16 - ~r~ . 1 111 ■ 1 , tt i Men's White Canvas Oxfords A Sale of Summer Dresses Involving Summer Porch Furniture I the Most Winsome Styles of the Season Low in Price H Goodyear weited, new English 1a5t ......... #4.00 Brown Reed Chairs and Rockers I I White canvas oxfords, blucher lace style; uood- x"?.i T * 1 1 1 TT TT 'r - * M year weited soies . «3.50 Filmy Imported vv hite and Colored vV eaves with fancy cretonne cushion seat dsjm Women's White Oxfords and back. Special, . . <?a qf and Pumps sa ' e tbat * s re P resenta ti ve of the season's choicest styles for women and misses, j ust 50 i n this lot. //cjqjtmffl ... . . , , , ~ , , , , , ... Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Third Floor. IliiltSliil white AraMan cloth three-eyeiet lace oxfords with m a rang - e 0 f materials that for true excellence has not been eciualed this season. black dull leather top trim, lace stay, leather diamond » tlP w£ue oxfords;' medium nkr- The styles enumerated here are regular $22.50 and $25.00 garments —to-morrow T Waists of Voile and Batiste row toe last with leather Cuban heels; Goodyear welted ctioiu sfzp ~w ugg th t prices win be $16.50 and $18.50. _ In a Half Price Sale To-morrow whit® Arabian cloth colonial pumps with white ivory soies and There sre scores of other worthy styles 3,t to »P10»00« Grouos from our regular stock including styles whfte ornajnent on vamp collar • ••• • • • • • • M.OO I & v * ' h "". c °" r «2«» French voile and Irish linen combina- white satin girdle $18.50 only recently developed, with touches of shadow ven.se whue canvas four-eyeiet lace oxfords, Knriish last with t j ons w j t h ree c j r cular flounces on the Combination embroidered voile and net an( i h let lace insertion, embroider} and hemstitching, er so cs an Dlveßi Pom «ro y & stewart—street Floor. skirt and a ribbon tie and girdle. Spe- dresses with long tunic and circular An occaMon not t<> ie matt ic e sew lere in arris cially priced .$16.50 flounce with a touch of lace $18.50 " ur £* . , . rp« XT D l-I A\r Fine quality French voile dresses with Silk Middy Blouses ( n account of tto price re( uc ions no garmen s The New Panama Handkerchiefs pink an J hlue embroidery and a touch of The most fetching blouse of the Sum- will be sent for approval and none will be exchanged. An American idea evolved from the ancient art of the Pana- j ace an( j net; fi n j s hed with silk girdle, mer season is of silk, in flesh, pink, light wa ! s^ s rc^ uce( J to •? £ ma Indian. This is a unique textile novelty. The handkerchief* $18.50 blue and white —and there are sizes for lit- rLnrL tn ffil 2^ orarige ran^ e ' Net dresses with long pointed tunic and tie and big girls. Moderately priced waists recced to *1.48 The' Panama silk handkerchiefs can be made up into many trimming of all-over lace, finished with at *!..>» waists reduced to s!.<.> beautiful and useful articles such as kimonos, boudoir caps, Tr - , A 0 - . M C? 1 ?- ™ waists r^ uce d to $1.9». waists, aprons, scarfs for Panama hats, sofa p.llows, etc. Pr.ce, Jf yOU Are Seeking Si Cloth Suit lOr 1 TaVeling Induced !o fells Dives, Pomeroy St Stewart —Street Floor. The VogueoFNeck Ruffs ™ S Sale W '" ° f SpeCM '° Y ° U Women's Long Silk Gloves gg , . ... jvi i Exceptional values mark this clearance of vacation and travel suits: Are oOeCiallV 1 fICeQ . . . Maline and chiffon ruffs in white, black, white and black, F x nwu pink and light blue, 59e to $2.50 $22.50 cloth suits for vacation wear in navy. $35.00 navy, covert and black cloth suits, with 16-button length gloves from Amenta s foremost maker are Dives, pomeroy & Stewart—street Floor. .... . , , larp-e natch Dockets and full nlaited skirt Re- seldom offered at so low a price at the opening of the season. In hairline stripes, checks and black. Reduced to duced to ..... $20.00 white only, with double finger ends. An exceptional offering. 01 r\\ T 1 $15.00 $37.50 and $39.50 navy* tan, shepherd check and 12-button length silk gloves with double finger ends; An I mnnrtflnt SpHF* OT Goods Remnants D "~ Pw 1 s "" r " r, ~" " white * nd bla^.. p A~;oV» to w -°° A large collection of the season's" best styles in cotton dress 'p. rp rp, • tt< 1T # 1 goods, including Ginghams, Voles, Percales, Crepes, Linens and 10-lllOrrOW: lhelNeWeSt OhaOeS 111 Cooler UndeTWear and Lighter Pongees on sale to-morrow. * ■« * r « < T T • c r»l"l Lengths from 2to 4 yards suitable for waists, sacques and T 1 TJ / A/T '1 771 Weight HoSierV Make lOr DOallV children's dresses. Pay a third less than regular price for any L^eOhOVTIS , JtlempS, JYll/anS dTld JratiamClS %s r • o remnant - . Comfort in bummertime Pniir IntPTP'Qf'inff Snprifllc Z\ We received several shipments of untrimmed hats during the week, ... , , , t 1 our The values that have been gathered for present sales are 25c Voile. 36 inches, plain styles and fancy designs. J making our stock of Summer shapes unusually attractive for the week- above the average and the prices in each grade are interestingly Special, yard \| ® [ iats are the vogue and in this class are new and handsome low '-rt •. . e . 19c shadow stripe Voile, white ground with floral 1 Ojfor W These items for women: designs. Special, yard 14/ 1 | \ f soft white hemp garden styles with colored facings. The variety of pana- White muhUm 'spliced 'and double® so^sitS 10c and 12 l A Percales, 36 inches; neat styles on Ql/•_ era «• ... , I c.. ■ „ . , . White silk lisle hose; fashioned feet and high spliced heels; double , . , , % c • 1 ' . J O'/ZC a mas offers a liberal selection of the most popular shapes. 374 c white and colored grounds, special, yard .... j fl [Q White silk boot hose; fashioned feet and lisle tops 50c 30c Ratine, 36 inches; mixed shades for suits and IC § H Log-horn shapes with flat and rolled White hemp sailor shapes with black Women's white silk boot out-size hose; fashioned feet and lisle tops, skirts. Special, yard 10C Iff brim. *2.95 to »4.95 plush or satin crown tops . . $2.05 cwidren .. whlte flne ri bbed cotton hose; seamless; sizes «to Dives, Pomeroy St Stewart, Street Floor. 1 Sfc Milan shapes In many good turban F4ne ' leading infants' white silk lisle hose; sizes 6to 8V 4. Pair 12'ic shapes and medium size style for elderly shapes St. 95, $2.05, $3.05 and $1.05 T - 1 10*11 T*l T T J * $ women $2.85, $3.95 and $4.95 Soft \%TUte hemp shapes with colored I ylSle and Ollk. LvlSle LJnClerW^ear Summer Kimonos of Crepe, SI.OO ".r " "iSTZS Long kimonos of crepe in a loose back or fitted style; the chip Bhapes 9 8 apes 98c ' sl ' 9s to ,695 white lisle ribbed union suits " d cu k „ ne k 6 ne J ength; T . . , J . , .. , . , .- T< . rn . - T T f-v 1 1 with fancy yokes and knee length; trimmed and cuff knee 75c gandie; in rose, lavender, two shades of blue e . dße si.oo White Trimmed Hats Reduced Underwear Long figured or solid color kimonos in empire or loose back A LL Summer hats that show signs of handling have been White cotton ribbed union suits with short sleeves,. ..SI.OO style .with collar of organdie, hand embroidered crepe or satin reduced for a quick clearance. In the case are a score White lisle ribbed athletic union suits plaited shawl; in a splendid color range, $1.50 to $3.95 or more of attractive models reduced from $ll.OO, $12.00, White open mesh suits; short sleeves and ankle length, .> f Many styles of nainsook and crepe gowns for Summer wear, $14.00 and $15.00 to SB.OO, and models that'were $6.95 to Jh° >S ' Whit ° ..!!!!!.'1" 250 are shown at SI.OO. Some have three-quarter sleeve lengths and $lO-00, reduced to .$4.95. k cotton^seamless others hasve short sleeves, with trimming of embroidery or lace TZ y n - \ r~~C U T~l / l». White fiber silk seamless socks 250 yoke, and touches of embroidery bands. JGe vJUr L/lSplay OI o|DOrt liatS * .pi White thread silk seamless socks, with double soles 500 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. ' •* - Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart —Street Floor. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor Front. More Good News For Men Who Q^aht y Gb^et Wear m T 1 £ r> " i\ Fownes and Kayser are names that are inseparably linked with quality in the art of glove making. \/\/ ||| j I "\7" \ | I OC We show these makers' gloves in the most popular styles. T T W/C-X- V J. V, J I I II I I / I IV 3LI I V /Cl 16-button length silk gloves, double finger tips, black, white and colors, SI.OO to $1.75. OIQC* f\ j O1 E" C* • j r T y I /T\ Kayser 16-button length white silk gloves with Fownes and Kayser 16-button length silk gloves 01/Z.OU to QIO.UU Suits laken k/ J embroidered arms, double finger tips, in tan, grey ,navy and brown 700 Right Out of Stock and Reduced to</> Kownes and Kayser 12 . but^ , L , °,h e,ovcs :.. i . t :. Bsc ] Q r . t»- r i.ct .. , - gloves, white and black, double finger tips, 750 It s just a case of adjusting Stocks before Inventory. Odds and ends ot Fownes and Kayser two-clasp silk gloves, Two-clasp lisle gloves, in black, white and merchandise have no place on stock sheets, and the same care should be double finger tips,jn black, white colors i'suwarV suee't'Fio'o'r."' taken to clean-up all broken lines of clothing where lateness of the season j makes it impossible to fill in the missing sizes. This is the reason for these Pjjf Ud Window Screens and Safe- In every llome CRYSTAL good values in good clothes for Saturday. We hope for a speedy dis- where preserving STRAINEH Wj I V missal of these suits * guard Your Home From r lies is going forward -■ W K The lots comprise two and three-button English sacks in these patterns— When the small cost of window screens is considered it be- an _ adjustable M\|lj[||j \ "X /\~jJ / comes the duty of every homemaker to install them in all of the strainer will be \\ j /'J i \ \ Brown Scotch mixtures. Carlton checks. windows of his house. A new stock has just arrived—they're ad- found to be of Iy UV\ \{\ \ j \f Grey Scotch mixtures. Tartan checks. I justable to any size window, and cost anywhere from great help. It can — I I /A ,f \k ( Shadow stripes worsteds. F.nfbWs^e^ ChCCkS ' l ° be fitted to " sßds « W \ li'v \\ OU J • • r ine blue serges. Perfecton Blue Flame Oil Stoves, those with 'one to four f » v - rv =tvle In Wl' I I _ WrN Shadow stripe cassimeres. Handsome tweeds. burners, add greatlv to the comforts of cottage or camp life. Miy J (r—X-T" > CD 1 I ■ I / 1 1 ■ 1 ■ I 1 Priced W2.G9 to $9.98. three sizes, 100, - Hi \ \ X -Regular stock suits—right up to the mark in quality, style and Diveili Pomeroy A stewart-Bas.ment patents J 1 workmanship. Regularly $12.50 to $15.00. Special, $8.50. Another Clearance Group Includes 25 lbs. Granulated Sugar to Be Sold Tomorrow. J $lB and S2O Suits Reduced to $13.75 for $^ 49 Wl,h SI.OO Purchase of \ Groceries INot bosp \ The latest and nobbiest English sack suits with plain Fancy whlte No , potaloe- to . mor . Herrinfr roe 1915 piiCk Fineßt qualtty seeded ralßlng .,. lac , . row, peck S»c Kippered herring, large oval cans, Large catlß California peachei In PVn ° r patch P° cketS ln a pleasing variety of stylish patterns for doz M e £ Mlna . ,e ' n0n «: ,arsre . and . ju,cy ; 5 H c Mayflower pork and beans, in cans': 14c Early June peas ...Bc, 10c and 12c 9e Paradise Island sliced Hawaiian I tn»n nnH trrmnrr m»n Crushed or shoe peg corn. Karo corn syrup, can 9c pineapple, can 23c ~ 'I I■' ■ * DOln men ana young men. gc and 12c Penna . flour, 1 2 V4 lb. bags 54c Pure grape Juice Bc. 13c, 23c Large No. 3 cans ripe red tomatoes, Pure extract vanilla, large bottles, Root beer extract, enough for 5 gal . 9c and 12c 23c Ions; bottle, 9c. 3 for 25c How to Keep Cool-Wear: Palm Beach Suits, $7.50 Tropical Worsted Suits, $8.50 to $15.00 rancy " almon - tall £ c nß l2c and 14c IS^iry"cheese. Vbl:I»S Record°coffee. b ib.2^ Fresh catch of ocean white fish, pall. Fancy white rice, 3 lb 250 Banquet coffee, lb ~ 80c 59c Broken macaroni, lb. 8c Purity coffee; steel cut, lb. cans, 40c Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's Clothing, Second Floor Rear. Fancy Norway mackerel 10c Sugar cured ham, lb 28c Special tea for Icing, lb 29c ■» FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 18, 1915.
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