[A "For Rent" Id on This fage Is Sire to Reach the Person Yon Seek| LOST LOST Tuesday evening In vicinity of Second and Maclay streets, lady s circlet brooch, set with sapphires; llbei - al reward if returned to 2041 North Second street. LOST Small brown brlndle bull dog— about 4 months old; curve In tall; re rd If returned to C. H. Wolfe, tom monwealth Barber Shop. LOST—Ladr s pocketbook either on Market Square or on Second street car or Second and Hamilton. Contains money and keys. Reward If returned to 206 Hajnllton. HELP WANTED —Male WANTED First-class tool makers; good pay to competent men. Address, giving experience, to J. F. Creswell, Box 264, Lancaster. Pa. WANTED Good tool workers or skilled machinists to assist die sinkers and trimmers on drop forging work. Excellent opportunity to learn the trade. Apply by letter only. The D. Wilcox Mfg. Co., Mechanicsburg, Pa. WANTED lntelligent office boy to' learn business. No previous experience necessary. Boy from country pre ferred. Address. In own handwriting, stating age, to Box 713, Harrisburg P. O. WANTED Sheet metal worker; steadv work. 55 hours per week ioi first-class mechanic; must be able to read drawings readily, good at solder ing and with experience laying out. Rate 30c per hour. Call personally. If engased and services satisfactory, will reimburse transportation expense, alter emploved thirtv days. Pangborn Cor poration, Hagerstown. Md. f WANTED Drafting work of all descrip tions ; architectural, mapping, farm plotting, designing, letter ing, tracing, estimating, etc. Quick efficient service. Reason able rates. Work strictly confi dential. Address, C. W. Erisman, No. 2110 Green street, Harris burg, Pa. WANTED Experienced buttonhole operators, steady work. Blough Bros. Shoe Mfg. Co., Hummelstown, Pa. WANTED Carpenters and handy men at once. Apply Robert Gtace Con tracting Co.. C. V. R. R. Bridge to Is land Park. WANTED First-class all-around butcher, one who can drive wagon. Ad dress S., 2834, care of Telegraph. WANTED First-slass barber; steady work. 1018 North Seventh street. WANTED Six men to sell "Light ning Carbon Remover" for motorboats, motorcycles and motor cars. Good pay. Call on, or address, Ed. F. Eisely. 1301 Berryhill street, Harrisburg. Pa. WANTED, IMMEDIATELY —Experi- enced Amazeen Skiver. Apply at Of fice Lindner Shoe Co.. Carlisle. Pa. YOUNG MEN WANTED who wish to become practical or mechanical chauf feurs to call or write us at once. Full unlimited course. $35. Open day and evening. Auto Transportation Repair Shcp. 8 North Cameron street. HELP WANTED —rentalo (WANTED Everybody to know a student entered March 1# and started wc>#k with a structural company July 20—Just four months. Harrisburg Shorthand School. 81 North Second street. 10 GET AHEAD GET A HEAD The road of rapid advancement is now through the office rather than the shop or factory. Ambi tious young men and women who wish to improve their position in life and enter the lists for the prizes the business and executive worlds have to offer should send for our brochure "Tht Art of Getting Along In the World" It shows the way to better salaries and more congenial surroundings—lt points the way to opportunity. We mall you this valuable booklet with out cost or expense to you—Just on your simple request. Send for it to day. THE OFFICE TRAINING SCHOOL, Temporary Office, '309 Pa triot Building; New Location, August 30, Kaufman Building, 4 S. Market Square. WANTED Two girls—2l years old, to serve lee cream In evenings. Apply at once, Rose's, Second and Walnut streets. WANTED—White girl to do general housework. At>ply, 396 South Second street, Steelton. WANTED Reliable white girl for general housework. Apply at once, 1923 North Second street. \ Houses For Rent W. Falrview, Main St $" 924 Ash Ave.. 2H s. f., 6 r $lO 140 Linden St., 3 s. f., 8 r sl2 I Adams St., Enola *l2 2146 N. Seventh St., 3 s. b.. 8 r...518 2143 Atlas St., 3 s. b., 7 r sl3 1508 Allison St., 2V4 s. b.. 7 r. ...sl4 627 Brlggs St.. 3 s. f.. 8 r sl4 2506 Agate St., 2 s. h., 6 r $t t Ross Ave., Bella Vista $14.50 1501 Allison St., 2M s. b., 7 r. b., $1."! 638 Peffer St., 3 s. b., 8 r. & b. ...sls Penn Twp., near Duncannon... .sls 1635 Apricot St., 2 s. b.. 6 r sl3 228 Cranberry Ave., 3 s. b.. 8 r., sls 419 North St., 3 s. b., 8 r. b. ....sls 1531 S. I.3th St., 3 s. b., 8 r. b. ...$l(l 1538 S. 13th St., 3 s. h„ 8 r. . . ,sltl 1504 S, 12th St., 2V4 s. b.. 8 r. b„ slll 652 Emerald St., 3 s. b., 9 r sl7 708 S. 24th St., s. b $17.50 .109 S. 14th St., 3 s. b„ 10 r. & b.. s2l ityll N. 13th St., 3 s. b.. Sr. b $25 133 N. 13th St., 3 s. b„ 8 r. & h.. $25 203 Kelker St.. 3 s. b„ 8 r $25 1207 N. 14th St., new 2% s. b., $25 1914 Market St., 3 s. b., 10 r S3O 2202 N. sth St.. 3 s. b., 7 r. b....530 1109 N. 2nd St.. 3 s. b., 10 r. h. ..S3O 2220 N. 3rd St., 3 .«. b., 10 r. . . .$32 50 "Hill Crest" Bella Vista sfln Hainlyn (Aldinger Cottage) ... st;o 23 S. Front St.. furnished, 4 s. b. 209 S. Front St., 3 s. b„ 10 r. 2 b. APARTMENTS S4S Muench St., 4' r. & b sl2 35 S. Summit St., 3 r. sl2 825 N. 6th St., (furnished) S2O 716 N. 6th St., 2nd floor S3O 2208 N. 3rd St., 3d floor S4O FOR RENT Summer cottages, furnished and unfurnished) also suburban houses, MILLER BROTHERS & CO. REAL ESTATE Insurance Surety Bonds Locust and Court Streets THURSDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to learn the trade of Cigar Making. Pay while learn ing. Welfare looked after by a trained nurse. Apply at Harris burg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Several livewlre sales men on automobile specialty. A»k for Manager. Southern Chemical Co.. Dau phin Hotel. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED A live, wideawake sales man to represent a large Olass and Paint jobbing concern of New York State. Want man to cover Central Pennsylvania. Excellent opportunity for the right man. Only those willing to work need respond. State age. Give references also experience, if any. All answers treated confidentially. Address D., 2835, care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe BOY 16 wants work in store or as office boy. Call, Paul Henry, 353 Nectarine street. I WANTED —By young man, position as wagon driver or clerk for grocery store; three years' experience; refer ence furnished. Address No. 160tf 7,arker street. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Position as chamber maid or general house work. In or out of city, by young colored lady. Address, Box O 2839, in care of Telegraph. WANTED By reliable colored wo man, work by day, or bundle wash. 521 Brown street. SITUATION WANTED By white, girl, for companion for invalid or light housework: Hill preferreu. Call, 120 Juniper street, city. WANTED Colored woman desires general housework; no washing. Call i or address, 904 Cowden street. WANTED 'White girl wants posi tion as waitress; has had experience. Call, or address, 1606 Wallace street. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two up-to-date second floor rooms, furnished for light house keeping, with all conveniences; use of phone. Apply 1315 Swatara street. I 1 WANTED Reliable white woman wants laundry work to do; can give good references. Call, or address. Mrs. Wiley, 1907% North Seventh street. HEAD ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE House on acre, mod ern conveniences, fru'*, productive gar den, Long street, real if Dr. Swallow's; eight minutes' walk 1j trolley. At hom« Saturdays and Sundays. W. H. Yingst, Camp Hill. REDUCED S3OO, 1713 Regina street; 8 rooms; bath; all improvements; lot 110 ft. deep; drive alley In rear. Price. *2.150. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thir teenth street. 238 HUMMEL STREET is going to be sold. Has been reduced to $2,000. In spect it and make me an offer. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE Good house with porches, steam heat, side entrance, gas and electricity, deep lot cornering on two alleys suitable for garage, one half block from trolley. A. W. Swengel, 219 South Thirteenth street. $6,000 WILL BUY two frame houses and two acres of excellent soil at Old Orchard. Also other suburban proper ties at reasonable prices. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE lBO6-08 Susquehanna street two 3-story brick houses 8 rooms bath gas furnace porch. Offered at an attractive price. Bell Realty Company, Bergner Building. $2,150 WILL BUY a brick house with 7 rooms bath gas fur nace porch drive alley on rear; now yielding sl7 per month. Bell Realty Company, Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 129 Soutn Four teenth street, large 3-story brick house, modern, good condition, splendid loca- | tlon for grocery. Price. $2,850. J. E. i Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE & Nos. 1820, 1817, 1851 and ! 1926 Park street, new modern brick j houses, paved streets, porches, side en trance. Can be had at cost prices. Good reasons for selling. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE For $5,250 you can buy ono of those fine homes on east Markev street, between Eighteenth and Nine teenth streets. A rare bargain to you if you desire a home on East Market street. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE, AT ENOLA Ground, containing eight lots 50x150, with eight-room house; all kinds of fruit, bearing, good soil, at bargain. Address A., 2832, care of Teelgraph. FOR SALE A very desirable coun try village home, new house, 6 rooms, lot about 138 ft. by 130. Garden and a spring of fine water on lot. At Slngers ville, about IV4 miles from Dauphin. Will sell cheap and on easy terms. Ap ply to Grover C. Kennedy, Dauphin, R. D., or Harvey E. Knupp, Russ Building, Harrlsburg. Pa. * KEAL ESTATE FOR KENT FOR RENT 1629 Green street, house, 11 rooms and bath; all improve ments; side alley way; water in cellar; rent, $30.00 monthly. Inquire John C. Giede, 1312 North Third street. FOR RENT 1942 New Fifth street; three-story brick; all improvements. Inquire D. G. Holahan. 520 Emerald street. FOR RENT—Basement room, suit able for tailor, cobbler or plumber, at 1266 Market street; rent $lO, Including heat and water. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Mar ket street. GARAGE FOR RENT Room for two cars, new brick building, corner Fulton and Clinton streets. Rent rea sonable. Apply 710 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Three-story house. 132 Linden street: water and gas. Apply, C. F. Gohl, 1003 North Second street. Bell phone 899 M. FOR RENT 1907 North Fourth; 3-story brick; iront porch; large back yaid; all Improvements; electric lights. Rent, $20.00. Call L G. Dimm, Fourth and Muench treets. 692 S. Twentieth St $12.00 415 S. Seventeenth St 20.00 1918 Bellevue Road (new) 22.60 H. G. PEDLOW. 110 S. Thirteenth St. FOR RENT ll9O Christian street; two-story brick; all Improvements ana up-to-date In all respects; seven rooms, Including bath; rent. $17.00. Inquire 259 Herr street, between 6 and 7 P. M. FOR RENT 1721 Carnation street; two-story brick house : all Improve ments; porch front: rent, J16.00. Also ments; porch front; rent, $16.00. Apply 1 545 North Sixth street. REAL ESTATE FPU SALE OB RENT FOR SALE on easy terms, or for rent, desirable house at White Hill with nil improvements. Apply W. H. Snook, 334 ivelker street. Karrisburg. WILL SELL at a sacrifice or rant, 1815 North Second street; possession at once. Apply Regent Theater, 410 Mar ket street. APARTMENTS FPR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Second floor at the Walzdorf. facing Capitol; six rooms, tiled bath and pantry; hard, wood floors, electric light and city ■team. Inquire 400 NortU street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT New Building Just finished pri vate apartments, consisting of three rooms and large balcony, with locker* In basement; large bay window fronts; light and airy; convenient and comfort able. Just the thing for small family. Little expense and low rent. Apply on premise*. 1321-1323 Wallace street. Dally Inspection Invited. FOR RENT s2s North Second street, housekeeping apartments: 5 rooms, pantry and tiled bath; modern In every detail; city steam; running hot water. Apply 218 Pine street. 107 SOUTH FRONT STREET—Second floor housekeeping apartments three rooms and bath modern im provements lmmediate possession <'i»t true to September 1. Inquire First Floor. FOR RENT Suburban apartments; , new, up-to-date; 5 rooms; reception l hall; bath; pantry; front and rear | porches; 2208 and 2210 North Third : street. Apply C. C. Whlteman or H. W. Miller. Bell 5$3W, or 81R. FOR RENT—Third iloor, front apart ment, No. 32 North Second street; $ rooms and bath; ateam heat and elec tric light Apply to Commonwealth Trust Co.. 222 Market street. ROOMS FOR KENT FOR RENT Nicely furnished, airy rooms; plenty of windows; all facing Capitol Park; electric lighiSi hot and cold running water In each room; use of large bath and phone. 410 North. FOR RENT Furnished, large room, bay window stationary wash stand; city steam; electric lights; hard wood floors; near bathroom; suitable for one or two gentlemen; reference re quired. 218 Pine street. FOR RENT One large unfurnished room on ground floor, suitable for office or apartment; also furnished rooms; all modern conveniences, including city steam; central location. Call No. 9 North Fifth street. FOR RENT One nicely furnished room, on second floor, and two unfur nished rooms on third floor; new h use; electric light; gas; bath; all Improve ments; pleasant location. Call 1212 Berryhill street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, for iight housekeeping; large, well fur nished second floor front rooms; all conveniences; use of phone. 813 North Second street. UNFURNISHED KOOMS BUILT especially for light house keeping, single or With kitchenettes, arrangements strictly private, stoves furnished free, laundry, phone, and bathroom privileges. Private lockers for surplus furniture. Inquire office, 429 Broad street, or Janitress, same building. Dally Inspection Invited. WANTED WANTED To borrow $2,000 at 5 per cent, for long term. First mort gage on improved property. Call, Bell phone, 3525 W. WANTED Ford merchant's deliv ery truck, runabout, torulng ear, a:so merchant's delivery body for Ford car. Bell 3431 J. WANTED Good homes for two Protestant boys aged 8 and 11 years, respectively. Address, Box 2840, care Telegraph. WANTED Cash paid for cut hair and combings; switches and all kinds of hair work made at 1307% Wallace street. ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED WANTED Board and room in pri vate family by man, wife and 9-year ola boy. Reasonable walking distance of business district preferred. Address P. O. Box 175, Camp Hill. FOR SALB FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply —so for 25c while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department. The Tele graph Printing Company. CLOSING-OUT BARGAINS! New Carpets, Furniture, Musical Instrument*, Linoleum, 35c; Ingrain, 20c —best, 45c; Best Brussels, 60c; Lining. 3c; Sweepers. $1; Rugs, 9x12, $3; Fence Posts, loc. Yingst. Front-Cumberland. FOR SALE WALLPAPER Many patterns at half of list price. Paper de liverer! anywhere free. Hanging rea sonable. A. U. Spoti, 1311 -19 Market street. GLASS window (lent. Furnished Rooms. Unfurnlsned hoot.il, Rooraa and Board and Table Board at 2£o each On* or These slgna will be given with each six-time order (or a classified ad. U paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. GROCERY STORE FOR SALE Will sell stock and ren, 1 property, or will sell both real I estate and business. A good-pay ing proposition. Miller Brothers & Co., Locust and Court streets. FOR' SALE General store in small [town, old established stand, good trade, nice location, beautiful home at reason able rent, good chance for an energetic young man. Address, S. 8. 50, Telegraph Office. FOII SALE Late model Cadillac. 40- H.-P. commercial car; newly overhaul ed and painted: will demonstrate; must be seen to be appreciated. Apply Uni versal Motor Car Co.. 3.826 Wood ave nue. FpR SALE Overland touring car, model 79, 36-H.-P. engine, in good run ning condition; electric lights. Inquire evenings, 2209 Derry street. FOR SALE Automobile; slx-cylln der Wlnton, in good condition. One extra tire. Will sell cheap or exchange for car of about 2,700 lbs. Mechanlcs burg Auto Shop. FOR SALE Regal roadster, In fine condition, $275.00 cash. Call Bell phone 2047 R. between 5 and 6 P. M. FOR SALE Cigar store, pool, bowling and restaurant, elegant stand, SI,BOO. Address Box O, 2825. care of j Telegraph. FOR SALE Encyclopedia Brltanntca, last edition, 29 volumes, India paper, limp suede full leather, special solid mahogany bookcase; value $255.00, will sacrifice for cash. Address, A 2838, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Few breeding pens ot S. C. W. Leghorn yearling hens with cockerels, breed from hens with over 200 egg record at SIO.OO per pen. G. L Kngle, 450 E. Main street. Mlddletown. Pa. FOR SALE 1914 Saxon runabout, nearly good as new; price $200.00. In quire. 116 West Main street, Palmyra, FOR SALE Best paying rooming house business in ctty; centrally locat ed; thoroughly equipped; all conveni ences; furnishings mostly new; rooms always filled. Reason for selling, has other business. Address X, 2836. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE A corner saloon prop erty in the best business section of Lancaster, doing a splendid business; can be handled with $6,000 cash. Ad dress J. G. Forney, Lancaster, Pa. FOR SALE 125 acres of coal, 3-ft. vein, under the estate of James Walker. 1,200 ft. from N, Y. C. R. R. Inquire of Clement Da 11, Bellefonte, Pa. FULL BRED FOX TERRIER PUPS FOR SALE. Inquire at 1604 Reglna street. FOR SALE Opera House Cigar and Pool Room, on account of owner wani -1 ing to ratlre. A. Schaubla, Carlisle, Pa. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FOR SALE FOR SALE. CHEAP Oakland Roadster; electric lights; good condi tion. Ford Sales Company, South Cam eron street. Harrisburg. Pa. FOR SALE AT OABLHTB, 11$, 111 •nd 117 Soutb Second street 5,000 ual ions New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Aoine make. FOR SALE Gilbert Player, good as new; scarf, bench and rolls; cost $560.00; will sell for $224.00 to quick buyer, as we need the room. Apply 424 Relly street Bell phono 2281 W. TWO VALUABLE FARMS FOR SALE !" Liverpool township, Perry county. The first consists of a 100-acre island In Susquehanna river and 115 acres of shore land. The Island is level as a "°or. splendidly adapted to trucking and raises immense crops of corn every year. Connected with main land by wire rope cable carrying ten-ton flat. All in perfect condition. On the shore there is a modern house in good con dition with magnificent view, new bank barn, all necessary outbuildings, run nlng water In both house and barn, three hundred apple trees, bearing next year, one hundred peach trees coming into market tills present year, 50 acres under cultivation and fifty set with healthy young timber. The second farm consists of a 50- acre island in Susquehanna river, In same condition as above and 100 acres of shore land, where large dwelling house, good barn and other outbuild ings are located. 50 acres of shore land under cultivation and 50 acres set with good virgin timber of sufficient value to pay larger part of purchase money. The Harrlsburg-Sunbury State High way cuts through these properties, and brings them within easy distance of both cities. Liverpool, tt prosperous, borough, is two and a half miles south. These properties belong to an estate and must he sold. Only Interested par ties should apply. Easy terms* Ad dress Agent, 457 Pine street, Wllliams port. Pa. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be Office at the Telegraph Business GO TO GABLE'S for wire fence of alt kinds and gates to match. No. 111-117 south Second. FOR SALE One Indian motorcycle, in good condition; equipped; will sell at a sacrifice. Can be seen at 1826 North sixth street. r^9 R «i SAL,E 1 olTer mv Sodß an d Confectionery Store, 1307 Derrv street < l ,e, ure ; must sell on ac count of 111 health. 1,. J. Bumgardner. JR9R SAL*E Second-hand and re built typewriters of all makes. $lO ! Bnd up. L. C. Smith. Underwood, Royal selX?,'?5 el X?,'?] o r e and others. Inquire George P. Tlllotson. 36 South Fourth street. 1 ~ Pen Buff Leghorns, 1 pen White Rocks. Prize winners. J. H. Zelders, 1445 Reglna street. FOR PALE One hundred (100) ft. of wrought iron—fancy fence, posts and I S ate — suitable for lawns. Price very 1 r££. 8 ?P «Sx. Apply Universal Motor Car Co, 1826 Wood avenue. FOR SALE Good, gray horse, 1,200 e *. Squire Ober's Stable, Court and Cranberry. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at til* Telegraph Business office. FOR RENT Desk room in desirable office in Telegraph Bldg. Apply 405 Tel egraph Bldg. FOR RENT Fine, light, very large first floor front room in heart of citv, especially adapted to doctor or dentist. City steam heat. Two small offices sec ond floor front, at low rental. 202 Lo cust street. . RENT Second floor room, 3,700 square feat, for llgnt manufactur ing purposes New building. Call at premises. Twelfth and Herr streets. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANY intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 7»8, Lock port. N. T. I MADE $50,000 In Ave years in the mail order business, began with $5 6end for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 556 Lockport. N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS WE are headquarters for Trunks. Suit Cases and Bags. Before your va cation inspect our large stock. Have your repairing done here and save money. Harrisburg Harness & Supply Company. Second and Chestnut. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apotheca.y, 119 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bali IXO. HAULING ft. A. HARTMAN, Hoarding Stable an* National Transfer Co. Movers of f ilanos, safes, boilers and general haul ng. K. W. Lathe. Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2803R- STORAGE FIREPROOF Private rooms for household goods. $2 per month and up. We invite Inspection. Low insurance. <B7-445 South Second street. Harrisburg 3torage Company. STORAGE 4l» Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to SS. Wagons. 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 41} Broad street. Both phones. LEGAL NOTICES Pennsylvania State Highway Depart ment. Harrisburg, Pa. Sealed proposals will be received at said office until 10 A. M., August 10, 1915, when bids will be publicly opened and scheduled and contract awarded as soon thereafter as possible for the reconstruction of the following brick block pavements: Mil ton Borough, Northumberland County, 4,940 lineal feet. 16 feet wide; Muncy Borough, Lycoming County, 5,843 lineal feet, 16 feot v.-lde; Stroudsburg Bor ough, Monroe Countv, 4,871 llnoal feet, 22 to 57 feet wide. Plans and specifica tions may be seen at office of State Highway Department, Harrisburg; 1001 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, and 903 Hartjc Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Full particulars and Information on appli cation to R. J. Cunningham, State High way Commissioner. NOTICE By virtue of a decree of the court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County, sit ting In Equity, filed to No. 550 Equity Docket, the undersigned will expose at public sale and sell to the highest and best bidder, in accordance with the terms of the decree aforesaid, at the Courthouse In the City of Harrisburg, on Friday, the sth day of November, 1915, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, all the lines of telephone and system of telephone communication of the Cum berland Valley Telephone Company as now constructed and In operation whether constructed by said company or acquired by purchase, lease or other wise: Located in the Counties of Dau phin, York, Adams, Cumberland, Frank lin, Perry, Juniata. Mifflin, Snyder and Schuylkill In the State of Pennsylvania commencing in the City of Harrisburg, thence extending southwesterly through Mechanlrsburg, Carlisle, NewviUe, Ship- Sensburg, Chambersburg, Greencastle to laryland State line; from Chambers burg southeasterly through Fayette ville, Graffensburg, Cash Town, Mc- Knlghtstown, Gettysburg and thence to Ltttlcstown to Maryland State line: from Gettysburg to and through New Oxford, Hanover, Spring Grove and thence connecting with the York Tele phone and Telegraph Company; from New Oxford through East Berlin to Hamptdon; from Chambersburg west to St. Thomas and Richmond, connect ing with the Orblsonla Telephone Com pany; south from St. Thomas through Mercersburg to Welsh's Run; from Qreencastle southeast through Waynes boro. thence to Maryland State line; from Gettysburg through Seven Stars, Blglervllle to York Springs and Latl more; from Shippensfiurg through to Orrstown to Strassburg; from Newville to Green Spring connecting with the Hopeveli Telephone Company; from Carlisle through Mount Holly to Pine Grove; from Carlisle through Church town to Boiling Springs: from Carlisle through Elllottson to Plainfield; from Mechanicsburg south through Shep pardstown; Bowmansdale to Grantham; from Mechanicsburg to Hogestown; from Harrisburg to West Fairvlew and Enola, thence-connecting with the East ern Perry Telephone & Telegraph Com pany; from Harrisburg to and through Steelton to Oberlin and Hlglisplre, con | necting with the Middletown Telephone Company; from Harrisburg through Penbrook to Progress, connecting with the East Hanover Telephone Company; from Harrisburg east through Paxtan'g, Rutherford, Hummelstown, Ilockers vllle, Hershey to Campbellstown, con necting with the United Telegraph & Telephone Company; at Hummelstown connecting with the Farmers Mutual Telephone Company and at Hockersvllle connecting with the Derry Township Telephone Company, also connecting at Hummelstown with the Middletown Telephone Company; and from I Harrisburg north through Rock iville, Dauphin, thence to Mata | moras, there connecting with the Lykens Telegraph & Telephone Com pany, with all trunk and other lines connecting and uniting the same, all branch and service lines in the cities and boroughs and townships of the counties named, all exchanges, private branch exchanges, exchange and station outfits, switchboards, supplies and ap paratus and transmitting communica tions, cables and wires, overhead and underground, in buildings or exposed, all telephones and transmitters, whether placed In the property of Cum berland Valley Telephone Company or of other corporations, firms or individ uals. together with all branches and extensions thereof and therefrom, all lines and rights of way occupied bv lines of said Company, granted by municipal or proper authorities of cit ies, boroughs and townships, and all the estate, right, title and interest of tha Cumberland Valley Telephone Com pany In and to all the aforesaid, and all leases and contracts and all the es tate In leased lines and all extensions now belonging and mairtfained hv Cumberland Valley Telephone Com pany, constituting and making an en tire plant and system of communica tion. improvements and hereditaments used for the purpose of operating and conducting the business of a telephone company, together with all private branch exchanges, furniture, tools. Im plements and materials belonging to said Cumberland Valley Telephone Company, and together with all and singular the ways, easements. rights and franchises to operate said line of telephone company, liberties, privi leges, hereditaments and appurtenances, as well as the rents, tolls. Income, is sues and profits, and generally all the estate, real and personal, and all the estate, right, propi-rty. Interest, claim and demand whatsoever of the Cum berland Valley Telephone Company, in law or In equity or otherwise howso ever. i Also all the right, title, interest and 'ownership of said Cumberland Valley ! Telephone Company In and to the fran j rhisee. property, rights and creuits | formerly of a corporation known as the I Juniata & Susquehanna Telephone ! Company, all of wnose property is sub ieet to a mortgage of the par value of 95,1)00.00 and consists of certain tele phone lines and property situate In the {Counties of Perry, Snyder, Mifflin, Juni ata, Dauphin and Schuylkill, In the State of Pennsylvania, the terminal points thereof being as follows: The boundary line between Centre and Mif • flin counties at a point near Mllroy, also 'Belleville, Mifflin County; also a point lon the west bank of the Susquehanna River at the end of the railroad bridge opposite Sunbury, Northumberland County; also New Bloomfleld, Perry ! County; also East Waterford, Juniata County; also Montgomery's Ferry in Perry County, and certain lines built in the Lykens Valley in Dauphin County, connecting with the lines of the Lykens Telegraph and Telephone Company. And also, all the right, title, interest I and ownership of the said Cumberland j Valley Telephone Company in and to $10,000.00 par value of the capital stock of the Lykens Telegraph & Telephone Company, a corporation of the State of. Pennsylvania, being the total issue thereof; and $138,750.00 par value ox the capital stock of the Cumberland Valley Telephone Company of Balti more City, a corporation of the State of Maryland, doing business in the States of Maryland, Virginia and West Virgin ia with exchanges in Hagerstown and Willlamsport, State of Maryland, In Martlnsburg. West Virginia and Win chester, Virginia, being the total issue thereof; and all the right, title and in terest of the said Cumberland Valley Telephone Company in and to a claim against the United Telephone & Tele graph Company for an amount not less .than $300,000, said amount being due as rentals to said Cumberland Valley Tele phone Company. More definite information as to the quantity and location of property to be sold, if desired, may be obtained upon application to the undersigned. All the property above described and referred to will be sold as an entirety to the highest and best bidder. No bid less than fifty thousand dollars will be accepted, and no bid will be recefved from any bidder who shall not deposit with the undersigned, as a pledge that he will make good his bid in case of its acceptance, the sum of five thou sand dollars in cash or in a certified check on a National Rank or Trusi Company in the State of Pennsylvania. Deposits of unsuccessful bidders will be returned when the property has been stricken down and the deposit of the successful bidder will be applied on account of his bid. Twenty per cent, ox the purchase money must be paid n. cash to the undersigned within ten days after the property is stricken down, the deposit above provided for to be part of said 20 per centum and the rest of the purchase money shall be paid to the undersigned within three weeks after the date of confirmation of sale by the Court, application for which I confirmation will be made two weeks | after the property shall have been sold. I The purchaser in making payment of j SO per cent, of the purchase money will be entitled to deliver to the Trustee I and use toward the payment of said 80 per cent, first mortgage bonds of the Cumberland Valley Telephone Company at such values as the Trustee mav esti mate, as provided in the decree direct ing this sale to be made. For further particulars apply to the undersigned. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY. Trustee, Harrisburg, Pa. For S Business property on Second street, near Walnut. Brinton°Packer Co. Second and Walnut Streets FARMS FOR SALE Ct'MOEKMXD COUNTY 7 acres, 4 miles from New Kingston; along State Road, 7-room frame house, all outbuildings. 950 bearing peach trees. A good truck or poultry farm. Price C 1430 2-acre farm, one-half mile northeast of New Kingston; six-room frame house; outbuildings; 25 Balwin apple trees, four years old. good land. Price SI7OO 6-acre poultry farm. 3 miles west of Enola; S-room frame house. A lot of fruit and berries. Price fiooo 60 acres in Dauphin county, 6 miles from Halifax. A number of fruit trees. This would make a good fruit farm. Price saooo 24 acres. 2 miles east of Middletown, good buildings. A large number of fruit trees; a flrst-class fruit or truck farm. W. F. FHAKE, Real Estate Agent 29 Ji. Second St. Harrisburg;, Pa. Try Telegraph Want Ads ) AUGUST 5, 1915. THIS VALUABLE RESIDENCE PROPERTY, 1535 N. Fourth Street, to Be Sold at Auction Saturday, Aug. 7, at 2 P. M., at Courthouse House will be open for Inspection THURSDAY and FRIDAY after noons from 2 to 4. Look the premises over and be ready to bid day of sale. If you don't know the values of property in this locality, try to buy something similar with all IMPROVEMENTS. The undej-signed, the owner, knows well what It is worth. What it will bring is entirely up to the bidders. DESCRIITION of -story frame; mansard roof; 8 rooms and bath; improvements; and cemented cellar; size of lot 13x78; S-foot alley in rear. All in first class condition and for past two years has been a prompt renter at S2O per month. PROPERTY is FTtEE and CLEAR of all Incumbrance; immediate possession. TERMS and CONDITION'S of SALE: Property will be sold with out reserve to the highest and best bidder. Buyer paying 10 per cent, when property is knocked down; 30 per cent, additional within 10 days; 60 per cent, can remain on two year mortgage at 6 per cent Or, If buyer prefers, entire amount can be paid in full. A WORD: The undersigned owner of the above property has for years been a believer in Auction Sales. Not for big prices but for quick results—as auction creates legitimate competition in buyers and com pels them to ACT quick, thus proving QUICK SALES with small profit or even without a profit Is frequently an advantage to the Seller. This sale will test out my theory and the exact conditions of a LAZY, MID SUMMER HARRISHURG REAL ESTATE MARKET. PLAINLY SPEAKING, this is not- a hard luck sale, but a GOOD HICK sale; not a DISASTER, but an EVENT; not a funeral, but a FEAST that should give me a lot of good advertising that means for me more REAL ESTATE BUSINESS. All you get out of it is—All there is to get. One thing certain; the property will not be withdrawn but will positively be sold to the highest and best bidder. MR. GOOD CITIZEN—MR. SPECULATOR—MR. DOUBTER and PESSIMIST, we cordially invite you to be present the day of sale as I want you to be a witness to the fact that sale of property was in every detail just as represented, as I expect to sell other properties in this manner in the very near future. Prospective buyers wishing easier terms than the above may make satisfactory arrangement by calling at this office before sale day. 26 N. Third Street A. C. YOUNG, Owner Major JOHN T. ENSMINGER, Auctioneer. TRADING IN STEEL STRONG IN NEW YORK Bethlehem Rose to 299 Within Short Time After Opening; Railroads Again Neglected By Associated Press New York, Aug. 6.—The strength of the idustrials yesterday brought in a large amount of buying orders over night and at the opening to-day there was eager bidding for the popular i issues. Trading in United States Steel j was unusually heavy. It opened with 7,000 shares at 70% to 71%, a new 1 high record since 1912 and an over night gain of a point. Subsequent:,' there were transactions in blocks of 1,000 to 5,000 shares. Bethlehem Steel rose 9 points to 299, as compared with its previous high record of 2 90. Con tinental Can gained 7% and a large number of other specialties 1 to 3 points. Allls-Chalmers, which lost 2 points, was the only one of the war stocks to show weakness. Railroads were again neglected. Southern Pa cific was heavy. NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by E. S. Goshorn, 208-209 Arcade Building. New York, Aug. 5. Open. High. Low. Clos. Alaska G M 33% 33Vi 33% 33% Am Bt Sug 57 58% 56% 58 'Am Can .. 59% 60ft 58% 58% Am C& F. 63% 63% 62% 62% Am Cot Oil 51% 51% 50% 50% Am Loco . 56 56 54 % 55 Am Smelt . 81% 81% 79% 80 Am Sugar. 108% 109% 108% 109% Anaconda . 71 71% 70% 70% Atchison .. 101% 101% 101% 101% Baldwin .. 79% 80% 79% 80 B& O 80% 81% 80% 81% Beth Steel . 295 305 295 304% Bklyn RT. 86 86% 86 86 % Can Pacific 144% 147% 144% 147% Cent Leath 43% 44% 42% 44 C& 0 42% 42% 42% 42% CM& St P 81% 83% 81 83% CRI &P. 16% 19% 15% 18% C Con Cop. 46% 46% 46% 46% Col F & I. 41% 41% 39% 40% Con Gas .. 128 128% 128 128% Cru Steel . 75 79% 75 77 Distil Sec . 27% 27% 27% 27% Erie 27% 27% 27 27 % Erie Ist pd 41% 42% 41% 42% Gen Elec.. 170% 174 172% 173% Gen Motors 182 190 182 19?% Goodrich BF 52% 53 52% 52% GtNorth pd 119 118% 119 118% GtN Ore sbs 42% 43 42% 42% Gug Exp . . 63% 64 63% 68% Int Copper 34% 34% 33% 33% Lehigh Val. 144 144% 144 144 V* Mex Pet... 82 82 78% 78 Mia Cop... 26% 26% 26% 26% Mo Pac... 2% 3% 2% 3% Natl Lead. 66 66 64 64 N.YCen .. 90% 90% 89% 90% NYN H H 63 63% 63 63 Nor & Wv. 106% 106% 106% 106% Pac Mall.. 34% 34% 34% 34% Pa Ry 108 108% 108% 108% Pitts C 24% 24% 24% 24% PrsSC.... 56% 56% 86% 56% Ray C C... 23 23 22% 22% Reading .. 149% 150% 148% 149% Rep I& S. 43 44 % 45% 44% Rep IS pd 97% 98% 97% 98V* South Pac. 87 87% 86 87% South Ry.. 14% 15% 14% 15% Studebaker. 83% 85 83% 83% Tenn Cop.. 40% 42 40% 41% Third Ave. 52% 52% 52% 52% Union Pac. 129% 130% 129% 130 U S Rub... 49% 50% 49% 49% U S Stl pd. 112 112% 112% 112% Utah Cop.. 67% 66% 67% 67 Vir-Car C.. 36% 36% 36 35 % West U Tel 69% 70% 69% 70 West Mfg.. 111% 112% 111% 111% PHILADELPHIA STOCKS Philadelphia, Aug. 4. Wheat Stealy. No. 2, red. car lots, new, July, export, $1.15 @1.17: No. 1, Northern, Du luth, Corn Higher; No. 2 yelow, local, 90 % ft? 91 %c; steamer No. 2 yellow, lo cal, 89%@90%0. Oats Scarce; higher; No. 2 white, 64 @ 66c. Bran Market steady; winter, city mills, $527.00 per ton; winter, per ton, none here; spring, per ton, $26.50® 26.00. Refined Sugars Market steady; powdered, 5.90 c; line granulated, 6.80 c; confectioners' A, 5.70 c. Butter Market steady; western, creamery, extras, 26c; nearby prints, fancy, 29c. Eggs The market is firm; Pennsylvania and othei nearny ftrnt*. free cases. $6.00 per case: do., current receipts, free cases, $5.5506.86 per case; western, extrns. firsts. JS.OO per case; do., firsts, free cases, $5.55@ 5.85 c per case. Live Poultry Market Arm; fowla, 16@16%c; old roosters, ll@12c; broil ing chickens, 16022 c; spring ducks, 15 ®l6c; old ducks. 12@14c. Dressed Poultry Market is firm; fresh killed fowls, fancy, 18%@l»c; do., average 16%@17%c; do., unattraotlve, 14%®16%e; do., old roosters. 12% c; do., broiling chickens, nearby, 25@30c; do., western, 30@23c: do., spring ducks, 16% @l7c; ice packed fowls. 15®17%c, Potatoes Market steady; Maine, per bushel. 15020 c; New York, per bushel. 16930 c; Southern, per barrel. 40c@$1.00. Flour Nominal; winter straights, new, $5.00®5.25; do., patent, new, $5725® 5.50; do., clear, $5.50®>6.25; Kan sas, jute sacks. $5.10® 6.50; spring, straights, old, $6.50@6.75; do., patents, old, $5,25®5.75. Hay Scarce, not quoted. PHII.ADKI.PHIA CLOSING Philadelphia, Aug. B Stocks closi higher. Cambria Steel 54 >4 General Asphalt 32% General Asphalt, pfd 69' i Lake Superior Corporation 10'* Lehigh Navigation 72 S Lehigh alley 71% Philadelphia Blectrlc 23% Philadelphia Company 37 Philadelphia Company pfd 34 Philadelphia Rapid Transit .... 0% Reading 75 Storage Battery ... 63 Union Traction 33 United Gas Improvement 83% United States Steel 72% CHICAGO CLOSING Chicago, Aug. 5. Wheat, September, 107%; December, 108%. Corn September, 75%; December, 64%. Oats September, 41%; December, 41 K. Pork September, 13.32; October, 13.47. Lard September, 7.77: October, 7.85. Ribs September, 8.85; October, 8.87. CHICAGO CATTLE Chicago, Aug. S.—HOGS Receipts, 28,000; slow. Bulk, $6.50®7.20; light, $7.05®7.70; mixed, $6.30@7.60; heavy, $6.10®7.10; rough, $6.10@6.30; pigs, $6.60©7.65. CATTLE Receipts. 4,000; weak, native beef cattle, $6.15@10.25; cows and heifers. $3.10(3)9.25; calves, $7.50® 11.25. SHEEP Receipts, 11,000; easy. Sheep, $6.10®7.00; lambs, $6.75®9.26. ONLY WAY TO MAKE TEA There is only one way to make tea that Is fit to drink, no matter whether the leaf used be from India, China or Japan or whether It be black, green, oolong or mixed. A writer in an Eng lish scientific magazine describes It ex actly as follows: The tea drunk should he an Infu sion, in the proper sense of the word, and the leaves should be neither stewed nor boiled, as so often hap pens. Tbe Chinese say that the best water for making tea. with is that from a running stream and the worst is well water. This means that the water should be well aerated, like that from a running stream. If the water is boiled for a long time all the dissolved gases are driven off and the water Is made flat, like the well water which the Chinese con demn. Therefore, the water used should be just freshly come to the boil. If the water used be flat to begin with it should first be poured back wards into a Jug from a height in a thin stream, for so it picks up some of the air on its way. The water should not be too hard; and if only hard water is obtainable a pinch of baking soda may be added to the teapot. Of course, the teapot should be thoroughly heatfed as a preliminary to making the infusion, for otherwise the water poured into it is lowered be low boiling point, and it is only at boiling point that some of the volatile constituents of the leaf, to which the beverage owes its aroma, can be prop erly extracted. TO THE FISHERMAN'S WIFE The pleasure and pride of the ama teur fisherman is greatly enhanced if his catch is well cooked and served in such a manner as to display its size and beauty. It has always been a problem how to boll a long fish in a round kettle without breaking it. and oven putting it into a cloth has not always answered, to say nothing of the bother. There Is now on the market an oblong kettle made of en ameled ware, in which a flsh can be laid at full length. A small tray which fits in near the bottom adds to the convenience in handling the fish when cooked. This kettle can also be used nicely in preserving time for boiling jars of fruit. QIIBBER STAMNN IHPEI SEALS A STENCILS §#V " MFG. BY HBG.STENCIL WORKS ■ |1 II 130 LOCUSTST. HBG,PA. II f —> For Rent—One of Those Unusual "Hill Side" Apartments Unusual —Asphalt street and finest street car service in the city at your front door. Unusual —Primeval forest at your back door. Unusual —Comforts at $35.00 per month that one usually expects to find only in a $60.00 apartment. Apply to CHAS. M. FROEHLICH 1121 Market St. 11
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