12 Bringing Up Father # # # # # # By McManus TOUR* I rCv7^? Q I WEHT riJ ONLY SO | [ \OUR V/)F£ t*> T NEUEF*. N\»h\D •" WE COT THE CAR H^' T *NCHBD £m^Ss* LY . - r '{ I SPKRCH IF HF I n OT bOMC YOU W UP I'LL STM 1 HAVEN'T TAKEN I HC*>E TOOtl- FHR POLICEMAN!! /W .. u * k KCEPXOOft SPeEtHN'! . V<• » JH'W H *^ h T <iOT lT f r PLAVIN" CAROi> I TONE- | TOPAV YOUR .... _.__ . VETERAN GOLFER HUMBLES OLD RIVAL Travis Eliminates Travers by One Up in Metropolitan Cham pionship Series ■Vf/C!.:i h i T/w Ttlfgrafh New York, June 4.—ln one of those: matches which make for golf history, ! Walter J. Travis, veieran of a thou sand battles on the links, former in ternational. national and metropoli- 1 tan champion, yesterday defeated Jer- I ome D. Travers. once ranked as the peer of American golfers.' in the sec- , ond round of the metropolitan ama-j tour championship on the course of the Apawamis Club. The margin was one up. This contest was the out standing feature of the day. Meanwhile. Oswald Birkby, of En- i glewood. the titlehoider. survived. He first defeated John M. Ward, of base ball fame, and then eliminated Spotts wood P. Bowers, of Brooklyn. in rather comfortable fashion. Roy D. Webb, the medal winner, went down to defeat at the hands of Henry J. Topping in the latter part of the day by two up. There was only one extra hole con test in the championship division dur- ' insr the day. That was between John | Anderson, former Massachusetts title holder. who recently became a resi dent of this district, and E Mortimer Barnes, of Englewood. Anderson won on the 20th hole. Max Marston. play ing well both morning and afternoon, won both his matches, and so did Philip Carter, the metropolitan Junior titlehoider. Percy Piatt, winner of the Lakewood tournament early in j the Spring, played like a champion in : the afternoon, defeating Charles See ley, a former metropolitan titlehoider. 1 RFTVHARP A. C. WANTS GAMF j The Reinhard A. C. is without a I gpme for Saturday afternoon and i would like to arrange for an out-of to—n game. Managers of teams offer it % fair guarantee address Lloyd C. Pike, manager, fiS North Twelfth street. Harrisburg. : BtxutKiixttitittittmttmxttttututttutttxx I Buy Your New 1 I "United Straw" I Tt tt ♦t weather is here H XX to stay and your old ♦♦ ♦♦ hat won't dn a day longer. ♦♦ tt Join the parade of well- XX ♦♦ * 7 P' 2 XX dressed men who wear XX XX "United" Hats and save a ' 2 tt Dollar Fifty. tj H ALL STYLES « I $1.50 Jk I n WHY PAY MORE? ~ XX Smooth Braids, Rough % H tt Braids—any kind of straw 4 H XX VOU want, no matter what ( you pay; nowhere else can yT2 ♦♦ you get so much for your ./ w/ $1.50 XX XX monev. ♦♦ j n tt it ♦♦ ———————l g :: Genuine Ecquadorian Panamas H I $3.50 and $5.00 § | UNITED HAT STORES, Inc. 1 XX Third and Market Streets XX tt Stores in Principal Cities Factory to You tt FRIDAY EVENING, It Is Back to Minors For Former Tri-Stater SpKrai to Tkr 7°W«f*uffc St. Louis. Mo., June 4.—Having fail ed to arrange a trade with some other American League club for First Base man Bob Kaufman, former Tri-State star, it is now probable that Branch Rickey will send the promising young ster to the Rochester club of the In ternational League. Rickey is hot on the trail of Fritz Coumbe, the pitcher Cleveland secured from the Boston Red Sox last year. • The Brownie pilot will confer with Owner Charles Somers at Cleveland to day with a view to putting through a deal whereby Kauffman will go to the Indians. Should this effort fail, Kauffman will probably be turned over to Rochester before the end of this week. Ivan Howard and Dee Walsh were sought by Manager John Ganzel of the Roch ester Club, but Ricky informed Gan zel yesterday that the Browns intend to keep both players. EDDIE ZIMMERMAN AS MANAGER New York. June 4.—Harry Smith, manager of the Newark International League baseball club, was given an unconditional release yesterday by George L. Solomon, owner of the club. Smith has been manager since 1913. Eddie Zimmerman, third baseman, probably will manage the club hete after. A policy of financial retrench ment due to a poor season was given as the cause of Smith's release. SITT AGAINST BUFFALO TEAM Buffalo. N. T., June 4.—Alleging that Richard Carroll, former business manager of the Buffeds, now with the Brookfeds. has failed to account for about $12,000 advanced to him for promotion purposes, three Montreal capitalists began legal action yesterday against the Buffalo Federal League Club, incorporated: Carroll and Walter F. Mullen, an official of the club and wealthy real estate operator. JUNIOR S AGAIN IN FIELD Middletown Juniors have reorgan ized and are without a game for this coming Saturday. They would like to arrange a game with some first-class amateur team. Any club wishing to play with the Juniors communicate with James Seltzer, of Pine street, Middletown. RIVERSIDE A. C. BASEBALL TEAM HAS STRONG UNE-UP mi *■>*>,■. «- JMnHn^ & r -^J Riverside is represented this season bv a fast aggregation of basehall stars. Every Saturday games are played on the Harrisburg Academy Field. The team has been winning th majority of games up to date. At the "Fare Limit." North Second street to-night the team will hold an ice cream and strawberry festival. An inter esting program has been prepared. The line-up of the team includes: Rack row, left to right—Burns, third base; Dunlap, left field; Stinson, utility; Fegley. catcher; Megill, pitcher. Front row—M. Weavadaugh, utility: Thomas, shortstop: Bennett, right field; Ralph Bowman, manager; Thomas, first base and catcher; W. Weavadaugh. center field; I. Weavadaugh, second 4>ase. BASEBALL GAMES INCLUDESMANY L Harrisburg Meets Altoona on H. A. C. Field; Firemen Start Season With Four Games; Amateurs Expect Busy Day Baseball schedules for to-morrow i promise a variety of sport for local j fans and those in surrounding towns. | The big feature in Harrisburg will be the game between Harrisburg and | Altoona. at Island Park, and the open- [ ing of the Firemen's League. The big game on H. A. C. fleld j starts at 3 o'clock. Altoona will bring a champion team, the line-up includ ing. with a few exceptions, winners of last season's honors for Blair county. Manager J. Harry Messersmith will have White in the box. The Firemen's League will have two games at the Island, on No. 2 diamond: one at Fifteenth and Herr streets and one on Sycamore street Baseball Summary; Games Past and Future SCORES OF YESTERDAY National I.ea«rup Philadelphia, 2; Brooklyn, 1. New York, 10; Boston. 3. Cincinnati, 5; St. Louis, 2. Other games postponed. American I/eagtie All games postponed. Federal Brooklyn, 10; Buffalo, 7. Brooklyn, 3; Buffalo, 1 (2d game.) St. Louts. 3; Chicago, 2. Pittsburgh, 2; Kansas City, 1. WHERE THEY PLAY TO-DAY American liegjiie St. Louis at Philadelphia. Detroit at New York. Cleveland at Washington. Chicago at Boston. National league Brooklyn at Pittsburgh. Federal league St. Louis at Chicago. Pittsburgh at Kansas City. WHERE THEY PI.AY TO-MORROW American I-ca<rue St. Louis at Philadelphia. Detroit at New York. Cleveland at Washington. Chicago at Boston. National Ivraffiie Philadelplya at St. Louis. New York at Chicago. Boston at Cincinnati. Brooklyn at Pittsburgh. MOHAWK MAOK WITH PATENTED SLIP-OVER BUTTONHOLE £/riii(ol/ars IfSlf IIIUT S COLLAR CO-HOT. M.l HARRISBURG ffSf&X TELEGRAPH grounds. The first game at the Island starts at 1.30 o'clock and the other Kame at.3.30. In the Central Pennsylvania League j Steelton will play a double-header with | Highspire. The first game will start ] at 2 o'clock. Middletown plays at Lebanon and Hershe.v at Xew Cum- j berland. The batteries at Steelton will ' be Riever. Finnen and Boyd. In the upper end leagues interesting j games are* promiF-d. The local ama- 1 teur schedule includes.several contests i that are expected to be fast. The ! Pennsylvania Railroad .Motive Power j team will go to Philadlphia for a 1 game. Charles J. Householder has] been made publicity representative! and official scorer for this team. Federal League St. Louis at Chicago. Pittsburgh at Kansas City. Raltimore at Brooklyn. Buffalo at Xewark. Central Pennsylvania league Highspire at Steelton (two games.) Middletown at Lebanon. Hershey at Xew Cumberland. Dauphin-Perry League Marysville at Duwannon. Xewport at Millersburg. Halifax at Dauphin. Dauphin-Schuylkill League Lykens at Tower City. Wiiliamstown at Elizabethville. P. R. R. Motive Power League Harrisburg at Philadelphia. Trenton at Xew York. Pottsville at Meadows. Baltimore at Wilmington. STANDING OF THE CLUBS American League W. L. Pet. Chicago 27 15 .6 4 3 Detroit 27 17 .614 Boston 19 15 .559 Xew York 19 17 .528 Washington 16 19 .457 Cleveland 17 21 .4 47 St. Louis 17 24 .415 Philadelphia 13 27 .325 Xatlonal League W. L. Pet. Chicago 23 16 .590 Philadelphia 21 18 .538 Boston 20 19 .513 Brooklyn 20 19 .513 St. Louis 19 21 .475 Pittsburgh 18 20 .474 Cincinnati 16 19 .457 Xew York 15 20 .429 Federal League W. L. Pet. Pittsburgh 24 17 .585 Xewark 22 17 .564 Kansas City 23 18 .561 Chicago 23 19 .548 St. Louis 19 17 .5 28 Broo/lvn 20 19 .513 Baltimore 15 24 .385 Buffalo 13 28 .317 CHARLES M. LYTER WILL MANAGE DAUPHIN TEAM Dauphin, Pa., June 4. —At a specially called business meeting of the Dauphin Athletic Association, held on Thursday evening in Porter's hail, Charles M. Lyter was elected manager of the baseball team. WILL PLAY METHODIST CLUB The West End A. C. will meet the Methodist Club of Harrisburg at Fourth and Seneca Strots Saturday at 3p. m. A good game is expected. 7~ " Safety First Campaign Includes Unique Signs I , Sfecial to The Telegraph Xew York, June 4.—The - s| land railroad has adopted unusual i "safety first" precautions by erecting ( huge signs at prominent points along jits lines on Long Island bearing the words: "Save Your Lives—Save Your Lives." and the following: "This sign may save your life to day. All the precautions in the world i will not save the lives of those who I drive automobiles recklessly over rail ! road crossings. When approaching a | crossing, please stop, look and listen. We are doing our part. Won't you I do yours'.'" j XEW LEBANON VALLEY CAPTAIN" I Annville, Pa., June 4.—Edward |Ziegler, an Elizabethville boy, was I elected captain of Lebanon Valley's [baseball nine for next year. Ziegier i lead his team mates in batting and is | a good patcher and fielder. The men i of the baseball squad who were award |ed the college letter "L" are: Captain Larew. Captain-elect Ziegier. Manager j Snavely, Machen. White, Stlckel, Mc l Nelly, Atticks, Keating and Swartz. Superb || JI'ST OIT A XEW I^l Interwoven Uji SOCK M COMBINATION SILK 3 Pairs SI.OO I FORRY'S, I THIRD Near WALNUT ii^ JUNE 4. 1015. Young /fpf\ Mens y fon] Styles \ II I irj( V t fSßS r ll7 Young men with social engagements have to have clothes that are "up and coming." You probably know what you want. So do we. That is why so many young men come here. We are exclusive headquarters for Styleplus Clothes $17.00 A suit popular with young men. because It Is so skilfully styled, and because there are so many fabrics aud models to choose from. The quality is guaranteed and the price is only sl7. IN The Hub's Special $25.00 we also have everything young men demand. Patch pocket models. English models with soft roll, models that are half lined and skeleton lined far Summer. All the new fabrics, including the new Tweeds, Glen tTrquharts and the latest checks. Get the habit! Come to The Hub! We sell "mer chandise of the better kind" at the lowest price it is possible to ask for authentic styling and guaranteed quality. THEiHIIB 320 MARKET STREET fr , i - deposit Boxes Safe ... rfflm place for your valuables. SI.OO and upward for a year. Union Trust Co. JflWrrl»iii Uaioa Trust Building
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