6 PH EMPLOYES PICNIC 111 HERSe Headed by "Periwinkle Band," the Department Store Employes March to Station With the "Periwinkle Band, mo bilized yesterday,'—lt said so on the bass drum—attired in unique uniforms designs by Alfred L. Seltzer, decorator, ,between 400 and 500 employes of the Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart department store marched to the Philadelphia and Reading Railway station, where they boarded a special train for Hershey at 1.10 o'clock this afternoon. At Hershey Park the boys and "iris vied for honors in all varieties of feats of skill and brawn. Prizes were given the winners in the various events. « Before leaving the city the band, an organization of the choicest selected talent in the big store, which, it says on the program, appeared before "all the boneheads of Europe and the fat heads of America, placed several selections around town. A short con cert was given in Federal Square be fore the Telegraph building shortly after noon. Baseball games, watermelon eating contests, peanut scrambles and other pleasant features occupied the greater portion of the afternoon program. Early this evening the "eats" will be placed on tables and the "bunch" , in vited to "go to it." Evening features will be a concert by the store band and a dancing contest. The special train Mil return to this city about 10 o'cfock. John M. Eushey was chairman'of the general committee in charge of the events. Irish and Australian Detachments Wiped Out in Dardanelles Fighting Berlin, July 30.—8y wirelss to Say- A dispatch from Athens, Greece, to the Over Seas News Agency say*: "The American cruiser North Caro lina, shortly returned to Greece from en extended trip in the war zone. The officers of the ship told an ac quaintance that the real losses of the entente allies in the Dardanelles sur passed everything heretofore reported. The Australian and Irish detachments were almost annihilated. "The attempts to storm the Rocky steep heights on the Asiatic side of the straits were termed by these officers as simple insanity. Turkish machine guns directed by German officers mow ed down the storming ranks. The Turks led by the Germans fought with fury. "Brown, of Harrisburg," American Victim, Is Mrs. E. Brown's Son "Brown, of Harrisburg. Pa.," an neunced in dispatches June 28 as killed when the Armenian, a cattle boat, was sunk near England by a German submarine, has been posi tively ideatified as Edward F. Brown, aged 20, a grandson of Mrs. E. Brown! 680 Cowden street. The young man was born in this city, where he re sided until two years ago, when he took to the sea. He was the son of Mrs. Frank Brown, who lives at York and a nephew of John P. Gohl, 14 XG North Second street. "The Globe" Will Hold Big Picnic Next Friday On Friday afternoon next, August 6, the Globe will hold a store picnic for its employes, which will hereafter be an annual event. Immediately after the noon closing time next Friday, the employes of the store will be taken by automobile to Hershey Park, where they will par ticipate in an unusually pleasant pro gram which has been arranged for the afternoon. Sports and amusements of various kinds will be indulged in, interest centering chiefly in a baseball game which will be played by the Globe Right Posture team under the man agement of John Och, and a picked nine from the other employes of th'e store, which la getting in all practice possible, in the hope- that it may ad minister defeat to the regular team, which has been making such an en viable record this season. Pope Planning to Secure Armistice By Associated Press Berlin, July 30, by Wireless to Say vine. L. I.—A dispatch from Madrid to the Overseas News Agency says the Spanish newspaper A. B. C. reports from Rome that the Pope is preparing a great action through the episcopate of the belligerent countries with the object of securing an armtstlce. The archbishop of Pisa is quoted as con firming the story and adding that Pope Benedict himself is aware of the grave difficulties which he has to overcome. Fighting From Trench to Trench With Grenades By Associated Press Paris, July 30, 2:3s p. m. The French War Office this afternoon gave out a statement of tjie progress of hostilities which reads: "In the Artois district, near Souchez and at 'The Labyrinth" there was ali last night fighting from trench to trench with hnd grenades and bombs. DOUBLE EXECUTION IN KY. Eddyvllie, Ky„ July 30. For the third time in the history of-Kentucky a double electrocution took place this morning at 3:30 o'clock at the Eddy, vllle Penitentiary. First to be exe cuted was Turner Granam, Jr., 24, a white man, convicted for. the killing of R. J. McCurtry, sheriff of Hardin county. The second was Will Lane, 25, a negro, convicted at Pmeville on a charge of killing his wife. WOMAN GIVES PARTY ON HORSE'S BIRTHDAY Wilmington, Del., July 30.—1n honor of the fourteenth birthday of her pet horse, Mrs. M. K. Grant yes terday gave a party at McDaniel's liv ery stable, where the animal is housed. Prince Grant, as the horse is called, has been In th Grant family since it was a colt. The owner entertained the attaches of the stable at a lunch eon. her servants being at their com mand. An orchestra furnished music. MEXICAN SfINE MAY CLOSE Laredo, Texas, >uly so.—lh north eastern Mexico food shortage is se rious, general business is stagnant and indications point to a general closing down of the mining industry, accord ing to an American who reached the border to-day. FRIDAY EVENING, 1 j|®l Kou Pay Less For Better Quality at Miller & l I | TOipji | | This Big Furniture Department Store ~j | Selecting Your Store i I s IVot a Difficult Matter, Especially When S Comparing Values, Qualities, Prices „ § I MILLER AND KADES CREDIT SERVICE, ETC. | || r*T\OXJ can easily see a difference. Readily is this difference noticeable in the planning of sales and the values offered. Thousands of people trade here on Credit % j§ 1 —why not you? It does not follow that people buy on Credit because they cannot pay all Cash. It only that they eniov the convenience of the. Onen § si' Account privilege. The Merchants get credit from, the Manufacturer and Wholesaler. Why should not the customer likewise get Credit from the Merchant 3 11 jg Now is your opportunity to have a nicely furnished Home and pay for it in small weekly or monthly payments without spaying one cent more for the § gjj goods than if you would pay all cash. We are the only store in Harrisburg that guarantees to sell on Credit at cash prices. J Sale Starts Tomorrow Morning j Dining Room Suites RUGS | II . R pX<£ r Price R tS ,lar Jl 8 , 1 ® Regular Sale M K0 - . / . * t Price Price , Price Price '<3 |8 9-piece Dining Room Suite $125.00 $87.00 9x12 Wilton Rugs $52.50 $39.50 Brass Bed $9.50 $6.75 £ M 10-piece Sheraton Dining Room 9x12 Wilton Rugs $53.50 $42.50 Brass Bed $15.50 $11.95 j§ m . Suite T " • ••••• •$ 154 - 50^116 -«> 0 9x12 Wilton Rugs $69.50 $47.50 Brass Bed $26.50 $16.75 § m 10-piece Jacobean Dining 9x12 Axminster Rugs $36.50 $27.50 Brass Bed $33.50 $22.50 | \m 7 Suite..... ........ $183.00 $124.50 9x12 Axminster Rugs $29.50 $23.50 Brass Bed $35.50 $24.50 § f L /-P>ece Dining Room Suite $69.50 s4< .oO 9x12 Axminster Rugs $28.50 $19.75 Brass Bed $37.50 $24.75 g % , 9x12 Velvet Rugs $24.50 $19.50 Brass Bed .$55.00 $39.50 § §? H" • _ TVwAL.® 9x12 \"elvet Rugs $27.50 $22.50 —' § m Uimng laoies 9x12 Tapestry Brussel Rugs, • • ' • g Regular sale seamless $18.50 $14.80 v » §! H A 9x12 Tapestry Brussel Rugs, MCLYIOT iDUIICS § m Golden Oak Dining Table $42.50 $33.50 seamless $22.50 $17.90 | H S°H en S m ! ng § 29.50 9x12 Tapestry Brussel Rugs, § H S° 4 en 5- nmg I a H e s &s° seamless $23.50 $19.50 3-piece Leather Parlor Suite ... .$145.00 $95.50 | M 5° j en :~! n ! n £ J a . , e 9x12 Tapestry Brussel Rugs, 3-piece Tapestry Parlor Suite $95.50 $65.50 § HS Golden Oak Dining Table $13.50 $8.75 seamless $19.50 $15.f0 3-piece Spanish Leather Parlor S |1 9x12 Everwear Wool Rug $12.50 $9.75 Suite $82.50 $59.50 « ill 9x12 Everwear Wool Rug $10.50 $7.75 3-piece Mahogany Parlor Suite $46.50 $34.50 j|| Uppp] T$ 9x12 Everwear Wool "Rug $8.50 $5.75 .... $57.50 $42.50 £? Regular Sale —————— —————gj 1 Fumed Oak lutet .v.*;.: :::::: & fSIs CHIFF Oj | !§ Golden Oak Buffet $34.50 $27.50 #s* § jgj Go den Oak Buffet $36.50 Golden Oak Chiffoniers $10.50 $7.75 3-piece Mahogany Library Suite.. $69.50 $52.50 S uo den Oak Bunet sa4.ao $36.00 Golden Oak Chiffoniers $12.50 $8.85 3-piece Mahogany Library Suite.. $60.50 .$46.50 S ;g Golden Uak Buffet $62.50 $40.00 Golden Oak Chiffoniers $15.50 $11.95 I 3-piece Fumed Oak Library Suite. $65.50 $45,501 S I Golden Oak Chiffoners $14.50 $9.75 3-piece Fumed Oak Library Suite. $47.50 «$32.50 ® f v 1 in/ 3-piece Fumed Oak Library Suite. $20.50 $13.50 & 3-piece Fumed Oak Library Suite. $38.50 $26.50 g | Bgju, Odd Chiffoniers v I i golden Oak Dresser $10.50 "SgT £5, Library TableS I % G° den Oak Dresser $14.a0 SO.oO Bird's-eye Maple Chiffonier $26.50 $13.50 . Rasular 5 .,„ 1 g Go den Oak Dresser $18.50 $13.90 Bird's-eve Maple Chiffonier $23.50 $11.85 1 Golden Oak Dresser $17.50 $11.95 white Enamel Chiffonier $16.50 $9.75 Fumed Oak Library Table $27.50 $18.50 g £4 Mahogany Chiffonier $27.50 $17.50 Fumed Oak Library Table $32.50 $21.75 § § , Mahogany Chiffonier $33.50 $19.75 Fumed Oak Library Table $15.50 $11.25 g § r)jj n 1 — ; Fumed Oak Library Table $9.50 $5.75 B§. § yjaa Uressers Fumed Oak Library Table $32.50 $22.60 Jg P Regular saio p— —— —- Golden Oak Library Table $25.50 $17.75 _ , I^ice Prtc® |ll l\ 1 r 1 4 Golden Oak Library Table $14.50 $9.90 W. g Bird s-eye Maple Dresser $37.50 $19.50 /VII rilfmhlVP Golden Oak Library Table $12.50 $8.85 1 g Bird s-eye Maple Dresser $29.50 $17.75 IVI VII &UI IIUUI C Colonial Mahogany Library Table $27.50 $18.50 J§ Mahogany Dresser $24.50 $13.95 VI If n • • Colonial Mahogany Library Table $25.50 $14.80 1 rlDlt Colonial Mahogany Library Table $14.50 «$ll.OO ® P A 11V»V» Colonial Mahogany Library Table $11.50 $8.75 | Closing Out All Our r > I tt:- —n —: \ 1 High Grade Kitchen Special Bargains in a I & S* 1 9 i l> C o Golden Oak China Closet $18.50 $11.50 « Cabinets Below Cost ' Refrigerators &£ oa" cwna llio I":?® 1 «m* Golden Oak China Closet $34.50 $22.50 S MI O *1 17 i 1 O' 1 Mahogany Pedestal, 36 inches high, 1 opecial ror Upenins Uay or oale 9oC 1 M I * I O J Tomorrow only S I TheSta-eof 1 j\\\ LLgR & ICADES i H Service Furniture Department Store Town Buyers 1 . 7 North Market Square HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JULY 30, 1915.
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