r . RECEPTIONS, PARTIES, WEDDINGS, ANNIVERSARIES QUIETLY MARRIED; NOISILY SERENADED That's What Happened to Lester Eby and Miss Mary Keiter at Elizabethville SURVEYING BROAD MOUNTAIN Upper End Grain Fields Being Rav aged by Destructive Hes sian Fly By Special Correspondence Elizabethville, Pa., July 3.— Mr. and j Mrs. D. Frank Smeltzer, ot Sunbury j are spending the week here. —Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fisher, and Mrs. Walt ers of Berrysburg, spent th week at | Lansdale. —Mr. and Mrs. Harry t. Rush of Newberry spent several days with Nathan Shutt. —Miss Maggie \\>it mer is at Atlantic City.—Mr. and Mrs. Albert Beard announce the birth ot a daughter. —The Rev. H. E. Miller and family of Lebanon, spent several days in town.—Joseph W. Shadley of ington D. C., spent the week with his j parents here. —Isaiah S. Daniel spent Monday at Sunbury. Mrs. John A. Byerly and sons of West Milton spent several days here. —The State Depart ment has a corps of engineers sun-ey ing Broad Mountain. W. J- Daniel 01 this place is one of the surveyors. Miss Florence Hoover and friend or Berrysburg visited relatives here on Monday.—July 5 will have its usual celebration here. Baseball games dur- Ing the day and in the evening a car- j nival and fireworks.— Clyde L. Eyster of Williamsport spent Sunday with H. j H. Weaver. —The bungalow at Marge- i rum's park is nearing,completion and.; will greatly Improve the summer park j of Mr. Margerum. The grain fields ( hereabouts are being ravaged by tne Hessian fly and much grain will be harvested before the haymaking be gins.—Lester Eby and Miss Mary Keiter were quietly married on Sun day and on Monday evening were given a clamorous sendoff by call-; thumplans. —Prof. M. E. St' l *® trans- , acted business at Lykens on Tuesday, i j a v R. Eby has entered Susque-! hanna University for the summer | term. —Nathan E. Flicklnger and family of Lucknow are the guests of ; Mrs. George K. Leiter. Baby Promises to Be Big and Jolly as Grandfather Halifax, Pa., July S. —James Lebo i ■was at Herstaey on Thursday at a j bipr Sunday school picnic.—Miss Miriam ' Ryan left on Monday for Leland Stan- j ford, Cal., to spend the summer with j her uncle arid aunt. Professor and Mrs. j Harris J. Ryan. She will also visit the exposition at San Francisco. Miss, «Viola Zeigler, of Steelton, spent Sun-) *dav with her school chum. Miss Neta Seagrist. Mrs. Cornelius Waldron, aged 78. fell while walking through the house and badly injured her leg.— Orva Lingle. Ralph Lenta and Joel Enders, of Harrisburg. were in town on Sunday.—John Sponsler, of Wil liamsport, spent Tuesday ptirents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sponsler. ♦—Lawrence Lebo spent Sunday at Enola.—Miles Lebo. of the Millersvtlle State Normal School, is spending the j summer vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lebo. —Mrs. Harry Bottomstone. of Watsontown, spent Saturday with her father. John Crat zer.—Charles Sands shot a fox on Sat urday.—James Tobias, of near Fisher ville. has gone to Lyons. Kan., where he will remain for some time.—W. H. Keiter and family and Mrs. Elizabeth Glace spent Sunday at the home of Charles Colsom, at Dillsburg.—Mrs. Millard Poffenberger and son Millard and Mrs. Ray Beatty returned to their homes in Portsmouth. Ohio, on Sun day after spending some time with their father. Fulton Knouff. —H. R. Landis has a bull five months old that weighs 580 pounds.—Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Etzweiler, of Penbrook. spent Sun- j day at their homes here. Grant j Proudfoot. of McClellan. was kicked i on the knee by a horse and is slowly j recovering.—Mrs. Proudfoot is very 111. —Mrs. Raymond Bressler and chil- j dren, of College Station, Texas, will spend the summer here.—Mrs. Mary 1 Drawbach. of Goldsboro, Pr., Jlis3 Dora Krafft, of Glen Rock, Pa., and ; Miss Blanche Miller, of Sparrows j Point, Md.. -were guests at the home of j Harry O. Chubb over Sunday.—C. A. j Cratzer, of Atlantic City, N. J., spent Sunday with his father, John Cratzer. —Ernest Brubaker. of Altoona, spent Sunday with his mother. Mrs. B. A. Brubaker. Mr. and Mrs. Budd B. Beistel. of Millersburg, announce the birth of a son, weighing 141,4 pounds. 1 Mrs. Beistel is a daughter of Mr. and j Mrs. W. H. Arnold, of this place, and 1 the little lad when he grows up prom- j ises to be as big and jolly a man as j Grandpa Arnold. Harry Biever, of Harrisburg. visited his mother, Mrs. I Mary Biever. on Wednesday. Mrs. John Shultz. of Lykens, spent Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Miljer. Horses Shipped to Europe For Use of Fighting Armies By Special Correspondence DUUburp;. Pa., July 3. —Miss Kath- ; rvn Graff, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. J. 1 H. Graff, has been elected teacher in i n private school in Knoxville. Tenn.— Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Speece are spending several weeks at Atlantic City. —Mrs. M. W. Brltclwr visited friends" at Get- I tysburg over Sunday. Miss Nancy ! Zeigler, of Carlisle, is visiting Mrs. I Mumpher Bailey. Mrs. R. P. Smith re- 1 turned to her home here on Monday af- 1 ter spending several months with rela- ! tlves at Lancaster. John H Powell, : an employe of the Bulletin Publishing Company, has been off duty the past week on account of illness. Mr. and Mrs. J. victor Jones, of York, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Altland this week. Dillsburg fishermen have | been very successful in catching a large i number of bass, in the Conewago creek this week. Charles Altland. horse dealer, has been purchasing horses dur ing the last two weeks, to be shipped to Europe for war purposes. A large number of horses nave been shipped from this section. BTATK REPAIRING ROADS By Special Correspondence Rife, Pa., July 3.—Mrs. D. F. Smelt zer and family of Sunbury are spend ing some time with her father. Frank Forney. Cloyd Hunter and family of Tower City called at Nicholas Lenker's on Sunday. Daniel Dlttys visited Charles Deibler at Curtin on Sunday. Aaron Pauls and H. M. Bonawitz called on friends at Berrys burg on Sunday. Grace Longabach of Millersville. is spending her vaca tion at home. Wilson Lebos called on friends in Millersburg on Sunday.— G. W. Noll, blacksmith, was kicked by a horse he was shoeing. Upper Paxton school board will have its an nual settling Monday. Elmer Spotts and Victor Lebo attended a festival at Detrleh Saturday evening. The State Highway Department has a sang of men working along the road. SATURDAY EVENING, BARRLSBURG tfajllftfl TELEGRAPH JULY 3, 1915. GOLDEN WEDDING CELEBRATI joz jHrc jBIH|B MR. AND MRS. GEORGE B. HUGUB. Aiariettn. Pa., July 3.—Mr. and Mrs. George B. Hugus, are busy receiv ing congratulations on the celebration of their golden wedding. Both are enjoying good health. Mr. Hugus is a few years older than his wife, and daily attends to business. The couple were married at Spring City, fifty years ago. They received many handsome gifts. Summer Colony at Dauphin Enjoying Life in Mountains By Special Correspondence Dauphin, Pa., July 3.—Miss Mary Irwin, of 226 Herr street, Harris burg, spent Wednesday at the "Kee waydin."—Mrs. E. M. Sellers left on Tuesday for Newark, N. J., to spend several weeks with her daughter.— Miss Carrie E. Gerberich was the guest of Miss Mary Stees Poffenberg- : er it Harrisburg this week.—Paul and Edmond Good, of White Hill, spent I Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wallis. —Miss Naomi j Young and Miss Buelah Young, of | Atlantic City, have arrived to spend, the summer with their grandparents, i Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Sweitzer. —Mr. ! and Mrs. Harvey E. Knupp and fam- j ily motored to New Oxford, near > Gettysburg, to-day.—Harold Haw thorne, of California, Pa., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hawthorne. — Mrs. Frank Ebersole j Williams, who is summering at Mt. Gretna, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Greenawalt. — Mrs. C. C. Loomis, of Des Moines, lowa, is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Charles Bricker. —Walter Seiber re turned on Monday from his , vacation at Buffalo, Niagara Falls I and New York City. Miss Emma Schrimp, of Harrisburg, spent ThurS- i dav with her grandmother, Mrs. Sarah | Kennedy. Miss Rebecca Lyter is spending several weeks with Mrs. C. Glass at Paxtang. Miss Orpha > Spepce, of Sunbury, spent the week-1 end with her sister, Mrs. D. F. Seil er. —Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Coble mo tored to Hummelstown on Sunday and were the guests of Dr. Coble's sister, Mrs. Harrison Hoover. —Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bierbower and chil dren, Mary Jane and Frances, spent several days at Harrisburg.—Earnest L. Shaffer is spending several days on a canoeing and camping trip.—j Miss Hazel Coe and Miss Esther Suy dam, both of Steelton, are spending] the -week-end with Miss Ruth M. Shaffer. —John Senseman, of Har- j risburg, was the guest of Mr. and | Mrs. George Landis, on Tuesday.— j Miss Kathryn Robinson, of High spire, is spending several weeks with ! her aunt, Mrs. Samuel Sellers. —Miss: Marie Wedell, of New York City, re turned to her home, on Monday, al ter visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Kline. —Miss Doro thy Helman, of Harrisburg. spent the week-end with Miss Helen Louise Wallis.—Howard Bayley. of the "Touraine," New York City, is spend- j ing the week-end in town. —Mr. and Mrs. J. McCullen Derr, Frank Gleim and George Gleim, all of Lebanon, \ and Perry Gleim, of Allegheny, mo-1 tored to Dauphin on Tuesday and j were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. j Freeman C. Gerberich. —Miss Julia i Miller, of Enola. has returned home: after spending several weeks with [ Miss May Williams. Miss Emma i Rank, of Williamstown. and Miss Helen Hoffman, of Harrisburg, were the guests of Miss Anna Hoffman this week —Mrs. U. S. Aberc.romble, Rich ard C. Alden, of Steelton; Thomas S. Penqelly, of Hazleton, and Miss Mar tha Louise Cresswell, of Harrisburg, spent to-day with Miss Sabra Clark. Miss Ruth Koser New Clerk in Greencastle Post Office By Special Correspondence Greencastle, Pa., July 3.—The en gagement of Miss Elizabeth McLana han, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. McLanahan, to Elmer Hessler, of Philadelphia, has been announced. The date of the wedding has not been determined. —Miss Ruth Koser has ac cepted a position as clerk in the Green castle post office. The establishment of free delivery for the town necessi tated another clerk. Samuel Flack has resigned his position as superin tendent of the Greencastle Electric Light Company and John Jacob Carl has been appointed to succeed him.— Dr. J. F. Nowell was called to Al tcona this week by the death of his sister. Dr. Mary E. Nowell.—Two chil dren of Andrew Hoefilch have been taken to the Chainbersburg Hospital, suffering with typhoid fever. Mrs. John P. Stover entertained at a large reception Thursday afternoon at her h ome .—Mrs. William Weakley has re turned to York after a visit with her parents. —Mr. and Mrs. George M. Heilman and daughter are at Gap, Lancaster county.—Miss Pauline Klep for has returned to Philadelphia to re sume her studies as a trained nurse after a viilt with her parents.—Miases Ellen and Mary McCurdu, Charles town, W. Va., spent several days at the home of Lemuel Snively.—Miss Eliz abeth Hawbaker. of Baltimore, is spending a vacation with her mother. Mrs. Clarissa Hawbaker. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. McLanahan have returned from a month's sojourn at Jackson ville, Fla.—Miss Nelle Elliott is visit ing friends at Harrisburg.—Mrs. Sam uel Wllhelm has returned to Harris burg after a visit with her parents. x BIBLE CLASS SOCIAL By Special Correspondence Shiremanstown, Pa., July 3.—-On Tuesday evening the Ladies' Aid So ciety of the United Brethren Church met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Danner. Woman's Bible class number 7. of the Bethel Church of God. will hold a social at the home ,of Mrs. Stanley Bates in West Main street this evening. Mrs. William Starr of Harrisburg sper»t Wednesday here. Miss Thelma Drawbaugh has returned to her home after spend ing several weekß with her aunt, Mrs. C. V. Miller at Atlantic City. Mrs. H. M. Rupp has returned from a visit at Newberrytown. Holy communion services will be held in the United Brethren Church to-morrow morning and evening. Diakonia Bible Class Holds Meeting at Hershey School By Special Correspondence Hershey, Pa., July 3.—Diakonia Bible class of Holy Trinity Lutheran church held a business meeting at the Hershey Industrial school. Refresh ments/were served. There were 38 present. The Rev. O. G. Romig of i Tower City spent several days with his family at this place this \^eek.—Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Glynn are spending ten days with friends at Boston and other New England points. Louis Smith and daughter, Mabel, and Miss Flor ence Hamilton, of Jamestown, N. Y., are guests of M. S. Hershey.—Ezra D. Hershey, J.-B. Leithiser and Miss Margaret Leithiser spent several days at Atlantic City.—Clayton Snavely re turned from a week's trip to Buffalo, N. Y. —Miss Byrd Barclay, of Balti more, Md., is the guest of Lynn R. Meekins. —Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin K. Focht of Lewisburg. were visitors in town Tuesday.—Miss Mary Snyder is spending a week's vacation at Lebanon and Reading.—Miss May Fitzkee, of Mt. Joy was the guest of Miss Edna Landis recently.—Miss Helen Rentz, of Philadelphia, was the guest of her brother, the Rev. G. S. Rentz and family.—Miss Mary Groff of Waynes boro, is spending several weeks here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wilson.—Mrs. John Conrad, Mrs. Hull, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Reist and the Rev. George S. Rentz attended the county Sunday school convention at Middle town. Upper End School Teachers Assigned For Next Term By Special Correspondence Malta. Pa., July 3.—Schools of the township were awarded to teachers on Saturday evening as follows: Susque hanna, Miss Verna Lahr; Malta, Miss Bessie Leltzel; Hastings, Chas. H. Zerbe; Union. Roy W. Bingeman; Mahantongo, Alva M. Zerbe; Stone Valley, Peter L. Tressler; Washington, John H. Lenker; McKees, William L. Zerbe; Eureka, A. L. Snyder; Blasser's, Henry Hile. The schools will open on September 20. —Mr. and Mrs. Philip Updegrove of Valley View, called on relatives here on Sunday.—William A. Martz and family paid a visit to Roy W. Bingeman of County Line on Sun day.—H. E. White and family of Dauphin, spent Sunday at the hoipe of John W. Martz.—Mr. and Mrs. Vn, Shaffer, of Hickory Corners, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schlegel, of Man data, made a short call on Robert B. Zerbe on Sunday.—B. Fraiik Zerbe, of Dalmatia, called on relatives here on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. William Wit mer, of County Line, were the guests of George H. Deppen's on Surfßay. Mrs. R. B. Zerbe and son, Palmer, called on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Schlegel, at Herndon on Sunday. 300 "Rooters" Accompany Ball Team to Millersburg Marysville, Pa., July 3.—Marysville Cornet Band is laying big plans for the summer and will give a band concert in Diamond Square each week. The first of this series of concerts will be held to-morrow evening at 6.30. They will procure new white duck summer si'its for the members and will hold a carnival to raise the money.—Miss Helen Hain and Miss Leona Bare, teachers of the first and second grades in the schools, have gone to State Col lege, where they will pursue summer courses. They were accompanid by- Miss Annabell Snyder, of Duncannon, who taught the third grade in the local schools during the winter.—Mrs. Rebecca Stees, of Baltimore, and her daughter, Miss Josephine Stees, of York, are spending some time with Mrs. Stees' sister, Miss J. S. M. Heck. Mrs. George Nauss and son Louis, of Philadelphia, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Roberts.—Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Frey and son Allen, of Red Lion, are spending several days wtih Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Albright.— Mrs. Gilbert Hassler and daughter Elizabeth, of Chester, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. White.—Mrs. George W. Gault has gone to Philadelphia, where she will spend some time with her sister, Mrs. Edward Brown.—Mrs. G. A. Dissinger and children. Mrs. Walter B. Forten baugh and son and Miss Julia Dis singer are visiting George Haney at Toledo, Ohio.—Mrs. Nellie Alberts, of Shale, Cal., is spending several weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. An derson Pines.—Mrs. Elizabeth Hain, or Newport, is vjsiting her son, J. L. Hain.—Mrs. W. W. Rhul, of Baltimore, was # the guest of Mrs. Jennie Wox.— Mrs. L. A. Fuhrman spent the week with Miss Anna Fuhrman, of Middle burg.—Professor Charles Dryfuse, of Philadelphia, is visiting several days with his cousin, the Rev; S. L. Fllck inger.—Miss Alda Varnes, of Harris burg, called on friends here Wednes day.—-The Marysville baseball team of the Dauphin-Perry League was accom panied to Millersburg to-day by over 300 rooters. READING PEOPLE TAKE IN SIGHTS AT BINDNAUGLE'S Btndnaugle's Church, Pa., July 3. Christian Capp made a business trip I across the Blue Mountains. —Adam Gingrich and family of Mtddletown visited friends here. Andrew Paint er and family of Palmyra visited Charles Barnhart. A number of Reading people took in the sights of Bindnaugle's Church. Charley Sei bert visited friends at Steelton. Samuel Brenner visited friends at Hershey. Dr. Fox of Hummelstown was here on Bunday. Henj-y Bailer, of Syner, called upon Conrad Rasp on Monday.—John Young and Henry Dohner are ill. The Blndnaugle's Sunday school will hold Its annual pic nic in a grove near the church. Mrs. Annie Miller of Bearmont, visited C. E. Barnhart on Sunday, PERRY COUNTY HIS STORM EXPERIENCE Thunder, Lightning, Wind, Rain and Hail While Sun Is Shining Brightly STONES AS BIG AS WALNUTS Suffrage Speaker Fails to Make Appearance at New German town Meeting on Tuesday By Special Correspondence N'ow Gerniantown, Pa.. July 3. Russell A. Sturn, who had been work ing In a lumber camp in Oregon since March, 1913, has returned home. On Tuesday we had all kinds of weather. We had thunder, lightning, rain and hall and all the time the sun was shining. In town the hail was as large as hulled walnuts. On Tuesday evening a woman was to speak in this place on woman suff rage. but did not make her appear ance, probably on account of the un favorable weather. On Sunday morning the Rev. C. E. Strlckler of the Church of God, of Landisburg, held preaching services at Center Square. After preaching he baptized an applicant by immersion.—Mrs. Blaine Bower of Shiremanstown, vis ited Mr. and Mrs. George D. Martin, of Mt. Pleasant. Miss Mabel R. Noel Is visiting friends at Mount Union. The Rev. J. C. Reighard, of Blain, will hold communion services in Trinity i Lutheran Church here to-morrow. The Knight Brothers and their wives of Lancaster, are occupying their house on the Barnhart farm and are gathering and canning cherries. —Ed. F. Middleton, who had been at John S. Briner's at New Bloomfleld during the past two weeks, returned homo on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Morrow spent Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kesler at Mt. Pleasant. Elmer Hockenberry, of Burn's Valley,, Franklin county, spent Sunday with Mrs. Hannah Hockenberry. Mr. and Mrs. George A. Collins, of Center Square, and Mrs. J. C. Reeder and son Samuel, of Jackson township, spent Sunday with Mrs. A. D. Bowman. The Rev. Thomas R. Gibson, of Blain, took supper with Philip Sheaffer on Sunday evening. - Mrs. B. S. Gring and Mrs. H. C. Showver were in Har risburg on Saturday. Miss Pauline Gring Is taking lessons on the violin at New Bloomfleld. Class of 15 Taken in by Millersburg K. G. E. Castle By Special Correspondence Millersburg, Pa-, July 3. William Breish, a native of Philadelphia, who had been living at the home of Wal ter Rylah at Lenkerville, died, in his 81st year. The body was taken to Philadelphia for burial. Spencer Martz, night ticket agent of the Penn sylvania railroad at Millersburg for several years, has been promoted to a similar position at Williamsport. Floyd Herrold, a clerk in the freight department, has succeded Mrfl Martz and Merle Johnson has succeeded Mr. Herrold. A class of fifteen members were initiated into Millersburg Castle Knights of the Golden Eagle on Mon day night. Brubaker Brothers will lay concrete pavements the entire length of their properties in Market and Center streets, more than a block. —George Bud Fry, manager of the Millersburg baseball team,' who had his right hand injured recently in a game, is back in his position as catch er. Lightning struck the new home of R. F. Bowman, in course of con struction, in East Union street, during a recent storm, but the damage was slight. Dr. and Mrs. J. Sweisport, of Danville, were guests of Mrs. Sweis- j port's sons, J. A. and C. E. Franke, during the week. Joseph Rutter of Pottsville. was back to his native Mil lersburg home on his annual vacation the fore part of the week. —Miss Mar guerite Hartman has returned to her home in this place from Midland Park, .N. J., where she taught school. C. E. Society Will Hold Fourth of July Service Blain, Pa., July 3.—Miss Margaret Spotts, who graduated at the Phila delphia High School, returned home to spend the summer with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. .S. Spotts.— Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shu maker, a daughter.—Professor and j Mrs. Newton.Kf-rstetter are spending I a month's vacation near Mount Pleas ant Mills, Snyder county.—Miss Ethel Stainbaugh, of Harrisburg, is visiting Perry county friends. —The Rev. L. E. Henry, Lutheran minister, of Pen brook, accompanied by his wife and little son. came to visit his mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Henry.—Miss Florence Bower and Miss Currence Beard, of Bellwood, are guests of C. M. Bower. —Guy Bower, of Bellwood, is spend ing the summer with his cousin, Ben Bower. —Mrs. F. B. ,Morrow and two children, of Landisburg, visited her parents.—Mrs. J. L. Stum and daugh ter, of Harrisburg, are visiting her mother.*—ln observance of Indepen dence Day, the Society of Christian Endeavor of the Zion's Reformed Church, will hold a special meeting on Sunday evening, led by the pastor, the Rev. J. W. Keener.—Miss Dora Sheaffer, of Loysvtlle; Mrs. Leo Bol dosser and son; Joe, of Summerdale, visited D. W. Sheaffer.—Miss Mary Seitz, of Newville, is the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. Matilda Morrow. CHURCH RALLY AT KEFFER'S Tower City, Pa., July 3.—Robert Shope and Miss Winona Kehler spent Sunday in Shamokin. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz and daughter of Trevorton en- Joyed Sunday here. —Mrs. Bordener and daughter Effie, spent a pleasant evening in Willianistown. Timothy Kehler and Miss Emma Lewis autoed to Trevorton and visited the Rev. Mr. Andrew's family. Mrs. Mary Dix and son of St. Louis are visiting rela tives here. Mr. and Mrs. Landis Kllnger, of Northern Michigan, are here on a two months' vacation.—Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Martz spent several I days with the former's parents.—Miss | Elizabeth Stouffer of Myerstown Is spending her vacation with the Rev. W. A. Kutz. Richard Horley and son spent a day at Lykens. Mrs. Whitworth presented her husband with an eleven-pound boy. It is their first child. The Trinity Reformed Church will hold their rally at Kef fer's on Saturday. The Knights of Pythias held memorial services on Sunday, after which they went to the Methodist. Church, where a sermon was preached by the Rev. Mr. Felton. —William Jones, of Llewellyn, is vis iting his aunt. Mrs. Daniel Neyer of Tremont, spent several days here.— The colliery has suspended from June 30 until Jul* 8. Personal News items trqm Nearby towns in Central Pennsylvania ! Siew Cumberland. The Uev. B. H. ! Huictilsuii win assist in ibe communion services ut Trinity v Unioed Brethren Cnurch to-moxroiv. Misses Nettie ana Ellen Lmebaugh, of Mt. Wolf, vit-n.ua Mrs. J. K. Hutchison, Jr., ihis weeK. — John (Jeistwnue, employed by the gov ernment at Wasnlngion, u. C, who was on his way to visit his mother at Bellwooa, called on friends here this week. Mrs. Jennie lvllne is visiting Mrs. Sophia Knulman at Mt. Vernon, N. V. Mr. and Mrs. Picketts and isiari bmlth ot Pnitadelphla are weeic-end guests of Mr. anu Mrs. C. H. Smith.— trot. Wise ot Philadelphia, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. omnh this weet. —Mrs. Jamts Davis is visiting friends at York und Yoe. Mrs. Boyu of uar- I ned, Kan., is visaing old friends in this vicinity. Miss Kuth single iea tnis week lor Statu College. Miss Helen and Malcolm rteitf are spending some time with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Logan Keiff, near Eewisberry. Mrs. Arthur Waltman of Heading was a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Fisher several days. Miss Mary Mc- Urew of Canton, Ohio, is visiting Miss Florence Hull. New Hamilton. —Miss Henrietta Sog ers is visiting friends at Huntingdon and Suxton. George Anders is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. George. Palmer, at Harrisburg. Melvln Uray, of Pittsburgh, is visiting at the home of his aunt. Mrs. E. F. Bratton. Miss Florence Parsons, wno spent the wai ter at Hazlehurst; returned to her home Wednesday. Cramer Vanzandt, of Wllkinsburg Dr. W. T. Sheaffer of Huntingdon and Mrs. Mame Kittle oil Providence, R. 1., were recent visitors, at the home of Miss Catharine Black.— Charles McVey and family. Fern Mc- Vey and family and Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Plank, all ot Altoona, were recent visi tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Holt McVey. Mrs. H. B. Shaver, Mrs. G. W. Watts. Mrs. Math Gaff. Mrs. Kate John ston, and Mrs. W. E. Johnston attended the funeral of Edward McKinstry in Altoona Monday.. I. H. Wilson was a visitor at Huntingdon on Saturday. I'lketvna. Mr. and Mis. Wilson Rhoads of Hershey visited John Rhoads on Saturday.—Miss Blanche Ebersole of Round Top is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ebersole. Thomas Ramsey and daughter Prlscilla and Miss Luella Gastrock spent Wednesday at Lingles town. the guests of Mrs. Mayme Cas sel. Sir. and Mrs. E. C. Wilt, of Pen brook, were guests of Mrs. H. M. Wilt this week. Miss Priscilla Perkey of Linglestown spent several days here last week with her sister, Mrs. Thomas Potteiger. Mr. and Mrs. John Weav er, of Penbrook, were the guests of Si mon Weaver on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 1). C. Runkle were visitors in Hummels town on Saturday. The Rev. Dr. C. H. Forney, of Harrisburg, was the guest of G. W. Fox this week. Miss Mil lie Straw, of Philadelphia, spent several days with S. H. Stroh. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Shaeffer and son Earl of Pen brook on Sunday visite«l Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hughes. Miss Mabel Mumma spent Sunday with Miss Bessie Kreiser near Linglestown. Mrs. Jens Clausen and daughter Louise of Paxtang are spending some time with G. W. Wade and family. MlfUliitunn. Mrs. Paul Heimach and little daughter Jane of Philadel phia are here to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 1. Kulp. —Mr. and Mrs. John North, of Juniata spent several days at the licme of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Kreider. Miss Irma Snyder, of Cresson, spent Sunday at the home of F. M. M. Pennell. David Harmon, principal of the Hazleton schools, spent several days with his niece Mrs. Bryant Zeiders. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lucas, of Trenton, N. J., are visiting Mrs. Lucas' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Robinson. Robert Boden, of Burnham, spent the week-end with Robert Kulp. Miss Mayme Coffman, teacher In the schools of Hazleton, spent several days In town. Mrs. Norman Wise, after spending the past two weeks with her sisters, Mrs. B. F. Junkin. and Miss Louise Jackman, left Tuesday for a week's visit to Phlllips burg, before returning to her home at Philadelphia. Robert Kulp has ac cepted a position as inspector of shrapnel with the Pipe Bending Cojn pany at Harrisburg. Mrs. Bonner and granddaughter, of Trevorton, spent the week-end with Mrs. Bonner's brother, J. W. Criley. Miss Grebinger and -Hiss Swiegart. of Lancaster, spent Sunday the guests of John J. Gray bill, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Craw ford have returned home after a visit with their daughters. Mrs. Ralph W. Hills, at Madison. Wis., and Mrs. Clair V. Brehm. at Wilkinsburg, Pa. Mrs. T. Van Irwin entertained the follow ing persons on Wednesday evening: Misses Gladys McCauley and Olivia North, of this place, Ellen and Pamelia Pomeroy of Port Royal and Messrs. En gel and Earle Childs, of Lewistown, and Graybill Crawford and Edred Pen nell, this place. Mr. and Mrs. James Fasick and children of Altoona, are guests at the home of their uncle, George Wilson in Mifflin. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Calhoun of Memphis, Tenn., are visiting at the Calhoun home at Mifflin. Mrs. Collin and three chil dren, of Altoona. are visiting her sis ter, Miss Alice Todd. Mrs. Winter Observes 89th Birthday at Duncannon Duncaiuion, Pa., July 3. —Mrs. Mary Winter, who makes her home with her son, Thomas E. Winter, of High street, celebrated her eighty-ninth birthday on Monday. Those who were present, were Mr. and Mrs. John Winter, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Blake Wint er, Mr. and Mrs. William Sheibley, Charles Winter, John Winter, Jr., Dorothy, Martha, Arthur, Robert and Helen Winter and Mary Bolinger, of Harrisburg; Mrs. JThomas Singleton, of New Cumberland; ToTTii £>eise, Al ton Getz, Nellie and Charles Meek, Lock Haven; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Winter, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Winter, Mrs. John A. Wilkinson, Robert Wil kinson. Ruth Wilkinson, Charles Olass and Mrs. Mary Winter, of Duncan non.—R. Jones Rife spent part of the past week at Atlantic City.—Miss Ruth Wills, a teacher in the public schools of Hancock, N. Y., is spend ing the summer vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Wills. —Miss Carrie Dressier returned to Altoona on Thursday evening after a visit to relatives.—Miss Martha Mil ler has returned from a week at At lantic City.—D. L. Kluck and son Donald visited relatives at Newport this week. —Mrs. Jacob Berntheisel, of Green Park, is visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Fritz.— William. DeHaven, of North High street, assumed the duties of chief burgess on Thursday evening.—Mrs. John T. Miller has returned from a week's visit to relatives and friends in Philadelphia.—Jerome Bowers, of Harrisburg, visited his daughter, Mrs. W. E. Bender this week. Adams County Preserving Co. Erecting Plant atYorkSprings York Springs, Pa.. July 3.—A York Springs organization, known as the Adams County Preserving and Can ning Company, is having: a large build ing erected In High street where it will manufacture apple butter, pre serves and mincemeat and do a gen eral line of canning apples and peaches. Machine men are installing an 80-horsepower boiler, apple pealers and cooker and other machinery for conducting the business.—C. E. Pear son has sold his property in State street to George Fickes, who will take possession next spring.—At a recent meeting of the York Springs school board Professor J. E. Myers was re elected principal of the local schools and Miss Nora Kaufltrhan was chosen as his assistant.—Paul M. Marshall, manager for Shane & Wilson's flour mills. Hastings, Minn., was a week-end visitor at the home of G. W. Emmert. —After having been absent from York Springs for a period of thirty-seven years. J. L Worley, a wealthy farmer of Abilene, Kan., is visiting relatives L here. J Chambersburg Instructor Head of Lemoyne High School i 1 1 1 i mm mSBK. " ' w iWifffliii -lijP**- m 13m *3l mSBIs * JBB t MB M ,/*3k J "i ff SMS 3 *0 ' " ■ j/r JB9 j iBB »> 1! PROF. JOHN F. LEININGER •' By Special Correspondence • lemoyne, Pa., July 3.—Prof. John F. Lelninger, of Chambersburc, elected principal of the Lemoyne High school ■ is the first out-of-town man to hold this position since the organization of ■ the High school in 1907. Prof. Wil liam C. Bowman, of this place, has been the head of the local school since its organization. Prof. Bowman . was recently appointed game protec tor of Cumberland and Adams coun > ties, and he resigned to take up the i duties of his new office. Prof. Leininger, is a graduate of the I • Pennsylvania Business college at Lan-| . caster and of Lebanon Valley College. At present he Is taking a summer course at the Columbia University. He ; has been a teacher in the schools of ; Chambersburg and vicinity for nearly , ten years. Civil War Veteran Dies After Four Years' Illness By Special Correspondence t Berrysburg, Pa.. July 3. Berrys • burg Cornet Band will help furnish music for the parade and Fourth of July celebration at Willlamstown on : Monday. Mr. and Mrs. David Ben i der of Willlamstown, Mrs. Lewis Bar ! rett of Lykens Mrs. Painter, daughter 1 Mary and niece of Philadelphia are , visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bender. Lawrence Hartman i of Chicago is spending a week's vaca tion with his parents. Miss Naomi ■ Derr has returned from an extended ' trip to Hampstead, Md. —Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Strawhecker called at the home i of H. G. Foster on Sunday. M. S. i Daniel made a business trip to Har ' risburg on Monday. Mrs. O. B. Schuryer and Mrs. Sallie Miller, of ' Sunbury, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles , Romberger, of Elkhart, Ind., were visitors at the home of John Brugger. —Miss Marl Snyder left for Wlldwood, N. J., to spend the summer. Miss Bessie Minnick spent several days bith her sister at Harrisburg. On Monday while the Rev. J. K. Hoffman was picking cherries he fell from the tree onto a roof and sustained slight Injuries. The Rev. and Mrs. Hoover and daughter Melba, of Hublersburg, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edward' Bingaman. George Hassinger, a miner, at Wiconisco, fell fourteen feet, landing on a pipe, severely injuring his back and ribs. Harrison Weaver, aged 74 years, died on Sunday after an illness of nearly four years. He received a paralytic stroke while go ing to see his brother and has been in bed ever since. He was a veteran of the Civil War. L LINGLESTOWX CHURCH SERVICES By Special Correspondence i Linglestown. Pa., July 3.—Church i services will be held In the Church of . God to-morrow morning by the pastor, 1 the Rev. George Sigler; In the evening : in tho United Brethren Church by the ' pastor, the Rev. Clyde Lynch, and in . Wenrich's Church in the afternoon by the Reformed pastor, the Rev. Lewis Reiter.—Mrs. Charles Look, daughter Fay and Miss Jane Care spent Wednes day with Mr. and Mrs. Scot Stroh at , Paxton. —Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Shuey ' and son and daughter, of Enola, was thft guest of Mrs. Matilda Shuey on ' Wednesday.—lndependence Day will i be observed here on Monday. The i Linglestown A. C. will play Oberlln i A. C. at 2.30 p. m. and an ice cream s and cake festival will be held in the i evening for the benefit of the club.— ■ The Rev. William Lingle, of Penbrook, , Mr. and Mrs. David Smeltzer, of Pax , tang. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ricker and I daughter Miriam, of Hummelstown, ! were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Clay.—Mr. and Mrs. Paul Getz. ! Mr. and Mrs. Miles Backenstoe and son Ward and daughter .Lillian, of | Morunt Joy, on Sunday visited relatives here. —Mrs. Charles Brown, of Brook ! lyn. N. Y., Mrs. John T. Ensminger, i Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Bishop, of Har . risburg, were recent guests of Mr. and , Mrs. John Shepler.—The ' Embroidery , Club was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mumma on Mon day evening.—Mrs. Daniel Metz, of Paxtang. spent Sunday with friends here.—John Hench and family, of Harrisburg, and Frank Hench and family, of Progress, spent Tuesday as the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. McClellan Hench. —Miss Georgia Snyder, a student of Bucknell College, will spend the summer with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Snyder.— Mr. and Mrs. Harry and son Gra den. of Chamber Hill, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Look on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brlghtblll, of Hummelstown. visited friends here on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ctfm -1 bier, son George and daughter Evelyn, \ of Highspire, on Sunday were guests of Mrs. Annie Smith.—Mrs. Hrank Hutten, of Chicago, 111., spent Monday with her aunt, Miss Mallnda Seibert.— Miss Sara Zimmerman is spending sev eral days with Mrs. Gertrude Nissley at the Klrkwood farm. Miss Amy . Clark returned to her home at Towson, ' Md., after spending several weeks with Miss Marion Smith.—Benjamin Glass, of Harrisburg, was the week-end guest i of Mr. and Mrs. John Beistllne. Misses Eliza and Sara Shrlner and Amy Clark spent Sunday at Highspire. —Miss Cornelia Basehore. of Philadel phia, is spending some time with her sister. Mrs. •'William Hess.—The Rev. George Sigler and granddaughters. Misses Florence Roberts and Emma Frantz, on Wednesday accompanied W. O. Zimmerman and son Miles to Hall fax.—Mr. and Mrs. Russel Shoop. of Hummelstown. and Miss Carrie Bol ton. of near town, on Sunday were the guests of W. G. Zlmtnerman.—Mrs. John Gyer and daughter Ruth, of Mid dletown, spent Tuesday with Mrs. Re becca Baker and family.—Mrs. Annie Smith spent Thursday with friends at Harrisburg.—Miss Anna Bernhardt, of Harrisburg. visited C. B. Care and family Thursday.—Miss Myrna Speas, of Penbrook. spent Thursday with Miss Marion Smith.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zimmerman and children, of Phila delphia, and Mllfred Miller, of Le moyne, are spending several days with A Mr. tmd Mr* Elmer IMG FMM BOUGHT BUOMPIf Hummelstown Building Will Be Fitted Up For Manufacture of Automobile Supplies MINISTER ADDRESSES CLASS Principal Walter A. Geesey Admit ted as Graduate Student at Columbia University By Special Correspondence Hummelstown, Pa., July 3—William H. Gaus was a recent visitor to Will iamsport. Miss Marion Burns, of near Coatesville, will spend the sum mer with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and m'i y Gresh - Ray Fellenbauni will leave on Monday for Ashland, Pa., where he will re-enter the Miner's Hospital, to have another amputation to a part of his foot. Some months ago he received an injury whiie at work at Rutherford, and was obliged a P art °f his foot amputated. While in the hospital he was seized with appendicitis and an operation was performed for that, and now ho must undergo a third operation as tho root did not heal properly. Edwin Bechtel has resigned his position tn the Hummelstown National Bank and will take up another line of work. Mr. and Mrs. John Ebersole visited in Mechanicsburg on Tuesday. Mrs. 1 Barbara Nye entertained her brother, David Ellinger and his wife and MM. I keister, all of Harrisburg on Sunday. Mrs. Ephriam Baer will entertain her son, David Beseur and his bride and a few friends on Sunday. The Rev. and Mrs. D. Burt Smith, of Eas ton, Pa., will spend the Fourth with Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Walton. —Bradley Christy of Philadelphia spent the past week with his aunt and uncle, Mr. Mrs. George Fox. Miss Edith Henchen of Reading spent the past week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Henchen. —■ Miss Ruby Wahl of Harrisburg spent several days with her grandmother, Mrs. Jane Hummel.—Herbert Scliaff ner has gone to Becker, Mass., where he will have charge of a boys' camp for the next ten weeks.—Miss Mabel Nlssley is home after four weeks at the Panama exposition.—Cyrus Miller sold the old canning factory a few days ago to the National Service Cor poration for $4,000. They will re model the building and convert it into a manufactory for automobile sup plies.—The new steel cells ordered some time ago have arrived and are in place in the tirehouse. Each cell will hold four persons.—Messrs. Her bert and Paul Schaffner entertained the Misses Vandergrlft and Martin of Philadelphia, Miss Marion Bloaker of Gettysburg, Miss Sarah Swords of Lancaster, Miss Virginia Fox of town, and Messrs. Donald Van Holden of Baltimore, Alfred Sutcliffe of town, and Paul Sykes of Lancaster at a house party at the Shady Nook boathouse. The engagement of Miss Swords and Paul Schaffner was recently announced and their marriage will take place dur ing the summer.—Miss Emma Walton entertained Miss Salome Metzgar of Philadelphia, the past weCik. Mlsa Metzgar was a termer Hummslitowa girl.—Mrs. George Blacßburn went to St. Louis last week.—Miss Ethel Stauf fer spent several days tn Schuylkill county.—Miss Mation Espcnshade of Harrisburg spent Sunday with her par ents, Mr. and MR. Andrew Espen shade.—The Rev. E. E. Snyder of St. Matthew's Lutheran church of Har risburg, addressed the Quarterly Meet ing of the Men's Organized Bible class on Monday evening In the Parish house.—Principal Walter A. Geesey left on Thursday morning for New York City where he has been admitted as a graduate student in school super vision and grading in Columbia Uni versity. He will remain there during the summer session. He ia accom panied by Mrs. Geesey.—Jacob Gaua who resided in this town for the past thirty years and went to Harrisburg to make his home a few months ago, has returned to Hummelstown and will re side here permanently. You owe It to yourself to see Fairy land at Hershey Park July sth. Dancing all day at Hershey Park July sth, free from 10 to 12 a. m. Band concerts Sunday afternoon and all day Monday at Hershey Park. Join the crowd on July sth at Her shey Park. Every minute something doing.—Advertisement. Hang Chow, China, Visitor Spends Day atThompsontown By Special Correspondence Thompsontown, Pa., July 3.—Miss Helen Wright, of Harrisburg, Is visit ing Miss Marion Dimm in Kurtz Val ley.—Mrs. Robert F. Fitch, of Hang Chow, Chira, spent Tuesday with her friends. Miss Mary Herr and Miss Pearl Haldeman.—Robert Allen and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Allen, of Fort Wayne, Ind.. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Johnson, of Weigard, and Miss lsabelle Allen, of Myerstown, spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Allen. —Miss Erie M. Henkles returned Monday to her home here after spend lnp the winter at Erie. She was ac companied by her niece, Mrs, William German, and two little sons, of Alex andria, and Mrs. William Spencer, of Tuscarora.—O. B. Tennis and William Smelghle, of Chicago, spent the week end at the Tennis home.—Mrs. Mertie Stouffer and daughters, Misses Doris and lone, of Harrisburg, are spending the summer with the former's mother, Mrs. Emanuel Smith.—Tibertus and Leroy Zeigler spent Tuesday at the home of David Dimm.—Miss Kath arine Smee, of Harrisburg, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Bashore, of Mifflintown, and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Bashore and daughter Mary, of Oakland, werpi guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Long on Sunday.—Roy Colyer and little son Douglass, of Harrisburg, were at Wil liam Colyer's on Sunday. FESTIVAL AT JONESTOWN Jonestown, Pa-, July 3.—The festi val held by. the Perseverance Fire Company, of town, was entirely suc cessful. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Loser and family of spent Saturday with their niece, Mrs. Henry B. Lesh er. Raymond G. Ellis and family of Philadelphia, and Mrs. Jerome Henry, ■pent Monday with Mrs. Henry's sis ter, Mrs. John A. Wenger.—Charles H. Nagle of Renovo, Pa., Is visiting his sister, Mrs. Michael B. Mohn. Miss Agnes M. Hazeltlne, of Philadel phia, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hazeltlne. Harry R. Blouch and friend of New Cumber land, and Mrs. Paul E. Blouch and child of Landsdowne. are visiting the family of John H. Blouch. —Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. B&chman, a daughter. There Is a large force of men at building the new State road from Jonestown west. Mr. and Mrs. Moses F. Arndt attended the funeral of Mrs. David Smith at Pottavlllt ou .Tuesday. 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers