j Where Man mi fort Find Each Othcr—Telcgrapl "Help f anted Male" Ad [ __ LOST LOST Pair of nose glasses, between 335 Myers street and Frog Shop. Steel ton. Reward if returned to 335 Myers street. Steelton. • LOST ln Reily street, between Third and Fulton, or In Jitney car, a bl*rk handbag, containing nose glasses and pocketbook. Reward If returned to 309 Hummel street. r FOUND ___ FOUND The well-dressed man. He always sends his clothes to Kggert s Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market street. Do you. Both phones. Call and deliver. UELI> W ANTED—MaIe WANTED General sales manager for manufacturing plant in nearb> town, one who can handle men ana produce results. Must invest. salary and commission. Address Box J.. -l»». care of Telegraph. SBO WEEKLY, evenings at home. Everything furnished. No experience, no canvassing. Don't worry about capital Boyd H. Brown, Dept. D.. 101. omahit. Neb. A WANTED—Two young men, between ages of IS and 20 years, to do general work around grocery store. Apply at once. M. Brenner & Son, Green and Emerald streets. ■ WANTED A stock salesman can make $4,000.00 In thirty days If you are a hustler. Address L., 2191, care of Telegraph. WANTED Canvasser and collector. Salary and commission. Address C., 5513. care of Telegraph. WANTED Shoe edge trimmers. Address Sterling Shoe Co., llliams port. Pa. _ Government Positions Easily secured. Personal Instruction. Special summer rates. „Pr?P®T® .t? r Fall Examinations. RAILVVAA MAIL POST OFFICE. CUSTOM HOLSE and other positions. For further informia tion call at or address THE WILLIAM PENN SCHOOL. 31 N. Second Street. Harrlsburg. Offices; Rooms 4 and 5. Second Floor, open Monday, n ednes day. Friday and Saturday evenings. Expert consultation and advice FRth OF gHARGB. AUTO transportation school wants men to become practical chauffeurs and earn $75 to SIOO per month. We give a thorough course in crude and practical work for $35.00. No. 5 North Cameron. Bell phone 1710. HELP WANTED—FemaIe LAUNDRESS WANTED White woman. Apply Bolton House. WANTED Girl or woman for gen eral housework. Good place to right party. Call, or address, OFFICE, 429 Broad street, between 10 and II A. M. WANTED Vampers, tip stitchers 1 anil headers. Apply Harrlsburg Shoe Manufacturing Co.. Vernon street. Har risburg. Pa. WANTED Students to enter our shorthand class for the summer. Just placed another student after nineteen weeks' preparation. Call, or phone. Bell 704R, Harrlsburg Shorthand School. 31 North Second street. WANTED A good, white cook. Good wages. Call F. C. Martin, corner Front and Lewis streets. End of A cat line. mY. xperienced operators for soling infants' shoes. Also for closing on. Steady work and good pay guaranteed. Harrisburg Leather Products Company, Wyeth and Basin Aves. WANTED Woman to cook and do general housework for family of two; references required. Front and Herr streets, after 9 A. M.. second Moor apartment. WANTED Girls over 16 j ears of age to learn cigarmaking. Paid while learning. Apply Har risburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. WANTED—Experienced help.; Apply Silk Mill, Cor. North and Second streets. WORK'S DRESSMAKING SCHOOLS ■ —Are the best equipped schools of the kind in America. They are located most everywhere. They are popular. Join this school now, make all your Spring and Summer dresses while learn ing. Day and Evening classes. W. A. Work, Prop.. 22 North Fourth street. ! SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED—Work as machinist helper or firing boilers by experienced young married man; will accept work of most any kind. Address. H. L 8.. 2508, care of Telegraph. WANTED By young man. 21 years of age. work of any kind; can furnish references. Address Earl Sellers. R. F. D. No. 1, Union Deposit, Pa. WANTED '— Man wants any kind of work. Call at 1413 Currant avenue. WANTED Young, strong man de sires position on poultry farm; 12 years' experience. Address D.. 2510, care of Telegraph. WANTED By an experienced man position in power plant or light plant! Call, or address. 1911 North Fourth street. WANTED t'bauffeur desires posi tion driving car: three years' experi ence In Harrisburg: also first-class re pairman; can furnish best reference fall, or address, Ray M. Price, 225 Ver beke street, City. SITUATIONS WANTED— FemaIe WANTED Bv middle-aged widow, housekeeping, either In or out of city; can give best of reference, or to care for Invalid or aged, or to go to summer home or bungalow. Address, or call 2 to 8 P. M.. 1146 Derry street. City. WANTED Middle-aged white wo man desires washing and Ironing to do at home. Call, or address 313 Briggs street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE —Desirable building lots in the Tenth Ward, located on Fourth Fifth. Schuylkill and Atlas streets' An opportunity for a builder or reai estate dealer to secure well located property for development purposes. Ad dress L, No. 1587, care of Telegraph. f FOR RENT Warehouse and Storage Space Two floors (44,000 sq. ft.) or parts thereof, in the new Emer son-Rrantingham Implement Co. building at Tenth and Market Bt*. Elevator service—P. R. R. siding in the building. Apply to MILLER BROTHERS* CO. HARRISBrRG, PA. TUESDAY EVENING, REAL ESTATE fOK SALE Rusiness Property for Sale, on Market street, near eleventh price reasonable to quick buyer— good location for any kind of busi ness. For particulars address Box 2512, care of Telegraph. I'OR SALE—I23I Derrv street. 3- story brick and frame dwelling 7 rooms and bath all Improvements - front- porch. Price $2500. M. A. Fought, 272 North street. FOR SALE No. 2149 North Second street; corner property; three-Btory pressed brick; 10 rooms; two baths; hardwood on first and second floors. Will be sold at a sacrifice. Good Investment. See John C. Orr, 218 Market street. FOR SALE—2OS Brlggs street 3- story frame 7 rooms and bath—hot and cold water city steam heat. Price. $3,400. M. A. Fought. 372 North street. FOR SALE 311- North Seventh street; three-story brick; 9 large rooms, bath and furnace. Lot. 19x98; cheap to quick buyer. Good business location. Inquire W. A. Bowers, prem ises. FARM 212 ACRES AT $37.50 per acre —a splendid farm land easily culti vated and very productive located, ov situate along the Susquehanna river, Harrlsburg's most delightful and pleas ant speedway. Great for any one wanting a good farm for profit, pleas ure and recreation. The scenery on and from this farm Is superb—none more grand. I believe this farm will be worth SIOO or more per acre inside or In less than 10 years. Good buildings— best running water at house and never fails. After July 1 the price of this farm will be SSO per acre. C. B. CARE. Care's Grocery, Llnglestown. Descrip tion at 409 Market street, Harrlsburg. FOR SALE New 2H-story house; 6 rooms, bath and reception hall all modern improvements, including steam lieat; cemented cellar; 'lot. 40x106. McClellan J. Koomes, 2407 Main street, Penbrook. Pa. 2032 BERRYHILL ST. FOR SALE at a very low price frame house 7 rooms gas porch lot. 20x100 —drive alley on rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE—The home of the late Lydia A. Litigle, of Halifax, Pa. Inquire of C. C. Metzger, Halifax, Pa. SIOO CASH will give you possession to several properties. The balance can be paid as rent. Get Information. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. 32 ACRES 3 miles west of Golds boro ll miles from Harrlsburg frame buildings large variety of fruit. All stock and farming Imple ments. Possession at once. Price, $2.- 700.00. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE 410 Brlggs St. 3-story brick lO rooms, bath and furnace lot, 20x110 —side entrance—make us an offer. Camp Hill—single brick property southeast corner Market St. and Bow man Ave. 9 rooms, bath and steam heat lot, 50x200 porches front lawn. Killinger 3 miles east of Mlllers buig 3-story frame dwelling lB rooms large store room and ware house located In a rich farming dis trict where a good profitable business can be done lot. 120x220. Price, $3,800.00. A number on# Confectionery and Ice Cream business located in a suburban town near city on one of the best busi ness streets. Price. $2,500.00. BIIINTON-PACK E R CO., Second and Walnut Sts. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Business Property for Rent 1541 North Sixth street, all im provements, including steam heat, electric and gas, will rent store and dwelling together or separate. Apply at 1024 Market street. FOtl RENT 5l North Thirteenth street three-story brick dwelling 8 rooms and bath gas furnace yard desirable location SIB.OO. In quire at 47 North Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Nos. 1249 and 1413 Market street; suitable for lodging and boarding houses. Rent, $25 and $26.50. No. 1843 Whitehall street; modern steam-heated house, with porch and side entrance, and facing Reservoir Park. Rent, S3O. J. E. GIPPLE, 1251 Market. FOR RENT Furnished house at Dauphin for the summer. Best loca tion. Reasonable terms. Address W. G. Garverich. Dauphin, Pa. COTTAGE ON PAW PAW ISLAND, furnished, on Juniata River, by day or season. Boat furnished. Rates, $1.25. Reduction for season. Write B. R. Faust, Mill Creek. Pa. TWO new 2%-story brick dwellings, 1207-1209 North Fourteenth street «above Cumberland): S rooms and bath; nicely papered; gas; electric lights; paved streets; all conveniences; front and rear porches. Rent, $25 month. Immediate possession. Apply R. Oen slager, 711 North Third street. FOR RENT 230 North Second, boardlnghouse, $42.00 225 Boas, 9 rooms, $27.00 o»0 Race. 9 rooms, $15.00 l3 South Eighteenth, porch, steam. $22.50. Ilarrisburg Trust Co., 16 South Market Square. FOR RENT Up-to-date garage, Calder and Penn streets; private com partments; fire-proof; water and elec tric lights; $5.00 a month. Apply Geo. W. Updegrove. 1200 Penn street. FOR RENT House, all Improve ments; oity steam heat; central loca tion. 3 doors above Market street; suit able for boarding or rooming house. 9 North Fifth street. Apply 8. Meltzer, 513 Walnut street. FOR RENT 622 N. Eighteenth St. —corner Eighteenth and North Sts. 3-storv frame 8 rooms and bath all Improvements rent, $20.00. Brln ton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR RENT A three-story dwell ! Ing house. No. 1507 North Sixth street; I all conveniences; cemented cellar; steam heat, etc. J. T. Knsmlnger, Sec j ond and Chestnut streets. ! REAL ESTATE EOR SALE OR RENT ! WILL SELL at a sacrifice or rent. 1815 North Second stret-t; possession at ; once. Apply Regent Theater, 410 \L*r i ket street. j APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Modern apartment In | Althouse Building, corner Thirteenth ' and Market streets. Rent very liberal j for summer months to right party. J. I E. Oipple. 1251 Market street. ! APARTMENTS FOR RENT Second floor at the Waizdorf. facing Capitol; six rooms, tiled bath and pantry; hardwood floors, electric light and I city steam. Inquire 400 North street. FOR RENT Modern apartment; front and rear entrances; Ave well lighted rooms; bath and pantry; all private; all conveniences for light housekeeping; no children. Corner Hamilton and Penn streets. FOR RENT Complete furnished housekeeping apartment, consisting of two rooms, kitchenette and bath; suit able for two gentlemen, or married couple; maid service obtainable. Apply Apartment No. 4, 212 North Second street. . , 1 APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Apartment 1101 North Third street: all conveniences; steam heat. Apply 264 Herr street. FOR RENT Apartment, second floor, four rooms and bath, with private porch; possession June !. Southeast corner Fourth and Peffer streets. B. I". 1 i tberger. 427 Peffer street, or 108 >ci Second street. ■ KKNT "Suburban," 2208-2210 Third street, new modern apsrt reception hall; 5 rooms; bath; 1.--. : storage; continuous hot water; front and rear porches. Apply on prem ises. FOR RENT Apartment, with all modern improvements, including city steam heat, No. 204 Walnut street. E. Mather Co. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Several unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; no chil dren; also, one furnished room. Apply 814 North Third street. FOR RENT Three rooms; all con veniences and modern Improvements; use of bath. Inquire 226 Hamilton street. Key at Corner Dry Goods Store. FOR RENT Two rooms on third floor, furnished for light housekeep ing. Apply 1327 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, with or without board. Apply Mrs. Fox. 1120 Green street. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, for light housekeeping; corner house; electric lights; large rooms; use of front porch; a very desirable loca tion. Inquire 525 North Fifteenth street. FURNISHED ROOMS One front room and one back room, newly paper ed and furnished; suitable for one or two people; rent moderate; all conveni ences. Apply 258 North street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or ensuite, light housekeeping; large and cool rooms; phone. Apply i 719 North Sixth street FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms, second and third floors: all conveni ences. Meals If desired. Gentlemen preferred; in private family. Address 235 Boas street, City. FOR RENT Nicely furnished nec ond floor and third floor rooms; fine location: use of telephone; reduced rates for the summer. Apply at 203 State street. HOARDING WANTED WANTED Boarding for summer for roan, wife and two little girls. 3 and 3 years, within two carfares from city. Address 0., 2504, care of Tele graph. HOARDING SCHOOL TEACHERS and friends of refined Christian families who seek rest should come to quiet, delightful. Lime Valley Farm. We serve farm cooking, our own vegetables, strawberries, milk, cream and eggs. Large porch, spacious lawn, plenteous shade. Early reserva tion will he advantageous. Address Lime Valley Farm. Box 167, Rheems, Pa. WANTED AUTOMOBILE OWNERS Who want to dispose of their cars for quick cash sales, consult us at once. We have buyers. No sale—no pay. We sell, repair and store automobiles. Try Keystone service. Bell phone 266R, Keystone Cycle Co.. 814 North Third street: alio Keystone Garage, 919 Myrtle avenue. WANTED lf you have a Ford flve pftssenger car to sell that Is in good working order, call 408 Market street, upstairs, or phone Bell 568 J. WANTED Used Ford or Hupmo bile touring car in good condition. Ad dress R., 2511. care of Telegraph. WANTED Work for four-horse teams or dump wagons. Address J. C. Cromwell. 37 West Mifflin street, Lan caster. Pa, care of J. Eby. FOR SALE i GO TO GABLE'S for wire fence of all kinds and gates to match. No. 111-117 South Second. FOR SALE Five-passenger tour ing car, good condition. Would make excellent Jitney. Will sell cheap. Ad dress Touring Car. care of Harrlsburg Telegraph. WHITE AND BROWN LEGHORNS FOR SALE at 75 cents each. Closing out all breeding stock. Also incuba tors and large chickenliouse. A. B. Davis, Penbrook. Bell phone 607-R-3. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE. •Biuamd]nba jsajwi nv '.«»u g-B pooa Bargain if taken this week. A. B. Davis. Penbrook. Bell phone 507-R-3. FOR SALE Day-old chicks, S. C. White Leghorn. G. E. Wants, 1915 Brookwooa. FOR SALE Pool room and restau rant. A 1 stand, good location doing good business. Satisfactory reasons for sell ing. Address P. O. Box 164, Harrisburg Pa. No agents. FOR SALE Chaterlee runabout, two-cylinder; searchlight, horn, wind shield. complete: carries two persons. Sacrifice price. 1200. Apply 5 North Cameron street. FOR SALE Five-burner gas stove, in good condition. Will sell at a rea sonable price. Inquire 1504 State street. FOR SALE Motorcycle, all Im provements. Including Solar lamp, extra back seat, one luggage carrier, speed ometer and new horn. Indian, 1913 model. First-class, condition. Bar gain if sold at once. Call Bell phons 141 2 W. ' GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Jtoom*. Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad, if paid In advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. AUTOMOBILES 7OO used cars, all makes to choose from; solne good as new; $l5O up. Trucks. S2OO up. Save 150 per cent. A. Levering. 912 North i Third, Harrisburg. I A. SANSONE A Co. lmported Pure i Olive Oil from Italy. Price ior 1-gal lon can. $2.25; H-gallon can. $1.25: 1 quart. 76c. Special price for case lots. Call 304 South Second street. Bell 1589R Delivered to any part of city. *FOR SALE Auto, good condition, made by the Jeffrey people, will be solu cheap to quick buyer. Apply 518 North i Second street. i —- FOR SALE One family horse. Ap ply Ober's Stable. Court and Cranberry streets. DARLINGTON'S STOCK SHOp" 7 per cent, dividend Investmenhts. For particulars call 4 North Fifth street Bell phone 2652. FOR SALE Restsurant and Soda Fountain on Lincoln way; good town' rooms enough to pay rent. Address S 2505. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE —E. M. F. 1912 model 3- pnssenger touring <ar; In good <'ondl tion. Telephone 3640 J. FOR SALE Will sell good will and stock of first-class second-handed fur niture store; centrally located. Ad dress X.. P. O. Box 775. City. FOR SALE Sewing machine in good sewing order; alsn French Poodle Must be sold by Frldav, partv leaving the city. 2170 Brookwood street. 1 HABXUSBURG TELEGRAPH | FOR SAI.E FOR SALE lOO scratch pads In package for 59c. The Telegraph Print ing Co. FOR SALE One mortice maehlne, one shaper. one tennow machine, hand and foot power. Apply 620 Oxford street. FOR SALE Bay horse, combina tion driving or. saddle; weight, 1,000 lbs.; 7 years old; trots In harness, slnglefoots under the saddle. Inquire G. C. Bitting, Cunningham & Blttlng's Store, Marysvllle. FOR SAI.E l,arge, two-horse fur niture wsgon In excellent condition; also single delivery wagon. Low prices. Bowman & Co. i RETIRING BARGAINS! Fence posts, 15c up; linoleum, 38c; rag, carpet. 15c; Ingrain, 20c; best, 45c, «1. $1.25; Brus sel. 60c; lining, .03c; fringe, lc; roof paint, 35c. Repairing. Ungst, Front- Cumberland. PUBI.IC SAI.E THE undersigned Administrator of the Estate of Mary A. Felty, deceased, will sell all household goods of said Estate, Saturday, May 15. 1915, 12 o'clock M., at 156 West Curtln street, Penbrook, Pa. SAMUEL B. FELTY. FOR SALE Large, two-horse fur niture wagon In excellent condition! also single delivery wagon. Low prices. Bowman and Co. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S. 113, 115 and 117 South Second street. 5.000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE CARDS <Jn sale at the Telegraph Business office. FOR RENT FOR RENT Store and bakery and dwelling; also bakery fixtures connect ed with steam. Apply Samuel Morris, 560 North Hanover street, Carlisle, Pa. FOR RENT Large room, about 4.000 sq. ft., third floor, fireproof build ing. corner of Aberdeen and Straw berry avenues. Freight elevator ser vice. Apply Commonwealth Trust Co.. 222 Market street. FOR RENT—Store room. No. 5 Grace street, two doors from Market street and P. R. R. depot. Suitable for any business; large show window, water and city steam heat; rent reasonable. Apply Claster's Jewelry Store, 302 Mar ket street. _FOR RENT Second floor room, 3.700 square feet, for light manufactur ing purposes. New building. Call at premises. Twelfth and Herr streets. T.USIXESS OPPORTUNITIES AN exceptional chance is offered ac tive party with SI,OOO to Invest, to gether with common sense and energy enough to conduct a Respectable, Per manent Cash Business that's easily managed. Free from Competition and get rich quick schemes where the or dinary labor from $3,000 to $5,000 should be cleared Yearly. Owner of this Business Invites the very closest investigation. Full particulars will have to be given at personal interview, which can be had by addressing Profit able, care of Telegraph. A REAL OPPORTUNITY. You ob taln exclusive agency for Harrisburg district. Favorable commission basis. Can contract for several years. Fairs, pleasure resorts, stores, ball parks, dance halls, private partle*—all crowds buy Sanisco confections an» buy again. Reserve best location for big Income and demonstration. Sell machines for other locations. Sanisco Company. 1439 Leader Building, Cleveland, Ohio. ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers: experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port. N. Y. I MADE $50,000 in five years In the mall order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 355 Lockport, N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us yor worn furniture. Our best efforts ln:iure your satisfaction. S. N. Cluck. 320 Woodbine street. , We buy. sell, repair and exchange bicycles and motorcycles. See us when in need of anything in our line. Key stone Cycle Co., 814 North Third, Bell Phone 266 R. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market street, Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1860. OLD GOLD. Silver and Jewelry bought for highest cash prices and solil at reasonable prices; also lowest rate In city on Loans. Harrlsburg Loan Office, ; 225 Market street. EXPERT PIANO TUNING by man thoroughly experienced and competent to overhaul Instruments of the better grade. Address Box W., 2514, care of Telegraph. S. GOLD, dealer In Second-hand Fur niture, formerly of 1016 Market street, has reopened a store at 1114 Market street. Just above Eleventh street. Will also buy furniture. POSITIVELY Highest Cash Prices paid for Furniture. Carpets, good sec ond-hand Clothing Dry Goods and Shoes. Don't sell 'till you seo me. Send postal to 636 Herr street, City. ABDOMINAI. SUPPORTERS Abdominal Bandages and Supporters for Appendicitis. Floating Kidney, after Operations, Naval Rupture. etc.. Trusses and Braces. Jere S. Shanaman & Son. Rupture Specialists, 408 Market street, | PIANO MOVING, tuning, packing and storing. Work done by experts. Winter Piano Co.. 23 North Fourth street. Bell phone 146. HAii.ixr; H. W. I.ATHK, Boarding Stable and \allonal Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No 2503 R. LET us sell your automobile. We have buyers If prlc* Is right Automo bile Storage. Repairs, Supplies at rea sonable prices, jveystone Cycle Co_ 814 | North Third street. Bell phone 2MR ROOF PAINTING, Window Screens, I Screen Doors made to order. Job car penter work done. Prices reasonable. Address Carpenter, 273 Herr street. MONEY TO LOAN ANY person needing money In amounts from $5 to SSO holding 'a sal aried position, would be benefited by calling on us. Employes' Discount Co., 36 North Third street. STORAGE FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods, |2 per month and up. vVe invite inspection. Low Insurance. 43 <-445 South Second Street. Harrlsburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, for household goods and merchandles. Pri vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cents per month. Apply 1). Cooper & Co., 4U Brosd street. Both phones. THE Harrlsburg Polyclinic Dispen sary will bo open dally, except Sunday, at 3 P. M.. at Its new location. 1701 North Second street, for the tree treat ment of the worthy p?or. DEPRESSION IN WILL STREET SHAKEN OFF Stock Market Gives Every Indica tion of Fast Becoming Normal By Associated Press New York. May 11. The stock mar ket gave every Indication at to-day's opening of Its intention tc shake off the depression caused by tile sinking of the Lusltania. Active stocks made gains of from one to *lx points, with hot so much as a single Initial decline in any quarter. United States Steel be gan with 5.000 shares at 53U to oIU, compared with yesterday's close of o0 t . Westinghouse. on sales of 3,000 shares, was quoted at 88 to 89 H. a maximum rise of 58. and Bethlehem Steel rose Coppers, Motors and the miscellaneous group gained three to Ave. Reading and Canadian Pacific were the features of the standard railway*, gaining 3',* to 4%. NEW YORK STOCKS New York, May 11. Open. High. Low. Clos. Anial Cop .. 86 68 67% 68 Am Rt Sug 42 % 45 % 42% 45% Am Can .. 34 34*8 33% 34% AmC&F. 50% 52% 51 51% Am Loco . 44% 45% 44% 45% Am Sugar . 67 67 65% 67 Am T & T. 109 109 106 106 B& O .... 72 % 72% 71% 72% Beth Steel . 135 138 135 136% Brook R T 82% 88 87% 88 Cal Petro . 15% 16% 15% 16% Can Pac .. 159 159% 157% 159% Cen Leath 36 35% 37 37 C & O. ... 43 43% 43 42 % C. M &St P 90%" 91% 89% 91% C C Copper 43% 44% 43% 44% CF & 1 . . 26% 27 26 % 27 Corn Prod. 13 13% 12% 12% Dist Sec .. 12% 12% Erie 25% 25% 25 25 %i Erie Ist pfd 38% 40% 38% 40% Goodrh BF 45 45 44% 45 Gt Nor pfd 116% 117% 116% 117% Gt N Ore s 31% 33% 31% 33 I In-Met ... 20 21 % 19% 21% In-Met pfd 69 71 % 69 70% Lehigh Yal 140 140',* 139% 140% M. K&T fd 73% 75% 78% 75% Mo Pac .. .13% 14 13% 14 I Nat eLad.. 60 60 59 60% NevCC... 14% 14% 14% IN Y cent.. 85% 85% 85 85% NY.NH& H 6 4 6 8 62 % 65 Nor & W. . 102 Nor Pac .. 105% 106 105 106 P R R ... 106% 106% 106% 106% Pgh Coal . 19% 20 19% 20% Press S Car 4 5 43 43% 4 4 Reading .. 144% 146 143 % 144% R I & S .. 25% 26% 25% 26% So Pacific.. 88% 89 87% 88% So Railway 17 16% 17 17% Tenn Cop.. 31% 31% 31% 31% Union Pac. 125% 126% 125% 125% U S Rubber 61% 62% 60 62% IT S Steel. 53% 54 53% 53% U S 8 pfd. 106% 106% Utah Cop.. 63 65 % 63 64% Ya C C .. SO% 30% West U Tel 66 66% 66% 66% West Mfg.. 88 89% 82% 88 PHII.AnEI.PHIA I'HOOUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, May 11. Wheat —■ Higher; No. 2, red, car lots, export, $1.51® 154: No. 1, Northern, Duluth, ! export. $1.62 @1.65. Corn Steady; No. 1. spot, ex port, 76®SDc; No. 2, yellow, local, 83® 83 He. I Oats—Steady: No. 2. white, 61%@62c. \ Bran Steady; winter, per ton, 1)30.00: Spring, per ton, $25.50® 26.00. Refined Sugars v— Steady; pow dered, 6.10 c; fine granulated, 6 00c; con fectioners' A. 5.90 c. Butter The market is steady; western, creamery, extras, 30c; nearby, prints, fancy. 33c. o Eggs The market is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $6.15 per case; do., current receipts - , free cases. $5.85 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6.15 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $5.86 per case. Live Poultry Steady; fowls, 17® 17*4 c; ol<l roosters, 12012V4c: chickens, 13®18c; do., broilers, 30038 c; turkeys, 13it 16c: ducks, 13 015 c; geese. 10@llc; geese, 10®llc. Dressed Poultry Firm; fresh kill ed fowls, fancy. 18®19c: do., aver age, 16®17c; do., unattractive. 14®l»c. old roosters. 13He; frozen fowls, 16® 18c; roasting chickens. 17@20c: broil ing chickens, 22®27c: turkeya, ll® 22c; ducks, 12018 c: geese, ]2®l6c. Potatoea Market steady; Penn sylvania, per bushel, 60®52c: Maine, per bushel. 60052 c; New York, per bushel, 43®46c; Florida, per barrel. $3.500 6.25. Flout; —The market is steady; winter, clear. s3.6'»'"'' I" ('.'mrii'- • > vania. $6.85®".10; spring, straights 17.10® 7.33; rlo., patents, 57.60W5.00; western, $4.25®4.40; patents, s4.soQu 4.75; Kansas straights. Jute sacks. $4 15 ®4.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.00®4.20; straights, $4.20®4.30; patents, $4.35® 4.80. Hay The market is firm; tim othy. No. 1, large bales, $19.50®20.00; No. 1, medium bales, $19.50®20.00; No. 2, do., $17.50® 18.50; No. 3. $15.50® 18.50; sample, $14.00 ® 15.00. Clover mixed hay: Light mixed, $19.00® 19.50; No. 1. do., slß.oo© 18.50; No. 2, slß.oo® 17.00. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated Press Chicago. 111.. May 11. Hogs Re ceipts. 9.000; slow. Bulk of sales, $7.10 t7.55; light. $7.20® 7.72 ; mixed, $7.25 7.70; heavy, $7.00® 7.80; rough, $7.00 ®7.15; pigs, $5.25 @6.90. , Cattle Receipts, 2,000; strong. Na tive beef steers, $6.80®9.25; western steers. $6.00®7.90; cows and heifers, $3.300 8.75: calves. $6.5009.00. Sheep Receipts. 10,000; strong. Sheep, $7.7608.70; lambs. $8.70 Ti1.15. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADF, Chicago. 111., May 11. Board of Trade closing: Wheat—May. 1.57 : July, 1.32 V 6. Corn—May, 76; July. 78V oats —May, 53' i : July. 53"*. Pork—July, 18.25: September, 18.62. I*ard —July, 9.95; September, 10.17. ( Ribs—July, 10.65; September, 10.90. I.KGAI. NOTICES May 11. 191S~ SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the Superintendent of Streets and Public Improvements up to 12 o'clock noon of Thursday. May 20, 1915. for the construction of SEWERS in BOAS STREET and in FLORENCE ALLEY. Blank bids and specifications may be had on application. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. AY. H. LYNCH. Superintendent. NOTICE letters Testamentary on the Estate jt Elizabeth Collins, late of i the Boroi Wi of Steelton, Dauphin | County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned residing in Harrlsburg. Pa., all persons indebteii to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. W. H. Mt'SSER, Executor, 213 Walnut Street. Harrlsburg, Pa. NOTICE letters Testamentary on the Estate of Solomon Nisley. late of Penbrook. Dauphin County. Ps., de ceased. having been granted to the un dersigned residing In Penbrook, Pa., all persons Indebted to said Estate are re quested to make immediate pavment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. EDWARD G. NTSLET. Or Executor. HARVET E. KNUPP. Attorney. Js'o. 3 Russ Building, Harfleburg. Pa. MAY 11, 1915. City May Try to Collect Thousands in Taxes on Bonds Whether or not the city will make an effort to collect the back State taxes' of years gone by which had been paid to the Commonwealth on municipal I bonds held b.v banks, trust companies, j etc., will depend largely upon what re- | suits can be obtained from his petition i to amend the last city treasurer's re- P°rt to ibis effect. City Commissioner j W. L. GTOrgas declared to-day. The commissioner yesterday peti tioned the Auditor General to per mit an amendment of the treasurer's report so as to show what amount of securities were held by banks, etc. Mr. Oorgas' contention is that the city should be exempt from paying the four mill tax on these bonds because the institutions have already been tax ed as a part of their corporate hold ings. Mr. Gorgas said he believes only the last year's report could be amended but just what disposition would be made of the thousands of dollars in cluded in previous statements he didn't know. German-Americans For U. S., Declares Ridder New York, May 11. —Herman Rid der makes the following statement this morning in the Staats-Zeitung: " 'What attitude do German Ameri cans take toward the German subma rine policy as evidenced by the fate of their fellow citizens on the Lusi tanla? " 'Are they with the President of the United States or the Emperor of Germany?'—The Evening Mail. "I speak for myself and I believe, for the great majority of German Americans, when I say that we are with the President of Wie United States to the finish In all matters affecting na tional honor or national prestige. "I subscribe unqualifiedly to the statement of Carl Schurz: 'My coun try, right or wrong; if right, to be kept right; if wrong, to be set right.' „"Docs this satisfy the Evening Mall? "HERMAN RIDDER." THREE SUBMARINES A MONTH Geneva, May 11. Via Pnrls. 11:50 j A. M. A Swiss engineer, who arrived I here to-day from Hamburg, said the shipyards there are turning out three ! finished submarines a month. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS Philadelphia, May 11.—Stocks closed steady. American Railways 30 Cambria Steel 47 % General Asphalt 24% General Asphalt, Pfd 66% Lake Superior Corporation 7 Lehigh Navigation 73* i I Lehigh Valley 70 I Pennsylvania Railroad , r >3 5-16 Philadelphia Electric 23Ts I Philadelphia Company 34 Philadelphia Company. Pfd 31 Philadelphia Rapid Transit S«i Philadelphia Traction 75 Reading 72 Storage Battery 5j I'nlon Traction 31 % United Gas Improvement 81 United States Steel 52% ■ V It Pays To Advertise in the Telegraph —J Efficiency INCREASE tlic profits * of your business by aiding your skilled help ers to make the beat nse of their time. Use the proper blanks, blank books, stationery and ad rertlslng matter. Get the right kind of designing, engraving, printing and binding at the right price* from The Telegraph Printing Co. Federal Square Keep Posted Avoid Risk, Danger and Expense ' I It is just as important to keep posted about the secur ities you own as it is to investigate thoroughly the se curities you purchase. A FORM JUST FINISHED will enable investors to tell at a glance what securities they hold, what month the interest on each security is due, whether or not their se curities are free of Pennsylvania State Tax and the Nor mal Federal Income Tax; in fact, practically all the necessary information. This form enables us to keep in vestors advised concerning their securities at no incon venience or expense to them. We ask you to take advant age of our service. Sample forms are ready to be mail ed on request. To demonstrate the usefulness and advantages of this form, we have filled it in with a list of securities that we strongly recommend for investment. > Twelve First Mortgage Bonds Also one Consolidated Mortgage Bond of the Pennsylvania R. R. All but one Free of Pennsylvania State Tax, and ALL Free of the Normal Federal Income Tax. EDWARD B. SMITH & CO. BANKERS r N. E. Corner Ilroatl «n«I Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia 3(> Pino street. Xe« York Our representative In this territory Is Mr. I.ce A. I«uhenateln Bernstorff Delivers Germany's Expression of Regret to Bryan Ry .Is.toeiatcd rrcss I Washington, May 11. —Count Rcrn | storff, the German ambassador to-day accepting as authentic the text ot ; Germany's formal expression of re gret fey the ioss of Americans on the Lusitania, which was received in last night's news dispatches, formally pre sented the statement to the State De partment. The official text has not yet reached the embassy because of difficulties of wireless communica tions. COMMERCE l-UNCHEON On Tuesday, May 25, there will be a luncheon meeting of the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce at the Harris burg Club. W. S. Kirby, publicity manager of the National Retail Dry Goods Association, will deliver an ad dress upon trading stamps, and so called profit sharing coupons. QIIBBER STAMnn jJEI seals & stencils IIV ft W MFG.BYHBG.STENCILWORKS ■ If \ I 130 LOCUST ST. HBG.PA. II For Sale 1023 X. Second St., 3-storv brick. 2053 Second St., lot 50x162 ft. 1810 Tlilrtl St., store room and two apartments. 1711 Stnte St., 3-story brick. IWW, Green St., 3-story brick. 161tt Stvntara St., 3-story frame. PAXTANG a'.-B-nforjr frame. lot 72x130 ft. I,ot, Paitanie Ave., 85x150 ft. SPEECEVILLE 2 Furnished Cottage* along river, B acres of ground, 2 hundred fruit trees, beautiful summer place. FOR RENT 2223-2K Atlas Ave., 2-story brick, i all improvements, electric lights, *15.00 H. M. BIRD IMOX TRUST III,TIG. —J MONEY If you work, keep house, pay your bills and need money for a good purpose, we can supply - it In amounts of $5 to (200 at legal rates, payable week ly or monthly. Organized In 1909 by local people with local cap ital to save borrowers from extortion. the Co-oper ative. regardless of what others advertise, still leads for business rates, terms and service. CO - OPERATIVE Loan & Investment Co. 204 CHESTNUT ST. Open daily from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m., and Wednesday and Saturday evening* until 9 p. m. DISCOURAGED ;'if your efforts arc not appreciated j and there is no chance for ad | vanccment. There are always good II positions open in Harrisburg for I: competent men—positions where i good conscientious effort will be i rewarded by constant advance ment. j Just use a Telegraph WANT AD and reach the firm who is looking for just such a man as vou. 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers