Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, April 10, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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    The Maxwell at the Panama Pacific
■: " r-' '
The above illustration show* the 1815 Maxwell overlooking exposition ground!
Snd the bay.
The Maxwell Motor Co. have a special exhibition at tha exposition and have
made arrangement! at the Maxwell exhibit for the handling of all mall for Msxwell
dealers and ownen who are visiting the exposition.
Special rest rooms, guides and an information bureau have also been provide!
i«r their ci tsveniecce. If desired, reservation for hotel rocir.s will he mad; on reautst
Work will shortly be begun on a
two-mile automobile and motorcycle
speedway at Waterloo, la.
Dealers in Cook county, Illinois, re
port that motorcycle sales so far this
year average about per cent, over
last year.
The Augusta. Ga., Motorcycle Club
has decided to hold a race meet on j
April 26.
Alexandria, Minn., has a new motor- 1
cycle club of sixteen riders.
The Jamestown, X. Y.. Motorcycle
<'lub recentiv became affiliated with
the F. A. M.
A car of*fine proportions and
striking appearance—roomy and
comfortable. Has exceptional
riding qualities and is built with
a keen regard for low upkeep
and long life. Look beyond
mere specifications. Get deep j
down tinder the skin of the
Kissel Kar— search the vitals of
the machine —study its manu
facture as well as its appear
once and you'll see the reason
for its exceptional worth. In
built quality expjainfc its leader
Buy your Kissel Kar with the
Detachable Sedan Top and use
It as a closed car, then remove
the top and enjoy an open body
t touring car. The Kissel Kar is
made in four and six-cylinder I
models. A phone call will bring I
a demonstrator car for your
Headquarters. Front-Market
Motor Supply, Front and
Market Sts., Harrisburg
Howry & Son
Wagon Works
We build wagons and sell
direct to the consumer and
saving you the retail profit.
Also build auto truck bodies,
paint and trim auto cars.
Shiremanstown Pa.
l -
The HerfT-Hrookii 4-40 with any other four In it* CIMR.
r v. r r, n -i n ■ ■ (to in \ a sr.
horsepower and a 118-inch wiieelbase. while other car? selling at $llOO
have only thirty-live horsepower and a 114-inch wheel base Yoii will
also find it has five crankshaft bearing:*, drop-down steering wheel
one-man top: complete equipment; 34x4-ineh tires; Bosch high tension
magneto, D. W. system; electric lighting and starting: Stewart Speedo
meter; four c J' llni,Prs : honey-comb radiator: demountable rims and extra
rim; Tlmken and New Departure bearing*: Turkish upholstery; Strotn
berg carburetor, and many other high-class features not usually found 011
cars at the price. The Herff-Brooks models also include a Six Fifty
at 91STB, and a Four-Twenty-fiv e at »763. All prices F. O. B. Factory.
Garage—l7l7 N. Fourth St. Residwice—22o3 N. Fourth St.
*" i \ !
Two Haynes Cars Tested to
Determine Correct Design
"Along in the early part of the sum-
of 1A13." said A. G. Seiberling.
"The Haynca Automobile company,
Kokomo, Intl., completed two cars of
entirely different design and construc
tion from any car that had ever been
j built before in the Haynes factory.
One car was driven to the south west
i ern part of the country, down in Mexl
|oo and Arizona, while the other car
I went to the mountainous district of
"The Haynes company has always
looked forward to each new season
with the idea of offering a better and
more economical oar—a car more
complete in every detail. At the same
time the price must be kept down
within reasonable limits. Every car
carrying the Haynes name plate must
have the quality of endurance. The
customers must be given the benefits
of the latest improvements.
"With these ideas in mind, these
two cars were set to work. All
through the hot summer months they
were kept plugging away. Every dif
ferent type of equipment was given
its turn on the cars under the grueling
tests. Each day of the test suggested
some new feature to be added or
some rearrangement to make a cer
t-in point more accessible.
"Both cars returned to the Kokomo
j factory in the middle of Febartiary.
'after having each completed over 80,-
'OOO miles. No time was lost in tear
ing down the cars, and systematically
Inspecting every part. All data, taken
during the months of the test were
compiled and carefully checked tip.
Comparative results gave the valuable
information that connected the theo
retical designing with the practical
"These two cars were the forerun
ners of the Haynes 'Light Six.' The
design was correct. It withstood the
continued siege of tests that meant so
much concentrated wear. The Haynes
'Light Six' embodies the same design
and combines all the features of stur
diness and endurance of these first two
"To-day over 1,000 Haynes 'Light
Six' cars are in actual service and their
performance in the hands of the own
ers under all weather and road condi
tions has been consistently out of the
ordinary in all respects."
Nature of Diamonds
Determines Vindication
Since the publication of their "Fair-
List" prices the Diamond Tire people
have received many letters of com
mendation and many assurances from
; tire purchasers and dealers of con
i tinned confidence and anil good will.
| They have dicovered also that it is
I impossible to please everybody, no
matter ho.v sincere the effort to do so
may be. Not long ago there was re
ceived at the general offices of the
Diamond Tire company in Akron.
Ohio, a letter from an indignant man
In Chicago. He did not hesitate to
make use of strong language or to set
forth charges that were In no wise
"You say," he wrote, "that you have
got only one price on diamonds and
that people don't need to dicker none
■ when they go to buy your tires. That's
! a lie. or else one of your men are cut
jten prices. I never bought diamonds
, yet. but if you have different prices 1
| don't want them. For I would he
i sure to get the worst of it."
When he was asked for explicit In
formation concerning his charges and
for the name of the agent who was al
leged to be cutting prices the indig
nant gentleman who had "never
| bought diamonds yet" returned part
of a newspaper which contained the
first two or three lines of an adver-
I tisoment under the caption; "We Save
iou Money on Diamonds."
Investigation revealed the fact that
i the advertisement had been published
i! by a firm that sold jewelry on the in
stalment plan. A complete copy of
the paper, containing the advertise-
1 If You Can't Get A Reo —Wait ■
JUST BECAUSE THERE IS a demand for Reo automobiles, greatly in excess BUT, ON THE OTHER HAND, there never has been a time since the first
of the possible factory capacity—for all models including Reo Motor Trucks — Reo left the factory and carried with it the message of quality and sturdincss
THE ONLY ARGUMENT competitors can use against the Reo product—Fours, of that fnct - u » the greatest of all tributes t Reo quality.
Sixes or Motor Trucks —is "You can't get a Reo —«11 sold out." Th THAN 70,000 persons have gotten Reo cart.
OF COURSE THAT'S THE BEST possible argument in favor of Reo cars. fpresighted men who knew 3^ value 1 mdvtboknew thlt* excessive d'emand"was^i
Must be a good reason for this tremendous demand for Reos while other makes tribute paid only to the most worthy. And so they did not wait until the very
of automobiles go a'begging. Must be. day they wanted their new cars—but anticipating a condition, ordered early.
»nvuDTiO!Mr ™RNR-, MOT , , B'JT—AND HERE'S THE POINT —we have our orders in at Lansing, and have
FOR ADV ERTISING ALONE COULD NOT create such a tremendous over- bfen allottfd a d< . finite numbcr of cars to , hipped us on definite at „ And HPf
demand as Reo automobiles everywhere enjoy. while we have order , for deliveries at djstant fu £ re date#i we have , few
WHY, JUST THINK! The Reo factories cover more than twenty-five acres. yet free. Some coming in early shipments.
They are so superior in construction; in layout; in lighting; in ventilation; in FOR THESE WE CAN ACCEPT your order provided it comes, accompanied by
all conditions that make for better working conditions for the men and more a deposit, within the next few days. Sooner the order is in, sooner can we
accurate as wefi as more rapid manufacturing, they have been called by experts promise you a delivery.
"the Model Automobile Plants." ..._ TT ... HH !
AND, THAT YOU MAY KNOW you will receive your car on or very nearly the
25 ACRES OF FACTORIES —and yet not able to supply the demand for Reo date we promise it, we will, if you so desire, have the Reo Motor Car Company
cars. Factor,' tells us orders come in every day for more than four times the verify our statements as to our allotment and dates we may reasonably expect
possible output even of those great plants. to deliver your car into your hands.
AND ALL THE WORLD KNOWS—of course. Rival dealers, rival makers MEANTIME WE'D SUGGEST that it isn't a bad plan to drive the "old car"
know of this great demand for Reos —and since no other argument will go they i or a A r during the spring break-up. It won't be much the worst B3 .
Overy naturally use it as an argument to induce you to forego your cherished r , C ? *T a * rt * . harmonize with the spring
desire for a Reo and to accept some other make of car. 80083 °\ thc b , ,rds! And y° u 11 havc >' our new * *P lck B P* n R eo time for WM i
the good-roads driving.
WE CAN'T BLAME THEM don't. "Everything is fair in love"—and com- 1T isn'T A BAD IDEA. But, meantime, don't delay a day. You can't afford
petition. But we do feel we must caution buyers against it. Must protect to if you want a Rfo . Give us the order now. Let us put you down for • PI
y0 ". „ " W l ma , y gainst disappointment. Must explain the condition a definite delivery at the nearest date we can. Ifl
as it actually exists —lest you believe the distorted facts.
BUT DON'T ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE on the argument that you can, on no pwBI
HERE'S THE CONDITION. There is such a demand for Reos that it is certain account get a Reo —don't do that until you have seen us and let us tell you HHi
tardy buyers will be disappointed. Will be unable to get Reos at any price. exactly what the condition is and when we can deliver you the car of your
Any model Reo. choice —the car that has proven to be first choice of the motor wir*—a Reo.
1 jj
ment in full, was sent to the man who I
had complained, and in due time he j
penned this characteristic apology:
"Dear Sir: It looks like you got my j
goat, so the next time I netd a Tire I
will try a Diamond and fee If you tell
• the'truth. I'm sorry I done you
One Dealer Sells 52
Paige Sixes in a Week
Several of -the Paige dealers
throughout the country are signaliz
ing the success the new Paige Six
has won by a celebration they all
"The Paige Jubilee .Month." These
celebrations take on the character of
an "open house" reception held every
day and evening, with special decora
tions and other fixings, special exhi
bitions of the Paige line and other
features, and are much like an auto
mobile show in miniature. The in
terest and enthusiasm aroused has
been great and the result in actual
business done has been remarkable.
Chicago, for example, is now in
the midst of its Paige Jubilee and
has stirred up considerable excite
ment along automobile row, where
the Paige has been very much in evi
dence. Just what these jubilee cele-1
brations mean is fairly well indi- i
cated by the fact that during the tirst
week at Chicago fifty-two Paige Sixes
were sold at retail. Those sales were
made from a special allotment of 150
cars from the factory, as the Chicago
dealer had already disposed of more
than 200 Sixes ?ince January 1.
The fast selling of the Paige Six
and the increased demand aroused
by the jubilee celebrations explain '
why the Paige factory has been rifh
nlng and will continue to run night
and day in order to meet a demand
for cars which is taxing their large
' resources to the limit.
A and
\ Motor Cars M
\ 1019-25 Market Street B
, Try Telegraph Want Ads Try Telegraph Want Ads [
f APRTL 10, 1915.
[Union Tires]
I Self Sealing Tubes I
Put the
In Mileage
I Union Sales Co., Inc. I
Second and North Sts., Harrisburg, Pa.