8 PFackler's I Furniture Values b That Never Varies BTt1 I:NE wi ". tliat dependability is everything in furni -1111 ture buying. It is always a satisfaction to feel that everv pur chase you make is of the very best the market affords for the rtiwflf money expended. All have equal opportunities to get the very newest at popular prices. The goods are not bought of any uncertain makers; they come direct to the people of this city without anv interven tion of middleman from the artists or makers. Ihe prices are always yy moderate for the qualty. I The ftfe Eagjander New LIVING ROOM Operate of We have a very large selection for the living room in all Any on Partly Opm "iff'' Three-piece Fumed Oak Suites, SIB.OO up to $60.00. the Market Three-piece Mahogany Leather Seats, $40.00. Leather e have them ~ seats and hack, $48.00 up to $1.*10.00. Leather Chairs and with the chest at- \ ~~ Rockers. With leather seats or all-over leather it all prices. tachment or adjust- A good assortment of upholstered chairs and rockers in a ' l ' c head. Also we f'U? tapestry. * have the wit edge Bat t j bed spring and box . _ Mtf?/ ' couch. As a Bed "/ r~~ s > / .LIBRARY TABLES BRASS BEDS j In All Woods In all styles. The prices are SB.OO up to $40.00. Bet- This Quartered Oak Table at a Large Range of Prices, $20.00 ter secure one of these bargains. DINING ROOM SUITES Dressers, Princess Dressers in all design* and woods. It will pay you to sec these suites and note the perfect designs and low prices; or if you prefer to buy Sinrl lOVC pieces, we have them. We are sure to satisfy. * ClllLl O We are leaders for Porch Furniture. Three-piece Porch Princess Dressers, only sl2. Chiffonier to match, at $lO. Set. forest green, cane seat and back, former price $22.00; this week <£l IMI SPLIT*REED CHAIRS*, ROCKERS," ROCKING SET- - Tust a WOrd aboUt refri £erators. You will do TEES and three-piece sets at extremely low prices. Don't fail we U to let us demonstrate the superior qualities to get one or more of the special rockers for sl.o<) of refrige r ators — FACKLER'S, 1312 Perry Street Store Closes 6 P. M.—Saturdays 9 P. M. ' 11 Resorts m \ jATLAWTICCITYi H/v.j;==: g^^TEL-SANATORIuS ffiSßldealm its appointments pH w c aW s^fegiKs®; always CM>tr< . CAPACITY.3SO L. youNc,(ii»Hin>i«)(f ATLANTIC CITY. !». J. Hotel Bnrger, ll»l Pacific Art. N>«r Boardwalk, Million Dollar Pier, new Jnanagement. newly, luxuriously fur nished. Patron making June rate, American plan, $7.50 weekly. $1.25 dally. Music. Bathing: from house. J. S. FORMER, Prop. notco ran it's ta»l.e fflLLE&S£i4r ANNEX I "9»ISN.GEO«JGIAAVE.ATL.CITY.N .j7"* \ Sorupulouniy clean, electric lighted throughout. White service. Hot and cold water baths. $1.25 and $1.50 daily. $7 and $8 weekly. Estab. 36 years. Booklet. Emerson Crouthatnel, Mgr. BEDFORD SPRINGS, PA. Bedford Springs (Pa.) Hotel&Baths Spend your happiest, healthiest summer at this alluring resort, iis- I tate or 3,(11)0 a< res In the most at- I tractive section of the Allegheny Mountains. MAGNESIA WATER 1 that rivals that of the M-arlenhad i and Carlsbad. Every outdoor and Indoor- diversion—every convent- | ence. Open for automobile tourists May 29. Formal opening June 12. I If. E. BEMIS, Manager. TUESDAY EVENING. ,G. A. R. COMMANDER APPOINTS AIDS FOR BIG ENCAMPMENT I>avld J. Palmer, commander-in-chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, Resorts MOUNT GRETNA, PA. Hotel Cnnevmfco—On I>ake Cnnewago; mod. convs. Apply to Samuel H. Prop., Newport Apts., 16th and Spruce Sts.. Phila., till June 10. V s ßiver Costf & Sand MevTAttention"^ \ We have just received three carloads of 4-inch C C 5-inch flat sides and 2x12 plank for bottoms. The J f sides are 20 inches wide by 50 feet long. This is beau- J 1 tiful lumber and will pay you to see it, even if you do 1 ! 1 not buy, but we want to sell and can name low prices C I ft for immediate deliveries from cars. » I Wiltenmyer Lumber Company ? '»> -»^u^r"rr^iVifr^ E j>jui I announced the appointment of Dr. Wil liam T. Bishop and James D. Saltsnian. as aids to his staff for the fiftieth anniversary observance and national encampment to be held In Washington by veterans of the Civil \V ar. Both comrades expect to he pres ent and march In the parade. Dr. Bishop and George I * Sellers, delegates from Post 116, will leave to-morrow for the State Encampment at Easton. German Periodicals Have Been Placed in Library Through the courtesy of Richard Paul, 511 South Fourteenth street, a number of copies of German periodicals, which have been sent to Mr Paul by his family, direct from Germany, have been placed in the- HarrisburK Public Library for the use of readers. Mr. Paul will add to them as the periodi cals are received. They are as follows: I Berliner Illustrierte Zeltung, Berlin- Das Illustrierte Blatt, Frankfurt; HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Frankfurter Noche, Frankfurt: Klelne Presse. Frankfurt; Berlin Tagoblatt, §?£ "ii Be'lage, Berlin; Das Leben lm Blld, Frankfurt. News Items of Interest in Central Pennsylvania Special to The Telegraph Vrnnton. Throop borough authori ties are investigating the case of Lutzy Crambo, aged nine, who was found un conscious In a field in that borough. Dr. K. J. Murray, to whose office the boy was carried, stated that he was "dead drunk with whisky." ln order to get their hands in for the Fourth of Julv " Haymond Hoover, aged 14, and Henry Kaloskl, aged 16, both of Coxton, broke Into a Lehigh Valley box car at that place, carried away two boxes of dyna mite and then journeyed to the Mooslc mountains, where they proceeded to celebrate the coming of the Fourth. iMroaquii. Falling twenty feet down the No. 10 shaft Michael I>abonlck, aged 35 sustained a broken neck, dying shortly afterward. Alletitown. Edward Shupp, aged 12, e from a runaway dump wagon at Palmerton and killed. The driver, Simon Smith, also jolted from the wagon, was picked up unconscious. Shamokln. While with several more persons inspecting a newly pur chased horse in a stable here, Edward whrawda, Jr., was kicked on the head by the animal. Shrawda was removed to the Shamokin Hospital, where two inches of his skull was removed. He is in a dying condition. MO.rtOO CHI RCH I>KIHC VIT',I) Special in The Telegraph Hagerstown, Md., June 8. Large audiences attended the services In con nection with the dedication of the new $20,000 First Brethren Church In thla city on Sunday. The dedicatory sermon was preached by the Rev. A. D. Gnagey, of Aabland, Ohio. , STITE EMIBS CAN BE SEEECTED Public Service Commission Given the Means to Get More Rapid Work on Complaints In approving the Saius Senate bill to allow the Public Service Commission to name examiners to take testimony anywhere in the state in complaints Governor Rrumbaugh placed It in the power of the commission to "speed up" its business. The old commission was compelled to hold hearings in various places and to require people to come here to present their oases. Under the new act the examiners can take testimony and send it to the commis sion for determination of the issue. The bill also provides for appeals direct to the Superior Court without groins: to the Dauphin county court as heretofore. Other bills sinned Include these House bills: Establishing a state bureau of forest protection In the Department of For estry, which provides for a chief for est fire warden and system of prevent ing and fighting fires. Increasing salaries of mine in spectors from $3,000 to $3,500. Extending dog license act to all municipal divisions and requiring as sessors to collect license at time of annual assessment and issue tags. Providing that any dog unaccom panied by its owner which enters a field where sheep are kept may be de clared a nuisance and he killed. Providing that boroughs may assess one-third of cost of repaying a street against property owners abutting thereon when street was originally paved at entire expense of munici pality. Regulating commutation of convicts on parole and punishment when ar rested thereafter. Authorizing State Board of Edu cation to report on desirability of erecting a building for the State's edu cational departs at Harrlsburg which shall also serve as a memorial to the founders of the State's school system. An appropriation of $5,000 is carried. Regulating payment of bonus tt townships for dirt roads so that money shall be applied upon deficiency owed by State. Providing for utilization of rock and other materials on state penitentiary site in Chester county for prison and for sale of surplus. Changing obiect of appropriation made in 1913 for sewage disposal plant at N'orristown State Hospital. Senate bills approved were: Authorizing State Board of Edu cation to spend $5,000 for plans for a state educational department huilding to be erected at Harrlsburg which is also to serve as a memorial to the founders of the state school system. Providing that in first class cities the assessment of realty for taxation shall not include machinery and tools used in manufacturing. Liberty Bell Committee Will Meet Wednesday Mayor John K. Royal has called a meeting of the Liberty Bell commit tee for to-morrow night at 8 o'clock. The meeting will be held in the. rooms of the Harrlsburg Chamber of Com merce. C. Floyd Hopkins, In charge of ar rangements for the Municipal cele bration in Harrisburg in Septemebr, said to-day, that he would not take up his plans until the Liberty Bell com mittee had completed its program. IJOTR OF LAUGHS AT THE COLONIAL The best kind of tonic in hot weather is laughter. The best place to find these necessary laughs just now is at the Colonial Theater. The Farrell-Taylor li io is the prize laughmaking act of the Colonial's Spring season. These are three men who wear burnt cork and pre sent a comedy skit called "The Minstrel Man," so full of good laughs that the audience doesn't have time to draw a comfortable breath between their out bursts. There are three other eood acts on the bill. Tom Kyle and Company present a variety comedy skit entitled "A Doctored Widow." Tom Glllen tells some good Irish stories and Holly Hol lis sings some good character songs.— Advertisement. BLANCHE SWEET IX "THE W\R BE\S OF VIHUINIA," AT THE RE GENT TODAY Jesse L. Lasky In association with David Belasco. presents the world jvide favorite star, Blanche Sweet, in 'The Warrens of Virginia,' at the Re gent this evening. This is the last day of this great play, which is a most ex traordinary photo dramatic lesson in the sufferings of war. Though the battlefield scenes are filled with mar tial heroism and dash, one is forced to bear in mind at every moment the do mestic tragedies of this strife 01 brother against brother. Wednesday and Thursday another Paramount feature. "The Country Bov," presented by Jesse- 1,. Lasky. ' "The Country Boy." is almost equally the siory of "The Country Girl." for. though the "boy," played by Marshal Neilan, is undoubtedly the central figure in the action it is the girl—the good, pure, girl of the small town, who furnishes the inspiration which finally makes a man out of very foolish and over-confl dent youngster.—Advertisement. NAME SPEAKERS FOR BIG LUTHERAN REUNION The Rev. Jacob S. Simon, D. D., of Hagersto.v'n. Md., and A. H. Dur braw, of Pittsburgh, will be the speakers at the annua' reunion of the Lutheran churches of this city and vicinity, June 24, in Reservoir Park. Plans for the reunion, now being completed, are in charge of Luther Minter. The program for the day has not been definitely decided upon, as yet. and will include many excel lent features. Music for the day will be furnished by the Loysvllle Or phan Band and a special choir to be chosen for the occasion. NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA Nervous dyspepsia Is a disease of the nerves, not of the stomach. Indigestion one day and complete freedom from symptoms the next usually means nervous dyspepsia, es pecially If the patient Is of a nerv ous or highly emotional temperment. The attacks recur at more or less regular Intervals and are often brought on by nervous excitement. A sick feel ing after eating, sometimes vomiting, a weak, shaky, "gone" feeling when the stomach is empty—these are the usual symptoms, but in the case of some highly nervous people the sight of food or the approach of meal-time may cause vomiting. Dr. Wililama' Pink Pills are espe cially useful to sufferers from nervous dyspepsia as they not only build up the general physical condition but also act directly on the nerves, strengthening and revitalizing them. These pills, with proper regulation of the diet, afford the most correct and successful way in which nervous and functional dyspepsia can be treated. A postal card request to the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady, N. Y„ will bring a copy of a useful diet book and a pamphlet on nervous disorders, both free of cost to ;ou. Tour, own druggist sells Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. —Advertisement. JUNE 8, 1915. i ffjSMSTORH IJOUCK L For Infants and Children. HfS'jlfOii """■'iHHiann 1; CASTORII Mothers Know That |f Genuine Castoria K&£' Preparation For As A lwQT7<a # SI similaHngtheFoodandßcgula iUWdjS W » IpjN (ingUicStomachsandßowosof - g (s/ nit i |jl wmmsm B . Bara the /Axr Promotes DigpsttonXZheeiful- SiffllcltlirO fJp g | ■Sk"; nessandßest.Comalnsneittw /(\ *V if Pfjo Opium.Morphine norMiucraL nf # \\. lr NOT NARCOTIC. UA ILM Y p3§ BuiperMlkSAWELFrmß lAJiT §♦?£ • jiniseSud* I N| I M it Wt- 1 (\ i In Pllf teffircrtW / I Y II ImSc Aperfect Remedy for Consftp! fST Alt II Q 0 tton, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea 0 l| IV VWU Worms.Convulsionslcverish I 14/ IISFLI ness and Loss or SLEEP. \ MJ LNV GJUPP Hjjlfilj Facsimile Signature of Va/ IUI UV UI Mf tl • u ■ inirty Years igCfISTOBIfI Exact Copy of Wrapper. tn.o.nwuToo CONVICTED MAX GOES IXSAXE Hon of sentence from death to life tm- prisonment was refused several da\s Media. Pa.. June B.—George H. ago by the Bonrd of I'anlons. has gona March, convicted slayer of S. insane under the lone strain and the Pinkerton, whose plea for coinmuta- confinement of nearly two years. _ . Followed Friend s Advice After trying Friiltola anil Traxo, I„ C. Clark, S4O .tlelhn St.i Dallas, Tom«, wrote to the I'lnus laboratories a* follows: "I have been a sufferer from gall-stones, and Frult ola and Traxo was recommended and 1 am glad to say I took advantage of your most wonderful medicine, with won derful results." Krultoln unci Trnxo nrr two remedies that «re u»ed In eooihlniitlon. Krnltola acts on the lutestlnttl orxHim «im ii powerful Inlirlcnnt. soften ing the ciinti'aleil ivaalr nml breaking up tile linrdened partli'len no lliat I «»>' elllmlnntloii follow* quickly, to the greiit relief of tile piillent. Trnxo In n compound of splendid tonic properties, of special \alue In strengthening and restoring the s.iateiu Hint has heen weakened by con stant suffering. The I'lnus laboratories have inan.r letters on file testifying to the merit of Frultola and Trnxot letters from people who linve used the remedy and know from netiml experience what It lins done for them, \ I'or the convenience of the puhllc, arrangements linve been made to sup ply Krultoln and Traxo through lending ilrug stores.. In llnrrlshurg they ean lie obtained nt C-orgas, the Druggist, 111 .North Third street—l*. 11. It. Station. f (^^ OU ] 224 MARKET ST. l Smokers 9 Tastes Differ as to shapes and sizes—but not as to genuinely superior quality, that's ene reason all Havana— Moja 10c Cigars are so popular—made in 3 sizes but all alike in quality. Made by John C. Herman & Co. EDUCATIONAL Harrisburg Business College 329 Market St. Fall term, September first. Day and night. 29th year. Harrisburg, Pa. Begin Preparation Now Day and Night Sessions SCHOOL OF COMMERCE IB S. Market Sq.. Harrlaburs. Pa. AMUSEMENTS ' . Free Moving Pictures every evening 7 to 11 p. M., Palace Confectionery, 225 Market street Try Telegraph Want Ads If you nerd eye e*n mlitntlon . make nn appointment. Call llcll Phone 3T»3'i. l 808 LOCUST STREET
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers