6 ALL THE NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA TOWNS BOY'S LEES CUED UNDER WAGOIi WHEELS Thomas Sieffreit Seriously In jured While at Work on Farm * ENTERTAINMENT AT SCHOOL Wedding _Dinmer in Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Reese at Bindnaugles llindnaiigles Church, Pa.. April 10. While Daniel Seigfreit was .hauling ■with a four-horse team his nephew, Thomas Seigfreit. fell from the wagon and the wheels passe>i over hoth legs, crushing the bones, the left leg below the knee and the right above. —At an entertainment held at Long's schocl house the principal address was deliv ered bv this Rev. Norman Fake, of Annville. Many of the teachars and former pupils were present. The en tertainment held at HemperlyV school on Thursday evening was also well at tended. Adam M. Keller visited ! friends at Annville. Frank Farley; j teamster on the baker's team of A. S. Ulrich, was congratulated by his many patrons, having recently embarked in matrimony.—A wedding dinner was celebrated at the home of Mr. and "irs. Henry Shanner in honor of their daughter Ada and son-in-law, lrvtn Reese. ' Rheumatism pains are dangerous if ne glected. If stopped, they leuen the rilk of heart affcctiom. Those frightful psins, stiff joints and swollen muscles are instantly relieved by SLOANS LINIMENT —€ne for 'umbatfo and *ci*tic«u Ch»». H. Wentworth. Sianialtut. Cat. U7m 'I wit a «ufferer from Acute Rheumatism for twelve yein. A friend recommended Sloan'# Linimen*. I lot a bottle *nd the pain left ■$ soon as l applied the liniment." At %U dealers. Price 2Sc. 5Cc. £> Si.oo Br. Earl S.Slaan.lnc. Phiia. & St.Louis | —* , E3>T7CATIO!fAIi Harrisburg business College 329 Market St Fall term, September first Day and night 29th year. Harrisburg, Pa. Begin Preparation Now Day and Night Sessions SCHOOL OF COMMERCE 15 8. Market Sq„ Harrlsburg. Pa. Cumberland Valley Railroad TIME TABLE In Effect May 14. 1914. TRAINS leave Harrlsburg— For Winchester and Martlneburg at 6:03. *7:50 a. m.. *3:40 p. ra. For Hagerstown. Chambersburg. Car lisle. Mechanicsburg and Intermediate stations at 5:03. *7:60, *11:53 a. m.. • 3-40, 5.32. •7.40, *11:00 p. m. Additional trains for Carlisle and Mechanicsburg at 9:48 a. m.. 2:18; a:l7, 6 30, 9:30 a. m. For Dlllsburg at 5:03. *7:50 and •11:53 a. 111.. 2:18, *3:40, 5:32 and 8:30 p. m. •Dally. All other trains dally except 6unday. H. A- RIDDLE, J. H. TONGE. O. P. A. IB——— Mill M ll«mi»l ■——— Never Mind FLw Strong Yeu Are — What d'ye Know? That's the point—"What d'ye KNOW?" To-day it's a battle of wits—and brains win Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to. In the fight for good jobs and big salaries it's brains —not brawn —that win "What d'ye KNOW?" is the one great question that draws the line between defeat and victory between "wages" and "salary" between you and the Boss. What do YOU know? Are YOU so expert in some line of work that you can "make good" as a foreman, superintendent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark and mail the attached coupon and permit the Interna tional Correspondence Schools to show you how you CAN "make good" on a big job? For 2 J years the I. C. 8. have been showing men how to do better work and earn, bigger salaries. Every over 400 students write of promotions or salary increases through I. C. 8. training. What the I. C. S. are doing for these men they can do for YOU. No matter where you live, how old you are, what hours you work, or how limited your education—lf you can read and write and are ambitious to learn the I. C. 8 can train you in your own home, during your spare time, for a more important and better-paying position. Mark and mail .the attached coupon—it won't obligate you in the least—and the L C. S. will show you how you can acquire this aalary-ralslng ability by their simple and easy method*. It will cost you nothing to lnvesUgate—it may coat a life time of remorse if you don't. Mark and Mall the Coupon NOW. \ INTERNATIONAL.CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS ij Box 1331, Scranton, Pa. ■; 5 Please explain without any obligation to me how I can qual- \ c lfy for the position before which I mark X. , { F.lMirirtl Engineer Mechanical Draft* <lkon Card Writing > C Eire, righting Supt. R«frlgerntlon Engineer Advertising , i •, Electric Wlreman Civil Knglneer Saleamnnshlp ■ ( Tel. & Tel. Engineer Surveyor Teacher ' t Architect I.oeo. Fireman * Eng. English Braachea • 5 Architectural Draftnmaa Civil Service Agriculture i J Structural Engineer Railway Mntl Clerk Poultry Enroling i 1 Building Contractor Bookkeeping Plumb.ft SteanTK.' • ] Caaerete Coantructlon Steno. A Typewriting Chemistry t ,« Mechanical Engineer Window Trimming Automobile Running 1 \ Nam* i £ St. and No j '' City . State J < - • 5 Ji Present Occupation J •V.-.V.-.V^.-.V.V.-.V.V.'.W.W.V.V.V.V.V.-.V.V.-.-.V.W.V.-. SATURDAY EVENING, HUSBAND 111 WIFE BORN IM ME Mr. and Mrs. Abraham B. Welsh Celebrate Doable Birthday An niversary at Mount Joy COLLEGEJ)AY AT U. B. CHURCH Lebanon Valley Students Will Make Addresses and Furnish Special Music ft\ fecial CarrrtfondtHct Fphrata, Pa.. April 10.—t.ast Sun dae there were 1.456 persons in at tendance in Ephrata's eight Sunday Schools, this being the record aggre gate attendance in the town's history. The holy communion was administered in Trinity Lutheran Church on Sun day morning to 250 members of the congregation and a similar • service was held in Bethany Reformed.Church when 134 members communed, in cluding a class of thirty-one new mem bers. —The holy communion .was ad ministered in the First Reformed Church on Sunday morning to a large percentage of the membership, includ ing eight new members. —An Easter cantata, "The Resurrection and the Life," was sung Sunday morning by the choir of the United Brethren Church, under the leadership of Prof. E. A. List, and the new piano recently placed in the church was dedicated. —• 0. L. Von Xieda is recovering from the effects of a fall from his automo bile. the accident occurring on April I. —On Monday evening. District Dep uty Grandmaster Joseph McVey. of Ephrata, installed the newly-appointed officers of Ephrata lodge, X§. 406. 1. O. O. F. The anniversary banquet of the lodge will be held on Friday evening, April 23. On Monday even ing the initiatory degree will be con fered on a class of eight.-—On Friday evening of this week, the degree team of Cocalieo lodge. No. 400, Knights of J'ythias, conferred the first degree of rank of page on a class of eight candidates. —The Ephrata borough council has purchased 350 trees of Ave different varieties which will be i planted on the Water. Station tract, two miles northwest of town. —The new turbine and dynamo are being in stalled In the Ephrata light plant and a preliminary test was made t>n Tues day, which proved satisfactory.—Last iSaturday, the Rev. J. M. Walters, pas tor of the I'nlted Brethren Church, of ficiated at two weddings, the contract ing parties being J. Roy Bair and Miss | Lillian Mohler and Jacob Miller and I Miss Maggie Hull, all of Ephrata.—■ kin Sunday. April 11. the Rev. C. Lee [Starke, of Brooklyn, assisted by Prof. I Shaw, choir leader, will open a two weeks' evancellstic meeting In the United Brethren Church. Prevent Diphtheria. A sore throat if af?ood breeding place for Diphtheria genua. Protect your chil dren by tierer neglecting a Sore Throat. You can wisely depend upon TONSILINE. Give Tonsiline upon the first appearance of Sore Throat don't give Diphtheria a chance in that throat in its weakened con dition. When TONSILINE is swallowed it comes directly in contact with the diseased surface and induces a healtbv condi- nfr tion of the membranes —then the system can better defend the throat i«J it attacked by Diphtheria germs. '] Keep TONSILINE in the house JiJ where you can get it quick when ijrt Heeded. 25c.. 50c and SI .00. ** rof?HEAL TfiANoSTBEHCTH DEPTONOIg | MADE IN A HEALTH RESORT ; AT DRUG STORES: SI.ooPerBOTILE THE PEPJONOL CO. ATLANTIC CITY N.U MEN'S BIBLE CLASS OF ZION'S LUTHERAN SUNDAY SCHOOL AT MARYSVILLE ' " """ Ewm&PX. ml** « ' j stifls * j MwJMMiMwgwssw Am&JH hst |l« Huh ■pwfi -* - m MaryitvUle, Pa.. April 10.—In 1913, with two men, the Rev. S. L. Rice organized" a Men's Bible Class in the Sunda School of Zlon Lutheran Church here, and at the present time the class has a membership of thirty-live. The ages t the men range from twenty to sixty years. Among; the members of the class many talented musicians were £oun< and an orchestra of twelve pieces has been organized. Personal News items From Nearby Towns in Central Pennsylvania Rife. Lester Novinger autoed to St. John's Church Berrysburg.— George Holtzman. of Wlconlsco. call ed at S. A. Holtzman's on Sunday.— The schools will close next week and the sclicool board will pay the teach ers the last month's salary.—Wilson Lenker has purchased a new auto.— Mary Longobach, of Hickory Corners, spent a week in this section.—Lanton Weaver, of Killinger, called at S. A. Holtzman'* on Sunday.—Valentines Hoy is working at Millersburg on the foundation for the new Brubaker building. % Piketovm. —Miss Beatrice Swalm is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Albert Strawser. near Marysville. Mils Mln i nie Mumma, of Hershey, spent Easter with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. David Mumma. - Mr. and Mrs. John West i liafer and daughter. Viola, and Mr, and Mrs. Harper Snavely, of Hershey, visit ed Thomas Ramsey, on Sunday. Karl Sweigart spent several days with friends at Kuola. Miss Luella Gas trock. of Fishing Creek Valley, visited Misses Minnie and Susie Ramsey, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Rhoads, of Hershey, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Rhoads. Mrs. H. ;W. Sweigart and daughter. Irene, .spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. ! Charles Buffington, near Dauphin. I George Ziegler. of Harrlsburg. was the week-end guest of his mother, Mrs. [Caroline Ziegler. lrvln Moyer, Jr., jof near Linglestown. on Wednesday visited his sister, Mrs. Joseph Mum ma. lsaac Shepler, of New Jersey, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. I Joseph Earley. Tillie Cassel was re cently the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Bar ney Gastroek. near Linglestown. Lemoyne. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Stupp are visiting the former's par-1 ents at Bethel. Mr. and Mrs. Martin! Strause are visiting friends at Leb-! anon. Paul r>. Fettrow was the guest I of George Wolf, at Pcnbrook, on Sun-! day. J. Earl Steinhauer. a student at Lebanon Valley College. Annville, | spent bis Easter vacation with his par- : < n ts. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Steinliauer.! While at home Mr. Steinhauer enter-1 tained Captain Evans, of the Übanon Valley track team. Marry Slothower, a student at Albright Coliesre. Myers town, spent his Easter vacation "with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson' Slothower. Alfred Ensminger, of Al bright, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ensminger. Lloyd Obold, a student at State Col lege spent his Spring vacation here.— Margaret Rricker, of the Cumberland Valley State Normal School, of Ship pensburg. returned to school Tuesday after visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Bricker. William Smiley, a graduate of the Lemoyne High school in 191". has taken second honors in the graduating class at the Harrisburg Academy..— Leola Watts Is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Melvln Watts, at Rutherford Heights. I.ewlntown. Mrs. Calvin Wallace has returned home after spending the winter in New York City. Dr Guv Ingram, of Berlin, has 'been visiting here. Mrs. Florence Reed, of New York City, is visiting friends h.»re. H. W. Limes, of Steelton, visited his mither. here. The Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Heakes are at New York City.— A number of Lewistown citizens "at tended the local option rally at Har risburg. Miss Mary Brenneman has returned from Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. ]■. T. Quigley are visiting their son at Lancaster. Illain. Miss Helen Bower is at tending school at New Bioomfield Acad emy. Miss Maude Nesbit went to Sltippensburg Normal School. Pro fessor G. F. Dunkelberger and Mrs. Dunkelberger. of Oberlln. accompanied Miss Nellie E. Book here on a visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Book.— Charles Book, of Harrisburg. visited friends here. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Harman. of Northumberland, visited the latter's brother. G. F. Stin*. Miss Martha Kosier, of Newville, returned on Monday from n visit with Judire and Mrs. Stroup. Relatives at the funeral of G. W. Trostle were: Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Baker, Miss Ethel Trostle Harris burg: Miss. A. B. Trostle. Camden, N. J.; M. Trostle, Pandora. Ohio; Mrs. W. A. McKee. Hamler, Ohio: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Trostle. Andersonburg: Mr. Ann Mrs. E. S. Manning. Holltdavsburg; Mrs. T. Hinley, Tyrone; David Swartz, Mrs. Clouser, Mrs. Ellen Wentz, Mansville; Aunt Hste's Stories Children THE ADVENTURES OF FAIRY SILVERWINGS Silvern inga Finds Hor»clf In a Mfadon So Silverwings started to wander around. As Silverwings came from the depth of the stream, She thought she might just as well, since she was bound She smiled; for she saw Uncle Sun's bright face gleam. To stay on the earth for the whole of a year; "Oh, please. Uncle Sun, please take me back home, (Wouldn't you have done likewise—my own little dear?) I'll be happy and satisfied—nor want to roam And she soon found beside her a cushion of clover. Any more; I will never, oh. never complain, ' The same kind of cushions were growing all over Never more let a tear my once bright face stain. The fioUl, and here and there wee pretty hats. Be happy as ever a Fairy can be; ' Such Fairy creations would be hard to match. Oh,, please. Uncle Sun, please listen to me!" They were white round the edge with a center of yellow. Hut Uncle Sun just sailed slowly away. They were scalloped and satin faced—fit for a fellow "My Bear," said he. "one year you must stay— Of rank, or even a Fairy of Silverwing's station— The King of the Fairlea must be obeyed; She was tickled and happy and filled with elation. Now don't you just wish that you had behaved? Then she found cups to drink from, all yellow like butter— Cut to make you feel better—l will tell you this: And blue bells that tinkled—her heart fairly fluttered; You may have troubles—things may go amiss, She ran about singing and chuck full of mirth— Hut nothing harmful can happen to you— l*jr, said she, "T have found Fairyland upon earth." Now just make the best of things—uil Fairies do." Watch For SUver«lng's Siext Adventure. HARRISBURG tSSftl TELEGRAPH I George Wenti, Bell wood; the Rev. Mr. Foust, Greencastle: Mr. and Mrs. W. I Wolf. Loysvllle. Mrs. Sarah Stump Is very 111. Mrs. Frank Klstler Is on | the sick list. Mrs. Susan Gutshall Is | bedfast with the grip. Mrs. Henry ! Gibson, Bedford, is visiting her step i son, the Rev. Mr. Gibson. Mrs. An drew Nesblt and daughter. Miss Burna | dette, of Pine Grove, attended the fu- | neral of Miss Nellie Johnston, on ' Wednesday. Mifflin tow n.—Thomas Jenkins spent ' several days with his uncle, Colonel ; I Jenkins, at Newton Hamilton. Mer- j I rill Kefcler spent the week-end In M'i- | i roy. D Samuel Stoner, of Altoona, spent [ Easter with his mother, at the Stoner farm, in Fermanagh township. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer McCauley and daugh ter. of Harrisburg. spent Kaster at the home of his sister. Mrs. F. M. M. Pen nell. James Speddy, of Altoona, ' spent Tuesday with his sister, Mrs. ' Weldman. James Strayer, of Wash j ington, D. C., visited his sister. Miss Minnie Strayer. Mrs. William Good fellow returned to her home, in Hoili daysburg. after a visit with her sisters, the Misses Jane and Tillie Loudon. Miss Margaret Keeling, who haa been a guest at the Irwin home, spent last week in Port ltoyal. the guest of her aunt. Mrs. Ellen Pomeroy. Miss Keel ing will leave for her home in German | town on Friday. Mrs. Clarence Wil son and little daughter, Anna Hatha ; rine, of Altoona, are visiting her pa rents. Mr. and Mrs. James Robison. Harvey Mann, of * Lewlstown, spent Easter, the guest of Miss Elizabeth i Burchtleld; Miss Louise Jackinan, an Instructor in music in Albright Col i lege. Mveistown, returned to her duties j after spending her vacation here. ' Misses Marian Bashore. Kllen Robison land John Robison spent Wednesday at j llarrisburg. Mrs. F. E. Meloy and | daughter. Marian, of Altoona. spent several days with Mrs. A. R. Meloy. I Albert C. Hackenberger spent Wednes day at Harrisburg. New < iimlirrlnnd. Miss Isabella | Ennls, of Philadelphia, is the guest of ! Mr. and Mrs. William Ennls. Mrs. [Annie Smiillng was at iCion's View. York county, on Wednesday, where she at ! tendeii the funeral of her niece, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Strine. I — Miss Emma Snoke and brother, aKy, i visited in Palmyra this week. Frank Beckley, of Washington, L>. C., Is visit ing friends here. Dr. J. P. Groom, of '•rlisle. was here on Tuesday.—George Haverstock, who has been spending the Easter holidays with his parents, in Market Square, returned to I.ebanon Valley College. Miss Sarah Foltz, of Huston Mills, visited Miss Mabel Eck ert, at Sunnyslde Farm, this week. \™to« Hamilton. Master Robert : Sechrist is visiting at Altoona.—Misses .Mary Sechrist and and Olive Wilson | were recent visitors at Huntingdon. Clarence Kennedy, of Mifflin, is visit ing at the home of his brother. Gilbert Kennedy. Miss Mary llazzard, ol Harrisburg. spent several days at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hazzard. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. ' Kneppler, of Altoona. spent Sunday .here. Bruce Mickey, of Camp Hill, lls visiting his sister. Mrs. A. W. Ho- I dine. Miss Catherine Black was au- I mitted to the Huntingdon Hospital last I week for an operation. Mr. and Mrs : Russell Ewing. of Huntingdon, spent several days here.—Dr. If. I* Beers, ol lYoungstnwn. Ohio, spent Monday at the I home of J. D. Miller. Profesor 11. H : Bollinger was a visitor at l on Saturday. D. O. Gearhart anil i f!" Ilyf of Hagerstown, are spending I some time here. Mr. and Mrs. Wes ley Clemens and daughter, Gladys, ol Hollldaysbursr. spent Sunday here. Homer Clemens, of Hollidaysburg. wai a visitor on Tuesday. J. G. Ewing, i. H. Wilson, J. M. Graham, Jr.. ana Professor H. W. Bollinger attended Masonic lodge In McVeytown, on Tues day evening. Sblpprnshnrg. Fred Phlllipy spent a few days here. -J- Miss Nora Kiilian. a member of the Johnson evangelist it party is ill. Helen Segner. a student at Wilson, Is at home. Miss Anna Book Is spending a few weeks at home —kin Murray ,of Philadelphia. Is spend ing several days here. Judge and Mrs. W. Rush Giilan, of Chambersbui g spent Friday In town. John Emblek and Walter Rehuck, of Gettysburg, are spending a few weeks here. Misses Esther and Ruth Long spent Easter al borne. Charles Clipplnger. of Har risburg. arrived here on Monday tc spend some time with his parents. Carl Carothers moved to Carlisle. Recitations and Dialogue at Aid Society Meeting Sill remans town, Pa., April 10. — i Members of the Ladies' Altl Society of l the United Brethren Church mot at I the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wea ver In West Main street and the pro- 1 ' gram included a recitation. Pearl Zlm- 1 ' merman; recitation, EvMyn Rower: j recitation, Dorcas Miller: instrumental I solo. Mr. Clouscr; recitation, Arthur 1 ; Danner: recitation, Kathryn Zimmer man; recitation, Ruth Emenheiser: recitation, Delia Plickinger; instru mental duet, Mrs. Roy Weaver and Miss Thelma Drawbaugh; dialogue, "Aunt Jemima's Money," cast of char acters. Aunt Jemima Holdfast, Mrs. I John Nester: Miss Kate Love Joy, j Belva Chronister; Miss Mary Love .Joy, Dorothy Dillor; Sara Bounce and ! Anna Slu'affor; scene, reception room in Mr. I.o\V Joy's house.—Mrs. Ed | mund Zug, of Ephrata, has returned I home after spending several days at ] the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Rupp.— Mrs. Margaret Harold and daughter, Mis Vera Harold have returned to their home in Pittsburgh after spending several days here. TO WOMEN* Miss Turner, of Harrisburg, Will Speak at I.inglestown Church Llnglostown, Pa., April 10. —Prof. King was the guest of his parents at Bainbrtdge.—Miss Ella Good and Miss ' Elizabeth Grayblll on Monday left for ! MUleravllle State Normal School as '.students.—Mr. and Mrs. M. Strayer land two daughters, of York, spent sev eral days with Mrs. Strayer's parents, ; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. George.—The Rev. • Mr. Sigler spent Tuesday at Harrls ' burg.—Edward Buck and William i Earnest, of Gettysburg College, spent ! Easter with Mr. and Mrs. John Buck. ! —Joseph Bale, of Baltimore, spent i Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. jNVllliam Ball. —On Monday C. Rlsser | Gingrich, of Philadelphia, was the I guest of Mrs. Annie Smith.—The Em j broidery Club was entertained at the [home of Miss Eliza Buck on Monday evenig.— Illram Hummer spent Tues ; day as the guest of Prof. King.—Mr. I and Mrs. William Feeser, daughter, I Ethel, and son. Johj), on Sunday wore jthe guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Early] Sat lialnton.—Andrew Poet, of York, I 'was tl\e week-end guest of J. W. j George.—Miss Vera Care and Miss | Marion Smith have resumed their 'studies at Irvine College.—Miss Sue 1 Mcllhenny and Melvin Balthaser on i Tuesday were guests of Mrs. Elizabeth Balthaser.—Miss Turner, of Harris burg, will deliver a lecture to women this evening In the United Brethren I Church. —Mrs. John ("assell, of Har- I rlsburg, on Sunday was the guest of |Mrs. Annie Smith. — Miss Hulda Ixmgc | necker and Miss Ellen Bolton are spending a few days at Mount Joy. | N'EW MANAGER AT BROWN STONE j Humnuistown, pa.. April 10.—Fu neral services of Martha Corty, 12 years old, daughter of Mrs. Louise Corty, who died Wednesday evening of an abscess on the brain, will be held to-morrow afternoon.—Dr. W. C. Ba ker has been confined to his bad the past week with grip.—Mrs. Albert Hummel, who was seriously ill, is able to be about again.—Mrs. Harry Loucks is suffering with an attack of grip.—• John Xissley is slightly Improved in health.—Mrs. William Longenecker spent a few days In Lancaster, the guest of her mother, Mrs. Gable. —Mr. and Mrs. Harry Haug are spending the week-end at Reading.—Congrega tional receptions were heid in the Re formed and Lutheran Churches, re spectively, on Wednesday and Thurs day evenings to welcome the new members admitted at the Easter com . munion.—Mr. and Mrs. Mark Scull, of Lebanon, were recent guests of Mrs. Scull's sister, Mrs. Jane Hummel.— W. B. Shope who has resigned as busi ness manager of the Rrownstone com pany store, will be succeeded by Harry M. Nlssiey, formerly of the Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart force at Harris burg.—Mrs. Sarah Borowskl died on Wednesday at the home of her daugh ter. Mrs. David Relgle. Beside Mrs. Relgle, she is survived by her son, Adam Borowskl, of AUentown. 'APRIL' 10, 1915. STATE FORESTERS PLANT Mlf TREES Kept Busy Setting Out Chestnut Sprouts on State Reservation in Perry County S. B. TROSTLE IS RECOVERING Well-known Resident of New Ger mantown Has Been Seriously 111 By Sptcial Corresponding* New Gcrmantown, Pa., April 10.— John Beaston will attend court next week as grand Juror from Toboyne township and Joseph M. Kcsler, Jacob O'Donel and Henry Eby as traverse jurors.—Mrs. Elsie Morrison and Miss Mary Gutshall were In Blain on Tues day,—A son was born to Professor and Mrs. F. S. Stokes, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Wolliain Cooney and a child to Mr. and Mrs. George A. Anderson. — Mrs. Elmer Stambaugh, son Lawrence and Miss Myrtle Smith, of Harrlsburg. are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. George M. Smith. —Mr. and M™. Miles Gar ber, of Blain, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barnhart on Sunday.— Mrs. A. C. Willlilde is visiting- nt New-|| vllle. —Milton Trostle, of Pandora, • Ohio; Mrs. Jennie McKee, of Hamler, , Ohio: Miss Anna B. Trostle, of Cam- : den, N. J., and Miss Ktliel Trostle, of 1 Harrisburg, spent Friday with S. B. Trostle, who has been ill for some t time.—Forester >r. K. Bryner and • rangers H. N. Hart and Roy Koontz planted a large number of chestnut trees on the State lands.—Poster Sea- | ger presented his uncle, George D. Sea ger, who is sick, with some blue pike which he received from Cleveland, Ohio.—Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Adams, of Carlisle, are visiting here.—Robert Cadwallader and Walter Bailor, of PiPach Valley, visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Trossler. —A valuable horse died for Foster Seager.—George G. Brlner and daughter Mary, of Carlisle, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George D. Seager.—John Gibbons is ill. —Mr. and Mrs. Roscoo Morrow were guests of Mrs. Morrow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kessler, of Mt. Pleasant, on Sundayv—Arthur Morrow "bought a horse from Peter G. Belchler and a new buggy from Postmaster James A. Noel.—F. S. Stokes carried the matl on the rural route on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for Carrier Russell W. Johnston, whose sister died on Sun day. Local Option Rally at Duncannon M. E. Church By Special Correspondence Duncannon, Pa., April 10. —A local option rally will be held in the Metho dist Episcopal Church to-morrow evening at 7:30. The subject will be, "Shall Our Judges or the People Say Wet or Dry."—Mr. and Mrs. James Fitgerald, of Clarion, were the guests of the latter's parents. Dr. H. D. and Mrs. Reutter, during the week. —Mr. and Mrs. Sutton Fritz have returned from a visit to their daughter. Mrs. Jacob Bernheisel, at Green Park. — Mr. and Mrs. Blake Morris, of Millers burg, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. IT. Morris.— Mr. and Mrs. Henry Blckel, of Harris burg, were guests of Mr. Bickers sis ter. Mrs. Da lira Taylor.—Miss Flor ence Duncan, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. William |G, Hamilton. —Miss Ruth J. Zimmer- I man, a student at Beechwood School, spent the vacation with her mother, Mrs. Clara Zimmerman. —Mr. and Mrs. IW. J. Parsons have returned from St. i Cloud, Florida, where they spent the I winter. — Miss Ruth Wills, a teacher in jthe public schools at Hancock, N. Y., i land Miss Mary Wills, a student at I Beech wood School, Jenkintown, spent j Easter at the home of their parents, | Mr. and Mrs. William Wills.—W. H. I Smith was at Philadelphia this week. ADDRESS OX "IRELAND" Miss Wyllo "Will Speak nt Meeting o NcwviUc Civic Club Hy Special Correspondence Xewville, Pa.. April 10.—Miss Isabe Laugblin, of New York city, spent faw days with her aunt, Mrs. John El ; liott.—Miss Marian Towsen, of liar risburg. spent the week-end with Mis Charlotte Dougherty.—Samuel Abra : hlns, of Altoonu, visited his mother fo iseveral days.—Francis Thomas, o Bellefonte, spent several days here.- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Slianer and son • of Harrisburg, spent Easter with th : letter's sister, Mrs. Harry Shulenber , KPr .—Samuel Davidson and his aunl i Miss Lizzie Davidson, have returnei • from Phoenix. Ariz., where they sp«n ; the winter. — Miss Mary McLaughlin, o ■ State Dine, PH., and Miss Helen Zel i ler, of Nebraska, are visiting Dr. am Mrs. Perry McLaughlin.—John Over jof Eehmaster. spent Sunday with hi ] parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Over.— i John Shelton, of Pittsburgh, spent th iweek-end with his parents. Mr. am | Mrs. Solomon Shelton. —Mr. and Mr? Harry Fry. of Paxtang, and W. Q. Fry of Camp Hill, visited their mother am sisfers on Sunday.—A business meet ing of the No-license League will b held this evening in the Methodis Church. Officers will be elected fo the coming year.—Dr. H. E. Kendifi of Philadelphia, spent Monday after noon with his mother, Mrs. Lizzie Ken dig.—The regular meeting of the Civl Club will be held at the home of Mrp G. M. Reed on Monday evening Miss Wvlte, of the Cumberland Valle: State Normal school, will speak 01 "Ireland" at this meeting. MILLER CHORUS TO • VISIT HRYSVILLE Mechanicsburg Singers Will Assist f at the Hillis Evangelistic Meetings REHEARSAL HELD AT CHURCH Workman Narrowly Escapes Los ing Arm While at Work in Manufacturing Plant fly Special Correspondence Mechantcshiirit. Pa., April 10.—Irv nK college students returned on rhursday after tile Easter vacation, ind have commenced studv lu the Spring term. Miss Blanche Eckels, "hlef operator of the Mechanlcabiire exchange was in HarrlsburK on Wed lesday, attending the convention of he Cumberland Valley Telephonn company. After spending some tlmo n Key West. Flo., Miss Violet H ri rlch has returned home. Arrange ments are being made by the Rev. I'. M- Dice, for a delegation of the Miller campaign chorus choir to go to Marysvllle some night to assist In the tabernacle service In that place. A rehenrsal was held on Thursday night In the Church of God. Mm. J. B. Spangler and daughters. Miss Eliza beth, were visitors in Harrlsburg on Monday. Mrs. Susan ftaffenaberger Is recovering from her recent Itinera. —Mrs. Wilson F. AValters of C&nip Hill, visited her daughter, Mrs. A. O. Sample, on Monday. ln attempUng to fix the melt on % machine while It was running. Bralnard Roudymaker, an employe of the Eberly and Orri* manufacturing plant, nearly lost his right arm on Tuesday. Several liga ments were torn and the arm sprained when he pulled hie arm from the belt. —Mrs. Roy Sheaffer and small daugh ter of Morrlstown, N. J., are visiting at the home of Mrs. Flshburn. —Prof. Claude Ilausknecht, of Hazleton; H. J. Sharp, of Brtckerville; Mr. and Mrs. Victor B. Ilausknecht, of Harrlsburg, were guests of the Rev. -Mr. and Mrs. H. Hall Sharp, at Trinity Lutheran parsonage. Miss Grace Schroeder, of Harrlsburg was a week-end visitor at the home of Miss Berenice Bentzel. —- Miss Florence If. Underwood, of Jer sey City. N". J., spent her Easter vaca tion with her father, John M. Under wood. SIOO Reward, SIOO The readers of tbla paper will h#» pleased to learn that there 1 * nt l»»aet on* dreaded that sdfnce has been able to cure In all Its Stages, and that la Catarrh. Hall'a Catarrh Cure Is the only positive curo note known to the med ical fraternltr. Catarrh being a constitutional dlaaaae. requires a constitutional treatment. Hall e Catarrh Cure la taken Internally, acting directly npon the blood and mucoua surfaces of the system. thereby destroying t.h* foundation of the dlaeaae, and giving the patient etrength by building up the constitution and aaalstlng na ture In doing Its work. The proprietor* hare so much fslth in Its curative power* thst they » offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for Hat of testimonials. Address F. 7. CHENEY h CO., Toledot, 0. Sold by all Drugglhts, Tsc. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. I We write all forma of Insurance. Losses are adjusted and paid in our office. No delay or red tape. This means the highest typfc of SERVICE We represent some of the oldest and strongest Companies In the world. Their combined assets from December Ist, 1914, was $711,242,393 This combines our superior service with Impregnable STRENGTH Call on us or have ux call on you. "DO IT NOW." PENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE EXCHANGE, INC^ Union Trust Building \VM. C. WANBAUGH, President. WM. H. EBY, JR.. Sec'y-Treas. ' ' Buy your Trees and Plants direct from the grower and save money We fcrnw everything worth plsjit- InR. Will make a special price on peach trees to new customers. Thirty-five best varieties. 3 to 4 ft. high at #'l.oo per 100 4 to 5 ft. high at $6.00 per 100 5 to 6 ft. high at SB.OO per 100 Address THE LANCASTER COUNTY NURSERIES R. F. I}. No. 7 Lancaster, Pa. Send for our price list. v $3.00 4 —TO— New York AND RGTVRS Sunday, April 18 ■FECIAL KfccUHSION THAI.V FROM I.v.A.M. HAHHISHI HG 3.35 HummrUtuna 3.R11 Snrtura 3.5.1 llrrwhey 3.57 I'nliri.vrH 4.04 Annvlllr 4.13 LKHA MO\ 4.24 RKTIRMMM leave New York from foot Went 23il Ktreet A.,'o p. m.. foot I.lbertjr street 7.tK» p. n>., same day for above stations. Try Telegraph Want Ads
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