► , \ : The Clothes Message of the Day For Men~We Purchased a Surplus \ : Quantity of ; 1 r SU * ts at are s * at to $22.50, illustrate a high < ' BIU I i y degree of clothes economy, and $13.65 will be the price starting ftmu < ; to-morrow morning. ; : Suits Are Late Spring Models and Weights j Mi We're inviting young men and old-young-men to come, see this collection, if at all interested in saving, and we're perfectly sure of your w ► vyi/| S^C w * n( *. ow ®*' ve a a * r *^ ea t^le P attern s, while in the lot itself, you'll find cheviots, cassimeres, homespuns, worsteds and un- * [ f'jd gy Blues, Grays, Tans, Browns, Tartan Checks, Over plaids and Mixtures. * : WHS® ' BRANDEGEE KINCAID & CO. gMStT • : ' CLOTHES S^H^ 5 " : L lItKDICtE (INCiUd • CO. . . , ... , , . , . ~, . 6IT K'l KCAI O■* CO. ' clothes. | A name that is always associated with clothes of the highest type, both in style and workmanship—reliable as a certified bank check. Mr. Short—Mr. Stout—Mr. "Regular"—let us show you your size. BOWMAN'S- Third Floor. '■* / 4 China Art Linens JSxxamaM Goods , e f 00 , CAljf; 1991-AXY PHONE POUNDKI) 1871 • 4 I and Linens J : "™—"" d• n .1 • . —— «>.£&. 34?" : K and sandwich baskets OIIKS DOyS Uothmg HHBfel ■ B | 3 V %V.! Bleached Sheeting, 10* " : wL™, P B°oVdo Z .-fc™lriy Bedwear Silk ana Cotton Poplin., Norfolk Sui« a. „ $1.20; cups and saucers; 5, Crochet Spreads, 72i/ a * 49 * J*. - garnet, brown, { mixtures in blues' I I I r™"' It ? d \~ lengths; even, round thread. < 6 and 7-inch plates; blue -regularly $1.00; full bed taupe, .wistaria, Copenha- grays and browns; sizes 7 I I I widt § . Challies. 37/ 8 ? yd.-Per- « willow decoration. s j ze geilj ma i se an d Nile; 36 t o 17 vears. J I , s,an and Oriental designs; < ► Mixing Bowls, 30* set— Comforts, 40* regu- inches wide. Norfolk Suits at #1.50 i 3 BlUfel B rt r,Vi!!!n DU r?' 12 #* yd / cut from full pieces. , K formerly 57c; yellow earth- larlv 75c; single bed size. formerly $l9B and s'49- ' I ■ I originally /.ic, 27 inches Silver Gray Calico, 4* yd. j ► enware," with decorative Gray Blankets, 20* each; Cheney Bros. Silk Fou- dark colors; sizes sto 12 i Wlde ' regularly 6]4c; cut from full ► band around bowl; six —single bed size. lards, SOtf- yd. formerly years.- j Mercerized Lunch Cloth, pieces. * ► bowls to set. Baby Blankets, 10* each 79c ;'set figures in all shades. ' White Blouse Wash %HI \ 30*—regularly 59c; 45x45 Unbleached Muslin, < Basement regularly 29c pr. «nwMAN-R_M»m Floor Suits, 65*—formerly $1.25; «sJ \f Vj inches. yd. regularly 10c; 36 •< BOWMANS— Main Floor botsman Main rioor sliehtlv soiled • sizes's tn 10 « I I Absorbent Toweling, inches wide; heavy quality. A ——— , s yd.—regularly 10c. Sheets at (it*—regularly ' rri , _ C? _ 'Knickerbockers, 30*- Huck Towels, $2.50 doz. 95c; 90x90 inches; made of Wall rapers There SCL &GLle OT \\ ncn and P UD 1 -regularly $3.48; 21x39 Portland muslin; laundered; , " Wall Papers at 0* roll- -r- \ • f - % • S\ crash; sizes 6to 17 years. "OrCIX Kockers, inches. 3-,nch hem at top. ' : Embroideries Going On Like m ustration> r'r r !— —; ► Shadow stripes, tn-color . »«»*«««, j ► gold designs and highly col- That offers very low prices on favored designs and FrirJav Srw»rial T\ 11 :b ßht^oU lfe , Leather Goods Dollar Day Clean-Up ; : »U.,Vro.- On tk P Rihhons and Bar Hal, wm™ In the Shoe Section To-morrow J and *6c vata«. Unthe rUDDOnS ana i Ch.i« ............ *e,B® Mens Shoes women-. Shoes Bedroom and livingroom !— 1« " 8 , "andbags, 3-piece kaltcx Porch Set, Boys' Shoes Women's Oxford-3 4 ► SZj n wi^ g .nd n flZl Carpet Floor Neckwear o -» ™>ery . c; red S rSr.l ! e "? e »14.95 Children's Shoes Women's Pumps ► stripes. Cut out' borders to Smyrna Rugs. Sfle-rtj- Moire Ribbons, 10e yd. Women's Belts, 10* - Bamboo Porch Tables, Original prices $1 50 to $5 00 ► ni J rh ~ifrlv «1 1; ■ <\re 10x60 formerly 20c. formerly 50c; white pique; covered with Japanese mat- wi iginai pnteb, 10 q>j.vAi. match - , V ,a . r, y M«e jUxou Ribbons at 5* yd.-for- slightly soiled. ting at . SI.BO FrirUv Onlv ► BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. inches; reversible. m.rlv Iflr tn?v' 1 tn 1 nnwuiM,. „ . r „ rriday Unly . ~ meily lUC to 1 to O BOWMANS—Main Floor BOWMAN'S —Fifth Floor . 4 ► \ Axnnnster Door Mats, inches wide. AA ► Brown Reed Sulkey, 79*—regularly sl.U>; On- Ribbons at 17* yd.—for- v 3 I .till £ rVYV 1 : S^s.- dsfci4to7 Frida . .. •, i , —regularly s>c , white tile Neckwear at each— p•« j _ ' ' 4 ► J ejects fine for bathroom Handkerchiefs '" XN MAN s '" 1 " t " T,loor ' ■ Crepe meteor and crepe tie chine; good . < ► Camp stools, 10*—\ Kltrhen Wares Styles; assorted shades. Regularly sls and S2O. 25c !!!!!! iS Under Wear and " ► Cr ep e de Chine Handker- re gularly 25c; with Blapk Silk Skirts-four sections; *3.40. Value $4.98. 60c Jet Combs i«e « , chiefs, 10*—formerly 2oc; h^y seatg Water p ailS) _ for . White Ratine Skirts< 8 0*—value $1.25. 20c Amber Hair Pins, doz Bo < ► all wanted shades. V ' / merly 39c and 4 ( >c; gray Percale Petticoats, SO*—regularly 59c—stripes and fig- BOc Emblem Sets 19c llOSiery 'a Plain and cross bar hand- "W7 1 enamel; 10 and 12-qt. ca- ures. j 5c All-over Hair Nets 2c j V t it>i//. 1 kerchiefs, 1* each. W aSH L/fCSS pacity. Seersucker Petticoats, 30*—regularly 59c—blue and ic Wire Hair Pins, 5 packs, lc vests, I 2 C regularly 4 ► Preserve Kettles, 23* - white. " " BOW MAN S-Main Floor 1/c, bleached; tape neck and ► ' " r 1 formerly 39c and 49c; gray China Silk Waists, 08* —new models; plain and cm- ———— scexe.s, ace yo es. / ► ———— VaOOQS enamel; 10 and 12 qt. ca- broidered; dainty collars. Felt Pennants, 15* 1 Fibre Silk Hose, 30* pr. 4 ► * pacity. . BOWMAN-S—Second Floor. ' , —regularly 50c; plain black; < ► w/j i« Crepe Plisse, yd.— Bathroom Fixtures, 3."s<fi _____«—_ regularly _."> c; Cential. double soles; wide garter ' k Muslinwear value 15c; rosebuds; set fig- each^—formerly 75c; 18-inch * * » T Tech, State, Academy, tops. ures in white; 32 inches glass shelves; 12 and 24- c I 2poc or , J Steelton, etc. T r . . „ A Extra Size Nainsook wide; 500 yards. inch towel bars; wall soap iVlCll 5 I_jCIL,Co dllCl m * j.,, I-ancy Sox, 4 *■ Gowns, 45* regularly Kimono Crepes, o*4* yd. dishes; tub soap dishes; ~ . . 1 . 1 . rC f l,lar y 17c; < ► 59c; low neck, short sleeves; —regtilarly large de- combination soap and turn- r 1 lvniQninO H ITSnrnin*oi"lAC t "' ° Cl anc - v °P S - ► embroidery trimmed at neck signs and" plain colors; 300 bier holders. 1 UllllolllllgO L/rapefieS BOWMAN'S— Main Floor A ► and sleeves. yards. Tin Wash Boilers. 30*— r>r,»cc <;hinc ,- P .,n .Torchon Edges, 10* bolt . ► Corset Ccvers, 25* - Unen Finish Suitings, formerly 59c; riveted tin , a dv |oc i)e. cales coat -formerly 30c and 35c-12 Ecru Curtain Lace, 8* to ► formerly 50c; made of nain- 10* yd.—formerly 25c; 32 stvle. witli attached cuffs. -J' 31 sell^at 1 ", '> nian (|Uantl ' 10* yd.—formerly to S ► sook, lace and embroidery inches wide; light and dark Chopping Baskets, I.l*- - ty to sell at this price. 25c• 12 to 46 inches wide; VV UUICII b , trininiC(L shades; fuH pieces of white" willow. ' ul-ulf'4^ Val. Insertions and Edges. with and without finished pi • Gingham Belt Aprons, Lace Voiles, 10* yd. Clothes Hampers, 80* cmalilv muslin •no collaf 2.»* bolt—formerly 50c and c dge. LIIOVeS 10*-pla.n gored; with and formerly 2 ? c; 40' inches formerly $1.25; round; made q«ahU muslin, no collar. 60c: match sets; 12 yards to , r ri without ruffle. wide; neat figures and rose- of white willow• with cover Suspenders, I<* pr. bolt. Curtains at 3;>* to Jfc>.i.» Silk Gloves, 40* pr. < " Brassieres, 50*—former- ,)UC,S - Folding Sewine Table regularly 25c; lisle web- pr.—formerly 59c to $8.00; value 75c; 2-clasp, in all < ly 75c to $1.25; hooked front Figured Lawns, 5* yd.— 80*— formerly $125- %- bing; assorted ends. insertions, yd. —val- white and ecru, lace. Not- shades. ► and crossed back; yokes of formerly waist inch nieasure marked on Underwear, 1?* regu- «es tip to 10c. tingham, net and scrim cur- Silk Gloves, 40* pr < ► embroidery; lace and em- le "K ths - , top. larly2sc; athletic shirts; Embroidery Galloons, 5* tains - values SI.OO and $1.25; 16- 4 ► broidery trimed; reinforced Worsted buttings, IS* Floor Mop, 75*—former- knee drawers; not all sizes. yd.—formerly 10c to 20c. ' Cord and Tassels, 1* pr. button length; black only. 4 - ""IwL7n%_« y ; ly $1.50; floor S hi„e and Boys' Open M es h Union Swiss Insertions »<• yd -formerly 10c. bowman s-m.i„ < BOWMANS—Second Floor n £. l . P „' .. „ . Saill-genic fltior mop, incltld- e„i». Qs/ Utt (Ui , ya. ___________ Black Mercerized Satine, j ntr handle. Suits, rf.»*, or 3 for Shl.oo —formerly 2.ic and 39c. . Sample Curtain Strips, —————v 4 * „ . ! Vil M yd.—formerly 20c; Mays' Flower and Vege- —regularly ,ioc; ecru; short Voile Flouncing vH 1 to 30* strip for- Lawn Bench, 05*— 4 ► Fly Swatters given away ■36 inches wide; lustrous table Seeds, 1* packet; reg- sleeves, knee length, sec- —f< 50c'and 59c merly $1.50 to $3.00; 2/ a and regularly sl.2s;'green; U FREE at Bowman's inl^ 1 ' . ularly 2c. inches wide. 3 yaids long. 4-ft. length. 4 y BOWMANS —Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Basement BOWMAN'S —Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMANS —Fourth Floor. v • A A AAAAAAAAAAAAAiAAiA AAAAAAA A A A A AAAAAA AAA -*■ Sycamore Playgrounds to Have Eighth Mile Track and Tennis Courts An eighth-mile running track nnd •four tennis courts are to be some of Hie permanent recreation features for Ihe Sycamore street playground which Park Commissioner M. Harvey Taylor liu* planned, and these are now being-! THURSDAY EVENING, laid out In connection with the grading of the plot. SKRVTCEB FOR MRS. HARDY Funeral services for Mrs. Martha Hardy, aged 49, who died at her home, 1081 South Ninth street, Tues day morning, will be held from Vine Street Methodist Episcopal Church to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. Robert Runyan, officiating. Mrs. Hardy Is survived by three sisters, one brother and five daughters. EXPERT TO SUGGEST NEW COOKERY KINKS [Continued from First Page.] Homes sessions here, over which she will preside are to be held in Fahnes tock Hall. The school will open on Monday afternoon, May 24, at 2.30 and will continue for six days. Mrs. Vaughn will give Instruction each af HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ternoon on practical, hoipoly topics that arc of vital interest to every housekqeper no matter what her sta tion in life. Each session will be di vided into three periods. During the first of these Mrs. A'aughn will lecture on "The Home," "Food," "Economy" and kindred topics. The second period will he devoted to a cookery lesson In which Mrs. Vaughn will not. simply tell how to prepare good things to eat, but will actually demonstrate on» her 'work table, with spoon and mixing. bowl and other cooking utensils. Just exactly how to mix and blend the vari ous materials needed and will then proceed to bake, or boll, or stew, or fry these mixtures on an up-to-date gas stove. The remaining period of the afternoon will probably be voted by most of the members as the most pleasing of all in that at this time Mrs. Vaughn will serve the foods she prepares in her cookery lesson. In view of .the fact that Mrs. Vaughn is .a very famous southern cook, this is MAY 20, 1915. no ordinary treat. Mrs. Vaughn has spoken before wo men's clubs, mothers' clubs, and do mestic science classes nil over the country. She Is a demonstration of the fact that there Is nothing In this day that a woman cannot accomplish, so long as she undertakes and has the courage to overcome hardships and use them for stepping stones to greater achievements. Her work will 'deeply interest the club women, and others of this city. All are cordially invited to hear her every day. W. C. T. U, MEETING Women's Christian Temperance Union meeting of the Seventh District of Harrlsburg will be held at the homo of Mrs. Harry Saylor, 613 Dauphin street, to-morrow at 8 o'clock. 3
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