8 HARRtSBURO DIOCESE IS TENYEARS OLD Celebration to Be Held Here Three Days, Beginning May 16 : i n conjunction with the three-day cele bration of the tenth anniversary of the Harrlsburg diocese of the Protestant Epls •"J . copal Church will be ' |iyJ| held the annual con -0~-' .BC vent ion of the diocese. *1 /M 9* Bishops from sev ' " jK«.I m ® ral state "- front Can i.-jjHp*!. Ada and Cuba will participate. The open- MTftrl' "iBB ' n S service will be held In St. Stephen's IttJ" Ar/j Church, Monday, May " *—jo The principal service will be held Tuesday morning. ■,vhe . an address will be given by the bis' 'p of Rhode Island, the Rt. Rev. .""rederlck Bargcss. Other speakers during the celebra tion will include the bishop of Beth lehem. the Rev. Ethelburt Talbot; the bishop of Central New York, the Rev. Charles Olmstead: the bishop of To ronto. the Rev. James Sweeney: the bishop of Maryland, the Rev. Mr. Murray, and the bishop of Cuba, the Rev. Hiram Hulse. Delegations from all the churches in the diocese will be represented at the sessions. This diocese was formed in May. 1905. Bishop James Henry Dar lington has been head of it since that time and the tenth anniversary of his •election as bishop will also be cele brated. METHODIST Stevens Memorial The Rev. 'lavton Albert Smucker. pastor, will preach at 10:30, "In the Beginning—God" and at 7:30, sec ond sermon-lecture in series. "Ly ing in Its Varying Forms and Shades": • lass meeting. 9:30: Sunday School, 2: Epworth league, 6:30. St. Paul's —The Rev. Robert TV Runyan. pastor, will preach at 10:30. "Why the Local Option Bill Failed" and at 7:30. "The Man Who Failed to Stay With His Friend": Sunday School. 1:45: Epworth League. 6:30. Grace—The Rev. J. D. Fox. D. D.. pastor, will preach at 10:30. "The Spiritual Resurrection" and at 7:30. "Tragedy of Job—Act II the Great Argument": class meeting. 9:30: Men's Bible Class and Sunday School, 1:45: Epwonh League. 6:45. Camp Curtin —The Rev. A. S. Wil liams. pastor, will preach at 10:30, "Faithful Unto Death'' and at 7:30, "The Friend of Our .Memorial "; class meeting. 9:30: Junior League. 9:43; Sunday School, 2; Epworth League. 6:30. Fifth Street —The Rev. Edwin A. Pyles, pastor, will preach at 10:30, "First Lessons on the Cross" and 7:30, "The Failure of the Brook"; class meeting. 9:30; Sunday School. 2; Ep worth League. 6:30. Epw o rth--The Rev. J. D. W. Deaver. pastor, will preach at 11. "Gideon and His Three Hundred" and at 7:30. "That Guest Chamber": Sunday School, 10: class meeting, 9; Epworth League. 6:30. Ridge Avenue—The Rev. William W. Hartman. 10.SO, "Guarding Against Temptation"; 7.30, "Righteous Re quirements"; Sunday school. 2; Ep worth League, 6.30. M'THEIt.W Trinlty. Camp Hill—The Rev. Dr. E. D. Weigle. "Voices of Spring," 10.30; "In the World. Not of It," 7.30; Sunday school, 9.15: men's meeting. 2.45, Dr. S. C. Swallow speaker, "Songs of the Bible and How to Sing Them." Bethlehem—The Rev. J. Bradley i Markward. D. D. 10.30. "The Pilgrim | Idea of Life": 7.30. "The Relation of i Heaven to Earth"; Sundav school, 1.45: c. E.. fi.3o. Christ—The Rev. Thomas Reisch, Ph. D. Morning service, 10.30; Sun-i day school and Men's Bible Class, 2; i C. E., 6.30: evening worship, 7.30. j St. Matthew's—The Rev. E. E. Snyder. Illustrated sermon to chil dren. 11; "David and Jonathan." 7.30; Sunday school. 10; C. E.. 6.30. Messiah The Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson. Preaching. 10.30; "The Bat tle of the Ages," 7.30: Sunday school, ; 2; Intermediate C. E.. 6.30. St. Mark's. West Fairview The Rev. A. G. Wolf. Preaching. 10.30: Sunday school, 1.30: C. E.. 6.15. St. Paul's, New Cumberland The Rev. A. G. Wolf. Sunday school, 9.30; C. E., 6; preaching. 7. Riverside Mission—Sunday school, 2: preaching. 3, by the Rev. H. H. Weber. D. D.. of York. Augsburg—The Rev. Amos Maxwell Stamets. "Soul Prosperity." 10.30; •Jesus on the Shore," 7.30: Sunday school, 2; C. E., 6.30; Men's League, 9.45. Trinity The Rev. R. L. Meisen helder. "Present-day Goliaths," 10.30; "Bible Teaching on Marriage," 7.30; Sunday school. 2; C. E.. 6.30. Redeemer—The Rev. E. Victor Ro land. "Proper Christian Conduct," 10.30; "Life That Knows No Defeat," 7.30; Sunday school, 9.30; Junior C. E.. 2; Senior C. E.. 6.30. Calvary The Rev. Edward H. Paar. "Joy and Sorrow in the Chris tian's Life." 11: Christ's Interview With Peter." 7.30; Sunday school, 10. Holy Communion—The Rov. John Henry Miller. Preaching. 10.4 5 and 7.50; Sunday school, 9.30; Luther League. 6.30. Memorial —The Rev. L. C. Manges, D. D. Preaching. 10.30, by the Rev. H. H. Weber, D. D., of Tork; "Rev erence," 7.30, by pastor; men's prayer meeting. 10; Sunday school. 2; Junior Luther League, 5.30; Senior Luther League, 6.30. PRESBYTERIAN Pine Street —The Rev. Lewis Sey mour Mudge, D. D. The Rev. J. S. Armentrout, assistant. 10.30. "Paying the Full Price"; 7.30, "The Incarnate God"; 1.30, Sunday school, elemen tary grades; 1.40, advanced grades; adult Bible classes; 6.30, Sr. C. E. Calvary—The Rev. Frank P. Mac- Kenzie. 10.15. "Taking Up the Cross"; 7.30, "Safety First"; Sunday school, 9; C. E.. 6.30. Westminster —The Rev. E. E. Cur tin. 10.30. "To-morrow"; Sundav school. 1.45; C. E., 6.30; 7.30, "A Fatal Mistake." Bethany—The Rev. John M. War den. 7.30. :"The Two-fold View of the Holy Spirit in a christian"; Sunday school. 9: C. E.. 6.30. Olivet —The Rev. William O. Yates. 10.30, "The Christian Anchor"; 7.30, "Say, Don, let's go to EPWORTH LEAGUE tomorrow evening." "All right, Harry, where will I meet you?" "At the church." "Right! I'll be there!" SATURDAY EVENING, NEW BETHEL A. M. E. CHURCH w — r. p— .. -< ■ • J-*** i .... .. . *' * * a Jfe - -■ "•% V • ' -" —> ? ffIBBBBBHMnii UMB s *™p - . "Jubilee week." In celebration of the dedication of the new Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church, will conclude with special services and an elaborate program of music by an augmented choir. The dedicatory exercises proper were held last Sunday, with the Rev. Dr. F. T. M. Webster and Bishop Evans Tyree as the principal speakers. Dur ing the week special services were hel d each evening. The new structure stands at Briggs and Ash streets and was erected at a cost of more than SIO,OOO. "Why Go to Church?" Sunday school, 2; C. E.. 6.30. Market Square—The Rev. William B. Cooke. Morning: service. 11: "Life's Cardinal Virtues—Coura," 7.30; Sun day school. 9.45. , Covenant—The Rev. Harvey Klaer. "Keeping the Sabbath." 10.30: "Get ting Married," 7.30: Sunday school, 2; C. E., 6.30; Sunshine Mission Band, 6.15. Capital Street The Rev. B. M, Ward. "The Mind of Christ," 10.45; "The Pre-eminence of Christ," 7.46; Sunday school. 12.15; C. E., 7.15. Immanuel The Rev. H. Everett Hallman. Preaching. 10 and 7.30; Sunday school, 11.15; C. E„ 6.30. EPISCOPAL St. Andrew's—The Rev. James F. Bullitt. Morning prayer. 10.30; Sun day school and Bible classes. 12; evening prayer. 7.30. Mount Calvary The Rev. O. H. Brldgman. Evening service, 7.30; Sunday school. 2.30. St. Augustine's—Archdeacon E. L. Henderson. Morning prayer. 11: ser mon by Canon Bratennahl. of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. Washington, D C., 4; Sunday school, 12.30. St. raul's—The Rev. Floyd Apple ton. "St. Mark." 11; sermon, 7.30, by ihe Rev. Pr. Bratennahl. of the Na tional Cathedral at Washington; Sun day school, 2.30. UNITED BRETHREN State Street—The Rev. E. A. G. Bossier. 10.45. "Christ's Second Com ing and the Unbelieving World"; 7.30. "Faithful Stewardship," a baccalau reate sermon to the graduating class of the township high school: Sunday school, 9.30; Jr. C. E., 6; Sr. C. E., 6..-0. Sixth Street —The Rev. P. Hummel Balsbaugh. Praise service. 9.45; 10.30, "Christ Glorified in Men"; 7.30. "Watt ing For God"; Sabbath school, 1.45; Jr. C. E„ 5.45; Sr. C. E„ 6.30. St. Paul's. Wormleysburg—The Rev. G. B. Reinshaw. Preaching, 10.45 and 7.30: Sunday school, 9.30; Jr. C. E., 6.45; Sr. C. E., 6.30. First—The Rev. J. T. Spangler. 10.30. "The Next Step": 7.30. "A Big Man's Conceit"; Sundav school, 1.45; C. E.. 6.45. Derry Street —The Rev. J. A. Lyter, D. D Preaching. 7 0.30 and 7.30; Sun day school. 2: Y. P. S. C. E.. 6.30: at the morning service Dr. Max Wert heimer of Ada. Ohio, will preach. Otterbein.—The Rev. S Edwin Rupp. 10.30. "A Great Scene": 7.30, "Unfair to Christ"; C. E.. 6.30. CHURCH OF <.OI) Green Street The Rev. C. H. Grove. "Foundation Principles"; Sunday school. 2; Junior C. E., 3; Senior C. E., 6.30: Missionary Society entertainment, 7.30, Miss Cora Leib, of Lancaster, speaker. Pleasant View—The Rev. G. W. Harper. Sunday school. 9.45: "Being Faithful." 10.15; "What Would Jesus Find To-day Should He Come," 7.30; Junior C. E., 3: Senior C. E.. 6.45. Maclay—The Rev. F. I. M. Thomas. , "A Little Cloud and a Great Storm," 11; "Peace," 7.30; Sunday school. ! 9.45; C. E.. 6.30. Camp Hill—The Rev. D. S. Shoop, jD. D. "The Judgment of the Na tions," 10.30; "The Ideal Christian," 7.30; Sunday school, 9.30; C. E.. 7. Fourth Street The Rev. William X. YHtes. "House-cleaning," 10.30; ; "Let There Be Light," 7.30; Sunday school, 1.40; Junior C. E., 3; Senior , and Intermediate C. E., 6.30. REFORMED St. John's —The Rev. E. N. Kremer, will preach at 10.30 and the Rev. G. W. Hartman at 7.30, on "Our Stew ardship"; Sunday school, 9.15; C. E., 6.30. Fourth The Rev. Homer Skyles i May. "Let Your Light Shine Before 1 Men," 10.45; "Be Strong," 7.30; Sun dav school, 6.30; Heidelberg C. E., 1 6.30. Salem —The Rev. George W. Hart man will preach in exchange with the I pastor at 10.30; the Rev. Ellis N. Kre mer will preach at 7.30; Sunday school, 1.30. | St. Matthew's, Enola—The Rev. W. R. Hartsell, pastor will preach at 7:30; Sunday School. 9:43; C. E., 6:45. St. Andrew's, Penbrook—The Rev. W. R. Hartzell, pastor, will preach at I 10:30; Sunday School, 9:30; Men's (Bible class, 6:45. BAPTIST First—The Rev. W. S. Booth. 10.30, "For the Sake of Bystanders"; 11.30, Sunday school; 6.30, C. E.; 7.30, "The . Rise of the Roman Catholic Church," illustrated. ! Second —The Rev. Albert Josiah I Greene, A. B. 10.30, "The Worshipful I Attitude"; 7.30, "The Supreme Choice and Its Recompense"; Sundav school, . M.: JB. Y. P. U.. 6.30. Tabernacle The Rev. Calvin A. Hare. D. D. "The True Standard of Prosperity," 10.30: "Jehovah's Ulti matum," 7.J0; B. Y. P. U.. 6.30, illus trated lecture on Japan; Bible school, 11.30. St. Paul's —The Rev. E. Luther Cunningham. "A Great Multitude." 10.30; "The Wise and Otherwise Vir gins." 7.30; Sunday schooL 13.30; , B. Y. P. U., 6.30. EVANGELICAL Park Street—The Rev. A. E. Han gen. Sunday school, 9.30; "Does God Answer Prayer." 10.30; "The Friend of Friends." 7.30; Junior C. E., 5.45; Senior C. E.. 8.30. Harris Street—The Rev. George F. Schauui. 9.30, men's prayer meetins; 10.30, second of sermon series. "The Temptation of Jesus:" 2. Sunday school; 6.40. K. L. C. E.; 7.30. CHURCH OF GOD Penbrook—The Rev. Jay C. Forn crook. Preaching. 10.30 and 7.30; bac calaureate sermon to high school class; Sunday school. 9.30; C. E., 6.40, CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN Hummel Street—Preaching. 11 and 7.50, by the Rev. A. K. Hollinger; Sun day school, 10; Christian Workers, 6.45. CHURCH OF CHRIST Fourth Street The Rev. 8. T. Stouffer. "Christian Efficiency," 11; "The Constraining Love of Christ," 7.30; Sunday school, 10; C. E., 6.30. A. M. E. Bethel—The Rev. U. G. Leeper. pas tor. will preach at 10:30, "Jacob's Vis ion' - and at 7:30, organ recital by Wm. H. Bond, Jr.; Sunday School, 1; C. E.. 6:30. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE First Church of Christ, Scientist— Board of Trade Hall. Sunday, 11 and 7.30. Testimonial meeting, Wednes day. s. Free reading rooms. Kunkel Building. 12.30 to 4.30 daily, also Mon day and Saturday evening. CATHOLIC Cathedral—Monsignor M. M. Has sett. Low mass, 7; children's mass. 9; high mass, 10.30; Sunday school, 2.30: vespers and benediction, 7.30. St. Lawrence—The Rev. P. D. Hue gel. Low mass, 8; high mass, 10; Sun day school, 2.30; vespers and bene diction. 3. St. Francis—The Rev. D. J. Carey. Low mass. 8; high mass, 10; Sunday ! school, 2.30; vespers and benediction, i 7.30. I Sacred Heart The Rev. George Rice. Low mass. 8: high mass. 10; j Sunday school, 2; vespers and bene- I diction. 7.30. St. Mary's The Rev. William V. Pailev. Low mass. 8; high mass. 10.30; Sunday school, 2; vespers and benediction. 7.30. Sylvan Heights Home for Orphan Girls—Low mass and benediction, f, CATHOLIC CALENDAR Sunday—St. Mark. Monday—SS. Cletus and Marc's. Tuesday—St. Turibius. Wednesday—St. Paul of Cross. Thusdav—St. Peter M. Friday—St. Catherine S. Saturday—SS. Philip and James. MISCELLANEOUS The Christian and Missionary Alli ance. The Rev. W. H. Worrall. Sun dav school, 9.30; preaching, 10.30 and I 7.30. Religious Society of Friends will meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam E. Hawley, 1117 Market street at 3.30: Mrs. Rebecca 8. Conard, clerk of Philadelphia yearly meeting, will speak. Associated Bible Students. The reg ular Sunday services will be held at 3 at Cameron's Hall, 105 North Sec ond street; "Victories Over Modern jGlanti"; Berean Study, 2. Dr. Mudge Will Continue Series of Sermons on "God" At Pine Street Presbyterian Church on Sunday morning the pastor, the Rev. Dr. Mudge. will take for the theme of the sermon "Paying the Full Price." The feature of the music will be a solo by Mr. Sutton, "Judge Me, O God" (Matthews). At the evening service the series of sermons on "God" will be continued. "The In carnate God" being discussed. The Choir will sing "The Shadows of the Evening Hours'' (Barri-Shelly) and "Nunc Dimmitls" (Rogers). On Wednesday evening at the midweek service the topic will be "Out Beset- Iting Sins." The Senior Christian En deavor society will be addressed at Its meeting by Harry Corl on "The Bible —The World's Supreme Book." The twenty-fifth anniversary of the Bethany Mothers' meeting will be cele brated on Friday. April 30 in the after noon and evening. The year's work will be bro'.ight to a close at this time and those who began the work and have continued it all these years will be recalled to mind In the evening program. TO SING FOR SHUT-INS Rehearsal of Harrlgburg Evangelistic Chorus on .Monday Evening Members of the Harrisburg Evan gelistic Chorus will sing for several score of shut-ins next Tuesday even ing. The singers will go to the homes of the sick In automobiles. Monday evening at 7.30 o'clock a rehearsal of the chorus will be held under the direction cH Professor Charles F. Clipptnger in Ridge Avenue Methodist Church. Sixth and Herr streets. Plans for concerts to be given within several months will be made at the rehearsal. BOOTH CONTINUES SERIES The Rev. W. S. Booth, pastor of First Baptist Church, will continue his series of sermons on "The Rise of the Roman Catholic Church." His ser mon to-morrow will be an illustrated one on "The Epochs of Christianity." HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH LEAGUES TO DISCUSS lilMI MISSIONS Missionary Departments Will Have Charge of Services; Arrange Special Programs At Epworth League meetings In this city to-morrow evening special em phasis will bo laid upon the work that thts league Is carrying on In India. Several of the services will be con ducted by the missionary departments of the league, while at Fifth Street the Women's Foreign Missionary So ciety will direct the service. All of the chapters are providing additional In teresting features In the form of spe cial musical numbers. Tickets for "the Illustrated lecture by iJ. Horace McFarland. president of the American Civic Association. on "Eaglesmere, the Scenic Marvel of Pennsylvania," which will be given in Stevens Memorial Methodist Church, Friday May 14, will be in the hands of the various league presidents on Sun day and will he on sale Monday, Tues day and Wednesday of next week. Thts lecture Is the second of a series and will be for the purpose of creatine In terest in the Epworth League institute which is to be held at Eaglesmere from July 6 to 13. Following Mr. Mc- Farland's lecture, the Rev. A. S. Wil liams, pastor of Curtin Heights Meth odist Church, and a director of the institute, will briefly outline the work. The Stevens Memorial male chorus, .under the direction of George W. Swl sert, will also sing during the even ing. At Curtin Heights League service to morrow evening. A. H. Stover, a mem ber of the Harrisburg District Epworth League cabinet, will be the leader and there will be a solo by J. Howard Poor as well as a duet by Misses Emma Hol linger and Lulu Beard. At the Ep worth church league service, J. K. Cot terell will have charge of the meet ing. The Women's Foreign Missionary Society will have charge of the ser vice at the Fifth Street Church, which will be under the direction of Mrs. Tost, president of the missionary so ciety, and Miss Irene Loomis. The Rev. Dr. Pyles, pastor of Fifth Street church, will make an address, and there will be a solo by Mrs. Harder. Charles Saltzman is the leader assign ed for the Grace church service, and Miss Carrie Reiley will sing a solo. Ridge Avenue League made the larg est gain in attendance Inst Sunday, having 94 present. This Sunday. Paul Meredith will have charge. Walter B. Rankin will be the leader of the ser vice at Stevens Memorial church, and Miss Phoebe Miller will sing. Clar ence Kirk, the secretary of the St. Paul's League, will conduct the ser vice at that church, and an interest ing service is being planned. Bishop Darlington to Celebrate Communion BTSHOP DARLINGTON Consecrated Ten Tears Ago. By Invitation of the men of St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church the Rt. Rev. James Henry Darlington, bishop of the Harrisburg diocese, will cele brate holy communion on the actual anniversary of his consecration, Mon day morning, at 7.15 o'clock. The Rev. L. F. Baker, general mis sionary of this diocese, and the Rev. Dr. Bratenahl. secretary of the prov ince. who is located ot Washington. D. C.. and the clergy of the city have also been tendered special invitations. Bishop Darlington was consecrated to the bishopric exactly ten years ago Monday. MUSIC AT MESSIAH The following music will be Riven at the services in Messian Lutheran I Church to-morrow: j Morning—Prelude. "Offortoire in F j Minor" (Salome); offortory. "Lullaby" (Eddy); soprano snl<> "These Are They" (Gaul); post!i<>. "Festal March" (Teilman). Evening—Prelude . o in B Major" (Widor); <' 'My Faith Looks Up to Thee' :.ssford); of fertory, "Evening Kest" (Loesch horn); anthem. "Hearken Unto Me" (Sullivan); postlude,- "Allegro Mod erato" (Smart). BIBLE TEACHER HERE Dr. Max Wertheimer, formerly a Jewish rabbi, will address the twelfth Monthly Interdenominational Bible Conference in the First Baptist Church. Second and Pine streets, Mon day and Tuesday. His subjects will be "The Queerest Book in the Bible," "The Deity of Christ." "What's the Use to Pray?" and "Satan." To-mor row he will speak in Derry Street United Brethren Church and at the Y. M. C. A. AT ZIOX BAPTIST Special services will be held to morrow afternoon in the Zion Bap tist Church. Marion street, of which the Rev. Walker Tolllver is pastor. The Rev. Spat Brown, of Berryville, Va„ will have charge of the services. §1 2th Monthly Interdenomi national Conference FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Second nn«l Pine Street* Monday and Tuesday, April 26 and 27. 1915 Rack Afternoon HI 5.30 P. M., and Each RventßK at 7.45 P. >l, SI'BJKCTS I—"The llarprmt Rook In •\\ h ß, |' >l ""th' rhr | n ' ,tT ° f ( krlMl " DR. MAX WEHTHEIMEII, "A Jew. eloquent and mighty in the Scriptures," of Aria, Ohio, will he the teacher. EVERYBODY INVITED nitiNi; IAIR mm, l. At 1.30 P. M.. In the City V M. C. 1 A.. Falinestock Hall, Set on'd and I>o- I cunt street: HUhJect, "The Story of My Conversion." * I ''FHE noblest music heard in this J- city is that which is sung in the churches every Sunday. The hymns, anthems and services are sung in praise of Him who gave man Salvation and Life Eternal. The inspiration of music is felt by everyone, and if tomorrow you accept the invitation of all of the y churches of this city to attend a service in some church, and allow your soul to fully enter into the in spiration of the music, you will ex perience one of the most funda mental reasons why every Sunday you should GO TO CHURCH This advertisement has been authorized by and Is being paid for by the Associated Churches of Harrisburg BIG C. E. RALLY AT PARK ST. CHURCH Societies From City and Nearby Towns to Meet Monday Evening A rousing bis: Christian Endeavor rally will be held under the auspices of the Harrisburg C. E. Union in the Park Street United Evangelical Church, Sixteenth and Park streets on Monday evening at 8 o'clock. Delega tions are expected to be in attendance from all of the societies of this city, I.emoyne, Marysville, Enola, New Cumberland, Steelton, Penbrook,- Oher lin. Enhaut, Highspire and West Fair view-. William Shaw, of Boston. Mass., general secretary of the United Society of Christian Endeavor, will deliver an address to the endeavorers of this city and vicinity. Dr. Shaw is touring the State in the interest of the great C. E. movement and at the same time bring a larger vision of the work and to en courage the young people in Christian Endeavor in Pennsylvania to under take even greater things in the days to come. The message will mean much to the endeavorers in view of the com ing State convention. SERIES OX JOB The Rev. Dr. John D. Fox, pastor of Grace Methodist Church, will con tinue his scries of sermons on the Book of Job. Act 11. "The Great Argu ment," bringing out the wit, repartee, censure and sarcasm between Job and his friends, will be brought out by the Kev. Dr. Fox in the sermon. PREACH AT COURTHOUSE The Rev. Robert W. Runyan, pastor of St. Paul's Methodist Church, will speak in front of the on "Where Arc You Going?" BACCALAUREATE SERMON The Rev. J. C. Forncrook. pastor of the Penbrook Church of God. will preach the baccalaureate sermon to the Penbrook high school, to-morrow evening. RECTORS EXCHANGE Puplits will be exchanged to-mor row morning by the Rev. James F. Bullitt and the Rev. O. H. Bridgman. The Rev. Mr. Bridgman will conduct the usual 10.30 service at St. Andrew's Protestant Episcopal Church, Nine teenth and Market streets, and the Rev. Mr. Rullltt will be at St. Chry sostom's Church, New Market, at the same hour. The Rev. Mr. Bridgman also will teach the Men's Bible class at St. Andrew's Church at noon. CIJASS ON HIJiE Fifty members of Class No. IS of State Street United Brethren Sunday School, taught by Mrs. E. A. G. Boss ier, hiked to Penbrook last evening, stopping at the bungalow of Mrs. Thomas E. Stephenson, where they were entertained by Mrs. Stephenson and her mother, Mrs. Wiiliam Houser, both members of the class. APRIL 24, 1015. RESCUE MB TO MOVE TO NEME New Organization Has Been Help ing Many a "Down-and-Outer" Up to Better Life The City Rescue Mission, 5 North Fifth street, after several months of active work among the down-and-out classes found it necessary to search for larger quarters in order to accom modate the hundreds that come to the mission for help. Within a few days the head quarters will oe moved from 5 North Fifth street to South Secomi street, giving thg, advantage of being more centrally located. . According to the report of Griffith Jones, superintendent of the mission, 1,709 attended the March meetings, 55 being converted. In February 77 hit the trail and up to the present time 36 have hit the trail this month. In February 732 meals were served, in March 679, and 300 so far this month. One hundred pieces of cloth ing and twenty pairs of shoes were distributed also in February and March. Each evening the mission holds evangelistic meetings at head quarters. At 107i-i South Second street, the new home of the mission, at least 200 can be seated on the main floor, which also has space for a bathroom and lavatory, small kitchen and superin tendent's office. The clothing will be stored in the basement. The official opening with an appro priate program will be held soon after the'removal from the old home. The officers and board of directors of the mission are as follows: .lames W. Barker, president; Luther Minter, vice-president; William G. llean, sec retary; Fred Kelker, treasurer; Har vey Buck, Philip Reed. E. F. Weaver. Robert F. Webster, Al. K. Thomas, Charles P. Meek, C. E. Booser, Frank E. Musser. Robert A. Enders and John McFadden. RTERLY COXI'EHFA'CK The first quarterly- conference of the year in the Epworth Methodist Church will be held Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Dr. A. S. Fasick, dis trict superintendent, presiding. Wy PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH i'ffl/ THIRD AND PINE 'STREETS Sunday, April 25 H| Preacher, Rev. L. S. Mudge, D. D., Pastor. "Paying the Full Price" I tmij A Business View of Life. fil I | Graded Sunday School Adult Bible Classes 7:30 P. M.~ | | "The Incarnate God" P k „ Vou are not a Philologist. You are not an Archaeologist r 4 Aon are not a Tlipologlnn. But vou pan follow an P. ) • argument expressed In every-day Kn*lUh and baaed on H •••' Common Sense. Such an argument for the Dlety of Jesus M . Christ you will hear In this sermon. If vou desire your * doubt* removed, or your faith established, come and *< y near it. I' Next Sunday Evening c "The Reliable God" I M There are no Atheists. Every one has a God Fop $ :*< every on» worships some one or aome thing. You have a God. Is your God a reliable Ood? Can you depend upon ?'• Him for Comfort, for Str-ngth. for Forgiveness? LANCASTER CLASSIS HERE NEXT WEE Clergymen to Meet From Mond to Thursday in Fourth Reformed Church The Lancaster Classis of the I!i formed Church will hold sessions this city from Jlonday to Thursdal inclusive, of next week, in the Four] Reformed Church, of which the Re Homer Skyles May is pastor. More than seventy-five clergymi and delegates will be present. Mer bers of the Fourth Reformed eongr Ration are preparing to entertain tl visitors. The Rev. Benjamin M. Meyer, Elizabethtown. retiring president, w have charge at the opening meetii Monday night. The Rev. .1. Hunt Watts, of Lancaster, assisted by t Rev. J. H. Pannebecker, of Columb will conduct the altar services. F< lowing the service a president will elected to serve at the next session the classis. Holy communion will be celebrat Tuesday morning, in charge of t classis officers. The Rev. J. Stewa Cramer, of Lancaster, will preac Parochial reports will be read by t pastors at the business meetings the day. The Rev. H. M. J. Kline. Franklin and Marshall College, w speak at the eyenlng service. Reports of committees and routi business will be heard on Wednesd and all of the remaining business w be disposed of on the closing day. The Rev. George W. Richards, Lancaster Theological Seminary, w speak Wednesday evening on "C We Still Be Evangelical?" Thr Ri Kills N_ Kremer. of this city, will pi side at the service. SERMON* OX LYING Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker w continue his series of sermon-lectui on live wire topics to-morrow event with a discussion of "Lying in Varying Forms and Shades." Si ceeding talks follow: May 2, "Sip of the Times:" May 9. "Popular For of Idolatry To-day;" May 16, "I'e and the Keys to Heaven."
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