12 FROM GIRLHOOD TO OLD AGE WOMEN ARE HELPED At the first symptoms of any de rangement of the feminine organism at any period of life the one safe, really helpful remedy is Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Tens of thousands of 'women have taken It with unfailing success for every conceivable aliment and disease of a womanly nature. It la a woman's temperance medicine «nd Its ingredi ents are published on wrapper. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is a true friend to women in times of trial and at times of pain when the organs are not performing their func tions. For headache, backache, hot flashes, catarrhal condition, bearing down sensation, mental depression, dltxiness, fainting spells, lassitude and exhaustion women should never fail to take this tried and true women's medi cine. Prepared from nature's roots and herbs, it contains no alcohol nor nar cotics. nor any harmful ingredient. Medicine dealers everywhere have It on hand In either tablet or liquid form at all times. If you want a specialist In women's diseases to diagnose your case absolutely free of charge, write Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.. to-day. 136-page book on women's diseases sent free.—Adv. Dr. Pierce'# Pleasant Pellets are the j original little Liver Pills. These tiny, sugar-coated, anti-bilious granules— The smallest and the easiest to take. 1 One little Pellet for a laxative—three j for a cathartic. Sick Headache, BUI- I ous Headache. Constipation. Indlges-j tlon. Bilious Attacks, and all derange ments of the liver, stomach and bowels are prevented and relieved. Put up in sealed vials—a perfect vest-pocket remedy, always convent-; ent, fresh and reliable. Advertise-' ment. Resorts MJL fy \ ArLAMTICCITYu li/V.J. v r [HiOTEL-SA%ATORIUM| esPpi|de<uin its appointments] fVtj comlorts.table'«nds>ervice-] Ipwjwitfißaujs forpieasure.nedlUiJ WJ] ALWAYS OPtN . CAP*CITY.3Sq ri_youNc.c«»«i'W.wl < 5 9** m All ®177 *«U S S P«T» All 9■ ■ ' except**. J Both Expositions and a com- 5 ; plete Tour of the West. * Special Teachers. Doctors, 4 5 Nurses, Moose, Masonic Trains. Write for booklet. World's Fair Company $ Dr Annoid I.lsdM, MfT. 1420 < hmtnut Street Philadelphia, Prnnn. WII.nWOOD, X. J. / 1 The Ideal Resorts WILDWOOD, N. J. and WII.DVOOD CHEST Always a breeze. Free band concerts daily. Magnificent boardwalk, lined with piers, theaters, shops and plentv of aryiusements. Finest bathing beach In the country. Boating, FliUir, Drltiac, Bathing, Dancing, AutomobillntC Excellent hotels at moder ate rates. For Information and beautiful booklet write to-day to J. WHITESGLL, City Clerk WlldlTOOd, Ji. J. *- Build Now Prices Lowest Now is surely the opportune time to build. Manufacturers of all kinds of building ma terial are hungry for orders. Prices are lower than they have been for some time and probably lower than they should be. Labor costs less, skilled workmen are available. Get Our Prices Fer Lumber United Ice & Coal Co. MAIN OFFICE > Fomter and Conies Sta * Profitable to Buy Coal Now Profitable because prices of furnace sizes and hard pea are the lowest of the year. As coal will not deteriorate in quality no matter how long you have it stored in your cellar, the present seems to be the logical time to fill bins for next Winter— especially with Kelley's Coal, the best mixed and the clean est delivered. H. M. KELLEY & CO. 1 N. Third Street Tenth and State Streets Constipation Biliousness-Headache Dr. Chase's Liver Tablets Makethe liver aetsve bowel# regular, w thout painor gr:p:nc. rer.eve aick neanache ana that bloated feeling after eating, pcrify the blood and clear the complex:on. Uife box. enough to last a month, I Sc. Be. CfcMsC*. S4 N. lttfc SU Philadelphia. Pa. SATURDAY EVENING, THE MOOSE MIGHTY MIDWAY Attach this to your memory—thp| Moose Mighty Midway, May Festival and Gala Celebration opens on Mon day evening next. The Leon W. Washburn's Mightv Midway Shows. Trained Wild Animal Arena and Carnival Company furnish the shows, riding devices, free acts, concessions and music and as they are known as "the show worth while" you'll have to hurry If you wish to see It all. All old Ideas have been discarded this season and some startling sur prises are promised In shows and free acts. The marvelous presentation of one hundred and one now things is not a tableaux. Alt-in-all visitors will witness fents of the past-masters in carnival spectacles. Write your out-of-town friends, in vite them to come to Harrisburg n.-xt week and tell them to tell their friends to come. Remember the location is l ferSonaTSSocial | [Other Personals on Pnfre 2.] | Magazine Guild Holding Annual Exhibit and Tea Members of the Hospital Magazine) Guild will hold the annual exhibit and j tea Tuesday afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock at the residence of Miss Mary B. Robinson, 111 State street, to which all interested are invited. The work is a most interesting one. as visitors will see from the booklets and scrap books shown. All during the year, willing hands choose the best stories from current magazines and bind them in soft paper suitable for handling by convalescent patients in the hospitals. Gay scrap books of scarlet sllesia are filled with pictures for the children and post card books are found both instructive and de- j llghtful with their views of noted places and beautiful scenery. Calls have- come from many new hospitals for these booklets and the demand can not be supplied even for • those already on the lists. | The president of the Harrlsburg branch is Mrs. Carl Willis Davis, and the managers are Miss Robinson. Mrs. Lesley McCreath, Mrs. James X. Moore. Miss Roberta Orth. Miss Anna S. D. Orth, Mrs. John Stine. Miss Mar garet McLain and Miss Bertha Hodge. j MRS. GTTT ENTERTAINS FOR MRS. I.KROV BECKLEY ! Mrs. John Clifton Gltt, of 1303 Mar ket street, entertained last evening in ; honor of her sister, Mrs. Lerov \V. Berkley, wtio is returning to her home |in Birmingham. Alabama. The deco rations were of white. The library was festooned in dogwood and bridal -11 wreath with bridal-wreath and red tu lips decorating the table. I The guests played cards and at 10.SO 1 o'clock refreshments were served. j ! The following were present: Mrs. 1 j M. J. Beckley, Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Wei-1 ! ble. Mrs. Beach, Mrs. O. P. Beckley. j i Mrs. DeWalt, Mrs. Manley Chubbuck. i ! Mrs. Robert Strickler, Mrs. E. Knisley, I Mrs. Leroy Beckley, Mrs. Carpenter. I ; Miss Compton, Miss Slicer, Miss Ruth,. Mrs. Macklln, Miss Ivie May Cook, , Miss Lucille Beckley, Mrs. Webb, Miss Wagner, of Pottsville; Miss Dorothy j Chubbuck, Mrs. Harry Smeltzer, Mrs. John C. Gitt. P. O. S. OF A. NOTES The booster committee of Washing j ton Camp, No. 8. has decided to meet Wednesday evening, and special plans 1 are being made by A. G. Lehman, the I chairman. The booster committee Is one of the real livewires of Camp S 1 and expects to have a large class ready to initiate in a few weeks. Washington Camp. 639, Patriotic 1 Order Sons of Aiflerica,' will meet In their hall, Flatiron building. Nine teenth and Deny streets, Monday evening. At this meeting rules for the quoit team will be discussed and reports of the committee will be heard. Camp 639 won distinction at the P. O. S. of A. rally by taking in the most , candidates. [ The press committee of Dauphin i • county, P. O. S of A., is kept busy! with correspondence from members j since the districts have been combin-1 : ed. This committee will report June' 12, at the county convention, held in I Washington Camp. 16, of Harrisburg. i The committee includes Ed H. Weig'.e. I Frank Lindsey, of Harrisburg, and H. j S. Potter, of Halifax. Pa. MVSIC AT GRACE CHI'RCH TOR TO-MORROWS SFRVICF.S The quartet choir of Grace Metho dist Church, Mrs. Samuel D. Sansom. leader and organist. will sing the "Angel's Serenade" by Braga with an arrangement of sacred words"o. Ivord I Come" by Baaeford, at the morning service to-morrow. Mies Catherine Helcher will take the solo parts wiwth Miss Sara I„emer playing the violin obligato. Mis? Le mer will also play a violin solo. There will be special music in the evening also. WEEK-END HOUSE PARTY Mr. and Mrs. J. Lewis Motter. Mr. and Mr*. Frank Newman of Frederick, Md.; Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Robbins, Jr.. of this city, will spend the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Gil bert at their country place "Gilbert Hall." along the Yellow Breeches creek. Russell hWeeler, who underwent an operation in St. Joseph's Hospital. | is improving slightly, and was visited |by his mother. Mrs. Tillie Wheeler lof Carlisle, and by his sister Mrs. I Samuel Roof of this city. John Crider of Harrisburg will be a i week-end visitor at his home in Car lisle. Miss Margaret Ramsay Boas of Wal nut street is visiting Miss Marie Arendt at Lebanon. Miss Helen Baturin of 1404 Market street was hostess last evening to the : members of the Domestic Science class i of the Central high school. Mr. and Mrs. Julian DeCordova of Boston are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. i ''arson Stamm on the way home from Pasadena, Cal. Miss Jean Dodge of Crescent street, had a party yesterday In celebration of her thirteenth birthday. Dr. and Mrs. David S. Funk, of Sec ond and Pine streets, are home after a pleasure trip to Washington. D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Todd are spending the week-end with Mr. and I Mrs. John Kinley Tener, in Philadel phia. Miss Grace Sifler was hostess to the 1 J. G. G. flub yesterday at her atinnmer i home. "Waldheim." above Dauphin. |at Sixth and Mabantongo streets, away 1 from the dtist and dirt of the city ■ streets, away from the residential sec it! on and In "a location where you can make-till the noise you care to, have all the run you like. Two big bands will play continuous concert music, a big free act will take place every half hour, while the ballv-hoo and shows will grind continuously, affording op portunity to go when you please and come when you please; there will be ; a good time all the time, fun time and : a little ragtime until it is time to go home. Don't overlook the big noon lay parade Monday. All organizations that are entered in the Klac and Banner contest are re quested to get n move on beginning now. as the vote will be taken dally and published in the dally papers so that each one may know from day to day just how they stand. —Advertise- il ment. TAKES NEW POSITION Miss Katharine Hooker, of Ruther ford. who has been head nurse at the State Orphan School at Scotland. Pa.. an<® more recently nurse at the Dau phin county home, has gone to Morris Plains, X. J., to assume a position at the New Jersey State Hospital. Grey stone. FORMER RESIDENTS HERE Mr and Mrs. Frank K. Binnix, of Gary, lnd., former Harrisburgers. weil known In musical circles, arrived ir. the city to-day for a visit with their relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Scott. 1919 North Second street. Mrs. C.'R. Houston, of Philadelphia. Is visiting her sister. Mrs. John H. Scott, of North Second street. Mr. and Mrs. James Hall Musser. of North Second street, are going to At lantic City next week for a little out ing. Miss Marian Bell and Miss Elsie Clepfer, of Chambcrsburg, have gone home after visiting Miss Lorene Shelly of this city. Mrs. Dwight P. Jerauld, of Ever green street, is visiting at Trenton, N. J. Mrs. Harvey Chrisman and Mrs. Eliza Buyer, of Pottstown. were recent guests of Representative Chrisman in this city. Miss Helen Miller, of Dauphin, who is nursing in Philadelphia, is home for a few days. Mrs. Lavinia Karns and her son, Daniel Z. Karns, of 1253 Derry street, have returned after a visit with friends at Wilmington, Del. Mrs. Horace Miller, of Altoonn. is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller of the Wallower apartments, North I Third street. Miss Grace Musket nun. of Lancas ter. is visiting Mrs. W. M. Robinson, at [the Commercial apartments. I C. C. Kinter was in Lebanon on business yesterday. ■ Mr«. F. A. Fry, Mrs. S. Ella Kell and Mr. and Mrs. David S. Fry, and son Donald Fry, of Newport, were in this [city yesterday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Ira Kutz visited rela tives in Sunbury during the week. Miss Sara KaufTman, of Chambers burg. has returned after a visit with Mrs. E. K. Mountz, in Harrisburg. HOCSE PARTY AT CAMP HTM, Mrs. T. E. Munee. of Camp Hill, and her niece. Miss Lucy Roberts, are giv ing a little week-end house party In honor of Miss Virginia Mormann. of this city, in attendance are Miss Mor mann. Miss Zetann Warner. Miss Eliz abeth Hobart and Miss Mary Strode. Ferari Show to Reach Harrisburg Tomorrow The big special train bearing the Jos. G. Ferari Shows, Inc., arrives shortly after the noon hour to-mor row and the cars will be parked at Paxton street and Pennsylvania Rail road crossing, where the wagons will be unloaded and taken direct to the grounds at Third and Reily streets. After a dozen hours of hard labor the various shows, riders and free act apparatus will be in readiness for the formal opening Monday night. When the entire properties at Third and Reily a sea of canvas, night comes, and the electric switch is turned and hundreds of twinkling irridescent elec tric lights cast their glow over the mass of humanity, shining canvas and beautiful hand-carved and gilded wagon fronts their brilliancy will pre- 3ti' » of nh!>. Cttr of Toledo. I.m-as County, «s. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be i« senior fartner of the Arm of K. J. Cheney * Co.. do ns bu»!n»«* In the City of Toledo, County and Plate aforesaid and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HCXPRED HOLLARS for e?. h and r-rrry rase of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed In my pre:«nce, this Bth day of December. A. P., JSSd. Sesl. A. W. OLEASON. Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cor* is taken Internally an'i arts directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Send for testlmoolsls, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Bold by alt Druggists. 75c. Ts*» *?e)J'a Family "Ul» 'o- ceaatloatloa. FARMS For Sale ALL GRADES AND SIZES From 48 acres—fair buildings for S'XX) —to' 311 acres, good buildings for $3750. Lots and acreage for suburban resi dences and farms for flowers, chickens, "truck" or vegetables. Comv- and see the country—it's delightful. A "Jitney" to show you around. C. B. Care tare's Grocery l.laitlrstona, t'a. A deacrlptloa at 400 Market atrect, Harriabnrc. V__— kakrjsbukg BSBB teleorxph The Ideal Plac BELLEVUE PARK "THE HAVERFORD" Another of the houses built by the Investors Realty Co., in this beautiful Residence Park is shown above. It is a model of its kind, and the price, $6,400, is most reasonable. A design of simple Colonial beauty—finished in ideal detail —superior construction —tastefully arranged shrubbery. Location Hillside and Vineyard Roads Plot is about 80x100 feet OPEN FOR INSPECTION DAILY In Bellevue Park we have many desirable and spacious homesites with all city conveniences, at lower prices per front foot than prevail in any other desirable residence section in Harrisburg. REPRESENTATIVES ALWAYS ON THE GROUND MILLER BROTHERS & CO. SELLING AGENTS FOR BELLEVUE PARK Federal Square Bell Phone 1595 Harrisburg, Pa. Reservoir Park cars run direct to Bellevue Park—2lst and Market streets. sent r scene of g»itty that -will bt pleasing to the eve of j < ung ur d i Id alike. Among the many features are F'e rarl's Dog. Pony and Monkey Circus, Congress of Living Wonders, That Girl Minnie Ha-Ha, A Musical Comedy. Hawaiian Village, an International Athletic Arena. A giant Ferris wheel and a new-fangled razzle-dazzle afford the rides, while the feature free at traction Is Lofty Rochett, an aquatic wonder that will be seen in extraor dinary feats twice daily. For Sale 1023 X. Second St., 3-story brick. 2053 K. Second St., lot 50x16:: ft. 1S1» Third St„ store room and two apartments. 1714 State St., 3-story brick. ISOS fireen St., 3-story brick. 1018 Swatara St., 3-story frame. PAXTANG frame, lot 72x130 ft. Lot, Paxtnns Ave., 85x150 ft. SPEECEVILLE 2 FnrnUhed Cottages along river, 6 acres of ground. 2 hundred fruit trees, beautiful summer place. FOR RENT 2223-2B Atlas Ave., 2-story brick, all improvements, electric lights. 915.00 H. M. BIRD IXIOM TRUST BI.DG. Large Room For Rent Large room, about 4000 sq. ft., third floor, fireproof build ing. corner of Aberdeen and Strawberry avenues. Freight elevator service. Apply, Commonwealth Trust Co. 222 Mirket Street .. ONLY THREE REMAIN UNSOLD Harrisburg's Most Attractive Home Offerings Nowhere in Harrisburg will be found better or more substantially built homes than these new Houses which are located in one of the city's most desirable sections. Nothing but the best of materials ind workmanship were employed in the construction, all of which was done under careful inspection. Two-and-one-half story brlclt. built in pairs—B rooms, pantry and bath—open stairway—oak finish, first floor—white enamel finish on upper floors—tile bath room—steam heat—cement cellar— laundry with tubs—sanitary open plumbing—gas—electricity—lo foot front porch—rear porch and balcony—beautifully papered throughout—slate roof —front and bock sodded lawns—grano lithic sidewalks—paved 'streets—size of lets al>out 21x115 feet—ll feet between pairs—Located at • Fourteenth and Cumberland Streets REASONABLE PRICES—DELIGHTFUL LOCATION—CONVENIENT TERMS REPRESENTATIVE ON THE PREMISES Open Daily For Inspection, Including Sunday \ FOR FULL INFORMATION APPLY TO EITHER OF THE FOLLOWING M. B. COWDEN o. M. COPELIN R. OENSLAGER Commonwealth Trust l«b *»»<« Vorbelta 111 N. Thtr* 1 Building Street* Mew* TCfAT 15, T9TS.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers