A TELEGRAPH CLASSIFIED AD WILL SELL IT QUICKLY FOUND FOUND The well-dressed man. He always sends his clothes to Eggert's Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market street. Do you? Both phones. Call and deliver. / HELP WANTED—ilale WANTED General sales manager for manufacturing plant in nearby town, one who can handle men anu produce results. Must invest- Salary and commission. Address Box J.. 2189, care of Telegraph. WANTED A stock salesman can make $4,000.00 in thirty days if you are a hustler. Address C-. 2191, care of Telegraph. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to get. My free booklet, Y-372, tells how. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop- [ kins, Washington, D. C. | WANTED First-class barber. Ap ply Commonwealth Barber Shop. WANTED Will furnish a young man day position to secure his services as barber evenings and Saturdays. Box I), Hershey. Pa. WANTED —,Young man to work in grocery store; give reference and ex perience. Address A.. 2516, of .telegraph. WANTED Barber; steady Job; boarding, lodging and Thursday after noon and evening off. Apply, or write, J. H. Frantz, 1914 State street. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES MEN WANTED Ablebodied, unmar ried men between ages of 18 and 36; citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can ■peak, read and write the English language. For information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, 3d & Market Sts, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Shoe eage trimmers. Address Sterling Shoe Co., Wllllaras port. Pa. Government Positions Easily secured. Personal Instruction. Special summer rates. Prepare for Fall Examinations. RAILWAY MAIL, POST OFFICE. CUSTOM HOUSE and other positions. For further informa tion call at or address THE WILLIAM PENN SCHOOL 31 N. Second Street, Harrisburg. Offices; Rooms 4 and 5, Second Floor, open Monday, Wednes day. Friday and Saturday evenings. Export consultation and advice FREE OF CHARGE. AUTO transportation school wants men to become practical chauffeurs and earn $75 to SIOO per month. We give a thorough course in crude and practical work for $35.00. No. 5 North Cameron. Bell phone 1710. HELP WANTED— FemaIe LAUNDRESS WANTED White woman. Apply Bolton House. WANTED Girl or woman for gen eral housework. Good place to right party. Call, or address, OFFICE, 429 Broad street, between 10 and 11 A. M. WANTED Vampers, tip stitchers and headers. Apply Harrisburg Shoe Manufacturing Co., Vernon street, Har risburg. Pa. WANTED A good, white cook. Good wages. Call F. C. Martin, corner Front and streets. End of A cat line. WANTED White girl for general housework in small family; must be lompetent. Protestant preferred. Wages. $.">.00. Address 8., 2517, care of Telegraph. Vta NTED Neat girl, between 22 and 30 years of age. References re quired. Apply Thorley's Tea Room. Experienced operators for soling infants' shoes. Also for closing on. Steady work and good pay guaranteed. Harrisburg Leather Products Company, Wyeth and Basin Aves. WANTED Woman to cook and do general housework for family of two; references required. Front and Herr streets, after 9 A. M., second floor npartment. WANTED Girls over 16 j ears of age to learn cigarmaking. Paid while learning. Apply Har risburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. WANTED —Experienced help. Apply Silk Mill, Cor. North and Second streets. WORK'S DRESSMA KING SCHOOI,S —Are the liest equipped schools of the kind in America. They are located most everywhere. They are popular. Join this school now, make all your Spring and Summer drosses while learning. Day and Evening classes. W. A. Work, Prop., 22 North Fourth street. SITUATIONS WANTED—.MaIe WANTED Man wants any kind of work. Call at 1413 Currant avenue. WANTED Young, strong man de sires position on poultry farm; 12 years' experience. Address I)., 2510, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man of 25, Busi ness College graduate and thoroughly experienced In office work, desires po- I sitlon of any kind; can furnish refer ences. Address R., 2515, care of Tele graph. WANTED By an experienced man, position in power plant or light plant. Call, or address, 1911 North Fourth' street. WANTED Chauffeur desires posi tion driving car: three years' experi ence In Harrisburg: also first-class re pairman; can furnish best reference. Call, or address. Ray M. Trice, 225 Ver beke street. City. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe WANTED By middle-aged widow, housekeeping, either in or out of city; can give best of reference, or to care for invalid or aged, oj to go to summer home or bungalow. Address, or call 1 to 8 P. M., 1146 Derry street. City. REAL ESTATE FOR SALIC FOR SALE— -417 Herr St.—corner property—3- storv brick lO rooms, bath and hot water heat garage lot, 15%x90 — will exchange for property valued at $2,500.00. 228 and 230 S. Twenty-ninth St., Pen brook 2% -story frames 7 rooms, hath and furnace front and rear porches lots. 22\4x180 each price attractive —easy terms. BRINTON-PACKER CO., T Second and Walnut Sts. ■ ■ • - - ■ - m Wanted Furnished Summer Cottages Wanted We have several clients who want to rent furnished Summer Cottages. Have you anything to offer, either for the season, or part time? Get In touch with our Rental Dei?arlment at once. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. HEAL ESTATE |lir« Insurance Surety Bond* I.oruat and Court Streets WEDNESDAY EVENING, REAL ESTATE FOR SAfcE I Business Property for Sale, on I Market street, near eleventh price reasonable to quick buyer— good location for any kind of busi ness. For particulars address Box 2512, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE New 21%-story house; 6 room*, bath and reception hall all modern improvements, Including steam heat; cemented cellar; lot. 40x106. McClellan J. Koomes, 2407 Main street. Penbrook, Pa. (24) ACRES I 01,330► (On) Main Road (to) large City Mar ket. Buildings (alone) valued (12,500). Telephone In Double Porch Home, large Bank Barn, straw shed, wagon, hog. poultry and storage houses. All kinds of Choice Fruit. fine meadows and creek. With (fine) black horse (2) large good cows (2) hogs (100) chick en* (170) bushel corn (Ss> oats (10) wheat (8) rye (10) potatoes (3) ton straw and hay and Farming Machinery ready to go to work 0 ($1,900). Old People. Possession (at) once. (Bar gain). (SO) ACRES «H,200> (Buildings) all Painted (1915) valued alone (<4,000). On Main Ttoad to City Market (8) room (2) porch home, Tele phone. mall (at) door (500) (eet to school and church. Large Bank Barn, straw shed and double Wagon House. All kinds of Choice Fruit (22) acres Winter Grain and Spring Water Creek. With (2) fine young horses (3) fresh cows (6) hogs (65) chickens (4) ton hay and straw (104) bushel oats (180) corn (20) wheat (10) rye (14) potatoes (team) harness and wagon—Sacrifice— only ($3,850). (40) ACRES (•!.704)) (.Joining) Eastern Boundary and Sus quehanna River only (5) squares to trolley, railroad station and large City Market. Fruit Orchards grew ($475) fruit last year. Flowing spring water, meadows and creek. (4) acres wood land. Two Story Home, Barn and out buildings. (Loam Soil). Match team Horses valued ($500) and (2) cows (41 hogs (20) chickens (3) ton hay and straw (31!) bushel corn (24) oats (16) wheat (8) rye (12) potatoes (new) team harness and wagon only ($2,400). GEORGE R. OSTRAXDER, Danville Telephones Sunbury Mornings (7 to 8) Evenings. FOR SALE lO-acre truck farm with 87 acres of woodland good buildings on a main road in Dauphin Co.—ll miles from Harrisburg. Price, SI,OOO. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thir teenth street. FOR SALE ssO cash and payments of $18.25 per month will buy a new brick house all improvements —■ side entrance. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE —Desirable building lots In the Tenth Ward, located on Fourth, Fifth. Schuylkill and Atlas streets, j An opportunity for a builder or real estate dealer to secure well located property for development purposes. Ad dress L, No. 1587, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE A 91-acre farm 9- mile drive to Havrlsburg on a State road close to railroad land In good condition first-class buildings. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. SIOO CASH will give you possession to several properties. The balance can be paid as rent. Get information. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. FOR SALE River Road property good 7-rooni house porches—grano lithic walks lot, 52 ft. by 400 ft. to river edge. Price. $2,200. H. G. Ped low. 110 South Thirteenth street. 2032 BERRTHILL ST. FOR SALE at a very low price frame house 7 rooms gas porch lot. 20x100 —drive alley on rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. DESIRARLE property on West Cur tin street, Penbrook. for sale; bath, gas, furnace porch front; lot, 30x190; con siderable fruit, chicken house. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. WHY not get a list of. properties which we are offering for sale? Some desirable properties are offered at re duced price. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. I FOR SALE 3 3-5 Acres lO min utes' walk from trolley line at Pro gress 5-cent fare to city located tn Colonial acreage new 2%-story i frame dwelling 8 rooms and bath room new frame stahle chicken honse work shop large variety of fruit—possession soon. Brinton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE—The home of the late Lydia A. Lingle, of Halifax, Pa. Inquire of C. C. Metzger, Halifax, Pa. REAL ESTATE FOA RENT Business Property for Rent 1541 North Sixth street, all im provements, including steam heat, electric and gas, will rent store and dwelling together or separate. Apply at 1024 Market street. FOR RENT Nos. 1249 and 1413 Market street; suitable for lodging and boarding houses. Rent, $25 and $26.60. No. 1843 Whitehall street; modern steam-heated house, with porch and side entrance. and facing Reßervolr Park. Rent. S3O. J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market. COTTAGE ON PAW PAW ISLAND, furnished, on Juniata River, by day or season. Boat furnished. Rates, $1.26. deduction for season. Write B. R. Faust, Mill Creek. Pa. FOR RENT House; 9 rooms and bath; nil Improvements. Call Chester Buck, Bell phone No. 3102 R. FOR RENT 142 Sylvan Terrace. Inquire 317 Chestnut street. TWO new 2Mi-story brick dwellings, 1207-1209 North Fourteenth street (above Cumberland); 8 rooms and bath; nicely papered; gas; electric lights; paved streets; all conveniences; front and rear porches. Rent, $25 month. Immediate possession. Apply R. Oen slager, 711 North Third strtet. FOR RENT House, all improve ments; city steam beat; central loca tion. 3 doors above Market street; suit able for boarding or rooming house. 9 North Fifth street. Apply S. Meltzer, 513 Walnut street. FOR RENT A three-story dwell ing house, No. 1507 North Sixth street; all conveniences; cemented cellar; steam heat, etc. J. T. Ensmlnger, Sec ond and Chestnut streets. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT WILL SELL at a sacrifice or rent, 1815 North Second street; possession at once. Apply Regent Theater, 410 Mar ket street. j APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Modern apartment In Althouse Building, corner Thirteenth and Market streets. Rent very liberal for summer months to right party. J. E. Gipple. 1251 Market street. FOR RENT Third floor apartment, 1600 Market street; three rooms; bath; all improvements; steam heat; good lo cation. Apply to above address. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Second floor at the AVnlzdorf. facing Capitol; six rooms, tiled bath and pantry; hardwood floors, electric light and city steam. Inquire 400 North street. I FOR RENT Modern apartment; I front and r ar entrances; five well- I lighted rooms; bath and pantry; all ] private; ail conveniences for light housekeeping; no children I Hamilton and Pcnn street*. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Apartment 1101 Nortjl Third street; all conveniences; steam heat. Apply 264 Herr street. FOR RENT Apartment, second floor, four rooms and oath, with private porch; possession June 1. Southeast corner Fourth and Peffer streets. B. F. Umberger. 427 Peffer street, or 108 North Second street. FOR RENT Complete furnished housekeeping apartment, consisting of two rooms, kitchenette nd bath; suit able for two gentlemen, or married couple; maid service obtainable. Apply Apartment No. 4, 212 North Second street. FOR RENT "Suburban." 2208-2210 North Third street, new modern apart ments; reception hall; 5 rooms, bath; pantry; storage; continuous hot water; front and rear porches. Apply on prem ises. l FOR RENT Apartment, with all modern .improvements, including city steam heat, No. 204 Walnut street. E. Mather Co. ROOMS FOR «ENT FOR RENT Three rooms; all con veniences and modern improvements; use of bath. Inquire 226 Hamilton street. Key at Corner. Dry Goods Store. FOR RENT Two rooms on third floor, furnished for light housekeep ing. Apply 1327 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, with or without board. Apply Mrs. Fox. 1120 Green street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, on second floor, for bedrooms or light housekeeping; use of bath, front porch and cellar; square from Reser voir Park. 97 North Seventeenth street, j FURNISHED ROOMS One front room and one back room, newly paper- I ed and furnished; suitable for one or i two people; rent moderate; all conveni ences. Apply 258 North street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or ensuite, light housekeeping; large and cool rooms; phone. Apply 719 North Sixth street. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms, second and third floors; all conveni ences. Meals, if desired. Gentlemen preferred; In private family. Address 235 Boas street. City. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sec ond floor and third floor rooms; fine location; use of telephone; reduced rates for the summer. Apply at 203 State street. UNFURNISHED ROOMS I NFIRMSHKD ROOMS Built especially for light housekeeping, ' single or with kitchenettes, arrange ments strictly private, stoves furnish ed free, laundry, phone, and bathroom privileges. Private lockers for surplus furniture Inquire office. 429 Broad street, or Janltreas, same building. Dally inspection invited. BOARDING SCHOOL TEACHERS and friends of refined Christian families who seek rest should come to quiet, delightful. Lime \ alley Farm. We serve farm cooking, our own vegetables, strawberries, milk, cream and eggs. Large porch, spacious lawn, plenteous shade: Early reserva tion will be advantageous. Address Lima Valley Farm, Box 167, Rheems, Pa. WANTED AUTOMOBILE OWNERS Who want to dispose of their cars for quick cash sales, consult us at once. \\ e have buyers. No sale —no pay. We sell, repair and store automobiles. Try Keystone service. Bell phone 266R, Keystone Cycle Co.. 814 North Third street; also Keystone Garage, 919 Myrtle avenue. WANTED lf you have a Ford five passenger car to sell that is in good working order, call 408 Market street, upstairs, or phone Bell 568 J. FOR SALE (JO TO GABLE'S tor wire fence of all i kinds and gates to match. No. 111-117 | South Second. I WHITE AND BROWN LEGHORNS I FOR SALE at 75 cents each. Closing out all breeding stock. Also incuba ! tors and large chlckenhouse. A. B. Davis, Penbrook. Bell phone 507-R-3. FOR SALE Coal range, two ovens, In first-class condition. Apply 525 Camp street. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE, good as new. All latest equipments. Bargain if taken this week. A. B. Davis, Penbrook. Bell phone 507-R-3. FOR SALE Day-old chicks. S. C. White Leghorn. G. E. Wants, 1915 Brookwood. FOR SALE One 1913 Overland Touring car; Jackson Touring car guaranteed in A 1 condition. Would make excellent Jitney. Snav to quick buyer. Apply Roberts & Holn, 334 Chestnut street. FOR SALE Gas range, with pipe. Has light and extra tap in. cellar for plate stove. $7.00. Dome light, for dinlnglngroom, $5.00. Apply 432 Hum mel street. FOR SALE Coffee urn. three weeks in use, and gas range—greatly reduced Apply La France Shop, 316 Chestnut street. FOR SALE Pool room and restau rant A 1 stand, good location doing good business. Satisfactory reasons for sell ing. Address P. O. Box 164, Harrisburg,! Pa. No agents. FOR SALE Five-passenger! touring car. good condition j Would make excellent Jitney. Will sell cheap. Address Tour ing Car, care of Harrisburg Tele graph. FCR SALE Chaterlee runabout, two-cylinder; searchlight, horn, wind shield, complete; carries two persons. Sacrifice price, S2OO. Apply 5 North Cameron street. FOR SALE Five-burner g as stove. In good condition. Will sell at a rea sonable price. Inquire 1504 State street. FOR SALE Motorcycle, all im provements, including Solar lamp, extra back seat, one luggage carrier, speed ometer and new horn. Indian, 1913 model. First-class condition. Bar gain If sold at oncc. Call Bell phone 1412 W. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms. Unfurnished Ttoonm, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If paid In advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. A. SANSONE & CO. lmported Pure Olive OH from Italy. Price for 1-gal lon can. $2.25; %-gallon can, $1.25; 1 quart, 75c. Special price for case lots. Call 304 South Second street. Bell 1589 R. Delivered to any part of city. FOR SALE Auto, good condition, made by the Jeffrey people, will be sola cheap to quick buyer. Apply 51S North Second street. FOR SALE One family horse. Ap ply Ober's Stable, Court and Cranberry streets. DARLINGTON'S STOCK SHOP. 7 I per cent, dividend Investments. For I particulars call 4 North Fifth street. I Bell phone 3651. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH FOR SAME FOR SALE lOO scratch pads in package for 50c. The Telegraph Prlnt- FOR SALE • Large, two-horse fur niture wagon In excellent condition; also single delivery wagon. Low prices. Bowman & Co. — , FOR SALE A new Rift Climber 20- foot motorboat. with slx-horse-power, two-cylinder Gray motor. Earl R. Lenker. Millersburg. Pa. FOR SALE One furnace, all heat ing pipes and registers; one coal range and stove pipe; one vacuum sweeper; everything In good condition. Will sell cheap on account of putting steam heat In house. Apply 1419 Market street. FOR SALE E. M. K>1912 model, 6- passenger touring car; in good condi tion. Telephone 3640 J. FOR SALE Will sell good will and stock of first-class second-handed fur niture store; centrally located. Ad dress X.. P. O. Box 775, City. FOR SALE Sewing machine in Sood sewing order; also French Poodle, lust be sold by Frldav, party leaving the city. 2170 BrooKwood street. OVERIiAND Will sacrifice my T pasenger Overland to quick purchaser; In fine condition. See Mack, No. 5 North Cameron. FOR SALE At 1715 North Second street, a Golden Oak Bookcase, 67 Inches long, 65 Inches high, 14 inches deep. 3 doors. 25 feet book space, claw feet, 3 drawers. Very handsome. Can not he told from new. Cost $5". will sell for |25. Must be *old at once to make room for larger bookcase. ALMOST UNBELIEVABLE A flat bottom, tunnel stern steel power boat, 17 ft. by 4 ft. 2 In., equipped with 4-H.- P. Gray motor, Detroit lubricator, in inch gas searchlight. Will run under full power wherever rowboat will float, rud'det* and propeller fully protected against injury. Regular price, $165. Have two, so will sell same for $75 cash f. o. .b. Mansfield, Pa. If you are looking for a bargain, write or wire at once, w. A. Bates, Mansfield, Pa. FOR SALE One Reo Touring car with Gray & Davis electric starting and lighting system would make first-class Jitney. Apply Hottenstein & Zech, care of City Auto Garage. RETIRING BARGAINS! Fence posts, 15c up; linoleum, 35c; rag carpet. 15c; Ingrain, 20c; best, 45c, sl. sl.2n; Brus sel, 60c; lining, ,03c; fringe, lc; roof paint, 35c. Repairing. Ylngst, Front- Cumberland. PI'HIJC SALE THE undersigned Administrator of the Estate of Mary A. Felty, deceased, will sell all household goods of said Estate. Saturdav, May 15. 1915, 12 o'clock M„ at 156 West Curtln street, Penbrook, Pa. SAMUEL R. FELTY. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S. 113, 115 and 117 South Second street. 5,000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme i quality. AM the full line of the Acme I make. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business office. FOR RENT FOR RENT—Store room. No. 5 Grace street, two doors from Market street nnd P. R. R; depot. Suitable for any business; large show window, water i and city steam heat; rent reasonable. Apply Cluster's Jewelry Store, 302 Mar ket street. FOR RENT Second floor room, 3,700 square feet, for light manufactur ing purposes. New building. Call at premises. Twelfth and Herr streets. EXCHANGE WANT TO EXCHANGE plot of build ing lots for a good touring car. State what make and price in first letter. Address Exchange, care of Telegraph. nUSIXESS «>l'l»< >lt'll XITIISS AN exceptional chance is offered ac tive party with SI,OOO to Invest, to gether with common sense and energy enough to conduct a Respectable, Per manent Cash Business that's easily managed, Free from Competition and Set rich quick schemes where the or inary labor from $3,000 to $5,000 should be cleared Yearly. Owner of this Business invites the very closest Investigation. Full particulars will have to be given at personal Interview, which can be had by addressing Profit able. care of Telegraph. CONFECTIONERY BUSINESS FOR SALE; modern fixtures; large room; well located: rent reasonable. 11l health cause for selling. Also several grocery stores for sale. Bell Realty Co., Berg : - ner Building. ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 798, Lock port, N. Y. I MADE $50,000 in Ave years In the mail order business, begran with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 355 Lockport, N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us your worn furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N. Cluck, 320 Woodbine street. We buy, sell, repair and exchange bicycles and motorcycles. Sen us when in need of anything In our line. Key'- stone Cycle Co., 814 North Third, Bell Phone 266 R. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Harrisburg, I'a. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 196 U. OLD GOLD. Silver and Jewelry bought for highest cash prices and sold at reasonable prices; also lowest rate in city on Harrisburg Loan Office, 225 Market street. EXPERT PIANO TUNING by man thoroughly experienced and competent to overhaul Instruments of the better frade. Address Box W., 2514, care of elegraph. — l S. GOLD, dealer in Second-hand Fur niture, formerly of 1016 Market street, has reopened a store at 1114 Market street, Just above Eleventh street. Will also buy furniture. POSITIVELY Highest Cash Prices paid for Furniture, Carpets, good sec ond-hand Clothing. Dry Goods and Shoes. Don't sell 'till you see me. Send postal to 636 Herr street, City. ABDOMINAL SIPPORTFHS Abdominal Bandages and Supporters for Appendicitis. Floating Kidney, after Operations, Naval Rupture. etc Trusses and Braces. Jere S. Sbunaman & Son. Rupture Specialists, 408 Market street. PIANO MOVING, tuning, packing and storing. Work done by experts. Winter Piano Co.. 23 North Fourth street. Bell phone 146. HAI M\r; H. W. LATHE, nonrdlnx *tnhl«> nnd Xatlonal Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phones No 2503 R. LET us sell your automobile. We have buyers If price Is right. Automo bile Storage. Repairs, Supplies at rea sonable prices. Keystone Cycle Co., 814 North Third street. Bell phone 266 R. ROOF PAINTING. Window Bcreens ' Screen Doors made te order. Job car- Ipenter work done. Prices reasonable. I Address Carpenter, 273 Herr street. iRMIL coin PREMIUM Undertone Steady With Narrow Price Changes; Trading Was Light By Associated Press New York, May 12. Normal condi tions prevailed during to-day's early dealings in the stock market. The undertone was steady with narrow P r 'c® changes. eacl» in war specialties, like Bethlehem Stlel. American Locomotive and Westlnghouse. which rose one to almost two points. United States Steel opened at a very slight advance, but soon reacted, this course being follow ed later by other active Issues, includ ing Amalgamated Copper, Reading and Canadian Pacific. Local tractions were strong. Trading was light and obviously professional. NEW YORK STOCKS New York. May 12. Open. High. Low. Clos. Amal Cop . 68% 69% 67 67% Am Bt Stlg 45% 47% 45% 4n% Am Can .. 35% 36% 34% 34% Am C& F. 52 52% 50% 51% Am Cot Oil 45% 46% 45% 46% Am Ice Sec 30% 30% 30% 30% Am TjOco . 46% 47 45 45 Am Smelt . 67% 67% 66% 66% Am Sugar . 106 106 106 . 106 Am T & T. 120 120 119% 119% Anacondsl . ?3 33% 32 32 Atchison .. 100% 100% 100% 100% B& O 73 % 73% 72% 72% MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate secur'ty In any amounts and upon an? terms to ault borrower. Address P. O. Box 174. Harrisburg, Pa. ANY person needing money in amounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal aried position, would be benefited by calling on us. Employes' Discount Co., 36 North Third street. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods. $2 per month and up. We. invite, inspection. Low insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE IN S-slory' brick building, rear 408, Market street. Household gondii in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to F. (i. Diener, Jeweler, 40S Market St. STORAGE 419 Rroad street, for household goods and. merchandies. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. LEGAL NOTICES May 11, 1915. SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the Superintendent of Streets and Public Improvements up to it o'clock noon of Thursday. May 20, 1915, for the construction of SEWERS in BOAS STREET and in FLORENCE ALLEY. Blank bids and specifications mav he had on application. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. W. H. LYNCH, Superintendent. NOTICE CLARENCE A. FRY. Harrisburg. Dauphin County. Pa., will appear for final examination before the State Board of Law Examiners, In Pitts burgh. Pa., July 6 and 7. 1915, having graduated from the Dickinson School of Law and being registered with Fox & Geyer. of Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICE Letters of Administration on the Estate of Isaac D. Lantz. late of Borough of Penbrook, Dauphin County. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing in Harrisburg Pa., all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make im mediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment' FRED C. MILLER, Administrator of the Estate of Isaac D. Lantz. deceased. 210 Walnut Street, Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICE Letters of Administration on the Estate of- John Klinger, late of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Pa., de ceased. having been granted to the un dersigned residing in Harrisburg, Pa., all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. WM. H. HOOVER. Administrator of the Estate of John Klinger, deceased, 1410 North Second Street. Or to Harrisburg, Pa. FRED C. MILLER, Attorney-at-Law, 213 Walnut Street, Harrisburg, Pa. NOTICE Letters of Administration on the Estate of B. F. Ciane, late oj. Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Pa., de ceased. having been granted to the un dersigned residing at 1617% North Third Street, Harrisburg. Pa., all per sons indebted to said Estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. (X) KATIE CRANE, Administratrix. In the Matter of the Estate of John K. Fertig. late of the Township of Middle Paxton. Dauphin County, Pa., Deceased. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the estate of the above named decedent having been granted to the undersign ed, all persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment and those having claims agalnßt the same wIM present them without delay. JOHN K. EISENHOWER. Executor, Northumberland. Pa. HENRY E. FOX. A/ty.. Harrisburg, Pa. April 28. 1915. NOTICE Is hereby given that on or before Monday, May 17, 1916, the un dersigned will make application to the Pennsylvania State Board of I>aw Ex aminers to be examined on the 6th and 7th davs of July. 1916, for admission to the Bar of the Supreme Court of Penn sylvania: Frank Rahn Hean, of Harrisburg, Pa., a registered student at law In the Office of the Law School of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania. Thomas C. McCarrell, Jr.. of Middle town, Pa., a registered student at law In the office of Hon. E. E. Betdleman, of Harrisburg, Pa. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, Bureau of Water and l.lght BIDS will be received at the Office of the Superintendent of Public Safety, Room 10. Court House, to 3 o'clock P. M„ May 17, 1915, for laying water pipes In Boas Street. from Eighteenth Street to the eastern City Line, and In Monroe Street, from Calder Street 250 feet north. Plans can be seen and specifications can be obtained at this Office. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. H F. BOWMAN, Superintendent Public Safety. | SEALED PROPOSALS will be recelv -led by the undersigned until twelve o'clock, noon. Saturday, May 15. 1916, for the sale to It of all or any part of sufficient Union Real Estate Invest ment Company General Mortgage 6 por cent. Gold Bonds to abaorb $2,400.00, for the sinking fund created by the mortgage under which said bonds have been issued. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. COMMONWEALTH THTST COMPANY TRUSTEE, 252 Market Street, Harrisburg, Pa. AIAY 12, 1915. Beth Steel . 138% 142 137 137 Bklyn RT. 8044 80% 80% 80% Cal Petro.. 16'4 16% 16% 16% Cnn Pacific 159% 159% 157 157% Cent Leath 37% 37% 36% 36% C&O 43% 44 43% 43% CM& St P 91 % 91 % 91 91 C Con Cop. 44% 45% 43% 43% CF & I. . . 27 28 27 27% Corn Prod . 13 % 14 % 13 % 14 % Dist Sec .. 13% 14% 13% 14% Erie 26 26% 25% 25% Erie Ist pfd 40% 41% 40% 40% Goodrh BF 44% 45% 44 44 Gt Nor pfd 117 118 117 117% Gt N Ore s 33% 33% at % 31% In-Met ... 214 22% 21% 21% In-Met pfd 70% 72 70 70 K C 50... 27% 27% 26% 27 Lehigh Val 139% 141% 139% 140% Louis &N. 119 119% 119 119% Mex Petro. 75% 76% 72% 72% M) K& T ..13 13 12% 12% Mo Pac .. 14 % 14% 14 14 Nat Lead.. 60% 61% 59 59 Nev C C .. 14% 15 14% 14% N Y Cent.. 86% 86% 85% 85% NY.NH& H 64% 65% 64% 64% Nor Pac .. 106% 106% 105% 105% P R R ... 107% 107% 106% 107% Pgh Coal . 20% 21 20% 20% Press S Car 44% 46 44 44 R C Cop.. 23% 23% 23 23 Reading .. 144% 146 144% 144% R I& S .. 26% 27% 26% 27% So Pacific.. 88% 89% 87% 88 So Railway 16% 17% 16% 17 Tenn Cop.. 32 32% 31% 31% Third Ave. 51 52% 51 51% Union Pac.. 125% 126% 124% 125% U 8 Rubber 62% 64 62% 63 IT S Steel. 54 55% 54% 53% IT S S pfd. 106% 107% 106% 107% Utah Cop. 64% 66% 63% 63% Va C C .. 31% 32% 31% 32% West XT Tel 66% 67% 66% 66% West Mfg.. 89 93 % 87% 88% PHILADRLPHIA «"noDITCE Philadelphia, - Higher; No. 2, red, car lots, export, $1.5401.57; No. 1, Northern, Duluth, export, $1.65 @1.68. Corn Firm; No. 1, spot, ex port, 76®80c; No. 2, yellow, local, S3® 83 %c. * Oats—Firm; No.. 2, white, 61%® 82c. Bran Weak; winter, per ton, 129.00; spring, per ton. $25.a0028.00. Refined Sugars Firm; pow- Butter The market Is lower; western, creamery, extras, 29c; nearby, prints, fancy. 32c. Eggs The market is steady; Pennsylvania and other nearby first*, free cases, $6.15 per case: do., current receipts, free cases. $5.85 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6.15 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $5.85 per case. Live Poultry Firmer; fowls, 17® 18c; old roosters, 12012% c; chickens. 13©18 c; do., broilers, 30038 c; turkeys, 13(g) 16c- ducks, 13®15c; geese, 10®llg: geese, 10® 11c. Dressed Poultry Firm: fresh kill ed fowls, fancy. Ig®l9c: do., aver age, 16® 17c; do., unattractive. 14ffllBc; old roosters, 13 %o: frozen fowls, 160 18c; roasting chickens. 17010 c; broil ing chickens, 22027 c; ' turkeys, 18® 22c;*ducks, 12018 c; geese. 12®18e. Potatoes Market weaker; Penn sylvania, per bushel. 60®52c; Maine, per bushel, 50®52c; New York, per bushel, 35®42c; Florida, per barrel, $3.50® 5.25. Flour—The market Is firmer; winter, clear, $3.60®4.10; straights, Pennsyl vania, $7.00@7.25; spring straights, $7.6307.50; do., patents, $7.60®8.25; western, $4.2604.40; patents, $4.60® 4.76; Kansas straights, jute sacks, $4 15 @4.80; spring, firsts, clear, $4.00®4.20; straights. $4.2004.30; patents, $4.35® 4.60. Hay The market Is Arm; tim othy. No. 1, large bales, $19.50020.00; No. 1, medium bales, $19.50020.00; No. 2, do., $17.60018.50; No. 3. $15.50® 16.50; sample, $14.00016.00. Clover mixed hay: Light mixed, $19.00019.50; No. 1, do., slß.oo® 18.50; No. 2, $16.00® 17.00. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS Philadelphia, May 12. Stocks clos ed lower. American Railways 30% Cambria Steel 48 General Asphalt 24% General Asphalt, Pfd 64% Lake Superior Corporation 714 Lehigh Valley 70 Lehigh Navigation 79 Philadelphia Electric 23% Philadelphia Company 35 Philadelphia Company. Pfd 34, Philadelphia Rapid Transit .... 8 Philadelphia Traction 70 Reading 72% Storage Battery 51 Union Traction 31% United Gas Improvement 82% United States Steel 53% CHICAGO CATTLE Chicago, 111., May 12. • Hogs Re ceipts. 24,000; strong. Bulk of sales, $7.4507.60; light. $7.3507.75; mixed, $7.3007.70; heavy. $7.05®7.60; rough, $7.05(6 7.20; pigs. $5.500 7.50. Cattle Receipts, 16,000; weak. Na tive steers, $6.8009.15; western steers, $6.00(0 7.85; cows and heifers, $3.30® 8.70; calves, $6.5009.00. Sheep Receipts, 10,000; firm. Sheep, $7.70(8 8.80; lambs, $8.40011.20; spring, $9.00012.00. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Chicago, 111., May 12. Board of Trade closing: Wheat—May. 1.57; July. 1.31%. Corn—May, 75>/a; July, 77%. Oats—May, 53%; July, 52%. Pork—July, 18.10; September. 18.50. T^ard—July, 9 75; September, 9.97. Ribs—July, 10.52; September, 10.82. PUBLIC SALE OF LOCAL STOCKS SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1915, 10.30 A. M. m FROJfT or COURT HOUSE, HARRIBBURG. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Harrisburg, Pa. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY, Harrisburg, Pa. HARRISBURG LIGHT & POWER COMPANY, Cumu lative Preferred. Opportunity wtll be given to purchase aljove storks In odd lot*. Right Is reserved to reject any bid, and to withdraw any of said securities from sale. Terms, cash; hut, where desired by purchasers, the vendor will ar range for loans upon securities purchased to the erxtent of 75 per cent, of the purchase money; or, If preferred, for the entire purchase money, upon approved additional security. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COMPANY EXECUTOR. Now Building Ice Plant Construction work has begun on the Merchants Ice Com pany plant at Berryhlll and Cameron streets. A limited amount of the authorized $50,000 Capital Stock of the Merchants Ice Company remains for sale. Will be sold at par ($10) in 10-share lots. limited holding, 100 share#. Sim ilar companies in Heading and Allentown are paying 8 per cent, Better give the matter quick consideration. Write George E, Hewitt, representative, for pamphlet of information. MERCHANTS ICE CO. 202 Calder May Sue Sunday Campaign Committee For $1,754 Philadelphia, May 12. —Unlessprompt settlement la made. It Is expected that within the next few days Colonel Charles M. Keegan. owner of the prop erty at 1914 Spring Garden street, which was occupied by "Billy" Bunday and his party during their stay In this city, will begin a civil suit against the Sunday campaign committee to re cover $1,754, which, he said, repre sents the damage that was done to his home and furniture. Roney Constitutional Resolution Defeated The Roney bill, to submit to the voters of the State next November the proposition for a constitutional con vention, was defeated In the House to-day, the vote being 54 In favor and 122 against. Last session ft bill with a similar object was passed In the House. The Dauphin members, except Mr. Bwarta. who was absent, voted against the bill. "JITXEY" KNOCKS DOWN SMALL BOY ON ALLISON HILL Robert Selfert. aged six years, of 1809 Rudy street, was knocked down this afternoon by a jitney car at Eigh - teenth and Derry streets. The bov was sent to the Harrisburg Hospital, but showed no Injuries except some bruises, and was sent home. The name of the jitney driver was not given. DEER FEED AT CAMP Spteiai to Tht Tfltgrafh Lewlstown, Pa., May 12. Harry Moyer, employed upon a timber tract at Black Log, tells of several fawns coming up to the place where the men at the Job camp feed them. The young deer are said to exhibit slight fear of the workmen. WILL PROBE DEATH OF TWO PERSONS IN ACCIDENT Coroner Jacob Eckinger will hold an Inquest on the death of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Pipes to-morrow night. The. hearing will take place at the office of District Attorney Michael S. Stroup, at 7:15 o'clock. DAVID M. PARRY' DIES Indianapolis. Ind., May 12.—David M. Parry, former president of the Na tional Manufacturers' Association, died a( his home here to-day of uraemlc p6lsonlng. STOLE BREAD IS CHARGE Charles Wilson, colored, was held for court this afternoon a charge of lar ceny. Employes at the Harrisburg Bakery, South Canieron street, caught AVilson stealing bread last night. COMMISSIONER EBY BETTER John T. Kby, county commissioner, who lias been 111 for the last three weeks, attended a meeting to-day. MONEY k To Housekeepers, Work- tngmen and Salaried Em ployea. LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY 9 N. MARKET SQUARE Room 21 4th Floor Spooner Building w Large Room For Rent Large room, about 4000 sq. ft., third floor, fireproof build ing, corner of Aberdeen and Strawberry avenues. Freight elevator service. Apply, Commonwealth Trust Co. 222 Market Street - 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers