These Are Days of Brightening Up the Home At this busy period of renovating and house- ( " > cleaning, we are desirous of helping you select the IN THE proper floor coverings, furniture, draperies, wall lVy|E*lVT'o CTT i~\ 13 XT can 1991—Any Phone Founded 1871 papers, and the like, that will make the home IVi IL* li O O1 \J JLV J—* V > bright and cheerful during the spring and summer Men Who Know Style and Appreciate SATURDAY HOURS: 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. months. We suggest: Economy in Clothes---Those Men Will Laces & Embroideries Correct Gloves j RoOtTL Size Rll&S FrOTTi Uy Their Spring Suit at Bowman s A D* L ' M Women win And here tho very lat- 1 j n OU r complete Men s Store, is an assortment of styles Are Kich in INeW e^ v o?ove,! n mln sl^dc f r Vtirnun Mnbnro and patterns that would do justice to a metropolitan shop; Patterns S, i« French Ktc coves, in .e.r DCSt I\TIOWTI mUKerS in fact many who saw the grand window display a few days and contrasting embroidory, at $1.50 ago, remarked 3S mUCfI. At Double width all over Shadow I,aces, to $2.25 pair. \r , • r\.. „ <1 • , . • , • ~ • in white and cream, at 50c, 75c. SI.OO Bacrao J-clasp washable doeskin ' OUI UCSU C tOl <1 WCll-WCtll Ulg lUg Cclll DC SatlSned in tIUS j. /V A « mt /H 4 art a A . ""rrcam* and' white oric.uu ~cc &assortment, and beautiful patterns in rich colorings will add tO Ql) sl2 50 XI S tST S2O »5 ? yard 45 incheß Whle: at "Vacmo 12 and i6-button length new life to the home. «pt%X , , v.V, . ■> .„ s doeskin gloves, at $2.50 and $3.00 1 InSErw!d" whTt« X lnd d^eam to at P^ W nes and Kayser's 2-clas P silk B »g cl 0W Blccira R U S & , extra Extra Large Size RugS , ff f i 2«. 4 «- to $..00 yard. KioVcTin shadi plain £ui cot hne <l ual,t y = >- lzc 9 - xl2 < a ' *•***** Jf vou have an odd si/e rooni —L- are all the popular eftects— Swiss Match Sctf. 4to 12 inches trasting embroidery. 50c to $1.01) pair. Wiltone bcautilll' of- , i* '• , • , . . , wide; beautiful patterns, at 20c to 39c Fownes* and Kayser's 12 and 10- - °, • . * • perhaps tlicreis something ill large distinct lapels J Single yard. button length silk gloves, 75c to $2.00 tects, mostly in plain coioi s, size this lot of ruirs to fit it ™ 7! Swiss Flouncings. IS inches wide; 9x12, at $.'12.00 tnis lot oi to lit it. i i x i ui at 25c. ;!«<• ajul 50c yard. Kayser's 2-clasp chamolsettc gloves. Rnrlv F?riic<if»lc Rncrc mmrl comc 1,1 AxmillSter, hotly I{ll rtlcil llab.v Flouncing*. 27 inches in all the wanted nliades. with self . Doa / orusscis -rcugs i brussels velvet and tapestry' ill J\ wide; regularly 75c, ut 50c yard. and contrasting embroidery, 50c pair. line of small allover designs: sl/'C ,i rn ' • . ' S\ AT breasted vests ,111(1 other Swiss l, 27 inches wide. Children's silk and chamoisette q v l ? n , *•><{ "JO yCML ureasieu <IIIU OlllCl at 25c to s»c yard. gloves, 25c and 50c pair. ' Wr-'il'' ' ' r»' ' ' Vi • n i- .„ . , , vfil fraw , Main Floor —BOWMAN'S. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Royal Wilton Rugs medal- 1 -X1 r 10.6.\1_ features . lion figures and small'allover el- ' n,3 x 15 11,3x13.6 V' - _ _ _ # fects; size 9x12, at #37.50 11 1? Mr i^r The Season of Wash Suits AxminsKr wweß ag car P .t. She P hcrd p . in * . ww' * and $?3..>0 ~ , , , i Jsm nk checks, overplaids, nnx fo ~J. LJ si *, , e -lu. £ — Very near to the home-made W IS OLt nana Mtx*dtr Sm.<h= A«w«iv. culorin BS i„ Wf/ltM »«««• b, »« flannels, novelty Rugs—no scams all in one 1 i l '- /A'tm.vm As the days grow warmer these inexpensive little suits will pieee, at wool stripes, 4!) c, .>})<• and <»!)«* vMnM MM stripes, tartan plaids, and a he a great aid to mothers in keeping the small boys fresh and w ° ol and Flbre R «gs—extra yard. . . AtiS new arrival of blue worst rlMii If -.11 timpc heavy quality; new designs, in Stair Carpets, from 85? to ... greens and browns; 9x12, at $1.35 yard. Many qualities and WmSS.f >'■*/. eds in fancy stripes. Oliver Twist Suits, with the vestee effects, in solid color MS/kb \ ]?l at Fourth FIoor— BOWMAN'S. * MmT _ . _ _ combinations and candy stripes jj Jjf\M Spring Top Coats come at 75? and H in English and Chesterfield ,„7«Lc Po rfo",, s tM c de' The Draperies Department/ modc " ,at tachablc collar, cuffs and belt; s~\ r r urn .•< # | T V 1 l! ' Jvj w# Offers Many Little Helps j MVI $lO, sls, $lB and tan, b'nen and white: sizes Curtain Voile, J8? to 50? yd. Curtains, at 7J>? to sJ{.s<) pr. J _ 3toß,at .. .Sj»v..lß and —white, cream and ecru, with —scrim, voile and marquisette fi'ijif ■L'vH SIVIII S2O Oliver Twists, Russians, fancy openwork borders. curtains, in white and ecru; with ■'ft'Mfi ■% < -\rr «pfc*vr Dickens, Jack Far, French \ Lace Curtains, 50? to $5.75 hem and edge; hemstitched hem 'X,'yf[Ji Blouses and Middy Suits, in Mm pr.—laee and novelty net cur- and lace; insertion and lace; Third FIoor— BOWMAN'S white: sizes 2V 2 to 10. at 50?, / L'j tains, in white and ecru; plain j yards long. 75?, i»Sc, $1.35, #1.50 to & and covered centers, with braid Sunfast Curtains, $:*.75 to ' , trimmings, cluny insertion and 5?0.3."» pr.—in brown, green, red, c . *; r r_„ Blue Serge Wool Suits in I Other Norfolk Suits, with lace edges. 2/ and 3 yards long. I blue and rose; with and without IVCW JT limiSningS m Or Norfolk model, with full lined | one and. two pairs knickers, at Armures, Isi>? to 95? yd.—fig- valance. „ f") Fi/f&rt khickers. at $4.0.1, #I,OB. $2.48, $3.08, $.'{.95, ured designs; in red and green. .Curtain Materials. to UreSSy IYICTI $5.1.1. $6.45 and up to $lO. $4.95 and up to $7.50. Tapestries, $1.50 to SJJ.2S yd. yd. cretonnes, repps and tat- Men's Dress Shirts, SI.OO Men's President Suspenders, Third FIoor— BOWMAN'S. inches wide; pretty colors fetas. percales and mercerized 39<* —regularly 50c. * —v and designs. Fourth FIoor— BOWMAN'S. ' madras, coat style, with at- Munsing Union Suits, $1 \ » taclicd, French or starched and $1.50 —Spring lines com- There'sNoSecretAbout T . r, T7 ~ isrisss TUic ripar r\f The Furniture Department VmKh JL 11 lo V/lCdl vVTQ. V CJJL —calls attention to new and handsome suites and separate pieces; New Neckwear, .»0? four- pair. . , . ■»«».<«» i , ... , . in-hands and clubs. BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. s l )ecia ' s t' l3l WI " ' >c °' interest at this moment. J s "™'Z±\iz£' {n *»«, E*«. «»safu^H* be constantly taking shape, and it s our policy to SHOW * sio.oo golden oak Pedestal j chairs $1.98 Dominate Shoe Styles Switches lust Arrived THEM FIRST in Harrisburg. Tables $8.95 55.00 white enamel Beds $:i.95 . , . T.. .. nnfl ~s But they will not materia'll-v affect the present running $15.00 golden oak Pedestal 57.00 white enamel Beds $.1.50 N\ omen's patent leather and im'-hos an three 1 " short stems: styles, and hats that were worn on Easter dav will be stvlish Ta J J ' #l2 75 SlO white enamel Beds $7.95 '"etal trimmed military laced reß uiariy $3 oo : Saturday »MS for weeks to conic. ' ' «° ,dC " "* k « So»0 a„ couon »oots, .nM.Uejh-p Our reasons for this sale right in the heart of the season ?2 2.50 golden "okic" Pcdwtal S/./5 roll cdre felt Mattress smal lest shoes you'll see. ai ~KXv.n~T™! c ?hi. w S™.i'Ss«- are (!) to make room for new models; (2) and to dispose Tables $18,7." ° $0.9.1 $3.50 in&. of present models before they become common or out of 53.00 genuine leather Dining 512.00 Imperial edge felt Mat- fro^'i°Rn P expen w'ho"'wnV'l-uaranlce n Stvle. Chairs ■lt . • - —JK&f fsßxr/ »1 l$3H Combings made up Saturdaj' for Note the savings: | r"-"i» x-ioor—now man-s. ' I smr H !g| B fi.25 /■ ■» r N j r~ j fix// Second FIoor—BOWMAN'S. Ha°t/ 6 $3.25 fftt $4.75 Women's Coats From Wile— j 65c and 80c Single [slo to sls 7C|| $12.09 to ein The King of, Coat Makers j\W jii *ni .1 J cn til 1 II It s a well known fact that more ot Wile's coat; arc HfttS x «pZ . j ! copied than thoie of am- other New York maker. 1 , lacle of . seamless Portland Special Untrimmed Shapes. Saturday. ...... • S to «n >-o U r l Y Af\ Coverts st'i.,lo to s'*s.o9 fawn suede backs; plain toes present needs and look ahead /ir 71 7 Mixtures SIO.OO to $25.00 , and Cuban leather heels. j to the future—and save. I- i'oplins $15.00 to $35.09 Just received from the factor;-. BOWMAN's-Main Floor. Vpi — arc tlie best hats we ve seen yet at this (labardines $1 i..» 0.0 $-.».0(> p a j r s2.!2i> vMNj?" price, and because tlicv were made to sell Novelties sl'i..lo to s*£o.oo "vi' at 52.00. they are in that class. Plaids $13.50 to $532.50 Two Striking p n^orv -jj~l The wanted cailors (like illustration), Checkg $15.00 to $30.00 Shoe VBcials VJOwQ J C \^ySe h \drf s tXn,adc b 'lS Over Two Hundred Coats at $5.98 | ,p E «a,, no. ,- P , , , Good Treatment / Wlln neav > eaoie euj.,cs. wen niaae. npe . ' Women's low nnd high shoes, In \ V/ cial $1.19 $6.98, $8.98 and SIO.OO \ ,an , ca " 8 r k n in ~^ 0 n c n t , hat Z er ?„J.°, r - White lined odorless moth •N. V Second Floor —BOWMAN'S. . , . merly J2.50 to $4.00 pair. All sixes In i i * And just as snappy styles as though you were paying two j tho lot. Pair SI.OO pioof bags anord absolute pro or three times as much. Serges, poplins, coverts, mixtures, | SP wo^n's N< higiTand low shoes, m tection from moth, dust, dirt and PI PT> Have never been so healthy checks and plaids. biacic leathers of all kinds; button and moisture. ! hey come in tour u M and fresh-looking as this Spring's TL M OI *l C Cl_ "I\YJ '§. \Y7 Hair . U .° S . ° Sii.2s sizes 600, IVVy -I—V assortment: now on sale. 1 lIC 1 >OWOKIfIS FOT Ollirt W 3.lSt W CSf Special items are not exchangeable. The Lavender Box—tar cam ____ __ - _ _ Here you'll find your favorites; . , .. f . . . , -, . . ( • : " cnt C Thir"'F"So?-BowMAN-s. plior mixed with the best quality DT TO UIT C both monthly and climbers, while And the fashion creators say that a wondenul lot of waists of laven der flowers-the great |j 1 J I I everv shade is represented. and skirts wlll ,)e " oin th,s S P r,n S- SnpriaU Tr» preserving compound. Box, 100 Included are:' Seven smart stylos at $5.98 .vQKSTTvI llliely OpeCialS in Moth Bal ] Sj box Garden Reauisites Magna Charta, Duke of Edinburgh, m serges, poplins, gabardines j' V Wanted Silks Basement—BOWMAN'S, vjdrucii rvequisiies Fisher Holmes, La France. Lilac and checks. ISSSiySk '' innrnfl R.,, tt _ _ , , , Duke of Edinburgh. W r . A. Richard- T - . . , iil-SWSiOlt lUvVlfw Black Satin Mcssalinc. 74c yd.— UOber Hose standard son, Fishor Holmes, La France, Lilac rive models at and Jhlli regularly SI.OO, 35 inches wide; very T • ,1 O D trades come in anrl SO-ft sec- Roue, Victor Hugo, Frau KarlDri3chki, —in coverts, checks, poplins and jMBH| JKSMb t" S lustrous. JOin tne DOWHian l\e- L,raocs, come 111 _o ana 3U-lt. sec- l(lea , Whlte r os( ,, oen. Jacqueminot, , ' ' F F Mm AMI \ J r. W. Taffeta. $1.75 yd.—4o inches J tions, already coupled Ft American Beauty, Ulrich Brunner. mens weai serges. ffleijS&yjfe: > c wide; good shides of Rocky Mountain „f n _ Q , /' _ Priced nt 15t k 2 for 25c 1 Ten models, at SIO.OO and Hllaf9oH») 7 hlue - ° re B° n green, battleship gray, IllzCiaiOr VjIUD, 8f?, 10<f* and 12<S , . _.V' V ' v Ut|» -JJ nnvoltipcj nnnlin« IBiIiSHUdA navy, wistaria, black and ivory. > , T - , .. ,1 , 20f, 3 for 50(\ 111 no\elties, poplins, I Orcpc Meteor, $1.69 yd.—regularly . txtra quality rubber nose, con- imported gabardines and men's ?2.0o —40 inches wide; extra good ►JallilvJdy tinuous length, ft Bulbs wear serges. . J Wbiuf Oregon SI.OO sends a Refrigerator to Garden hoes 250 Tube Roses, Elephant Ear, Can- Extra Size Skirts of Serge, at blue, Tuxedo brown, navy, black and Your Home. Garden spades 50* nas, Allenmnia, Indiana, Louisi- s3.9B—excellent tailoring; waist Iv &c lYancaise. st.s» yd.-30 SI.OO week pays for it. (iarden trowels ....I* and 10<ft ana and Gladiolas moderatelv measure to 26. %Uii+ IMBMBKhMP ,n c«1 8 wld . c W sat . iri D nn lf h; o b J acl on Notaseme stone lined Refriir- Garden rakes, c S h U Uk 3 e k 3 erators aT . to $40«) \Veed digger or asparagus 10* each Wool Novelty Cloth bkirts, at U I/Vi - green, putty, sand, Belgian blue. Ore- „ .. _ knife 25* C J sl.i)B—made in the newest Ai gon green, black, navy and battleship Century white enamel Re- Hand weeders 100 oeeds models. In black, navy and gray. m. i. A. niack satin Mcwtaiinc. *I.OO frigerators $10.90 to $37 Sure Klip grass shears *<ssfr May Mower and Garden Seeds, second FIoor— BOWMAN'S. •—■ n ■ ■ yd.—3s inches wide; blue star edge. tee Chests to 910.00 BOWMAN'S Casement 2* pack, Ol" 0 packs 10* J BOWMAN'S—MjUn Flooß BOWMAN'S—-Tiltil FI«M. FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH APRIL 9, 1915. 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers