Ilapan Is Reported to Have Delivered Ultimatum to Chinese Government HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH LXXXIV— No. 95 JMESE DELIVER IILTIMATUIVI TO CHINA Satisfactory Reply Within Three Days Is Demand Made by the Cabinet NOTE FORWARDED TO PEKING Dispatch Received by Newspaper in Honolulu Tells of Threat Made by Japs By .Associated Press Honolulu, April 24.—An ultimatum demanding a satisfactory reply within three days to the demands of Japan on China has been sent by the Japa nese cabinet to Eki Hlokl, the Japa nese minister at Peking, for delivery to the representatives of China, ac cording to a dispatch from Toklo to the Hawaii Shinpo. a Japanese news paper here. Remnants of Emden Crew Attacked by Arabs at Instigation of English By Associated Press Berlin via wireless to London. April 23, 5.05 A. M.—The crew of the Ger man "warship" Ayslia, composed of men who escaped when the cruiser Emden was sunk by an Australian warship in the Indian ocean Novem ber 10, have escaped again from allied patrol ships and arrived at the Arabian harbor ot Lidd, on March 27. They covered by sea the 300 miles from Hodeida to Lidd. After reaching tHe coast the sailors attempted to conUnue their journey overland but were attacked by Arabs, suddenly at the Instigation of the Eng lish. After three days stubborn fight ing the attacks were repulsed and they reached the road to Hodachas, where the railway was open. The Germans suffered heavy losses. The bold exploits of this remnant of the Emden's crew have constituted one of the most dramatic episodes of the war. The men were members of a landing party which was on Cocos Is land when the battle occurred between the Australian cruiser Sydney, and the Emden in which the German cruiser was sunk. Under the leadership of Lieut. Von Muecke the landing party comman deered the schooner Ayasha and sailed away. Since that time there have been many conflicting reports regarding their activities. JOHX CUDAHY, PACKER, DIES By Associated Press Chicago. April 24.—John Cudahy, Board of Trade operator," banker and pioneer packer, died at his home here last night, aged 71. Physicians as serted that Mr. Cudahy had never completely recovered from an oper ation for appendicitis he underwent four years ago. GERMANS ARE SATISFIED By Associated Press Berlin, April 24, via London. 1.17 I'. M.—The newspapers of Berlin to day express satisfaction with the out come of the fighting at Ypres and say that it evens up for what happened Neuve Chapelle. FRENCH SCULPTOR DIES Paris, April 24. 5.25 A. M.—Rene De Saint Marceux, the sculptor, died last night his home In this city at the age of 70 years. Many of his works are famous and occupy places of honor in Paris. 4,501 tons of rails, 7,000 freight cars, 18 engines bought The New York Central Lines I lave thus con tributed to the Buy-It- Vow propaganda— set ting millions of dollars Into circulation. You are bound to benefit. Do your part, large or small, to be as helpful. Buy-It-Now This la the time of all tlmra for the l r . S. A. to make vaat atrldea. Let's all get busy. THE WEATHER] For H«rri«hurf and viclnltyl Fair to-night and probably Sundny; routlnued narm; lonral tempera ture to-nlsht about HO decree*. For Kaatern Pennsylvania: Fair 'to-night and probably Sundnv) mild temperature; light variable mlnda. River The Susquehanna river and all Ita trtbutarlea will fall alovtly or re main nearly stationary. A stage or about 4.0 feet la Indi cated for Harrlaburg Sunday morning. General Conditions Pressure continues high over the eaatern half of the country and low over the west. I.lglvt local ahowers have fallen In the lot tnesty-fonr hour* In the Middle Atlantic and New England Statea and the I'pper Ohio Valley and light to moderately heavy rains are reported generally over the territory lylnar between the Rocky Mountains and the Ml«- alsslppl river and alao In Snnth ern I tab and Southern Califor nia. Temperature! S a. m.. ill. >uat niaea. Slid a. M.i aeta, 6:51 p. m. Moon ■ Full moon, April SB, 0:1# a. m. River staarei Four feet above low water mark. Yeaterday'a Weather Itlgheat temperature. 78. I.nweat temperature, 52. Mean tempernture. 18. Annual temperature. 54. SCORES OF GARDENS HAVE BEEN PLANNED Announcement of Ex-Postmaster's j SIOO Prize Offer Hailed With Delight by Hundreds FOR A "CITY BEAUTIFUL" Civic Club Will Have Supervision of Contest; Notice of Entry Must Be Filed by May 1 Did you start your garden yet ? No? Then you had better get busy and file your application at once, be cause the SIOO prize contest for the best home gardens, offered by ex- Postmaster E. J. Stackpole on behalf of the Telegraph, is on in earnest. Mr. Stackpole announced his offer yesterday thrvugh the Civic Club whereupon all over town hundreds of would-be gardeners, young and old.) enthusiastically fell to with renewed) vigor. Harrisburg already has boasted of many attractive home gardens—front and rear yard, porch and window boxes—but the Telegraph offer is bound to increase the interest in the big movement to insure a more beau tiful city. Tlic Prizes Most everybody in the city by this time knows the terms of the prize offer but there may be a few who didn't get their papers in time last evening or this morning, so here's a little explana tory tip for them: Yard, front or rear—First priie, ■ 825: >ccond, $10; third. S5. Porcli—First, sls; second, $5; [ third, $3. Window box—First, $10; sec ond. $3; third, sl. Building decoration—First, $10; | second. $5. Special Best re.snlts under worst conditions, $3: live pri/.es to be awarded at discretion of 1 committee. $1 each. The competition is open to every-j body regardless of age, race, color, or; sex. Each would-be gardener, of I course, must furnish his or her own I seeds or plants and must plan his or her own garden. All that is manda tory is for the prospective contestants I to file notice of the intention to eom-| pet® by postcard to Miss M. W. Bueh ler, 232 North Second street. Miss 'Buehler with Mrs. Edwin S. Herman will have charge of the outdoor de partment of the Civic Club under whose Jurisdiction the garden contest will be conducted. Notices In By May 1 After the postcard notice has been j sent in to Miss Buehler all the gard-1 ener need bother about throughout the summer will be the garden. The best and most conscientious effbrts, of course, will show the best results at the end of the season. Two or three times during the summer a committee | of inspectors—there will be some sixty j members of the Civic Club enlisted for | the purpose to district the city—will ' call around and look the garden over. I Upon these reports will be figured out the averages of the contestants. Just about the time summer is pass j ing the prizes will be awarded. And | then. too. the results of the contest will be more than ever apparent: Harris ' burg will have taken another stride I forward in making itself a truly "city beautiful." Since the Telegraph's prize an nouncement was made public some folks may have had the Idea that the contest is open only to youngsters. That is wrong—all wrong. Grown-ups in the family, the whole family in fact, can join in developing the garden. The Judging POIIU9 Just a final word as to what the gardens will be judged upon. Here are the points: Improvement and development. Application and care. General effect, j Now that means first, that the com. i paratlve improvement that has been ! made over previous year's garden as | well as the percentage of development ; that has been ohtained will be one of ithe essentials; the care and attention i which the gardener devotes to his or ; her plot or window box, will be anoth ! er point upon which the general aver j age will be based: and the effective ness of the finished product—the color i scheme, planning of the beds, etc., ; these will be considered in the final I analysis. I Just one week from to-day—May 1 I—the time limit for filing notice of en j try in the competition expires. Don't delay. I Camp Curtin Memorial Fund Reaches $12,000 Reports of the various team cap- I tains in the campaign of the Camp | Curtin Memorial M. E. Church, Sixth i and Camp Streets, to raise $38,000 for ! church erection purposes, show a total (sum of $12,009 raised up until 6 o'clock last night. A big rally of the campaign work ers and the friends of the church will be held to-morrow evening at 7.30 o'clock. John A. Affleck and the Rev. A. S. Williams will be the speakers. PHIIjADEI/PHIA DETECTIVE DIES OF SHOT WOUNDS By Associated Press Philadelphia, April 24.—Harry E. Tucker, the city detective who was shot by Jacob Miller, a youth, who at the same time killed James Maneely. another detective, died In a hospital to-day after lingering several weeks. The detectives had arrested Miller on the charge of robbery and were taking him to a police station when the prisoner opened fire on both of them. Miller escaped, but was cap tured the next day. DEATH OF FREDERICK P. SPECHT Special to The Telegrafh Millersburg. Pa.. April 14.—Freder ick P. Specht. aged 44, died at his home here < n Thursday evening after several months' illness. Tie is sur vived by his wife, three daughters, two brothers and two sisters. Mr. Specht was employed for many years in the maintenance of way department of the Pennsylvania railroad and was a mem ber of the Modern Woomen of Amer ica and the I'nited Brethren f'hurch. The funeral will take place to-morrow afternoon. HARRISBURG. PA., SATURDAY EVENING, APRIL 24, 1915. [SOLOISTS IN THE CHORAL SOCIETY'S TWENTIETH SPRING FESTIVAL | v -i WILFRED g ES&W ALTBCHULER BASSO SOLOIST F H CONDUCTOR \\ I/ SOLOIST \V JJJ^RY XV RT'RR"NT^P p J I HARRIS — SOPRANO TENOR SOLOIST DOGS RUNNING AT LARGE TO BE SHOT "ON SIGHT' AT WILDWOOD Hounds Have Been Hunting Down Pheasant, Quail and Rabbits; Must Leash All Animals "On sight!" With this peremptory authority, Samuel H. Oarland. ex-school director: and bang-up West End shot, will take his trusty double-barrel into Wild-1 wood Park Monday for the express purpose of shooting at any dogs that run at large through the big stretch of woodland. That final tip as to when he Is to shoot was the last word Commissioner Taylor gave Mr. Garland when he ar ranged to-day to rid Wildwood of stray dogs. For weeks the park authorities have suspected that owners of canines GOO GARS OF WHEAT TO GO THROUGH CITY 700,000 Bushels Being Shipped Over Pennsy From Erie to Philadelphia The largest shipment of wheat ever sent over the Pennsylvania railroad, will pass through Harrlsburg to-mor row night. The total shipment is 7 50,000 bushels. It Is en route from Erie to Philadelphia. The wheat is coming from Fort Wil liam, Canada, and is consigned to for eign ports. Vessels on which tho wheat will be shipped, are now wait ing at Philadelphia. To move this wheat requires 600 standard steel box cars, in twelve trains. The first train Is scheduled to leave Erie at 6 o'clock to-morrow morning, and is due 'in Harrisburg yards about midnight Sunday. The other trains will follow at intervals of one and two hours. Instructions have been given trainmasters and yardmen to avoid all delays, and to have each train make fast schedule time. The wheat, it is said, must be on the ves sels at Philadelphia not later than Thursday, April 29. This shipment is valued at $1,200,- 000. The wheat has been at Fort Wil liam for sometimes, awaiting the melt ing of the ice on L.ake Superior. CITY TO TAKE OVER ALL RIVER ISLANDS? Taylor and Seitz Confer on the Problem Arising From Douglass' Request For Patent The recent application of J. H. Dougless 1606 Green street, for' the patent rights to a new island that hat; appeared in the Susquehanna oppo site Kelker street may result in a movement on the part of the city to acquire all the islands opposite Har risburg for park purposes. Park Commissioner M. Harvey Tay lor and City Solicitor D. S. Seitz to day conferred on the subject it is un derstood to determine what legal steps could be taken by the municipality in this direction. Except to admit thac there had been a conference on the subject and that "the matter would be given proper attention," neither Mr. Taylor nor the solicitor would dis cuss the question. More than a year ago Warren H. Manning, park expert, declared that the city should own all the islands and advocated a movement whereby the proper steps could be taken to secure them. The application for patent rights to the new island—a several acre strip that has appeared within the last few years to the north of Independence is land—has brought the matter forcibly before the authorities with the result, it is sakl. of definite action in the mat ter on the city's part. in the neighborhood have been send , ing their hounds into Wildwood to j hunt down the pheasants, quail and | rabbits that make their home in the | big park. This Is not oikJy a violation of the State but the city regulations as well. So after Monday unleashed hounds, whether they be registered or not, will truly lead a dogs life in Wildwood. To-morrow, therefore, will be the final day of the dog in Wildwood. Next week Huntsman Garland won't even wait until he sees the whites o' their eyes. 'On sight!" are his shoot ing Instructions. DISSATISFACTION IN NEW POSTAL OBOES Clerks Will Ask Postcaster Burle son to Resume Former Conditions Recent orders of the Postal Depart ment transferring sixty experienced mail distributors from the Philadel phia-Pittsburgh railway lines to ter minal post offices at Pittsburgh, Phila delphia and New York have caused considerable dissatisfaction among the clerks. A grievance committee will call on Postmaster General Burleaon at Wash ington next week in an effort to secure a resumption of former conditions. Ten HarrfKburg men wrill be as signed to terminal duty In either Phila delphia, Pittsburgh or New York. They are clerks young in the service Who are unmarried. In the terminal offices the mail Is stacked for sorting. Here the mall is held up for long periods of time. It Is said. Howard Wickersham. chief clerk of this division of the railway mail serv ice. said this morning that events have been shaping toward the establish ment of the new conditions for the last five years. Faster running time on the [Continued on Page 7.] RIVER FRONT WALK NEARLY COMPLETED Final Section to Be Started on Wednesday; Hold $1,239 Back on Walter's Pay By Tuesday, the Stucker Brothers Construction Company will have fin ished putting down the remaining sec tion of granolithic walk along the river wall from "Hardscrabble" to Ma clay street and on Wednesday, the con tractors expect to begin work on the final stretch from Herr street south ward to Market street. Monday morning the fine grading of the slopes of the river front from Market street southward will be be gun under the supervision of the park department. When this stretch is fin nished the planting of the slopes and the construction of the paths leading to the river wall will be started. Harrisburg's street repair work un der the contract system with Alder man Charles P. Walter serving as the ■contractor, was completed to-day. Monday Alderman Walter will be paid off for his last quarter's work. In stead of getting the 13,875 that or dinarily would be due him, however, the city will hold out about #1,239. This represents the $1,050 which Lulu and W. H. O'Brien recently won from the city for damages the latter Incur red in falling down a hole In the asphalt. Walter, the city contends, was responsible for the hole. In addition to the amount of the verdict the city will hold back the estimated costs of the suit. Walter all told, put down 2,700 yards or asphalt In repair work during the past quarter—more tlian was done by former Highway Commissioner E. K. FrUcliej in two years. NOTABLE SDLDISTS 111 CHORAL FESTIVAL Russian Symphony Orchestra Con cert in Afternoon to Be a Big Feature Twenty years of musical success will be celebrated with more than ordinary significance by the Harrlsburg Choral Society, Thursday. April 29, when the big musical organization, assisted by the Russian Symphony Orchestra, New York, will participate In the annual Spring festival. The anniversary will consist of an afternoon orchestral concert by 'he Russian Symphony Orchestra, of New York, and an evening choral concert by the CThoral Society, orchestra and dis tinguished soloists. The orchestra is composed of fifty musicians under the direction of Modest Altschuler. Last year was the first year the or chestra played here and there Is no doubt from the impression then made, that crowded houses will greet them again. The afternoon concert will be gin promptly at 3 o'clock. SololMtn The soloists at the afternoon concert j will be Louis Kdlin, the orchestra's : concert master, and Its violin soloist; S Jacob Altschuler. viola; Miss Marie Stoddart, soprano, and a quartet of vocalists, who will sing the famous quartet from Rigoletto." The program will be announced soon. Will Mug "Samson" In the evening the Choral Society will sing Handel's oratorio, "Samson. This magnificent oratorio is probably not so well known as Handel s "Mes°- siah." but it has been ranked as high as "Messiah" by no less a judge than the composer himself, for when he was asked which of the two works he thought the greater, he replied that he did not know to which he could give the preference. The poem was written by Milton. The text and music thus furnish a striking coincident and show what majestic things can be done bv those who are without sight. The blind Milton and the blind Handel have i given here a really majestic work. The ; soloists for the evening concert will be I Miss Marie Stoddard, soprano; Miss I Marie Morrisey, contralto: George I Harris, tenor, and Wilfred Glenn, bass I Patrons are requested to be in their i seats promptly by .1 p. ,m. for the after i noon concert, and by S:ls for the even ing concert. Woman Was Using Jewish Ceremonial Robe For a Table Cloth The discovery yesterday of a silk Jewish ceremonial rolie hanging on an Kiglith ward clothesline, it Is believed may brina: a solution to recent robber ies as Kesher Israel Synagogue, I-'ourth | and State streets. I A member of the Kcsher Israel con ! gregation saw the robe in a yard at | the home of Mrs. Anna Lewis in Fil bert street near State. The police de partment was notified and recovered the robe. Mrs. Lewis said it was I brought to her home by a friend w ho j found it, and she had been .using the robe as a table cloth. The robe is one of three which are used in religious services. Two weeks ago someone broke into the synago gue and carried off the robes and a box containing contributions for the Jerusalem fund. The amount of ca.«h in the box Is not known. The police are hunting for the man who brought the robe to the Lewis home. CITY BWKLTERS AT 78 With .the temperature hovering around 78 degrees. Harrisburg swel tered and mopped its perspiring brow, to-day. The humidity was low and made the day feel close and sultry. Clear and "warmer" is the prediction for to-morrow. FINDS NEW CHEMICAL ELEMENT Special to The Telegraph Berlin, via London. April 23, 9.05 P. M.—Professor Goehring, of the Phvaico- Chemical Institute at Karls ruhe. announces that he has discovered a new chemical element which he calls brevlum. He states that brevium is radio-active and results from the dis integration of uranium. TO BURN MORTGAGE St. Augustine's Protestant Episcopal Church will celebrate its freedom from debt by burning a mortgage for $2,000. Monday evening. Services all day to-morrow will be preliminary to the formal burning, which will be per formed Monday evening by Bishop James Henry Darlington. BEI/TIXG Fine lot of second-hand beltHig at low prlees. Write for Information and | fet prlre* on sizes you can use. Ad- i ress XX., 2131, care of Telegraph. I 14 PAGES BRITISH FIGHTING FOR GROUND THEY HAD TO YIELD TO GERMAN FORCE Loss Exposed Canadian Division, Which Was Also Com pelled to Fall Back After Losing Four Pieces of Ar tillery; Finnish Sunk in Baltic; Turks Defend Smyr na With 35,000 Men The new battle In Belgium, which has developed suddenly into one of the most important encounters In the west since the present battle line was formed, is being carried on by a re lentless Qerman attack and a deter mined resistance on the part of the British. It is now apparent that the Germans brought up heavy reinforce ments from this attack, and it Is sug gested in I.ondon that their immediate objective is the capture of Ypres, pre liminary to another attempt to break through to the English Channel. An official statement from the Brit ish War Office to-day says that the British troops are still fighting for the ground which they were compelled to yield to the Germans. The loss of these positions exposed the Canadian division, which was compelled to fall back. The Canadians lost four pieces of artillery but later recaptured them in a counter attack which, although occasionally heavy losses is described as successful. Berlin is elated at the German victory and newspapers there say that it evens the score for the British capture of Neuve Chapelle last month. The Finnish steamer Frack has been sunk in the Baltic Sea by a German submarine. The crew Is believed to have been saved. Turks Defend Smyrna Aviators of the allies operating over Smyrna report that the Turks are de fending the city with 35,000 troops, established in trenches. A German steamer was sunk and two men in a Turkish fort were killed by bombs dropped from the aeroplanes. The sailing vessel Ayasha manned by Germans who escaped when the fa mous cruiser Emden was sunk In the Indian Ocean last November, is said to have reached the Arabian harbor of Lidd from Hodeida. The Germans made their way inland and succeeded in reaching the railroad although at tacked by Arabs and suffering severe losses in three days of fighting. FINNISH STEAMER SUNK By Associated Press Stockholm. April 24, via London, 12.22 P. M. —The Finnish steamer Frack has been torpedoed and sunk In the Baltic by a German submarine. LOCAL r.ELAY TEAMS GET PL tCES I , Franklin : itld, April 24.—Local t- ■ 1 i . ( thciciij' adelphia to*day as follow I < High school, one mile relay—won by I' ris, New Yo;'. I city; second, Trenton; third, Harrisburg Tech. * Tim;, . J » 3.35 4-5. ' j High school, one-mile relay—won by Maaten Park, Buf- ! Ifalo; second, Wiiliamsport, Pa.; third, Reading; fourth. ] Steelton. Time, 3.38 3-5. | This was Central High of Harrisburg's class. * : | ' . CANALMEN ON STRIKI | , Allentown, Pa., April 24.—Because, as they alliege, the 1 j Ltljigh Coal and Navigation Company refuse to grant their ! [demands, upwards of 200 boatmen are out on strike, tying 4 up traffic on the Lehigh and Raritan Canals. LAFAYETTE REGISTRAR D ,;AD , Easton, Pa,, April 24.—Charles Bouchi Green, registrar j at LaFayette College since- 190$, died to-day at his home j hert in his fiftieth year. ' i j BRITISH BATTLESHIP DAMAGED ! Washington, April 24. The German embassy an- I nounced to-day it had information "from a i source" j that a British battleship was severely damaged in the last J ! Zeppelin attack over the Tyne. I HENRY CLAY NOT GUILTY | Philadelphia, April 24.—Not guilty was the verdict rsn- J to-day by the jury in the conspiracy case against 1 Henry Clay, former director of public safety uf Philadelphia, i and John R. Wiggins and Willard H. Walls, contractors. i 1 1 . ! 1 ' i 1 • ' V ! > F.mory Carl MrKrofort, nml Klnrmrr Nevada Khreffrr, eltT. l , ■ < harlea W. Ilrawbarh anil lviMle Welnriiamer, Philadelphia. I W Milam M. Holler and Alva Liebmaa, rlty, ( • POSTSCRIPT. It Is believed that the members of the crew were saved. The Frack carried a cargo of iron ore and was on her way to Abo, Finland. Canadians Distinguish Themselves on Hill 60 • By Associattd Frr.l.l I.ondon, April 24, 3.55 A M. —The Daily Mail's correspondent in Northern France, in a dispatch describing th« British attack on hill No 60, south of Ypres says: "The British success waa duo large ly to the speed of the tunnel engineers, for the explosion of the British mines anticipated by only a short time a similar move planned by the German engineers. Hill No. 60 Is only 200 yards long. The fighting here Jias been more terribly concentrated than in an v spot in history. The whole hill is mined, trenched, sandbagged nnd cov ered. Some of the enemy's trenches are still virtually on the hill within twenty yards of the British trenches. "The Canadian troops have been specially commended by the i!ii;ish commanders for the speed an>l preci sion with which they dug themselves in after charging." ALIiIEI) AIRMEN" BUSY Paris, April 24, 5.15 A. —Allied aeroplanes are showing great activity over Smyrna, says a special dispatch from Saloniki. A French avirtor re cently dropped two bombs on Fort Kastro, killing several soldiers, anoth er sank a German ship lying in port and a third struck the railro.ul sta tion. WILLIAM THAW, AVIATOR, SU E Pittsburgh. April 24. Ferrs for William Thaw. 2d, who is serving as an aviator with the foreign volunteers fighting for France, were Bet at r-"«t to->day when his father, Benjamin Thaw, of this city, received a cable gram from I.awrence Slade, a r o, ative in Parts, which reads: "William safe." had been reported in di«i »tclv« from Paris as having been killed whilr scouting near Verdun.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers