| Telephone Your Classified Ad NOW —Bell 2040; Cumberland 203 I . » DIED BEAUMONT Died~ April 11. 1915, Harvey I* Beaumont, aged 52 years. Private funeral services Monday rooming, at 10 o'clock, at his late resi dence, IS 1 9 North Third street. Burial Newport Cemetery. Body can be view *d Sunday evening: between hours of ' and 9. FINK On April 23. 191 R. Louis Fink, of 312 North Second street, aged 42 years. Funeral on Sunday afternoon, at 2 ) clock, from 312 North Second street. Burial at Kesher Israel Cemetery. MeCAULEY* Died Friday. April 23rd, 1915, Sarah Doll, widow of Gilbert M. McCauley. Funeral services Monday afternoon, *t 3 o'clock. Market Square Presby erian Church. Burial private. No lowers. SOLBSTOCK Died, April 22. 1915, Charles Ross Colestock, aged S6 years, after brief illness. Relatives and friends are Invited to Lttend the services Monday afternoon, it 2 o'clock, trim his late residence. U2« Market str*"t. Burial Prospect Bill Cemetery. ST LOST Single harness breast collar tnd traces between Walnut and Mahan :onro streets, on Wednesday night. Finder please call Ober Bros., Bell jhone 2415. LOST Small black pocketbook. on tfulberry Street Bridge to Evergreen md Derry streets, on Friday afternoon. >y widow. Reward if returned to this >fflce. LOST Pocketbook. either in Colo llal Theater or on a Steelton car. Re gard If returned to Frank Fisher, 173 >outh Front street. Steelton. FOUND FOUND —The most beautiful Flower >oxes, Jardiniers. Vases, etc., ever hown In this city. Harrisburg Statu ry Co., 806 North Third street. FOUND The well-dressed man. He .lways sends his clothes to Kggert's iteam Dyeing and French Cleaning Vork». 1245 Market street. Do you? toth phones. Call and deliver. HELP WANTED —Mule WANTED First-class paperhang rs; rtone but mechanics need apply. H. t. Boose, Third avenue and second ti eet, Wormleysburg, Pa. MACHINISTS WANTED. Apply Em loyment Offlce, Bethlehem Steel Co., outh Bethlehem, Pa. THOUSANDS GOVERNMENT JOBS. )pen to Men and Women. (65.00 to 160.00 month. Write for list. Frank- In Institute, Do "«1-D, Rochester, r. Y. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS are easy d get. My free booklet, Y-372, tells ow. Write to-day—NOW. Earl Hop- Ins. Washington. D, C. WANTED Old Established New 'ork City Coffee Tea and Spice House esires salesman having established rade in New Jersey and Eastern l'enn ylvania. Address, with particulars, alary, Box 718, New York City. CO-OPERATE with me. Easy home usiness. Sna«- time; no canvassing, apital orj»Tperlence necessary. 1 will I have averaged 100 Weekly for four 'years in same ne. You should do as well. Partlcu irs free. Voorhies, Desk 155, Omaha, eb. SBO MONTHLY and expenses, to 'aval, fllstrlbute samples and take rderß or appoint agents. Permanent. ap-American Co., Chicago. WANTED Four neat-appearing oung men to do sampling work. Call arrisburg Storage Warehouse, 7 clock. Monday morning. S3O WEEKLY, evenings Rt home, verything furnished; no experience; o canvassing. Don't worry about capl il. Boyd H. Brown, Omaha, Neb. SIDE LINE SALESMAN WANTED by irgest fireworks distributors In merica to sell fireworks direct from anufaoturer to Retail Merchants for ourth of July Trade. Easy sales and ood commissions. Write immediately, anufacturers Fireworks Company, lint. Michigan. WANTED Man over 30 years old > travel for us this Spring and p.ll ummer, making these towns: Wil amstown. Lykens, Elizabethville, Mll ■rsburg, Harrisburg, Steelton. Mlddle >wn, Royalton, Hummelstown. Leba on. Halifax, Jonestown. Glen Bros., ochester, N. Y. GOVERNMENT EXAMINATIONS horough Instruction, $5. Returned if ot appointed. Particulars free. Ameri in Civil Service School, Washington, ■ C. WANTED, SALESMEN AND SOLICI ORS lf you are a good house-to ause canvasser and are looking for romotlon, we have a place for you. We so have openings for several first ass salesmen who are in a position to ,ke up work outside of the city. Our en are making from S2O to S4O per eek. If you ore a live-wire and can ;alify, call at The Jewell Tea Co., 269 road street. Harrisburg. AUTO transportation school wants en to become practical chauffeurs id earn $75 to slofl per month. We ive a thorough course in crude and ■actical work for $36.00. No. 5 North imeron. Bell phone 1710. HELP WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Girls over 16 :ars of age to learn cigarmaking. aid while learning. Apply Har sburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. FIVE bright, capable ladies to travel, •monstrate and sell dealers. $25 to 0 per week. Railroad fare paid. Good ch Drug Co., Dept. 520, Omaha, Neb. LADIES s2s weekly; easy, simple ork; no canvassing. Evenings at ime; fascinating; everything furnish l; no experience. Don't worry about pital. Boyd C. Brown, Omaha, Neb. DO you want another $2 daily? No perlence. constant spare time work litting hosiery, machines furnished i contract, we take product. Gleason heeler Co. (Inc..). 337 Madison, chi go. IJADTES can make $lO weekly copy g, addressing and mailing samples, > canvassing; particulars for stamp, merican Co., 23a5 Orthodox, Philadel lia. "FREE TO ANY WOMAN Beautiful -piece Gold Decorated Dinner Set for strlbuting ,1 dozen cakes Complexion >ap FREE with other products, among tends; no money needed. Tyrrell afd, 216 Institute, Chicago. The distinctive features of the new houses in Bellevue Park will appeal to you i Miller Brothers & Co. A s g a in'. SATURDAY EVENING. HELP WANTED—FemaIe DIVES, POME ROY & STEWART re quire the services of women able to do plain sewing, to work on the alteration of skirts. Apply Monday morning, a o'clock. Outer Garment Department; WANTED Student* to enter our ■horthand class for the summer. Just placed another student after nineteen weeks' preparation. Call, or phone, Bell 704R, Harrisburg Shorthand School, 31 North Second street. to solicit orders for bulbs, roses, etc. Salary and expenses. Fair view Nurseries. Rochester. N. Y. WORK'S DRESSMAKING SCHOOLS —Are the best equipped schools of the kind in America. They are located most everywhere. They are popular. Join this school now, make all your Spring and Summer dresses while learn ing. Day and Evening classes. W. A. Work. Prop., 22 North Fourth street. WANTED An experienced woman for general housework: four adults in family; no washing. Address A., 2130, HE 1/1* WANTED—MoIe or Female WANTED Ladies and gentlemen of culture who appreciate the beauty in works of fine art. to visit our Em porium at No. 806 North Third street. Harrisburg Statuary Co. WANTED Colored man and wife, with two children, wishes place in good family as houseman and cook or maid, in country or town. Call 1418 Currant avenue. JANITOR Middle-aged white man and wife, without children, for apart ment building. Free rent of three steam-heated rooms and bath. Good wages, with extra pay for woman If she will help with housework and do light washing. Good position for hon est. sober, trustworthy couple. Apply to John Smith, Engineer, Elliott-Fisher Company. RAILWAY MAIL AND POSTAL CLERKS Examinations soon; over 2.000 appointments yearly. Prepare at home. Write for our Plan No. 15. of payment after appointment. Philadel phia Business College, Civil Service De partment. Philadelphia. Pa. AGENTS WANTED FREE SAMPLE Nosplash Water Strainers sell themselves no talking —experience unnecessary. Daily proflts J5 upwards. Send 2c (mailing cost). H. A.. Union Filter Co.. New York. AGENTS Our specialty Is brand new; useful; needed In every home. Write at once for particulars. The Larrimore Co.. Box 43, Darby, Pa. AGENTS lf I had your name I could show you how to earn $25 to *SO weekly. Greatest Beller in years. Over 700.000 sold in last six months. Every housewife WILL BUY ON SIGHT. Pos tal brings liberal ropositlon and Free Sample. Address Manufacturer, 1 Union Square. New York. SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary, easy work, big pay. Write now for large list of openings offering opportunities to earn from SIOO to SSOO a month while you learn. Address nearest office. Dept. 244 National Sales men's Training Association. Chicago, New York. San Francisco. AGENTS Get particulars of one of the best paying propositions ever put on the market. Something no one else SPIIS. Make $4,000 yearly. Address E. M. Feltman, Sales Manager, 1725 Third street, Cincinnati, Ohio. AGENTS Astonishing, fascinating. Millions of dollars made annually. SIOO.OO weekly, at home, during leisure moments. Absolutely no canvassing. Experience unnecessary. I will start vou In this Extraordinary Business and furnish everything. Don't worry about capital. Address Boyd H. Brown. Dept. 114, Omaha, Neb. GROW RICH IN BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN. Get out of the wage-earner's class. Your co-operation with our fac tory starts vou with little capital dur ing" spare time In your own home. We manufacture exclusive articles. No canvassing. Experience unnecessary. Write for booklet and proposition. Ad dress Pease Mfg. Co., Dept. D-60. 68 Broadway, Buffalo, N. Y. AGENTS Send for particulars of fastest selling household specialty on market. Every housewife buys. J. T. Rodgers Co.. Wilkinsburg, Pa. AGENTS Let us show you how to earn sls daily selling our goods to auto owners. Stanley De Souza. Box 20, Sta tion I. New York City. AGENTS Let us show you how to make $lO daily selling our goods. Send for our 1915 winner. The Novelty Spec ialty Co., Hackettstown, N. J. DO you want to be independent and earn a* good income? Write us for free particulars. Brodhead Mall Order Co., C. D. Brees, Mgr.. Brodhead, Wis. $5 TO $lO A DAY easily made. Co operate with us. No capital or experi ence necessary. Write at once. Jennie M. Todd. South AVashington street. Neosho, Mo. t $5 TO $lO A DAY easily made with lis. No capital or experience necessary. Write at once. Montgomery Ward & Co., Kansas City. Mo. A LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE WANTED. No investment. All-steel sectional garages and larger buildings. Attractive proposition. Fullest sales co-operation. Permanent, profitable. Representation in other cities wanted. Ruby Mfg.. Co.. Jackson, Mich. AGENTS Delicious Soft Drinks In concentrated form. Always ready just add water economical abso lutely pure. Every housewife wants them —l4 different kinds. Enormous demand big summer sellers money comes easv. 250 other popular-priced, fast-selling household necessities. We furnish free outfits. Write to-day now. American Products Co.. 2312 American Building. Cincinnati. Ohio. AGENTS in every city. Best, quick selling household article. I*arge de mand. $?o to SSO weekly. Success as sured. Investigate to-day. Herbert Co.. 1415 North Sixty-first street, Philadel phia. AGENTS To handle quick-selling household necessity. 100 per cent, profit. Repeat orders easily secured. Rig future for hustlers. Bryan. 37 Ful ton street. Brooklyn, N. Y. WANTED An energetic salesman over 25. to sell our own line of copy right exclusive Calendars. Fans, Novel ties and Cloth Specialties direct to the trade for advertising purposes in Cen tral Pennsylvania To begin work at once. Line good the year 'round; pro tected territory assigned. We are calen dar manufacturers (not Jobbers). No better line in America for the hustling, ambitious salesman who will cover his territory thoroughly. If you mean business. write Sales Manager, Merchants Publishing Co., Kalamazoo, Michigan. AGENTS WANTED FREE SAMPLE Nosplash Water Strainers sell themselves no talking —experience unnecessary. Daily proflts 15 upwards. Send 2c (mailing cost). M. K. Union Filter Co.. New York. "FOUR IN ONE" wringer mop. Par ticulars and sample. 7sc. Postage extra. Foundation. 44 North Ninth, SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Salesman to call on grocers, general stores and confec tioners in small, country towns. 25 per cent, commission. $35.00 weekly drawing account. Sales Manager, 206 South First street, St, Louis, Mo. SALESMAN for Mill line Fall Dry Goods, Flannels, Blankets. Strong side line. Good commissions. F. C. Roll man & Co.. Philadelphia. Pa. SALESMAN for building specjalty; must understand blue prints; commis sion basis; excellent opportunity for hustler. Reply Strltehotf &. Smith, 521 N. Howard street, Baltimore, Md. SITUATIONS \VA N TED—Male WANTED By sober young man, position as baker; will be able to fur nish reference if desired. Address M, 2129, care of Telegraph. WANTED By white man, position as cook in hotel or Institution, In or out of city; thoroughly experienced; first-class on pasteries and deserts. Address Cook. 1315 Fulton street. Har risburg. WANTED—Colored man wants work of any kind. Please call 1113 Currant avenue. WANTED Position by young, mar ried man (American); something regu lar; can give bond if necessary. Ad dress R„ 2138, care of TelegrapX WANTED By Tech High School student, aged 26. position at offlce work of any kind. Address 8.. 2132, care of Te'egraph. WANTED To do whitewashing. Call, or send postal to 1411 Marlon 6treet, City. SITUATIONS WAN TED—Female WANTED Colored woman wants lace curtains to launder; 25 cents per pair. Address 921 Sarah avenue. WANTED By middle-aged woman, with child 9 years old, place with re fined family, in or out of city. Address S.. 2135. care of Telegraph. WANTED Stenographer, experi enced in general offlce work, desires a position; can furnish the .best of ref erence. Address S„ 2141. care of Tele graph. WANTED Young white woman desires plain sewing to do at home. Call, or address, 1120 Montgomery street. WANTED Housekeeper, refined, capable, experienced woman would like position as housekeeper for father and son or for one person. Address Box 2136. care of Telegraph. WANTED Work as chamhermald or child'B nurse. Miss E. F„ BC3 East street, Harrisburg. WANTED Country woman wishes position as housekeeper for widower; no objections to children; can give ref erence. Address Box W, 2159, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored woman wants to cook In hotel or restaurant. Inquire 433 South street. WANTED By middle-aged white woman, maternity nursing. Call, or ad dress 1120 Montgomery street. WANTED By middle-aged colored woman, position as first-class cook, or general housework, city or country. Call, or address. 141 Lincoln street. City. WANTED By white woman, house cleaning, washing and Ironing. 1403 Mayflower ayenue. WANTED Colored woman would like work by the day; can furnish the best of reference. Call, or write. 327 Muench street. City. WANTED Experienced steno grapher desires a position: reference. Address R., 2142, care of Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE Only 3 more left out of 14, of those modern brick homes on Third street. Riverside. Nos. 3002 A and 3004. at 12.800.00 each, and 3022 at $3,100.00. Complete In every respect; 7 rooms and bath; front and rear porches: cement cellar; Walks and step; steam heat; bay window; pressed brick fronts; Iron fence. To see these means to buy. Terms that will suit purchasers. John J. Hare. 1136 Jones town road. Bell phone 1186 W. FOR SALE 4O North Thirteenth, {3,250; 1350 North, $2,100; 1713 Regina, $2,500; farm o£ 156 acres, $2,600: 1833 Regina, brownstone and brick, ideal home. $4,400. See Cassell. 1444 Re gina. , FOR SALE Fine suburban home, opposite Colonial Club, steam heat and improvements. large lot and porch, $2,600; also fine Penbrook property— new brick houses. SIOO needed. See Cassell, 1444 Regina. FOR SALE Bungalow, Oauphin county, within 5-cent car fare of city. Price. $1,650. Dauphin property, lot Ssx 123 ft., reduced to SI,OOO. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE New three-story brick; 8 rooms; improvements; chestnut fln-~ ish; hardwood floors; corner property, on Eighteenth street close to Market. Price. $4,200. H. G. Pfidlow, 110 South hirteenth street. BUNGALOW on plot 35x110, for sale on eaßy payments; 8 rooms bath gas furnace porcli gar ilen fruit 2O foot alley on rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. VACANT HOUSE for sale on easy payment. Inspect it. No. 18 N. Six teenth street all improvements steam heat. Small amount of cash required. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. CORNER PROPERTY FOR SALE Brick house S rooms bath gas electric light steam heat porch lot. 18x120 large yard. Price. $3,000. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. BUNGALOW Steam-heated 6 rooms bnth electric lights porch plot, 80x512. Dillsburg prop erty with plot 100x218; variety of fruit; price. SI,BOO. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE 4 Acres York Co. one mile from Middletown Ferry Sta tion 7-room frame dwelling—frame stable variety of fruit. Price, SBOO.OO. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Wal nut streets. SI'SQI'EHAKMA (42) acres (notice) low price C 51,300). Home, barn, outbuildings (2) fruit or chards, fine black garden soil t4) acres (woodland) meadows, creek and (2) large flowing springs. Apples, cherries, plums, quinces, pears, grapes, peaches and currants. Ideal location for green houses, poultry and early vegetables, near large market, railroad station and trolley. With horse, cow (.4) hugs (25) chickens (20) bushel oats (40) bushel corn, 1 ton hay, 1 ton straw only $!.- 6<K>). BI.OSSOMOXDR (120) acres (giveaway bargain $3- 600). New painted white house porches, all new painted outbuildings except new roof bank barn, (5003 choice fruit trees (10,000) strawberries (600) raspberries (20) acres (woodland), new concrete and stone milk house. For ($800) more rather than miss a sale (match team) fine horses, (4) good cows (8) hogs (661 chickens (18) ton hay and straw (100) bushel oats (200) bushel corn. Handy to (3) railroads (large market) and trolley. GEOBGE B. OSTRANnER, Danville Telephones Sunbury Mornlmi (.7 to 8) Kvenlojta. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Opportunity to Quick Buyers CAN OFFER CHEAP, several tracts of land, containing from one to five acres, suitable for truck or chicken farm. Near residential section, along trolley line. Will exchange for city property. Address "Opportunity," care of Telegraph Offlce. FOR SALE— -410 Briggs St. 3-story brick lO rooms, bath and furnace— lot, 20x111 side entrance learn the low price on this property. S. Progress new 2*4-story frame dwelling lO rooms, bath and steam heat front, side and rear porches - lot. 80x130 5 minutes' walk from car line 6 cent fare to city. BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. 2-story brick—year old $2,260 New brick houses $2,700 House, with stable $2,400 Edgar B. Lerew, 4 N. Fifth St. FOR SALE — 1836 Reglna St. nearly new single 3-story brick lO rooms, bath and steam heat front, side and rear porch lot, 76x89. Located close to Reservoir Park. Third St.. Enhaut 2 Vi-story frame —6 rooms good condition lot, 25x 150. Price, $1,000.00 on easy terms. BRINTON-PACKER CO., Second and Walnut Sts. FOR SALE Desirable building lots in the Tenth Ward, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets. An opportunity for a builder or real estate dealer to secure well located property for development purposes. Ad dress L, No. 1587. care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Owner leaving town, w-11l sell at a sacrifice furnished bunga low. ten miles from Harrisburg. along State road. Ideal place for store or restaurant. Address P. O. Box 23. Har risburg. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT 1192 Christian street; two-story brick; 7 rooms; all improve ments; cemented cellar; furnace, range and laundry. Rent, $17.50. in advance. Inquire M. L Bowman, 259 Herr street. HOUSE FOR RENT 9 rooms and bath; all Improvements. Call Chester Buck, Bell phone No. 3102 R. FOR RENT A seven-room house at Rockville, Pa., within half block of trolley. Inquire at 1610 North Third. FOR RENT ln Duncannon, Pa., ten-room brick house, furnished; mod ern improvements; excellent location: large lawn and grounds. Address Box S. care of Telegraph. FOR RENT A frame house. No. 1532 Thompson avenue, to a small fam ily of adults; cheap rent to a good ten ant; references required. Rent, $lO per month, in advance. FOR RENT—IB 37 Park street, three story brick house; all improvements. Call at 208 North Third street. Janitor. FOR RENT 19,54 Swatara street; eight rooms and bath; house in good condition. Possession immediately. Rent, $14.00. Apply 29 North Sixteenth street. City. « FOR RENT— Camp Hill; S. Bowman Ave.; Bungalow $25.00 Camp Hill; N. Bowman Ave; 2-s. b 20.00 Enola; State Read & Adams St... 17.00 Enola; Adams St.; 2%-s. b 13.00 W. Enola: Center Ave 8.00 Washington Heights; Park Ave. 17.00 1410 Penn St.; 6 rooms 10.00 1121 N. Seventh St.; 10 rooms; imps 25.00 623 S. Front St.: 7 rooms: imps... 16.50 Store & Dwelling at Killlnger. 2208 N. Third St.: Apartment: 5 rooms 40.00 BRINTON-PACKER CO.. Second and Walnut Sts. FOR RENT 216 PefTer street; 8 rooms and bath: all Improvements. Ap ply W. H. Fox. 214 Reily street, or call Bell phone 750 J. FOR RENT By day. week or month, six-room furnished bungalow, at Cove, close to river and mountain: boat furnished; rent reasonable. Apply 7 North Third street, second floor. FOR RENT A three-story dwell ing house. No. 1007 North Sixth street; all conveniences; cemented cellar; steam heat, etc. J. T. Ensminger. Second and I Chestnut streets. FOR RENT Three-story brick house, 1713 North Third street; all Im provements; Immediate possession. Ap ply 1100 North Front street APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT New modern apart ments. 6 rooms, bath, pantry, storage, continuous hot water-front and rear porches Apply H. w, Miller. State Highway Dept. or 2210 North Third. Bell phone SIR. FOR RENT An apartment of four or five rooms at 100 Hamilton street, with outlook over the river. Heat and light furnished. Apply 1700 North Sec ond street. City. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Four rooms and bath, with all conveniences; back and front porches; also storage locker; located Sixth and Harris streets. Apply to L Silbert, 1542 North Sixth street FOR RENT Apartment 2148 Sixth street; six rooms and bath; hardwood floors; steam heat; electric light; laun dry; tray in kitchen. Apply 2124 Sixth street. FOR RENT One npartment. The Reynard, 208 North Third street; two rooms and bath; steam heat; constant j hot and cold water. Apply Common wealth Trust Co.. 222 Market street | APARTMENT FOR RENT Second I floor at the Walzdorf, facing Capitol; 1 six rooms, tiled bath and pantry; hard- I wood floors; electric light and city ! steam. Inquire 400 North street. FOR RENT Apartment 1101 North Third street; all conveniences; steam heat Apply 264 Herr street FOR RENT Two apartments, with five rooms and front and back porches, at reduced rent at 2013 Green street. ! FOR RENT Apartment, with all I modern Improvements, including city steam heat. No, 204 Walnut street E. Mather Co. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two bright, airy rooms furnished for light housekeeping; ail improvements; gas range; kitchen cabi net; refrigerator; gas on separate meter; InTiediate possession; references exchanged. Apply 342 South Sixteenth street. FOR RENT Several unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping; no chil dren" also, one furnished room. Apply 814 North Third street. FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for tight housekeeping, with all con venlenceß. 22 North Eighteenth street FOR RENT - Two-roomed suite, well furnished. L*rge private porch: every convenience, including batn and phone. Facing Capitol Park. 406 North street. FOR RENT Three rooms com pletely furnished for light house keeping; all conveniences; possession Kiven Ist of May; references exchanged. 340 South Sixteenth street. FOR RENT Rooms for light house keeping. with kitchen and all improve ment s^A£ply_J£l3^JVernonsUee t FOR RENT —Nicely furnished second floor front room, in private family, suit able for one or two gentlemen or man and wife. Call 104 South Thirteenth street. * FOR RENT Two large unfurnish ed rooms, for light housekeeping at 1425 Derry street Inquire at 1423 Derrv street i HOOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two large rooms, single or ensulte, one front; all con veniences; use of bath and telephone; light housekeeping privileges. Apply 210 South Thirteenth street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, two second story communicating; use of bath and phone: good location; short distance from trolley. Apply 203 Kel ker. FOR RENT Two communicating and one single room, with board. Mrs. Shaar, Oyster's Point avenue and Mar ket street, Camp Hill. Pa. I UNFURNISHED ROOMS UNFURNISHED HOOMS Built especially for light housekeeping, single or with kitchenettes, arrange ments strictly private, stoves furnish ed free, laundry, phone, and bathroom Frlvlleges. Private lockers for surplus urnlture. Inquire offlce. 429 Broad street, or Janitress. same building. Daily Inspection Invited. WANTED WANTED A second-hand Presto Lite lias tank for automobile. State size and price wanted. Address P. L, No. 2137, care of Telegraph. WANTED - Bicycles, or parts of bicycles, for highest cash prices, at once. Try Keystone quick repair ser vice and save money. Keystone Cycls Co.. 814 North Third street. Both i phones. POSITIVELY Highest Cash Prices paid for Furniture, Caj-pets, good sec ond-hand Clothing. Dry Goods and Shoes. Don t sell 'till you see me. Send postal to 636 Herr streot. City. WANTED Plastering and jobbing. Work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. City* ® a 't z ß' ver « "07 Barbara avenue, FOR SALE FOR SALE One familv horse. Ap ply Ober's Stable, Court and Cranberry streets. D ARLINGTON'S STOCK SHOP. 7 per cent, dividend investmenhts. For particulars call 4 North Fifth street Bell phone 3652. A. SANSONE & Co. lmported Pure Olive oil from Italy. Price for 1-gal lon can, $2.25; H-gallon can. $1.25; 1 quart, 7.5 c. Special price for case lots. Call 304 South Second street. Bell 1589 R. Delivered to any part of city. FOR SALE Oak buffet or serving table, odd chairs, two tine carpet rugs, in good condition, suitable for living room, parlor and bedroom. Apply first apartment. 2208 North Third stieet. .FOR SALE Day-old chicks. S. C. hite Leghorns, the Wyckoff and Blanchard strain, 10c each. SIO.OO per hundred. Orders taken for May and June. Apply George C. Sponsler, P. O. Box 6, fainp Hill, Pa. FOR SALE Full pedigreed Boston terrier, 13 months old. Will sell cheap to reliable party. Apply No. 32 North Eighteenth street. AUTOMOBILES 1 Piolet, 5-passenger, 50-H.-P., $860; 1 Overland, 5-passenger. 30-H.-P.. $500; 1 Partin-Palmer, 6-passenger, 40-H.-P.. $650; 1 Buick Roadster. 50-H.-P., SGOO. The cars are In first-class condition, appearing as new cars can be seen at Universal Motor Car Co., 1826 Wood avenue. Bell phone. i FOR SALE Two motorcycle tan dems, $3.50 each: one combination car rier, $3.00. Apply 814 North Third street. FOR SALE One 3-H.-P. motor cycle engine—complete, SIO.OO. Apply Keystone Cycle Co.. 814 North Third street. FOR SALE One new sewing ma chine at one-half price a big bar gain nothing nicer in the city. Ap ply 814 North Third street. FOR SALE Cyphers Incubator 240-egg capacity. In good condition. Will sell at a sacrifice. Also 5 Kilo coops. Will sell cheap. Inquire 1825 North Third street. FOR SALE One golden oak folding bed, with mirror; cost $35.00. Call 912 North Third street. City. FOR SALE One Eclipse gas range, good condition, $6. Apply 230 South Second street. DELIVERY WAGON FOR SALE. In quire Grand Union Tea Co., 20b North Second street. FOR SALE Horse, wagon, buggy and fixtures of a grocery store at a rea sonable price groceries at 20 per cent, reduction. Apply 424 State street. FOR SALE—WiII sell several new 4 and 6-cylinder cars cheap. Apply at once. Box L, 2111 care of Telegraph. WILL SELL entire stock of general merchandise also an excellent Tea and Coffee Route splendid opportu nity will be sold quick. Call, or ad dress. Harry M. Witman, Swatara Sta tion, Pa. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. j GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms, Rooms and Board and Table Board at 26c each. One of these signs will be given with each six-time order for a classified ad, if paid In advance. Inquire at Offic* of Telegraph. 1 GO TO GABLE'S for wire fence of ail kinds and gates to match. No. 111-117 South Second, FOR SALE Two-c'linder Max well car, in good condition, $125; one U. S. slicing machine, $145; Enterprise electric coffee machine. C. W. Fisher, Jr., 1500 Berryhtll street. I FOR SALE Merry-go-round in I good condition; engine good as new; I also good organ, ball game and tent. Inquire Charles ReigeJ, Second and j Landis streets. Hummelstown. Pa. THE Harrisburg Harness and Sup ply Company's Trunks. Suitcases and Bags of genuine leather r.t prices lower than elsewhere. Repairing a specialty. Second and Chestnut streets. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S. 112, 11» and 11T South Second street 6,000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business office. FOR KENT FOR RENT AT REASONABLE FIGURE Large first floor storeroom | and two second floor furnished offices. Apply 202 Locust street FOR RENT Second floor room, 3,700 square feet for light manufactur ing purposes. New building. Call at premises. Twelfth and Herr streets. ISI'SINESS OPl'< IRTUN ITIKS i ANT intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 788, Lock port, N. T. RELIABLE PARTY with *SOO, can get exclusive control of ten counties on one of the best patented* articles ever put on the market Fills long felt want 300 per cent, profit. Call after 7 P. M., F. L. Baldwin, Metropoli tan Hotel. PROPOSITION of merit to young man. single or married, with $300.00 to invest. Established business. Reliable i customers. John A. Bell, No. 2015 Penn •treet, Harrisburg, Pa, 1 APRIL 24, 1915? BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE General store in a good town close to Harris burg doing good business good reason Tor selling. If inter ested in good proposition address Box 2133, care of Telegraph. I MADE $50,000 Jn five years In the mail order business,* began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 365 Lockport, N. Y. WANTED A business represen tative for Dauphin county for a first class business proposition. Small In vestment required. Worth Investigat ing. Call after 7 P. M.. F. L. Baldwin Metropolitan Hotel. FOR RENT First-class barber 1 shop in a good location. Apply to No IB Chestnut street. Palmyra. Pa. BUSINESS PERSONALS OLD GOLD and Silver, Watches, Dia monds and Jewelry bought for highest cash prices. Jos. D. Brenner, Jeweler, No. 1 North Third street. Bell phone 631 J. REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert helD Send us yor worn furniture. Our best efforts insure your satisfaction. S. N. Cluck. 320 Woodbine street. HAULING H. W. LATHE, Hoarding Stable and National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general haul lng. H. W. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No 250SR. ' PRIVATE DETECTIVE Investiga tions. requiring absolute secrecy, con fidentially made by an expert. Address D., 2125, care of Telegraph. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, the I Druggist and Apothecary. 119 Market street, Harrlsburg, Pa. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. PIANO MOVING, tuning, packing and storing. ork done by experts. Winter Piano Co.. 23 North Fourth street. Bell phone 146. j NEW AND SECOND-HAND Furniture | bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Drop postal, or phone 3TIS Bell. J Atlas Furniture Co.. 1014 Market street. LET us sell your automobile. We have buyers if price is right Automo bile Storage. Repairs. Supplies at rea sonable prices. Keystone Cycle Co.. 814 North Third street. Bell phone 2SSR MONEY TO LOAN ANT person needing monev in amounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal aried position, would be benefited by I calling on us. Employes' Discount Co.. 36 North Third street. STORAGE STORAGE —' HAULING Furniture household goods and merchandise of all kinds stored: also hauling of all kinds —at very low prices. Call, or address, S. Frank. 427 Herr street. STORAGE 4l® Broad street, for household goods and merchandise. Pri vate rooms. $1 to 13. Wagons, 76 cents per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. WE are in position to Btore~one~or two small cars. Speak quick. Harrls burg Auto Co. I FIREPROOF BTORAGE WARB - HOUSE, divided Into private rooms for I storage <>(r ; household goods new | t \iildfn~N low insurance inspec tion Invited. 437-445 South Second street M-urlsburc Storafp Company RAZOR BLADES ALL KINDS of razor blades resharp ened; made better than new; safety, 25c per dozen; Star, loc; old style, 25c; "leave orders Henry Gilbert Sons' Hardware. 219 Market street. PERSONAL LOCOMOTOR ATAXIA Book of In formatlon sent free to any address. Room 402. 92 Broadway. Detroit, Mich. NOTICES NOTICE THE Annual Meeting of the Paxtang Cemetery Association will be held in Hie office at the cemetery, between tha hours of 2 and 3 P. M.i Monday. 26th April. BELLETT LAWSON. Secretary. THE annual meeting of the Stock holders of The Blubakcr Coal Company will be held at the office of The W. O. Hickok Mfg. Co.. Harrlsburg, Pa. at 12 o'clock noon. May 3, 1915, for the election of officers and such other busi ness as may be properly presented. ROSS A. HICKOK, Secretary. LEGAL NOTICES Office of the Board of Commissioners of Public Grounds and Buildings of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Har rlsburg, Pa. MARTIN G. BRUMBAUGH, Governor; A. W. POWELL Auditor General; R. K. YOUNG. Treasurer, Commissioners. IN compliance with the Constitution and the Laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Board of Commis sioners of Public Grounds and Buildings invites sealed proposals in duplicate for contracts for furnishing such supplies | for the Executive Mansion, the Legis lature. the several Departments, Boards | and Commissions of the State Govern ment as described, and below such maximum prices as are fixed in the id lowing schedules for the year ending the 31st day of May, A. 9. 1916: Sched | ule A. for furnishing paper and enve lopes; B, for ftirnishing Typewriters. Adding, Addressing and Duplicating Machines and Supplies; C, for furnishing General Stationery, Mahogany, OaTt and Metallic Furniture; D, for furnishing Engineeiing Instruments, Blue Print Paper. Laboratory and Engineering Supplies; E, for furnishing all Books; F, for furnishing Brushes, Glassware, Mops, Brooms, Buckets, Toilet and Cleaning Soaps, Towels, Rugs, Fuel, Uniforms, Rubber Goods, Chemicals and Miscellaneous Supplies; G, for fur nishing HOse and Fittings, Carpenter, Upholstering. Painting and all Hard ware Supplies; H, for furnishing Sup plies for the care of the Conservatories and Grounds; 1, for furnishing Lumber, General Repair and Removal of Dirt and Refuse; J, for furnishing Light, Heat and Power Supplies. As the various classifications of the schedule will be bound In pamphlet form for the convenience of the bid ders, It is therefore desired thai In re questing pamphlets, the bidders Indi cate those desired by using the letter* set forth above. No proposal for any contract shall be considered unless such proposal be ac companied by a certified check to the order of the State Treasurer, or by a bond in such form and amount as may be prescribed by the Board of Commis sioners of Public Grounds and Build ings. For form of Bond see schedule instructions to bidders. Proposals must be delivered to the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings on or before twelve (12) o'clock, meridian, Tuesday, the 11th day of May, A. D. 1915, at which time pro posals will be opened and published In the Reception Room of the Executive Department at Harrlsburg, and con tracts awarded as soon thereafter as practicable. Blank Bonds and Schedules contain ing all necessary Information may be obtained by communicating with Sam uel B. Rambo, Superintendent, Public Grounds and Buildings. Harrlsburg, Pa. By order of tfce Board. SAMUEL B. RAMBO. Superintendent. C. P. ROGERS. JR.. Secretary. Try Telegraph Want Ads MICE PATRDNESS LIST FORMR. KELSEY Society Will Hear Famous Archi tect Tell of Thrilling Experi ences in Mexico Friday Some of (he patronesses for the lec ture Albert Kelsey, the architect. In to deliver In Fahnestock hall next Friday evening: for the benefit of the general fund of the Pure Milk Society of Harrlsburg, were announced to-day within a day or two the entire list will be completed. Mr. Kelsey's talk will deal with his recent experiences in tropical Mexico, particularly in Yucatan, and he will il lustrate his story with a lot of splen did pictures. Mr. Kelsey spent consid erable time in Mexico In search of data for use In planning and constructing the Panama-American building In Washington and while his lecture will deal to a large extent with the type of curious native buildings and ruins as well as the modern palatial residences of the wealthier Mexicans, he will re late many an interesting incident of the people and the customs of the an cient land of the Aztec. The partial list of patronesses an nounced to-day include: Mrs. John E. Fox, Mrs. William Henderson, Mrs. William B. Ham mond, Mrs. Charles W. Hardt, Mrs. Edwin S. Herman, Mrs. Robert H. Irons, the Misses Pearson, Mrs. J. V. W. Reynders, Mrs. James H. Darling ton, the Misses Seller, Mrs. W. O. Hickok, Mrs. W. Spry Hurlock, Mrs. A. J. Herr, Mrs. W. T. Hildrup, Mrs. Neil E. Salsich, Mrs. Paul G. Smith, Mrs. A. G. Knisely, Mrs. W. O. Hickok, 111, Mrs. Mercer B. Tate, Mrs. Benjamin Strouse, Mrs. Marlin E. Olmsted, Mrs. John Fox Weiss, Mrs. W. Frank Wit man, Mrs. J. Ralph Woods, Mrs. William B. Wright, Miss Ann® McCormick, Mrs. Carl B. Ely, Mrs. Joseph L. Shearer, Mrs. Ross A. Hick ok. Mrs. Lyman D. Gilbert, Mrs. Rob ert A. Lamberton, Mrs. Horace M. Witman, Mrs. Anna Bacon, Mrs. Francis Jordan Hall, Mrs. Spencer C. Gilbert, Mrs. George D. Ramsey. Mrs. J. Allen Donaldson, Mrs. John Camp bell, Mrs. H. R. Douglas, Mrs. George Etter, Mrs. William Pearson, Mrs. William B. McCaleb, Mrs. Frank Payne, Mrs. E. Z. Wallower, Miss Marv Robinson, Miss Mary Emily Reily, Mrs. Ralph T. Meredith and Mrs. Charles A. Kunkel. Veteran Trainmaster Dies at Lewistown Home Lewistown, Pa., April 24. —One the best known railroad men of this section, Frank S. Strickler, died yes terday of heart disease. He was 5G years old. He never married but re sided with a sister, Miss Carrie Strick ler. Mr. Strickler entered the employ of the Pennslyvania railroad company as telegraph operator in 1877, when he was 16 years old. In 1882 he was ap pointed night train dispatcher and four years later became day dispatch er*-; and in I>ol made night yard master. MRS. GUYER'S FUNERAL The funeral services of Mrs. Flor ence Boyer Guyer, aged 28 years, 2166 North Seventh street, was held at 11 o'clock yesterday, the Rev. Dr. J. Bradley Markward, pastor of Bethle hem Lutheran Church officiating. She is survived by her husband, Ralph Guyer, and two sons, Ralph, Jr., and Walter Guyer, also her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Boyer, three broth ers, Frank D., Jr., Harvey A. and Wil liam H. Boyer. Oil SEALS & jf| V MFG.BYHBG.STENCIL WORKS ■ |1 II 130 LOCUST ST. HBG.PA. If THE Harrisburg Polycllnio Dispen sary will be open daily, except Sunday, at 3 P. M„ at its new location. 1701 North Second street, for the free treat ment of the worthy poor. IJEGAL NOTICES SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed at the office of the State Highway Department. Capitol Building, Harris burg. Pennsylvania, until 10 o'clock A. M.. April 27, 1815, for furnishing sala Department with indeterminate quan tities of bituminous material according to specifications. Specifications and bidding blanks can be obtained on ap plication to Joseph W. Hunter, First Deputy State Highway Commissioner. PROPOSALS FOR SCHOOI. BUILDINO SEALED BIDS will be received up until 12 o'clock noon of May 6. 1915, in the erection of a Srhool Building at RockvllJe, Dauphin County. Pa, for the Susquehanna School Board. Plans and Specifications may be procured from the Architect. H. B. Slioop, Fourteenth ami Walnut Streets. Proposals shall be sealed, marked, "Proposals for School Building," ad dressed _ C. A. KRAMER. Secretary. Susquehanna School Board, Progress, Pa. ' NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Court or Quarter Sessions of Dauphin County, on Wednesday, April 28, 1915, at 10 o'clock A. M., or at the first sitting of the Court thereafter, for a transfer of the Retail Liquor License for premises known as "Hotel Wallace," situate at No. 1200 Wallace Street, corner Cum berland and Wallace Streets, burg, Pennsylvania, now held by J. Grant Hoffman, to Harry F. Kcklnger. E. E. BEIDLEMAN. Attorney for Petitioner. CLERK'S NOTICE NO 1671 IN BANKRUPTCT ln the District Court of the United States for the Middle Dis trict of Pennsylvania. William McCal mont Shearer, of Harrisburg, Dauphin County. Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of July 1, 1898. having applied for a full discharge from all debt provable against his estate under said Act, notice is hereby given to all known creditors and other per sons in interest, to appear before the said court at Scranton. In said District, on the 17th day of May, 1915, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, to show cause, if anv they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. GEORGE C. SCHEUER, Clerk. FOR SALE 1808 Boas St.. corner, 8-story brick, 6 rooms, hall and bath, all improvements, cement cellar, con crete walks and steps. Side en trance. Grass plot. Possession at once. Prica $2,250. On easy terms. 1903 Forster St., S-story frame, eight rooms and bath, all improve ments, side entrance, garage, con crete walks, cement cellar. Price SI,BOO. Inquire CHAS. BARNHART 1821 Whitehall St. 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers