READ TELEGRAPH CLASSIFIED ADS FOR ESTATE BARGAINS DIKP BAF.K On April 29. 1»15, Luclnda Baer, -nit? of David Baer. aged 60 years and j8 dayi>. » » .« Funeral on Monday afternoon, at 2:80 o'clock, from her late residence, 2ioo Herr street. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. " k QARMANY —On Friday morning:, April 30, 1915. Frances Nlssley Car many, widow of John E. Carmany, aged 86 years. „ Funeral on Monday afternoon, May 3. at 1:30 o'clock, from her late resi dence, 223 Brlggs street. Burial pri vate. Mlddletown Cemetery. IJOST LOST I-rfirge. leather pocketbook. containing: cash and notes. Reward if returned to G. C. R.. 1529 Green street. LOST Bunch of keys, with owner's name on metal tab attached. Suitable reward If returned to No. 21 North Third street, second floor. POIND FOUND The well-dressed man. He always send* his clothes to Eggert s Steam Dyeing: and French Cleaning Works. 1245 Market street. Do you. Both phones. Call and deliver. HKLP WASTED —Male MACHINISTS WANTED. Apply Em ployment Office, Bethlehem bteel Co., South Bethlehem, Pa. . WANTED Experienced P«sser and tailor; steady work. *call H. uooa man, 13061* North Sixth atreet. WANTED Bushel man; steady po sition. Apply to the \V onder Store, 21 Market street. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy to sret. My free *3»-. how. Write to-day—NOW. Karl Hop kins. Washington. D. C. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS J bor ough instruction, $5. Returnif n°t appointed. Particulars American Civil Service School. ashlngton, D. t. M,EN wishing to earn three to five dollars per day. write terms Imme diately. First National Nurseries, Ro chester. N. Y. HONEST MAN WANTED in every town by largo corporation for sneclal advertising: work. Liberal salary t" start. Position permanent with gooil chance for HdvancerterU. -No expel l ence necessary. V A. Robinson, Hoff man Building. Boston. Mass. $250 FOR reliable man or woman; distribute 2,000 free pkgs. Borax Soap Powder with Soaps, etc.. your town. No money required. Ward Co., 216 lnsti tnte. Chicago. ( W \NTED Experienced paper hanger. Apply John Flickinger, <O6 North Third street. WANTED A young man to learn the Tea and CofTee business: Inside work: must be able to r, J r .iV, reference. Apply after 6:io P. M.. Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North Sec ond street. . $5 TO $lO A. DAT easily made. Co operate with me. No capital or ex perience necessary. Write at unce. Ai thur Quigley. 324 Twenty-third avenue, Milwaukee. Wis. $S A DAT easily made. We have a proposition that will interest you Big profit*. Positive necessity. \\ rite P. UjPupply Co.. Palmer Lake. Colo. CO-OPERATE with me. Easy home business; spare time: no canvassing, capital or experience neccssarj. I will furnish everything. I have averaged 1100 weekly for four years in same line. Tou should do as well Particulars free. Voorhies, D*lk 105. Omaha. »eo. *3O WEEKLY, evenings at home. Everything furnished; no experience, no canvassing. Don't worry about capi tal. Boyd H. Brown, Omaha, Neb. SBO MONTHLY and expenses. to travel, distribute samples and take or ders or appoint agents; permanent. Jap- American Co., Chicago. BIG SALARIES in South America. Send 60c for authentic list of American firms employing Americans in south •\merica. S. A. Development Company, P. O. Box 1010. Washington. D. C. AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN Ex perienced - good positicn for an a-tlve man. Address Box 2163. care of Tele graph. WANTED A good tailor for ladies' and gent's work, and talloress for aklrts Good wages to right parlies. J. .lason. 635 Cumberland street, Leba non, Pa. WANTED Young man in drug store;* one with several years'.experi ence preferred. Address E.. 2167, care of Telegraphy ""THOUSANDS GOVERNMENT JOBS. Open to Men and Women. $65.00 to $150.00 month. Write for list. Frank lin Institute. Df »<U-D. Rochester. X. Y. Government Positions Easily secured. Personal instruction. Special summer rates. Prepare for Fall Examinations. RAILWAY MAIL, i POST OFFICE. CUSTOM HOUSE and other positions. For further informa tlon call at or address THE WILLIAM PENN SCHOOL 31 N. Second Street, Harrisburg. Offices. Rooms 4 and 5, Second Floor, open Monday, Wednes day Friday and Saturday evenings. Expert consultation and advice FREE OF CHARGE. AUTO transportation school wants men to become practical chauffeurs and earn $75 to SIOO per month. We Kive a thorough course in crude and practical work for $35.00. No. 5 North Cameron. Bell phone 1710. HELP WANTED —Female WANTED Girls over 16 pears of age to learn cigarmaking. Paid while learning. Apply Har risburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. WANTED Students to enter our shorthand class for the summer. Just placed another student after nineteen weeks' preparation. Call, or phone. Bell 704 R. Harrisburg Shorthand School. 31 North Second street. DO EASY, Pleasant Coloring Work at hoine: good pay; no canvassing; no experience required. Write Gleason Wheeler Co.. 337 Madison. Chicago. i WANTED —An intelligent, young rl who desires to take a short course Knwtltutional training in practical Pslng. Address N.. 217 I, care of Tele »Ph. WANTED Young man, IS or 19 years of age; one who Is not afraid of work.* Apply 1210 North Third street. TO SOLICIT for Tea and Coffee busi ness; good opportunity for livewlres. Applv, after 6:80 P. M., Grand Union Tea Co., 208 North Second street. WANTED White child's nurse over 18 years ofkie. Must have good ref erence. Address A., 2171, care of Tele graph. HONEST WOMAN WANTED In every town bv large corporation for special advertising work. Liberal salary to start. Position permanent with good chance for advancement. No experi ence necessary. X. A. Robinson, Hoff man Building. Boston, Mass. WANTED At Pennsylvania Hotel. sls Broad street, first and second cook, also chambermaid. Apply at once. WANTED Nurse xirl from 8 A. M. to $ P. M, 12 or 13 years of age. Apply 40" Hamilton street. V 4-." *_ /-' \ " >-' i . J#i^' T' SATURDAY "ETVENTNG, HARRISBURG §S|5&. TELEGRAPH MAY 1, 1915. HELP WANTED—female WANTED. AT ONCE Experienced white girl or middle-aged woman for feneral housework In small family. Ad ress P. O. Box 51, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Girl over It for grocery store. Give experience and reference. Address 0.. 2170, care of Telegraph. WANTED—Experienced help. Apply Silk Mill, Cor. North and Second streets. WANTED As Waitress and Cbant- Kermiilit, Protestant white woman with out encumbrances, for small family, May 1 to November 1, country home, nine miles from Harrisburg and with in ten minutes' walk of railroad sta tion. Must have tlrst-elass experience • and references. Address R„ 2J.64. care of Telegraph. LADIES can make $lO weekly copy ing, addressing and mailing samples; no canvassing. Particulars for stamn. American Co., 2355 Orthodox, Philadel phia. Pa. WORKS DRESSMAKING SCHOOLS ■ —Are the best equipped schools of the kind In America. They are located most everywhere. They are popular. Join this school now, make all your Spring and Summer dresses while learn ing. Day and Evening classes. W. A. Work. Prop.. 22 North Fourth street. LADIES s23 weekly; easy, simple work; no canvassing; evenings at home; fascinating; everything furnish-I ed; no experience. Don't worry about! capital. Boyd (J. Brown. Omaha. Neb. | WANTED Several energetic ladles ! to do residence corset fitting, over 25 j years of ago Exceptional opportunity, j Corsetieres make sl2 to SSO i>er week. ; We thoroughly instruct you. Experience 1 not necessary. Wolfe Corset Shop, 401 j North Second street. HELP WANTED—MaIe or Female j WANTED By Columbia Protec- I tlve Association, men or women to i create and collect debits. Call 2143 i Atlas avenue, before 9 A. M., or be- j tween 4 and 6 P. M. See Superlnten- 1 dent. SONG POEMS WANTED for publica tion. Experience unnecessary. Send us your verses or melodies to-day or write for instructive booklet—it's free. Marks-Goldsmith Co., Dept. 233, Wash ington, D. C. RAILWAY MAIL AND POSTAL CLERKS Examinations soon; over 2,000 appointments yeaily. Prepare at home. Write for our Plan No. 15. of payment after appointment. Philadel phia Business College. Civil Service De partment. Philadelphia. Pa. AGENTS WANTED { AGENTS lf I had your name I ! could show you how to earn $25 to SSO weekly. Greatest seller in years. Ocer 700,000 sold in last six months. Every housewife WILL BUY ON SIGHT. Pos tal brings liberal -oposition and Free Sample. Address Manufacturer, 1 Union Square, New York. AGENTS To handle quick-selling household necessity. 1J)0 per cent, profit. Repeat orders easily secured. Big future for hirstlers. Bryan, 37 Ful ton street, Brooklyn, N. Y. LIVE AGENTS WANTED to Intro duce our Sanitary Brushes in Harris burg. Rig income assured. Catalogue free. 3-in-l Brush Co., 95 Beekman street. New York. WANTED Few more hustlers to coin money with our quick-selling Household necessities. For full par ticulars address Merit Sales Co., 92 Al den street, Springfield, Mass. MANUFACTURERS of high-grade Silk Hosiery want active men and wo men to sell direct to customer. Splendid opportunity. Big profits. Write for particulars. Continental Trading Co., Passaic. N. J. 1 AGENTS Make big money handling our specialty. Something good. Sells everywhere. Write for particulars. The E. D. Baker Co.. Box 3450, Station O, Philadelphia, Pa. AGENTS • Right now is the time to, write us about our high-grade spec i ialty. Particulars free. Geo. Kelly- Specialty Co., Box 555, Connellsville. Pa. AGENTS Don't miss tills chance . to handle our high-grade specialty. It's; easy to sell. Big profits. Write Wit- I bur Specialty. Co., Dept. 1, Hublersburg, | Pa. ■ j AGENTS WANTED Brand new j specialty. Our proposition Is excep- , tionaily good. Write us and you will j become enthusiastic. The American Warehouse Company, Box 777, Butler, 1 SALESMEN Excellent Money Mak- j lng Opportunity. Something new. Just . out. Whole or spare time. Merchants buy on sight. Particulars free. Schil ling Mfg. Co., Long Beach, Cal. AGENTS A Big summer seller ' something new concentrated Soft I Drinks, .lust add water delicious I Soft Drinks in a Jiffy any time anywhere Popular for the home, pic- I nlcs, parties, socials, etc. Guaranteed ! under I'. S. Pure Food Laws. Light- I weight packages by Parcel Post no delay. Enormous demand. Agents coining money s6 to sl2 a day.! 250 other fast sellers all big re- j peaters lOO per cent, profit. Agent's ; outfit free. Territory going fast. Be. nuiclc—Just a postal to-day. American 'Products Co., 2.813 Third street, Cincln j natl, Ohio. AGENTS Astonishing, fascinating. Millions of dollars made annually. SIOO.OO weekly, at home during leisure moments. Absolutely no canvassing. Experience unnecessary. I will start you in this Extraordinary Business and furnish everything. Don't worry about capital. Address Boyd H. Brown, Dept. 1 • 114. Omaha, Neb. i GROW Rich In Business of Your Own. Get out of the wage-earner's t class. Your co-operation with our fac tory starts you with littlo capital dur ing spare time in your own home. We manufacture exclusive articles. No canvassing. Experience unnecessary. • Write for booklet and proposition. Ad dress Pease Mfg. Co., Dept. D-80, 68 Broadway. Buffalo, N. Y. AGENTS Send for particular* of fastest selling household specialty on market Every housewife buys. J. T. Rodgers Co., Wllkinsburg. Pa. FREE SAMPLE Nosplash Water | Strainers sell themselves no talking —experience unnecessary. Daily profits $5 upwards. Send 2c tmalllng cost). M. K. Union Filter Co., New York. AGENTS Our specialty Is brand i new; useful: needed In every home. Write at once for particulars. The Larrimore Co.. Box 43. Darby. Pa. f : I AGENTS WANTED for quick-selling • I article—2oo per cent, profit. Norman L I i Lnnz, Norrlstown. Pa. J SALESMEN WANTED • t SALESMEN WANTED Experience J unnecessary; easy work; big pay. Write . now for large list of openings offering . I opportunities to earn from SIOO to SSOO ! a month while you learn. Address i nearest office. Dept. 244. National Sales men's Training Association, Chicago, 4 j New York, San Francisco. . j WANTED High-class salesman to . sell our* $47.50 Automobile Trailer to dealers; splendid proposition. Universal - Trailer Company. No. 417 Dearborn r street, Chicago, Illinois. I i > WANTED Salesman to call on 1 grocers, general stores and confec tioners in small, country towns. 25 . per cent, commission. $35.00 weekly drawing account. Sales Manager, 206 . South First street, St. Iyouis, Mo. ! SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED Married man wants work of any, kind. Call, or address, Donald Harder, 151$ Thontpson avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED —Male WANTED Position by a man with good education, with store and clerical experience; will consider anything rea sonable. Address R., 2168, care of Tele graph. WANTED Young man, age 18, de sires position to Uarn trade (handy with tools). Address Box J. C.. care of Telegraph. WANTED Young colored boy ' wants whitewashing, grasscuttlng or I general work; 18, years of age. B. ! Banks, 1111 Grape avenue. WANTED Colored boy, 17 years old, wants position in store or board lnghouse. Kussel Gainer, 1230 Cowden street. WANTED Colored chef and cook wishes work In city or country, any place. Apply 142 Balm street. WANTED Position as buyer or manager of department or general store city or country town, by thor oughly experienced man. Willing to start at moderate salary. Address H., 2165, care of Telegraph. SITUATIONS WASTED—FemaIe WANTED Refined, middle-aged woman would like to keep house for widower with small family; can give good references. Address M., 21»B, care of Telegraph. WANTED Refined woman wants position as cook in small family. Ap j ply 517 North Front street, Steelton. I WANTED White girl. IT years of j age, desires position as child s nurse lor light house work; no washing or ! Ironing. Call, or address, 916 Cowden ! street. i i WANTED Colored girl wants work : as child's nurse or to do light house ; work. Mary Johnson, 1228 Spruce I avenue. | WANTED Neat, colored wo- I man desires day's work, or work by the week. Call, or address, 1164 South , Cameron street.' i WAXTED By colored girl, 19 years of age, work at dishwashing, or child's nurse. 1408 Marlon street, rear. WAXTED By young colored wo man, cooking and downstairs work in private family; good references. Ad dress 1425 New Fourth street. WANTED By middle-aged woman, with child 9 years old, place with re fined family, or housekeeping, in or out of city. Address D. K., Wormleys burg, Pa. WANTED By middle-aged colored woman, work as cook or day's work. Call 28 Linden street. REAL ESTATE FOK SALE FOR PALE Desirable building lots in the Tenth Ward, located on Fourth, Filth. Schuylkill and Atlas streets. An opportunity for a builder or real i estate dealer to secure well located property for development purposes. Ad dress L, No. 1587. care of .Telegraph. UPTOWN corner business property for sale. 3-story frame all improve ments steam heat. Price, including grocery stock and fixtures, stable, $4,- 700. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE Bungalow on Colonial Acres, near Progress; six rooms and bath; all improvements; chickenhouse; barn; large hogpen; outbuildings; young orchard. Price reasonable. Ap ply Mrs. J. M. Wix, on premises. FOR SALE Two houses, improve ments pnved street, rent for $25.00. Price, $2,600. Three houses. SI,BOO, rent for S2O. Two houses, SI,OOO. rent for sll. Apply 1117 North Third street. FOR SALE llO W. State, lot Glx 17o; 608-610 N. Second, 1302 Wallace, 1311-1313 Cowden. Also for rent, 1304 Wallace St.; all conveniences. Inquire 618 North Second street. NEW BRICK HOUSES. 1844-46-48' Chestnut street, now ready for Inspec tion; 9 rooms and bath; gas; electric light; steam heat; finished in chestnut; large porches; side entrance; plenty • light; pure air; good sewer; fine neigh borhood. Call, or address, .D. F. Bauder. 21 South Eighteenth street. FOR SALE 331 Hummel street; I brick: S rooms; bath; all Improvements; I lot. 128 ft. deep to paved drive alley; rental. $20.00; price, $2,500. H. G. Ped- I low. 110 South Thirteenth-street. ! FOR SALE 6 South Eighteenth i street; seven rooms; bath; all fmprove jments; porches; in good condition; side (entrance; price, $2,300. H. G. Pedlow, | 110 South Thirteenth street. —KDGBWATKR (3S) acres ($1,400) loam soil I (meadows) spring water creek (150) ] fine fruit trees (4) acres woodland. Two-story home, barn, outbuildings. With (3) hogs (16) chickens (4) ducks (!) geese (6) guineas (young) fresh cow, seven year fine horse, farm wagon, 'harness (12) bushel oats (24) corn (13) [potatoes, ton <ha£) and (2) straw— Only ($1,750) paved street almost to i (giveaway) bargain. (3) railroad sta tions (So) trains dally (2) trolleys. I Telephone (7 to 8) Danville. —SI >NYIIl»OOK (Bonnyhome) facing (meadows) by l main road to City Market. (Iron Mills) ' Factories. Railroads. Pay ($200,000) I monthly (20) churches (40) schools, i Buildings alone valued ($3,700). Tele i phone (mall) delivered at door, square to school and church (2) large apple orchards and running water (85) acres <& ($2,900). Reason AVife's Death. For ($3,650) Match team fine horses age (7) and (3) fresh cows (4) hearty hogs (75) chickens (100) bushel oats (160) bushel corn, hay and straw. fiEORGK K. OSTHAXDEH, Danville Telephones Sunbury MorningS (7 to 8) Evenings. I FOR SALE 626 to 630 Geary St., I four 3-story brick, houses, 8 rooms ! and bath, all modern improvements. Price reasonable. Two are sold. F. H. Hantzman, 600 Briggs St. NEW BRICK HOUSES FOR SALE— Onlv $6,300, easy terms; only one left of those eight newly built brick houses on Market street, corner Summit. L Minter, 1167 Market street. Both phones. FOR SALE OR RENT —Fine, new 2 V» -story brick residence. In good lo cality, 1001 North Seventeenth street; corner lot, 60x120: eight rooms; finished upper story; center hall; all improve ments; easy terms: Immediate posses sion. Inquire of George A. Shrelner, i Seventeenth and Forster streets. FOR SALE Three-story brick ' house 8 rooms hath gas fur | nace porch side entrance. You should arrange to Inspect this property. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. \ 1 FOR SALE No. 138 N. Thirteenth : Street three-story brick house 8 , rooms bath gas furnace porch cemented cellar lot, 20Hx 85. Price st Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. CORNER PROPERTY reduced In 1 price two-story brick house 8 ' rooms bath gas electric light— ■ steam heat porch lot, 18x120 —' 1 No. 232 Yale street. Bell Reajty Co., 1 Bergner Building. • 2V4 -STORY FRAME HOUSE FOR SALE 7 rooms gas - porch " lot. 20x110 held at $1,350. A reason -1 able offer will be considered. Bell ' Realty Co., Bergner Building. [ ' TWO unusually well built houses for sale new brick—finished in cliest • nut sleßm heat gas electric 1 light porches lot. 20x100. Price only .$3,150. Bell Realty Co., Bergner 1 Building. • FOR SALE Mill and Farm 43 Afres 4H miles south of Mlddletown —level sand-loam soil frame dwell ing 8 rooms V nnl < barn stone mill, 40x50 elegant water power ! IMi miles from sta,»on. Immediate pos , session. Price. $4,500.00. Brinton . I Packer Co., Second and Walnut St». REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE —- H4-Acre Plot located at Hillside Llmewtone soil. Price reasonable. 171 & 173.5. Summit St. near Mul berry St. frame dwelling and frame store lot, 44ftx50 an exceptional ly good apartment location. Price of both, $2,200.00. W. Seventh St.. New Cumberland one-half square from car line 2%- j story frame dwelling- 7 rooms, bath I and furnace front, side and rear ; porch variety of fruit lot, 30x185. ! Price, J5.3R0.00. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT— -558 Woodbine St.; 3-s. U.; 9 r.; Imps $15.00 1121 N. Seventh St.; 3-s. b.; 10 r.; Imps 25.00 623 S. Front St.; 2%-s. f.; g r.; Imps 16.50 | 2208 N. Third St.; 5 r.; Apartment 40.00 ( Business Location at Kllllnger. Camp Hill; S. Bowman Ave 25.00 Camp Hill; N. Bowman Ave. 20.00 Enola; Adams St.; 7 r 13.00 Enola; Center Ave 8.00 Enola; State Road Camp Hill; Park Ave 15.00 1847 A Derry St.; Store Room 8.00 BRINTON-PACKER CO, Second and Walnut Sts. FOR RENT 623 WiconJsco street— -8 rooms 3-story brick • all Im provements. Apply C. H. Mauk, 1745 North Sixth street. / | FOR RENT Three-story brick house, 2151 Jefferson street; 8 rooms and bath; furnace; range; front porch; large yard. Apply 2032 North Fifth street. Bell phone 2141 J. FOR RENT Furnished house at Dauphin for the summer. Best loca tion. Reasonable terms. Address W. G. Garverich, Dauphin, Pa. i FOR RENT House on Third street, | New Cumberland; all conveniences; | front porch; cement walks; good loca tion; close to trolley line. Pleasant home for family wishing to live out of the city. Rent reasonable. Apply H. W. Linebaugh, Market Square, New Cumberland. Bell phone 3071. FOR RENT 227 Pine street; three story brick; 11 rooms; 2 baths; all im provements; cemented cellar and hot ■water heating plant. Inquire on premises. FOR RENT A three-story dwell ing house. No. 1507 North Sixth street; all conveniences; cemented cellar; steam heat, ate. J. T. Ensmlnger. Second and Chestnut streets. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSES FOR SALE OR KENT HOUSES built in pairs; side entrance; 8 rooms; tile bath; hot-cold water; elec tricity-gas; steam heat; front-back porches. Price reasonable. Location, Twentieth and Swatara Sts. Inquire 450 S. Seventeenth St., or 1819 Berryhill St. UNFURNISHED ROOMS UNFURNISHED ROOMS Built especially for light housekeeping, single or with kitchenettes, arrange ments strictly private, stoves furnish ed free, laundry, phone, and bathroom privileges. Private lockers for surplus furniture. Inquire office, 429 Broad street, or Janitress, same building. Daily Inspection Invited. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT Modern apartment; front and rear entrances; five well lighted rooms; bath and pantry: all private; all conveniences for light housekeeping; no children. Corner Hamilton and Penn streets. FOR RENT An apartment of four or five rooms at 100 Hamilton Btreet. with outlook over the river. Heat and light furnished. Apply 1700 North Sec ond street, City, t APARTMENT FOR RENT 4 rooms improvements desirable location. Apply C. H. Mauk. 1745 North Sixth , street. APARTMENT FOR RENT Second floor at the Waizdorf, facing Capitol; six rooms, tiled bath and pantry; hard wood floors; electric light and city steam. Inquire 400 North street. FOR RENT Apartment 1101 North Third street: all conveniences; steam heat. Apply 284 Herr street FOR RENT "Suburban," 2208-2210 North Third street, new modern apart ments; reception hall; 5 rooms; bath; pantrv; storage; continuous hot water; front'and rear porches. Apply on prem ises. FOR RENT Apartment, with all modern improvements, including city steam heat. No. 204 Walnut street H. Mather Co. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Several unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; no chil dren; also, one furnished room. Apply 814 North Third street. FURNISHED ROOMS Two large furnishred front rooms, newly papered and furnished; large, air and well ven tilated; gas and electricity; all conveni ences; rent moderate; private family; only few steps from Capitol Park. 258 North street FOR RENT Furnished second floor front room; use of bath. 20 South Six teenth street FOR RENT Two large communi cating third floor rooms, furnished for light housekeeping; gas and bath; line location; rent reasonable. Apply 265 Briggs street FOR RENT Two large furnished and one large unfurnished room; all modern conveniences. Address M.. care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Nicely furnished sec ond floor and third floor rooms; flne location; use of telephone; reduced! rates for the summer. Apply at 203 I State street. | FOR RENT Two-roomed suite, well furnished. Largo private porch: every convenience, including bath and phone. Facing Capitol Park. 408 North street FURNISHED ROOMS Two large furnished front room, newly papered and furnished; large, airy and well ven tilated; gas and electricity; all conveni ences; rent moderate; private family; only few steps from Capitol Park. 208 North street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED —Respectable, middle-aged ladv desires unfurnished rooms; elderly. Christian lady preferred; references exchanged; privilege of examining now * occupied rooms; state price. Mrs. T. E. ! Tanquary, General Delivery, City. ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED GENTLEMAN desires board and room ' with private family. West End section i preferred. Address Box M, 2169. care ' of Telegraph. BOARDING WANTED i WANTED Man and wife desire !• good board and cool, comfortable quar ters for the summer, with private fam- | ■ 11 v; state terms and location of room ! I or rooms. Address X., 2172, care of Telegraph. WANTED WANTED Bicycles, or parts of • blcycres, for highest cash prices, at once. -*Tr,y Keystone quick repair ser . vice and .save money. Keystone Cyclj I Co.. 814 North Third street Both i • phones. I POSITIVELY Highest Cash Prlcea - paid for Fufnlture, Carpets, good sec . ond-hand Clothing. Dry Goods and ' . Shoes. Don't sell till you see me. Send I postal to 636 Herr street; City. I WANTED WANTED, WORTHY PERSON who can make slip covers for furniture dur ing spare time; material furnished. Ad dress H„ 2176, care of Telegraph. BOARDERS WANTED SUMMER BOARDING Accommoda tions frem May 1 on mountain farm near Dauphin. Reasonable rates. Spec ial rates for season. Boating and Ash ing. Address W„ 2145, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE FOR SALE National Touring Car: five-passenger; newly painted* good condition; no reasonable offer refused. Bell phone 100. GO TO GABLE'S for wire fenoe of all kinds and gates to match. No. 111-117 South Second. i - THE Harrlsburg Harness and Sup ply Company's Trunks, Suitcases and Bags of genuine leather at prices lower ! than elsewhere. Repairing a specialty. Second and Chestnut streets. FOR SALE Mahogany Vlctrola and Records. Guaranteed In best condition. Played only 50 times. Must be sold at once. S6O cash. Apply 1317 Derry street. FOR SALE—Rebuilt Packard Road ster. 35-H.-P., 4-cylinder, tires in good condition: 2 extras. Bargain to quick buyer. J. H. Troup Garage, rear of store, 15 South Market Square. CANOE FOR SALE l7 foot. Morris; good condition: will sell cheap. Ad dress 189 South Front street, Steelton. ONE Chase truck will be sold at auc tion sale on May 8, 1915 Just over hauled and in good shape. J. D. Perry, 125 South Eleventh street. I 1 I FOR SALE Snow-Flake Bleacher Soap Business, stock, fixtures. 1,000 cus tomers, receipt which is protected. Boy 116 can manage same. Also flve-paasen ger touring car. Want to leave city. John A. Forney, 10 Argyle street. Bell phone 1071 M. MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS Thor, with clutch, $40,00; Twin-cylin der Indian, Presto light; tandem. SIOO. Investigate. Keystone Cycle Co.. 814 North Third street, Harrlsburg, Pa. FOR SALE Two outdoor brooder .coops; price reasonable. Apply C. L. Boak, 229 Broad street. FOR SALE Unusual oppor tunity, Steam Laundry, Modern Machinery, town 5000 inhabi tants with wide surrounding territory, no competition. Ad dress L. 2161, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Guinea Pigs. Call Sun day. all day. C. E. Reeser, Harris and Walnut. Camp Hill, Pa. . GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms. Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad, if paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. I FOR SALE Well bred Airedale I puppies. Inquire of M. R. Rutherford, i llari isburg R. F. D. No. 1, or Bell . phone 341-R-2. „ FOR SALE Party leaving city will j sell household furniture at a sacrifice, i No dealers. Address J., 2160, care of | Telegraph. | AUTOMOBILES Overland, 5-pas senger touring car; late model; fine condition; price very reasonable. Ap ply Universal Motor Car Co., 1526 Wood avenue, or 1746 North Sixth street. Bell phone. FOR SALE Typewriter. Best on market. I-asts a lifetime. ChaniwC In- ' stantly from one kind of type to an other. Rev. H. B. Barshinger, Box 18, Lemoyne, Pa. FOR SALE lOO scratch pads In package for 50c. The Telegraph Print ing Co. FOR SALE Soda fountain, with fixtures and 5 tables, 25 chairs, all In good condition. Address J., 2162, care of Telegraph. A. SANSONE & Co. lmported Pure Olive Oil from Italy. Price Tor 1-gal lon can, $2.25; %-gallon can, $1.25; 1 quart, 75c. Special price for case lots. Call 304 South Second street Bell 1589 R. Delivered to any part of city. FOR SALE—White Wyandotte Eggs from my best birds at 75 cents per 15— eggs hatching 80 per cent. M. O. Sides, Higlispire. FOR SALE One brand- new 1915 | Indian Motorcycle at a real bargain j price; also, second-hand machines for j sale—come and see them. Harrlsburg Motorcycle Exchange, 1302 North Sixth street. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. \ i FOR SALE One family horse. Ap ply Ober's Stable, Court and Cranberry streets. DARLINGTON'S STOCK SHOP, 7 per cent, dividend lnvestmenhts. For particulars call 4 North Fifth street. Bell phone 3652. • FOR SAI-E 1912 Cadillac. Electric lights; self-starter; engine tire pump; excellent condition; three new tires. Bargain. E. E. Campbell, Mechanlcs burg. Pa. FOR SALE Dodge Straw Hats for 98c. Come and look them over, 1011 North Third street. City. FOR SALE One touring car, with truck body. In A 1 condition; also one Maxwell roadster—must be sold at once. Applv Maxwell Dealer, rare of Central Garage. 334 Chestnut st.eet. | NEWS AGENCY FOR SALE Clears $20.00 weekly profit. Good opportunity I for increased business. Good reasons for selling. Address 8., 2176, care of Telegraph. ( FOR SALE Five-passenger Ford; fully equipped; top; windshield; five lamps; liorn; speedometer; side cur tains. Will sacrifice at once to cash buver, $325. Ask for Mr. Leeman's car, 5 North Cameron street. CIGARS Limited oflter, B0 "Cre- Malta" and 25 "Madam X," sl, postpaid, or 50 Cre-Malta, 60 "Madam X' and 60 , "Miss Lou" for $2. Snell & Co.. Red Lion, Pa. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S, 11?, US and 117 South Second street 5,000 gal- Inns New Era ready-mixed paint Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE One Upright and one Piano Player will be sold on payments to suit purchaser. Both pianos sllgfctly used. L. E. S„ care of Telegraph. FOR BALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business office. FOR RENT FOR RENT Second floor room, . 3,700 square feet for light manufactur ing purposes. New building. Call at premises. Twelfth and Herr streets. R.USINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Barber shop. In small town, with wide country trade. AU fixtures, except tools, for sale. Good reasons for selling. Address L, 2173, 1 care of Telegraph. ANT intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary; Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, port. N. T. _ I MADE $60,000 In five years in the ' mail order business, began with $6. I Send for free booklet Tells how. Hea -1 cock, 356 Lockport N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING I with beat material and by expert help. Send us yor worn furniture. Our best r efforts insure your satisfaction. 8. N, Cluck, >2O Woodbine street. - A HAULING H W. LATHE, Burdlif Stable aad A National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boiler* and general haul, r lng. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbin* streets. Bell phone No. T 3603 R. 1 FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine "5 Hair Tonic, prepared by Oroaa, the Druggist and Apothecary, 11» Market I street, Harrisburg. Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. BelJ 1960. PIANO MOVING, tuning, pi .king and storing. Work done by experts, winter £ Piano Co.. 28 North Fourth street. Bell I phone 14#. j ABDOMINAL SUPPORTERS J Abdominal Bandages and Supporters A I for Appendicitis, Floating Kidney, after Operations, Naval Rupture, etc., I Trusses and Braces. Jere S. Shanaman & Son, Rupture Speslallsts, 408 Market I street. j NEW AND SECOND-HAND Furniture J bought and sold. Highest cash prices l paid. Drop postal, or phone s7ls BelL * Atlas Furniture Co.. 1014 Market street X LET us soli your automobile. We -i have buyers If price Is right Automo- i bile Storage, Repairs, Supplies at rea- ' sonable prices. Keystone Cycle Co., 814 J North Third atreet. Bell phone IB6R I C MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO I/OAX We have money at 5 per cent.. In large amounts, first r mortgage collateral. Only first-class l proposition considered. C. Vernon j Rettew Co.. 1000 North Third street. ' ANY' person needing money in amounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal aried position, would be benefited by calling on us. Employes' Discount Co.. 36 North Third street. STORAGE STORAGE HAULING Furniture, household goods and merchandise of all I kinds stored; also hauling of all kinds —at very low prices Call, or address. S. Frank. 427 Herr street. STORAGE 4l# Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons, 78 oenta per month. Apply D. Cooper * Co_ m I Broad street. Both phonea. FIREPROOF STORAGE" Warj. HOUSE, divided Into private rooms for storage of household goods new 1 jlldfn'S low insurance inspec tion invited. 487-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. RAZOR BLADES ALL KINDS of rszor blades resliarp j ened; made better than new; safetv, 25c : per dozen; Star, 15c; old style. 2oc; leave orders Henry. Gilbert Sons' Hardware ; 219 Market street SEEDS —— 4 EGYPTIAN WHEAT THE GREAT [ GRAIN PRODUCER; 100 to 200 bushets t per acre on most any soil. Sure croper, ; wet or dry. Don't blast. Matures in 75 days. Best feed for all kinds of stock, makes fine flour. Plant in rows April to July. It thrives where other crops burn up. 1 will send large trial package, about 5,000 grains, by mall for 25c; enough to plant one acre for $1.00; enough to plant 10 acres for $6.00, all prepaid with best cultural methods. B. E. Miller, Carlton, Texas. PUBLIC SALE PUBMC SALE Of Wllllamstown Gas Company first ' mortgage bonds, and other bonds, at Court House on Wednesday, May 5, 1915, at 10 o'clock A. M. W. W. SHOPE. JR., Exeoutor. NOTICES THE annual meeting of the Stock holders of The Blubaker Coal Company -*vlll be held at the office of The W. O. Hiokok Mfg. Co., Harrisburg, Pa., at 12 o'clock noon. May 3, 1915, for the election of officers and such other busi ness as may be properly presented. ROSS A. HICKOK, Secretary. LEGAL NOTICES Office of the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Har risburg, Pa. MARTIN G. BRUMBAUGH. Governor; A. W. POWELL Auditor General; R. K. YOUNG, Treasurer, Commissioners. IN compliance with the Constitution and the Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Board of Commls ; sioners of Public Grounds and Buildings ; Invites sealed proposals In duplicate for contracts for furnishing such supplies for the Executive Mansion, the lature. the several Departments, and Commissions of the State ment as described, and below maximum prices as are fixed In lowing schedules for the year eiMßg the 31st day of May, A. D. 1916: Sched ule A, for furnishing paper and enve lopes; B, for furnishing Typewriters, Adding, Addressing and Duplicating Machines and Supplies; C.for furnishing General Stationery. Mahogany. Oak and Metallic Furniture; D, for furnishing Engineering Instruments, Blue Print Paper, Laboratory and Engineering Supplies; E, for furnishing all Books; F, for furnishing Brushes, Glassware. 1 Mops, Brooms, Buckets, Toilet and Cleaning Soaps. Towels. Rugs, Fuel, Uniforms, Rubber Goods, Chemicals and Miscellaneous Supplies; G, for fur nishing Hose and Fittings, Carpenter, Upholstering. Painting and all Hard ware Supplies; H, for furnishing Sup plies for the care of the Conservatories and Grounds; I, for furnishing Lumber, General Repair and Removal of Dirt and Refuse; J, for fbrnlshlng Light, Heat and Power Supplies. As the various classifications of the schedule will be bound In pamphlet form for the convenience of the bid ders. it Is therefore desired that in re auestlng pamphlets, the, blddera Indi cate those desired by using the letters set forth above. No proposal for any contract shall be considered unless such proposal be ac companied by a certified check to the order of the State Treasurer, or by a bond In such form and amount aa may be prescribed by the Board of Commis sioners of Public Grounds and Build ings. For form of Bond see schedule Instructions to bidder*. Proposals must be delivered to the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings on or before twelve (12) o'clock, meridian, Tuesday, the 11th day of May, A. D. 1915, at which time pro posals will be opened and published In the Reception Room of the Executive Department at Harrisburg, and oon -1 tracts awarded aa aoon thereafter as i practicable. Blank Bonds and Schedules contain ing all necessary Information may be obtained by communicating with Bam- ■ i uel B. Rambo, Superintendent, Publto Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg, Pa. , By order of the Board. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent C. P. ROGERS. JR., Secretary « 1 ..1 ■ 1. HEB fw SI SEALS A STENCILS UV [ 01WMFG.BYHB6.STENC)LWOW(S> ll [ II 130 LOCUST ST. HBG. PA. U THE Harrisburg Polyclinic Dlspen , sary will be open dally, except Sunday, 1 at $ P. M„ at Its new location, 1701 North Second street, for the free treat ment of the worthy poor. Try Telegraph Want Ads | SWEET REMESUIRANCEB Let Fate do her worst; there are relics of Joy, Bright dream* of the past, which she cannot destroy; And which come In the night tine of aoj-row and care. And bring; back the feature* that Joy used to wear; Ijong, long be nj heart with snoh memories filled; like the vase in whldt'iwti have once been distilled, Tou may break, rou mar shatter the vase, If you wMI, But the scent of the roses •wUI hang sound it still. —Thomas Moore. oßunox See h«r fields'are passing fair, Rife with glowing color, where All her popples nodding blow Into crimson as they grow. TVouldst thou breathe their fragrance deep, Know their breath and cease to weep? How the south wind widening weaves Scarlet billows through the leaves; How they rustle, yet how still Life would seem If thou didst fill All thy senses, and would dwell Underneath the poppies' spell. Blows the wind of life so chill That It checks thy ardent will; Are there unfilled gaps that lean Lurking in the days between? Come, then, dream and breathe full deep. Share the popples' nodding sleep. —Jane McLean. FOR SALE or will Exchange on City Property Wayne Cottage, Perdix— practically new; Si-room Summer and Winter Home; 3 minute*' walk from station. Summer rentals make this proposition better than a 10 per cent. Investment. SIX PERDIX LOTS —three of these face the Public Road. For business reasons we will resell these lots at Snap Price. FOR SALE—'Three-story brick, 1600 block on Market street. A very desir able house. Three-story brick, 2400 block, on North Sixth street. Only $3,000. New modern house, 2100 block, Derry street. None better in Hari'lsbuvg\ Plot of desirable ground on North Sixth street. Suitable or builders, 205 x 100. Bungalow site—Highsplre, 80x120 ft. Corner plot, S4BO. FOR RENT —Two new houses on Derry street, 2100 block. Steam Heat, $2400. The Young House and Home Co. 26 N. THIRD STREET Bell 713 J. Real Estate Insurance FARMS For Sale ALL GRADES AND SIZES From 48 acres—fair buildings for S9O0 —to 311 acres, good buildings for $3750. Lots and acreage for suburban resi dences and farms for flowers, chickens, "truck" or vegetables. Come and see the country—it's delightful. A "Jitney" to show you around. C. B. Care Care's Grocery I.tnglestown, Pa. A deserlptloa at 400 Market street, Harrlstinrg. *■ ' Public Sale Monday, May 3rd, 1915 At my stable*, 91st and Greenwood Streets, HARRJSBVRG, PA. 40 Head of Extra Fine Horses and Males Consisting of one Kxpress load of Illinois Horses, 28 In number, just the kind yon are looking for, good Mg draft horses, some wen mated team*, weighing: from 1,200 to 1,700 lbs. apieoe, thoroughly broke and dead down pullers, the vest aft a lot of all pnrpose horses to salt all olaases of buyers. Sale at I.M p. m. A liberal credit will be given. H. D. KOONS & STINE — * FOR SALE 1808 Boas Street Corner, 2-story brick, 8 rooms, ball and bath, ail improvement*, sids entrance, cement cellar, concrete walks and steps, grass plot, prioe 12,250; on easy terms. 1819 Harr St., new 2 M -story brick, never oc cupied. 8 rooms, hall and bath, sida . entrance, concrete walks and steps, \ crass plot, steam heat, combination \ fixtures, chestnut finish, price 12,600. 1908 Forster St.. 3-story frame, 8 rooms and bath, all im provements, side entrance, auto mobile garage, price SI,BOO. CHAS. BARNHART IS2I Whitehall St. | Bell Phone 453-W v 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers