12 (C = Additional News The Divest Pomeroy jj of This Moment- sT'prke 25 c [AUGUST BUYERS' SALE! 1 1 . —Street Floor. ~" * *■ b^d i OPENS TO-MORROW «* o« ... 25c ' and lavender; 10c value. Buyers' Sale 25c i I 35c Crex Runners. Buyers' Sale Price, 25c gsgs&szsi k CHUUFI) R/FNT OF DADF IMDHDTANTF n.., jUWWLk lYlm Ivl KAKL ImrUKlAFl^L 3sc sas2s C r V |t*|HE final merchandise clearance of the Summer season opens to-mor- ft LnTJeifng; A B row with a notable list of extraordinary values from our regular / i children , s 10c £§Eb' with blue bor I I stocks. Everything pertaining to hot weather season has been f | I black cotton I I^^^^ der; for kitchen I , ~ . • . n « .n • •» , , IV seamless hose. A— use and hand / I lowered in price to a point that will induce early buying. Consequently, I A Buyers- sale I \ towels. Ruvers' V\ I J J Q M Jf | w I Mf£)l \ I thousands of dollars' worth of staple goods will be offered at reductions If" •«<- f \(Mgd L - 1 ]f that have not been equaled this yea,. VI 1 /J It / The first day of the sale will be marked by a sale of rare values at 25c. \\ i\ I \ // I If An entire additional page of specials is furnished on page 4. || 50 c biack m M m in small figures m K —1 M Panama cloth, % \ 1 MM M and dots; 28 in- I K ————— % 54 inches wide. 1 \ s 1/ / ches wide. J m Statuary and China Boys' Books Children's Books Varnish and Sprays \ \ Buyers' Sale \ \# # / PrS'Ws.V I / 42c and 69c pieces of Frank Merriwell's and 50c Guide Series for can of regu- II Price, yd., 25« 1 A I 1 PHce*™' BuyefS o-'f Putnam Hall's series, children, Guide to the lar 75c furniture var- \\ \ | I W decorated deep daredevil Chums and Bible, Guide to English nish. Buyers' Sale Price ' \\ \ 1 m M M china fruit trays with °ther bo\ s books, 50c History, Guide to Amer- \ J f M o p en h anf n es Buyers' values. Buyers' Sale ican History. Buyers' 39c lawn sprays. Buy- \% at „•= !l I 39c White rice If Sale Price 25<- Price 25* Sale Price 25* ers'Sale Price ... .250 ' \\ si I k seamless ] \ I cloth and seed Kg Dives, p omeroy& Stewart Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Dives Pomprnvjut.-.r. 11 SOcks. Buyers' \ \ I voile ;40 inches jf I !Z! \\ Sale Price, 25, j \ ■ wide. Buyers' f# 11 _ ili .. ...... I 11 cotton balbrig- | 1 I Sale Price, yd., I# Basement Miscellany Ice Cream Moulds Brushes and Knives Table Napkins White Cretonne \l Ran shirts :J \ 1 - 39c heavy ice cream 49c commode brushes. hemstitched 39c figured cretonne 11 SalJprice'.'asJ I ,\ f ,| if " leres - Bu >' ers Sale brick moulds. Buyers' Buyers' Sale Price, 25* mercerized damask nap- 36 inches wide- hem' 11 W 1 I JJ II P Z e : ";•:••• * Sale PriCe 20c Shear Steel bUtCher kins; 18 inches stitched designs and T n \\ I \ f U If JBc - lell ' v fruit P resse s. 39c all steel scissors, knives. Buyers' Sale Buyers' Sale Price, 4 for colors. Buvers' 11 1 f If . Buyers' Sale Price, 25* Buvers'Sale Price, 25* Price, 2 for 25* . ox# p r ; r „ ~„_j " n ~. 11 1 f 19c white stripe ff y rrice, yard 2o* 11 1 f in- If Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Dives, Pomerov & Stewart r>i,.„ r> . 11 50c black mo- 1 f crepe, 06 m If BMement Basement Basement sSoof""' J ches wide, or JJ IZ^ZZH—— , |1 for bathing 1 f dresses, feuy- ll Drug Sundries Tourist Cases Leather Goods Lining Specials Colored Dress Goods ■ wide ' Buyers ' 1 / r S ', S t r r S I _ 25c tu-bo-lax. Bu yers' 35c rubber lined cases 95c leather party cambric, colors 50c naw mnb.i 1 1 | f J | Sale Price, 2 f0r...-o* f or traveling. Buyers' boxes. Buyers' Sale and black, 25 inches i nrhf> , ? r ' c , 1 | I * 2sc hair wash Buy- Sale Price 25* Price 25* wide Buvers'Sale Price p Y 1 || ers Sale Price, 2 bots. - A , ... ... ~ , * . wiuc. ouycrs oaie rnce, p nc e, yd ■ 1 1 ■■ 25* 50c mckel Men ssl letter cases, 10 yards for 25* 50c and $1 (X) 1 i \ ■ ' . 25c mosquito puffs, drinking cups, in leather Jap silk covered and red 35c black satine, 36 drp „ „ , .f r f m I , j\ I™-stripe I Buyers' Sale Price, 2 far case. Buyers' Sale Pjfa satin.ined. Buyers' Sale inches. Buyers' Sale ,0 y J d , Burrs' la" I ' 4,c rea, ieatbee I voile, 36 inches ' Price, yard 25* Price, yd. ... 2o<t I handbags- silk ~ „ t.f Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Dives. Pomerov & Stewart tm. I i- j vl Wide; one-half Street Floor Street Floor Street Floor Floor Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart ■ lined, With van ; in floral ——————— reet Floor fi ity mirror at patterns. Buy 1 I , Bu^ Sale Price, ft Embroidery Floss Hand Bags and Fans Notions Repriced Stamped Scarfs ■ » eis a e pnce, jar.d .... -5c ■ Regularly 4c a skein, 25c imitation leather 25c and 50c braid pins. 75c to SI.OO center f k 1 in Filo and Japan em- handbags. Buyers' Sale Buyers' Sale Price, pj ece s, pillow tops and I y broidery floss; colors Price, 2 for 25* 4Qc storJc sc i sso *jf handbags; stamped on J' J | ■" 1 and washable. Buyers' 35c hand painted eel- Buyers' Sale Price, 25* tan re P embroidery f ■ i 69c French col- 1 " Sale Price, 3 doz. skeins luloid fans. Buyers' Sale 39c buttonhole scis- J^ ss to / Women's 10c ■ . •« i/x % . r-k, r) • +* j sors Ruvprs' Pripp )rK., buyers oslc Price ■ cotton ribbed ■ \ ® red 40 1 for 2o* Price 2a* sors - u y ers m aUeyeUaß . 1 1 inches wide, in 1 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Dives, Pomerov & Stewart Dlvfe Pnm.™- * a.™.. m vests; an Un- % M 1 floral designs. \ Third Floor Street Floor Street Floor Pomeroy ft Stewart M ? / 1 Price, yd., 25$ \ White Dress Weaves Drawing Knives Fine Silk Ribbon m 1 ■ » ll \ check dimity, 30 98c carpenters' draw- 19c moire and taffeta M LhmmJ f \ \\ inches wide. Buyers' ing - knives. Buyers' Sale ribbon, 4 to 5 inches M '/ i m \ \\ \ Sale Price, 4 yds. for Price... .... 25* wide - Buyers' Sale Price, M ' J / \ 9Q , , I \ 25* 2 yards for 25* W V / 1 colored 'V Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart Divvea. Pomeroy & Stewart M r i,i|Jr.„», 10c # 1 wash crepe street Floor Basement Street Floor M Cniiaren s m suitings in a f cotton ribbed J \ range of f sleeveless vests. M \ fnches C wide° $ Straw and Cloth Scarfs and Centerpieces Buyers' Sale g \ Buyers' Sa U Hats 75 c to SI.OO stamped Price, 4 for M \ price, 2 yards mo^misizes and styles scarfs and center pieces; m \ or of Boys' straw and cloth good quality snow white V Regular 18c \ PHee s 25? / / ott ' es °f per- seamless hose. M \ ° xide ' Bu y ers ' Buyers' Sale flr f r 1 "V sale price, 2 for Price, pair, ir f y rn j nr , liZ&W\\ dozen individu- flouncng 18 c u"y ,ace I ' I / X S ; c rub h ' r al guest towels, him!! W i ba nds. 2to 4 Embroidered I f I f X household of excellent l ' tte, | color ' inches wide; voile flouncing, f 1 -X. " "X. ? r o l !u -™ quality huck. if *' o V d val "« «P «o 45 inches wide f MS' V X. l?' ePn r' 1 Bu, " rs Slle H 50c. Buyers' in solid pat- / S f \ X ' pnce ' X S _ / ( - OC. | ship circles. Buyers' Sale Price 1 50c to SI.OO slipper buckles. Buyers' Sale Price ... 25c ' 50c gold, silver, pearl and jet earrings. Buyers' OC-, Sale Price AoC nl''■ , ' - ' ' ' ' J " 1 . 1 .. = J TUESDAY EVENING, ~ HXRRISBURG TELEGRAPH r AUGUST 3, 1915. "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers