DIED _ WENRICK Crohn Joseph Wenrick, Sr.. died last night at the home of Ills son, William R. Wenrick. 1312 Herr street, after a short illness, aged 66 years. Mr. Wenrick's health began to fail Immediately after his wife's death, which occurred just two months ago. He was an employe of the Pennsyl vania R. R. shops for the past thirty- i eight years. He was a member of the i . Pine Street Presbvterian Church, the , , Warrior Eagle, I. i). R. M.. No. 340, and I the Pennsylvania R. R. Veteran Asso- I elation. ~, | He is survived by the following dren: Mrs. David Arnold, of Harr'«. burg; Mrs. Harry R. Shultz. of L'ike Bay. Wash.; John J., Jr.. lrvin, Wil Jam I and Clayton, all of Harrisburg. The funeral services will bo the home of his son on Tuesday aftp',- noon, at 2 o'clock: the burial In the Harrisburg Cemetery. THORNLEY On Saturda y ls 1915, Emma Louise Thorr daugh ter of the lata Frances T rfo.-nlev aged 28 years. ' Funeral private. °n "".Wesday, at 4 P. M.. from the home of \ ier sls , e ,-. Thornley, No. 134 t'Tanberry street. Friends desiring to th body cnll do so on Tuesdoay /y om 12 to 2. SELLERS -rt F. Sellers died on f-in «A y „iL «rnoon. May 15, 1915, aged 64 yea _ Funeral se /. V |ces will be held from his home, . X 7 Va Muench street, on j 2HSf.i as i„ ' itfrnoon, at 3:30 o'clock. Burial in Harrisburg Cemetery. Rels- > . friends are invited to attend wlthout further notice. LOST h J- AST ljidy's gold watch and fob, Lemcyne and Enola. M. S. F. ? 4 Yob. Reward If returned to Mrs. W< Fortlg, Liemoyne, Pa. f LOST Silver and laco scarf be •tween Country Club and Camp Hill. Re -ward if returned to this office. FOUND FOUND The wail-dressed man. He (.always sends hyi clothes to Eggert* Steam Dyeiruj- and French Cleaning I Works, 12L5 Market street. Do you? Both phqjrts. Call and deliver. HELP WANTED —MALE WANTED A stock or bond sales man can make 54.U00.00 in thirty days If you are a hustler. Address C., 2191, •care of Telegraph. Government Positions Easily secured. Personal Instruction. , Special summer rates. Prepare for Tall Examinations. RAILWAY MAIL POST OFFICE. CUSTOM HOUSE and other positions. For further informa- 1 lion call at or address THE WILLIAM , PENN SCHOOL. 31 N. Second Street, Harrisburg. Offices: Rooms 4 and 6, | • Second Floor, open Monday, Wednes day, Friday and Saturday evenings. 1 Expert consultation and advice FREE OF CHARGE. j WANTED Bejrbovv. Apply Harris- ' burg Club. Front, and Market streets. j AN experieno'ed l?,(»iisekeeping wares 1 man wanted tak* charge of depart ment. Must lytve a thorough experi- I ence in both tiuyfng and .selling. Ad dress at on/e, p, Dtinham & Co., Trenton. N. 3 — ; /-y. WANTED Three good solicitors on newspar>r proposition. Commissions j>aii| w t'efely. Apply Hotel Savoy after Px M. Ask for Mr. H. Leeds. — Boy, between the age of 3''/<*nd 18 years, to worK In stock room; •experienced one preferred. Apply I)c- Aine and Yungel Shoe Mfg. Co.. Six 'toenth and Stale streets. _ ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES MEN WANTED Ablebodled. unmar ,tried men between ages of 18 and 35; •citizens of United States, of good char -acter and temperate habits, who can epeak. read and write jthe English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer. Bergner Building, 3d & Market Sts. Harrisburg. Pa. WANTED Live canvassers to rep renest us In the sale of our goods. •Quick returns. Wig Profits. Allen Nursery Co., Rochester, N. Y. WANTED An experienced butcher; must come witli good reference. Apply 226 Chestnui street. WANTED —■ An experienced shoe shiner ami porter; must be over 21 ;yiars of age. Apply Imperial Pool Par 3<iv and Cigar Store, 1253 Market street. HELP W.VNTED—FemaIe WANTED Experienced salesladies for the Cloak and Suit Department. Ap ply Astrich's, Fourth and Market. WANTED Vampers, lip stitchers and headers. Apply Hyrisburg Shoe Manufacturing Co., Verp.on street, Har ris-burg, Pa. WANTED Gyflort, strong white girl or middle-aged A>iite woman, for gen eral houseworjfc Apply 107 South Sec ond street, floor apartment. WANTEIj—-Vor a private family to go short In country—compe tent colored cook—will have assistant must b'. Tirst-class and have good ref erence's- good wages. 517 North Sec —'/L WANTED Live, energetic woman, T/Mil appearance, witli selling ability; (*>ue with large acquaintance preferred; ,no canvassing: good salary. Address P. O. Box 68, Harrisburg. Pa. WANTED White woman for gen eral housework; referajiee. Call Bell phone 3156 J. WANTED White girl for general Jinusework: must he good, plain cook. Apply fi 13 Herr street. , r -» Houses For Sale 1412 Berryhill St.—3-story brick —8 rooms—bath and furnace. 1207 H Derry St.—3-story brick j | —9 roiims—bath and furnace. 23 X. Eighteenth St.—3-story | brick —one of a pair. A desirably located property. 1834 X. Fourth St. 3-room | < frame house. Lot 22*4x60 ft. Rents 1 at $8 a iTionth. Price, SI,OOO. 1411-13-15 X. Fourth St.—frame houses. Rental income $384. Price, $3,200. 1 921 Green St. —2-story brick— shop 16x20 on rear. Lot 20x171 ft. 405 Herr St.—3-story brick 9 rooms—bath and steam heat.^ 235 Maria.v St.—3-story brick—■ corner house —steam heat. Lot ; 21x98. 244" Reel St,—22-story brick— -8 rooms—bath and furnace, $2,050. 2121 X. Second St.—3-story brick —a thoroughly modern house. 221S X. Second St.—2 -story brick and stucco —modern through out. Lot 25x100 ft. 1316 State St. —3-story brick—B rooms—bath and furnace. 1664 X. Third St. —3-story brick —9 rooms —bath and steam heat. 1801 - 1807 - 1310 - 1312 South Twelfth St.. and 1203 Pigeon Ave. These houses will he sold together 5 or separately. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. REAL, ESTATE Fire Insurance Surety Honda l,ocuat and Court Street* • * v. MONDAY EVENING* IELEGIAPM CLASSIFIED) AM • BRING RESULTS HEBiP TINTED—Female, WAN VE D Girls. y-ears of t o learn srfgarmakiny. Paid leamii>g. Apply Har "isbui 'V — stor/*™ ~~f Lady for af< 1 Oyi With recommendations. "«rth Six£ M " aßk f ° r Mv ' MaC ' 80<i " / y __J_ ■ I h ' n Lady canvassers to sell tea and grocery specials In Hnr r/?,^V' R Apply Tamsul Tea Co., im- I » OUR students write shorthand (12a words a minute) syid irahacrlbe thert\ ln to 14eal business lett«rs. u&ini S. blanK Keyboard. F.nroll ho*. tlaVris burg Shorthand School., vll Kortii Sec oncl street. ANTF#I>~-T\> Ko out of town for summer, white Kirl for greueral house work It* small family. Must be Rood rook. Protestant preferred. Waares, $5.00. Address 8.. 2534, care of Tele* grraph. WANTED jptroduce our merchandise to the public. Grand Union Tea Co.. 208 North Second street. WAXTKI) Saleslady for shoo de partment; must have experience. Ap ; ply Robinson and Co., Third and Broad streets. . RANTED Girl for general house , work. Apply 425 Forster street. WAITED —Experienced help. Apply Silk Mill, Cor. North and Secofid streets. WORK'S DltWesMAktritJ Mt;Hdoi<s —-Ar® tnt» etjulisped schttols of the kind In Amel'lon. Tl|fe)i" Are located most everywhere. Tney Are popular. Join this Bchisi)l how, make all your and Suiliiner drt'sses \vhil& '^. a, hlng. t)ay. ahd tev-enl'ig classes, w. A. Work, Prop., 22 North Fourth stveet. HELP W ANTED —Male or Female WANTED - Middle-aged Jvhlte man and wife, without children. fo(- service at suburban' place Hi Harrisburg. Man to care for horses and garden; woman for general housework. Permanent place at good wages for reliable coujtle who can "make good." Address, with references, B. H„ Box 655. Harrisburg, Pa. WAN'TKD lntelligent man or wo man for a good selling proposition; ex ceptional opportunity. Address J., 2535, care of Telegraph. SALESMEN WANTED I AN'old established Typewriter Com- j I pany about to market at popular price | I a visible model typewriter desires local ! j salesmen to devote entire time in ten t- j tory not already assigned. Salary and commission. Address, stating experi ence and held you can cover, Type- I writer, P. O. Box -137, New York City. I ———— , SITUATIONS W.VNTED—MaIe WANTED Work In automobile garage: experienced in repair work; references. Address 8., 2 r -">7, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored man desires windows and paints to clean; cellars cleaned and whitewashed: automobiles washed and polished by day or week; lawns mowed, hedges trimmed. Call Bell phone 1819 J. SITUATIONS WANTED— FemaIe WANTED Position by middle aged woman as assistant cook, cham bermaid or general housework. Address 21 t North Arch street, Mechanlcsburg. Pa. WANTED By an experienced young woman, position as bookkeeper, or general office work; understands real estate, li!e and lire insurance; good reference. Address S. H. J., care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored girl desires general housework. Address Susie Jackson, 916 Sarah avenue. WANTED Respectable Protestant widow, white, desires position as house keeper for widower; no objections to small family; references exchanged. Mrs. A. M. G., Box 70, Rutherford Heights, Pa. j WANTED Young colored girl I wants place to assist with housework, •or as nurse girl. Call, or address, 1434 Vernon street. I RE ALi ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE —Desirable building lots In the Tenth Ward, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets. An opportunity for a builder or real j estate dealer to secure well located property for development purposes. Ad dress L, No. 1587, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE — 1501 Berryhill St. corner property —3-story brick !» rooms, bath ami furnace lot, 16x103. It will be to your advantage to look this property over. Frame bungalow at Kummerijale large lot located at foot of mountain —5 large rooms mountain water —■ garage.— low, price of $1,500.00 pos session at once. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE Cottage on Campmeet ing Grounds, Mt. Gretna, close to Chau tauqua grounds. Excellent location; 6 rooms, kitchen, bath and porch. Rea sonable. J., 2529, care of Telegraph. 2032 UERRYHLLL ST. FOR SALE at a very low price frame house 7 rooms gas porch lot, 20x100 —drive alley on rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. ' WHY not get a list of properties which we are offering for sale? Some desirable properties are offered at re- ] duced price. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. DESIRABLES property on West Cur tin street, Penbrook. for sale; bath, gas, furnace, porch front; lot, 30x190; con- I siderable fruit, chicken house. Bell I Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE 415 Herr street — 3- I story brick dwelling 9 rooms and I bath hot and cold water; steam heat | lO-ft. alley rear of lot. Possession j given at once. M. A. Fought, 272 North I street. 108 ACRES 4 miles east of Harris burg 1 a 4 miles south of trolley line at east end of Progress frame build ings large apple orchard running water In every field. Rrlnton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets. 91,150 WILL BUY newly painted, 6- room house. 1038 South Twenty-third street; 20x115 foot lot. Plenty room to raise chickens or garden. Inquire even j ings at 1409 Thompson street. I FOR SALE —The home of the ! late Lydia A. Linglc, of Halifax, Pa. Inquire of C. C. Metzger, Halifax, Pa. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT llBB Christian street — two-storv brick 8 rooms all con veniences <r- In excellent condition. Rent, $17.00 per month. Inquire M. L Bowman, 259 Herr street. FOR RENT Furnished house for summer; all conveniences. Call any time, No. 1903 Green street. FOR RENT 142 Sylvan Terrace. Inquire 317 Chestnut street. FOR RENT Furnished house- all conveniences, and centrally located. P. O. Box 14 2, Harrisburg. FOR RENT House, all improve ments; city steam beat; central loca tion, 3 doors above Market street; suit able for boarding or rooming house. 9 North Fifth str»et. Apply S. Meltzer, 013 ainut street. 1 HUN, ESTATE FOR RENT I TWO new 2 M-story brick dwellings, 1207-1209 North Fourteenth street (above Cumberland); 8 rooms and bath; nicely papered; gas; electric lights; paved streets; all conveniences; front I and rear porches. Rent. $25 month. ' ' Immediate possession. Apply R. Oen ; | slager. 711 North Third strtet : i FOR RENT A three-story dwell- I! ing house. No. 1507 North Sixth street; all' conveniences- eehlnhtetl cellar; J : steam heat, ate. J. T. Etismlnger, Sec ond antl Ctlfllrilil streets-. WlJ.t SElit, nt a sacrifice or rent, i ISIR North. Slecbnd street; possession at oh'e'£., Retfent Theater, 410 Mar ket street. REAL ESTATE W ANTED WANTED To buy (far cash) sev -1 era! houses renting at from $15.00 to ' i $20.00 per month. State location and best price. P. O. Box 80, Camp Hill, Pa. 1 APARTMENTS FOR REST FLAT 225 Nortlt Second street, sec ond lioor, tlve rooms, tiled bath and ! pantryi every modern improvement. Apply 218 Pihe street, FOR RENT An apartment, three neatly furnished rooms, With bafh. for light housekeeping; all improvements. 1102 Green street, FOlt RENT Aparttnent 1101 North Third street; all conveniences; steam hfcat, Apply 2G4 Herr street. FOR RteNT Modern apartment In Althouse Building, corner Thirteenth ahd Market streets. Rent very liberal hti- suminer months to right party. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. j FOR RENT Modern apartment; , front and rear entrances; tlve well- I lighted rooms: bath and pantry; all private; all conveniences for light ! ; housekeeping; no children. Corner t j Hamilton and Penn sti-eets. , ; I APARTMENTS FOR RENT Second i floor at the Walzdorf. facing Capitol; i j six rooms, tiled bath and pantry; I'hardWood floors, electric light and i j city steam. Inquire 400 North street. | FOR RENT Four rooms and bath. I with all conveniences, including porch ' and storage room; located corner Sixth | and Harris streets. Apply to L Sllvert, j | 1542 North Sixth street, City. I FOR RENT Apartment, second floor four rooms and bath, with private i porch; possession June 1. Southeast j corner Fourth and Pelter streets. B. i F. Umberger. 427 Peffer street, or 108 I North Second street. FOR RENT "Suburban," 2208-2210 ! North Third street, new modern apart- | ! nients; reception hall; 5 rooms; bath',! pantry; storage; continuous hoi Water; , front and rear porches. Apply on prem- ! | ises. i FOR RENT Apartment, with all modern Improvements, including city steam heat. No. 204 Walnut street. E. Mather Co. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished front suite, large Uvingroom, bedroom and private bath; modern in every way; reference required. 218 Pine street. FURNISHED ROOMS, with all mod ern improvements Roslyn Apurt ments, 209 Walnut street. Inquire of Ellanore Gove, 226 North Third street, Millinery Store. FOR RENT Two communicating rooms, furnished; electric and gas; use of bath; suitable for bedrooms or light housekeeping. Bell phone 2065J, or 7 North Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Two large, third floor rooms, furnished for light housekeep ing; also second floor front room; tine location. Apply 255 Briggs street. FOR RENT Two up-to-date fur nished. second floor rooms for light housekeeping: balcony anil all conveni ences; use of phone. Apply 1315 Swatara street. ONE. TWO OR THREE furnished rooms on second and third floors, pri vate house facing Capitol; all conveni ences; phones; use of bathroom; citv steam; very moderate rent.-inquire 426 North street. FOR RENT Two bright, airy rooms furnished for light housekeeping; all '.improvements; gas range: kitchen 'cabinet; refrigerator; gns on separate | meter; references exchanged; $16.00. INo children. 342 South Sixteenth Htreet. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or ensulte, light housekeeping; large and cool rooms; phone. Apply 719 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Large, well furnished j second floor front rooms; all conveni ences; use of phone. 813 North Second street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sec ond floor and third floor rooms; tine location; use of telephone; reduced rates for the summer. Appjy at 203 State street. ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED WANTED Room and board for man and wife, on Sixth street or west of Sixth north of Pefffr; references ex changed. Address H., 2536, care of Telegraph. BOARDING WANTED BOARDING AND ROOMS at 1348* Vernon street. UNFURNISHED ROOMS UNFIiRNISHKIJ ROOMS Built especially for light housekeeping, single or with kitchenettes, arrange ments strictly private, stoves furnish ed free, laundry, phone, and bathroom privileges. Private lookers for surplus furniture. Inquire office, 429 Broad street, or Janitress, same building. Daily inspection Invited. WANTED WANTED Second-hand canoe. Price must be reasonable. Address P. O Box 22. WANTED To buy, all kinds of sec- | j ond-hand furniture, l-ilgh prices paid. Apply S. Gold, 1114 Market street. Bell phone 3754. WANTED Permanently, furnished room well cared tor, at once or bv June Ist at latest; middle-aged, single man; private family and quiet location pre ferred. State floor and price. Address W., 2525, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE GO TO GABLE'S for wire fence of all kinds and gates to match. No. 111-117 South Second. LOGS FOR SALE Mostly Chestnut; two Wild Cherry; one good Walnut, and a number Apple Butts. Can be seen at Livingston Farm. Enoln. A. C. Young, 26 North Third street. Harrisburg. Bell phone. ' FOR SALE At 1715 North Second street, a Golden Oak Bookcase, 67 inches long. 65 Inches high, 14 Inches deep, 3 doors, 25 feet, book space, claw feet, 3 drawers. Very handsome. Can not be told from new. Cost SSO, will sell for $25. Must"be sold at once to make room for larger bookcase. GLASS window Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each One of these signs will be given with each slx-tlme order for a classified ad, If paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. FOR SALE One horse, platform wagon with top, excellent condition, suitable for delivery purposes, etc. Hell phone 1240 W. ISO 6 Berryhill street, Harrisburg. FOR SALE—lndian motorcycle, twin cylinder, two speeder, complete, good i »* new. Call 553 South Fifteenth street, I iyity. '• k HABmSBURG t£3£3& TELEGRAPH FOR SALE j FOR SALE lOO scratch pads in package for 50c. The Telegraph Print ing Co. ALMOST UNBELIEVABLE A flat bottom, tiiaael ■tern nteel power boat, 17 ft. by 4 ft. 2 In., equipped with 4-H - P. Gray motor, Detroit lubricator, in 'lnch gas searchlight. Will run under full power wherever rowboat will float, rudder and propeller fully protected against injury. Regular price, $165. i-fave twS, so will sell same for $75 cash.f. o. b. Mansfield, Pa. If you are looking for a bargain, write or wire at once, W. A. Bates, Mansfleld, Pa. FOR SALE Well bred Airedale puppies. Inquire of M. R. Rutherford. Harrisburg It. F. D. No. 1, or Bell phone 341-R-2. 214 Shares Harrisburg Traction Com pany. 15 Shares Middletown. Highspire and Steelton Electric Railway Co. 14 Shares Harrisburg National Bank. 4 Shares Commonwealth Trust Com pany. 2 Shares Chestnut Street Market Co. 62 Shares Harjlsburg Pipe & Pipe Bending Co. 4 SSOO Bonds Columbia & Montour Electric Railway Co. Address H., 2531. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Second-hand building material Apply 333 Market. FOR SALE Cyphers 140- Egg In cubator In good condition. W. F. Ken dall, 228 North Third street, or Camp Hill, Pa. ■ ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE White enameled Prin cess dresser, table, stand, gas light, two chairs and rocker, $10; bronied bed, spring and mattress. $8: Morris chair, $4; dome light, $6. Apply 432 Hummel i street. FOR SALE Auto, good condition, I made by the Jeffrey people, will be sola cheap to quick buyer. Apply 518 Nor^th ■ Second street. FOR SALE One family horse. Ap ply Ober's Stable, Court and Cranberry ] streets. ! FOR SALE—Mitchell cars, tires new, fully equipped, at a sacrifice to quick ! buyer. Will make good Jitney or de j livery car. Apply 621 Race street. I FOR SALE One twin-cylinder In ■ dian motorcycle, with clutch, new j rings, lamp. etc.. $75.00; one Indian I twin-cylinder, $40.00. Investigate to- I day. Keystone Cycle Co., 814 North I Third street. FOR SALE One National Auto I see this for a jitney for quick sale, I $225.00: one Reo truck, $125.00; one ! Pope Waeerly Electric, $125.00; one j Olusmoblle, $35.00. Keystone Cycle Co., 814 North Third street. I FOR SALE A $550 Jacob Doll plaver-plano, with about three dozen records for $250. Beautiful finish and excellent tone. Apply 316 Chestnut street. DARLINGTON'S STOCK SHOP. 7 per cent, dividend investments. For particulars call 1 North Fifth street. Bell phone 3652. RETIRING BARGAINS! Fence posts. 15c up; linoleum. 35c; rag carpet. 15c; ingrain, 20c: best. 45c, sl, $1.25; Brus sel. 60c; lining, ,03c; fringe, lc; roof paint, 35c. Repairing. Ylngst, Front- Cumberland. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S. 113, 115 and 117 South Second street. 5.000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed palot. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business office. FOR RENT FOR RENT Second floor room, - 3,700 square feet, for light manufactur ing purposes. New building. Call at premises. Twelfth and Herr streets. Nt OI'I'OKTV NiTIES CONFECTIONERY BUSINESS FOR SALE: mooern fixtures; large room; well located; rent reasonable. 11l health cause for selling. Also several grocery stores for sale. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. WANTED Good partner, with bank references, experienced in junk busi ness. Must have established place. Will furnish from $3,000 to $4,000, or will buy an established junk business. Addreps S., 2533, care of Telegraph. 1 AN exceptional chance is offered ac tive party with SI,OCO to Invest, to gether witli common sense and energy enough to conduct a Respectable, Per manent Cash Business that's easily managed. Free from Competition and get-rich-quick schemes where the or dinary labor from $3,000 to $5,000 should be cleared Yearly. Owner of this Business invites the very closest Investigation. Full particulars will have to be given at personal interview, which can be had by addressing Profit able, care of Telegraph. ANY intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send tor par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798, Lock port, N. T. I MADE $50,000 in five years in the mail order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 355 Lockport, N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N. Cluck, 320 Woodbine street. HARDWOOD FI,OORS Rescraped and reflnlshed. New floors laid of all designs. Stairs covered with hardwood. Prices reasonable. J. M. Smith, No. 2219 Brookwood street. Bell phone 1391 L FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. OLD GOLD. Silver and Jewelry bought for highest cash prices and sold at reasonable prices; also lowest rate in city on Loans. Harrisburg Loan Office, 225 Market street. EXPERT PIANO TUNING by man thoroughly experienced and competent to overhaul instruments of the better grade. Address Box W.,.2514, care of Telegraph. POSITIVELY Highest Cash Prices naid for Furniture. Carpets, good sec ond-hand Clothing Dry Goods and Shoes. Don t sell till you see me. Send postal to 636 Herr street. City. ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS Abdominal Bandages and Supporters for Appendicitis. I' loatlng Kidney, after Operations, Naval Rupture, etc., Trusses and Braces. Jere S. Shanaman & Son, Rupture Specialists, 408 Market street. EARTH EXCAVATION WANTED For No. "O" Thew steam shovel. Any excavating for large cellars, embank ments. etc.. can be done at a minimum coat and verv speedily. Address M., 2626, care of Telegraph. PIANO MOVING, tuning, packing and storing. Work done by experts. Winter Piano Co., 23 North Fourth street. Bell phone 146. HAULING R. A. II 4RTM %N, Boa'dlntr Stable and National Trnnxfer Co. Movers of nlanos. safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. LET us sell your automobile. We have buyers if price Is right. Automo- I bile Storage, Repairs. Supplies at rea- I snnabli- nrlces. Keystone Cycle Co.. 814 ' Js'orth Third street. Bell phone 26JR. PRICE RECOVERY IS RESUMED J MARKETS Trading Reflected Confidence in Satisfactory Adjustment of In , ternational Troubles i By Associated Press New York, May 17.—Last Satur l day's price recovery was resumed on a broad and general scale at the out set of to-day's trading, standard shares gaining I to 2 points, while war spe cialties rose 3 to 7, Bethlehem Steel i making the greatest advance. Trad ing reflected confidence in a satisfac ■ tory adjustment of Impending inter national complications. London's mar ket for our shares showing firmness. Dealings were fairly large, but with out spectacular feature. IT. S. Steel was the only stock to show unusual activity at the opening, a block of 4,- 600 shares being offered at 52% to 53 against last peek's chose of 51%. Russia Sends $750,000 Order For Car Axles Special to The Telegraph Johnstown, Pa., May 17.—The Cam- I bria Steel Company announces that it has obtained a peven hundred and fifty ' thousand dollar order for car axles to ' be shipped soon to Russia, probably by [ way of the Pacific Ocean and through Asiatic Russia. It Is also announced that more than - $1,000,000 additional will be realized r on other orders for foreign shipment, some of which come from nations not , now at war. • Business at the big mills has been ■ picking up considerably of late, being helped by an order for a thousand steel cars from the Baltimore and ; Ohio Railroad. War Orders Inaugurate Boom in Rhode Island I Special to The Telegraph i Providence, R. I„ May 17.—There was one big celebration on Smith Hill last night when the news was con firmed that the Rhode Island Locomo tive Works had received a very large orders for brass fuse head, shrapnel and other war goods, and would start work to-day. In a few days 1,500 , hand') will be at work on the order. Superintendent Jastrom said to-day , j thai a thousand men would be put to work as soon as the plant Is ready. Exports to South America Are Rapidly Increasing Special to The Telegraph i New York, May 17.—The rapid re ' covery of business in South and Cen 'iltral America following the decisive 1 slump brought on by the war in em phasized more strongly than ever by i figures made public yesterday of the volume of exports now being shipped from the United States to the Latin j Americans. CHICAGO HOARD OF TRADE Hv Associated Press Chicago, ill.. May 17. Board of I Trade closing: . Wheal —May. 1.56: July. 1.29%. I Corn—May. July. 77< / g. Oats—May. 52; July. 51' j. Pork—Julv, 18.02; September, 15.32. T_,ard—July. «.6.">; September, 9.90. Ribs—July, 10.55; September, 10.80. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate secur'ty In any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174. Harrisburg, Pa. ANY person needing money In amounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal aried position, would be benefited by calling on us. Employes' Discount Co., 36 North Third street. STORAGE | FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private ' rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We invite inspection. Low Insurahce. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE IN 3-story brick building, rear 408 1 Market street. Household goods In clean, private 1 moms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. G. Dlener, Jeweler, 40, S Market St. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandles. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Is hereby given that on or before Monday, June 14, 1915, the un dersigned will make application to the Pennsylvania State Board of Law Ex aminers to be examined on the 6th and 7th days of July, 1915, for admission to the Bar of the Supreme Court of Penn sylvania: Karl E. Richards, of Harrisburg. Pa., a registered student at law in the Office of Scott S. Leiby, Attorney-at- Law, of Harrisburg. , NOTICE Letters of Administration „ de bonis non, cum testamento annexo, r on the Estate of Joseph Anthony, late : of West Hanover township. Dauphin ? County. Pa„ deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing in Renovo. Pennsylvania, all persons in debted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. PETER W. ANTHONY, Administrator d. b. n. c. t. a. Estate of Joseph Anthony, Deceased, Renovo. Penna. I NOTICE Is hereby given that on or before the 16th day of June, 1915, the undersigned will make application to the State Board of Uw Examiners, to be examined on the 6th and 7th days of July. 1915. for admission to the Bar of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania: Roland Ulrlch Douglass, of Harris burg. Pa., a registered student at law In the Law School of the University of Pennsylvania. COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVA NIA, I DEP ARTMENT OF HEALTH. 1 SEALED BIDS or proposals for: PLUMBING. VENTILATING SYSTEM, ELECTRIC WIRING. ' HEATING SYSTEM ' for the new building known as the I West Wins now under construction for • the State Sanatorium for Tuberculosis near Cresson, Cambtla County. Pern ' sylvanla, will be received by Dr. Samuel II G Dixon, Commissioner of Health, at his Philadelphia Office, 1900 Race 1 Street, until noon, Wednesday, May 26. 1915. Specifications for each line of work are complete and bidders bidding on 1 more than one must submit separate ' and distinct bids. Plans and specifications may be ob i talned at the office of the State De i. partment of Health In Harrisburg, or at tile Philadelphia Office upon deposit - of $25.00 for each set, which will be p returned on receipt of plans and speci - (lcntlons in good condition. The right - Is reserved t" reject any or all bids. I SAMI'EI. G. DIXON. Commissioner of Health. MAY 17, 1915 NEW YORK STOCKS New Yprk, May 17. Open. High. Uw. C'los. xAmal Cop 6t> 67'/4 66 66} i Am Bt Sug 4 4 4 4 43 43 H Am Can .. 3314 34'.4 33 34% Am C& P. 49% 50% 49% 50U Am Cot Oil 46% 46% 46% 48% Am Ice Sec 81% 31% 31 31 -Am Loco . 42% 44% 42% 43% Am Smelt . 6,".% 66% 65% 66% Am Sugar . 10lj% 105% 105% 105% Anaconda . 31% 32% 31% 32 Atchison .. 99% 100 99% 99% B& O 72% 72% 72% 72% Beth Steel . 137 137 184 184 Bklyn RT. 87% 87% 87% 87% C.ul Petro.. 15% 16% 16 15% •)< an Pacific 159% 159% 158% 158% Cent Leath 35% 36 35% 35% ££ 0 43% 43% 43 43% CJI& St P 89% 90 89 90 ?, 9°J P op - 43 4Si » <2% 43% Colt &1.. 26% 26% 26 28 "• Corn Prod . 12% 13% 12% IS% Dis Sec .. 13% 13% 13 13 Erlo 24% 25% 24% 25% Erie Ist pfd 39% 39% 39% 39% Goodrh BF 42% 43 42 42% Gt Nor pfd 117% 117% 117 117 N-Ore s 31% 32 31% 31% In-Met ... 20% 21% 20% 20% In-Met pfd 70% 70% 69% 70% KC So 26 26% 26 26V. Lehigh Val 140% 140% Mex Potro. 69% 70% 68% 69% M. K&T.. 12% 12% 12% 12% Mo Pac .. 13% 14 13% 13% Nat Lead.. 57% 59% 67% 58% Nev C C . . 14% 14% I N T Cent.. 85 85% 84% 84% NY.NH& H 63 63% 62% 62% Nor Pac .. 105% 105% 104% 104% P R R ... I#7 107 ■ Pgh Coal . 20 20 • Press S Car 42 43 41 % 42%' RCCoup.. 23 23% 22% 22% 'I Reading .. 143% 144% 143 143%' |R I & S 26 27 26 27 'So Pacific.. 87% 88% 87% 87% So Railway 16% 16% 16% 16% | Tenn Con., 31 33 31 33 1 Third Ave. 49% 49% ■ Union Pac. 125% 125% 124% 124% XI S Rubber 60% 61% 60% 61 U S Steel.. 52% 53% 52% 52% 1 U S S pfd. 106 106 105% 106 I Utah Cop.. 64% 64% 63% 64% Va C C . . 29 30 29 30 1 West U Tel 64% *l6 64% 65 West Mfg.. 89 89% 87% 88% xEx-rights, 1. PHILADELPHIA rnOlll'CH By Associated Press Philadelphia. May 17. Wheat Higher; No. 2, rea car lots, export, | sl.s3<f|>l.sJL; No. 1, Duluth, export, $1.64 1 ©1.67. Corn Firm; No. 1. spot, ex port. 76SS5c, No. 2, yellow, local, 88© 1 83% c. Oats—Firm; No. 2, white, 610)61%c. Brnn Steady; winter, per ton, $29.00; spring', per ton, $25.50026.00. Refined Sugars - Firm; pow dered. 6.10 c; fine granulated, 6.00 c; con- | fectioners' A, 5.90 c. Butter The market Is steadv; western, creamery, extras, 28c; nearby, prints, fancy, 31c. Eggs The market is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $6.15 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $5.70®5.85 per case; western, extras, firsts. $6.15 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $5.70@ 5.85 per case. Live Poultry Firm- fowls. 17 %<$ 18c; old roosters, ll%«g>l2c; chickens, 13©18 c; do., broilers, 30®38c; turkeys, 13@15c; ducks, 13@15c; geese, 10@ 1 lc; geese, 10® 11c. Dressed Poultry Firm; fresh kill ed fowls, fancy, 18%®19%c; do., aver age. 16iW18c; do., unattractive. 14®15c; old roosters, 13% c; frozen fowls, !»<<# 18c; roasting chickens. 17020 c; broil ing chickens. 22®27c; turkeys, ISO 22c; ducks. 12®18c; geese, 12®16c. Potatoes Market weak; Penn sylvania. per bushel. 50®52c; Maine, per bushel, 48®50c; New York, per bushel, 35®42c; Florida, per barrel, $3.50® 5.25. •Flour Market firm; winter, clear, $3.50®4.10; straights, Pennsyl vania, $7.00@7.25; spring straights, $7.53®7.50; do., patents, $7.50®8.25; western. $4.25®4.40: patents. $4.50® 4.75; Kansas straights, jute sacks. $4.15 @4.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.00®4.20; straights, $4.20®4.30; patents, $4.35® 4.60. Hay The market is firm; tim othy, No. 1, largo bales. $19.50®20.00; No. 1, medium bales, $19.60®20.00; No. 2, do., $17.50@18.50; No. 3, $15.50® 16.50; sample, $14.00® 15.00. Clover mixed hay; Light mixed, $ 19.00® 19.50; No. 1, do., $18.00018.60; No. 2, $16.00® 17.00. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Associated Press Philadelphia, May 17. Stocks closed steady. American Railways 30% Cambria Steel 47% , General Asphalt 24 1 ; General Asphalt, Pfd 64 Lake Superior Corporation 7 Lehigh Navigation 70% J Lehigh Valley 70 j Pennsylvania Railroad 53% | Philadelphia Electric 24 , Philadelphia Company 34% ' Philadelphia Company, Pfd 34 j Philadelphia Rapid Transit 7% ' Reading ... . 71% | 1 Storage Battery 50% • Union Traction ■'l% United Gas Improvement. 82% United States Steel 53 1 . flv Associated Press Chicago, iil.. May 17. Hogs Re ceipts. 35.000; slow. Bulk of sales. $7.70 1 @7.80: light, $7.4007.90; mixed, $7.55® 7.80; heavy. $7.30f»7.85; rough, $7.30® 7.45: pigs, $7.25@7.35. Cattle Receipts, 17,000; steady. Na tive beef steers, $6.8009.25; western . steers, $6.00@7.85; cows and heifers, $3.3008.75; calves. $6.50®f1.25. Sheep Receipts, 10,000; weak, i Sheep, $7.90@8.75; lambs, $7.75010.15. SENIOR EXAMS. FRIDAY Senior examinations at Central high ' school will begin Friday, May 21. The schedule was announced to-day as fol lows: Senior English, Friday; trigo ! nometry, phonography and Roman history. Monday; French and German, 1 Tuesday: Cicero and bookkeeping, 1 Wednesday; physics and chemistry, j Thursday, and English history, Friday. "TOBACCO TOXAEMIA" • Dr. Frank N. Willson. Philadel phia, will speak Friday evening. May , 28, at the Academy of Medicine on • "Tobacco floxaemia." Dr. Thomas E. Blair and Dr. J. W. Eilenberger - will lead. - win ieaa. » J ' i ""***' , , i - ' j Now Building Construction work has begun on the Merchants Ice Com pany plant at BerryhiU and Cameron streets. A limited amount of the authorised $50,000 Capital Stock of the Merchants Ico Company remains for sale. Will be sold at par ($10) In 10-ahare lots. limited holding, 100 shares. Sim ilar companies in Reading and Allen town are paying 8 per cent, Better give the matter quick consideration. Write George IS. 3 Hewitt, representative, for pamphlet of Information. [ MERCHANTS ICE CO. 202 Calder Building ! ' ' ' MIDNIGHT OCU wM*j|g r Philistine: How about your poetic Post: Alas! UrC^ landlady revoked figS i,! k Jt because I kept •pen after hours. H $ MONEY To Housekeepers, Wofk | logmen mid Salaried Eui- y ■ ployea. I LEGAL RAISES EQUITABLE « INVESTMENT COMPANY 9 N. MARKET SQSDAIiE ' Room 21 4 til Floor Spooner Buildttg / 1 ' • Large Room For Renl Large room, atoout 4(<GO s<y ft., third floor, fireproof : build ing, corner of Aberdeen a/.id [ Strawberry avenues. FVeijijht. I elevator service. Apply, Commonwealth IVust Co. 222 Market Stiseet (FRANK R. I® & SON Real.Estate and Insur ance Office No. 18 North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. FOITSALE Elegant Suburban Home on West Third St., New Cumberland. Detached dwelling on lot 50x140; has all improvements. Owner moving to Phila delphia and will sell at a reasonable price. 1006 N. Second St., 3- story brick dwelling, 11 rooms and bath, imp., side > entrance, 2-story stable on • rear of lot. ! .Price right to quick buyer. DISCOURAGED j if your efforts are not appreciated and there is no chance for ad vancement. There are always good positions open in Harrisburg for competent men—positions where ! good conscientious jft'ort will be rewarded by constant advance ment. ; Just use a Telegraph WANT i AD and reach the firm that is J looking for just such a man as you. 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers