A RELIABLE DIRECTORY OF THE BEST MEAL ESTATE OFFERINGS ' _ DIED CRUM On Mav 3. 1915, at Harrisburg Hospital. John H. Crum, Jr., ot Lower Paxton township, aged 20 years and 3 days. _ r uneral on Thursday, at 1:30 P. M., from hl» late residence. Short services at his house and burial at Shoop's Church. The relatives and friends are Invited to attend without further 110- |{f e. WHEELER Mrs. Elizabeth Wheeler, widow of the late George Wheeler, of Hummelstown, Pa., on Monday, May 3, aged 84 vears, 11 months and 10 davs. Funeral will he held at her late home, on Thursday afternoon, at 2:30 o clock. The friends and relatives are invited to attend without further notice. SNYDER On May 3. 1916, Agnes 8. Snyder,, aged 70 years, 5 months and 24 days. Funeral on Thursday afternoon, at 3 o'clock, from the Home of the Friend- Fifth and Muench streets. The relatives and friends are Invited to at tend without further notice. LOST LOST One 30x3 Diamond. Non-Skid tire, In cover. Reward if returned to 210 North Second street. Harrisburg, Pa. LOST Set of automobile curtains, last Thursday afternoon. Reward. Please call Bell phone 3193 J. FOUND FOUND The well-dressed man. He always sends his clothes to Eggert s Steam Dyeing and French Cleaning Works. 1245 Market street. Do you? Both phones. Call and deliver. HELP WANTED —Mule WANTED Automobile salesman, with experience; good proposition to one who can make good. Address Box 2179, care of Telegraph. WANTED —Men for Lancaster, Read ing. Sunbury. Harrisburg and wour ban towns; good money to right parties. Call 8 to 9 A. M.. 4 to 6 P. M., 409 Patriot Building. A BALTIMORE manufacturing cor poration desires an eregetic salesman for Eastern Pennsylvania. One fa miliar with Mill supplies preferred. Trade has been established tor years. State, age, experience and wages ex pected. Address Salesman, care of Har risburg Telegraph. THOUSAND J GOVERNMENT JOBS. Open to Men and Women. st>s.oo to $150.00 month. Write for list. Frank lin Institute. Dr -'l-D. Rochester. N. Y. WANTED A stock salesman can make $4,000.00 in thirty days If you are a hustler. Address C., 1191, care of Telegraph. WANTED Ten salesmen. Apply 008 North Third street, between 9 and 11 A. M„ or 2 a«d 5 P. M. __ WANTED Boy over 16, as trim ming cutter. Apply The Devlne « Yungle Shoe Mfg. Co. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy ! to get. My free booklet, \-872, tells how. Write to-day—NOW. Larl Hop kins. Washington. D. C. WANTED Boy. between age of 16 and 18 years, to learn the drug busi nens; one who has had a term In Hißh School preferhed. AfldreM H., Ll&s, care of Telegraph. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATUS— MEN WANTED Ablebodied, unmar ried men between age* of 18 and 36; citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the lunglish language. For information apply to ISecruiting Officer. Bergner Building. 3d & Market Sts, Harrisburg, Pa. WE are looking for reliable men for towns and cities of Pennsylvania who can invest small capital in very profit able. new, attractive advertising busi ness from which a liberal, permanent, monthly income can be had. Better than street cars or billboards and cost much less. Business protected by pat ents; no competition. No experience required. Write, or call. Hotel Com monwealth. Thursday. See Mr. C. B. Carruth. WANTED Heaters, Doublers, Shearmen, Screw-boys for sheet and tin Mills. East Ohio District. Western Stale Paid. Steady work. 110 trouble. Address J., 2181, care of this paper. Government Positions Easily secured. Personal instruction. Special summer rates. Prepare for Fall Examinations. RAILWAY MAIL POST OFFICE. CUSTOM HOUSE and other positions. For further informa tion call at or address THE WILLIAM PENN^-SCHOOL. 31 N. Second Street, Harrisburg. Offices: Rooms 4 and 5, Second Floor, open Monday, Wednes day, Friday and Saturday evenings. Expert consultation and advice FREE OF CHARGE. AUTO transportation school wants men to become practical chauffeurs and earn $75 to SIOO per month. We give a thorough course in crude and practical work- for $35.00. No. 5 North Cam^jOivl3en^>horu^J^lJ0 i> _ i<>^^^^ HELP WANTED —Female WANTED Vampers. tip stitchers and headers. Apply Harrisburg Shoe Manufacturing Co., Vernon street. Har risburg. Pa. WANTED Bright girl to learn to mark and sort. Apply Troy Laundry. 1520 Fulton street. WANTED Girl over 21 for gro cery store; give reference and experi ence. Address H., 2192, care of Tele graph. WANTED Middle-aged white wo man for housekeeper in family of three. Apply 119 Herr street. WANTED Reliable white girl for general housework. Apply at once. 1923 North Second street. WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to learn cigarmaking. Paid while learning. Apply Har risburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. WANTED Lady cook, at small boardlnghouse. Apply 1348 Vernon —-——a-—-——*- FOR SALE Real Estate of Special Interest 28041 Agate St. A nice two-story brlrk house with five rooms, bath and furnace. ! Easy terms. Price *1,050 (16 Sixteenth St. Three-story frame house with eight rooms, bath and furnace. This property has been recently remodel ed and with a one-story addition vou would have a storeroom and dwelling in a good location. Spe cial price. 10-Acre Farm Immediate Possession Tills farm Is occupied by the own er who has agreed to vacate at once in case the farm Is sold. Location— % mile north of York Haven. House, ham. etc. Terms.can be arranged. Price { »i,Wo 73x11* Ft. Vacant (.round. The price Is reasonable for this plot of . North Cameron street ground. H '» located just south of Verbeke street on the Bast side of Cameron. Size up the location and then talk to us about price. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. HEAL ESTATE f-lre insurance Surety Bonds l.ornst and Court Streets WEDNESDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED String, neat, girl for general housework: family of three. Apply 236 Woodbine street. WANTED Saleswomen for Shoe Department; must have experience. Ad dress. stating salary expected, refer ence and experience, to Box X, 2183, care of Telegraph. WANTED A young, white girl to help with general housework. Phone 2215 W. WANTED—Experienced help. Apply Silk Mill, Cor. North and j Second streets. i WORKS DRESSMAKING SCHOOLS —Are the best equipped schools of the kind in America. They are located most everywhere. They are popular. Join this school now, make all your Springand Simmer dresses while learn ing. Day and Evening classes. W. A. WorkJ^rog^^j^NorU^J^ourU^jtr^et^ HELP WANTED —Male or Female SONS AND DAUGHTERS of members of Loyal Order of Moose, No. 107. who wish to enter the ticket-selling contest for the Moose Mighty Midway and Car nival, week May 17, will please call at Mcose Home, Third and Boas streets, any time this week for particulars and tickets. Two fine prizes will be award ed to those selling the most tickets. WANTED By Columbia Protec tive Association, men or women to create and collect debits. Call 2143 I Atlas avenue, before 9 A. M. ,or be tween 4 and 6 P. M. See Superinten dent. RAILWAY MAIL AND POSTAL CLERKS Examinations soon; over 2,000 appointments yearly. Prepare at homo. Write for our Plan No. 15, of payment after appointment. Philadel phia Business College, Civil Service De partment. Philadelphia. Pa. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS who are A. F. & A. Masons to obtain members of the Masonic Fraternity to become insured in our Company against Loss of Life Limb, Sight or Time by Accident and Loss ot ■ Time by Sickness. Our policies are es- I peclally designed to meet the insur- I ante needs of Masons. Our liberal commissions enable the part time Agent to add materially to his present in come and the full time Agent to earn an unusually good income for himself and family. We will be pleased to in form you as to our terms and open ter ritory. Address all communications to Masonic Mutual Accident Company, 121 State street, Springfield. Mass. SITUATION S WANTED—MaIe WANTED An honest and reliable colored man desires work as Janitor, driver, porter, houseman or caretaker of a suburban place; good reference can be furnished. Address 133 Balm street. WANTED—Young, married man, with unlimited capital of business ability and small financial backing, desires to Con ner! himself with a live, well-paying business in Harrisburg or vicinity as active partner; references exchanged. Address J., 2187, care of Telegraph. WANTED By young man, High ' School student, work of any kind after ] school hours. Address H.. 2180, care of ] Telegraph. WANTED—MiddIe-aged man wants position as Janitor or man about house to take care of lawns and garden. Ap ply 1511 Naudaln street. WANTED Young man desires po sition as barber; 2% months' in baroer school. Address 502 Myers street, Steeiton, Pa. WANTED Barber; seven years' ex perience, desires position. C. W. S., Highspire, Pa. WANTED Young, strong man de sires work around horses. Call, or ad dress^M»o6\Vf^ac<^street^^^^^^^^^ SITUATIONS WAN ILlH—Female WANTED Reliable colored woman desires work three days a week, Wed nesday. Thursday and Friday; can give reference. Call, or address, 329 Cherry street. WANTED An honest, neat, young colored woman desires work by the day or half day; reference can be fur nished. Address 133 Balm street. WANTED Neat, young colored girl desires position at general housework,' or maid; can furnish best of reference. 1 Address B„ 2184, care of Telegraph. | HOUSEKEEPING WANTED in city. Apply 1433 Vernon street. WANTED By colored girl, place to cook in private family. Address 234 Ridge street. Steeiton. Pa. WANTED Washing to do at home. Mrs. R. M. A., P. O. Box 96, Lemoyne, Pa. WANTED Colored woman desires day's work. Call, or address, 514 Brown avenue. WANTED Nurse, with hospital training, would like confinement cases or nursing in general sickness. Call, or address. 534 South Seventeenth street. Terms reasonable. WANTED Reliable colored woman desires housecleanlng. Apply 1212 Cowden street. WANTED Colored woman desires housecleanlng by day or week, or wash ing for Monday and Tuesday. Apply at 1329 Wyeth avenue. WANTED Middle-aged white wo man desires day's work of any kind. Address M. E. 8.. 1521 Vernon street. WANTED Colored woman desires day's work or work bv the week; no washing. Call, or address, 1236 Mon roe street. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR PALE Desirable building lots in the Tenth Ward, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets. An opportunity for it builder or real estate dealer to secure well located property for development purposes. Ad dress Ll, No. 1587, care of Telegraph FOR SALE Bungalow on Colonial Acres, near Progress; six rooms and bath; all improvements; chickenhouse; barn; large hogpen; outbuildings; young orchard. Price reasonable. Ap ply Mrs. J. M. Wix, on premises. NEW BRICK HOUSES FOR SALE— Only $6,300, easy terms; only one left of those eight newly built brick houses on Market street, corner Summit. L Mlnter, 1167 Market street. Both phones. FOR SALE Farm of 91 acres. In Dauphin county. 9 miles from Harris burg; one-half mile from railroad; land in nigh state of cultivation; good buildings: along main road. H. G. Ped low, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE 550.00 cash and easv monthly payments will buy 1547 Ver non street; new brick; 6 large rooms; bath; nil improvements; deep lot; side entrance. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. NEW BRICK HOUSES, 1844-46-48 Chestnut street, now ready for inspec tion; 9 rooms and bath; gas; electric light; steam heat; finished in chestnut; large porches; side entrance; plenty light; pure air; good sewer; fine neigh borhood. Call, or nddress, D. F. Bauder. 21 South Eighteenth street. FOR SALE Large building in Ann vllle. containing two store rooms, dwellings, printing establishment and garage. An excellent investment. Ap ply C. E. Shenk. Annville, Pa. FOR SALE ll9 & 121 King St. new two-story bricks each 6 rooms and bath furnace elegant invest ment. Prire of both. $3.450.00—wi1l sell separate. Rrlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut Sts. GROCERY STORE FOR SALE In a good location; stock at inventory, proh ahlv $1,200. and fixtures at a reason able price—corner property. Bell Realty Co., Beiguor Building. < REAL KSTATE FOR SALE MOXHAWKJB (10) acres only ($ 1.400> beautiful lo cation (8) room large house, front and back porches and outbuildings. Choice fruit, (rood water, loam soil (buildings) alone valued ($1,800). Opposite valuable farm with tine painted buildings. Handy to market, telephone, high school, churches, stores, and railroad station. (25 > years with present owner, old(lady) alone. With line horse, fresh cow, hogs, chickens, ORIS, corn, hay, straw only (11,650). Possession (at) once. SIS«tVKHAMVA (42) acres (notice) low price ($1,600). Home, barn, outbuildings (2) fruit or chards, tine black garden soil (4) acre* i (woodland) meadowß, creek and (2) large flowing springs. Apples, cherries, plums, quinces, pears, "rapes, peaches and currants. Ideal location for green j houses, poultry and early vegetables, near large market, railroad station and trolley. With horse, cow (4) hogs (25) chickens (20) bushel oats (40) bushel corn, 1 ton hay. 1 ton straw only (.sl,- 850). ni,o.«soiioxi»K (120) acres (giveaway) bargain ($3,- 500). New painted white house, porches, all new painted outbuilding, except new roof bank barn, (500) choice fruit trees (10,000) strawberries (600) raspberries (20) acres (woodland), new concrete and stone milk house. For ($800) more rather than miss a sale (match team) fine horses. (4) good cows (8) hogs (66) chickens (18) ton hay and straw (100) bushel oats (200) bushel corn. Handy to (3) railroads (large market) and trolley. GEORGE B. OSTRANDER, Danville Telephones Sunbury Mornings (7 to 8) Evenings FOR SALE 5O Acres 3% miles southeast of Llnglestown l2 miles from Harrlsburg level sand soil 2%-story brick dwelling—B rooms and basement frame hank barn run ning water in every field but one—pos session at once. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE One house on Second street and two on Third street in beau tiful Riverside. Elegant suburban homes. Large pQrches: large yards; all conveniences. Prices low. Easy terms. E. Moeslein, 424 State; Lewis M. Neiffer, 222 Market. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Single Indian Motorcycle, in good running order for 2%-horse-power gasoline en gine or concrete block machine. Ap ply 330 Relly. REAL ESTATE For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE: OR EXCHANGE FOR FARM— -1936 Park St. 3-story brick 9 rooms, bath and steam heat front and rear porch side entrance practically new. Pine St., Enola double 2 'A-story frames 6 rooms each front, side and rear porches lot, 75x150—stable on rear. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT No. 2520 Jefferson street; practically new; all improve- i ments. Rent, sls. Call M. R. Me User, 410 Bergner Building. TWO new 2 %-story brick dwellings, 1207-1209 North Fourteenth street (above Cumberland); 8 rooms and bath; nicely papered; gas; electric lights; paved streets; all conveniences; front and rear porches. Rent, $25 month. Immediate possession. Apply R. Oen slager, 711 North Third street. FOR RENT 1524 Susquehanna ! street; 3-story dwelling; all Improve- J ments; 8 Vooms and bath; everything in I good condition. Inquire 628 Forster I street, or at above address, or phone I 304 R. j FOR RENT l6ll Swatara street; ] 8 rooms; bath; furnace; .yard; porch;: SIB.OO. Inquire of 11. E. Martz, 304 Market street, or 218 Cumberland street. FOR RENT No. 435 South Thir teenth street, $23.00; No. 441 South Thirteenth street, $20.00; No. 1510 I Catherine street. $17.00; small store room. H. W. Swengel, 219 South Thir teenth street. FOR RENT Up-to-date garage, Calder and Penn streets; private com partments; fire-proof; water and elec tric lights: $5.00 a month. Apply Geo. W. Updegrove, 1200 Penn street. an attractive price, with little cash needed. Now is the time to buy. Con sider it and get particulars. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. WHY NOT get a list of properties which we are offering for sale? Some desirable properties are offered at re duced price. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. CAMP HILL LOT FOR SALE at $550; size. 75x116. This lot is well located. Also other suburban lots. Complete information at Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. FOR RENT House. $9.00 a month, 1401 Penn street. Apply Geo. W. Up degrove. 1200 Penn street. FOR RENT House, all improve ments; oity steam heat; central loca- ' tlon, 3 doors above Market street; suit- I able for boarding or rooming house. 9 I North Fifth street. Apply S. Meltzer, 51S Walnut street. FOR RENT Frame dwelling, with improvements, for colored pepple only, 1130 North Front street. Apply 226 1 Chestnut street. j FOR RENT A three-story dwell- I ing house, No. 1507 North Sixth street; ; all conveniences; cemented cellar; steam heat, etc. J. T. Ensmlnger, Second and Chestnut streets. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished apartment, bedroom, livingroom and kitchenette, private porch, completely and attractively fur nished, large rooms with view of river; windows 011 three sides. 800 North Second street. FOR RENT Complete furnished I housekeeping apartment, consisting of I two looms, kitchenette and bath; suit- | able for two gentlemen, or- married 1 couple; inald service obtainable. Apply Apartment No., 4. 212 North Second street / OR RENT Apartment 1101 North Third street; all conveniences; steam heat. Apply 2C4 Herr street FOR RENT "Suburban," 2208-2210 North Third street, new modern apart ments; reception hall; 5 rooms; bath; pantry; storage; continuous hot water; front and rear porches. Apply on prem ise!. FOR RENT Apartment, with all modern improvements. Including city ateam heat. No. 204 Walnut street si Mather Co. ROOMS FOR Kt.M FOR RENT Several unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; no chil dren; also, one furnished room. Apply 814 North Third street. FURNISHED ROOMS Two large furnlshred front rooms, newly papered and furnished; large, air and well ven tilated; gas and electricity; all conveni ences; rent moderate; private family; only few steps from Capitol Park. 258 North street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, for light housekeeping. 1351 Vernon street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, single or ensuite. light housekeeping; large and cool rooms; phone. Apply 719 North Sixth street. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms, ! with private bath, within two blocks' from Capitol Park. 813 North Sixth I street. j HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two front rooms, with running water, furnished for light housekeeping; all conveniences; use of phone, gas for cooking. 925 North Sixth street. Call Bell phone 610 W. FOR RENT Nicely furnished front bedroom, with private family; use of bath and Bell phone; ten minutes' walk to Market Square. Inquire 812 Green street. TWO large third floor rooms for rent; nicely furnished for light housekeep ing; gas and use of bath; no chilldren; terms reasonable. Apply at 1549 Wal ' nut street. FOR RENT One large room on sec ond floor, furnished or unfurnished: all conveniences. Call, or address, 1100 North Sixth street. FOR RENT One unfurnished front room: steam heat; electric light; bath and use of telephone. Apply 201 State 1 street. FOR RENT One second-story front room for two colored men. or man and wife. Apply 432 Herr street. ROOMS WANTED ROOMS WANTED lf you have a furnished bedroom to let for next week, beginning May 10. call up 2998, or drop a postal to Pennsylvania Federation of Labor. Commonwealth Trust Building. City. ——————— UNFURNISHED ROOMS BUILT especially for light housekeep ing, single or with kitchenettes, arrange ments strictly private, stoves furnish ed free, laundry, phone, and bathroom privileges. Private lockers for surplus' furniture. Inou're office, 429 Broad street, or Janitress. same building. Dally inspection invited. WANTED WANTED Bicycles, or parts of bicycles, for highest cash prices, at once. Try Keystone quick repair ser vice and save money. Keystone Cyclj Co.. 814 North Third street Both phones. WANTED To rent, for two or three months, furnished house, con taining not less than six rooms. Ad dress N., 2178. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE FOR SALE One International Truck, 1914 model; run about 1,000 miles; complete with top; as good as new. Can be seen at West Falrview Garage, West Fairvlew, Pa. FOR SALE Well bred Airedale puppies. Prices reasonable. Inquire of M. R. Rutherford, Harrisburg R. F. D. No. 1, or Bell phone 341-R-2. FOR SALE Well built wagon, suit able for tinner or huckster. Inquire C. G. Gilmer, corner Twenty-seventh and Perry streets. Bell phone 3693. FOR SALE New Underwood Type writer, No. 5; used only one week. Phone 1266 M. ONE awning. 21 feet 10 Inches for sale—at a bargain. Apply Excelsior Cycle Co.. 10 South Market Square. GO TO GABLE'S for wire fence of all kinds and gates to match. No. 111-117 South Second. THE Harrisburg Harness and Sup ply Company's Trunks, Suitcases and Bags of genuine leather r.t prices lower than elsewhere. Repairing a specialty. Second and Chestnut streets. FOR SALE Bay horse, combina tion driving or saddle; weight. 1,000 lbs.; 7 years old; trots in harness, singlefoots under the saddle. Inquire G. C. Bitting, Cunningham & Bitting's Sftire, Marysvllle. FOR SALE One Columbia electric car; good reason for selling: cheap to quick buyer. For Information apply at 229 Boas street. FOR SALE One Germantown car riage. on> double set of harness —good as new and at a bargain. Detweiler Bros., 42 South Front street. Steeiton. FOR SALE Awnings, bed, felt mat tress, spring, window screens, pictures, books, dishes, fancy hand-made cush ions, saw. Call Saturday. May 9, 9 A. M. to 1 P. M., 103 Evergreen street. A I'JBO MOBILES FOR SALE ONE lyl2 Ford roadster, batteries and magneto, horn and lamps, good condi tion, a bargain, $250; one electric, in line shape, complete equipment, big bargain, $125. Keystone Cycle Co., 814 North Third street. Bell phone. FOR SALE Barber shop. In small town, with wide country trade. All fixtures, except tools, for sale. Good reasons for selling. Address L„ 2173, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Capital sectional steam or hot water boiler, made by U. S. Heater Co.; also sufficient pipe for three greenhouses. All good as new. Will sell at bargain. A. S. Miller & Son, Real Estate. Insurance and Builders, Eighteenth and State. FOR SALE %-H.-P. Westinghouse motor; alternating current; used only a few months. Gorgas, The Druggist, 16 North Third street. ONE Chase truck will be sold at auc tion sale on May 8, 1915. 2 o'clock just overhauled and in good shape. J. D. Ferry, 125 South Eleventh street. FOR SALE 1914 Ford touring car. Apply Melirlng's Garage, Fourth ani. Hamilton streets. FOR SALE One large butcher's re frigerator; handsome display front; cost S3OO. Will sell for SIOO. United phone 919Z, or apply J. S. Zimmerman, Penbrook, Pa. FOR SALE Single-cylinder 6-H.- P. Yale Motorcycle; A 1 condition; fully equipped; bargain to quick buyer. Call 431 Hummel street. City. FOR SALE 5375 will buy a 1912 5-passenger Studebaker automobile; all new parts: in good condition. Call be tween 5 and 8 P. M.. 39 North Eigh teenth street. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE HIGH-GRADE classy six-cylinder, sixty-horse-power; cost over five thou sand dollars. Good as new in every particular. Will be sold for less than half original cost. Might consider ex change for desirable city real estate. Address 0., 2189, care of Telegraph. RETIRING BARGAINS! Fence posts, 15c up; linoleum, 35c; rag carpet. 15c; Ingrain, 20c; best. 45c, <l, $1.25; Brus sel. 60c; lining. 30c; fringe, lc: roof pairt, 35c. Repairing. Yingst, Front- Cumberland. FOR SALE A few second hand touring cars and roadsters in good condition—very cheap; also twin cylinder Yale motor cycle in fine shape. Hottenstein & Zecli, Buick and Chcvorolet Agents, City Auto Garage. FOR SALE Unusual oppor tunity, Steam Laundry, Modern Machinery, town 5000 inhabi tants with wide surrounding territory, 110 competition. Ad dress L. 2161, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Five-passenger Jitney; good mechanical condition; cheap; also 1912 Packard roadster; good mechanical condition. Hudson Sales Agency. 1139 Mulberry street. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad. If paid In advance. Inquire at OSlo* of 1 Telegraph. FOR KALE FOR SALE—White Wyandotte Eggs from my best birds at 75 cents per IB— «ggs hatching 90 per cent. M. O. Sides, Highspire. BOOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. FOR SALE 1912 Cadillac. Electric lights; self-starter; engine tire pump; excellent condition; three new tires. Bargain. E. E. Campbell, Mechanlcs burg. Pa. 1 CIGARS Limited offer, 50 "Cra- Malta" and 25 "Madam X," sl, postpaid, or 50 Cre-Malta, 50 "Madam X and 50 "Miss Lou" for $2. Snell & Co., Red Lion, Pa. FOR SALE Two pool tables, 4%x9 and 4xß, in good condition. Lock Drawer F, Duncannon. Pa. FOR SALE lOO scratch pads In package for 60c. The Telegraph Print ing Co. A. SANSONE & Co. lmported Pure Olive OH from Italy. Price ior 1-gal lon can. $2.25; %-gallon can. $1.26; 1 quart, 75c. Special price for case lots. Call 304 South Second street. Bell 1589R Delivered to any part of city. FOR SALE One family horse. Ap ply Ober's Stable, Court and Cranberry streetß. DARLINGTON'S STOCK SHOP. 7 per cent, dividend investmenhts. For particulars call 4 North Fifth street. Bell phone 3652. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S. 11?, 115 and 117 South Second street. 5,000 gal lons New Era' ready-mixed paint Acme quality. All the full lino of the Acme make. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business office. / FOR RENT DESK ROOM FOR RENT In furtHsh ed office in business section on ground floor; light, heat and telephone. Address Box X. 2188, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Second floor room, 3.700 :;quare feet, for light manufactur ing purposes New building. Call at premises. Twelfth and Ilerr streets. riTINESS OPPORTUNITIES ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 7 98, Lock port, N. T. WANTED Partner, with SSOO or SI,OOO to invest In a good-paying propo sition. Nothing less than $25 to SSO weekly.. Address H., 2190, care of Tele graph. CONFECTIONERY BUSINESS FOR SALE Well equipped; good location; rent reasonable. Also good grocery store for sale at Inventory. Full infor mation at our offices. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Grocery store and fix tures at invoice, amounting to about $2,000.00 good locality clean stock —to quick buyer a special offer will be made—lnterested in another enterprise cause of selling. Address Box X, 2186. care ot Telegraph. POSITIVELY Highest Cash Prices paid for Furniture, Carpets, good sec ond-hand Clothing. Dry Goods and Shoes. Don't sell 'till you see me. Send postal to 636 Herr street, City. I MADE $50,000 in five years In the mail order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet Tells how. Hea cock. 355 Lockport. N. Y. BUSI NESS PERSONALS REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help. Send us yor worn furniture. Our beat efforts Insure your satisfaction. S. N. Cluck. 320 Woodbine street. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. PIANO MOVING, tuning, packing and storing. Work done by experts. Winter Piano Co.. 23 North Fourth street. Bell phone 146. HAULING H W. LATHE. Hoarding Stable aiid National Transfer Co. Movers ot pianos, safes, boilers and general haul ing. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503 R. ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS Abdominal Bandages and Supporters for Appendicitis. Floating Kidney, after Operations, Naval Rupture, etc.. Trusses and Braces. Jere S. Slianaman & Son, Rupture Specialists, 408 Market street. NEW AND SECOND-HAND Furniture bought and sold. Highest casli prices paid. Drop postal, or phone 3718 Bell. Atlas Furniture Co.. 1014 Market street LET US soil your automobile. We have buyers if pries is right Automo bile Storage. Repairs. Supplies at rea sonable prices. Keystone Cyclo Co.. 814 North Third street. Bell phone 266R MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security In any amounts and upon an 7 terms to suit borrower. Address P. 0. Box 174, Harrisburg, Pa. ANY person needing money in amounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal aried position, would be benefited by calling on us. Employes' DiscountVTo.. 36 North Third street. RAZOR BLADES ALL KINDS of razor blades resharp ened; made better than new; safety. 2»c per dozen; Star, loc; old style, 25c; leav# orders Henry Oilbert Sons' Hardware, 21? Market street STORAGE STORAGE HAULING rurnlture, household goods and merchandise ot all kinds stored; also hauling cf all kinds —at very low prices. Call, or address. S. Frank. 427 Herr street STORAGE IN 3-ntory brick building, rear 40S Market street. Household gooda In rlean. private rooms. Reasonable rate*. Vpply to P. G. Dleuer, Jeweler. -IOS Mnrket St. FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods. $2 per month and up. We Invite inspection. Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second Street. Harrisburg Storage Company. STORAGE 4lf* Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 76 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street. Both phones. $*- MONEY j k To Housekeepers. Work- M lngmen and Salaried Em- ployea. LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY 0 N. MARKET SQUARE Room 21 4th Floor Spooner Building MAY 5, 1915. MODERATE TRADING IN STOCK MARKET fly Associated Press New York, May 6.—Moderate trad ing marked the early dealings on the j Stock Exchange to-day, the under tone showing irregular tendencies. There were gains of 1 to 2 points in war specialties, notably Westinghouse, Pressed Steel Car, American Locomo tive and Crucible Steel, but some of the standard issues, including Read ing, Canadian Pacific and Southern Pacific, were fractionally lower. Later the list developed strength, U. S. Steel, Union Pacific and Amalgamated Cop per ristng a point each, with gains of as much in the motor group. Lon don's prices for American showed lit tle change, except in Canadian Paci fic and Reading, which reflected heav iness. NEW YORK STOCKS New York, May 5. Open. High. Low. Clos. Amal Cop . 74 75 Vi 72% 72% Ain Bt Sug 48 48 4fi 46 Am Can .. 4 1 41% 38% 39 Am C& F. 56 56 53% 53% Am Cot Oil 50% 52% 50 50% Am Ice Sec 33% 33% 32% 32% Am Loco . 53% 55 40% 49% Am Smelt . 72% 72% 69% 69% Am Sugar . 111% 112 109% 109% Am T & T. 122% 122% 122% 122% •Anaconda . 35 "A 36 34% 34% Atrhison .. 101% 101% 100% 100% B& O 76% 76% 74% 74% Heth Steel. 134% 143% 134% 139% Bklvn RT. 90% 90% 89% 89% Cal Petro.. 16% 16% 16% 16% Can Pacific-.162 162 % 158% 158% Cent Leath 40 40% 3 8 3 8 C& 0 4G % 46 % 46% 46 % CM& St P 94% 94% 93 93% C Con Cop. 46% 47% 45% 45% Col F& I. 81% 31% 28% 28% Corn Prod. 14% 14% 14 14 Dist Sec . . 14% 14% 13% 13% Erie 28% 28% 26% 27 Erie Ist pfd 43% 43% 42 42% Goodrh BF 51 ,51 48% 48% Gt Nor pfd 120% 120% 119 119 Gt N Ore h 36% 36% 33% 33% In-Met ... 22 22 21 21 In-Met pfd 72% 72% 71 71% KC So ... 27% 28% 27% 27% Lehigh Val 142% 142% 141 141 Louis & N. 120% 120% 120 120 Mex Petro. 81 82% 7 6 77 Mo Pac .. 14% 15 14% 14% Nat Lead.. 67 67 63% 64 ' Nev C C .. 15 15% 14% 14% N Y Cent.. 88% 88% 87% 87% NY.NH& H 67% 68% 66% 66% Nor & W.. 104% 104% Nor Pac .. 108% 108% 107% 107% Pac Mail .. 21% 21% 21 21 P R R ... 108% 108% 107% 108 Pgli Coal . 22% 23% 22% 22% Pp;h C pfd. 93% 94 93 % 94 Press S Car 50 50% 46 , 46 % Ky Stl Spg 32% V. 32% R C Cop. 23% 24 22% 22% Reading .. 148% 149% 145% 146% RI & 8 .. 30% 30% 28% 28% So Pacific.. 91% 92 90 90 So Railway 17% 17% 17% 17% So Rwy.pfd 56% .. .. ""% Tenn Cop.. 33% 33% 33 33 Third Ave. 52 u .',4 Union Pac. 130% 130% 127% 127% U S Rubber 68% 69 65 67 % U S Steel. 58% 59% 56% 56% U S S pfd. 108% 108% 108% 108% Utah Cop.. 67% 68% 65% 66% Va C C .. 34 36 % 33% 34 West IT Tel 68 68 % 67% 67% West Mfg.. 102% 103 97% 98% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press . , Philadelphia, May 5. Wheat Steady; No. 2. red, car lots, export, $1.580 1.61: No. 1, Northern, Duluth, ex port. $1.6901.72. Corn Market steady; No. 2, spot, export. 78@79c; No. 2, yellow, local, 84®84%c. Oats—Steady;; No. 2, white, 63@63%e. Bran Steady; winter, per ton, $30.00; Spring, per ton, $26.00® 26.50. Refined Sugars Firm; pow dered, 6.10 c; fine granulated, 6.00 c; con fectioners' A, 5.90 c. Butter The market is firm; western, creamery, extras. 31c; nearby, prints, fancy, 34c. Eggs The market is firm; Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $6.00 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $5.85 per case; western, extras, firsts, free cases, $6.00 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $5.85 per case. Live Poultry Firm; fowls, 17® 18c; old roosters, 12@12%c; chickens, 13®18c; do., broilers, 33@40c; turkeys, 13@15c; ducks, 13@15c; geese, 10@llc; geese, 10® 11c. Dressed Poultry Firm; fresh kill ed fowls, fancy, 18® 19c: do., aver age, 166)17c; do., unattractive. 14®16c; old roosters, 13% c; frozen fowls, 16© ISc; roasting chickens, 17®20c; broil ing chickens, 22® 27c; turkeys. 180 22c; ducks, 12®18c: geese. 12®16c. Potatoes Market steady; Penn sylvania, per bushel, 50@52c; Maine, Eer bushel, 50®52c; New York, per ushel. 43®45c; Florida, per barrel, $3.50® 5.00. Flour—Market nominal; winter, clear. Hr suhikihb, Pb.io i vania, $7.00®7.25; spring, straights, $7.25®7.00; do., patents. $7.60® 8.50; western, $4.25®4.40; patents, $4.60® 1 4.75; Kansas straights, jute sacks, $4 16 @4.30; spring, firsts, clear, $4.00@4.20; straights. $4.20®4.30; patents, $4.35® 4.60. llay The market Is firm; tim othy. No. 1. larg<> bales. $19.00® 19.50: No. 1. medium bales, $lS.5O® 19.00; No. 2. do., $17.00® 18.00; No. 3, $15.00® 16.00; sample, $14.00® 15.00. Clover mixed hay: Light mixed, $18.50® 19.00; No. 1, do.. $17.50@18.00; No. 2. $15.50® 16.50. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS fl.v Associated Press Philadelphia, May 5. Stocks clos ed weak. American Railways 32 Cambria Steel 48% General Asphalt 25% General Asphalt, Pfd 65 Iji ke Superior Corporation , 7% Lehigh Navigation 74 l>erlgh Valley 70% Pennsylvania Railroad 53 1-16 Philadelphia Electric 24% Philadelphia Company 35% Philadelphia Company. Pfd 34 Philadelphia Rapid Transit 9 Philadelphia Traction 76 Reading 7314 Storage Battery 51 % Union Traction 34 United (jns Improvement 83% U. S. Steel 56% A Good Investment Only SO,OOO of the authorized $50,000 Capital Stock of tlio Merchant* lee Company remains for sale. Will be solil at par ( chare*. .Similar ooinpanl.es in Heading and Allen town are paying 8 per cent. Better give the matter quick considera tion. For full information consult MERCHANTS ICE CO. GEORGE E. HEWITT, Representative 202 Calder House Passes Senate Bill to Create State Fire Insurance Fund By a vote of 168 to 10, the House to-day passed the Hoke Senate bill providing for the State to carry its own insurance. It goes to the Senate for concurrence in some minor amendments. The fund is to be created from the $300,000 in the sink* ing fund over the amount of out standing State debt; all money now Koing into the sinking fund under laws; half of State tax or premiums of foreign fire Insurance companies: all payments on account of loss by tire; all money arising from cancel lations an dall Interest on deposit's or securities owned by the fund. The State now carries $20,000,000 of Ore insurance and pays over SIOO,- 000 in premiums. The fund is to be Invested l>y the sinking fund commis sioners and when it reaches a million dollars the interest is to be annually paid to the State general fund. Pro vision is made for reduction of exist ing policies and no new Insurance mav be placed to run after December 31, 1920. The act is not to apply to any State armories. The fund will be accumulated in Ave years, it is estimated. CHICAGO CATTI.E Chicago. 111., May 5. Hogs Re icelpts, 25.000; strong. Bulk of sales. 7.40©7.60; light, f7.30®7.70; mixed. 7.25® i.60; heavy, $7.00®7.55; rough. 7.00 ©7.1 5; pigs, $5.26®0.80. Cattle Receipts, 14.000; Arm. Na tive beef steers. $6.35®8.75; western steers, $5.70®7.50; cows and heifers, $2.90@8.50; calves. $6.25@9.00. Sheep Receipts. 10,000; steady. Sheep, $7.40®8.40; lambs, $8.00®10.«5. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE By Associated Press Chicago. May 5. Board of Trade closing: Wheat —May, 1.61; July, 1.34%. Corn—May, 76%; July, 79%. Oats—May, 54%; July, 54 %. Pork—July, 18.25; September. 18.70, Lard—July, 10.32; September, 10.57. Ribs—July, 10.75; September, 11.02. REPORT OP THE CONDITION OP THE MERCHANTS' NATIONAL BANK, at Harrisburg, In the State of Pennsyl vania, at the close of business, May 1, 1915; RESOURCES Loans and discounts (note* held in bank), $656,693 58 Overdrafts, unsecured 11 42 U. S. bonds deposited to se cure circulation (par value), 100,000 00 Bondsother than j IT.l T . S. bonds pledged to se cure postal savings de posits $5,000 00 Securities other than U. P. bonds (not in cluding stocks) owned un pledged 259,561 85 Subscription to stock of Fed eral Reserve bank $19,500 00 Less amount unpaid 9,750 00 Banking house, $30,000.00; furniture and fixtures, $18,000.00 48,000 00 Due from Federal Reserve bank 15,000 0» Due from approv ed reserve agents in New York, Chicago, and St. Louis.. $952 69 Due from approv ed reserve agents in other reserve cities,. 11,426 46 Due from banks and bank ers (others than above),. 28,017 62 Exchanges for Clearing House, 17,114 48 Outside checks and other cash items $9,768 35 Fractional cur rency, nickels, and cents 668 92 Notes of other National Banks 1,000 00 Lawful money reserve in bank: Total coin and certifi cates 28.015 00 Legal-tender notes 6,790 00 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer (not more than 5 per cent, on cir culation) 5,000 00 Total,, $1,200,770 T7 LIABILITIES Capital Stock- paid in SIOO,OOO 00 Surplus Fund 125,000 00 Undivided proflts.s3l,B92 58 Less current expenses, in terest, and taxes paid,.. 8,863 15 , 23,030 43 C i r c u I a ting notes SIOO,OOO 00 Less amount on hand and In Treasury for redemp tion or In transit 1,600 00 Due to banks and bank ers (other than above),.. 33 40 Dividends unpaid 729 00 Demand deposits: Individual de posits »übject to check. ... . $486.0*5 51 Cashier's checks outstanding, . 6,318 *6 Postal Savings deposits 2,447 00 Time deposits: Certificates of deposit due on or after 30 days 308.776 17 Total, $1,200,770 17 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dau phin, ss: I. H. O. Miller, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. H. O. MILLER, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this sth day of May, 1915. H. H. FREEBURN. Notary Public. Correct—Attest: W. M. DONALDSON. LOUIS DELIX)NE, W. L. STOEY Director®. 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers