HIIHHHHHI Open Saturdays Till 10 P. "Keep Your Eye on the Clock"— It Now Registers 431 o k e Gl°be It's a Co-operative Profit-Sharing Sale that has attracted the at tention of all thrifty clothing buyers as no other sale ever did. The unique feature of this different sort of a sale is, that as it progresses it increases in volume. E\ ery buyer is individually interested, not only in the GREAT CLOTHING VALUES we are giving, but every purchaser is BO&STING THE SALE—advertising it among his friends to help' this BIG, LIVE, PRO GRESSIVE STORE to accomplish its object— to sell One Thousand Men's and Boys' Suits by August 28th. Also, please remember that our usual Summer reduc tions prevail in every department, and that in this scale of REDUCED PRICES for Men's High Class Clothing. Blue Serges and Black Suits Are Included • Suits to This assortment consists of /Km <£22 gQ oun g Men's Suits and Blue Serge Suits fb / Suits to Elegant Suits of Mixed Tweeds 4? 1/2 —Velour Cassimeres and Worsted \I II h)lo»*sv/ Cheviots, also some Blue Serges—now... t M ■HByil Suits to Here are the choicest Home- f J p A HH <DOfi flfl s P uns Tweeds Worsteds and Blue IZI ' SBB&M Serges—many of them silk lined—now., i * 7W q,.: tc range are the celebrated . Vj| /bV Fashion Park Suits for Young Men C M V /JH vpii-.Ol) conservative Silk Mixed Worsteds. Blue ■/ V / «$t Serges and Unfinished Worsteds—now.. m/ ■ / R This group represents the very m ■ / |§i Suits to ultra in Men's and Young Men's Suits fa r A ■ ft 1 OH Fashion Park Adler-Rochester and \ I*l HI 6 'J? I ip£\J.U\J other famous makes—tailored to perfec- *r * tion—many silk lined—now Blue Serge Suits With SIC 50 All Men's Trousers Reduced 2 Pairs of Trousers, at It/ The greatest trouser values we've ever given ♦ —trousers tor every purpose—all sizes Elegantly tailored Blue Serges—of the finest S5 00 Trnn <;pr«; nnw ft X type—narrow will, smooth finished Serges that Zi'Zl ° 110 «>>.»O MUST WEAR. We give you the choice of either S3.jo tO*s4 TrOUSerS now $2.05 White berge Trousers or those to match the eo -r\ t> suit at the same price. 1 TOUSerS nOW tp1.90 Buy Manhattan Shirts Now at These Low Prices $1.50 Manhattans Are .$1.25 $2 Manhahuns Are jjj| $2.50 &$3 Manhattans Are <£| Qfjj $3.50 & $4.00 Manhattans Are $5 $5.00 Manhattans Are Shirts Worth to $1.50. Now 95 c 50c Underwear. Now , . . 39^ Without doubt Harrisburg's greatest shirt These are the famous B. V. D.—Poros values—soft and laundered cuffs—shirts of knit and Piccadilly make Shirts and Draw every description, including the popular erS lia '. ns 9 o^\ cre P e ' mercerized pongee and p, • . c .„ -,1 C cu- „ • porosknit tabric. Striped Silk Collar Sport Shirts-all sues- B. V. D and other famous Union Suits extraordinary values at 950 worth to $1.50, are now 85e All Straw Hats, Except Panamas and Leghorns, Now $1.50, Values to $3.50 Let Your Boy's Clothing Dollars Do Double Duty and Make the Lad a Profit-Sharer in Our One Thousand Suit Campaign For Boys' Suits, Values to $6.50 sij.69 For $8.50 Two-Pant Suits These suits were especially made Snappy, dress-up Suits with 2 pairs for the chaps who "rough if'-of sturdy wear- of pants _o f Shepherd Checks and neat Blue resisting fabrics—Blue Serges—Gray. Tan and . Brown mixtures—some with 2 pair of "Knick- anc * Brown Tartan Plaids—new English model ers -" Norfolk with convertible belt—all sizes. All Boys' Furnishings and Hats Now Selling at Unusual Reductions THF CI ORP "Harrisburg's Biggest and J. IVjLU DL Best Clothing Store" * Save 10% of Ice Bill The ice coupons, we sell, enable you to save about 10% of.the cost of your ice. When you desire a piece of ice, just give the driver the neces sary coupons. Or you can leave them where he can get them. Coupons are a great Convenience—ask our drivers about them. United Ice & Coal Co. MAIN OFFICES! Forater and Cowden St*. *- FRIDAY EVENING. REGENT Hours: 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. TO-DAY ONLY By request return encasement of Hall Caine'a Superb love atory, "THE CHRISTIAN" featuring Edith Storey and Earle William*. ! A. stupendous production In 8 parts. ! SOUTH AMERICAN TRAVELING SERIES. ' TO-MORROW—One Day Only. JESSE L. LASKY preaenta ROBERT EOESON la "WHERE THE TRAIL DIVIDES" j . In 5 parta. COMING "HYPOCRITES" AUGUST 4, 5, « and 7. f phone 3719. United 734-Y. V / ' Sacred Band Concert AT | Boiling Springs Park SUNDAY, AUGUST 1 P.BIYJ.C.I. BAND of Enola. H hour car aervice for Band j TO-DAY FOR THE LAST TIME "THE ROSARY" A 7-part allent drauia that la aa Kood aa any acrmou. Shown at 10 j a. m., 11.30 a. m., 1 p. nj., 2.30 p. m . 4 p. m.. 5.30 p. ID, 7 p. ni., 8.30 p. m. 10 p. m. SPECIAL MUSIC I to accompany "The Roury" will be rendered on our $25,000 Pipe Organ. TO-MORROW "THE SCARLET SIN" VICTORIA HXBRE3BURG TELEGRAPH . Personal Appearance I Is Largely a Matter nil I of Clothes 1 J We appreciate that fact here I I and have left no stones un- 1' § turned to provide clothing to ex- JHWI 1 l actly fit not only the figures but the personalities of | /J\ \\\\' j\\\l the men who purchase their clothing from us. S If^ 7 " I ffji®! y\\ { '' '• 1 That's why we watch the 1 MM 1 I Stocks so carefully, so I ||Ml|l I systematically that there canbe no || fp! H slip-up, no manufacturers'mistakes unloaded on the 1 V I | The Confidence you have • IJ!Ml J I had in us we wish to main- |||| M l I "Only High Standard Merchandise" ||jj| ||| | | Blue Serges and All Clothing at ||l|| | 1 | These Prices This Week ll| I I All SIO.OO Suits, $8 50 |P 4/KJ.J) 1/ COPYRIGHT 1915 All $12.00 Suits, J9,50 t "." ou '""""' pk, ' h ' I All $15.00 Suits, $J2.50 BOYS' SUITS I All $20.00 Suits, M6SO soys!s oys ! ¥AI uits ' f?"®s 2: 1. pio.ju Boys'ss.oo Suits, $3,95 AU $25.00 Suits, $21.50 55.25 I BUKFIST FOODS unscouTii Some Show Short Weight and Others Were Found to Be Infested With Vermin Four samples of \\\ ® //J seventy-two pack s\\\ a LZ; ages of breakfast CvvvVVea '°°ds taken in the state by agents of tho State Dairy and jjSfawMIJBJW Food Commissioner [f«7nSC3QQK were found to be I JFwISlWSnifCf short in weight and 3eij!o two were discovered Wg -Jt vermin by State chemists who made the analyses. The report of the in vestigation was made to the commis sioner to-day. The packages which contained vermin were taken at Al toona and Wllliamsport and the short weight was found in Altoona, Frank lin and Punxsutawney. Of over a hundred samples of vine gar taken in the State a partial report shows that fifty-four are in accord ance with the State law as interpreted by the Dauphin County Court, which prohibits adding water or anything else. Six sold as "white wine" were found to be not in accord with law and four were found to have been watered either by manufacturer or re tailer. Reports from others are ex pected shortly and then prosecutions will be started.* State On Watch. Agents of the State Livestock Sanitary Board were rushed to the New Vork State line in Potter and Tioga counties to-day to make inquiries regarding an outbreak of foot and mouth disease in Steuben county. New Tork. which abuts this State. The district has been quaran- AMT'SEMEXTS Paxtang Park Theater OLYMPIA Is an Elaborate Sporting Act with 20 Dori and Horse*. S-Other Standard Acts—s Dally matlneea tree to children. tined, there being fourteen cattle of twenty-one in the herd infected. No cases have appeared in this State and it is believed to be either an isolated outbreak or else cases which had not been reported. Increase Filed.—The H. E. Fetter holf Company, of Philadelphia, has fiied notice of increase of debt to $50,000. The Wilkes-Barre Case.—Dr. John Price Jackson, the State Commissioner of Labor and Industry, who was um pire in the wage dispute of the Wilkes- Barre street railway, said to-day that if he received a formal protest from the men to the effect that the award was not as they believed it should be, he would lay the matter before the otfcen two arbitrators. He lias not yet outlined the procedure, but will do so within a few days. All that the com missioner can do will be to reconvene the arbitrators and if they desire to take up the matter it can then be re opened. The case is being followed with a great deal of Interest, as it is the first transportation case in which the State has endeavored to compose differences. Representative Here. Representa tive C. H. Rich, of Clinton county, was at the Capitol for a short time. Going to Camp.—Auditor General A. W. Powell will fro to the encampment of the Second Brigade at Indiana next week. He is captain of the head quarters company. Board Members Here.—William Lau der and Robert C. members of the State Board of Education, were here to-day on their way home from a visit to eastern counties on educational matters. Interest in Tags. The announce ment of the Advertisement for the new automobile license tags has attracted many inquirers to the State Highway Department. The bids will be opened Au crust io. Sale Confirmation.—The sale of a number of plants of the American company to the Bell in eastern coun ties will be laid before the Public Service Commission here on August 10. Roderick's Idea of Tt.—James E. Roderick, chief of the Department of Mines, is in Pittsburgh conferring with attaches of the department with re gard to a redisricting of the mine inspection district. Two new districts arfi made necessary by Increase of mines ond the expansion of existing ones. Chief Roderick authorized the statement that the coal mining indus try is in a disorganized economic con dition. There are a few companies, he said, which enjoy favorlnc geo graphical locations, high quality of coal, favoring freight rates as com pared with competitors and proximity to large consuming markets. Two Dropped.—Augustus Wildman, Jr., and H. R. Bolleau, of this city, will leave the automobile division of the Slate Highway Department on Au gust 1. They are not needed under the reorganization which has been effected. New Orders Out.—The new orders for the shipment of cattle have been issued in printed form by the State Livestock Sanitary Board. They are effective at once. Affects Umpires,—Harry A. Mackey, JULY 30, 1915 of the Workmen's Compensation Beard, holds that umpires who may be injured by a crowd would come under the.compensation law. In other words, leagues may have to insure their umpires. Probably baseball play ers will be next. THANK GOD FOR VICTORIES Berlin. July 30 (by wireless to Say ville).~~Cardinal von Hartmann, the archbishop of Coolgne, has published an order addressed to all churches of Jiis diocese directing them to hold special services and prayers next Sun day thanking the Almighty for the powerful blessing accorded. German I arms in their many victorious battles, in the East and West and praying for His assistance in helping to bring about an early and lasting victorious peace. HEUD FOR DESERTION James Burrell. wanted in Pittsburgh on a charge of desertion, was arrested last night by Roundsman James McCann. He will be taken back to Pittsburgh this evening. KNOW HOW Uncle Sam makes the best nickels he knows how And— we make King Oscar 5c Cigars the best we know how. Get it? KNOW HOW The ripened knowledge of 50 years of buying leaf and making cigars. You've got to be in any business a long time to get that "know how." That's what has kept King Oscar quality Regularly Good For 24 Years Russian Government Inspectors at Morton Tractor Plant Today Government inspectors from Russia were in Harrisburg two hours to-day. They came here to look over the Mor ton trucks now being constructed by th< Morton Truck and.Tractor Com pany for the Russian government. Tests were made for the visitors, using trucks ready for delivery. The inspectors left for Philadelphia at noon. The visitors refused to give their names for publicity. They will also visit the Baldwin plant, in Phila delphia, where trucks are also being byilt for the Morton company. MOOSE DAY AUGUST fl Moose day will be observed at Island Park August 6. Plans now under way include a musical program and a base ball game between the Harrisburg A. A. and York Moose team. The pro ceeds will go to the Polyclinic Hos« pital. 9
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