12 ' * Em ' Specia l""; 15c] ' Annual Sale of Waists: Savings of One-Half and Morel Summer's Latest Styles in Beautiful Materials Royal Waists need no introduction to women who ' 1 The most fetching styles of the entire Summer shop in Hamsburg, for the reason that they have been season are embraced in this sale of exceptional values recognized for years as the highest standard of shirt- and the reductions are greater than any we have an waist making. It is only on rare occasions that we are nounced at anytime since our memorable sale of a aJble to announce a disposal or Koyal quality garments VHW year ago. a sacrifice f iu/v^w\ The Royal factory is already running full time on 111 \:■ /7y I Prv W P reva^^n S none of the orders for the Fall season, and it is on this account that iffiSv Wfl t Wai ? te j he s ? le wiU b .f, , sent ,°, n approval, none the makers are willing to let their entire remaining M. Summer Stock go at a loss. ' SEMI-TAILORED AND LINGERIE STYLES IN SCORES OF STYLES IN COMPLETE SIZE RANGES RICH DESIGNS $ ««r $ R?;.r $ $ R?;.r . BSs«r IjpRSS.r fn?Ss.r SHIRT-WAISTS SHIRT-WAISTS SHIRT-WAISTS SHIRT-WAISTS .. SHIRT-WAISTS SHIRT-WAISTS SHIRT-WAISTS rmio-P iWI'ICT IN IVCRY DETAIL .PKHFCCT IN IVf HY DETAIL .PERFECT IN EVERT DETAIL .PERFECT IN EVERT DETAIL* PERFECT IN EVERT DITm .PERFECT IN EVERT DETAIL' .PERFECT IN EVERT DETAIL' PERFECT^ n'eveRT^ SI.OO Royal Waists, s9sc $1.25 to $1.95 Royal Waists, 95c $1.95 and $2.50 Royal Waists, $1.49 The materials include linen, batiste, Persian lawn, cross bar, dotted swiss, organdie and madras; trimmings are of hemstitching, lace insertion, embroidered organdie panels and tucks; high and low neck styles with three-quarter and full length sleeves. Dotted Swiss Royal Waists, Swiss collar, trimmed with white Voile Royal Waists, flesh color emhrnlrtrroa _ _ . , . _ batiste border; three-quarter sleeves, v/-\ front, organdie collar and cuffs trimmed with Q C/-» h k , , f ' . .. ' . ... . ' ' " ee ' un ' Dotted Swiss Royal Waists, trimmed with batiste embrol trimmed with pointed cuffs; |/~» la °e edge; $1.50 value; Sale Price ImhrAiHo™ I /\ C\ dery ln »ertion and vestee. embroidery collar, lone /I* •* m -Pf l" dUc sl-49 ~ 51.95 Batiste Royal Waists, medium tucks, trim front and back, cuffs; $1.50 value; SauTPrice Collar and Handkerchief Linen Royal Waists, pin tuck trimmed, turn Crepe Royal Waists, bunch tucks, organdie rtv * « embroidery insertion trims collar, /-v f" , back collar long sleeves embroidery vestee, embroidery collar, three- \ | \_i vßsr 95c "-r*" sg>ss«r-- «•« $ 149 sa,e PM " I,yo °n?"rS^ C »".Mv°l u 5 U s";,iTr™i d 95c ' Vou. R.y.l W.M. front Mmmrt »lt» buna, tucta. orttn- Crepe Royal Waists, medium high neck and long sleeves. AUov#r embroidered Royal Waists V>nl,« ♦. Colored Stripe Handkerchief Linen Royal Waists, trimmed ° r * n " dle co »'« trimmed with hemstitching trims 86ams and button Diece yv mm trims front Ar „ Q ,, j; n . , aists, \ enlse lace insertion ... ... .. .. „ . - , hemstitching and lace edpre, three-Quarter /tv /■% mat sss.wdsxsxusvxtzl-8...95c $ 1.49 SSSSw" $.195 51.95 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart — Second Floor. Summer Millinery Reduced A Summer Clearance of Crex and 5c a yd. for Huck Toweling In the Mill and Factory Sale Matting Rugs: PricesAreVery Selling Regularly for 8c: , d ::" . , T Many Mill and Factory Interestingly Low Sale Bargains Sale. These are all good Summeo A . . — t Jm models and are reduced becausc A " opportunity to refurnish your porch for the remainder of the summer at The values are equally notable in table th^de^artoent 6 x P ense - It is a clearance of all small lots from regular stock at surpris- damask and napkins and the qualities in every hats to go out quickly before they ingly low prices. case measure right up to our customarv is get soiled'on the tables. ~ ,__ . _ „ ,11 Reductions are as follows— 15 Lrex and Mattin R Rugs— Santex and Bozart Fiber Rugs— Standard. Regular $15.00 value, reduced to ....$13.00 »xl2-ft size, $9.50 value, reduced to $8.50 m „ . sß.yo to SIO.OO Summer Hats at $4.95 9xi2 cr« Ru gs - ::::::10c Red Border Huck Towels SB.OO value, reduced to $6.05 6x9 " ft> S,Ze ' * 4 M Talue ' re(l " t>ed to -' $S " - r „ $6.50 to $7.50 Summer Hats at $3.95 $10.50 value, reduced to »0.25 i Crex Carpets of Different Widths— 4 for 25c Rugs of Various Sizes— 72-lneh, plain, SI.OO value, reduced to 83c $4.95 to $5.95 Summer Hats at $2.95 f2*Z2"!neh Ore*, regulaity $1.25, reduced t0...97c 54-}noh| p"alnV7^c"value U^d^d < fo t °.'.' 12^c red border huck towels 70-inch all-linen damask. K? Dft"J nc i? £ rex ' rcgu ! ar ! y re^ uced to - .$1.15 54-inch, fancy, 90c value, reduced to 79c for general use. Mill and Fac- Mill and Factorv Sale nr j 0 _ T 5 4 * 9 f>-inch Crex, regularly $2.75, reduced to. .$2.89 Bfl-lnch, fancy, 00c value, reduced to 50c frirt , e_r„ _ , actor y Sale 7C« I .act" Hi tnF* Snnnrf Hate »" ' regularly $3.95, reduced to ....$3.59 27-inch, fancy, 50c value, reduced to 42c tory oale price, OC« rice, yard " I U1 IIIC/ 1 ldlo Bxlo-ft. Crex, regularly $6.50, reduced to ....$5.69 24-inch, fancy, 45c value, reduced to 37c 3 for mt9%* Hats that were formerly $5.95 to SIO.OO, at 1.. $1.95 ' Dlves - Pomeroy & stewart-Th.rd Floor. 17c hnck tQwels whh da Diveg, Pomeroy & Stewart, second Floor, Front. mask border; 18x36 inches. an d Factory Sale price fiO . Mill and Factory 12V<2C ' 30c Colored Ratine for Summer p . Three Attractions in Napkins ii 1 1 O ' Cotton and Linen Damask ZO IDS. Oranuiated ... , , c, rr . Dresses and Skirts: Specially .»^4;s: 2s c^^': ts Ji.39 Wednesday at $1.59 > n * 1 ' ,1 Q 1 101/ 50c mercerized damask; 64 inches. Special, £?Q No phone or C. O. D. orders, for sugar will be filled at this 1 I*IOOCI ltt Tllo inches wide. Mill and 1-actory dozen «J> 1 .057 * price, O Q _ special price. A good grocery list of economies is also to be yard OUC $2.00 silver bleached linen found for Wednesday. Ma «y ° f <»"■ items have been entered in the Mill and Factory «s_ inch Weadled alwinen da . »>. $1,49 ocean «, N..p-„ «„ 20c Sale " remarkable price concessions in order to affect an immediate clearance. -»*Min»S Factory 69<; ' "7 stjw „, Eagle flour, 12^4-lb. sacks..49c Record coffee?'ib.'2sc Regular 5c colored floral lawns, in fancy and 15c colored plisse crepes, in floral designs on ' ' street Floor. Early June pack P£« oc Cream lb ° ODS 2 5c " eat pUin desi^ns " Mill and Factor y wl ?ite grounds. Mill and Factory Sale IQ c Fancy Shoepeg or crushed corn Imported Roquefort] lb. 55c Sale price, yard ~ price, yard V Solid pack tomatoes! la rgt"cans C Sugar bacon,' shce'd 'lb! apron ginghams in fast color blue C- 12/tc fine quality lace cloth in pink, blue, Q nrl T^illrvT*/ _. . . ~ „ ®. c 01,4 12c Lebanon bologna, sliced, 1b..'.25c checks. Mill and Factory Sale price, yd., •■J*' corn, helio and black. Mill and Factory I▼ A W-OllAlj wHI/t/lo cXlxvi. 1 HlvJ W Choice salmon igi tall tins Luncheon loaf, lb 23c . c 1 j OC ' 12c and 14c Sardines in oil or mustard Bc* colored crepes on white grounds. bale price, yard * r T my i T T t Gold evaporated Kippered herring ... sc . an<l Mill and Factory Sale price, yard .... °/ C 25c colored voiles, 36 inches wide, in neat 1 Of L/OSS I hail U Stial Concord apples, delicious for P° tte «i meats "»c and 10c 10c colored percales, 36 inches wide. and fancy styles. Mill and Factory 1 O//9-, p Caiifofnia a Mma beans',' 3 lbs"'2sc ' Aibacor^Sn'a^fTsh',' 'light' a'nd Mi!l and Facto |"y Sale P r 'ce, yard ... ' '^ C Sale price, yard 1"' C Large supplies of bedding goods came in for the Mill and for FanCy . Whlte . UnCoa . te ?. H ! :e : 3 25c da Kip™ored ' sardines "in "t'o'mito j mercer ' zed in fancy and plain 30c colored ratines, 36 inches wide, at less Factory Sale direct from the mills and the savings thus result- Broken macaroni, lb 8c sauce, 2 cans for 25c designs on dark grounds. Mill and than the actual wholesale cost. Mill 1 01/«- T *u A- * u , G™pe e ju?ce ßlna le^°Tsod^d n 23c Fresh Krated horse r a-dlah, bottle Factory Sale price, yard O and Factory Sale price, yard in g from the direct purchases is apparent in these good values— ScHpse Indfa Ceylon' tea," packed Tr'lm' pttaa'' swe!i . . I>lves, Pomeroy & Stewart, street Floor. Bleached Muslin- Pillow Case Muslin for use In 1-lb. cans 69c and sour ptcklea ' ior 7c 86 fil/, r 16c grade, 42 f 01/._ • Inches; yard " /4C j nc i les; yard 1* /2C Dives, Pomeroy A Stewart. Basement. Shoe Values of Interest to Un »o'^, h e? d a . MusUn_ 6Va ,"iS Of A T7l * ! ■« * r-' 4 Inches; yard 0 Cedar Floor Mop With * , . „ _ Men and oovs unM«.eh«i sh M tin g — 6v*c Sample Bottle Oil, 25c «cu ouu uujra jsasra...: i»c i-- 2 5 c Prices lowered on men's oxfords and boys' shoes—every pair from regular stock and up to DlVeB ' Pomeroy & stewart street Floor. Rear. This is the best floor mop special our standard of quality, style and workmanship. we have ever offered, and one that PV. , —»[ ,lii , ... ... MEN'S OXFORDS BOYS' BHOES T every housewife will want to share. ,4 00 gun metal calf and tan calf bluchw• oxford., 11.75 gun metal calf button and lace shoes, full DaSemeilt ltemS KedtlCed in the Sale Exactly as pictured, in triang'e wel < ted n so?es rrOW W ° a Goodyear toe last with solid leather stitched soles, sizes 2Mi shape which permits you to get dirt W **SLso ß gun metal calf anj tan caif 'oxfords,' buft'on t0 gun metki calf 'and tan' 'calf button' shoM vm PaP u ° a " ,ronß ' nlckeled that out of the corners Li m j,-o „« !sf? 'T". IT&S "! S'SS.'JS"«'« 55U" iiii „ a sa,e M "" base - -JB-smms-Sam Ssa&ranSsr - ' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart^—Street Floor, hear. Tory Sale Price 25c Basement. '' TUESDAY EVENING, BARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JULY 13, 1915.
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