12 =—=—=—= — > See Additional Special, j Specials From 9c to 69c Offer Variety as Well as Economy For Wednesday Shoppers Q r Specials 119 c Specials ?Q r Specials n Speciasl 4Q r Specials Specials fiQ r . Specials Jewelry Cotton Drew Good. Books Silk Chiffon Coin Purses Men's Wash Ties Men's Pajamas 25c bar pins, brooches hat 69c French Voile, 40 inches Special lot of books, odd SI.OO chiffon, 40 inches. Nile, SI.OO German silver coin 50c high grade wash ties in Men's two-piece oaiamas all pins, etc. Special \\ ednesday wide f oral des.gns Special t,t es. Special Wednesday only. maise and helio. Special Wed- purses. Special Wednesday panel stripef and figures Spe- sizes. SpSalWedSeldTonly °"'> r * ■ D,V "" SSffMJ—lards.Vcial Wednesday only] <""* KW.,— D.v, Pom .„ y 4 SSCT&f— * I »mnn« 12j4c Lawns. Special Wed- . " , nesday only, 3 yards for.. 19? Men's Shirts Pearl Beads Tea MU > c 11 Black Goods Seven juicy lemons. Special Dives. Pomerov & stewart, c .u- • 1 • , . - n , . . c . . misses W^esr/'onr 5 f *** Wednesday only Of Black Satine Spec,al Wednesday only, 89f Dlv „ 49? '"jS SI.OO black poplin, 4*inched Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart. Dives, PomeroyA Stewart, Special Wednesdav onlv vard Basement. 30c black satine, 36 inches. BtrMt l00r " D,ves - m e e eHno & or Stewart ' ednesday only, > ard . __ - Special Wednesday only, yard, C ftan Sn.rial« Rice • a —j . Dives, Pomeroy 4 Stewart, I Women's Handkerchief. "• Complexion Brn.he. 10 bl 'LT Special Fancv imP or,ed head rice. T . Alarm Cl » ck » 12y 3 c linen handkerchiefs. 35c complexion brushes. Spe. Wednesday only 390 Special Wednesday only, 6 lbs. cj^Wednesd^v'onl!? 01 "' 59* Colored Dres* fnnds Special Wednesday only .. 9* cial Wednesday only .... 290 10 bars P. &G. soap. Spe* for 49 ? C,a ' " ednesda y onl y Colored Dress Goods Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Letter FlleS and BOOks Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart. cial Wednesday Only ... 390 Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart. D 1V "' SU^FID^r 8 ' 6 ™'''' 85c navy Serge, 48 inches. 6 25c letter files. Special Wed- Bt "" """ * - W Special Wednesday only, yard Bleached Muslin ""Iction"'formerly "to 'sua . Hanrlhaoc Sheets Su s ar 85c Santoy f inches, navy 10c Hill or Fruit of the Loom Special Wednesday only, 19? | Long Silk Gloves 59c bleached sheet 81x90 10 lbs ' emulated sugar, only, yard . P "' a ' "'690 &d#o^yard S rs""Vzn&r™ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. f Djves Pomeroy 4 Btewa rt. sizes 5V 2 and 6. Special Wed- s9c unbleached sheets, seam- _ dra " ,,c , ' Men S INeckwear street Floor. nesdav onlv 390 ' ess ' 81x90 inches. Special 25c grape juice. Special Dives, Pomeroy & stewart, cr . . .„ • . . * Wednesday only 490 Wednesday only', 3 bottles for street Floor. riillJron'c U... 50c tub Silk four-in-hand Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Lnildren S nose ties Special Wednesday only> Jewelry Street ° r " O,VeS " sre« o^oor SteWart - Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart 0 Infants' white silk lisle > 190 _ Basement. Groceries seamless hose. Special Wed- Boys' Blouse Waists , 9c . horseshoe CI-,,-.:,,,, ~~ ™ nesday only 90 brooches. Special Wednesday rlouncmg Door Mat* I c-ii pi Pound Banquet coffee 300 Children's fine ribbed Boys' Sport blouse waists. only 290 49 c Voile Flouncing 40 in- Gloves Pound N. Y. State cheese, 350 cotton hose, black and cham- Special Wednesday only 190 Dives. Pomeroy 4 stewart. - ches, sfcalloped edges. Special . 75c rubber door mats. 18x30- Women's elbow length white granulated sugar, 140 pagne. Special Wednesday Dives, Pomeroy & stewart. street loor. Wednesday only, yard ... 390 inches. Special Wednesday silk gloves, double finger tips. c-. w , , . only 9<s street f-ioor. only 490 Special Wednesday only, 590 SpCC,al U ednesda y onl y- 69^ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, j j > r _i„.. D . Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart. r* J f J Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Dives Pomerov * ctownrt Lines, Street Floor. Toilet Goods Canned Goods Third Floor. Dlves ' stfSrt flo*r. u Basement. Women's Vest, Suits Linen Suiting Swiss Flouncing Black Messaline White cotton ribbed sleeve- 25c cocoa oil shampoo. Spe- ''Clustered Peari"' 'shoe peg 50c white lisle sleeveless 59c linen Suiting, 45 inches 98c Swiss flouncing, 27 89c black messaline 36 in less vests regular and extra cial Wednesday only .. . 190 corn g ja , Wednesd o^lv g um°n su.ts, knee length. Spe- g . , Wednesday onl y, yard' inches; blind and open pat- S P ccial Wednesday only, vard sizes. Special Wednesday Solid wood back military 3 cans F for 290 cial Wednesday only .... 390 V y omy, yam terns S p ec i al Wednesday ri( p 690 onl X brushes, stiff bristles. Special a . att D 'ves, Pomeroy & Stewart. Dives. Pomeroy 4 Stewart. * yard 590 S°t?;e r t°^o & or SteWart ednesday only 190 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Street Floor. Street Floor Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. X ? , J ... i Basement. . Street Floor. Quart of best Witch hazel. Dives, StaiTrWds Embroidery Novelty Silk Colored Voile 12c rubber stair treads, 6xlß 39c Organdie flouncing, 20 .»»•» «>". f inches 69c cotton Voile 44 inches. Carpet Mat. hnoleum. Spe- . inches. Special Wednesday inches. Special Wednesday Wld . e " S P ecial Wednesday only white J"h floral bord- 85c Axminster mats. 18x36 690 only 90 Leather Goods only, yard 29is 7 " p & 0 yard'' ...... .' * 490 65 ' Pedal Wednes^- V D ' veß, T o hTrd%o 4 or St ' wart - Dives, Po hT ero Ur Stewart. Women . s 50 c lekther pocket- D ' Ve '' D, V ... Pomeroy * SUwJrt a' steward books with back strap, mostly ' °° r street Floor. TJ»V»IP I inpn Wkita dark red. Special Wednesday r l C • l ' onl y 190 Women's Silk Hose Carpet Specials Basement Specials Table Linen kl eac hed table linen, 70 15c linen finished white suit- D ives. Pomeroy & stewart. LI V. M, 45c Crex Carpet. Special inches. Special Wednesday ing, 33 inches. Special Wed- street Floor. Women. black silk Wednesday only, yard ... 390 75c decorated china marma- 65c unbleached table linen, only, yard 690 nesday only, yard 90 " Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart, Women's Belts 10 a ' ° n " V Special Wednesday only, yard, on ]y 490 only, yard 590 street floor. Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart, 3«A /.1C decorated china Syrup , Cretonne belts with covered street loor. Dives, Pomeroy a stewart, pitcher and tray. Special W r ed- es ' street^Fioor 16 "" 1 ' p. rv c . I ari* Incprtinn buckle. Special Wednesdav street Floor. nesday only 490 * fine Uress hhapes "... , , ""'J 1 Men's Knee Drawers ' -iffSjjZS Mas ? iars ' e . i ci Last ol our best dress straw Lace insertion in cream, \ l / 2 Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart. e S W j Sham* cial Wednesday only .... 490 Lace Flouncing shapes. Special Wednesdav to 5 inches wide values to 50c. street floor. 50c Porosknit knee drawers auto tire pumps. Spe- oriental lace fi ounc ; nF in only 690 Special Wednesday only ..90 in white and Egyptian. Special 59c Shams with drawnwork 013 ednesday only ... 480 cream 24 inches wide values Dives, Pomeroy A stewart. Drinking Cups Wednesday only 290 center. Special Wednesday Dives. , Street Floor. fJ .,. Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart. ° nl y asement. •- • Basement Specials " 50c nickel drinking cups in streec Floor. J * Basement Specials Mixed Suiting & hoWers. CC< Specfal Ch 'wednesday Crex Runners Basement Special, china Bowl, no^/onlf": , V O9« only 90 35c and 40c Crex Runners, 75c decorated chjna chop 4.Qn> $1.50 folding go-carts. Spe 15c dustless dust cloths. Spe- Notions 24 inches. Special Wednesday plates. Special Wednesday Dives, pomeroy & stewart, 98c decorated china salad cial Wednesday only ....690 cial Wednesday only 90 only 290 only 390 street Floor or f ru jt bowls. Special Wed- $1.25 double jointed dolls, 25 Wizard dustless hand dust- 25c 6-yard bolt silk middy Dives. Pomeroy A stewart, 50c Mason pint fruit jars. nesday only 590 inches high. Special Wednes ers. Special Wednesday only, braid. Special Wednesday only, street Floor. Special Wednesday only, doz., Pnm ,r„, *. on 'y 90 b01t... 190 390 Black Voile Dives 'K stmrtl D!veß, Po E f n t . stewart ' Nickel plated pineapple 7 and 8-inch steel scissors. . 59c fancy shopping baskets. <ti mki u . t eyers. Special Wednesdav Special Wednesday only . 190 Huck Towels Special Wednesday only, 390 C4 •' , a f- v .°, r a , w °°l> r\ Qr\c»/-»inl 0n1v...... 9i» 55c eranite dinner nails Soe- a 4 inches " S P ec,a! Wednesday Mr OPoCial 1 Children's sets of knife, "fork Dlveß, str^rfifor 816^''1, 39c linen huck towels hem- cial Wednesday only .... 390 only, yard 490 ===== l9c onl d y SP r.'. Sp ": a \ W .^ dn ! S 90 y D .„ P J Jn Wednesday only . 8 .. P 290 25c paper plates, sealed in Rose Beads and Purses Dives. A Stewart, - 15c clutch pencil and 5c box 25c embroidered pillow cases, nesdav y oSv ton ' pCCia Jt California rose beads. Spe- I Colored DreSS Goods Children's .Sandals lead - S P ecial Wednesday only, 4 5 x 36 inches. Special Wed- Ideal picnic sets. Special rer^an^irvpr n rnin n e * 1 B,f ° a dcloth, 36 inches. 65c barefoot sandals sizes 5 Book racks. Special a > unlv Wednesday only, set ... 90 !^ e JS^X P iS Ba " me nt Specials Special Wednesday only, yard, to 11. Special Wednesday onlv nesday only 90 Pound carton of Parowax. F decorated rhina a P books - Special Wed- Special Wednesday only ..90 Dives. p]ates Spccial Wedncsda ; . 50c Mohair, navy; for bath- Dives. Pomeroy * o stewa,t, nesday only 90 fives, Pomeroy A Stewart. Onlv 290 SUItS " Special Wednesday D Pomeroy A Stewart. Embroidery Basement. J. .. . , . . , v Only, yard 390 Street Floor. Groceries •r aUS 3 e a - . tyT 50c cream whipcord, 36 in- «. .. jr» i 39c batiste insertion. 2to 4 fnttnn Droce r„„J e vMii ow screens. pecia e - ches. Special Wednesday only, Stationery and Books Nntinn« inches wide. Special Wednes- Cotton Dress Goods New pack salmon, tall tins. nqsday only 290 d £ * - Notions d , d 190 . Snerial Wednesdav onlv twn 4 rolls 10c toilet paper. Spe- J - n „ cu _ , . ■ SI.OO box of initial station- „... , , . . J J J Lie Ginghams, 32 inches, cans for 190 cial Wednesdav only 290 r hr<; L w H "ri'" er y- Special Wednesday only Silk tubular corset laces, J Dives. Pomerov A stewart. seersucker stripes. Special Fancy new early Tune peas 39c galvanized "foot tubs. Special W ednesdav - 490 yards long, white, pink and street Pioor. ° n }l' •••90 Special Wednesday only two Special Wednesday only, 290 Books of fiction, value to ''' ue - Special Wednesday only, floral patterns and'^tHpes « ns ,or ' 19 « TSKU* """ SSS W""- Sp«W white ground. Special \Ved- f'™®- p^ner «S r * stewart. . ' Middy braid, white, pink, navy eil K f . nrv hont u n -. t> nesday only yard ... 90 _ _ , Black Dress Goods Dlveß> |?r n eer^or Stewart ' and red: Special Wednesday blac ' k b oots 'with pink, blue or on white ground. Special Wed- Women's Handkerchiefs Cotton Drew Good, j 50c b|ack Mohajr J6 jnches i green nesday only, yard 90 , 50c silk stripe Voile, 38 in- Special Wednesday only, yard, Mpn's Shirt* nesday only 90 15c Cretonne Drapery, large 25c colored crepe de chine ches, flor/.l designs on white _ 390 6-yard bolt embroidery edg- Dives. pomeroj^A^stewart. designs, 30 inches. Special handkerchiefs. Special Wed- and tinteu ground. Special 50c black Panama, 54 inches. 75 c percale coat shirts, sizes ing; blue, red, black and pink, Wednesday only, yard .... 90 nesday only 190 Wednesday only 290 Special Wednesday only, yard, 14 17 Special Wednesday ° n white or all white, 1-inch Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart. Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart. Dives, Pomeroy A Btewart. Only 490 wide. Special Wednesday Only, Underwear Street Floor. S ree oor. Street Floor. Hives. Pomeroy A Stewart. 69c white mercerized Sport 90 street Floor shirts. Special \Vednesday Lac e trimmed dusting caps. Men's 25c Egyptian open Lining Women's Gloves c Qf - : only 490 Special Wednesday only .. 90 mesh shirts and drawers Spe ® DiaCK oatme M ' T •n t J Perfection sanitary aprons, cial Wednesday only, each. 6%c Cambric Muslin, black ~2 5c tw r claSp .¥ e , and han ?- 37«/,c black satine. " S UXtordS Boys' Pajamas I n i "i_: i " I T-» * «">«■» A ? •. II and colors Soccial Wednesdav oisctte gloves, black and col- tu X- • c • 6=ir hlarV tPnnU nvfnrHc ai/ Box assorted kindergarten Boys 2oc cotton union suits, only, four yards for », or, Special Wednesday on£. to 10. Special Wednesday Street tewart. Dives, Stswart, Dives, t ™* r t°^rio o ® t * wart « Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart. Dives. Pomeroy A Stewart. W oireei r ioor. Street Floor Street FlSor Street Floor. Street Floor. J> l TUESDAY EVENING, BARIUSBURG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 10, 1915.
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