12 The Harrisburg Academy Stands For Efficiency and Economy A country day and boarding school for boys and young men of all ages, It affords the best of modern educational facilities. Experienced, efficient masters. Individual instruction. Small classes. All athletic sports —supervised. Study periods—supervised. We teach the boy how to study. We save him one or more years in preparation. No superfluous courses. For detailed Information about courses of study. Individual in struction. summer school, tui tion rates, etc., Phone 1371-J or write Arthur E. Brown Harrisburg, I'a. Headmaster VnHnnaHMHHnr Resorts OCEAN C^NO^HINDHOfEIS> // Directly on the Boardwalk.\\ f Compleretorhe minutest detail.\\ [I OpenalirheyearSeawaterinallbaths. .» u Pre-eminently the Hole lof quiet refinement. / J FRANCISVARNALI—MCK^/ ATI. AN TIC CITY. N. J. STANLEY South Carolina Ave., near Beach. Man agement of owner. M. T. CURRAN. The FrontenaT^ bY*I: A modern high-class, home-like hotel; Cap. 250; finest hotel section, central to every attraction: ocean view rooms, cool porches, metal beds, elevator; white service. SB, $lO, $12.50 weekly. Booklet. W. F. WATTS. The Worthington Cottage 41 South Virginia Avenue Atlantic City, X. J. MRS. M. W. SPICEH, of Hnrrisburg. LEXINGTON Pacific & Ark Ave«. Grounds with tennis courts adjoin Only popular priced hotel where GUESTS may go from HOUSF to SURF in riATHING ATTIRE without using streets, which it prohibited, t'se of BATH HOUSES and care of auits FREE. RUN NING WATER in rooms. ORCHESTRA. $1.50 and up daily, SB. to $17.50 weeklv. Amrri can plan. W.TITE SERVICE. GARAGE. Booklet PAUL C. RC SECRANS. THE NELLUNDY VIRGINIA AVENUE AND BEACH Private baths, running water; newly appointed diningroom: capacity 300 Rates. $2.50 up daily, $12.50 up weekly. E. H. LONDI. HOTEL MAJESTIC iiSVLS! Ed throughout; center of attractions; ocean view; capacity 300; elevator, private baths, white service, etc.; su perior table. Special, SIO.OO up weekly; $2.00 up dally. Booklet. M. A. SMITH. SOMERSET Arkansas Ave.. 2nd house from Board walk and Million Dollar Pier. Good beds, good table. SB, $9, $lO, $12.50 weekly; $1,50, $2 dally. H. J. KERSHAW \ SPECIAL SUMMER RATES $2.00 up dally; *0 up weekly. < ALBEMARLE Leading high-class moderate rate hotel. Virginia Ave., near Beach and all attractions. Capacity 350. 100 cool front rooms, new metal beds, comfortable furnishings; ele vator, private baths, 4000 ft. porches, excellent table (evening dinners), courteous service, home-like. Mo torists' patronag' solicited. 14th Booklet. J. P. COPE. ELBERON AND FIREPROOF «*NNEX. Tenncwee Ave nue, near Beach. Central. Open surroundings. Opposite Protestant and Catholic Churches. Cap icity 600. New throughout. Running water in rooms. Private baths. Metal beds. 4.0 X) feet of porches. Excellent table. Fresh vegetables. Windows screened. White service. B->oklet Special: SB.OO to $21.00 weeklyt • 1.50 to 53.60 daily. R. B. LUDY. M. D. THE WILTSHIRE A 3SX view; capacity 350; private baths, run ning water In rooms, elevator, fine porches. &c.; music. Special—sl2.6o up weekly: $2.50 up daily; open all year: booklPt: auto at trains. SAMUEL ELLIS. HrtELWILLARD New and Beach, cool loca tion; 400; elevator, private baths; oxcelli.: table; bathing privileges; $12.50 up wkly; $2.00 up dly. Booklet A«::iHl PARK, N. J. 7X ill MATTHEWS .'.02 First Ave. Catering especially to Harrisburg people. Block to beach. Kvery convenience. Special rates. A VT MATTHEWS. SAFETY FIRST The object of "Safety First"'ls prevention. You can prevent your advertising from meet ing the fate of the waste > basket If you will make It attractive with proper illustration. Bring your next copy to us for Illustrative treatment. One treat ment will convince you that our methods are a success. The Telegraph Art & Engraving Departments i . WEDNESDAY EVENING, AUDITOR CASSELL IS PAID«FOR JOB Delightfully Surprises County Com missioners by Asking For His Money ■MMMMN Dauphin county JJJ f 111 to-day settled its a long standing ac board of county auditors for ser vices rendered in rrfllmnPffifiPW passing upon the jj r Cassell this morning got a check for $20.25. j Six days' actual work were credited jto him. He got $3 per day fo rthe work, a total of $lB, and an allowance of two and a quarter for I mileage. The other two auditors have been paid but President Cassell sparred around and refused to take the money for such a long time that in county tircles, it was believed he didn't need the money. To-day he surprised the county commissioners by calling and agreeing to settle. Estate's Auditor to Sit August 10- Attorney F. J. Shaftner, auditor for the estate of David Etter will sit In the law library of the courthouse Monday morning at 11 o'clock. August 16, for the purpose of making the distribution of the balance of the estate. Party Petitions Filed. Additional primary nomination petitions tiled to day included the following: Eugene W. Suydam. Republican, first precinct. Third ward. Steelton. judge of elec t.on; Adam Rudisill, Republican, West ward, Lykens, inspector;; Wellington Herb, Republican, West ward, Ly kens, judge of election; Oscar Hawk, Republican, West ward, Lykens, con stable. TO FIX FOOD PRICES Rome, July 20.—(Correspondence of The Associated Press).—A conference of the mayors of Milan, Turin. Genoa, Florence, Palermo and Naples has been summoned to meet in Rome to discuss means for fixing maximum prices on foodstuffs throughout Italy, and after precautionary measures, such as the prohibition of the slaughter of young i calves. Resinol takes the soreness out of sunburn There is no reason for suffering with sunburn. Just coverthe pain ful surface with a thin layer of Resinol Ointment. It excludes the air and gives instant relief, while its soothing, healing medi cation quickly restores the tender, inflamed skin to perfect healih. Resinol Ointment heals ectema, heat rash »nd other skin eruptions, stops itchinr in stantly, and is most valuable for chafitlfl, insect bites, poison oak or ivy, sores, wounds eta. Sold by all druggists. HOW TO BE SLIM AND ATTRACTIVE If you are one of the many who suffer from obesity you know only too well the humiliation and discomfort one suf fers wTien they are too fat. The cause of obesity is undoubtedly due to faulty I assimilation. Too much of your food is turned into fat and too little into strength and vitality. To correct this eat sparingly of starchy foods and get from any good druggist a few oil of korein capsules and take one after each meal and one before retiring at night. Weigh yourself once a week and note what a pleasant and reliable method this is for removing superflu ous fat from any part of the body. It costs little. Is absolutely harmless and I am sure a week's trial should con vince anyone that it is unnecessary to 1 be burdened with even a single pound I of unsightly fat.—Advertisement. AMXSKMENTS Hours 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. To-day and To-morrow, BETTY BELLAIRS In "THE SPANISH JADE" in « reela. Friday, one day only; By request return engagement of Hall Calne's superb love story, "THE CHRIS TIAN," featuring Edith Storey and Earl Williams, in 8 parts. Bell phone 3719 United 784T TO-DAY "THE GODDESS" Kllfhth Instalment, featuring Anita Stewart and Earl Wlllama. Also "The Counter Intrigue" • I part Essanay Nell Craig and Sydney AJnsworth are featured. TO-MORROW "THE ROSARY" VICTORIA Paxtang Park Theater OLYMPIA DESVAL In mm Elaborate Sporting Act with 20 i Doga and Horiev. 5-other Standard Acts—s Dally matinees free to children. Sleuth Going A-rowing For Thief Takes Auto Tire as Life Preserver William Smith, whose capture last night nearly cost Harry White, the detective, his life, was held for court this afternoon to answer a charge of larceny. Smith, who is employed as a watch man on the river for the Harrisburg Light and Power Company, was ac cused of taking $lB from the clothes of Francis W'enrick, 1321 Marlon street. Wenrlck was in bathing. He left Smith to watch his clothes. Smith was marooned on a flat In the river. When Detectives White and John Murnane went after Smith in a boat Detective White was obliged to take with him an automobile tire as a lift preserver. With 260 pounds avoir dupois in the boat it was dangerous rowing. Twice the boat dipped, talt lns; on considerable water. Money found on Smith was iden tified by Wenrick. Smith says the money was his. Suicide Dies in Room at Hospital Occupied by Sister Yesterday Mrs. Minnie Santo, aged 22 years, 42 Linden street, a suicide, died at the Harrlsburg Hospital early this morning. Mrs. Santo occupied the same room from which she had taken her sister, Ada Peden, of Millerstown, a convalescent during the afternoon. Mrs. Santo swallowed carbolic acid, following several word quarrels with her husband, John Santo, a machinist Her death occurred at 1.20 this morn ing, a half hour after one of the al leged quarrels. The husband accompanied the wife to the hospital, remaining with her until she died. He admitted there had been frequent family quarrels, and that the wife had made previous threats that she would end her life, but said "he never took his wife's re marks seriously." Penna. Steel Co. Ousts Girls For Boys on Its Private 'Phone Exchange Telephone calls for the Pennsylva nia Steel Company after Sunday will be sent through an exchange board operated by boys in the private branch of the company offices. Announcement of the change was made to-day. The seven girls now operators in the exchange will leave Saturday to return no more. Sunday morning the boys who were on several years ago will return and take charge. The only reason given by officials for the change was that they believe bovs will be more efficient for their par ticular line of work. Pennsylvania Free From Foot and Mouth Disease At a meeting of the State Livestock Sanitary Board to-day the entire state was declared to be free from foot and mouth disease and in the future there will be no restrictions upon movements of livestock originating and ending within the state except from a few premises which are under special quarantine. Cattle and swine originating in fed eral closed, exposed and modified areas continue to be forbidden to enter this state, but livestock from federal free and restricted districts may be brought here for Immediate slaughter. Philadelphia and Allegheny counties are still under federal quarantine and cattle can be shipped from them into other states only subject to federal regulations. Elbridge Gerry Gets Post at Lancaster Elbridge B. Gerry, 1317 Berrvhill street, to-day received notice of his appointment as cashier In the office of Revenue Collector B. F. Davis at Lancaster. Mr. Gerry will report for his new duties Monday, August 2. Mr. Gerry has been a resident of Harrisburg for twelve years, during which he has been employed by the United States government as a gauger. Hp has been in the Internal revenue service for twenty-one years. He will move his family to Lancaster in Sep tember. MRS. KDITH S. FKRGUSON Mrs. Edith S. Ferguson, aged 49, wife of A. M. Ferguson, died this morning at her home, 231 Forster street, following an illness of one vear. She had been confined to her bed for the last six months. Mrs. Ferguson was born in Lock Haven, the youngest daughter of William T. and Edith H. Van Dyke. She had lived in this city for twenty years. She is survived by her husband, two children, Helen Anna and Andrew William Ferguson; one brother, William L. VanDyke, and two sisters, Mrs. H. G. Shearer and Miss Carrie E. VanDyke, of Lock Ha ven. Funeral services will be held Sat urday afternoon at 2 o'clock from her late home, the Rev. W. H. Dallman, of Market Street Baptist Church, offi ciating. Burial will be made in the Harrisburg Cemetery. NERVES Weak, unstrung nerves a "shaky" feeling, agitation and excitability, resulting from mental stress or suffering—caused by lack of phosphates in the nerve cells. Renew the nerve-force, and braca the nervous system by taking HORSFORD'S Add Phosphate (Non-Alcoholic) Merchant. « Misers Trans. Co. Vacation 1 rips "BY SEA" BALTIMORE to BOSTON and return, $23.00 , SAVANNAH and return, JACKSONVILLE, and return. $35.00 Including meals and stateroom ac commodations. Through tickets to all points. Fine steamers, beat service staterooms de luxe, baths. Wiraless telegraph. Automobiles carried. Send for booklet. W. P. TURNER. Q. P. A., Baltimore, MA TZ/jt/vo S TPE/VGTM DEPTONOI I MADE IN A HEALTH RESORT. AT DRUG STORES; SI. ooPrr BOTTLE THE PEPTONOL CO ATLANTIC CITY N.dl HARRISBtJRG TELEGRAPH Remarkable Values in Linen and Gold Shell Voile Dresses Silver Rings Our Entire Regular Stock in a July-End j In a Sale C7¥o st >'^ es are master creations in French linen El UftO an< J colored voiles, designed for women who look to O lE®l individuality in the least expensive of their frocks. i|g| Two dresses can be purchased in this summer gm clearance at about the usual cost of one dress. Th<TC are HHH $4.95 stripe dresses, in black SIO.OO dark blue, white or rings in \ BBiaß and white with trimming of flesh linen dresses, in Princess Bs|L^A''j JsjSf scores of dif US bullet buttons. d»o qc style, with organdie sleeves and itmi ferent stone Reduced to *0.570 embroidered collar of organdie, j settings in \ $7.50 linen dresses, in pink, tQ C UCe $7.50 this remarkable sale at 23?, I P\ vNUB blue and white polka dot band, si6.'(X) ' combination white and so far as the values are I I \ \ embroidered or hemstitched i anc j jji ue p o i|< a dot seeded concerned we feel safe in tell touches. Reduced $4.50| voile dresses with scalloped ing you we have never thus far | \ \' \ W& , i tunic - Re duced •• *7 pa seen them equaled. I I \\ \ U_y $9.?0 French linen dresses, Ito .... *P • »OU i T , 1 L\ \ in white, brown, green, blue or $15.00 blue and ' green pin vnn'll fi°H '7° 1 tn ~'" orr °' V pink ' W,th hand embroidered stripe organdie dresses in three * , 5 ' d,s P lay that ,s VrM ./ collar and cuffs and patch tier plaited style, with embroid- really bewildering. (&£—pockets. Reduced <J»£2 AA erv collar. Re- <fc lf\ g\f\ Right inside the Market V to «uv.vrvr di j ced to «J>IU.UU Street Entrance. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart • • 15c to 19c White Goods in Bathing Suits for Children Fancy Weaves Special 6%c $1.50 and $1.75 °\tz t* 'ts S S, -;;T ,or ? irls of sis ,o r el ma,eriais are var( j ; sturdy, in navy blue with trimmings of turkey red or black and 19c striped white crepe, 34 inches. Special, yard ... 12 1 /2$ stripes. Specially priced in a late July clearance. 19c plain white pique, 28 inches. Special, yard . . 12 y 2 <f Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor. 15c to 19c English Nainsook, 28 inches, mercerized. Spe- Cial, (ztto*l?c dimity cVec^Minci^' 'yard. 10? I N Men and Boys in our Delivery Serv 15c white Persian lawn, 30 inches. Special, yard ... 10? lce might enjoy the store s outing and picnic on Fri -25c mercerized white Voile, 40 inches. Special, yard, 12yit day afternoon and evening of this week at Hershev 35c chenille stripe Voile, 40 inches. Special, yard .... 19e «.u„ -j , ~ ... . y White Rice Cloth, 36 to 40 inches, yard, the St Frida y morning delivery will leave the 25*, 35*, 39* to 49* store at 10:45 o'clock. All merchandise sold after Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart, Street Floor. o>dock 0 > dock wiU be delivered Saturday morning. MAY MAKE TRACTORS FOR U. S. GOVERNMENT [Continued From First Page.] banks. They stood the tests well, ac cording to S. F. Dunkle. an official of the company, and the army officers were said to have expressed satisfac tion with the showing. Thirty Cars Ready for Russia Stored at the lower end of the field where the tests were made are thirty cars recently assembled for the im perial Russian government, the first part of the 1,500 truck order secured from Russia and England to be made at the local plant. The Baldwin Loco motive Works, Philadelphia, to which a portion of the contract was sublet, have already shipped about 150 trac tors. The first shipment from here will probably be made at the end of the week after Russian inspectors complete their work. An additional order for 400 tractors, it is expected, will be placed by two members of the Russian nobility and two prominent Englishmen who are on their way to this city from New Kelly—Getting New Blood Into the Game By BRIGGS f om \ r ~ | / VWMADJA \ IRJ 1 YoO CA*J'T I AMJ-rOR Tien. f« \ . „ \ C ~\\ hbpc *»•- \ Lo&6 - OCH AH OiO ) r y LUVA | y*sso «»\l \ toon se-r harrv. just I beat Ml L/C [cut™. -«v.T-,x, \ . n (KE " / "*>■ JVJiTSr %IZ , Tpot LETS 60 y — , IBS fib / ( V_ COME J \ I VAJAD AUJAV HIM I Y\ A RESI V 111 bet [ FR °~ f I "M \ Gv/Y Ll 8E V U — To Trt ei« / CO***' J A BEA«. AT C TR.AP-C.lKe / /\ HARRY- \ J | THIS SAME ( A FO%.- r-J y j | l'crk. where they were met by Robert L. Morton. Assemble Five Trncks a Day The local plant Is assembling an average of five trucks a day and with the assistance of Baldwin's expects that the large order will be turned out in the 90-day limit specified In the contract. Twelve hundred of the cars have been contracted for to date by the Russians and 300 will go to Eng land. By the terms of the contract the responsibility of the Morton com pany ends when the cars are deliv ered at New York. Russia and Eng land will have to arrange for trans portation across the Atlantic. Democrats Must Find Way to Raise Revenue Special to The Telegraph Washington, D. C„ July 28. The next Congress, with less than a Demo cratlc majority of thirty in the House, will have before it an important fiscal problem. This Congress, preceding a Presidential year, must confess that the JULY 28. 1915 Democratic policies, as complicated by the war, have failed to produce suffici ent revenues. The state of the Treas ury to-day indicates that the public purse will be about depleted by Decem ber, and a new method of raising reve nue must be found by the majority party. One thing has been decided upon by the leaders. That la that no attempt must be made to revise the tariff in any way, as to do so would be an ad mission that the tariff has been a fail ure. There will be a fight from a por tion of the South, however, for a re vision of the tariff law with respect to the placing of sugar on the free list next May. By a combination with the Republicans of the West in the beet sugrp.r-sfrowinff district, these South ern Democrats might force through a repealer In both houses. NEW RECORD IN STEEL EARNINGS By Associated Prtss New York, July 28. Never in its history has the I'nitci States Steel Cor poration had sjth a temarkable turn in Ito earning power from poverty to firosperity as that shown by the earn ngs of $27,950,055 for the quarter f-nded with June. The record breaking jump in earnings based on the flood of orders for the steel that Is going into.ammu nition making and war orders. LAWYER'S COAX STOLEN Robert M. Stucker, attorney, ap peared at the police station this after noon in a new role. He was a plain tiff. The defendant was Lawrence Moore, a stranger. Moore walked irtko Attorney Stucker's office, In the Russ building, last night and walked out with a new coat belonging to the law yer. Harry White, the detective, later located Moore and the coat. Mayor John K. Royal this afternoon held the stranger for court on a charge of larceny. FREE SPEECH "Write an editorial," said the pub lisher of the Tibet Courier to his editorial writer, "about the disgrace of Prof. Scott Nearing's dismissal. Say that free utterance is necessary to growth and to independent thinking; that it is as necessary as a free press and ought to be as common." "But," said the editorial writer of the Tibet Courier, "I think a certain amount of dogma Is necessary. Be sides, we haven't a free press in Tibet, and you know it." "We have," yelled the publisher. "Go ahead and write what I tell you. Who owns this paper—you or i"—■ New York Tribune.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers