6 BUSINESS DIM COULD NOT WORK FROM ECZEMA R. F. McKee, 209 Boas Street, Says Hands Became Raw HE TELLS OF CURE Harrlsburg. Ffu x herewith submit a voluntary testi monial to the value of the 3 D's for skin trouble. Three years ago eczema developed on my left wrist. Finally the affected surface became entirely raw and was exceedingly pain ful and Interfered with my wortt to the extent of causing me to remalh away from my work, at different periods. ... . 1 tried remedies prescribed Dy a phy sician and a number of patent medi cines with but little relief and no permanent benefit. Finally I told my troubles to a friend of mine, a Harris burg druggist and he at onoe recom mended the D.-D. D. remedy LO me. I waited until X was satisfied that a cure had been effected before wrWing you and I trust that If there are any peraons suffering in the way I did that they will use the D. D. D. prescription and obtain the cure that I did. Respectfully, R. F.. McICEB. 209 Boas Street. So confident are we that the D. D. D. Prescription will reach your case too, that If the very first full size bottle fails to do exactly as is claimed. It will not cost you a cent. Drop in and let us tell you more a±>out this great rem edy, D- D- D. George A. Gorgas, druggist.—Adver tisement. I t i New Modern Optical Offices Repair Work Done at Reasonable Prices When you break your glasses bring them to us. We do our own grinding. The latest scientific methods of examining eyes used. Jso drops put Into your eyes. GOHL OPTICAL CO., 34 North Third St. (Formerly at 8 X. Market Sq.) TOURING CARS FOR HIRE I/owrst Prlros—Best Service Special Rates to Day Parties Also prompt and effi cient taxicab service. W.J.GENZLER Z* Bell Fhonea 3T<W and 2.164 J. i raited Phone—324. V— AMUBEMEXTS COLONIAL SEE THE WHIRLWIND DASCI.\G In "A Royal Cabaret" With 3 Other New Acts and n CHARLES CHAPLIN PICTURE Mat*., 5 and lOci Eves., 10 and 15c. PHOTOPLAY TO-DAY* f Out of the Ruins 3-reel F.dlson Drama ' "WHOSE I "\YHE.\ HUBAXD" j HEARTSAHE A Itagraph Btosnrnph Dra ('Oßiedr mat 1c t'omedy. "HIS WIFE'S Don't fall to are SECRET" j thl« exceptlnn- Kaaanar Drama i allv ko.ml »liow. _____ 10 A. M. to 11 P. M. MACLYN ARBUCKLE In the farm fantany "It's No Laughing Matter" Th« Vear'a Blgseat Suereaa "SWAP SHOTS," Edlaon romed-ri "THE >ll 1.1, I OVA IUK CABBY," Sells comedy. Friday, "THE ARRIVAL OF PER. PETI'A," with Vidian Martin. Bal., Set Children, fW-| Orehea., lOe. The Home of the $25,010 Pipe Organ And Which Shorn MUTUAL MASTER PICTURES VICTORIA To-morrow "The I.oat Honae." A Mutual Maater Picture. THURSDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 6, 1915. WEEKLY HOLIUY FOR WmilEK IN QUESTION Senator W. W. Smith Introduces Bill to Amend the Employ ment Law Senator W. W. Smith, Philadelphia, introduced in the Senate to-day a bill deplpnated to amend the present law relattnK to the hours of employ ment for women so as to permit the Department of Labor and Industry to subdivide the one day of rest in seven into two half days for certain classes of work. The bill Inserts the following in section three: "That the one day of holiday in seven may be subdivided into two days of twelve hours each for women em ployes in hotels, boarding houses and In charitable, educational and reli gious institutions at the discretion of the Industrial Board of the Depart- ] ment of I«.bor and Industry; provided that if it should be hereafter neld by the courts of this Commonwealth that the power therein sought to be granted to the said board Is for any reason Invalid such reading shall not be taken In any case to efTect or im pair the remaining provisions of this section." Attempt to Recommit An attempt to send back to com mittee the House bill to consolidate the Eastern and Western Penitenti aries failed in the Senate to-day. Senator Buckman. of Bucks, moved that the measure be recommitted to the committee on appropriations. This was opposed by Senator Thompson, of Beaver, who said the motion was made with the purpose of killing the bill. A division was called for and when it was announced that less than a quorum had voted. Senator Buckman withdrew his motion. Workmen's Compensation Is Back in Committee The workmen's compensation bills, which -were read the second time in the Senate to-day, were recommitted to the committee on corporations. They will be amended and reported out again next week for final passage. "EQITAI; RHWHTS" IN COMMITTEE The House bill designed to give equal rights to all persons regardless of race, color or creed, in places of public accommodation and amuse ment, was reported to the Senate to day and a few minutes later it was again sent back to committee. Wright to Manufacture Aeroplane Stabilizers Dayton, Ohio, May C. Orville Wright's stabilizer for aeroplanes will make them as automohiles. in ] the opinion of the Inventor. The fac tory in Dayton is now prepared to manufacture them on a commercial basis, according to Mr. Wright, and work will begin to this end as soon as rush orders for military aeroplanes have been filled. The Inventor says the stabilizer is •designed to render aircraft almost automatically always In balance, no matter what befalls the pilot. While no description or interpretation of the mechanical principles or features in volved will be given out at this time, Mr. Wright says that repeated tests under all conditions have demonstrated the merit of the device beyond ques tion. Orders for armored military aero planes have so taxed the capacity of the Dayton factory that the stabilizers commercially have left to more favorable times, says Mr. Wright. EARTHQUAKE RECORDED Washington, May 6. —Seismographs at Georgetown University to-day be tween 7.25 and 7.45 A. M. recorded earth shocks of moderate intensity, estimated to have been about 1,800 miles from Washington. FREE TO ASTHMA SUFFERERS A New Home Core That Anyone Caa liie Without niacomfort or Loaa of Time We have a New Method that cure* Asthma and we want you to try It at our expense. No matter whether your case is of long standing or recent de velopment, whether it Is present as oc casional or chronic Asthma, you should •end for a free trial of our method. No matter In what climate you live, no -natter what your age or occupation. If you are troubled wtth asthma, our method should relieve you promptly. We especially want to send it to those apparently hopeless cases, wnere all forma of Inhalers, douches, opium preparailoni, fumes, "patent smokes," etc.. have failed. We want »-to show everyone at our own expense, that this new method Is designed to end all dif ficult breathing, all wheezing, and all those terrible paroxysms at once and for all time. This free ofTer Is too Important to neglect a single day. Write now and then begin the method at once. Send no money. Simply mail coupou neiow. Do It To-day. FREE ASTHMA COUPON FRONTIER ASTHMA CO.. Room JB2M, Niagara and Hudson Sts., Buf falo. N. T. Send free trial of your method to: I BATTERY " 1* SERVICE Batteries rebuilt and recharged, various types of "Exlde" batteries and parts In stock. Automobile repairing, starting and lighting systems a specialty. Excelsior Auto Co. H. li. MYERS. MGR. 11th and Mulberry Streets EDCCATTOICAIJ Harrisburg business College 329 Market St. Fall term, September first. Day and night 29th year. Harrisburg, Pa. Begin Preparation Now Day and Night Sessions SCHOOL OF COMMERCE SB 6. Market Sa., Harrisburg, Fa, I** SK iK tesss.?' 1 WX*» Friday, the Big Bargain Day NoUon ' » O ® » FRIDAY A O A I X—John "k \ J. Clark's Sewing Thread, Perfect Gloves! Special Prices | CORSETS—drest Values S&f.r£iE?."2c „ Hfr Majesty's Corsets, two new rustproof CQ- rKIDAY—2OO dozen, elbow length (full 16- models, SI.OO Wind: special UI7C. lmtton), extra heavy pure Silk Gloves; wliite I.ong or short with ni»dluiii trimmed bust, 4 rubber-U|)i>od hose B,nß , l ea . m ( -i'" or black; double-tipped fingers; two-button at supporters; sizes 18 to :50. <ira<luate<l rustproof stays. lawn; all sues, u-jnrti Kr S'S •££ value " 69c JBFlesh-Colored Corsets, entirely new, value $1.50. Spe- pl "dress' 1 \s > cial Price, each $ I .(H) IOe; 7c For the girl graduate—Klbow French Kid Gloves, 3 button?* at wrist, (i OQ 'r patented flexible clasp at bottom, embroidery trimmed, medium low » vartl nieces worth 1 •3.00 value; Sale Price, pair > R 'J piece 2-cJasp White French Kid Gloves TT . __ ~ TT , * I 77 „ . . I-T, .pi.iu, ipi.O.l WOMEN'S FIXE GAUZE fa in brio Drawers one., or (Imported) Black or white, ————— | \*WglP MSI, K STOCKINGS white, tine ni'n ifi 1!4 nn.l 2 Indies wide; else- Elbow Liength White Suede Gloves; pair . IT) black or Uu.; value 101/„ r tucks- Fririav IOC where 8c to 10c. here, C 'Art I-'J, (iijl y -TC 1»C. Sale Price, pair rnissßr rovpiis V i„» Sale Price, yard -)Uf, ( Of, WOMEN'S VERJ" FINE SILK ...u. . . H . e > i HOOT STOCKINGS black. nainsook, lace or embrolderj white, tan. bronze, navy, sand, '"J* 1 *"™! 25c King's blue, steel pray, Kellcy kind Greatest Dargain FAMOUS BURSON BLACK | mm 50c kiml elsew here. '' 25 CI I VPlope C ' hcl,,tae > or embrol- ll,~ r ~~' al\ 'shades "li'<'avy 3*s't rat h! I SILK LISLE STOCKINGS 17p s " lPl,rl^ >,a ' r * SmW«f!S ,,?% $»i".... 98c (Not a Seam.) ■ M m. M Glen's Silk Stockings, white, »8e; choice. 50 C " '' ' To-morrow 3 nairs "Wit* • nair sand or gray; 14r a . «« 7. u, ;; • • . LACES —IB-inch Shadow I-ace morrow, d pairs, OU?, pair .. . Friday, pair A*»C $1.50 Combinations and Flounce, exquisite designs; value — " 98c 16c >. .. .. deep garter hem, Men's or Women's American taped edge taffeta, steel paragon EXTRA—line 45-incl. White wide; values 75c to "JQ r high spliced heels; black, white and frames, mission or natural wood handles. QQ» Embroidered Oigandle Flounc- $1.89; Friday, yard all shades to match the new shoe A real $1.50 value. Sale price Ings. for the graduation dress; Shadow Ijace Edpes, 2 to I IiIGHT AM> r A ini r• i or N CHILDREN'S AND INFANTS' DRESSES Hi 50C GIOVeS 25C WH it e and colored SH«r or tight knee, all sizes . . 0"C £tOC Klbow length, white or black lisle or 2- Beautifully made. Sale prices, f,™, CI..P „r buck U..C wir or con,„,U« 5 0c> 69c> sloo> trimmed, cavh £tOO stitched barks; also fine Suede Gloves. Values up to $2.50 O _ YD. Pure Linen Torchon Laces, narrow width, I BRASSIERES—aII over net or fine lace Brassieres, I SOILED—Swiss Embroideries, 27 and 45 inches MG extra fine for dresses and underwear. Value 5c I deep cluny lace trimmed; value SI.OO. I wide, many designs; were 50c to SIOO. OC yard. I Friday | While they last to-morrow, yard 4mj%jfC Ground A OHT Q I Ploor I Market St. MEMBERS OF MECHANICSBURG ANNUAL BIRTHDAY PARTY. f " " d^lk 1 H " \ / SIX MEN CELEBRATE MAY 6 IIS BIRTHDAY For Twenty-one Years Mechanics burg Men Have Been Observ ing Joint Anniversary Special to The Telegraph Pa., May 6. —Of unusual interest is the birthday din ner given this evening at the home of Walter B. Zacharias, at Winding Hill, about two miles south of town, when his guests will be Ave men, whose birthdays, including his own, all occur on May 6, of various ages. They are George Zacharias. John At ticks. John C. Heeaer, William M. Roller, S. Harper Myers and Walter B. Zacharias, ranging in age from 80 to 28 years. The birthday celebration In this manner is an annual event, and was instituted by the late George W. Hauck, and has been regularly ob served for the past twenty-one years. Originally the members were George W. Hauck and Dick Charles, both de ceased; George Zacharias. John At ticks and John C. Reeser; later Wil liam M. Koller Joined the list; fol lowed by Walter Zacharias and S. Harper Myers. Relative to the celebration is a touching incident in the fact that the deceased members are not forgotten, and on the morning of May 6. an nually, a floral emblem Is placed on the grave of each, In token of a cher ished friendship of bygone days. It is customary for each member, in turn, as the birthday comes around to entertain with a dinner, plans for which are made a long time in ad vance. and looked forward to as a most important event. Following the ban quet this evening there wili be after dinner speeches and jokes, with mu tual congratulations. INTEREST IN INTERVIEW By Associattri Press Vienna, May C.— Due D'Avarna. the Italian ambassador, conferred yester day with Baron Burlan, Austro-Hun garian foreign minister. Much im | portance is attached to the Interview but no announcement has been made aa to the result. The negotiations with Italy are generally regarded as hav ing reached a critical stage. iIB&MS JvbßH WALTER B. ZACHARIAS Who Entertains Party Those in the upper picture are. left ! to right: John L. Reeser, George Zacha rias. John Attkk; in ovals, S. Harper Alyers (left) and William M. Koiler (right). CHILD BADLY INJURED , BY BIG TOURING CAR [Continued from First I'nge.] nothing else but elephants, clowns, popcorn and toy balloons. Dressed in her best, she was out on the front porch early this morn ing waiting for the first appearance of that greasj -looking Italian, who brings delight to all childish hearts— the balloonman. "Oh. here he comes!" she cried in childish glee to a playmate, as the balloonman and his string of little ga.s bags hove in sight on the other side of the Without noticing the big touring car that was rolling swiftly down the street, the child darted across the pavement, towards the balloonman, witnesses say. There was a warning shriek from the auto's horn, a grinding of brakes and the sound of rubber gripping as phalt as the driver made a desperate effort to check his car—a scream. The limp form of th e child was picked up from the street by Nathan iel Lerch, of Middletown, driver of the car, and rushed to the Polyclinic Hospital. Here physicians found.that the child was suffering from con cussion ot the brdin, lacerations and bruises. Her condition is serious. ARGENTINE SEEKING I/OAN By Associated Press Ruenos Aires, May ti.—Negotiations ot the Argentine government with New York and London hankers for a loan of approximately $50,000,000 in gold are progressing favorably and it is expected a contract will be signed i lefore the end of the week. LATE WAR PS Turks Deny Allies' Army Js Occupying Gallipoli Constantinople, May 6, via Wireless to Berlin ana London, May 6, 7.59 A. M.—The following official statement regarding the operations in the Dar danelles was issued this afternoon by the Turkish war office: "The unfav orable situation of the eneiny in the Dardanelles remains unchanged. Re ports from Athens regarding the oc cupation of Gallipoli and Nagara by landing forces are untrue." Armenians Arrested in Turkey in Large Numbers London, May 6.—A Reuter's dis patch from Sofia says that two Arme nian journalists who have arrived there declare that Armenians are be ing arrested in large numbers in Tur key. The re'ason for this as given by I Talaat Bey, the Turkish minister of the interior. Is that the Armenians in Van are urging the population of the town to revolt. " TURKS ATTACK ALLIES London, May 6.—The Turks, con siderably reinforced, attacked the al- I lies camp at Krlthla early Tuesday morning, but were repulsed leaving 1,500 dead according to advices from Mltylene received by the Exchange Telegraph company from its Athens correspondent. The allies ad vanced into the Interior, the disfpatcli ! says, and now occupy positions of great strategic importance. TURKISH ARMV DEFEATED London. May 6.—A Petrograd dis patch to the Reuter Telegram Com pany says: Dispatches have been re ceived here on the defeat by the Rus sians of a Turkish army corps in the i Caucasus. An effort was made by 30.000 Turks, tinder DJavid Pashn. to Invade the Dilnian-Khori region, which the Russians occupied. Japs Leaving China; Chinese Indifferent ! Mukdtn, via Peking. May 6.—The Japanese consular orders issued May 3 | resulted In a general flight of Japa nese from Mukden the following day. i The value of a gold yen increased .thirty silver and a rich harvest was reaped by exchange brokers. All Japanese civilians except few hankers (and railway officials now hav.e left the i city. s. Hankow, via Peking, May 6.—The Japanese, barracks here have been prepared for a siege. Following the consul's advice many Japanese have left tlie city although the Chinese ap pear wholly indifferent. Several prom inent native residents were entertain jeU at dinner last night by some ofj ihe leading citizens. 1 ROBO IN CAPE HAITIEX f Cape Haitien, Haiti, May 6.—Dr. Rosalvoßobo,leader of the revolution ary movement against President. Gull- i latnl, rode Into Onpe Haitien to-dav at the head of a strong detachment of cavalry. The town was occupied some ten days ago ago by two of Dr Bobo s generals. » "THE QUALITY STORE" REMARKABLE BARGAINS For Friday's Selling Onfy radios' Jersey-top Petticoats with 50c large allover Kimono Sleeve w isrbsrz?, sas »r $3.50 ■..v.cr'"'....39c Children's Cotton Pongee Coats Short lengths of the best quality —odds and ends—all good styles Percales In light, black, gray and and excellent qualities—sizes 8 to blue styles, 12 lie grade; special for 0 years—worth $2.98 to $8.50; spe- Friday, at, Q1 _ rial for tf»o CO I>er yard *f /2C Friday at arsr-sw ~ t&ttSi-ST... 14c $5.00 Coats for 10c Bleached Muslin of a splen- Dresslng Saeques of good quality did weight and quality, free of percale and dimity—low neck and dressing: special for 71 / „ short sleeves—light and dark col- Friday at, per yard ■ /Zl» ors—an excellent value at 590; spe- olal for Friday at I,ot of slightly mussed Wlilt© — Petticoats; special for Friday— I,a,lies' Gray Percale Wrappers- '«* ' embroidery trim neat |)atterns anil nicely made— c, lectn i #,ii • *T J? : whiie a t r hev $, ' W ° ; " VCCM ' or CQ r ' «'»>• »»' «'»<" " 69° • , , o9C One lot laee and embroidery tasi ai trimmed; were $1.25; special *7Q/» „ . . for Friday, at. each / I7C Saie a Dollar on these genuine Que lot lace, embroidery and rlb- Crex Rugs—the most sanltar) and i K)n trlmmetl; were $1.50; special durable of all summer rugs—9\l2, | ))r (.vidav J. n regular price $7.05; spe- «g.95 «»• earth * 98C ciai for Frltlay at w One lot of tine o'nri *•> Bxlo. regular price special Skirts; special for *1 Vq for Friday, $5.75 Friday, at, each 3)1.4" at, eaeli • w Floor Oil Cloth in new up-to-date Ladles' Neckwear; special for designs and colorings—all iH-rlect Frida> goods—regularly 35c and 30e; spe- 50c high neck styles; special for cial for Friday, Ofir Friday at aq at, square yard each A*/C SI.OO high neck- Chemisettes; Beautiful Wool Porch Rugs—in special for Fri- (JQ blue. brown ami green—size 3x5 day, nt, each OJ7C —only a few in loU—worth $2.00; $2.50 high neck Chemisettes; special for Fri- C 1 HH special for Fri- 1 qq day, at, each •v/V/ at> (»acl, w 1 •01/ A special lfJt of 50c Neckwear; $2.00 Fibre Suit Cases, 24 inches s Peclal for Fri- OQp long, well made and will stand hard n <i each y W ear—handles sewed and riveted I on—linen lined, with shirt fold; ... . special for Fri- (1 OQ _ Earners S|>cclal Striped Batiste .i n v n t am nli «Pl»OJ/ Corsets—new model and a good da>, at, eacn sl<so value; Bpecla , for QQ r 10c Crepes with light grounds 1 at, each and pretty neat floral designs; spe- cial for Friday, f!l/« f> Men's 50c Silk Sox. seamless—ln at, per yard ' black and white; special for Fridav ati pair, Ssc; {1 nn 15c White Voile, 2" Inches wide, 3 pairs for ... u> 1 tUU a line sheer cloth for waists and Men's 25c' Fiber''Silk S<ix— ln dresses: special for 1 _ black only; special for Friday at Friday at, per yard lvv 17c pair; 3 Crt/* , —IIIT. _ pairs for OUC lOe neat check White Fawns, suitable for waists, children's wear and pajamas; special for *7e* Hot Bottle Cases reduced for Friday at, per yard ■ *» fIJ/Jc Brown Toweling In twill basket case, each OLtO.J and honeycomb weaves; special for $2.25 .double pint. imitation Sic Floral Silks on white grounds leather case, each .... »• UO with self colored dots and neat printed rosebud patterns fr, blue. „ . .... _ , . pink and hello; special for Olive Soap; special for Friday at, l»er yard ... 7 C 25i' Bleached Pillow Tubing, 45 Inches wide, best make; special for 5e Kewple Post Cards; special Friday, at, IQ_ for Friday, C per yard at> 2 for wl - W. COOK GEORGE KONG FIVE YEARS London, May C.—Artillery boomed in London to-day. The shots were not aimed at aircraft or any hostile raid er, but were in honor of the fifth an niversary of the accession of King George to the throne.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers