»vww www w «r t▼tt▼▼▼ ▼▼▼ t t ▼ w t ▼▼▼ t* w t'.'t tt y ▼ »r ▼ t y I s —>. v Friday is Harrisburg's Great Bargain Day when prices are lower than any other day. { -morrow is also the fourth day of our * jj || W&umaia J44th Anniversary Sale! W -"j Jj £4 ► u fj In accordance with. Friday Bargain Day we have arranged a most unusual list of An- J * 0 . -' 0 nivers ary Specials that will more than repay the few moments spent in taking note of them, i : j| I A Word About Limited Quantities ( ; A Oft © In not a few instances only a limited number or quantity of an article could be procured, '' ► (if) cVlt/ (J|) but in that group, only those that in our opinion are sufficient for a half-day's buying are \ : fkJune BM2%f§ announced - .... \ ' 4 jjL T1 «' ML& However, even this is difficult to judge at times, and you'll be on the safe side in ;< j: n|s. T^yattending during the early morning hours. i • Why not morning and afternoon Clocks are ringing at intervals of a few minutes - ' • a J} ,j a y long. -< j: ( ~ ■ v j : 44 Anniversary Specials for Tomorrow About Unu '" al : —Every One a Winner at 44c j ► 25c and 39c Curtain Materials, 2 yds., 440 85c Diaper Cloth, 44<* 44 at 44c Each j ► Reps, sateens and cretonnes. Suitable for cushions, Sanitary; 20 inches wide; 10-yard lengths.-Main Values Are $1.50 to $lO * curtains, etc.— fourth Moor. Floor b 4 ' Men's Dress Shirts * , r . . . r ' 75c Voile Flouncing, from $1.50 to $lO (sometimes more) by having their sales check on the file last before the < ► Made of fine quahtv of percale; coat stvle. with • . . alarm rlnrlr French cuffs.—Main Floor. Embroidered voile flouncing; 45 inches wide.—Main ► 69c BungalowQuiits, 44« Woor . Those "Surprised" Yesterday Light blue in color.—Mam Hoor. 75c Voile Flouncing, 44f yd. ~ J < ► ~j? ■ , . . , ~ . _. Mrs - E - Fa ley, 607 Forster St., 10 pr. Hose, y 15c Linon, 4 yds., lderecl, 4. niches wine. Mam Floor. Sadie M. Parker, Mercersburg, $5.00 Silk Sweater. Mrs. F. A. White, 3102 N. 3rd St.. $4.50 Cut Glass Dish. I »>nl.c ijf-._ i; _ . at% .1 n • rri . $1 J Ij. Miss Daisy Etters. Carlisle, $3.00 Silk Umbrella. Mrs. Harry Paul, Marysville, $3.50 l.ace Curtains. * ► Lo k. like linen, 40 inches \Mde. Main Flooi. Women s <pl Handbags, 440 M rs . w. A. Rlneer, 72 Reservoir St., $2.50 Girdle. Mrs. jvi. L. Miller, 1932 Penn St., $2.98 Doll. 4 ► rt,« t-> t*, , t t . „,:*i j Mrs. Leroy Stiteler, New Cumberland, $2.50 Infants' M. 11. Hufner, 1116 Penn St., Organdie Flouncing, . SI.OO Rose Wreaths, 440 Genuine leather, poplin lined, fitted with purse and Rasket. value $3.75. 4 * , mirror. Main Floor Mtr. John Lupton, 621 Carnation St., $3.00 Silk Gloves. Mrs. A. Winters. 40 Butler St., Penbrook, $3.50 Shoes. 4 l, Also Other flowers; pillk; large and full,—Second ' * Miss J. c. Negel, 1442 Market St., $5.00 Plume. ; Mrs. John O'Donnell, 710 X. 2nd St., Steelton, 44 yds. Flniir T e T3 , . . 11, Irs - c - Appleby, 1207 Derry St., $3.50 Nainsook Slip. Falcon Percale, value $4.40. 4 - /i)C tiamDOO labourettes, 4-4f Lavlna Tamer, 226 Reily St., $5.00 J ' G - Pontz ' 1813 Whitehall St.„ ; 75c Crex Rugs, Japanese matting covered top. Height, 19 inches.- c. A.begast, 438 s. 14th St., m^' B 'Books ? We°st Falrvlew « 1 Fancy borders; 27x54 inches.—Fourth Floor. Fifth Floor. Handkerchiefs, L working Shirts, value $3. ! , Men's 95c Straw Hats, 440 Men's Work Aprons, 3 for 44<- 1 li,et ,^ Plece Ml ? Manv of the wanted straws and shape*—Third White cambric, blue denim and hickorv stripes. Mrs - M - w - Alien, 14th m/y A Walst * •, i ► Floor." Third Floor and Derrs ' Sts " 14-50 M/ 7 ■ k\j\. Mrs. M. C. Williams, Me- 4 V llliro rioor. Chafing Dish. MAJt W chanicsburg, $2.50 Fan 75c Garbage Cans, 44<* Brassieres 44#- Pearl Hoover ' 808 Wal " I M,SR Mapy MorKan - Pen - ® " oraaoicrca, nut g t J3,00 Corset. Mjj I \\% brook, $4.00 Mesh Bag. 1 ' ~S al 7, a r; Zed ri deCP COVCr fitti " S ° VCr ° Ut Sidc; si2C Made of cambric; hooked front; reinforced under "atoes Davl., Bris- Mh] Y I T YY\ Mrs . Crawley. 457 N. 2nd , J 1234x1214. —Basement. . - J ... ~ , •, • ,• . bane St., Paxtang, $3 mil I V-" m St.. $3.50 Kimono. arm; trimmed with wide embroidery insertion, or cot- m 7 i \ 1 ~ IS nn 4 ' , , "~ , r , Spread. ■I H I ■ R. O. Bowman, 1800 " 98c Food Chopper, ton clun >" lace at tQ P and bottom.—Second Floor. Mrs J g l.o.nge n ecker, I-J W[ I state St., $2.98 Alpaca ' 4 y Climax food chopper; has three steel cutters and one 75c to 98c White Petticoats, 44<? Traveling Bag. ' I j ® L I Mn°G. McManary, 139 double cutter.—Basement. ... J-,-,-, Mrs. E. H. Bitner, Shire- 1H 1 / f Royal Terrace, $3.50 4 PViilrlronV i- <t>i oc cl.. <| j, of cambric, crepe and nainsook; trimmed with manstown. Wail Paper, ■\Ji i A- ■ Curtains. 4 ► cnuaren s ouc to JJu.Zo i>noes, wide flounces of lace, embroidery and insertion. value $2.45. WT\ jit Helen Batten, 515 Maciay 1 ► Button shoes, barefoot sandals, baby shoes and Second Floor. Margaret Mendorff, Ro- %V*\ St., $2.50 Vestee. ► slippers; sizes 2to 8. —Third Floor. _ ~ , hersviile, Md., 6 yds. myX fj m Mrs- H * R " Koons ' Lin * 59c Combinations, 440 Messaline, value \ LJM glestown, $3.50 Shoes. 4 * 98c Cooking; Set Pearl Ellenberger, 2039 N. M rs ' < -' arrie Alexander, 134 S. a, y ' Corset cover and skirt drawers; cover is trimmed 4th St., $15.00 Dress. /7w 3rd St., $2.50 Toilet Basket. y Fireproof: set consists of 7-inch covered casserole; with neat embroidery; drawers have hemstitched Mrs. A. Brandt, Middietown, MmJT ■■ p j/jrf M. Harry Tailor, lis Conoy pudding dish: bowl and six custards.—Basement. ruffle.—Second Floor. 4 Boys' Union Suits, value $2 a A W'jfxf St., $4.50 Bed Springs. * * A. S. Beck, Washington Heights, |j\ W. A. Schmidt. 1932 I.ogan St.. 2 4 t r r -v / -v SIO.OO Women's Suit. 1/ % pairs Knickerbockers, value $2. __ T . _ I Mrs. Snyder, 625 Reily St., $4.00 Ax- Bertha Ztidric. 30& Chestnut St., $2.50 ► 69c Ingrain Carpet, s a - i yd. /Mm MM VsClll 4 y ds " $ 8 Wringer. dery, value $5.00. I t Patterns suitable for din- a/M M- - . Suitable for halls and V : bidiZ:J?S, or iK 11! Sale Anniversary Sale ofWomen's Suits, sß.44 ; ► r~ orn , rq _ Cfll ff a , a • i or i i/, 4 4 Bowman's own stock of spring models that sold as high as $25. ► mma s, or ( 6 yards Cretonne, 44<* Your choice of any suit without exception—gabardines, serges and poplins. U ► Sheep, cats, etc. Some arc on platforms, Cut from full pieces; 36 inches wide. Twelve pat- All sizes but not in all stvles ► uthers on wheels. Third Floor. terns to selcct f roni ._Main Floor. *„„:„^ cor .„ p r ; rfl *•? i-l A Women's 75c and $1 Silk Gloves, Various shades and sizes: heavy double finger tips; Persian and Oriental designs Main Floor' ' upward to $17.50. At sl.-14—Voile waists, embroidery and lace trim- 4 two-clasp—Main Floor. " " ' ' Golfine Coats, $9.44 med. $1.98 and $2.50 values. Children's 59c to 7Sc Drpssps Outing Flannel, 10 yds., 440 The new shade of green; belted back; white bullet 41 , . 4 j" _ Children s 59c to 75c Dresses, 44f Ught patterns; 27 inches wide. Value 80c.-Main buttons; value $ 12.«8." At »5.44-Crepc ,va. B ts ,n m.l.tary style; long ; ► Gingham dresses in pink, blue and tan: plain chain- Floor Golfine Coats .S 4> 44 sleeves; striking effects; pastel shades and white < y hrav waist, with gingham skirt and suspenders; or 0 ,, , , , , ' ' , i ► sTcLdMoof"' 8 "' i '" " C "' Si ' CS 4,0 H - V " ri " 7SC Bath BrUsh "- 44 * marigJld; of'sel', ma'tedai « h J ' With separate handles—Main Floor. White Voile Dresses, $5.4+ m '»e, pu j, i B , , ue, nl„te and flesh. ; $1.20 Room Lot Cut Out Border, - * Enough for one room—2o vards cut-out border ' ' tier effects; small ruffles. Castle and other smart col- med in soft colors. < ► Fourth Floor. ' £ u n metal and silver plated fancy stone coat chains. Jar c ff e cts. Second Floor , y —Main Hoor. ' econ " ' loor - Women s Silk Lisle Hose, 2 prs.. 44<» 25c Battenber ß Squares. 3 for Ho ' 7 - Room Size RugS at '• !; Ra ' ps; ' k a " d Embroidered center, is-inch si Z e._scco„d Kioor. Q c \tlt in r 1,. , Rather appetizing. Miss Searight will . . . 4 I' Women's Extra Size Vests. 5 for 44f , 85c Wocl Po P lm ' cook oatincal tomorrow in the Wear-Ever „| a ri y SS. S 9x 2 IVs'S " t Bleached; tape neck and sleeves.—Main Floor. Illack only; 46 inches wide; fine quality. Main Aluminum double boiler, then serve with Axminster Rugs—extra heavy quality; size oxl'ft • " , Boys' 95c and $1.25 Wash Suits, 44<* strawberries and cream. regularly $25.00. *.(M4 « ► Oliver Twist suits, with plain and fancy waists; and q>l.Zs Lining, 44< yd. j r ► plain and fancy straight pants; sizes 6to B.—Third Silk serge lining; gray; .36 inches.—Main Floor. $3.90 Toilet Sets, $2.44 I ► ' lnor - Prinre<?<s $1.98 Baking Oven, $1.44 Tcn-piece toilet set.—Basement. ► 69c Auto Horn Bulb, each—3rd floor ,»,«<> '. . Perfection baking oven: for over one burner on gas y Formerly SI.OB and more ; trimmed with lace and hot pi a te or gas stove. —Basement. ' SI.OO and- $1.25 Gloves, 44<* embroidery.—Second Floor. en en osi i 4 Anniversary Offering of 4 y ... . . , , , ' Women s $2.50 to $3.50 Shoes, $1.44 b " gloves—A^ai;Floor'' " " 8 29c Cordemo n Carpet. 2 yds., iif . Patent colt, gun metal calf, vici kid and white Nu- C < ► " 12KaC Cambric, 6 yds., 44? Jpl-lUrth"' =^ r S ' air CIrI>C,; » IsDtrackero " r Bock high and low shoes; all sizes.- Very Special, $2.44 \ ► Bleached. Heavy quality. Value 75e.-M.in Floor. 2Jc p illow Tubing , 3 yds „ v SI.OO Dressing Combs, 4 4<* Pequot quality; 45 inches wide Value 75c Main Genuine leather slip seat; solid oak construction; I and clever sailors. I •< Extra heavy quality.—Main Floor. Floor. * banister back; scat is full boxed and corner blocked.— second Floor. < ► ' ' Fifth P'loor. v ) a A A A A A A,A A, On ■ THURSDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JUKE 10, 1915. 3
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