May Sale of Manufacturers'SurplusStocksSKaufman'sTomorrow fST" Money Savings Everywhere—Bargains That None Can Fail to Appreciate I Ztho« "ZZ7T For Economy's Sake—for the Sake of your Purse ~ . . 7 1 $2 Wash Dress Skirts F»r «P 1 and Earl y Summer Goods that you need right now are here for Dresses, Values to $3 00 «P * Choice Ratine, Palm Beach and Bedford Cord ma- J™ ft actually leSS than MakerSCost. By all meailS COffie tO Dresse , for or pqrch Made of teriais, in only the newest and best models, aii regular Kaulman s to-morrow, Saturday, and remember the bigger your Tissues, Crepes and Lawns, in assorted colors. All sizes , and "" rasi " s ' J purchases the bigger your savings. . \ ——^ !| Mr A/m Less Than Makers' ISCi | / Spring Suits and Co,ored and all new patterns; assorted j! Jj i&mw/ / '! U/L'l C 111 J j| Additional New Lots Go on Sale To-morrow [Saturday] jj * , ummer ll Women ' s and Misses' d»Q 7C Women's and Misses'*l A7Cjj . f? hr * D SeS PETTICOATS New Spring Suits For New Spring Suits For «P14,75 j] mostHatf-Pr.ce WORTH 50c. OO jj f/jjl JU' MY'iA sls, $lB and S2O Values $22.50, $25, and S3O Values SALE PRICE ... jj j Ijllly L fj J us * 54 Suits bunched together in one lot for Saturday's A wide range of only the newest and best styles to choose j; jj Made of fast color Per- !> 1 iMfi; ' J selling. Every suit of this seasons newest models. Every from. Only 47 suits in this lot. Mostly one and two of a style. !' cales cut full / /wE? % wanted material, all colors and all sizes, including extra large The best and newest materials are here in all colors. All sizes |! f/Q \ r l"v\ |[ / Ml ! ftlV sizes for extra large women. for women, misses and extra large women in this lot. ;! i/l I '/M:* I ON SAIaB IN BASEMENT. |! /- /MM"!! • ' \jL j// !// women's house j f T~lp COATS For Women and Misses j White Chinchilla J DRESSES jj Ml Wff | J 111 ♦ Entire new lots from the best makers. Models of every kind are here. Sport, J Di*lrvr» Sri C !' WORTH to $1.25. j! ||||||||l| I ||l\ ♦ Military, Ripple Flare, Belted and the Staple Coats. Coats of every occasion— J IlUlvb 111 VUdls SALE PRICE... ;[ ll'l'm 111 U ♦ fabrics are the most popular of the season black and white checks, coverts, ♦ |j / / \ Made of best Percales and jl I /| (j j || l|| • serges, plaids, mixtures, poplins, etc. Black and all the newest colors. All sizes « t * ie vo £ ue f° r Coats of this most j[ r j \ 1 Gingham* all new models* <» I ti lfr ij j \ ! for women, misses and extra large women. I satisfactory of summer materials has j; |/ \y .1 lliuil if I i Wo,nen,s 6 M/ss «'"pFor f* ; II .v II I j ij 111 Women's & Misses'uu to : ~ w ' h « surplu! ; stock ° f on ' ot N ™ II one i« of gm s - wash Extra Special Values in !; I I • i| |\ ♦ t Yorks best makers. You have the jj Dresses; sizes 2to 6 years. .jl /if i jl ; Women's & Misses' up to sll Coats For C/; : e hoice ° r { Plain White * Invisible *? stc ° l ° r Percales = worth 117 9 i> Iffl ll'l I Ivl t TT omen S I! I 111 ll ll iI ♦ Women's & Misses' up to sls Coats For CO 7C : and an the newest models. i; p ri « IOC |! - r I ♦ Regular $7.50 COATS <t» r- f\f\ {! r»»|| 1)1 1/MIL I 111 J t sr - ♦ for !pS.UU ; ; Onetableof Girls' Wash N K n OHS£S 'I lWnMfTWm\\ ♦ GIRLS' $3.00 COATS, GIRLS' UP TO $4.00 £ O 1 Regular SI4OO (Ma AA Dresses; sizes 6to 14 years; Jim VIUU3&3 wmrLWm jj for 3>1.b9| COATS. , or $2.69 : s "° SIO.OO T075c mmer o°A : FOR SATURDAY i 1 1 I; r 95!; -V° 39 C WOMEN'S BLOUSES wmwwM, wls o Girls' Wash Dresses, Worth to S3 00 Sale Price ; w " w - w - w - w - w - w - w - v -"-"- w -^"-""'""""" w - w " w -"-"" w - w -"-"-" w%v "- w -""T oo<H><K>o W white and colors; sizes 6to $1 79 * This Seasons Newest Silk Dresses i; jj /Trimmg&^immed| )'« c *"V' C , C " i,,c ' I at eSS I^ an Makers' Cost j I J|« Less Than One-Half Price , j est' n SprU" n and 'slnTer | FrtS T. $3.95 $12.00 \| 'ijj U P t0 s 3 * so Trimmed HatS - $1.95 | Sale d|°, OQ models; in all shades and i Made of silk poplin, all colors; new- Stunning dresses, of crepe de chine. { g M Up to $4.50 Trimmed Hats DC Q P " Ce •OJ7 colors; all sizes. j est styles. All sizes. Newest styles and\colors, all sizes. < Vv A ■<»• —— DiniTcrc -i. n alsx Silk Dresses, worth up d» lA"7 C> o Up to $6.00 Trimmed HatS, S Wash Dresses, in white and WOMEN S BLOUSES < Silk Dresses, worth up <t»o QJ- t o $25.00. Sale Price, ATT•ZD ;! g SO.VO g colors; sizes 6 to 14; worth w .l . c n C , p . •; to 512.50. Sale Price .. 17U.t/U Tafifcta. crepe meteor and crepe de t. 5 Untr mmed Hats, (\ lUntrimmed Hats, jg\ lUntriraired Hats f% ° to $3.50. (t» -| Af Wortn to », Sale rnce Newest styles, materials and colors, chine dresses, elaborate styles, neatly 6 Values to SI.OO /M/» Values to $1.50 I Values to $2 Oft rtiflS* o Sale Price ... 1 »v/ 0 /-a. !■ All sizes. trimmed. All colors and sizes. J § Aa*«rte«l Colur N Aaaorte.l Colora vM V H „ortmon( (PO : V § ""'I style- I miii nit shape*. I g On Sale in Basement Oft} aomKH><H><K>oooo<H3<} { »<HKK3<H>oo<H><H>ooo<H>CH^oooCK>c ! A<Mo c^o<s^^o(^ wn o e oasemeni Copies of imported mod- ""' wy • n - • els; made of Crepe de Chine. [ Lxtra Dig Bargains ITI fAAM J lIS ? Women sMuslirt iSr f V. e ? S&YoitngMeil S SALE ON FIRST FLOOR. K' If* 1 g* 1 O •. Underwear Hlgn-Grade Sllits TROUSERS FOR SATURDAY Cl|H THE FAMOUS ELITE BRAND j SO Ave** women'sgowns cut fun, - cuHuit Le , G „d ' Suits That Would Ordinarly Sell (2*o VfS, 45c zvr&tz wo " h ... 69c Jpfl at sl2, $13.50 sls & $lB, For i>o. / D TROUSERS at WOMEN'S WHITE MUSLIN PETTICOATS - .4-inch embroid- a c value for the money-the choicest and QOr ery ruffle; cut full; worth Sale pnee {MM la tes Habrics, the most tempting lot of Men's and Young Men's Suits you OVC W «^ E h M k US h IN WOMEN'S CORSET COVERS - MMf ever looked at-They come from the best Philadelphiamaher S -It's the PETTICOATS lB-inch embroidery nicely made and lace and embroidery w > , Va k * C '».££' tt i . .i r n . . $2.00, $2.50 &$3 00 ruffle, cut full; worth SI.OO. trimmed; worth to 75c. on Men 8 |h'lMjl best iuit ottering ever offered to the men of Harrisburg. MEN'S TROUSERS at Sale price Sa,c P ricc Wml ON SALE //V THE BASEMENT Ark WOMEN'S MUSLIN DRAWERS WOMEN'S MUSLIN DRAWERS and WMfl Mil I liLL, I — hemstitched ruffle; worth 1 f —Swiss embroidery ruffle; QQ $2.00 . OjfJ ~~~~"""" —————————————.———__ $3.50 & s4.#o Men's B ' ue S «O NA ers a ' Silk Petticoats Just One-Half M THE LOTS ARE LIMITED lir » Oil !/■ nrTTirA ATP /tv M m jf\. | cK Boys Norfolk SUITS; j Boys' Two-pants Norfolk I Boys' Two-pants Norfolk s4.oo*HsoYoung nn c * E ™ COATS ' 4| 1Q iL ■••• sl-491. $2.75|^f s . $3.75 Men S Flannel Trousers Worth iJJ.Ov, oale ince ... T .l Jjtt Boys' $4 Shepherd Plaid I Boys' $4.50 Blue Sergei Boys'7Sc and SI.OO Oliver $2.49 | Made of Taffeta and Mess line Silk in All New Summer Shades—All Lengths, jjl I Basement ' f ß or ferCoa,s v $1.951 To?". C0 "°:.52.49 j £Ss WAS ".... 49c FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 7, 1915 5
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