THE GLOBE OPEN SATURDAY P. M. When Buying Clothes Treat Yourself to the Best BBiffl rpHE name of THE GLOBE is associated ■L with dependability in clothes—in style— in value —in price. Yon know they're right—then Why Take a Chance? ISN'T there a great satisfaction in knowing that your suit, *j| yi| bought at THE GLOBE "has it on" the other fellows in ( \\j many ways? Here are "some" Mid-Summer Values that cannot be dupli cated elsewhere. Fashion Park Suits, That Have No Equal, 1 Q 7 Regularly $25.00 Values, Are Now Yours at ... . / d Adler-Rochester and Other High Grade Suits, <£ j A 7C Originally $20.00 and Over, Are Now . . . . .... I Blue Serge Suits With an Extra Pair of Blue Serge <£ j C or White Serge Trousers, All For ZpID.DU Superb Styles of White Mercerized Lisle Manhattan Shirts at $ 1.50 &$2 Shirts and Drawers at $ 1.00 much has been said about the superiority You'll get real underwear comfort In these— f»mnn, shirt* that no person questions very sheer weight and so silky that you'll imagine ?t Those «e Pongees, Crepes »d Madras in they contain real silk. Sizes to fit every build of beautiful striped effects—soft or laundered cuffs. man. The Newest in Silk Hose at 50c Bathing Suits at SI.OO to $5.00 . ■*-- For the "ole swimmin hole"—or the beach, you'll The most popular hose for men to-aay are inoEe need one of these—union or 2-piece styles—navy blue new silk sox with embroidered clocks—every wanted or g ra y, trimmed with white and red—for men and color —exceptional values. boys. ji Buy Your Boy's Vacation Needs Now !; Boys' $6.50 Two Pant "Keep Kool Krash" Boys' $1.50 Wash Suits, 1; !; Suits at $4.85 Suits For Boys, at $5 Special at SI.OO ;! ji J™* kind of a suit for Made of a woolly, crushy nitty Tom! # !; the boy who "roughs it" material serves two pur- m y Atkins style—tan, blue j! '! all-wool fabrics snappy poses—comfort and wear !i , with white trimmings. ■! models. We can fit every and there s plenty of snap other Wash g uits at j, !; boy. an< i dash to them—all sizes. to $3.95. Ji I; Beach Cloth Knickers at 69c Boys' Sport Waists at 50c ♦<!» Something new for boys—good sturdy ma- Just in—another big lot of these popular terlal stylish looking for dress—plain and boys' waists with the adjustable sailor collar i[ i[ striped cloth —extra values at 69c. —worn high or low. i, TO T? f f~\ "D TT Harrisbnrg's Greatest nUs VJ JL v/ D Clothing Store Mki \ f liMIIW 111 mill I 111 l lllilimil |i 111 111111111 l IBM ri A PIT'Q 306 Broad St "WE MEET ALL ADVERTISED PRICES" A Few Specials From Our Toilet Goods Sale 15c Mennen's ! crewTter'a s*wna 5 * wna rVs* 25c Dressing Talcum Powder, ; ll° tb rZX" Combs, 150 Iboih1 boih tor ~- H l' r - ...73c —Stundard Peroxide Sample Tooth Brushes DJer Kiss Fuce Powder Creain— 1 ftf 7T"t Ku i? rly » 10c -Reg. 76c. 4 C r Reg- 25c. IOC 15c to 20c, at. ■. . AT Rose Cold Cream— ~T> I Sari Corylopsls Talcum \ »««utar lie. IQc TOOth Brushes, Powder— 10- 180 Reg - 25c 1 50c Datrp-ett & Regular 25c and 35c. Talcum Powde«--Large ouc J -' a gg et i « ——— can; ° Cream, 380 Cream, 200 Rahcock's 15c ™ l ™ , TT™ , "rr ,,l "" ,, T" , " i ™ l " Free with each rsaDCOCK s 13C , 50c Pompeian tube a miniature Corylopsjs Tal- MaccacrA cake of Cashmere cum Powder, 130 j MaSSa |^ Cream . Bouquet Soap. ' $1.25 Hot Water 50c Zhongiva, *S3sS?r' 56c"nd'iToo Bottles, 670 350 at" 8 ... 25c & 50c Guaranteed water ~ Rice Powder White Dr. Charles' Face Powd-i and flesh. 1 e en- R u KK er cr—Regular OZ~\ Special *OC OUC KUDDer 50c t , nn _ Gloves, 250 Still man's Freckle; SI.OO White Cas- Soft and pliable. fi r Z e*?T 60c 33c tile Soa P. 680 aii ■!««». Lesourd Plvert Dry jq c g ee f ) Wine c< ssSiSSrr..... 9c at ß r e r.. ,c . aft H« rt w. ».».« Smelling Salts— I*J Limit 7to a 'pur- at**'. .V." .53.00 Reg. 25c, at .... Fellows' Hypophos- Jess Talcum— 1 C T phltes—Reg. d>l ri A Reg. 25c. at loc Lava Soap $1.50. for DJer Kins Talcum Regular 5c c&ke, Gude's Peptomansan Regular 35c, 23c ftt 7 for 250 f t e * 78c _ W.«»» ri» Limit, 7to a pur- Phenol ~o<;inue — 97 Water ana Gly- chaser. ! Reg 35c at ...."'C ""'".tr.f 9c > ; Phillips' Milk of Maar- SpecUl at $1.50 to $2 Hair R * g : 36c 50c Wyeth's Sage j and Sulphur Hair ties; solid hacks. Borax, 90 Tonic 36<fe Hand and Wall Brushes One-pound package. I ' v —Regular 15c to , ——* To each purchaser |<> c - 10ctol9c ° Ul£°.i nT hrm ° H °4 e -~ w e will give free a at ReK- * IOO - 75 c Sage °and Sulphur 50c Hair Brushes, Eff - J™ 340 >1 -tm* White and black Plnkham'a Vegetable 25c Mum, 170 bristles. Compound— CQ ___J _f Reg. sl, at UJl f A C MEDICINE STORE wU/\ r< IV , 306 BROAD STREET FRIDAY EVENING, BIRTHDAY SURPRISE PARTY Special to The Telegraph Diilsburg, Pa., June 18. —A pleasant birthday surprise party which was held In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weigard, of Warrington town ship, was given in honor of the twenty-third birthday of Mr. Weigard. A luncheon was served to ninety-two guests. FREAK STRAWBERRY Dillsburg. Pa., June 18. M. P. Deardorff, of South Baltimore street, is exhibiting a freak strawberry grown in his garden. The berry is fan shaped and measures 3 >4 inches across and is composed of five berries grown together which are perfectly ripe and in the center Is a perfectly formed smaller berry which is still green. Why Suffer With Impure Blood An Effective Remedy That Can Be Relied Upon. j Ton can step Into almost »«r fh-ar •tore In the U. S. and get a bottle of 8. 8. 8., the famous blood purifier. So there Is no need to struggle or suffer with any blood disorder. It doesn't make any difference how severe is the outbreak. S. S. S. will overcome It. This famous remedy gets into youc blood at once; it works with a will, it Just simply annihilates disease germs, it drives them out, converts them into a harmless substance for quick elim ination. Get a bottle today and youi will quickly realise that S. S. S. is Just as essential to blood health as are the meats, fats, gTains and sugars of our daily food. And If yours is a stubborn caße, write at once to the Medical Ad viser, Tne Swift Specific Co., 112 Swtft Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. He will put you .•right. This department has been of : Incalculable service to a host of men i and women. It has enabled them to 1 understand their true condition, to take j care of themselves in the right way, j to so use 8. 8. 8. In conjunction with ! health helps as to obtain the desired I results without mistakes. Do not j accept any of the horde of substitute* • so often displayed for those who ar« ; easily misled. S. 8. 8. has been th( I standard for half a century and Is un . questionably the safest medicine yoi 1 can use. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH SUMMER SCHOOLS TO 101 TEACHERS Demand* For People Qualified For Continuation Schools Neces sitates Six Schools GOVERNOR WORKS HARD Stays at Mansion With Legislators and Public Charities Officials to Talk Bills ______ i An no u ncement ! was made to-day ! by the State Board of Education of the establishment of six summer schools for the training of teachers for service in the continuation so h ools provided for in the Cox child labor law. These schools are to meet the demands which have already aris en in many school districts for prop erly trained teachers to conduct the type of schools contemplated in the new act. The schools will be established in Philadelphia, Reading, Scranton, Al toona, Pittsburgh and Erie. No tu ition will be charged and persons at tending will be required to pay for board and transportation only. The schools will be open to qualified male and feipale teachers who have had one or more years successful teaching experience. Applicants should be either normal, technical or approved special school graduates or grade teachers. The bureau of vocational education of the State Board of Edu cation is in charge of the applications. Working- on Bills.—Governor Brum baugh went into conference with Chairman Buckman and Woodward, of the legislative appropriations com mittees, and Bromley Wharton, secre tary of the State Board of Public Charities, on the appropriation bills for hospitals, state institutions, homes and other charities and it is expected that he will finish the task of making over 400 bills fit the available revenue by noon to-morrow. The governor also plans to take up other bills pend ing as his time expires tomorrow night at midnight. Answer Unlikely.—lt is improbable that any comment will be made by the Governor on the letter issued by H. Billetter, of Philadelphia, criticizing his action in signing the Baldwin bill relative to fire insurance rate making bureaus. When inquiry was made at his office the statement was made that the Governor was working on bills. Rumors about Nearing.—Reports were current about the Capitol to-day that Scott Nearing, the University of Pennsylvania professor, who was dropped yesterday, might become con nected with some branch of the State government, possibly factory inspec tion. Governor Brumbaugh, who is acting on bills, could not be reached and department chiefs said that they did not know anything about it. Marshals' Good Work. Deputy State fire marshals have rounded up half a dozen men in as many coun ties on charges of arson in the last ten days. In addition they have se cured several convictions in courts. In almost every instance efforts to get insurance money waa the cause of the crimes. Argument Put Off.—The arbitrators in the Wilkes-Barre trolley strike, who include Commissioner John Pricfe Jackson, have postponed argu ment until Friday, June 25, at Wilkes- Barre. Must Install Plltcrs. —Commissioner of Fisheries N. R. Buller has given notice that owners of paper mills in northern tier counties and in central districts who fail to install filters to stop pollution within specified times will be prosecuted and compelled to install filters anyway. To Sft In Scranton. —The Pittston school district, Electric company case, one of the most Important electric cases before the Public Service Com mission, will be heard Tuesday at Scranton. Mr. Haldeman Til.—l. R. Haldeman, clerk in the bureau of corporations of the auditor general's department, is ill at his home. Pittsburgh Case Up. The United States Claim Association case, in Which the Allegheny county bar is after a Pittsburgh concern, is sched uled to be heard by the attorney gen eral's department on Tuesday. MARRIED AT HAGERSTOWN Special to The TeHtgraph Sunbury, Pa., June 18. Howard Rohrbach. of Lewistown, and Annie Adams, of Herndon, were married at Magerstown. Md., and left for Lewis town. where the bridegroom is em ployed by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. He is an amateur athlete of prominence and pitches for the baseball team connected with the I.ewistown lodge Of the Renevolent and Protective Order of Elks. MISS MILLER'S BIRTHDAY Special to The Telegraph New Cumberland, June 18. —A birthday surprise party was held in honor Of Miss Esther Miller, at the home of her sister. Mrs. Martin Kitz miller, in Market Square. Guests were present from Harrisburg. Lemoyne and New Cumberland. Mrs. Charles Willis assisted Mrs. Kitzmiller in serv ing refreshments. I SCHOLARSHIP AT WILSON Special to The Telegraph Waynesboro. Pa., June 18. Miss Mary Dlsert hns been awarded a scholarship in Wilson College, Cham bersburg, by the Falling Spring Pres byterian Church of that place. Miss j bisert is a graduate of the Waynes boro high and Shlppensburg normal schools. RAILROAD MAN TO PREACH Special to The Telegraph Halifax, Pa., June 18.—On Sunday :W. George Sample, of Columbia, Pa., will preach at the morning and even ing hours in the United Brethren , church. He will also address the Halifax Brotherhood at 2:30 p. m. WILL CONFER DEGREES Special to The Telegraph New Cumberland, June 18.—-The Independent Order of Odd Fallows, No. 1147 will confer the second de gree on four candidates. CHTEF MARSHAL NAMED Special to The Telegraph New Cumberland, June 18.— G. H. Reiff has been appointed Chief Mar shall of the Fireman. Fraternal and Civic parade on July 5. Up the Down the Street Everywhere You Go IDoutrichs is the men's __ store you hear spoken of most frequently and most fav- I There's no use trying to blind one's self to the greatness of this Live Store— no use denying one's self the pleasure and economy and satisfaction incident to buying j |MM| For this store stands supreme as the greatest value-giving institution of its \\ 11|j !||| kind in Central Pennsylvania, and thus has be- Mi I m come also the greatest in volume of business and in service to the public. mwjSl Doutrich Hot> ll Weather Clothes Men's and Young Men's Serges, «« ho~™ O Ep«Sh«,..» Flannels, Worsteds, Cheviots, Homespuns, etc. I sls S2O $25 Palm Beach Suits, Mohair Suits, SummertexSuits, for Men and Young Men, in English and Conservative models, I $7.50 and SIO.OO I Everybody's Buying 'Em Doutrich's Sport Shirts—the most popular gar ment for men, boys and girls ever introduced in Harrisburg. This Live Store has the most attractive Sport shirts shown anywhere in this sec tion—more of them'and better values. New shipments every day in the week, constantly adding new styles to our big stock. I Sport Shirts, SI.OO, $1.50 Plenty of Neckband Shirts in Silks, Soisettes, Doucettines, Madras, Flannels, etc., 50ct053.50. B. V. D. Underwear and Munsing Union Suits I 304 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa. EX-POSTMASTER DIES Special to The Telegraph Marietta. Pa., Juno 18.—Ex-Post mnster S. Clay Miller, of Lancaster, died yesterday, aged 72. He was a veteran of the Civil War and was one of the most influential Republican organizers in Lancaster county. He was a thirty-second-degree Mason. Five children, three brothers and a sister survive. CONCERT BY ORCHESTRA Special to The Telegraph Halifax, Pa., June 18.—On Saturday evening. June 26, the Sunday school orchestra will give a concert at Jacobs Church, at Waynesville. BALL GAME TO-MORROW , Special to The Telegraph New Cumberland. June 18.—A game of baseball will take place here to-mdrrow afternoon at 3 o'clock be tween Hershey and New Cumberland. JUNE 18, 1915. CANTATA SUNDAY EVENING Special to The Telegraph New Cumberland, June 18. —A choir of thirty voices assisted by the or chestra, will render a sacred contata entitled, "Bethany" in Baughman Me morial Methodist church on Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The music will be under the direction of H. W. Buttorff and Ira C. Rider. ASK FOR NEW STATION Gettysburg, Pa., June 18. —Real- CASTOR IA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Signature of dents in the upper end of Adams county are asking for a new station along the Philadelphia and Reading to be known as Mount Tabor. Three Points in Lens Grinding Satisfactory lenses must not only have the proper curvature to correct the "TCje defects of your eyes, but Lmr they must be of the size JV* and shape which fit and look the best on your face. yTX Because wo grind Tories / V in our own shop we are [ able to give most careful attention to these points as well as the examination of your eyes. WH» 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers