd. regularly SI.OO- cut fr. i the full piece. Rug and Awnine Fringes QUallly L I y Vr flltC vJ-OOdS . used especially for chil- colored edge; 36 inches BOWMAN s Main Floor to yj—formerly 10c sheets, at 48c—regularly 1 _ _ . ! dren's skirts. w ;He r\ 1 \ tolsr lurmeny iuc 65c—bleached; made of good i and Linens BOWMAN-B— Main Floor BOWMAN-s— Main Floor vJn tno Silk Girdles, 390 Piano and Mantle Covers h h6m '< 4 ► Lawn 3K* yd reeu regularly Soc; various 91.00 formerly $1.98 taawn, "4v ya. L ea( l ; 81x ®° inches. ' 4 larly oc - cut from mil $ 1.00 Wtllte Silk, GIOVCS carpet T lOOf L fringe. SJnVffi ' 5 P v: isKS r r nr, ft , . Armure and Taoestrv soiled; 81x90 inches. i L ► Remnants, at 6 J4O yd. _ Rugs for 55* to 91 °<) vAt PUlow Cases—made of Mo- , , regularly 10c to 15c - lawn, Porches, kitchens and bunga- p, n , erly 95c to'sl.9B - forTr- -o«ed; i" ► SP vsi. V 2o^ P,qUe - i . lows. 36x36 inches, at 330, UreSSLlOOds "iture coverings, cushions, t.WfromX. 18c: 45x36 ' at I y 1 W'*" ♦ 1 !j e^U a < r <" 1/; V" 1 t. -r- from 49c; 36x72 inches, at r,-,, n. •Un etC " Embroidered Pillow Cases, 1^ V 39c tape selvedge; 44 16-button length. Excellent qualitv. All silk 66* from 98r- =Uv7? • Silk Finish Pongees, 150 Cushions, 250—retrularlv »8c —regularly 75c —46*»e < , nchesw.de with three Paris Point embroidered backs ,7,! yl-r.g«l.rly 25c; 32 29c _ suitable for cSS Kr 3& ► Mercerized Batiste, 150 \y e consider this one nf the ► yd. regularly 29c—*5 in- gl°\e values Plaited Rugs for bath- and waisting stripes, with BOWMAN'S— Fourth irinm- BOWMAN'S— Main Floor ► ches wide. Extra special * rooms, living rooms or all the bright color combina- ' I ► va i" e - rida) price 540 kitchens in round or ovai tions; washable; 500 yards. ( Nj 1 Mercerized Napkins, T9* BOWMANS-M.!. Floor. ' . ° mal Satin Stripe Voile, 280 .. All ■ -'•!< dozen regularly sl.oo V patterns. 30x30 inches, at yd.—regularly 50c; 40 inches ► ready for use; 22x22 inches. \T 7/ from $1.65; 36x36 in- wide; tinted grounds of O \kT • ► BOWMAX-s—Main Floor * INOtIOnS C ches. at 91.15, from $2.25; mais, pink and white. L - OtlUfcO 24x36 inches, a, St.oo, from Figured Batiste. yd. rT / T I, t , ► Hafion« Iqa „ , <ci no. ; u —regularly 8c; set figures Comprising-the remainder of waists left from , , I riyc pfp 25c Celluloid Fansloe , en 8 an d Women's Ox- ' ' ' . 7 - nC , at and floral designs. the various styles and prices. Quantities are lim- ' ► 10yS, CtC. 10c Xotahook Dress Fast- f° rd! ' Pr-formerly up »1-«9, f53.75 ; 36x72 in- Devon,hue Cloth, ited. Only two prices: Toy Piano, 91.49 for- eners, 2 cards 50 to s^; odds and ends. cues, at from $5.50. yd.—regularly l?c ; stripes 750 —embroidered voiles, organdies and lawns; good ? merly $2.98; rosewood fin- 10c West's Hooks and Glass Trays, 170 form- an( l checks; 32 inches wide. styles, featuring short sleeves and flat collars. Also a < * ' s h- Eyes, pack 40 r , .. , erly 49c with mahogany Danish Cloth, 90 yd.— small lot of the finer grade waists, slightly soiled. i ► Collapsible Shoofly's, 69* 15c and 25c Emblem Sets, ® are f° ot San- frames and cretonne linintr' 1 ~regularlv 15c; half wool; 91.50—Latest of summer styles, mostly in embroidered •< r gularly 98c. ! colors 5* dais, 35* pr. also play for iced tea or lemonade. t" , e ' rose, pink, voiles; various flat collars; long and short sleeves. L ► Folding Camp Stools, 15* 10c to 50c odds and ends shoes; all sizes. Bodv Brussels Camet anH ir own and _reseda. I , -regularly 25c; with heavy , of Buttons, dozen 5* Border Samcles bniSd jJ French Serge 980 yd.- Clean-Up Lot of Coats, 98 canvas seat. 10c Shoe Lacers, all sizes, _ . both ends- \ I A varHs 1 n formerly SI.M); black only; Small lot t>f various styles that were formerly priced at Lawn Benches 69*— re- I 2 dozen 15e th sli PP e rs, 10*—for- R ( . a Hv ' - TJ J* inches wide; waterproof. more than twice $3.98. i ► "ong^ $ ar^d.' iin?i ! Tape "° g 5e v New Poplin Skirts, Special, $3.98 \ ► . Bo'wMAN'S—Ma'tn'rioor' BOWMAN'S— Third Floor BOWMAfTS—Kourth Floor TFI b,Mk 5 ' *' ■' "" " r A . V '- I AMUSEMENTS Hours: 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. To-dav. Jesse L. Lasky presents BLANCHE SWEET In "THE CAP TIVE," in 5 reels. To-day and to-morrow. Paramount Travel Series. Friday, one day only. HEMtI ETTA CROSMA>- In the famous emotional drama "THE I'XWEL COME MKS. HATCH." The Home of the Moller pipe organ, and the coolest theater in the city. Bell phone 3719; United T34-Y. Admlnnlon, Adult* lOri Children Be. Coming "THE BTERXAL CITY," AUK- 18, lU. 20, 21. Nana— , ——\ Sacred Band Concert AT Boiling Springs Park SI'TOAY, ACOCST IS Tyrrell's Military Band of Lebanon, honr car acrrlee for linnri Concert. ■> j JV> Paste I 1 The Season's Best and Biggest ( | Fireworks Display J | Paxtang Park To-night j THURSDAY EVENING. DAMAGED MONITOR IN PORT I By Associated Press Norfolk, VtL, Aug. 12.—The monitor Puritan which was the target Tues ! day for a 12-inch shell fired by the monitor Tallahassee, has arrived to day at the navy yard m two of two; naval tugs. The vessel has a hole in ! her port stern and considerable of her I i superstructure was shot away. ' | AMUSEMENTS raxtanc Park Theater i Fennel&Tyson j Vaudeville'* Claflileat Singing and i Dancing Offering Helen Primrose i **X«t Comedienne" 4 OTHER niG ACTS « Fireworks Thursday Eve. j ' i FREIGHT INCREHSES; IDLE CURS GROW LESS Further Return of Good Business Shown in P. R. R. Traffic Reports Pennsylvania Railroad freight traffic ! continues the steady Increase tnaugu- I rated by the return of. good business I some time ago. The number of loaded cars passing j eight representative points during the | first seven days of the month amount ed to 172,552, compared with 167,251 , for the corresponding period a year I ago, an Increase of 5,301 cars or 3.2 I per cent. The daily average shows 24,650 cars against 2:1.863 In 1914. The car move ment past Lewistown Junction, both | east and westward, during this period 'totaled 23,176 cars, compared with j 22,345 last year, an Increase of 5.7 per cent. That the eastward traffic movement has been great may be judged from : the fact that of the total number of j cars bound east and west the eastward j traffic accounted for 17,686 cars. The number of Idle cars on railroads i throughout the entire country de creased more than 11,000 between July 1 and August 1. On the latter date there were 264.243 cars out of use compared with 275,636 on July 1 and 196.665 on August 1 of 1914. This de crease has been chiefly felt In coal and gondola cars In the Ea»t and in box cars in the southeast and central parts of the country. The surplus of Idle box cars has Increased In the central north. Standing of the Crews ! HARKISRI Itli SIDE Philadelphia Division—l2s crew first to go after 4 p. m.: 117, 127. 101. 108 - 132. 107. 131, 106. 128, 123. 111, 119. 109 112. engineers for 101, 108. 112 j for 106, 107. 112. 127, 128,1 ' Conductors for 107, 109, 131. 1 KOtRmHURO (£§£3s TELEGRAPH Brakemen for 109. 117, 125, 132. Engineers up: Hubler, McCauley, Kennedy Supplee, Everett, McOuire, Manley, Kautz, Snow. Firemen up: Sees. Spring Robinson, Everhart. Weavtr, Buslie.v. Kreider. Ha maker McCurdy, Bleloh, Shive, Shaffer. Madenford, Martin. Horstlck j Conductor!) up: Fraellch, Fessler, j Ropp. Brakemen up: Jackson. Dengler. Fer guson, Coleman. "liidlf Division—l 9 crew first to go after 1:40 p. m.: 16, 17, 26, 23. 24, 25 i Engineer lor 16. Brakeman for 19. ; Engineers up: Simonton, Sparver Garman, Wlssler. Firemen up: Seagrist, Potteiger, I ; Fletrher, Kuntz. Gross. L*>ok, Sheesley YOUR LAST CHANGE ' TO GET ONE OF THESE WEATHER PROPHETS g* ill This coupon will not appear again. When these hygrometers P ' are S one » we can g et no more. If you haven't mailed or brought ■■ 1^ yoUr cou P? n * n yet, act quickly, for our supply will not last long. '' iUH Regular price SI.OO. Our price while they last only —-Clip This Coupon- • / For This Genuine Imported Hygrometer When the weather is fine the two children will be out and when m • rainy weather is approaching the witch will come out Bto 24 hours P ahead of rain or snow. The hygrometer will tell advance weather f ' 'tSferfi li reports better and more reliable than general weather reports. It lijfl|Hh a^So has thermometer, elk's head, bird's nest, bird, etc. |jyjp?Sßh THIS IS THE LAST CALL—BE QUICK WITH YOUR ORDER GORGAS, REXAIL DRUGGIST, Conductor up: Basktns. I Flagman up: Smith. I Brakemen up: Roller, Rlssinger, Kane, Martin, Troy. Ynrd Crewo— Engineers for 6. 16, 32. Firemen for 12, 16, 18, 28 Engineers up: Blosser, Houser, Stahl, ' Swab, Crist. Harvey. Saltsman. Kuhn, Pelton. Shaver, Hoyler, Beck. Harter, Biever. Firemen up: Bartolet. Getty. Sheets. ! Bair. Evde. Ulsh, Bostdorf, Schiefer, | Rauch, Wegle, Lackey. Cookerlev, Maeyer, Sholter, Snel!. K Vol. 4 SIDE I Philadelphia Division—-215 crew first to go after 3:45 p. m.: 241. 234. 238 216. I 202. 209. Engineer for 216. AUGUST 12, 1915. ! Firemen for 215, 209. Conductors for SO, 38. I Brakemen for 15, 21, 28, 35, 38. Conductors up: Shirk, Keller. J Brakemen up: ShafTner, Baker, I Riley, Musser. ! Middle Division —ll9 crew first to go after 1:30 p. m.: 119, 118, 112, 103, 165, 116. 109. 111. Fireman for 119. Conductor for 119. Flagman for 119. Brakemen for 112 (two), 103, 109 (two). 111 (two). Yard Crew»—To ko after 4 p. m.: Engineers for 112, first 126, second 12-4. 122. second 102. Firemen for second 126, first 124, 130, first 106. Engineers up: Sweger, Smiley. Fam- A A -JjfJ ous. Rider. Firemen up: McNally, Luts, Kln*«- berry, Gingrich. THE READING Harrlahurit Dlvinlon—2 crew first to Ko after 11:15 o'clock: IS. 1«, 4, 12. I#. Bast-bound—64 crew first to sro after 6 a. m: 62. 56. 69, 65, 61. Knfflneers for 61. 65, 69. Conductors for 19. Brakemen for 4, 19, 61 69. 52 Knsrlneers up: Glass, Crawford. M3S dauKh, Bruaw, Kettner, Wlreman, Wyre, Woland. Firemen up: Anders. Longenecker, Blngaman. Brakemen up: Kapp, Kauffman. Balsh. Stephens. Blngaman. Paxton. Dunkle, Gardner, Grimes, Smith. 3
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