12 f^trmtytrv{V^^yA\}CLyV The August Buyers' Sale Provides Savings That Are Extraordinary p 8 ! Cotton Dress Weaves Are So Low 2,000 Shirts for Men Regularly $1.19 KT11" |||gl in Price That You Can Own Extra Special in the Buyers' Sale, 69c By WFK'ml 1 i i ■» T - Soft finish negligees with French or laundered cuffs, in neat stripe patterns HhkJl/ll 1 1 several rrocks at Very Low Cost s t wfLTe^^Lce^.u'yean^oo^,J he . va ' u ". are .: he 69c 1 Summer's lovelies, and most staple weaves, in colored cotton, are reduced in l" Buyers' 50c S„T £££?££S... the August Buyers' Sale to such low figures that every woman will want to own 1 ".ilk "and Vilfc'aAd ii'nVn* sMnt P "" 33 * —several new dresses w » th French cuffs, sizes 14 to 17. Buvers' Sale Boston 2:, c arters - m P lain black - wh,te a,ld i—= _____ se\ erai new aresses. Price s l>so colors. Buyers' Sale Price 160 12 l / 3 c Percale, 36 inches, white ground with 10c Percales, 36 inches wide, neat styles on Men's Work Shirts Handkerchiefs HfiM c C f o° lored Str J ipeS- AugUSt BuyCrS ' 9'l2C White and « rc y g rou "ds- August Buy- jju Two-collar blue chambrav shirts; sizes 14 to 12^c hemstitched linen handkerchiefs. Buy- |jfe-j 4: § | wmmtw i?. Jru ,?' ard ers bale Price, yard * •' C 17. Buyers' Sale Price. 3 for $1.00; each 350 ers' Sale Price, 3 for 250 1 ,? " jC . 1S ln . cr>ia " designs , lor com tort- Crepe, white ground, neat rosebud de- Black satine shirts with collar attached ; 10c satin border white hemstitched handker- 'MI ! raWU able covering. August Buyers Sale signs. August Buyers' Sale Price, sizes 14 to 17. Buyers' Sale Price, 3 for #1.00; chiefs. Buyers' Sale Price. 6 for 250 lHll I Price, yard yard ** each ;ssc Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Store. LHMJ I 2y 2 c Lace Lawns, white and tinted ground, 15c Plisse Crepe, white ground with neat " floral designs. August Buyers Sale H//.- floral designs, also dark ground with large de- j ■ * 11 T"l 1 1 • 1 *Fo«iiards.* colored * merceHzed gff,^lT:.. K T A . Buyers ' iOc L> ru g Sundries Specially Reduced in the ., A T" 8c 5c August Buyers' Sale 20c Madras Shirting, white ground, fancy j 6?4c Apron Gingham, neat blue checks, fast Best double distilled witch Hartshorn ammonia, bottle. Purity cucumber cold cream, j * : 'f colored stripes. August Buyers' 1 2'/2C colors. August Buyers' Sale Price, hazel; bottles not supplied. 00 j-j^ Sa !o T y nC c' yard ." - vard Q uar t 200 Dry powdered ammonia, "No-Odor," the reliable deo- HRHh T jti . 2C "*, eersuc ' <er Oinghams. neat stripes, 32 Bates Ginghams, large line of stvles, "1 oz - peroxide 40 can 80 derant. Tar 170 inches wide. August Buyers' Sale including checks, stripes and solid shades. Q_ 16 oz. peroxide 15* Colorite for coloring straw I Roval shaving powder, 90 HNHKL Price, yard •*' August Buyers' Sale Price, vard OC Trailing arbutus, violet and hats, bottle l;{0 Royal dental cream 90 jr 25c Ratine. 36 inches wide, solid shades for 25c Voile. 36 inches wide, fine line of styles, corylopsis talcum powder. s<» 25c bottle Austin's sponge Roval shampoo powder, 90 M WB dresses and separate skirts. August 11 neat and fancv stripes. August Buyers' 1 C Rose or witch hazel soap tab- carpet cleaner 150 Sanitol tooth powder .. 150 J '■■.J Buyers' Sale Price, yard Sale Price, yard * IOC lets, large size 4C Purity witch hazel cold Liquid soap; high grade; " ' ' Dives Pomerov * street Hvmeter's liquid soap, in cream ITO delicately perfumed, contain sprinkle top bottles 50 25c dyspepsia tablets, 190 ' ers not supplied. Quart, 950 \ B Black and Colors, 25c I [i i Notions Are Given New Regularly 10c a Pair Low Prices gjit j Men's 10c cotton hose, black and colors. August Buyers' || W " |UL |WwJ frl fl $1.49 hair switches, 24 inches. Special - J f Sale Price, -0; or 4 pair lor .. 850 • 1 I fffl^ 7 ] SIfRMII Ift hair switches, 26 inches. Special ... .* #1.25 Beach hose, seamless, black white, navy, Palm == === Id BJfk N A did Wf' j f'l Mlt $2.49 hair switches, 28 inches. Special $1.75 Beach grey and purpk. August Buyers' Sale Price .... «MM fa M H ftflll Men s 25c silk lisle hose seamless, first quality, black and | iil Ws U Sf 1 •, « V 180 i hMISS:mV 5 0- -vard s P° ol silk - assorted colors, 2 for 50 % Buyers' SalT Price seamless, first quality. Augu« j M machine thread. Summer Underwear for Men I iSai-ning - S s '• | ! I I s f p Tnd^^miS. UndenVear . Pe^uS lOc^ards.-" Speda{ Important groups to be found this week include— LylVing KOOITI F UmitUrC Fanc - V P ocket mirror 30 Men's SI.OO white nainsook athletic union suits, knee Celluloid back vanity mirror for shopping bag or vanity bae length August Buyers' Sale Price 690 i n tVlf* AllffUQt 50 and 10* Mens iOc Porosknit knee drawers, white and Egyptian. UIC/ i~V Ug Llo I vJcXIC? 25c braid pin § August Buyers Sale Price 290 Three-piece library suit of chair, rocker and settee with Dive, pomeroy a Stewart, street Floor. - ens Egyptian open mesh shirts and drawers, shirts spring seats, upholstered in imitation brown Spanish leather. „ 1 short sleeves. August Buyers' Sale Price, each 21 0 Specill ..... #13.50 JT 1 i- - ens _.c gyptian balbriggan shirts and drawers, shirts Three-piece library suit in fumed oak; spring seats; up- IJfl fl 11 11 "Tl fx in short sleeves. August Buyers' Sale Price, each 210 holstered in genuine leather. Special ............... 923.00 lIUCIIIIU MIIIb HCUUCea in .ens . c cotton union suits, ribbed and nainsook, short Three-piece solid mahogany bedroom suit; bed, bureau and . i r-> 0 t ji 1 ?' e nee 'ength- August Special... .... . . *35.00 the Buyers' Safe v T , -. . I . This willow chair without cushion. Special in the August 47 sleeves'' dra^rTknee?nkle lenrth I*l 1 * 1 f awe "' shirt , s J°r' Sale $2.49 Ix>n, white skirts of na.nsook and cambric, trimmed with ,ace HHII Price rkrh length. August Buyers Sale Specials in Wing Chairs insertion and lace or embroidery flounce; regularly $1.50 and $1.96. * > i;' t' '' ' ''' ''l,'". 350 Wins chairs and rockers upholstered in imitation brown Spanish Special in the Buyers' Sale 95c . -.OC r-gj'ptian cotton balbriggan union suits sleeve- leather. Special SI(K9S Princess slips, hand embroidered and lace trimmed; regularly less, knee length. August Buvers* Sale Priro ' «>< _ Wing chairs and rockers upholstered in tapestry. Special .. .816.50 $3.50 to $5.95. Special in the Buyers' Sale ... o*',. znJ rr „ ■' jti ite ~1 C Three-piece solid mahogany bedroom suit; bed, bureau and chifto- i .. , '"1". Bo>S rOc Egyptian balbriggan union suits, short sleeves nler - Special 559.00 Mescaline Princess slips, in light blue, rose and lavender; regularly knee length. August Buvers' Sale Prire or»J Four-piece solid mahogany bedroom suit; bed, bureau, chiffonier ! ,o 00 - special in the Buyers' Sale $1 95 t, >' rrlCe 39 V and toilet table. Special SI OO.OO | Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart-Second Floor. ■ === ' =^== || Bringing Up Father $ $ $ $ $ $ ■r MA.CCIE." <IN I CERTAtII»Y MOT J REALLY- * &A\D NO! You ' \ CAN'T CO 1 1 . • 7? _ A wH°Y T^f^ K ' N ' L3L O H, 1 WEDNESDAY EVENING. HARRJSBTJRG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 4, 1915.
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