j Yfltir "lay Letter" Here Will teach the Party Yon Sect at Little Cos! I DIED _ ANDERSON Died on Monday. May SI. 1915, Miss Jennie Ayers Ander son. at her home. No. "412 North Third street. . Funeial services will be held at her late home Wednesday afternoon, at - o'clock. Burial private at Sliver Springs Cemetery. LOST LOST Lady's gold watch and fob. Liberal reward If returned to Tele graph Office. LOST The party that took bicycle from front of Post Office, Thursday morning, will be prosecuted unless he return it at once, as he was seen and is known. 1911 North Fourth street. FOUND FOUND The well-dressed man. He always aends his clothes to Eggert s Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works. 1345 Market street. Do you? Both phones. Call and deliver. _ HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED Steamfitter. Apply George R. Naylor, Marygville. Pa. SHOEMAKERS WANTED Opera tor on five bed—misses' and children s welts. Steady job. Carlisle Shoe Co. S3O WEEKLY, evening at home. Everything furnished; no experience; no canvassing. Don't worry about capi tal. Boyd H. Brown, Dept. D, 101. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Wide-awake men who are competent to handle proposition netting $3.00 to $5.00 per day. Loafers need not apply. Call 8 to 9 A. M. and 4 to 6 P. M., Room 400 Patriot Building. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES— ' MEN WANTED Ablebodied, unmar ried men between ages of 18 and 35; citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building. B<l & Market Sts. Harrisburg, Pa- YOUNG MEN WANTED who wish to become practical or mechanical chauf feurs to call or write us at once. Full unlimited course, $35. Open day and evening. Auto Transportation Repair Shop, 5 North Cameron street. HELP WANTED —tcuiale WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to learn cigarmaking. Paid while learning. Apply Har risburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. WANTED—Experienced help and learners. Apply Silk Mill, Cor. North and Second streets. WANTED White woman for gen eral housework. In small family. Ap ply 1511 North Fourth street, Harrls burg. , WANTED Girl for Ice cream par lor; must come recommended. Apply 409 North Second. i WANTED Girl to do bookkeeping and stenograpry; also take charge of office; SB.OO per week when proficient. Address 8.. 2589. carc of Telegraph. WANTED Girl for general house work. Apply 2116 North Fifth street. WANTED Double-entry book keeper, with knowledge of stenography; lady. Address S., 258 i, care of Harris burg Telegraph. OUR students write shorthand (125 words a minute) and transcribe them into ideal business letters, using a blank keyboard. Enroll now. Harrls burg Shorthand School. 31 North Sec ond street. HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female WANTED An exceptional oppor tunity to man or woman that can handle live proposition. Large salary to proper party. Address A., 2586, care of Telegraph. SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Salesmen and demon strators to introduce brand new article. Exclusive territory granted. Send for booklet. Enterprise Manufacturing Co., Easton, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED Middle aged man. with three years' experience, wants position of valve making, hand work, assemb- I ling, trimming and tightening. Apply 1025 North Seventh street. | WANTED By reliable young col- j ored man. work as Janitor or porter in clubroom or apartment house. Address 1210 Apple avenue, second floor apart ment , WANTED Colored boy wants place as office boy or bootblack. Call, or ad dress, H. 8.. 1125 North Fourth street. SITUATIONS WANTED —Female WANTED Colored woman wants genera! housework or day's work; can give references. 1915 Logan avenue. WANTED A young lady wants po sition as bookkeeper or general office work; fourteen years' experience and good reference. Address H. J., care of Telegraph. AVANTED Middle-aged woman wants position as housekeeper or caring for invalid. Inquire George F. Moyer, Market street, second door above Fifth street. New Cumberland. WANTED Colored girl desires gen eral housework. Call, or address, 916 Sarah avenue. WANTED Colored woman desires general housework. Call, or address. 914 Sarah avenue. WANTED Middle-aged colored wo man desires cooking or general house work. Call or address. 608 York ave nue. City. UNDERGRADUATE NURSE open for engagements, maternity or general. Ad dress Miss Alleman, Camp Hill. Pa. j REAL ESTATE FOR SALE BI'NGALOW FOR' SALE Steam heat: gas; electric lights: 8 rooms and bath: Targe porches; iot, 60x150; fruit; 5c carfare. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. SUBURBAN LOTS FOR SALE at both Penbrook and Camp Hill: various sizes: good locations and at very rea sonable prices. Get particulars at Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. J FOR SALE : A GILT EDGE | : SMALL FARM i ♦ ♦ J 8 ACRES * ♦ Along the Harrisburg and Car- • ♦lisle trolley—l % miles west of» J Meohanicsburg. ♦ !8-room frame house wlthj porches. , a Frame ground barn and usual t ! outbuildings. Iss-ft. artesian well at the house f # —cistern at the barn. f « Not a cheap properly but well { ♦ worth the price asked. I i MILLER BROTHERS & CO.; J REAL ESTATE ♦ ♦ Fire Insurance Surety Bonds* ♦ Locust aal Court fllre«ti ♦ ♦e»««» « » • • • TUESDAY EVENING, REAL ESTATE TOR SALE PKNN STREET HOUSE FOR SALE— 3-story brick: 8 rooms; bath: gas: elec tric lights; steam heat: porch; lot 18x100. Inspect It. No 2124 Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. 88 ACRES: 4 miles west of Enola; on State road; frame dwelling contain ing 10 rooms: frame bank barn: level land; well fenced; spring and well. Rrlnton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE Six-room house; stands alone on double lot at Washing ton Heights. Bath, heat, electric light, all conveniences. Inquire George H. Rice's Grocery Store, Washington j Heights. | FOl! SALE; I 2551 North Sixth street. 3-story brick, j 8 rooms, bath and furnace; lot. 15x90. I This property car. be bought for the ! low price of $2,600.00. Corner Summit and Dauphin streets, 1 Enola; S-story frame dwelling; 8 rooms | and bath: lot 100 feet front: porches. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE —Desirable building lots in the Tenth Waril, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets. An opportunity for a builder or real estate dealer to secure well located property for development purposes. Ad dress L., No. 1587, cure of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT lOO7 and 1009 Mariada street; two-story brick; 6 rooms and bath furnaoe and cemented cellar. W. E. Moeslein. 612 Boas street. Bell phone 2593. FOR RENT llBB Christian street — two-story brick 8 rooms all con veniences ln excellent condition. Rent. $17.00 per month. Inquire M. L. Bowman. 269 Herr street. FOR RENT Storeroom. Third and Cumberland streets, 33x100; show win dows 14 feet deep; low rent. J. S. Sible, j 256 Herr street. FOR RENT No. 22 Balm street; 8- room house; all Improvements; rent, 1 $16.00 per month. Apply George W. Orth, 1831 North Sixth street. FOR RENT 1713 North Third street; all Improvements: good repair; newly papered, newly painted inside and out; immediate possession. Apply 1100 North Front street. FOR RENT House 618 Wiconlsco street: eight rooms and bath. Rent. ' sl2. Immediate possession. Apply 2331 North Third street. FOR RENT The large dwelling 1 house. 701 Green street; all improve- . ments; steam heat; possession June 1. I Apply 268 North street. Bell phone 46J. ! FOR BENT 607 Maclay street; newly painted; 9 rooms; front alley way; good repair; $20.00 per month. J. S. Sible. 256 Herr street. NORTH WILDWOOD, N. J. Bun galow for rent. July and August; 7 rooms, furnished: gas; bath: near sta tion. Address Box 812, Harrlsburg, Pa. TWO new 2'A-story brick dwellings, 1207-1209 North Fourteenth street (above Cumberland'*; 8 rooms and bath; nicely papered; gas; electric lights; paved streets: all conveniences; front and rear porches. Rent, $26 month. Immediate possession. Apply R. Oca elager. 711 North Third street. FOR RENT House, all Improve ments; city steam heat; central loca tion. S doors above Market street; suit able for boarding or rooming house, t North Fifth street. Apply S. Meltzer, 613 Walnut street. FOR RENT A three-story dwell ing house. No. 1507 North Sixth street; all conveniences; cemented cellar; steam heat, etc. J. T. Ensmlnger. Sec ond and Chestnut streets. 1 I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT | FOR SALE OR RENT Dwelling j and bakery at Shiremanstown, Pa; fine 1 location; only bakery In town. Inquire of S. B. Jackson, Carlisle, Pa. WILL SELL at a sacrifice or rent. 1815 North Second street; possession at once. Apply Regent Theater. 410 Mar ket street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Apartment 1101 North Third street; all conveniences; steam heat. Apply 261 Herr street. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Second floor at the Walzdorf. facing Capitol; six rooms, tiled bath and pantry; hardwood floors, electric light and city steam. Inquire 400 North street. I I FOR RENT Apartment, with all I modern improvements, including city steam heat. No. 204 Walnut street. E. Mather Co. FOR RENT Modern apartment in Althouse Building, corner Thirteenth and Market streets. Rent very liberal for summer months to right party. J. £. Gipple. 1251 Market street. Furnished, Housekeeping, Mae- Daniel's Apartments—two large airy! communicating rooms, none more cheerful with home comfort In city, gas 1 range, bath, private beils, mall boxes. I 1417 Market street. FOUNTAIN APARTMENT FOR RENT. Mulberry and Derry Sts.; third floor; five rooms and bath; Hardwood floor; tiled bathroom; beautifully papered; steam heat; electric lights; window shades; screens; awnings; light on three sides; large bay window in living and diningroom; letter boxes; telephone from vestibule. Keys at Fountain Market Co. D. P. Jerauld. 310 Market street. FOR RENT Apartment second floor, four rooms and bath, with private porch; possession June 1. Southeast corner Fourth and Peffer streets. B. F. Umberger. 4ZI Peffer street, or 10$ North Second street. FOR RENT "Suburban." 2208-2210 North Third street, new modern apart ments: reception hall; 5 rooms: bath; pantry; storage; continuous hot water; front and rear porches. Apply on prem ises. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Large, comfortably furnished room, with private bath; very desirable for one or two gentle men; Second near Pine. Address Box M„ 2588, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or ensuite, light housekeeping; large and cool rooms; piione. Apply 719 North Sixth street FOR RENT Nicely furnished i room; all conveniences, rent reason- [ able. 710 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Well furnished rooms; city steam heat and electric light: ref erence boarding central. 513 North Second street (above State street). I FOR RENT Front room with all [conveniences. 203 Pine street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms t for lodging. Address 638 Boyd avenue. FOR RENT l>arge front bedroom, [ unfurnished, gentleman preferred. Ad ! dress, or cail, 261 Peffer street. FOR RENT Large, well furnished second floor front rooms; all conveni ences; us- of phone. 813 North Second street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sec ond floor and third floor rooms; fine location; use of telephone; reduced rates for the summer. Apply at 203 State str-et. WANTED WANTED To buy. all kinds of sec ond-hand furniture. High prices paid. Apply S. Gold, 1114 Market street. Bell phone 8754. FOR SALE FOR SALE—Bargains In typewriters, SIO.OO and up. Underwood and L. C. Smith, late model, rebuilt, an attrac tive purchane. George P. Tlllotaon. 36 South Fourth street, city. GO TO GABLE'S for w!re fence of all kinds and gates to match. No. 111-117 South Second. FOR SALE Auto, good condition, mado by th- Jeffrey people, will be solu cheap to quick buyer. Apply 61S North Second street. FOR SALE Scratch Pads new supply—6o for 26c while they last. Ap ply Job Printing Department, The Tele graph Printing Company. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE 5-passenger Regal car, J with tools and full equipment; also Chase truck—both In fine shape and overhauled cheap to quick buyer. J. D. Ferry. 125 South Eleventh street. FOR SALE Two second-hand tour ing cars, one five and one seven-pas senger; both in good running order; i can be bought at a very reasonable price. Hottensteln & Zeck. Btitck and Chevrolet Agents, City Auto Garage. "MICHIGAN "40" touring car will be sold cheap to quick buyer. Apply Rob ert & Hoin, 334 Chestnut street. RETIRING BARGAINS! Fence posts. 18c up; linoleum, 36c; rag carpet, ISo; | Ingrain. 20c; best. 46c, sl. $1.25; Brus sel. 60c: lining, .03c; fringe, lc; roof paint, 35c. Repairing. Yingst, Front- Cumberland. FOR SALE High-class roadster; S5-H.-P.; late model, in A 1 condition. Price, $295.00 to quick buyer. Inquire Universal Motor Car Co.. 1826 wood avenue. FORSALE 1912 Cadillac I touring car electric lights and j self starter—in first-class condi tion. Apply 1504 Market street. [ FOR SALE One Westingbouse al ternating current motor '»-H.-P. electric clutch—new. Apply 1501 Mar ket street 1915 BUICK Model C-25 Demonstrat ing car. in very best condition. Driven very little. Will sell for less than wholesale. Guaranteed. Juniata Auto Co.. Miffiintown. Pa. FOR SALE Oak buffet, in good con dition, for SAle cheap. Apply Type writer office. South Fourth street. FOR SALE Five-passenger Max well touring oar; two-cylinder; excel lent condition. Inquire 820 Market street. FOR SALE Millinery store at 1306 Market street. Good rea son for selling. Will sacrifice to quick buyer. This is worth inves tigating. Call bell phone, Xo. 710 R. or address Xo. 1306 Market street. FOR SALE lOO feet of oak shelving. In sertlonß. Apply Hanover Shoe Store. 407 Mar ket street. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad, if paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. WILL sacrifice a light five-passen ger touring car to quick buyer. Would make good jitney. Apply 1934 Park street. City. FOR SALE Slightly used furniture, carpets, cook stoves and ranees at sac "riflce. We must vacate building. Also large wall case, counters, cash register, shelvlngs for sale. Apply Frank Cohen, 607 State street. FOR SALE—I 12-ft. awning and l! -ft. floor case. Call or address 524 Peffer street. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S. 113, 115 j and 117 South Second street. 5.000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acma quality. All the full line of the Acma make. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business office. FOR RENT FOR RENT One room, suitable for store or office room rear corner Sixth and Emerald streets. Inquire B. F. Hoffman. Seventh and Woodbine streets. i FOR RENT Basement store room at 1266 Market street, with heat and water; suitable for tailor, cobbler or plumber. Rent, $lO. J. E. Gipple,- 1251 Market street. FOR RENT Second floor room, 8,700 square feet, for light manufactur ing purposes. New building. Call at premises. Twelfth and Herr street!. CITINKSS Ol'lM.ltll Mill's GROCERY STORE and butcher shop combined ln good location on Hill— doing excellent business reason for selling, going into other business. Ad dress Box C. 2585, care of Telegraph. IF YOU would like to establish a sideline business by mail, sea what we have to offer for $350. Box lz4B, Provi dence, R. I. ANY Intelligent person can earn good i Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Preßs Syndicate, 798, Lock [ port. N. Y. I MADE $50,000 In five years In the mall order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock. 355 Lockport. N. Y. BUSINESS I'LORSONALS OLD GOLD, Silver and Jewelry bought for highest cash prices and sold at reasonable prices; also lowest rate in city on Loans. Hari iaburg Loan Office, 225 Market street. FAST MOTOR TRUCK EXPRESS, one or two tons. All kinds of hauling, furniture and freight, in the city and I suburbs. Prices reasonable. Picnic and pleasure trips. Day or night ser vice. Theodore T. Precht. 441 Hummel street. Bell phone 3644 J. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction, a. N Cluck. 320 Woodbine street. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market I street. Harrlsburg. Pa. Telephone ; orders given prompt attention. Bell ! 1960. HAULING R. A. HARTM AN, Boarding Stable and ; National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe. Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No 2603 R. EXPERT PIANO TUNING by thoroughly experienced and competent to overhaul instruments at reasonable prices. Address Box W„ 2514. care of Telegraph. MONEY TO LOAN ANY person needing money In amounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal aried position, would be benefited by ■ calling on us. Employe*' Discount Co.. » |< North Third street. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We Invite Inspection. Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrlsburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandles. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 76 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street. Both phones. NOTICES D. COOPER & CO. will sell furniture and household goods of Mrs. Arnold, June 16, 1915. front of Broad Street Market, If storage Isn't paid for above said by June 16, 1915. , I NOTICE BIDS will be open for two weeks, for the building of tour houses, on the premises, st the corner of Fourteenth and Reese Streets. Harrisburg. Pa. Plans and specifications may be seen at the residence of John W. Weaver. Fourteenth and Reese streets. Harrls burg, Pa. Bids must be addressed to The Coatesvllle Scrap Iron & Steel Company, Coatesvllle, Pa., care of Mr. Gerson, and "proposal" plainly marked on the envelope. We will furnish cash for building purposes if necessary. RATS: COCKROACHES! Get rid of them. Japanese Vernlin Exterminator does the trick every time, or money re funded. Grocers and Hardware Dealers. Cans, 25 cents. Ryder Hardware Com pany, Distributors, 302 Broad, Harrls burg. D. COOPER & CO. wili sell furniture and household goods of E. L. Dorstein. June 16, 1915. front of Broad Street Market, if storage isn't paid for above said by June 16, 1915. LEGAL NOTICES SEALED PROPOSALS for furnishing paper and other supplies required for the execution of the public printing and binding for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In compliance with the provisions of the act of Assembly, approved Febru ary 7. A. D. 1905, as amended by a.: act of Assembly, approved May 11, 1911, I hereby advertise for proposals for fur nishing paper and other supplies re quired by the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, necessary in the execution of the public printing and binding thereof, for two years from the first day of July next, at certain rates per centum be low the maximum rates fixed in a schedule prepared by the Superinten dent of Public Printing and Binding, and which can be procured upon appli cation to the Department of Printing and Binding, Harrisburg, Pa. Proposals must be enclosed In envelopes, sealed and endorsed "proposals for furnishing paper ar.d other supplies," and be de livered to me at my office in Harrls burg, on the first Monday of June, A. D., 1915, being the seventh day of the month, at or before 12 o'clock M.. of said day. accompanied by bond with two sufficient sureties or one surety company In the sum of ten thousand dollars, as required by said act of As sembly, as amended as aforesaid. Such proposals as shall have been received tin to said hour will b6 opened, and the contract or contracts awarded to the lowest responsible bidder or bid ders. The right is reserved to let the contracts in parts to different bidders if It should be to the best Interests of the Commonwealth. Copies of the schedule, acts of Assembly, and blank bonds must be procured from this de partment, and no proposal will be con sidered unless submitted on blanks so procured, the bond to be prepared In ac cordance with the said act of Assembly as amended as aforesaid. A. KEVIN POMEROY. Superintendent. Harrisburg. Pa„ May 20, 1915. NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication wil be made to the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County on the 28th day of June. A. D. 1915. for the charter of a corporation to be called the Good Will Fire Com pany. of Enhaut, Pa., the character an<T object of which are the maintenance and support of fire engines, hook and ladders, hose and other apparatus suit able and appropriate for extinguishing fires, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights and privileges of the Corporation Act of 1874 and its supplements. E. M. HERSHEY. Solicitor. NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Elizabeth Collins, late of the Borough of Steelton, Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing In Harrisburg. Pa., all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. W. H. MUSSER, Executor, 213 Walnut Street. Harrlsburg, Pa. Proclamation WHEREAS, the Hon. George Kunkel, President Judge, and Hon. Samuel J. M. McCarrell. Additional Law Judge, of Oyer and Terminer and Quarter Ses sions of the Peace of the Twelfth Ju dicial District, composed of the County of Dauphin, having Issued their precept, bearing date the 10th day of May, A. D. 1915. to me directed for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer and Gen eral Jail Delivery and Quarter Ses sions of the Peace of Harrisburg for the County of Dauphin, and to com mence the second Mondav of June, 1915, being the 14th day of June. 1915, and to continue two weeks. Notice Is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace. Al dermen and Constables ot said County of Dauphin that they may be then and there in their proper persons at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said daw with their records. Inquisitions, exami nations and their own remembrances, to do those things which to their of fice appertain to be done, and those who are bound in recognizances to prosecute against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of Dauphin County be then and there to prose cute against them as shall be Just. Given under my hand at Harrlsburg, the 10th day of May, A. D. 1916, being the one hundred and thirty ninth year of Independence of the United States. HARRY C. WELLS, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Harrlsburg, Pa., May 17, 1916. •rn.000.00 SCHOOL BONDS OF THE SCHOOL DIS TRICT OF THE CITY OF HARRIS HI RU, PA. SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed by the Board of School Directors of the School District ot the City of Har rlsburg, Pa., until June 4, 1915, at 7:30 o'clock P. M.. for the puchase of all or any portion of $99,000.00 four and a half (4'4) per cent, coupon bonds ot said School District. They will be Issued in denominations of $1,000.00 each, bearing date of April 1. 1915. and maturing $16,000.00 April 1, IS2O. $2,000.00 annually from April 1, 1921 to April 1, 1944, both inclusive, and $11,000.00 on April L 1945, with the Interest payable on the first day of Oc tober and April of each year. The Principal and Interest will be payable at the office of the Treasurer of the Harrlsburg School District. Har rlsburg. Pa., and the bonds will be free of State tax. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check, payable to the order of the Treasurer of the School District. Harrlsburg. Pa., for the sum of Two Thousand Dollars f$2,000.00). Bonds will be ready for delivery June 25. 1915. and bids must Include the payment of accrued Interest to the date of delivery. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids not deemed to be In the Inter ests of the School Dlstrh-t. By order of the Board. D. D. HAMMELBAUGH. ' Secretarv, Nos. 121-123 Chestnut Street. Harrisburg, Pa. QIIBBER SmMQA SEALS & STENCILS ft#V " MFG.BYHB<S. STENCIL WORKS ■ || U 130 LOCUST ST. HBG.PA. II LOSSES AS RESULT OF GERMAN REPLY Wall Street's Point of View Re tarding Note Reflected in Several Recessions By A isociated Press New York, June I.—Wall Street's point of view regarding Germany's reply to this government was reflected In a number of sharp recessions on the resumption of operations to-day. Losses ran from 1 to 3 points, war specialties naturally scoring greater declines, but standard railways fell 1 to 1% points. All the trading was in moderate amounts, with no indica tion of urgent liquidation. There were fractional rallies after the first de cline, but these were succeeded by an other setback after which trading became dull. NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by E. S. Goshorn, 208-09 Arcade Building, New York, June 1. Open. High. Low. Clos. Alaska G M 33 34 33 34 Amal Cop . 64% 65 64% 65 Am Bt Sug 45 46% 45 46% Am Can .. 35 36% 35 36% Am Can pd 94% 94% 94% 94% Am C& F. 51% 51% 51% 51% Am Cot OH 45 45 45 45 Am Ice Sec 30 30 30 30 Am Loco . 45% 46% 45% 46% Am Smelt. 64% 65 64% 64% Am Sugar . Ex dlv 1%. Am T& F. 119% 119% 119% 119% Anaconda . 80% 30% 30% 30% Atchison .. 99 100 99 100 B& O 71% 71% 71% 71% Beth Steel. 135 146 135 145 Bklyn RT. 87% 88% 87% 88% aCan Pacific 152% 154% 152 154% Cent Leath 35%' 35% 35 35 c& 0 39% 39% 39% 39% CM& St P 88 88 88 88 C Con Cop. 43% 44% 43% 44% Col F & I. 29 2 9 28% 29 Dist Sec .. 15% 16% 15% 16% Erie 24% 25% 24% 25% Erie Ist pfd 39 39 Gen E Co.. 151% 156 151% 156 Goodrh BF 42 % 43% 42% 43% Gt Nor pfd 117 117 Gt N Ore s 31 31 In-Met.... 21% 23% 21% 22% In-Met pfd 72 73% 72 73 KC 8o ... 25% 25% Lehigh Val 140% 140% 140% 140% Mex Petro. 67 68 65% 68 Mo Pac .. 11 12% 10% 11% Nat Lead.. 59 59% ."9 59% N Y Cent.. 85 85% 85 85% NY.NH& H 61% 61% Nor & W.. 102 102 Nor Pac .. 103% 104 103% 104 Pac Mail .. 22% 22% P R R ... 106% 107 106% 107 Pgh Coal . 22 22 Press S Car 44 45 43% 45 Ry Stl Spg 29% 29% R C Cop.. 22% 23% 22% 22% Reading .. 141% 142% 141% 142% RI & S . . 27% 28 27% 28 RI & S pfd 82% 82% bSo Pacific 85% 86 85% 86 So Railway 15% 15% 15% 15% Tenn Cop.. 32% 33 32% 33 cUnion Pac.l23 124% 123 124 U R Rubber 61% '62% 61% 62% U S Steel. 53% 54% 53% 54% Utah Cop.. 64% 65% 64% 65% Va,CC .. 24% 30% 29 30 West U Tel 65% 65% West Mfg.. 91 93% 91 93% aEx dlv 2%; bEx div 16; cEx div 2. PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia. June 1. Wheat Lower; No. 2, red, car lots, export. $1.41(81.44; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, 51.5701.C0. Corn Lower; No. 2, car lots, export, 75@79c; No. 2, yellow, local, 82©82% c. Oats Lower; No. 2. white, 59® 59 He. Bran Dull; winter. per ton, $28.00; spring, per ton. $25.50. Refined Sugars Ten points higher; powdered. 6.20 c; granulated. 6.10 c; con fectioners' A, 6.00 c. Butter The market Is steady; western, creamery, extras, 28% c; near by. prints, fancy, 32c. Eggs The market is steady; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases. SB.OO per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $5.70 per case; western, extras, firsts, $6.00 per case; do., firsts, free cases. $5.70 per case. Live Poultry—Quiet. but steady; fowls. 17@17%c; old roosters, ll®12c; chickens, 13@18c; do., broilers, 20@32c; turkeys, 12®14c; ducks, 12®15c; geese, 10W lie,. Dressed Poultry The market Is steady with a fair demand: fresh kill ed fowls, fancy, -18® 19c; do., aver age, 16®17c; do., unattractive. 14®15c; old roosters. 12% c; frosen fowls. 16® 18c; roasting chickens, 14®21c; broil ing chickens, 22®27c; turkeys. i»t/ I2r: ducks, 11® 18c: geese. 12®lie. Potatoes Market steady; Penn sylvania. per bushel, 406>45c: Maine, per bushel, 50®52c: New York, per bushel, 45®50c; Southern, per barrel, $2.7 5 @4.75. Flour Market nominal; winter, clear, $5.50®4.10; straights, Pennsyl vania, $6.90® 7.15; spring straights. $7.25®7.60;; do., patents. 57.50®8.26; western. 54.25®4.40: patents. $4,604) 4.7E; Kansas straights, jute sacks, S4.lt LEGAL NOTICES PROPOSALS FOR WASTE PAPER PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, State Capitol Building. Harrlsburg, Pa., June 8, 1915. for the purchase and re moval of ledger, bond, book, and other scrap paper, and old news papers and manllla cards collected and baled by the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings for the year beginning J-<ne 1. 1915, and ending June 1. 1916. Contractor to remove the above at his own expense from the buildings when directed by the Su perintendent. The successful contractor will be re quired to give an approved bond In the amount of $500.00 for the faithful per formance of the contract. The right Is reserved to reject or accept any or all bids. Proposals are to be submitted In sealed envelope marked. "Proposals for Waste Paper. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. SEALED PROPOSALS will be lecelv" ed for the printing and binding of the Annual reports of the Departments of Public Affairs, Accounts and Finance, Public Safety. Streets and Public Im provements and Parks and Public Prop erly, and also for the binding of fifty copies of the report collectively for the use of the city. Bidders will be requested to bid at a rate below the maximum price which Is fixed at $1.25 per page. All persons bidding are requested to securely en velope. seal and address In the left hand corner of the envelope "Proposals for the printing and binding of Annual Re port and address the same to the un dersigned, President of Citv Council, and delivered to the City Clerk on or before twelve o'clock noon, Monday, June 7. 1915. The bids to be opened In the City Council at Its meeting to be held Tues day, June 8. 1915. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. No bids will be received that are not filed with the City Clerk on or before twelve o'clock noon. Monday. June 7. 1915. JNO. K. ROYAL President ot City Council. JUNE 1, 1915. Queen of Italy, Who Has Given 3 Palaces For Hospital Use Rome, June I.—Queen Helena has put at the disposal of the Italian Red cross the royal palaces at the Quirinal, Milan and Jlantus. 04.80; spring, firsts, clear, »4.00®4.20; straights, $4.20®4.30: patents, {t.iiu© Hay The market Is steady; tim othy, No. 1. large bates, $20.00(020.50; No. 1, medium hales, s2o.oofi 20.50; No. 2. do., $18.00@19.00; No. 3. $16.50® 16.50; sample, $14.00@15.00; no grade, $12.00013.00. Clover mixed hay: Light mixed, $19.00® 19.50; No. 1, do., $18.00018.60; No. 2. $16.00® 17.00. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Associated Press Philadelphia. June I.—Stocks closed steady. Cambria Steel 46% General Asphalt 26% General Asphalt. Pfd 65 ' Lake Superior Corporation 7% Lehigh Navigation 72 >4 Lehigh Valley 70% Pennsylvania Railroad 53 7-16 Philadelphia Electric 23% Philadelphia Company 34 Philadelphia Rapid Tiansit 8% Storage Battery 50 Union Traction 32 >4 United Gas Improvement 82% United States Steel 54% CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago. 111., June 1. Hogs Re j ceipts, 13,000; slow. Bulk of sales, $7.65 ®7.80; light, $7.55®7.85; mixed, $7.50® I 7.80; heavy, $7.20%7.75; rough. $7.20<3> 7.35; pigs, $6.0007.40. Cattle Receipts 3,000; firm. Na tive beef steers, $7.10®9.30; western steers, $6.85®8.20; cows and heifers, $3.30®8.75; calves. $7.00®9.50. Sheep Receipts, 7,000; strong. Sheep. $6.50®7.55; lambs, $7.50®10.35. CHICAGO HOARD OF TRADE Special to The Telegraph Chicago, 111., June I.—Board of Trade closing: Wheat—July, 1.21; September, 1.17%. Corn —July, 75%; September, 7574. Oats—July. 4774: September, 43%. Pork—July, 18.02; September, 18.35. Lard—July, 9.77: September, 10.20. Ribs—July, 10.57; September, 10.87. PLANNING COMMISSION CONFERS ON COAL WHARF At a conference to-day of the Plan ning Commission, representatives of the Harrlsburg Light and Power Com pany and Park Expert Warren H. Manning, the Electric Light Company agreed to continue the decorative fea tures of the coal wharf, and that should the present site on the island ever be changed to a more desirable point, the expenditures for the embellishment will be bom by the company. The question of a removal of the coal wharf In the future was raised by the action of the Planning Commission in obtaining the services of Mr. Manning to plot the river basin with reference to boat houses, wharves, etc. THE Harrlsburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will be open daily, except Sunday, at 8 P. M., at Its new location, 1701 North Second street, for the free treat ment of the worthy poor. ICABIRIA Cost $250,000 —§__________ ui.... _■ 1 -i. ■ .. ' ,j — ■ 1' ■. . , —ljm ' • This Exceptionally Well Built 3-Story Brick: House with lot 87%x125 feet. Ten rooms—bath and butler's pantry—front and back stairways—tiled bathroom and front vestibule —cedar closet —linen closet—mirror doors —open flre-place—laundry In cellar—front, side and back porches—front and side porches 9 feet wide. Housa completely weather stripped with Chamberlain metal strips; also rust less screens for every window and door. It is Impossible to do this property justice in so brief a description. Make an appointment With Miller Brothers & Co., Locust and Court streets and they will show you throusrh the place. A J AUTOS CIiUTTKH THE FARMS It is a conservative statement to make that there is not a rural hamlet where there is not at least one auto mobile owned by a farmer; most timed there are several. These are not al ways for pleasure. As a matter of fact, I suppose it would be the excep tion where there was not more or less utility combined with pleasure. The carryall and market auto is frequently seen, taking the milk or light produce to market in the morning and the family to a nearby neighbor or to town in the evening, or to the church on the Sabbath.—Christian Herald. FOR RENT Store Room, 19 N. Third Street Apply 20 X. Fourth St., Second Floor j IDEAL HOMES Price $4,000 Only two out of nine left on North Sixth street. Three story bricks, nine rooms and bath; vapor heat; laundry on first floor; hardwood floors; porches and lawns; fully equip ped. Sold on reasonable terms. MacWILLIAMS CON STRUCTION COMPANY Office 2150 N. Fifth St. NO NEEI) TO DISCOURAGED if your efforts are not appreciated and there is no chance for ad vancement. There are always good positions open in Harrisburg for competent men—positions where good conscientious effort will be rewarded by constant advance ment. Just use a Telegraph WANT AD and reach the firm that is looking for just such a man as you. 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers