20 *:4 - . White Weaves For a ii fffci —I i-J; H Rich Colored Dress Dresses in the \ ? ">- ' 1 " ' "j s / 1 Weaves Add Unusual Steple^ white materials from |«iul»r / BonteX SeWing \Voek i 12% c plisse underwear crepe, 30 in- r\J f ■» ?toSl A C * T "I °' " on^ex Sewing \\ cek. tzj%\.*r~. s ?7'... w .?i mi/n mk A A Clearance or buits Involv- Jtr r' Villucs are offc,ed 19c mercemed batiste, 40 inches JJjfc & J » p l ||pftS M 20C colored voiles. 36 inches wide, wide: in full pieces. Bontex Sewing j | 11 IWV ' £""1 "ITT "1 "I * ' n ora ' designs and stripes. Bontex iWj gl fti \ \m m gSe ver &l Hundred Choice ?0c imported voile and marquisette. 7r2* 1 Week Price 29© Bontex Sewing Week Price ... 25* > 1 J I®® Oj 1 I—'l—'1 —' w2k w« ? ons :. . Bo r. te r.. '"lsi btvles rrom Regular Stock 2sc white gabardine. 2/ inches wide. ** ° Bontex Sewing Week Price .... 39© Bontex Sewing Week Price .... 19© . K\}| 5Qc crcpe de chine, 36 inches wide 50c white gabardine. 36 inches wide. X/l T/ C* • 1 D I v» Bontex Sewing Week Price .... 49© » > & n«°- Week Price 12'.»© Ribbons in Printed To the hundreds of women who have not yet purchased'a Spring suit this announce- hud designs. Bontex Sewing Week Warp and Taffeta ment of a complete May clearance of women's and misses' suits will come as a special mes- \2V2C colored voile, in floral designs. Reduced sage of economy. Our entire stock will be offered, beginning to-morrow, at savings that 8c seersucker gingham. Bontex Sew -25c printed warp ribbons in Dres- Will be Well WOrth looking intO. the Bo„* den designs: 5*4 inches wide. Reduc- , tex Sewing vard 8© cd JL° • « ;••••. ••••• ! ?f Only such garments as are produced by America's foremost makers will be found fn this clearance. The 3o c embroidered crepe in" white bons! \ t"o d 6" list Of specials include: grounds, with silk woven figures. Bon .. r> j * j IQ . . tex Sewing \\ eek Price 2o© wide. Keduced to ............. it#© $20.00 navy, black and Belgian suits of pop- j $30.00 suits of gabardine, poplin and fancy $39.50 tail covert and blue golflex belted Seeded voile, 38 inches wide, in floral .-0c printed warp ribbons m '"a"}' ii n , j n button trimmed, belted and (ME AA imported weaves, with flaring satin collar and and awning stripe designs. Bontex patterns; ?to 6 inches wide. Reduced plain ta n o red styles. Reduced to ® 1 belted effects. $25 00 suits, with patch pockets and circular skirt Sewing Week Price, yard 25© to _, e <«t nrv o r-u T.. x- fll j Reduced to ... 36-inch voiles, in an entirelv new 39c heavy moire taffeta ribbons: 5./, $-3.00 1 nnce Chap 1 uxedo Norfolk and $37.50 and $39.50 fine quality braid trimmed w,th inches wide; colors, white and black. pla i n tailored suits, ot hne quality gabardine, gabardine and serge suits, in navy, black and Reduced to Week Price, yard 2.1© Dim' Pomtrov t Stewart Street Vloor poplin. Serge and pure worsted <1? 1 Q *7C club checks. Afi * Dives, Pomeroy Stewart, Street Floor. Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. tQ Reduced to Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Second Floor. An Important Showing of | s7 .so,osl2.ooTnmmedHats SO Q C p AmOD f, * e C0,,0n Gloves for Spring: ncludmg | nfcMay s,| eo | Ml || inewl , V.30 Waists '■ Promised for T omorrow t-> /-> *y> CpftP I _ Seventy-five new styles of waists in Persian lawn, madras, voile, A stvle«assortment seldom, rf ever before, equalled in extent, has sold at $2.95. When a manufacturer discontinues making jfew buying on the second floor to-morrow. The trimmings are of em been gathered for the benefit of Mav shoppers. The grades are the certain kinds of hats he is willing to clean tip his stock at anv broidery insertion embracing panels; imitation filet and cluny and best procurable and the prices are interestingly low. price This is what ha pp e ned in this instance and explains X hemstitching. Altogether the loveliest assemblage of summer styles Two-dasp white and colored 16-button length washable whv such unusual values are offered. ✓ < Ch scen lus sca ' ° ll ' SI.OO kid gloves, representing special - gloves, in white, nat- - Here are a few examples of the good styles and the re- Choice at - 50«'to#i.«o auctions in force:- ' ' Night CJowns and Corsets at SI.OO elove event at. .#1.50 to 52.2."» Two-clasp silk gloves, * with $7.50 black satin and Whit* straw I IT.SA white basket weave straw tur- \ '.7,7 50 styles of cambric nainsook ami erepe nowns in hi«h or V shape neck & ~ , , , , , ■ . r j„ ■ turban. Extra fcO QC ban. Extra tfO Off \ \ •*.* I with lone «sleeves, or In low throat style with round, square or V yoke, the Two-clasp washable chamoi- double finger ends, in colors, gpeclal Jbz.yo Special 5Z.95 \ V.'trimmings are of lace or embroiden- edge SI.OO sette gloves, in white, natural white and black. Pair, *12.00 all blue moire satin sailors, j $9.95 black braid and blue silk \lvsijK 25 dt)zen corsets In D., P. & 8., American Lady and Warner Rustproof ,nd nrtWff Pair 50© oO© to .<1*1.50 Exlrlt <9 QC? crown turban. fO QC brands go on sale tomorrow for SI.OO and pongee. rair ........ OUC i.„ i;.|. Jw.. S P ec ' al Extra Special &Z.SJO Dlves> Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. bilk gflo\ es made by Americas Iwo-Clasp lisle glO\es, pair, $12.00 small black straw poke hat $9.95 fine prrey hemp turban with /V 1 premier makers, with double fine- 25© th plnk facin *- <J9 Qf* Kre >" silk crown. qc y S m■■ > oi 1 r~\ c 1 r o erends. Pair...#i.oo to ss.ooi d"«. * street Floor Extra special v&.vo Extra special .„......... Men s bhoes and (Jxtords tor bummer T~ I hp I rjinQniirpnt Hflf"* Ac I irfrit" QC a Men's gun metal calf oxfords, with blind eyelets and stitched tips, white in Pim Inrl c Snrf«r Af\ i ransparenr nar. /\s as a reamer rub bersoies pa ir ».«» I\J 1 UUIIUo V>l allLllclldJ. ouycll /111 Matrhle««s values in thea»» irloal cummer Into «C>/» Men s dark tan calf oxfords with stitched tips, broad English heels. *3.011 m * m T I -uaicniess \aiues in tnese iaeai summer nats at t>.J© Men . s whlte llnen oxfords on new English lasu, white felt soles and 1 O-morrow ------ vy Kose, white, black, grev, tan, sand, blue, green; the brims are of lace, straw lace, crcpc heels t si.on and net R e g U i ar $1.69 to $1.95 values in the May Sale of Millinery at 09© Dark tan c^ lf , an f eun metal calf En K" sh oxfords, neat fips stitched; Wit A Each of Including Half I \\T 1 fIT T I *' I —■« . ~ I Black kidskin b ucher oxfords, on straight toe last with medium weight Pound of Senate "Bhnd Tea for 32c Wonderful Values in t lowers at 10c and 25c leather rimeW 8,00 Tjarsse Santa Clara Heinz pure tomato Swift's shou-iders. Forget-me-nots in all colors, daisies, roses, rosebuds, lilacs, cherries, grapes, bluets, pop pr "creamy ° r Mafne Ipe'ciai regularly ml,rt and «u»rar cured; pi es , morning glories, sweet peas, hydrangea, china astors. foliage, grapes and dozens of OlintlßV VflClllim Q«^ co^c«n CT i a 5?, y « c M a a n l s n . e yeiiow ' c averaging 5 ib,. Qther {lowers; % alues to $1.98. Extra special in the sale at 10© and 25© L/Unney . V acuum Cleaners, JO.XO m.o- wibole red rti£ P eaohe£ - cftn - - scf * f °£ lb - • •••" • • The 1915 Duntley is quite the best cleaner that we have seen Ca™ at ?fci ; « i£fs e . . s «to ( beef, u^ib.*"™.... TWO Wonderfllt Lots of Shapes at 19c and 39c thus far at a low price—equipped with brush attachment, and guar / N White laundrv Boiled ham. sliced, lb Rough straw turbans and small, medium and Hemp poke bonnets in navy, sand and OQ- anteed to give absolute satisfaction in home or office. Golden West Sal- soap, full size; 10 Frankfurters, lb., tSc large shapes in white, black, green, brown, sand tan. $1.95 values. Special 01/ C Porch Swings, Lawn Mowers, Screen Doors IP'cans*... "(tSf f °Laundrv "starch Lebanon bologna.' lb.. and "5c to 11.49 19c Hemp sailors with mllan edge in tan, 39c Oak mission finished porch swings with non-rustable chains. Asparagus tin's in ndry Btarc h. » . a3 c values. Special black and navy, Jl.devalues. Special Ji7V ' „ K 8 oa . tea nn tall tins. 2 cans. 25c ib ar cure ? bacon. Hemp turbans In all colors. IQ. Many styles of turbans in milan hemp and special Jpl.WO to Jt»».UU Ha i a Hawaiian v j nrea'm' oh.'.'.V 'ih' Ji.69 to $1.96 values. Special xi7\- straws in Band, black, brown and OQ_ Lawn mowers, warranted to run smoothly and without friction, pineapple, sliced In EnKlUh l£?rv Fine milan turbans, $1.95 IQ. blue. $1.49 to $2.25 values. Special ' a» ox a,A .. S 7 rUP: Premium Ib to $3.95 values. Special 1»C navy and sand hemp OQ_ . , . , J , . , 100: 3 cans -So, chocolate; ragularly 50_c. Limburger cheese, lb.. Medium size flat Milan sailors In sand shapes, $1.95 values. Special OUC Natural finish varnished screen doors, in 3-panel frames, r> ls< ' -«c and blue, $1.95 value. Special Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Front. 98© to 51.39 Dives, Pomaroy & Stewart, Basement. Tv 'p a »"« 7 The Suits For Men and Young ' m " hand ties in nov e!ty patterns and //l I distinctiv e figure designs, wiH be pre- <4 S~\ Iff 'J / ( k\J 3>IU.UU to jffl _L N. Rumchunda polka dot four-in-hands I b °ad end shapes 50© -phe majority of men pay less than $20.00 for a suit. To find the best made suits in America to sell jj Bells of Live Leather, SI.OO within the range of SIO.OO to $20.00 was not a question that could be quickly decided, It took much inves- J T ' IC> strft^ h j-° c o n f° r m with the tigation, time and work to select the makes that we thought worthy to carrv our label in the coats. '! i \ II movements of the body—practicable . I | | U . \ and comfortable. For street and sports We are confident that we have done our work weell, and that our knowledge of clothes quality and /£j r —WM occasions. good'style will justify any price vou pav by giving you fullest value for your money be it a SIO.OO, $12.00, A' // \ ' i jlfl Boys' Sports Shirts {Km l lßm Y< /VP //\ / \/ ' TVe r ~ . ~ , 513.00, SIB.OO or $20.00 suit. T\s \( c // V lne rsport stvle is one of the new ideas in out-door shirts for v , / s °^' s Z~ a a<J ju stable collar is its most noteworthy feature, 50© The coats are in the latest two and three-button effects. The styles include Tartans, overplaids, —-■("\BB Boys Sport blouses with short sleeves, sizes 6to 16 years, 50© .... ~, ' 1 Drives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Men's store. stripes, checks, mixtures and solid shades such as grey worsteds and blue serges. / J j \l Fancy Silk Hose, Colored Tops, 50c Boys' Wash Suits at Half Price I CI mmm Women's fancy silk hose, in sand and putty colored tops. Pair 5«o 1 A It/ . w omens fancy silk hose, in black, sand and puttv, with pink sky laven- . , , _ . . . \ \\ 'i // »s»wlSßi der re«eda tops. Pair —; 79( , A clearance of Russian suits with bloomers in sizes 2 I A to 7 year sizes, \ VJl} // |BV " 4 booL« aSSOr t ed " tr iP« tops, with black and sand \\ / 7 |9D lisie tops'".-.00 ot i nc bides white, tan and blue linen; blue and white striped galatea: plain white galatea with \ 1/7 fcSra SiJjfi 2o Bilk boot hose « high spaced heei®, in white and biack.'. 50e , , ,• r HI w^I e " 8 T ! ?i te i? l , lk 1,9 ! e h08 ? : 6 , t0 9H * Pair 250 blue sailor collar, fancy madras; linen crash in tan with blue sailor collar; white pique, etc. Our entire / A Women a white lisle union suits* knee length 50c |HH Women's white cotton ribbed union suits 1.1 koc cfi n W omen's white lisle ribbed vests, extra sizes * **sc StOCk Ot \\ ash SUItS reduced as follows. • Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. q» | r*ri 1 Tf- I O rn 1 G"t t? clo - co aa t n 4)1.0U wash suits, . . . 7oc $3.50 wash suits, . . . $1.75 U An importer found himself overstocked with Bead Bass. Our Syndicate $2.50 Wash SUItS, . . . $1.25 $4.50 Wash SUItS, . . $2.25 ~ Trading: Company bought the entire lot and we place on sale tomorrow our „ , fiS\ """ttiSTT.s®, s2.soand $3.00 b*K„ special $2.95 wash suits, . . $1.48 $5.00 wash suits, . . . $2.50 j~J Dives. Pomeroy * Stewart-Street Floor. Front. Wves, ft Stewart-Men s Store. Second Floor. Rear. 1 FRIDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG ffljftl TELEGRAPH MAY 7, 1915.
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