8 PARTY ENROLLMENT IN DAUPHIN COUNTY ! ! I I I i -lil c is a I S I - DISTRICTS g Hi" tj £ c -S S —«•ler S C : S B =2•=3 : 2 ■ g 5 a Eg | a "lis* itsxC« ; ? ! a , c I tt. fag I £ ■ 5g I 6" Berrysburs Borougrh 57 17 7 0 8 0 0 14 103 Conewago Township 89 1 36 0 0 0 0 72 198 Dauphin Borough 101 3fi 2 2 1 0 0 28 170 Derry Twp.—lst prec 124 4 6 1 0 0 0 0135 D«rry Twp.—2d prec 13fi 10 1 1 0 0 0 52 200 Derry Twp.—3d prec 268 50 6 2 1 0 0 173 500 East Hanover Township... 246 58 9 1 0 0 0 22 336 Elizabethville Borough ... 181 100 4 0 1 0 0 47 332 Grati Borough 20 12 18 0 1 0 0 121 172 Halifax Borough 131 74 3 (10 0 0 22 MO Halifax Township 170 <BS 10 2 1 0 0 0 268 Highspire Borough 133 74 17 39 2 0 0 241 506 Hummelstown Bor.—lst pr. 237 44 23 3 2 0 0 87 396 Hummelstown Bor.—2d pr. 178 43 28 4 3 0 0 69 325 Jackson Township 57 109 0 0 0 0 0 60 226 Jefferson Township 20 25 0 1 3 1 0 10 60 Londonderry Township 81 7 16 1 0 0 0 119 224 Lower Paxton Township .. 227 79 17 3 1 - 0 0, 120 447 Lower Swatara Township .. ' 120 17 3 3 2 0 0 20 165 Lykei.j Bor.—E.Ward .... 11l 63 6 26 0 0 0 51 257 Lykens Bor.—W.Ward .... 174 49 12 69 0 0 0 186 478 Lykens Township 104 27 3 0 4 0 0 143 281 Middletown—lst w, Ist p... 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 178 181 Middletown—lst w, 2d p.. . 89 86 1 1 0 0 0 158 335 Middletown—2d w, Ist 0... 105 67 10 1 5 0 0 127 315 Middletown—2d w, 2d p... 140 53 27 9 0 0 0 49 278 Middletown—3d w, Ist p... 59 46 7 3 3 0 0 60 178 Middletown—3d w. 2d p... 151 41 22 3 1 0 1 73 292 Middle Paxton Twp. Ist. p. 82 89 0 0 1 0 0 183 365 Midle Paxton Twp.—2d p. 86 36 0 1 0 0 0 2125 Mifflin Township 59 48 7 0 0 0 0 33 147 Millersburg Bor.—lst w.... 131 42 35 0 0 1 0 209 360 Miilersburg Bor.—2d w.... 76 51 16 0 1 0 0 86 144 PaxX.ajig Borough 89 31 4 0 0 0 0 18 142 Penbrook Borough 199 35 62 1 0 0 0 96 484 Reed Township 36 17 1 0 0 0 0 1 55 Royalton Bor.—lst w 37 85 0 0 0 0 0 0 124 Royalton Bor.—2d w 68 88 1 1 1 0 0 41 152 Rush Township 12 Z 0 1 0 0 0 6 22 South Hanover Township .. 214 35 6 0 0 0 0 0 255 Steelton—lst w. Ist p 53 24 2 2 3 0 0 0 84 Steelton—lst w, 2d p 323 55 11 2 3 1 0 0 395 Steelton—2d w, Ist p 115 42 12 2 0 0 0 44 215 Steelton—2d w, 2d P 203 47 9 4 3 0 0 3S 304 Steelton—3d w. Ist p 193 55 19 2 3 0 0 91 363 Steelton—3d w, 2d p 443 41 10 3 1 0 0 64 562 Steelton—3d w. 3d p 28 8 1 1 1 0 0 14 53 Steelton—4th w 119 95 • 6 5 0 0 0 223 448 Steelton —sth w, Ist p 88 46 3 3 0 0 0 80 218 Steelton—oth w. 2d p 132 30 4 2 0 0 0 87 255 Ssquehanna—North prec. .. 107 72 6 3 2 0 0 116 306 Susquehanna—South prec.. 303 1 7 4 0 0 0 292 695 Susquehanna—East prec. .. 155 11 12 0 0 0 0 282 460 Susquehanna—West prec... 39 31 2 0 0 0 0 148 220 Swatara—lst prect 66 33 6 0 0 0 0 43 148 Swatara —2d prec 165 38 9 5 0 0 -0 67 254 Swatara —3d prec 173 79 3 3 0 0 0 171 429 Swatara —4th prec 36 16 2 0 0 0 0 27 81 Swatara —sth prec 55 33 4 2 0 0 0 85 179 Uniontown Borough 39 29 2 0 3 0 0 15 88 Upper Paxton Township ... 177 138 28 2 0 0 0 82 427 Washington Township .... 125 52 3 0 0 0 0 72 252 Wayne Township 34 62 1 1 0 1 1 6 106 ■West Hanover Township... 92 22 5 0 0 0 0 112 231 W. Londonderry Township. 38 11 5 5 0 0 0 18 77 Wiconsco Twp.—lst prec... 95 35 3 41 0 0 0 111 285 Wiconisco Twp.—2d prec... 83 23 10 50 9 0 0 106 281 Williamstown Bor.—E. W.. 152 60 71 0 1 0 0 84 368 Williamstown Bor.—W. W.. 91 60 98 0 0 0 0 115 364 Williams Twp.—E. prec. 35 16 8 0 0 0 0 18 77 Williams Twp.—W. prec. 78 13 65 2 0 0 0 18 176 Totals 5376 3065 843 323 71 4 2 5884 18568 WILSON PLAYS GOI.F By Associated Press , Cornish. X. H.. July 2S.—President] Wilson was out on the golf links earlvi MRS. THOMSON TELLS WOMEN How She Waa Helped During Change of Life by Lydia E. Pinkham'g Vegetable Compound. a Philadelphia, Pa.—"l am justs2yeare ! of age and during Change of Life i suf- j fered for six years \ terribl y- * Wed sev- I eral doctors but none | seemed to give me ' sgjl any relief. Every • jf||sA v month the painr were . tea n*-\ jr\. intense in both sides, Iff ■■■■* . and made me so * we& k that I had to k e< *' At last a friend recommen- j ded Lydia E. Pink- i . I— :—ham's Vegetable i Compound to me and I tried it at once [ and found much relief. After that I had no pains at all and could do my j housework and shopping the same j as always. For years I have praised , Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- j pound for what it has done for me, ! and shall always recommend it as a wo- j man's friend. You are at liberty to use 1 my letter in any way. "—Mrs THOMSON, ■ 649 W. Russell St, Philadelphia, Pa. Change of Life is one of the most critical periods of a woman's existence. Women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to carry women so successfully through j this trying period as Lydia E. Pinkham'g Vegetahle Compound. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Med icine Co. (confidential), Lynn, j Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman j and held in strict confidence. ' Bringing Up Father <s) (0) (0) (0) (0) (0) By McManus n WHAT If I'LL HAVE SOME I WHATT) THE If WHAT WAT> Z BHUTOP DINNER roriXHT WTTIJt*IC£ c Y °° LEMON SI- | \ MATTER V/ITH THE MATTE.R. ft YOU HAVE /"3> AMD IWAfi-r YOO CHEAM for " C.OiTA«D Pie., i THE NHMCF I V/tTH THE 7 LJ V HUMILIATED /~L T i KCA J DETSERT 1 CHERRT p>&- 1 UpS CE r HUH? NKMCEFME- L r"Vs MEEMOU^H: f WEDNESDAY EVENING, to-day for a game with Dr. Gary Grayson, his naval aid and physician He planned to work later until time for the informal tea arranged for this afternoon by Miss Margaret Wilson in honor of members of the artist and author colony of Cornish. Roosevelt Again Scores American Advocates of "Peace at Any Price'" By Associated Press San Diego, Cal., July 28. —Advo- cates of peace at any price were scored by Colonel Theodore Roosevelt here last night, when he addressed a large crowd at the Panama Exposition. Mr. Roosevelt's address # came as a climax to Roosevelt Day at the ex position. After holding a reunion with 77 members of his former Rough Riders Regiment, Colonel Roosevelt visited one of the attractions at the exposi tion where live several bands of In dians. He exhibited much pleasure at a ceremony of christening a newly born Indian boy "Theodore Roosevelt." "If after his Gettysburg address, Lincoln had listened to those who said that war .is the worst of all the evils, we would not be here to-night," said Colonel Roosevelt. "Its absurd when we say we want war. I'm an extremely domestic man. But should there be war, I and my four sons would go to it. "We should be prepared. We should have a standing army of 200,- 000. Business and Professional Men Organize Branch Last night at 10 South Court street, a large number of colored professional and businessmen of the city met and organized a local branch of the Na tional Businessmen's League of which Dr. Booker T. Washington is president. After the organization it was de cided to hold a meeting in the audi torium of the Capital Street Presby terian church on Tuesday evening, July 3 to enroll membership and hear addresses from noted speakers who will be invited. The National organization meets this year in Boston on the 18th of August, at which time the local branch will he represented. Following are the offi cers elected last evening: W. H. Craig head, president; W. H. Strothers, vice president: Daniel H. Potter, Jr.. secre tary; Harry Burrs, treasurer; Stephen J. Lewis, auditor and C. J. Toomey, registrar. " E "™IAS S VELVEI | AST RIC H'SK,727IA", I XH: sl*9B Last Three Days of This 9Sc 1 Great JULY CLEARING SAT,F,| | Determined to sell out as much as possible of this enormous stock of Millinery, we have made the most unprecedented price cuts throughout the whole stock—selling Trimmed Hats at one-fourth and one-third their actual prices—and in many instances for less—offering our whole stock of Untrimmed Hats and Trimming—at cost and less. 4 Our stock is composed of Summer Hats, principally White Hats or Black Hats. Our Trimmings are New Summer Trimmings, such as ( i you now want to give you a cheap vacation hat. These are the strong pulling points which have made this sale so successful and which you £ cannot afford to miss during these Three Final Selling Days. - w \ TRIMMED SUMMER HATS ALL OUR UNTRIMMED HATS REGARDLESS' At V 4 and V 3 Their Usual Prices OF COST OR VALUE ' _ . . „ _ a. t> Every hat is new, clean and desirable for mid-summer use. READ OUR 1 Principally White Hats; Black Sailors, Leghorns, Panama Hats. PRICE CUTS. jBLACK HEMP HATS Trimmed Panama Hats PANAMA HATS Q n White Hemp Hats CO i | With Ostrich Pompons. &4J /•/"Former Prices $5.00 ffO C.C. Former Price $1.98 "OC Former Prices $1.50 & $2.00 Were Originally $5 . . ,J)£ •Uv and $6.00 j 1 1 ;WHITE HEMP HATS SMALL BLACK HATS S5„ ETTSJKIm J ! Former Prices $3.98 (t *f For Middle-aged Women *# OQ ' _—___ and $4.98 I .OO Former Price $2.98 .J) I Black HEMP TURBANS CO- White Hats With Black , TRIMMED LEGHORN HATS TRIMMED HATS, Black and Colored Former Price $1.98 DyC Flanges. Former Price $1.98 Os(- ) , Former Prices $5.00 ££ Former Frices $5.00 tf jnn Imported White Italian Milan White Milan Hemp Hats ? I and S6OO A» P P and $6.00 1 »PP Hats. Former Price (T -J I. Q With Black Flanges. Former QO . ? I FRENCH ROOM MODELS Lace Hair Braid Hats $7.98 4> I .fir Price $2.50 and $2.98.... | .Former Pnce $5.00 otf QQ ft*. $598 Black Hemp Hats jT Panama \ FormerVrice $1.50 and JC " MS *7 66) I Large Colored Dress Hats Black Hemp Turbans _ Former Price $3.98 .. .y ' I Former Prices $5.98 (P 4 White Flanges. For- C 7 (\(\ rge anaina Sailors Leghorn Sailors ' and $6.98 4>1.00 m er Price $5.98 5 inch brim. Former dP A QO With Pencil Edge. For- £ f 00l Children's Trimmed Hats Children's Trimmed Hats Price s;>.9B & $4.98 * merly $3.98 & $4.98 Hr *OO ' Former Prices $2.00 /£/£/" Including All Our Finest. For- QQ- White Felt Hats Cf /TO WHITE KID HATS tf <f UU and $2.50 VVC mer Prices $2.98 and $3.98. Former Price $2.50 & m Former Price $2.50 '• ■ * Large Fluffy Ostrich Fancies Iflfr Imported Pink Pink and Yellow Roses, 6to a Bunch I 4 } 1 /- Actual values SI .00 and $1.25 Roses Actual value 39c i 18-inch Ostrich Plumes CI ft ft Large Bouquets; R eg - OQf Daisies, Single or Double 1 f) r White black and colors; actual value $4.00• uar rice c All colors; values 25c and 35c Feelers With Ostrich Ends 10 1 r Ostrich Pompons Daisy and Rose Wreaths Assorted colors; value 35c 2 With Feelers Value 75e, jjr Actual value 49c f Beautiful Ostrich Fancies Cf Pi} ° T \ "" _ . Velvet Pansy Wreaths Values $4.00 ond $5.00 *r *• W Velvet Poppies Actual value SI.OO rTC ( Ostrich Feather Fancies 23c R *2sc White Silk and Velvet Roses 29 C \ \ alues /?c and SI.OO \ alues 49c and 7oc * I Large Full Ostrich Pompons j\Qr Double Ostrich Velvet Pansy Bunches 10 1 rZ Actual value SI.OO Pompons Assorted colors; value 50c * ~ 2** % Ostrich Lobster Bands 59C ° B N H 83 C Beautiful Rosebud Wreaths 1 yard long; value $1.50 Large Double White Wings If lis Broad Ostrich White Satin Wreaths lllLcX , Actual value 75c Bands Actual value SI.OO 1 1 L I Ostrich Tips, 3to Bunch XQr Wlth Tip Ends; €1 70 Tiny Velvet Roses in Bunches fO/-l All colors; 75c value Value $2.50 All light colors; value 75c RUSS FORCES HOLD GERMANS IN CHECK [Continued from First Page.] Nicholas have taken the offensive suc cessfully at several points. The German attacks along the river X'arew have been checked and along tlie river Bug the Russian soliliers are holding firmly. On the other hand, German troops under Field Marshal von Mackensen liave made progress tow ard the Lubliu-Chelm railroad. In the southern area of Russian Po land, between the Vistula and the Yieprz, the o|>erauons would appear to have reached a temporary, stand still. As an offset to tills inactivity the Germans are widening the sphere of their hostility toward the east. Captain Fugene l)elk, of the Ameri can steamer Leelanau', sunk by a Ger man submarine off Scotland July 25, reports from Aberdeen that he and Ills crew were treated with the utmost J c ourtesy by their German captors. I Tliej traveled Rixty miles on the deck HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH I of tho submarine and were then sent | into Kirkwall in their own lil'eboats. Germans Believed to Have Lost 500,000 Men By Associated Press London. July 28, 12.27 P. M. — ! Though the Germans now hold a great | line from the Gulf of Riga sweeping ' southward around Warsaw, thence j encircling the city and stretching away ! to the Galician frontier, near Sokal, it is estimated they have lost 500,000 men, perhaps more, in this the most ambitious movement of the war, and the Russian front is not yet broken I on the Xarew river, north of the Polish capital. SWEDISH BARK FIRED By Associated Press Copenhagen, via London, July 28. The Swedish bark Madonna, loaded with timber has been set on fire in the North Sea by aGerman submarine. The Madonna, a vessel of 456 gross tons, was built at Grimstad in 18SO. The owners were C. C. Johansson of Kalmar. GERMAN SUBMARINES ACTIVE By Associated Press London, July 28, 3.35 p. m.—Ger man submarines show no cessation in their activity in the North Sea. The latest reports set forth that the Swed ish steamer Emma and three Danish schooners, the Maria, the Neptunis and the Lena, have been sunk by them. The crews of these four vessels were landed at Blyth to-day. NO REPORT IN WASHINGTON By Associated Press Washington, D. C., July 28.—Con sular headquarters had no report to day of the imprisonment in Berlin of Charles Wilson, said to be a clerk in the American consulate, charged with aidinK a British subject to fraudulently obtain an American passport. Harry Wilson has been a clerk there five years, but there is no report of his be ins in difficulty. JULY 28, 1915. Reformed Salem Men to Take Big Auto Trip Members of the Men's Brotherhood of Reformed Salem Church, have planned an automobile trip and out ing for Friday Occupying ten automobiles, fifty members will auto to Gettysburg. They will leave Harrisburg at 7.30 in the morning. The trip will include a ride over the historic battlefield. A stop will be made at the Reformed Orphanage at Littlestown for lunch eon. York will also be visited. A stop will be made at Lancaster in the evening for dinner. The route to Harrisburg will include Elizabeth town and Middletown. RICHMOND GETS TWOMBLEY, By .Associated Press Cincinnati, July 28.—George Twom bley, utility outfielder of the Cincin nati club, was to-day released to the Richmond club of the International l.eague. Twombley will join the Richmond team to-morrow. Lime Starvation Causes Tuberculosis In the Medical Record (New York } of December .18. lfimi, Dr. John P. ItusNell najH! -The condition which 1* recognized an preceding the nctl\e development of tuberculoMlN In the adult innv he eonaldered iim due to lime Ktnrvatlon. * Anions; Inorganic MUhntancen lime nnltM appear to he of Mpeelnl phynlologlcn I Importance. • hut If the Malta are not In orKunlu combination. It In difficult to nuppo>*e that the cella can appropriate them for food." Years of widespread use confirm our belief that the success of Eck man's Alterative in tuberculosis is due largely to its contents of lime, in such combination with other valu able ingredients as to be easily ap propriated by the cells. Doubtless this has had much to do with tlie results in many cases which appear to have yielded to it. ' As it contains no opiates, narcotics or habit forming drugs, it is safe to try. Your druggist has it or will get it. Eckmnn Laboratory, Philadelphia. Advertisement. Try Telegraph Want Ads
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