6 ALL THE NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TOWNS MOIUOHW ELECTRIC LIGHTS — Turned on For First Time on Sat urday Evening With Kg Celebration SPEECH AND GOOD MUSIC B. K. Focht, Superintendent Ellen berger and Ex-Judge Walter Made Addresses on Occasion j By Special Correspondence Montandou. Pa., July IT.—A festival held by the Baptist Sunday school on Saturday evening was largely attend ed. The Lewisburg band enlivened the occasion with choice selections, i The speakers for the evening were b. I K. Focht, of Lewisburg. Superintend- j ent Ellenbei'ger of Sunbury, and ex-1 Judge Lincoln Walter, of Mt. Carmel. j Electric lights were turned on for the first time and the town presented a. gay appearance. Born, to Mr. and! •Mrs. Thomas Staggert Saturday, July 10th, a daughter. Mrs. Carrie Man-I hart and daughter, of Sunbury, are I spending this week at Forrst Hamer's. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Byerly and son of Washington. D. C.. were visitors over Sunday at the home of Jeromo Furman. Mrs. J. H. Frederick and Mrs. Alice Garber spent Wednesday at Lewisburg. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Johnson are spending a vacation at Harrisburg, Palmyra and Elizabeth ville. Robert Stahl Is visiting friends at Northumberland. Mrs. Arthur Best and son have returned from a visit at Sunbury. H TO RESTORE ■ VITALITY Loss of appetite, impaired diges tion, sleeplessness, bodily weak ness and a feeling of depression are signs of lowered vitality, largely due to the heat, and ex haustion of the body's supply of phosphates. Recover strength, vigor and vitality by taking HORSFORD'S Acid Phosphate (NOD- Alcoholic) Never Mind Strong Yeu Are— I What d Know? That's the point—"What d'ye KNOW?" To-day it's a battle of wits—and brains win Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to. In the fight for good jobs and big salaries it's brains —not brawn—that win. "What d'ye KNOW?" is the one great question that draws the line between defeat and victory between "wages" and "salary" between you and the Boss. What do YOU know? Are YOU so expert in some line of work that you can "make good" as a foreman, superintendent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark and mail the attached coupon and permit the Interna tional Correspondence Schools to show you how you CAN "make good" on a big job ? For 23 years the I. C. S. have been showing men how to do better work and earn bigger salaries. Every montb over 400 students write of promotions or salary Increases through I C B. training. What the I. C. 8. axe doing for these men they "oaii do for YOU. No matter where you live, how old you are, what hours you work, or how limited your education—if you can read and write and arc ambitious to learn the I. C. S. can train you In your own iyrne, during your spare time, for a more important and better-i>&ying position. Mark and mail the attached coupon—it won't obligate ■ yon in the least—and the I. C. S. will show you how you can acquire this salary-raising ability by their ample and easy H methods. H It win cost you nothing to Investigate—lt may cost a life- H I time of remorse If you don't Mark and Mail the Cmidoo NOW. v K \ INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLs"! J Box 1331, Scranton, Pa. J Please explain without any obligation to me how I can qual- '■ C ify for the position before which I nj&rk X. !' i— , < 5 Electrical Emsl»«r Mechanical Drafts Show Card U'HII.. Elec. Lighting Supt. Refrigeration Euglneer tdvcrtlalai •, Electric Wire man Civil Engineer ' 5 Tel. * Tel. Knslneer Surveyor Teacher < Architect loco. Fireman £ Eng. Ensliah Braivtn i* i Architectural Draftsman Hvll Service AKrlcultu^T J Structural Engineer Railway Mall Clerk Poultry Farming i Ji Building Contractor Bookkeeping Plumb. & Htcnm Fit i' / Concrete Construction Steao. & Typewriting Chemistry J jj Mechanical Engineer Window Trimming Automobile Running ■' Name _ J fit. and No. .1,,; i J, City . State _ \ [i Present Occupation | SATURDAY EVENING, School Building Erect ed Nearly Century Ago Mount Joy, Pa., July 17 Several miles north of Mount Joy stands the only schoolhouso in Lancaster county which antedates the common or free school system in the county. The building was erected ninetv years ago. by subscriptions from the neighborhood, on a lot of ground deeded for school purposes by Abraham Hambright. Among the pupils that attended the school wajS Mra. Elizabeth Missemer, the mother of J. R. Mlssemer, editor and pub lisher of the Mount Joy Star and News. Mrs. Moses Miller, of Manheim. is uie only person now living who attended school in that old building The schoolhouse is a small, rude log structure, which later on was weatherboarded Alter being used for thirty years for school purposes, it was abandoned in when the present school system was adopted. It was then deeded to Frederick F. Baker, whb converted it into a dwelling, for which it has been used ever since. Lewistown Man Making Automobiles in Denmark By Special Correspondence Lewistown, Pa., July 17. —A wet har vest has grlven the farmers much trouble in this section. —Miss Gladys Smith has graduated from Indiana Slate Normal School.—William Moller. formerly in the auto repair business here, is manufacturing autos on the other side of the ocean at present in Denmark.—Harry Haverstick, of Phila delphia. called on friends hero.—Vin cent Powell after spending Bix years in Arkansas lias returned to his home here.—John Rowe, of Mifflin county, has oats the stalks of which are over five feet tall.—Parks Murtiff has closed his hotel at this place. He says it wasn't paying without license.—John Ganta: is still laboring at this place at 90 years of age. MERRYMAKERS SERENADE limdnauslos Church, Pa., July 17. Many of the farmers are using the cradle to mow the wheat instead of the binder, because the soil is too wet. —Amos Krelsor of West Hanover, was here this week. M. B. Farling and sister visited their uncle who is ill. Mrs. Gingrich of Hershey, visited the Snyder family on Sunday. Robert Jeffries and family of Palmyra visited his parents recontly. The merry makers serenaded for Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hess. Harry Hartz and E. M. Baum of Palmyra were here on Monday. Mrs. Elmer Helt and two daughters. Dorothy and Florence, of Wysomissir.g, are visiting Raymond Shepley's family. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for an J ease of Catarrh that camnot b« cured by Hail'i Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Tolado, O. We, the undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and belie™ him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. NAT. BANK OF COMMERCF.. Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upoti the blood uud mucous surfaces of the ostein. Testimonials dent free. I'rice 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Drusglsts. Take Hall's Family FlUs for constipation. sovHEAL THAKOSTF?£A/GTH DEPTONOI* | MADE IN A HEALTH RESORT AT DPUG STORES^SI .ooPer BOTTLE THE PEPTONOL CO. I ATLANTIC CITY ISI .«J. Emerson Glee Club Will Sing at Lewisberry Church By Special Correspondent Lewisberry, Pa., July 17.—0n Sun day morning the pastor will deliver a sermon in the Methodist Episcopal church at 10 o'clock. In the evening at 7 o'clock the Senior League service will be led by Dean R. Hudson. At 7:30 p. m., music will be rendered by the Emerson Glee Club of New Cum berland. assisted by Miss Lillie Crum lic, soprano and Miss Adams, alto. They will be entertained at'the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Relff, who live on a farm near town.—Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ivottcamp and Mr. and Mrs. Her bert C, Kottcamp and son, Elmer, of York, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rudisill 't "Meadowbrook" farm. Mrs. Leah is spend ing the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Schubauer at Trlndle Springs, near Mechanics burg.—Mrs. Sophia Erney returned home from a visit at Steelton, New Cumberland and Harrlsburg.—Miss Margaret Ross, who spent some months at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Rebecca Frankeberger, returned to the home of her sister, Mrs. F. A. Barret, at Wellsville.—Miss Bessie L. Kunkel and Mies Lorena Kllmore to : day attended the Chau tauqua sessions at Mechanicsbur^.— George W. Smith, of Baltimore, is spending sonic time at the home of his mother. Mrs. Mary S. Myers.— . alter J- Erney, of Chicago, Is spend ». „ a Y. acatl °n with relatives in the 18 n r, OW th ® K uest ° f JUS mother, Mrs. Sophia Erney.—Valley Grange, No, 1360, met on Mondav evening in Stonesifer hall and received eight new members.—William Watson and Paul St. Peter, of Harrlsburg, took a motorcycle trip to Lewisberry ?. Ue ? ts at the home of Mrs. famrn f n Laird -~ J °seph Bell and familj, of Cresson, visited Mrs Bell's P^ nt \Mr. and Mrs. Charles sfone a r Kvlm S Virgie Rehm is visiting r , I', e suest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Sealover.—Mrs. Lewis Thf.r«rt and X ? is L Rosalin e Cline spent W s? Harrlsburg.—The Rev. W. Scott Sturgeon, of Goldsboro, was in town on Tuesday. Editor Missemer, Colorado, Visits Father at Mt. Joy Mount Joy, Pa.. July 17. John J £Ves s em a C t r, T P of the Daily Ex- S»nt mi , n ' Colorado, whom Presi n L i 5" i? tely appointed receiver rVi I : ,? ofr 'ce at Hugo, is the guest of his father. J. R. Missemer. Jacob * ra Arthur, of Harrlsburg 'Hottler Tuesday with the family of A iV ~ Mrs. Jacob W Shrite left for Nahaut. Mass whe-e listed Mrs en 7 S F Ve c a ,' weeks with her T\, E ' str °"t and Mrs. F. b!,"h:;;'cVr r ilui{' t i*lSS "'"IH' coubin, j. R. Missemer. The R#»v n B° f We r i.h ar l n C^^H Misses Mary a n n c * Brady of°PhiT beth McNeaf. the guestß of Ml'ss Ellza- BAPTIZFJ) IX YELLOW BREECHFS T r'?"' Pa -. July 15.—The Rev. W. J. Schaner, of the Church of God ad ♦ 'l 10 rite ° f ba P tisl « to eight candidates in the Yellow Breeches creek at the home of H. T. Hoisev nin» r( L tWO eel f s a ß° another class 6f nine were haptized by the same pus- I «° rk i ng at hi 3 binder, W. C. Baker suffered a severe cut. al most severing his thumb. Mrs <n T? eus , r Musselman of Youngs ♦w visiting the scenes of rw.Vl in"' 7~ Miss ? thel s Pera of •♦i? Ur ' spending some time with her aunt, Miss Lizzie Weigel. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Heagy of Johns town, visited Mrs. Heagv's parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Webbert Mrs Nora Small of Baltimore, Md., will re main some time with her mother Mrs Emma Baish. Aunt Este's Stories For Children THE ADVENTURES OF FAlktf SILVERWINGS silver Wine la Handled by the Gtaat ChUrt. At last disappointed she handed It back- Poor SilverwlngE quivered and quivered with fright— For sho found not a Fairy, alas and alack! When she heard that child shouting "X saw one all right!" And hor mother Just chuckled her onoe neath her chin— And she quivered still more when she heard the child 6ay— And said* with a most provoking big grin) -Look In that wee clover of yours right away, «T>ear, you must have seen the wings of this fly— For 'twas In there I saw her silver wings duck Perhaps he'll be a fairy some sweet by and by." As all about her her dress she did tuck I" The little girl smiled but determined was she- Mother laughed gayly, and said; "Well, my dear, "I SAW A FAIRY A3 PLAIN AS OOULD BE! I'll take out the flower and look, but I fear Who knows but that FLY Ik the Fairy I sawT You were Just seeing things—fairy tales you've been reading— Bllverwlngs listened—lt tilled her with awe, And those tales are prone to be very misleading!" To know just how smart these earth children were. Bo the Giantess Mother reached up to her hair, Why she soon would Indeed bo afraid to e'er stlrl And grasped Sllverwlngs by the dress unaware— But the mother Just laughed and said: "Dearie you're funny— But Just at that moment nhe though of her charm Wljy wouldn't you think that ths fly was a bunny. And changed to a tiny gnai fly in alarm! Or an angel or something else equally strange. The child ran over and picked up the clover, When your mind Is made up it Is most hard to change!" And examined It carefully over and over. Watch for the Ktxt Adventure of fairy hUvecwtaa*. HARRISBUR TELEGRAPH Personal News Items From Nearby Towns in Central Pennsylvania By Special Corre.ifor.dence Dalmatla. Miss Delia Kebach is visiting at Sunbury. Paul Shu maker is visiting at Harrisburg. C. A. Schnee and family, of Philadelphia, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank By erly. Mrd. Harry Derk and children, of Paxinos, spent Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Bubb. Mrs. Witruer. of Philadelphia, is ! visiting here. Plans have been made | for a picnic of the Dalmatia union Sun day schools in Lshr's grove, on July i 81. Music will be furnished by the Dalmatia Concert Band. Miss Bessie Morgan, of Sunbury, is visiting here.— C. C. Boone, of Sunbyry. visited George Armiller. on Wednesday. Mrs. J. N. Lenker and Miss Vivian Burns, of Cleveland, Ohio, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Fenstemaker. C. K. Martz, of Paxinos. a candidate for sheriff 01 Northumberland county, spent Wednes day here. Elizabeth Kcrstetter. of Sunbury. is visiting at the home of P. L. Tresslor. Mlffllntovrn. Miss Itathryn Vin cent, of Danville, is visiting her uncle, Thud. Vincent. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. J. Holman and daughter. Anna, entertain ed the following persons at their cot tage. at Mexico: Misses Caroline Gar dener, Minnie Penny. Maude Keller. Ruth Croff. of Chambersburg; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walley. Nitfmopd Keller, ! shelly Kauffman, John Kelly and Leon i ard Byor. Mrs. William Banks, Jr., J and daughters. Jane and Catherine, and son. William, motored to Harrisburg on i Tuesday. Mrs. Wilbur Cumbler, of Steelton, Is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Ellis. Miss Dorothy I-antz, of Philadelphia, is visiting Miss | Jessie Andrews. —■ Lloutenant David M. (Crawford, stationed at Fort Worden, Washington, is spending a couple of ! months' furlough with his parents. Dr. I and Mrs. D. M. Crawford Frank and Lewis Bousum spent Wednesday at Harrlshurg. Mrs. Lottie Sleber and daughter, Grace, and son. Loudon, are ' snending a couple of weeks with the Misses Loudon.. Misses Dorothy and ; Margaret Vincent have returned to ; their home, in Danville, after a visit at | the home of their uncle, Thad. Vincent. I —Mrs. Mary Andrews, of Granville, is I visting her uncle. Mrs. Louis Bousum. —Mrs. Janney and sister. Miss Wilson, ; have returned from a trip to the Pacific coast. Miss Edith Etka left Tuesday [ for a trip to Altoona and Ford City. i Misses Ruth and Leah Auman. of T.«n --i caster, are visiting their W. E. Auman. Miss Beth Jones, of Tyrone, is a guest at the Mayer-Scott cottage, at Tuscarora. Miss Mildred Ellis Is visiting her sister. Mrs. Wilbur i Cumbler. at Steelton. Mr. and Mrs Elmer Jacobs, of Altoona, who has i been visiting for the past week in East i Waterford, stopped off en route to his i home. Mrs. Clarence Wilson and i little daughter, of Altoona, are vlsit i ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K Robison. Mrs. J. Howard Netly and ; daughters are spending a couple of 'Weeks at Atlantic Cit>r— Mrs. Wilson j Loyd is spending a month at New York with her son, Wilson Loyd. New Cumberland. The Rev. and , Mrs. J. R. Hutchison left on Thrusdav j 'o attend the Pen-Grove campmeeting. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sherman and daughters. Margaret and Vera, of Co- Himhus, Ohio, are guests of the Misses Martha and Chastine Yensel Miss Ruth Boring is spending her vacation with her aunt. Mrs. Wilhelm. at Woos | ter. Ohio. Miss Mary Prowell ,of l Bellwood. was the guest of her sister, ! Mrs. Henrv Mosey, this week. Miss Mary Eichlnger, of Dallastown. visited relatives here this week. The Rev. j Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stevens, of Phila | delphia ,are guests of George Grove's J family. Mrs. Jennie Felght. of Levis j hurg, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. | James, of Market Square. Dr. J. H. | Young spent several days this week with his granddaughter, Mrs. Christ I Coble, at Dauphin. Mr. and Mrs. I Samuel Miller, of Toledo. Ohio, visited I Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Miller. Mr. and l Mrs. George Mathias, of Mt. Washing j ton. Ind.. who spent part of their va- I cation at New Cumberland, have re | turned home. SMrrannifowii. Scott Hake and I William Bates motored to Baltimore | on Sundsv. where thev were guests of i Mr. and Mrs. Russell Weigol. Harry I Eberly. of Williamsport. was the guest | of his sister, on Sunday. Miss' Vesta Weber, of West Fairview, spent several days with her grandparents. Mr. and | Mrs. S. E. Sheely. Mr. and Mrs. Fred I.eisman, of Harrisburg. wore guests of the former's sister Mrs William Stans ! fold. Mr. and Mrs Claude Sheely, of White Hill, spent Mondav with the I former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John i Sheely. Sbcpherrtstoivn. Mav Wolford. of j Reading. 1 = spending some tim» with her aunt. Mrs. ,T. W. Sours. Harvev Crowell and family spent several davs ; with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel j Crowell. John Crone, of York coun i tv, after spending a week with his i daughter. Mrs. Frank Brady, has re j turned home. The Re'- A. W. Rudi s'll. TV D., of Ralt'more, Md.. Is visiting the Rev. A. B. Mower and family. H»len Sutton is spending several davs with her sister Mrs. Mel'Mn Woods, j Pinetown. Mrs. Mary Shetter, of | Harrisburg, was called hero by the seri i "us i'lness of her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth | Shaeffer. «e!lni»E-r«»v».—Mrs. Chalmers Frontz ! and daughter, Catherine, of Tifflin, Ohio, I are visiting at the home of the for mer's parents. Profesor and Mrs. Wll- I liam Noetlin?. Charles "nv«r has re | turned to his home. In White Pigeon. Mich., after a nleasant visit at the 1 home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. s i Pnvpr. .Tohn McCarroU. of Har i Hsburg. spent Sundav with hl« wif« at i tho h n ffle of her mother. Mrs. Mary on the Isle of Oue. Misses Atari- and Stout, of Reading, an. ' visiting their cousin. Miss Anna Pot ; tiger Miss Maude 'Rressler and Mrs. I P.endlgo. of Tower City, are spending some time at the home of Elmer Ben j fllgo. j TOTT» Clt-v. Mrs Oliver Macha mcr enioved the week-er.d with rela tives lie r e Sh» was accompanied by |h«r daughter, Ada. who wljl «nend joins ttrpo here' Miss Lizzie Waters, of I '"'oterbur*-. Conn.. Is 'Mslt'ng her uncle, Michael Wx»ers. Mi«s TCnthrvn TTor : lev Is eo.io"ing a vacation at Lvkens.— iMr and Mrs. Rob»rt TConn are enter ! toininT tholr daughter and familv from Phll-delphis. Mr and Mrs Blxler and | children snent. several days with »he ! former's parents, at Tr»nont. —, Miss 1 Annie Farlc- of Pottsvllle snent sev "-al day with the r 'tch»ll famiiv. CV">rler Kline. of We*hl»rton D C, lll "no»d n week with his father. Taxman returned Jiome from Tcffor«on Hospital, wher« he was op i nn for a fractured shoulder |Mr Trimnn and daughter, of T.vk»ns, I visited th- former's son. Alhort Erd- I man Mrs. Krehs entertained her sister and fatnllv, of Lebanon. on Sun day. Trvin Eckler, while at work at FOUR GENERATIONS IN DILLSBURG FAMILY DULsbursr, Pa., July 17. —Four generations in the family of Robert A. Parks, of East Harrisburg street, whoso ages range from one year to eighty one years, are shown in the above picture. Left to right: Wilbur Parks, of York; Miss Loine Parks, Robert Parks, of Dillsburg, and Blake Parks, of New York. Tschopp Family Reunion Held at Midway Park By Special Correspondence ElisabcthvUle, Pa., July 17. Emory W. Tschopp and family, of Lafayette, Ind., are spending some time with his mother here. On Weduesday a family reunion was held at Midway Park. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kemmerer, of Phila delphia, are guests of Mrs. John A. Schrieber. Misses Emma and Mabel Bohner spent several days at Pillow.— J. H. Lyter and family spent several days with her sister, at Carlisle. Ira M. Hoke and family, William Wit mer and family spent Sunday at Get tysburg. Mrs. Gideon W. Shadle and son, of Scrar.ton, spent the week with Mrs. Catherine Shadle. Miss Verna Mattis spent several days witb Miss Maude Bowman, at Berrysburg. «i.r. and Mrs. Abncr Rossman, of Montgom ery, are guests of H. H. Weaver. Henry Hassinger spent several days with his sons, at Harrisburg. Mrs. Harry C. Swab left on Tuesday after noon for New York City, from whence she will sail for the Canal Zone to visit her daughter. Mrs. Farrar. While cutting brushes on Broad mountain, on Tuesday, J. K. Bertsfleld was struck by the sudden return of his ax, and cut a deep gash in the left side of his face be low the right ear.—Howard Fetterhoff, of Mahanoy City. Is speinding his vaca tion with his parents here.—Mrs. Emma E. Eby spent several days at Pottsvllle and Reading. Suffrage Society Formed by Women at Newville Bv Special Correspondence Xevrville, Pa., July 17.—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKinney Hayes and dnughter Catherine, of Huntington, W. Va., are visiting the former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hayes.—Mrs. Emma Landia and daughter. Miss Bess Landls. have returned from a trip to Landlsburg, Newport and Harrisburg. •—Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lytle have re turned from their wedding trip to points in Maryland and are at home with the brlde'9 parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Klllian.—Miss Edna P. Hursh, of Athens. Ohio, Is spending her vaca tion with her father. D. D. Hursh, ajid sisters here. Mrs. George Hilbuch and son William have gone to Xew Berlin, Union county, to visit relatives. —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hess and daughter, of Middletown, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Wood David son.—Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Mickey, Mr. and Mrs. John Clark and daughter, all of Philadelphia .visited Mr. and Mrs. j R. A. Mickey.—Miss Grace Thuma, of I Baltimore, is the guest of Miss Char ! lotte Dougherty.—Miss Caroline Clouce spent several days at Harrisburg.—Tho I Rev. and Mrs. T. X. Parsons and son | have gone to Mexico, Pa., to visit I friends. —-Mr. and Mrs. Elias Bloser > have returned to their home at New ! Kensington, Pa., after a visit here.— Miss Annie M. Walker and nephew, Charles Walker, will leave Thursday for a trip to St. Louis, Mo., and Mer riam, Kan.—The Sunday school and congregation of Big Spring Presby terian Church will hold their annual j picnic at Mount Holly Springs Park, ■ July 2 B.—Mrs. Binz, of Philadelphia, a suffragist, addressed a small gather ing of ladies at the Newville Park on Thursday afternoon. An organization was effected with the folowlng officers: President, Miss Mary McCachran; vice president. Mrs. Perry McLaughlin; sec retary. Miss Henrietta Sharpe; treas urer, Mrs. B. Frank Seitz: chairman literature committee, Mrs. Edward Manning. I Brookside, escaped serious burning by | lotting himself fall three feet. He was i burned on the face and arms. Ed Hoffman became the father of a bounc ing boy during the week. The Patri otic Order Daughters of America, vis ited In Loyalton on Tuesday night. All the Sunday schools in town, Catho lic and Protestant, will join In holding a union Sunday school picnic in Thomp son's grove, on July SI. fnlon Deposit. Mr. and Mrs. John Kuhns and daughter, Mrs. John Ging rich. of Paxton. visited-the latter's son, John Gingrich, on Sunday. Mrs. Henry Miller and sons. Harry and Paul, snent Saturdav at Annvllle. Mrs. Roy Felenbaum, of Harrisburg. is spending , some time with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Fausnacht. Harvev Elsen hauer caught a fish In one of his nets In the Swatara creek weighing fifteen pound. Mrs. Henry Yingst spent a day at Lebanon visiting her sister, Mrs. Albert Boltz. Mr. and Mrs. Enos Fackler, of Ellzabethtown, visited the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Abram Fackler. Mrs. Llllle Miller, accom panied by her two sons. Harrv and Paul, spent Sunday at Buck's Hotel, visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Kellar. Mr. and Mrs. Tcaac Kelffor entertained as guests on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Fetterolf and Harrv Zimmerman, of Halifax, and Mr. and Mrs. Morris Mover and Mrs. H. Snoke. of Pftlmvra. —Mr. and Mrs. Henry Peiffer. daughter, Ruth. Mrs. Pelffer's father, Peter Kll- Inger, and Miss Lillian Crum SDent Sunday at Philadelphia. A. Ham maker and Miss Edna Kaufman spent Saturday at Harrisburg, JULY 17, 1915. Campfire Firls Surprise Miss Shover on Birthday Millers town, Pa., July 17.— Mrs. John] Brlnton Is camping with G. Brlnton [ and family at Stoverdale. Missi ' Hazel Myers of Thonipsontown is vis j Iting the Rev. L. F. Himes at the I Methodist Episcopal parsonage.— 1 James Roundsley, Sr., made a trip to Harrisburg on Tuesday. Dr. Roscoe Hall, of Baltimore, Is visiting his j mother, Mrs. J. C. Hall. Miss Zella (Cathcart is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Metsersmitb at Harrisburg. j Charles Noll, of Green Park, spent Tuesday with his father, Martin Noll. —Mrs. Sallie Rowe and granddaugh ter, Beatrice Colyer, who have been the guests of William Spangler for several weeks, returned to her home at Harrisburg on Wednesday. Lewia I Cox, of Harrisburg, was in town on| Wednesday. Mrs. S. C. Alexander, who has been visiting in Rochester. | IN. Y„ and Steubenville, Ohio, has re turned home. James Rounsley, Jr., and daughter, Mary spent Saturday at j Harrisburg. —Misses Jennie and Zora ! Martz, of Harrisburg, were guests of j Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin this week. —Misses Maud Sheaffer of Middletown and Alma Baker were week-end guests of Mi3s Helen Rounsley. Harry Al- | tic of Sunbury spent the week-end with his brother, Peter Altic. Ray mond Wagner of Lemoyne spent Sun day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wagner. Wendel Sherrick of Shippensburg spent Monday with D. M. Rlckabaugh. Miss Ruth Cox, of Dunnsvllle Is visiting Miss Olive Dunn, —Mrs. Melvin Beamer and daughter Martha of Altoona, visited her sister, I Mrs. Martha Pretz this week. —Misses jC. Leon Thrush, Ruth C. Long, Margaret Sherrjck of Shippensburg, |iind Misses Minnie Ditty, Elizabeth {Reber, Martha Mark, Grace Lyon, Alma Alleman and Mary Dunkle of Millersburg are spending two weeks at Elm Cottage above town. —Edward and Harry Wilhelm, of Harrisburg, were guests of P. Shenk Tuesday. The Campfire Girls held a birthday surprise for Miss Maude Shover, one of their members at her home in Greenwood street Monday evening. York County Oats Head Found With 188 Grains By Special Correspondence Dillsburg, Pa., July 17.—L. L. Bentz, cashier of the Farmers' and Mer chants' Bank accompanied by the wife, daughter, Miss Elizabeth Bentz, Mr. and Mrs. George Seibert and } daughter, have gone to Atlantic City for two weeks. Philip Lehmer is suffering with a very sore'hand caused by running a heavy splinter of wood | into the palm and the wound becom !ing Infected. George Cassel of | Reading, Pa., visited his parents, Mr. land Mrs. Levi Cassel over Sunday.— I Miss Gladys Fox, of Harrisburg, was | the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Altland. The condition of Miss Laura Bushey, who has been U1 with I typhoid fever, has improved. R. S. I Clark found a head of oats growing ; in his field near Dillsburg which has i 188 grains on it.— Mr. and M?s. Nor jman Spalir, of Harrisburg, were guests I of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I R. A. Spahr, on Sunday.—On next | Wednesday evening a large class of | new members will be admitted into the recently organized Odd Fellows' Lodge in Dillsburg. George Heikes, of Harrisburg, visited his mother, Mrs. Leonard Heikes on Sunday. SCHOOL BOARD ORGANIZES By Special Correspondence j Berrj sburg. Pa., July 17.—Mrs. i Catherine Williams and daughter, ' Mrs. Whetstone, of Everett, are visit : ing the former's mother, Mrs. Anna iM. Snyder.—Misses Geist and Schle j gle, of Urban, were visitors here on ' Sunday.—Mrs. Elizabeth Snyder has I returned to Harrisburg after spend i ing several months with her daugh- I ter, Mrs. M. S. Daniel. —Miss Ola Wea- ' ver, of Lykens, was in town Tues- I day. She and Migs Pauline Derr have ! been elected teachers in Gratz schools. ! —Boyd Miller has been elected teach er of the grammar school. The fol- I lowing officers of the school board i were elected: President, D. M. Lower; secretary, P. F. Deibler and treasurer, i Charles Schoffstall. —Mrs. John Ladi ger and children, Edith and Samuel, !of Shickshinny, are visiting her sis- I ter. Mrs. P. F. Deibler. — Wbj. Bow man. State supervisor, is busy im proving the State roads near here. —Misses Edna and Stella Lubold, of Loyalton. spent several days ia town. —Mrs. Clara Snyder, of Mlllcrsburg, vi&ted friends here this week.—Mrs. Ralph Strawhecker and Guy Straw hecker, of , Harrisburg, and Earl Strawhecker, of Millersburg, spent set-eral days with their parents here. LOG HOUSE 100 YEARS OLD IS TOM DM Ground Will Be Used For New Church For United Brethren Congregation at Millersburg CONCERT BRIDGE AT MILL Lightning Strikes Shock of Wheat and Completely Destroys It in Field By Special Correspondence MilJersburg, Pa., July 17.—The Rev. A. L. Haeseler and family are spending their vacation at their former home at Landingville.-—Miss Ella Umberger is at Lancaster.—Mrs. E. H. Green, ot Brooklyn, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Brubaker. —I. E. Ulsh Is constructing a concrete bridge across the mill race of the Millersburg flouring mills. Another of Millers ■ burg's old landmarks, the property on the corner of North and Market streftts, owned by the United Brethren Church and known as the Campbell property, was razed on Wednesday. The house was built ot logs and was over a hun dred years old. The ground will be used to build a new United Brethren Church.—John Doney, foreman on the Pennsylvania Railroad work train, who injured his leg recently, is improving. —The following young women, all of Duncannon, spent the week at the cottage at Crow's landing, opposite Millersburg: Misses Grace Fry, Ruth Johnson, Gladys Lewis, Alberta Mor ris, Ednell Passmore, Lenora Rife, Ruth Wolpert, Ruth Wilkinson, Blanche and Maude Zcll and Anna D. Wills.—James M. Heckert, employed by the Millersburg Manufacturing Company, has a badly lacerated nose, the result of a piece of wood catching In a saw which he was operating.— During Tuesday's storm lightning struck a large shock of wheat on the farm of S. A. Miller, east of Millers burg, totally destroying it by burning. ■ —Miss Grace Poffenberger is in Phila delphia. where she will take a course In manicuring. She will also visit New York city before her return. DanMlifflß SralpMMt- Special SMlcnra scaUMment In brief: Touch spots of dandruff, itching and irritation with Cuticura j Ointment, next morning shampoo | with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Samples Free by Mail Cuticura Soap and Ointment sold everywhere. ! liberal sample of each mailed free, with 33-p. book. Address poet-card "Cuttcun," Dept. 21F. Boston. DR. CHASE'S Blood and Nerve Tablets Fill the shriveled orteries with pure, rich Hood, increase the weight in aolid flefh and muscle that givo you strength, the brain and rerves with fresh vital fluid that force new life and vigor into every part of the body. WEIGH YOURSELF BEFORE TAKING Trice 50 cents: Special Strength 75 ernto. Dr. Chase Co., 224 N. 10th St.. Philadelphia, Pa. iCHAS. H. MAUR THE UNDERTAKER Sixth and ICeQtar Stmt* Largest ettsbllsbmaat. Best bdlltlea. Near s» tou ss rour phone. WmioenTwhereat7ourc.lt lotor service. No funeral too small. None 10® expensive. Chapela. rooms, vault, oul. Med Ani chare* EDUCATIONAL, Harrisburg Business College 329 Market St. Fall term, September first. Daj and night. 29th year. Harrisburg, Pa. Begin Preparation Now Day and Night Sessions SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 10 S. Market «g„ Harrlabur*, Pa, SAFETY W FIRST The object of "Safety First" la prevention. Tou can prevent your y advertising from meet ing the fate of the waste basket If you will make it attractive with proper illustration. Bring your next copy to us for illustrative treatment. One treat ment will convince you that our methods are a success. The Telegraph Art&Engraving Departments r _
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