The Season of Economy Is In Full Swing at Bowman's • n Many Women < ~ " ~ s i /?/w/w/7/tvU M ill II wear Gloves Good Picking in the WVAjv&fii 71G4&C11 JMj IHB 11 Through the Sum- Snprial Sale nf v CAM; 1981—ANY PHONE FOUNDED 1871 - Ssi-i 22 mCT Vx A<Xl UCI 1 V_/ Ul_ " I llllC SATURDAY HOURS: 9A.M.T09 P. M. I filfll I or P crha PS just the wrist Clf -■ r»f Q \flfll I length. In Silk Gloves, here will W-^xV.A.I ~ . . UXW I B I b e found the two most thought of It is hard to conceive of a purchase r;; otock I aking Is Essential | | I Fownes and Kayser's 2-clasp bringing such wonderful values until A. IN. 3 ij- rj ID • !tw\ \i- II I Silk Gloves, in various shades, at y ou have seen them, observed the ATmiair MO tiealtntul Business Il£aliH vr . • Fownes and Kayser's 12 and 16- low price. S! JJ tutm. During the process a period of "Calling-off," or listing, button length Silk Gloves, at 75£ Very Special at $1 00 Pique / i takes place, and in a steady growing business this par- ' to 82.00 pair skirts, in smart belted models, with I] fr]b~ ticular phase becomes more important and incidentally a p. •„ rt n . fo„/f„d Ihfrf Tloe'to sHs one or two pockets. \ ' greater task each year. Clearing Out long short, 50* to #1.25 Very Special at sl.2s—Gabardine /// \\ To avoid strain upon our salespeople we announce that Rrfri tfrraf nrc at The Queen Elizabeth Gloves skirts, also heavy cotton crepe skirts. L\\ I\\ t' this store will be ivcingci dLUia «*L with the dainty frill. In plain Plain styles, with belts and pockets. CJjS -HJ Closed Monday Morning Final Low Prices white and contrasting stitching. Very Special at $1.48-Piqtte, T-V . . .... ~ . , ' bowman's-Main Floor linen, crash, gabardine and cord f/%^ Re-opening at no 9 n * . * n °jj in F sj set 0 - A] this work can accomplish without added effort. "Notaseme" stone lined, and Shop to-morrow, we ask you who would come Monday the popular "Century." OUHIIIICr mCCCSSI- - Very at s l#9 gabardine, crepe and , morning. A large numbei ot specially priced cle,an up lots Easy to clean and well ticS Sit Lowered cord; novelty belt effects and plain stvles; all have pockets, will present savings. constructed n Very Special at *2.9§-Waffle and linen skirts; „ . , —— - _. „ rfICCS smartest of styles. Switches of Soft, Women's Smart sides- „ 77 „ • . Naturally Wavy white Shoes For «nSd, a ?. nl . ury :. m.75 ™cl r n ,^ s ' Hair, 89c Little Money en!meud,a^ entury :sii'.7s [Li" b F r„ a o'r° ng time Sin " ° Ur White Canvas Pumps and Co. $19.50 Stone Lined Nota- nickel plated "spigot Reduced Finer Grade Dresses, Clearing rabies number- , lomals . with high and low heels; se ®•• "■ I o'qn from $2.69; #1.98 from $2.98. at $3.49, $5, $7.98 and $lO ed a Hair tur " soles, formerly $2.00 and H ' °*' a * Water Coolers— Linens and voiles in stripes and small figures; also plain white, Goods Value $2.50. Pair SI.OO ' b ~ Ith Floor - Galvanized lined coolers. Re- touched with color. among its at- Aylffl White Duck Pnmn« anH f \ duced to 980 from $1.25 and _ tractions. £j|gS wmte Duck Pumps and Kew - _ . . ] $1.49; $ 1.39 from $1.98; White Dresses, Clearing Switches - all OHJ M " I f £ J^ 80 ™ EXCCptlOnal *1.75 from $2.69; $1.98 from, at $lO, $12.50, sls and $16.50 0 the Ml ! ormer y r ' S2. (^B ; $2.98 from $3.98. Fiber Mostly voiles, in the season's smartest styles, including Boleros ches long - the >M * 2 '°° OaVingS Coolers reduced to $1.25 and others Many prettilv embroidered, hair of excel- Childrens' White Canvas » K from $1.69 and $1.89. BO\VMAN-S— second Floor, lent texture and JtWm: S. JffiSivi jrs , . , ~ *., • h fir Screen Doors— n„ swiwti' Shoes high and low. All sizes *-'*■ i'ltll . . , ~ mounted on Oa*i Si nn Assorted sizes; complete with three short that were SI.OO to sl./5 pair; Neckwear, 10e—regular- j hinges, etc. Reduced to 69$ w j • /-v < items. All kuwi' now 80e ly 25c 4-in-hands and club ; from 98c; 98$ from $1.19 and /tl Th P ( . IPfl tl (T ( JUT shades except Ifl WlO BOWMAjra-Third Floor v string ties. $1.39; $1.19 from $1.49 and A,L gray. A most \E"i2T W Dress Shirts, 50$ reg- j $1.69. f Tl) • / A unusual value. " ularly 79c and SI.OO per- " BOWMAN-S— B«.em»nt \y CL IS tS /\TPs BOWMAN's —second Floor / ' scales and madras; coat style, ** .r> i U/A '§■ — with soft and starched cuffs; mOSt ropular White Waists Clearing at sl.lO —very fine voile waists; in tucked, em m p /WW] i some slightly soiled. Fahtics Ate: broidered or lace trimmed effects; short sleeves. Increasing ISeauty ' Night Shirts, 35e reg- Gabardine. 36 inches wide; used Waists Clearing at $1.98 —crepe de chine, in white, flesh and In Neil) Rnleraa jft MunW-'R ularly ~ g °° d c l ualit >' especially for separate skirts. Yd 39c r ink; plain and bar-tuck effects. Long sleeves and flat collars. 11l iTCU/ MJUImSI Of naincnnlr • nparl Knttnrc Piqtie. 36 inches wide; used for « r » nainsook pearl buttons. separate skirts, or eton jackets. Yard BOWMAN'S-Second Floor. 9f Which adds charm to the waist X/XlfelSSllSißi I I Union Suits, 69$ reg- BnwMAN's_Main nnnr 330 I k ) w gown. 8^ a^* \X | af - —. —_ ——- —— BOWMAN'S—Main Floor CIIDf Tfl kITI Jl I were $1.50. A large close-out of a I JsMA : in 1 'ulk m JU-Oj I /ill fI ML manufacturer wlilch brought he £e fine Z f!l\' rt I Ut Summer Dress Cottons I I Fittings include purse, mirror, j J j 1 «,». f-i « . a a f •. « i rouge box, and powder container. nil* i I-1 ' 'k \ T"--.' S I \\ r-'/liV •• And Linens---Fashion August turniture Sale BowMAN-s-Mam Floor MMm M W WMm>k V | I |\\ BSjllli y inc?efwidr r Ya O rT^ Pa " e August 3rd The "Torrington" ' EM V , l/j '' Awning Stripe Voiles, in vari- Promising a larger and Sweeper, Special - __ _ _ ous shades and styles; 40 inches more varied assortment, of V J 9 W f XVI ~' j K ' famous old Period designs; at $3.98 ■ 03T. f7H / Figured Voiles, in floral de- soundly built to withstand VJfJ • M \• signs; 40 inches quality. lifptinip n«p The regular price is $5.00. A com- Yard I'^i/" bination and vacuum brush sweener I I a " ...... ......... I, 2 C WAIT' It will oav von with late improvements; ball bearing YOllf* I JfOWSV T^VCS Ramie Linen, in pink, green . V „ it win Day }ou makes running easy. $3.98 is for Sat- lUU.I and Copenhagen; 36 inches wide. in dollars and service. urday only. Yard 39? J Ask for demonstration. Sees NOt 7i SIIDnPF Ramie Linen, in pink, navy and -.. . „ BOWMAN'S Fourth Floor CCfl O. light blue; 46 inches wide. Yard, (clearance or Umbrellas T YAHJ« DQ AU .>9? 51.50. $2.00. 82.50 Women's and wwr , X OU. T X dtll POWMAN'S —Main Floor Men's Vmlnpllas, Sl.oo—tape edge, V* Omen S „ , i rll r a.l 1 • a.l i. T» C *l r* 1 piece dye taffeta silk; paragon frame; __ Just like some busy men do not fully realize the welcome savings that a Bowman Suit Clear _ .. _ mission handles; plain gold and sii- Handkerchiefs f ance brings. Mus/inwear specials d .50. sioo womcn-s and 6 For 25c Wide-awake, fore-sighted, economy-wise men do not need a second reminder of such saving, White Petticoats, G9e form- Men's Umbi-eiias. si.9B—tape edge as proven bv the spirited response to our initial announcement. Their ranks grow in number erly\sl to $1.50 wide flounces piece dye taffeta silk; strong paragon h«m«H^h-£ ct o°JLh o £. wh l. te PV prv half vear of embroidery, with bands of in- frame; plain handle; also gold and any color or neat mourning^n*var" "AT "MI . , • ,«• . • , , sertion and lace trimmings. tnmmed. ious stHpw. mourning m Men will receive the same good service during this sale, just as they would were they paying Sample line. BOWMAN-S— Main Floor BOWMAN'S— Main Floor full price, and that is worth considering. Corset Covers, 250 made of A s t Q the actual savings, read on: nainsook; embroidery trimmed r . r «» , . ba £i^,,i.oo- f or m - k Velvet Rugs, Saturday IK CA erly $1.25 made of fine, sheer Handkerchiefs, 23c Special, $14.49 tTjITi J• J- tilts. y nainsook; corset cover and draw- Exact copies of $2 handkerchiefs. substantial „nt h . . Y V#V/V ers are lace, embroidery and in- but instead of handmade linen, they de^anrinov^figurel; ll^^ "fze'"" Formerlv Formerly Formerlv sertion trimmed. are machine made of fine cotton. Regular price $19.75. rOrmCriy rOilllCriy BOWMAN'S —Second Floor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S —Fourth Floor $9.90 tO sl2 $12.50 tO $13.50 sls tO $lB Jerry on the Job ►* rz r~<~ '~C~V I —"" WS ' ( lOOKUT I*XH- 3 3USV SOU OKNTA IV ' 3 <&•«. / "FOfc ABCW. IVNAWT .TTT \ } / I 1 1 MB3GCH\P §TA\V\ STE?T- Rfc- X, \\WTD QoTJOWi"*) W/fflJm \ x V*HERE O\D WOU REEDS* WUG Stove fwl f l NEMESJ »ED ) SKtuJ / i fct-Offg) Mm o, \ AVTOI - 1 J " fiAAwrr , —AAAHI cf=L —• s<£s3m i'% • /» &~J\\) #P>''£A ''//// A 9*l \ -4 #1 u-^ni^ms-HB ! r *rt*KSSjßtefc»» v «" .» FRIDAY EVENING, HSmUSBURG TELEGHSPH! fULY 30. 1915 3
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