lolling For Male or Female Help? • Use a Telegraph Classified M LOST LOST Gold cuff link. Initials N. F. a Please notify N. F. Smith. 1620 Juniper street. IX) ST Open-faced gold watch— Walt ham movement, ffoiil dial—chain attached monogram A. S. S. on back. Reward if returned to this office. FOUND FOUND The well-dressed man. He always sends his clothes to Egbert's Steam Dveing and French Cleaning Works, 1245 Market street. Do you'.' Both phones. Call and deliver. FOUND The way to end vour cleaning and dveing worries, by calling •Ither phone for Eggert'a Steam Dye in* and Frencn Cleaning Works, 1340 Market street. We call and deliver. HELP WANTED—MaIe WANTED A bond or stock sales man to sell 8 per cent, preferred Hosiery stork. X., No. 2365, care of Telegraph Office. WANTED Boy, between 15 and IS years, to make himself useful in shipping department. $4 to start, with advancements; give references. Ad dress "Shipper," care of Telegraph. PAPER HANGER WANTED At once. Apply 1210 Market street. WANTED An experienced painter, who can also do all kinds of carpenter work. Steady employment by the year to a satisfactory and competent man. Box O, 2371. care ot Telegraph. GAS MAKER WANTED Gas Maker familiar with Coal Gas Plants. Must be sober. Steady employment. Address G.. 2357, care of Harrisburg Telegraph. CARPENTERS WANTED Two good carpenters to work on a building. Report for work on Saturday morning, at 7 A. M., at 1014 North Seventn street. WANTED Young man, about IS years, to work in grocery store; give reference and experience, wages ex pected. Address 0., 2375, care of Tele graph. WANTED Single white man, not over 35 to work around poultry and take care of lawns. Permanent employ ment, boarding, lodging and good wages to right party. Must have good references as to sobriety, honesty and diligence. Address Box 2379, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man to attend telephone exchange ami minor office work. Apply Office, Harrisburg Pipe & Pipe Bending Co. WANTED Experienced borderers. .New Idea Honlery Co., Fourteenth >(r«t and Mayflower avenue. WANTED Middle-aged man to look after our Fall business. _ Perma nent position; fair wages. For par ticulars write, with references. Burr Nurseries, Manchester, Vonn. BASEBALL GOODS Factory to player. Catalog. Agent's proposition free. Big profits. P. Allen, League Manager, 258 Broadway, N. Y. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES MEN WANTED Ablebodied, unmar ried men between ages of IS and 35: citizens of United States, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language. For Information apply to Recruiting Officer, Bergner Building, Sd & Market Sts. Harrisburg, Pa. BOY WANTED Good, strong bsy, for urm, five miles from city: must be able to handle horses. Apply It. Vaughn, Charlton station, Linglestown trolley. THOUSANDS GOVERNMENT JOBS. Open to Men and Women. $65.00 to $150.00 month. Write for list. Frank lin Institute, De 361-D, Rochester, N. Y. WANTED Several first-class can vassers; steady work; good pay to those that can make good. Apply be fore 10 A. M.. .T. A. Harder Magazine Agency. 323 Myers street, Steelton, Pa. Bell piione 61J. We Save You Money By joining our Pressing Club—Your Suits atea.ned anu pressed and kept in shape t for one dollar a month (4 Suits a ! month). This Special Price is for 8 months only. See us now and save money. Phone Bell 1843R and we will call. The 20th Century Cleaning and Dyelnsr Works, 225 Market street, above Palace Confectionery, Sara Adelsteln, Mgr. HELI' WANTED—FemaIe WANTED Girls over 16 years of age to learn cigaripaking. Paid while learning. Apply Har risburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street. WANTED White girl for general housework; two in family; must have good reference. Apply 55 Balm street. WANTED Reliable white girl for general housework in email family; reference required. Apply 356 Pine street, Steelton, Pa. WANTED Ten salesladies. Apply at 908 North Third, between 9 A. M. to 11 A. M., 1 P. M. to 4 P. M. WANTED A little lady, about 16. to assist with housework: must have some experience in cooking: good ref- I erence required. Apply at once to 1610 Market street. WANTED <"Jood. strong, white wo man for day's work; good reference. Tall evenings. 1504 State street. AGENTS WANTED WANT a lady and a gentleman can vasser: neat appearance; good charac ter: references; experience unnecessai v: commission and guaranteed salarv ar rangements. Phone Mr. Weller. 1266 M, for appointment Saturday morning. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WANTED Young, married white nan, with good reference, wants posi tion as farmer or gardener; handy with tools. Address G., 2367, care of" Tele graph. WANTED Young man, 24 years >ld. wishes position of any kind; have lad six nears' experience as bread waiter; also_ experienced restaurant nan. J. E. N„ 813 West street. City. WANTED Position by a man with >xtensive reta'l experience, a position if responsibility showing advancement preferred; state salary. Address K !372. care of Telegraph. tn , — FOR SAI.R Near Market St. 146 Ft. of Frontage on N. Cameron St. Opra on tlirre sides. The Improvements are a well built 2%-story brick house with 10 rooms .bath and steam heat. The price l» n reasonable one for 4fce uroiind alone. MILLER BROTHERS & CO. I REAL ESTATE Fire Insnraaee Surety Ronda j I.ocnnt and Court Streets FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH 'APRIL 9, 1915. SITUATIONS WANTED—MaIe WAN'TKD Reliable man wishes whitewashing or kalsomlning to do. Call, or piione, Leroy Hotel. John Jack son. WANTED Colored man desires work; housecieaning a specialty; per fect satisfaction; whitewashing: Har dens renovated. 118H Liberty street. WANTED Young-, married man wishes position as chauffeur, seven years' experience, or any other kind of work: also handy man around horses. Address L ft. D., 122 Hoyer avenue. WANTED Position of any kind by young man. 18 years of age; in or around garage preferred; best of refer ence. Address A. W. F., 1521 Vernon j street. WANTED Young colored man wants job as chauffeur. Apply 209 North Second street. Steelton, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe ——— _a WANTED Work of any kind, by the day or week. Apply Francis Jeffcrles. 610 South street. WANTED White woman wants work as waitress or general house work. Call, or address. 1527 Fulton street. WANTED A girl for general house work in a small family; no washing or ironing; must know how to cook. Apply to 1619 North Second street. WANTED A German woman de sires position in small family as cook. 1001 North Seventh street. Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED By white woman, posi tion as cook in small, refined family. Call Bell telephone 2293 J. WANTED Middle-aged white wo man desires day's work. Call, or ad dress. 811 James street. LADIES A fascinating home busi ness; tinting postcards, pictures, etc., spare time: make sl2 weekly: no can vassing: samples 10c; particulars free. Artint. 872-D, 130 Manhattan street. New York. WANTED—By white woman, widow, work as first-class cook in private fam ily or hotel, in or out of city; best of reference. Inquire 424 Harrisburg street, Steelton, Pa. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE 2SIS Jefferson street; new brick house: all improvements; a bargain on easy terms. Inquire T. A. Bell, 820 North Third street. FOR SALE lrick and frame houses and lots, Camp Hill and Shire mar.stown. Sold to suit purchaser. Pay ment same as -it. Interest low. Ask for terms. M. A. Fought. 272 North street. FOR SALE Desirable building lots in the Tenth Ward, located on Fourth. Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets. An opportunity for a builder or real estate dealer to secure well located property for development purposes. Ad dress L.. No. 1587, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Two lots at llainlyn (50x1251, along trolley, next the Ai dinger home. Must sell at once. Make offer. Address S., 2366, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE One pair new frame houses; suburban; 5-cent car fare; can be rented $12.00 each; water and elec tric lights; frontage on park: 9 per cent, investment. Inquire Bell phone 3274. FOR SALE Two Evergreen street properties, near Market street: brick; all improvements; prices are right. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. ; FOR SALE lmmediate possession can be given to an eight-room house, good condition, lot 95x123 ft., in Dau phin. Price, $1,200. H. G. Pedlow. 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE Three properties on Market street. Harrisburg. Pa. All properties in the business section. All j rented with good tenants. A chance to ' make big money. Address H„ 2356, care of Telegraph. , FOR SALE No. 344 South Four ' teentli Street frame house 9 rooms —bath gas porch lot, 27x110. Also other property for sale in this vicinity. Bell Realty Co., Bergner I Building. FOR SALE— -1917 N. Second St.: 3-story brick ' dwelling; 11 rooms, bath and steam I heat; front and rear porch: lot, 21xS5. Price reduced $350.00. Possession soon. Long St., Camp Hill; one-half square from car line; 2%-story frame dwell ing, 7 rooms and bath; good conditio?;; lot. 40x165; large variety of fruit. Price, $3,100.00. BRINTON-PACKER CO. Second and Walnut Sts. | FOR SALE 6O Acres; located in j Adams Co., 2',z miles southwest of York I Springs: 8 miles from Dillsburg; num- i her one stone dwelling; S rooms; frame ! barn; 225 fruit trees. Price, $3,000.00. ! Will sell stock and implements. Pos session at once. Will exchange for Me chanicsburg property. Brinton-Packer Co.. Second and Walnut streets. $2,700 WILL BUY a suburban prop erty plot, 75x150 frame house porches large chlckenhouse work shop and garage variety of fruit. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 44 North Seven teenth Street brick house 9 rooms —bath gas electric light steam heat porch. Also properties on Eighteenth street, near Market. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. SEVERAL NEW BRICK HOUSES FOR a,*LE Well built finished in chestnut gas electric light steam heat poreli. Inspect these houses soon prices right. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Building. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT A three-story dwelT ing house, No. Ibo7 North Sixth street; j all conveniences; cemented cellar; steam heat, etc. J. T. Ensminger. Second and ! Chestnut streets. FOR RENT. FOR SALE OR WILIJ EXCHANGE an elegant now house at 3018 Third street. Riverside; all con- j venlences. Apply Bell rhone 2441 R. FOR RENT 456 Crescent street; two-story brick house; seven rooms and bath: front porch and side en-| trance. Apply to I. P. Bowman, At- ' torney, 36 North Third, Security Trust I Building. FOR RENT Six-room houses at Edgemont. on Twenty-third street, one half mile north of Penbrook. Inquire of W. C. Brenneman, Penbrook, corner of Curtin and Elm. FOR RENT OR SALE Lioeral terms, 826 North Third street. S. Fried man. Kunkel Building, or 217 Peffer street. FOR RENT—The Huston Home, situ- j ated along Conodoguinet Creek, four I miles from Mechanicsburg. Suitable for a summer home or a summer board- Inghouse. All conveniences. Apply A. J. Huston, Mechanicsburg, Pa. FOR RENT 927 North Second street; ten-room house with all Im provements. Inquiro next door, 929 North Second street, William Urich. FOR RENT Fackler's large lodge hall. 1312 Derry street Wednesday, Friday and Saturday evenings. Inquire Fackler's Furniture Store. FOR RENT At Washington Heights, house with 7 rooms, bath and all conveniences. Rent. $12.00. Keeney ami Simmons. New Cumberland. Pa. FOR RENT No. 5 Grace street, two doors from Market street and P. R. R. Depot. Suitable for most any business. Ijirge show windows: steam heat. Rent reasonable. Apply Clas' r's Jewelry Store, 302 Market street. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR "RENT House at 330 Peffer street; all conveniences. Inquire 1813 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Three-story brick house, 14 13 North Third street; all Im provements; immediate possession. Ap ply 1100 North Front street. HEAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED Small property for In vestment; must he between Hroad and North and Third and Sixth streets; must give full particulars; will consult with owner only. Address H., 2375, care of Telegraph. __ APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT New modern apart ments, 6 rooms, bath, pantry, storage, continuous hot water, front and rear porches. Apply H. W. Miller. State Highway Dept., or 2210 North Third. Bell phone 84R. FOR RENT Apartment of five rooms, Including bath and kitchen; city vapor steam heat; exceptionally light and airy; moderate rent. 37 North Sec ond street. NEW, modern apartments. 220.8 North Third street; reception hall, 5 rooms, bath, steam heat, hardwood doors, laundry, front and rear porchos. Ap ply C. C. Wlilteman. 2208 North Third street. I TWO unfurnishea apartments of five ' rooms, including bath and kitchen; I window shades furnished; garbage ele vators; storase locker; fronting on Locust street. Penn'a Realty &. Im provement Co., 132 Locust street. TWO unfurnished rooms, with pri vate bath; city steam heat; Second street front; one or two women occu pants preferred. Address H., No. 2369, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Flat at 515 Walnut street; five rooms and bath; very rea j sonable rent. Apply at Caput s Ice Cream Parlor, same address. FOR RENT Apartments, four rooms and bath, all conveniences, locat ed on corner Sixth and Harris streets. Apply to L. Filbert, 1542 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Apartment 1101 North Third street; all conveniences; steam heat. Apply 264 Herr street.. FOR RENT Housekeeping apart ment, 225 North Second street, second floor. 5 rooms, pantry and tiled bath. All rooms open on private hall. Sta tionary hall rack. laundry tub. Rental, including city vapor heat and hot water, $42.50. Apply 218 Pine street. FOR RENT Third floor 239 North street; five rooms; pantry; tiled bath; all hardwood floors; large side and rear; all modern conveniences. Ap ply first floor, 239 North street. FOR RENT Apartment, with all modern improvements, including city steam heat, No, 204 Walnut street. E. Mather Co. FOH RENT 2O North Fourth Btreet. third floor apartment; five rooms ami hath; electric lights, gas and steam heat. Call at 430 Walnut street. FOR RENT Apartment, five rooms and bath, 925 North Third street. In quire H. L Mehrlng, 1410 North Sixth street. ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished rooms for rent. Opposite market house. Apply 407 Broad street. FOR RENT Well furnished front room, facing Capitol Park; all conveni ences, including bath and phone. In quire 406 North. FOR RENT Room for man and wife or single person. Would take child or invalid adult to board. Ex perienced nurse. Call or address, 152S Thompson avenue. FOR RENT Third floor flat; two rooms: hall; use of batli; light; clean; comfortable; possession at once. Apply 230 North Fifteenth street. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms, on second floor, for light housekeeping; also two furnished rooms on third floor or light housekeeping. Call 1327 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Two bright, airy rooms furnished for light housekeeping; all | improvements: gas range: kitchen cabl- . net! refrigerator; gas on separate meter: immediate possession; references I exchanged. Apply 312 South Sixteenth j street. FOR RENT Two pleasant, com municating front rooms, light house keeping, second iloor. conveniences, $lO per month. 501 Muench street. FOR RENT—Unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping at 210 Chestnut street; also partly furnished cottage at Paxtonia. Apply to James Stiner, St. James Hotel, 405 Market street. FOR RENT Third floor front room, $2.00 a week: gentleman preferred. Ap ply 1417 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Nicely furnished room all conveniences: rent reasonable. Ap ply 710 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Large, third floor front rooms, furnished: use of bath Call at 2133 Penn street, or phone 3874W2. FOR RENT Furnished rooms" single or ensuite; nil conveniences In cluding phone: reference required. Ap ply 3 015 North Front street. FOR RENT Furnished suite of large front livingroom. bedroom and private bath: city aleam; electric lighting; hardwood floors; references required. 218 Pine street. ROOMERS WANTED WANTED. ROOMERS Nicely fur nished rooms; all improvements; good location. 107 Evergreen street. WANTED WANTED TO BUY A Prest-cT-Llte tank, cheap. Apply S. Levy, 962 South Tv.-enty-flrst street. Both phones. WANTED TO BUY - Second-hand Kodak; must be in good condition postcard size preferred. John Hart man. care or Central Cigar Company, South Cameron street. City. WANTED Bicycles, or parts of bicycles, for highest cash prices at once. Try Keystone quick repair ser vice and save mOney. Keystone Cvcle Co.. SI 4 North Third street. Both phones. SECOND-HAND Bicycles waited! Call, or write. Excelsior Cvcle Co lo South Market Square. Bell phone 689 W. WANTED To purchase, on rent with privilege of buying, a l-'arm of 75 to 150 acres, on or near a State or lime stone road within ten miles of Harris burg. State price, when possession can be given, kind of soil, condition of buildings and water supply. Address M., 2374, care of Telegraph. HOARDERS WANTED SEVERAL refined, Christian fami lies wanted as summer boarders at Lime Valley Farm. Will open about June 1. For particulars address Box 167, Rheems, Pa. FOR SALE . FOR SALE—MOTORCVCI.ES Harley-Davidson's, Indians, Reading. Standards, Yales, etc., $50.00 and up. Rebuilt and guaranteed lo be as repre sented. lleagy Bros., 1204 North Third street. FOR SALE For cheap second-hand touring ears and roadsters go to Hot tenstein and Zech. Bulck and Chrevolet Agents. City Auto Garage, rear or Union Trust Building. J FOR SALE DOORS 4FOR SALE at Gable's. 111-1W South Second street. All sizes. Cypress, White Pine and Fir Doors. Porch work, ; Sash, Shutters and Mouldings. FOR SALE A large peanut wagon. In good condition; large warming pan; candy cabinet: shelves; good stock on hand. Price reasonable. Apply at Sixth and Maclay streets. j ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be 1 secured at the Telegraph Business : Office. . DON'T PAY $2 or $3 for Hats when • you can buv H. C. Dodge Hats for 50c. Com i and look C--m over. Open even ings. S. Meltzer. 51J Walnut street. FOR SALE To dispose of at once, iron bed. spring and mattress; also bedroom suit of bureau, washstand and '. bed with mattress and springs, and other hourehold articles. Inquire at 314 Herr street. Mrs. Josephine Bendall. FOR SALE Remington Typewriter. . No. 6, good condition. $14.00. Address X., 2365. care of Telegraph. GLASS window signs. Furnished Rooms, Unfurnished Rooms. Rooms and Board and Table Board at 25c each. One of these signs will bo given with each slx-tlnie order for a classified ad. If paid in advance. Inquire at Office of Telegraph. .FOR SALE—Millinery store in Harrisburg. Splendid location. Doing good business. Price rea sonable td quick buyer. Address , H, 2373, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Twin Indian motor cycle; just overhauled, repainted, re nickeled; in good running order; $75.00 cash. Also Presto tank cheap. Call any time. Evenings, Saturday afternoon or Sunday preferred. 1531 Cedar street. HARRISBURG INVESTMENTS - Keystone State Industrial Fair and Merchants Ice Co. stock, shares selling rapidly. For narttculars see F. J. Dar lington, 4 North Fifth street. Bell phone 3652. FOR SALE Will sell at sacrifice a 7-passenger Stoddard-Dayton automo bile. 50-horse-power. model 1912; extra powerful engine: best condition; all new tires. Apply by letter for more information, to M„ 2376, care of Tele graph. FOR SALE Powerful F. I. A. T. double-chain drive racing car. rebuilt, $600.00. Description if interested. G. C. Hoagland, Williamsport, Pa. FOR SALE —z Stielt upright piano. Will sell on time to reliable party, but prefer cash if can find buyer. Regina phone Box, with 28 records. $15.00. Ad dress T.. 2359, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE 1914 Cadillac Road ster; excellent condition; fully equip ped. Reason for selling, owner leaving city. Demonstration by appointment. | Address A.. 2320, care of Telegraph. THE Harrisburg Harness and Sup ply Company's Trunks, Suitcases and Bags of genuine leather at prices lower than elsewhere. Repairing a specialty. Second and Chestnut streets. j FOll SALE THE Board of Commissioners of Pub lic- Grounds and Buildings will offer .'.t public sale in froht of State Capitol Building, at entrance Fourth und Statue Streets, Harrisburg, Penna., at 10 o'clock A. At., April 10. 1915, the follow ing buildings and structures upon the premises within the boundaries of the proposed extension to Capitol Park in Eighth Ward. City of Harrisburg: Cowden Street. 115, 117, 119, 121, 123, 406, 512. 514. Filbert Street. 108, 110. North Street, 425, 507, 509, 511. 717. Short Street. 123, 139, 143. South Street. 503, 510, 518, 601 (rear of No. 121 Cowden St.), 606, 703. State Street, 413, 413—rear, 415, 417. 419. 421. 423. Walnut Street. 418. 510, 600. 602. The purchaser shall pay to the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania, through the office of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Harris burg. Pennsylvania, by certified check or United States currency, the amount !.t which the said building or buildings and structures are awr.rded to them as follows: A casn payment of 25 per cent, shall be made on day of sale and the balance before entering upon the property to remove the material pur ! i-liased. I In all cases where the premises are unoccupied, possession will be given the j purchaser immediately. Where the | premises are tenanted, possession will | i be given immediately after the premises I are vacated. The Commonwealth will not be responsible for any damage to property after possession is given. Pur chaser shall state at time of their offer the time required to remove the build ings and material after being given possession by the Commonwealth, which 1 in no case shall be longer than 60 davs. i All building refuse shall be carted away ! from the premises by the purchaser. All ! foundation wails must be taken down I and removed at least three feet below I level of street. The Board of Commissioners r,r Pub- j fflc Grounds and Buildings reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. | The work of removal shall be perform- ' ed under the direction of and to the ! satisfaction of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. NOTE The sidewalks and street ! pavemfents arc not to be removed by purchaser of buildings or structures! under this schedule. By order of the Board. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent. C. P. ROGERS. JR., Secretary. FOR SALE Three wagons left out of a dozen. yUI painted, ready for use. I Must be soldV to make room. Groce's i Wagon Shop, 1541 Walnut street. FOR SALE A driving or light de livery horse. Citv broke. An >v can drive. Apply S. Levy, 962 South Twenty-first street. Both phones. ANTIQUE FURNITURE High and low chests of drawers, three secretary desks, two secretary bureaus, side chairs, loose seats. Windsor chairs, claw and ball foot tables. J. H. Lesher, 411 Spring street. PONY OUTFIT FOR SALE Bay pony, 10 years old, sound and gentle; good buggy and harness. A bargain. Oscar Sultzbaugh. Mlllersburg, Pa. FOR SALE AT GABLE'S. 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 5,000 gal lons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. FOR SALE CARDS on sale~at the Telegraph Business office. FOH RENT FOR RENT Desk room, on ground floor, with stenographer and telephone. Address 40 North Court street. FOR RENT Second floor room, 3,700 :;quare feet, for light manufacture lng purposes. New building. Call at premises. Twelfth and Herr street* BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES I ANY intelligent person can earn good [ Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Syndicate, 798, Lock port, N. Y. I MADE $50,000 In live years In the mail order business, began with $5. Send for free booklet. Tells how. Hea cock, 355 Lockport, N. Y. BUSINESS PERSONALS AWNINGS Place your order for i.wnlnga with ua now. We do up holstering of all kinds atd carpet work. Jos. Cop]lnky, successor to Voll mer, ISOStt North Third street. Bell 2804 J. HAVE your Roof Painted and rough carpenter work done now; also window screens made to order. For particulars 1 address "Carpenter," 273 Herr street, u I'HII.AUEI.I'IH V STOCKS | By Associated Press I Philadelphia, April 9. Stocks clos | ed steady. ] Cambria Steel 47-V General Asphalt 26 | General Asphalt. Pfil. G6 ' I Lake .Superior Corporation :>>; | Lehigh Navigation 75' ! Lehigh Valley 70 I Pennsylvania Railroad 54 i Philadelphia Electric 23-".i | Philadelphia Company 38'/. 1 | Philadelphia Company. Pfd 36 1 Philadelphia Rapid Transit inn I Reading 75 ; Storage Battery • | Union Traction SB I l-'nited Gas Improvement x 1 jinked .States Steel 5R I Warwick Iron and Steel uvj CHICAGO CATTLE H v Associated Press ; Chicago. 111., April 9. Hogs Re ceipts, strong. Bulk of sale* iHSgi-?®: $6.75® 7.03; mixed.! iS r'-£i-15 : heavy. *6.55® 7.05; rough. $6.5»®6. ( 0; pigs. $5.60@6.65. !.. Cattle Receipts. 1,000; slow. Na vs. $6.00#8.90; western steers, J 5 -50®7.50; COWS and heifers, $;;.004P 8.00; calves, »6.25©8.75. ~ Receipts. 10,000; slow. Sheep si.4otir 8.40; lamhs. f7.80® 10.50. CIIUV<-O ilo\lll) OF TttADR By Associated Press Chicago. ill., April 9.—Board of Trade closing- Wheat—May, 1.55; July. 1.23<». Corn—Mav, 73 Ti; July, 76 >„ Oats—May, r.7 ; July, 54 U Pork—May 17.35; Juiv, 17.87. Lar—May. 1(1.22; Julv, 10.50 Ribs—May. 10.10; July, 10.42. BUSINESS PKHSONAI.S | REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERING with best material and by expert help Send us yor worn furniture. Our best efforts Insure your satisfaction. S N Cluck. 320 Woodbine street. NKW AND SECOND-HAND KurnTtTm. bougiit and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Drop postal, or phone 371S Roll Atlas Furniture Co., 1014 Market street! S. Rlfkln—clothing, shoes and furnT ture bougiit and sold. Highest cash prices paid. 407 Broad street, Harris burg, Pa. OLD GOLD and Silver, Watches Dla- I monds and Jewelry bought for hUrliest cash prices. Jos. D. Brenner. Jeweler j No. 1 North Third street. Bell phone ; 621 J. I FRKIGHT DRAYAGB. Storage ShTiT I pers and Distributors of Merchandise : lof all kinds. Prompt and efficient ser- 1 vice. Warehouses on P. R. n. and P ! |& R. tracks. Montgomery and Co' I | (Pelpher Line). Tenth beiow Market 1 street. FOR falling hair try Gross Quinine i Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, ihe I Druggist and Apothecary, lifi Market street. Harrisburg. Pa. Telephone s orders given prompt attention. Bell I 11960. luiiuvt; 11. W. LATHE, Boarding Stnltle and ' National Transfer Co. Movers of! pianos, safes, boilers and general haul : ing. H. W. Lathe. Manager, Pifth and! Woodbine streets. Bell phone No ! 2503 R. : —————— ___ MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security In any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174. Harrisburg, Pa. 1 I ANY person needing money in I amounts from $5 to SSO holding a sal-I larled position, would be benefited by ! calling on us. Employes' Discount Co.. I I 36 North Third street. ! | WE LEND MONEY IN ANY | AMOUNTS Payments to suit borrower. Small loans a specialty, j Positively lowest rates in the city. Up-to-date methods. Licensed, bonded and incorporated. PENNA. INVESTMENT CO. , 132 W r alnut Street STOFTAGK STORAGE HAULING FurnTmTe household goods and merchandise of all kinds stored; also hauling of all kinds —at very low prices. Call, or address. S. Frank, 427 Herr street. ' STORAGE IN 3-story l»rlek building, r en r 409 j Market street. Household good* In clean, private , rooiuH. Reasonable rates. Anniv ti> I I». G. IHencr, Jeweler, 4OS Market St. j STORAGE 419 Broad street, fori household goods and merchandise. Prl- ' vate rooms, $1 to J3. Wagons, 75 cents I per month. Apply D. Cooper & Co., 411 j j Broad street. Both phones. i FIREPROOF STORAGE WARE~ I HOUSE, divided into private rooms for 1 | .storage of household goods new I I lildln-s low insurance inspec- 1 i tion invited. 437-445 South Second , ; street, Harrisburg Storage Company. | — I NOTICES TO THE MEMItKItS OF If\HRIS III lit; LODGE 107, I.OVAI, ORDER OF MOOSE Brothers:— lll accordance with the provisions of tile Supreme Lodge j statutes, and a custom of the i Memorial services In honor of Our 1 deceased Brothers will be held in the! ! Lodge Hall. Third and Boas streets. ' lon Sunday afternoon. April 11. 1915, |at 3:30 P. M. sharp. An interesting 1 program has been arranged and a I j large attendance expected. all i 1 Moose attend. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE LETTERS T EST A M ENTA R Y on the estate of Alfred S. Spitler, late of Har risburg. Pa., having been granted to tne undersigned, residing in Harris burg, Pa., ail persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and tnose having claims to present the samo without delay. LAURA J. TRITLE, MINNIE SOUTHARD, ICxecutrices. I Or their attorney. FK A v K E. VA KG LE R, 18 North Third Street. HARRISBURG, PA., FIRE 1 11 EXT SEALED PROPOSALS will be receiv ed by the undersigned, at his office, in the Calder Building. Harrisburg. Pa until 12 o'clock noon, Saturday, April' 17. 1915, for furnishing two thousand | feet, more or less, of rite liose, 2'/. inches internal diameter, guaranteed against all defects for three years from date of acceptance and to stand a pres sure test of 400 pounds to the square Inch, coupled with heavy bronze metal couplings, Harrisburg standard, eight threads to the Inch, each section of hose and all couplings to be stamped with <late of delivery. , Each proposal shall be accompanied by a certified check equal to 10 per cent, of amount bid. and the successful ' bidder or bidders will be required to file a final suretv company bond equal 1 to 2 per cent, of .contract price. 1 The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. M. HARVEY TAYLOR, Supt. of Parks and Public Property. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, < Bureau of Water and righting. j BIDS will be received at the Office ■ of the Superintendent of Public Safetv, Room 10. Court House, to 3 o'clock P. M., April 19. for laying water pipes In ' Sycamore Street, from Cameron Street 1 to Thirteenth Street; in Carlisle Street. ' from Holly Street to Deny Street, and In Agate Street, from Schuylkill Street to Columbia Street. Plans can be seen and specifications can be obtained at the above office. The right to reject 1 any or all bids is reserved. H. F. ROWMA.W 1 Superintendent Public Safety. i BETHLEHEM SHARES CONTINUE FEVERISH Opening Transaction Was Block of Two Thousand Shares at 110 to 107 By Associated Press New York. April 9.—The sensational movement in Bethlehem Steel was continued at the beginning of to-day's market, trading in that stock being of the most feverish character. The open ing' transaction was a block of two thousand shares at 110 to 107, Its clos ing price yesterday being 10.%. From 107 it fell by easy stages to 103 and gradually rescinded to 115, then back to 109. Individual transactions were very large, but the total output In the first 15 minutes was a little over 8.000 shares mainly in lots of 100 to U'oo. The balance of the market showed some uncertainty at first, but soon grew strong under the lead of United States Steel. Heading and other favo rites. Motor shares Were up to 2 to 4 points. NEW YORK STOCKS Furnished by H. M. Snavely, 208 Arcade Building. New York, April 9. Open. High. Low. Clos. Alaska G M 35>i 3fi 35 H 35% Amal Cop . 03 07 63% 67 Am Bt Sug 4 5 4«"g 4 5 40% Am Can .. 34 >,i 35 Vs 34 35% Am Can pd 9 7 97 % 97 97% Am C& F. 49 i-i 49% 48% 49% Am Cot Oil 49% 49% 49 49 Am Ice See 30% 32 30% 31% Am Loco . 31% 32% 31% 33% Am Smelt . 07% 69% «"% 68% |Am Sugar. 107 108% 107 108% Am T & T. 119% 120% 119% 120% Anaconda . 31 32% 30% 32% Atchison .. 100% 101% 100% 101% B&O >72% 74% 72% 74% Beth Steel. 110 115 103 112 I Bklyn RT. 90 91 90 91 Cal Petro. . 10 16% 10 16% Can Pacific 163% 107% 163% 167% Cent Leath 36% 36% 36% 36% C&O 44% 46% 44% 46% CM&• St P 90 92 90 91% C Con Cop. 39% 40% 39% 40% Col F & I. 29% 33 29% 33 Con Gas .. 121 122% 121 122 Corn Prdd. 12 13% 12 1 :>, u Dift Sec .. s 8% 8 8% Brie 26% 2S % 26% 28% Erie Ist pfd 43% 45 43% 45 Gen E Co.. 149 149 % 149 149 % Gen Motors 147 147 % 145% 147 jOoodrh BF 50% 53% 50% 52 Gt Nor pfd 117 119 117 " 118% Gt X Ore s 34% 35% 34',» 35% In-Met ... 15% 16% 15% 10% In-Met pfd 67% 69% 67% 67% KC So ... 25 25% 25 25% Lehigh Yal 136% 141% 136% 141 Louis &N. 119% 120% 119 120 Mex Petro, 70 73% 70 73% Mo Pac .. 14 14% 13% 14% Nat Lead.. 02% 04 02% 63 N Y Cent.. 86% 87% 86% 87% NY.NH& H 60% 02% 59% 61% Nor Pac .. 187 109% 100% 109% Pac Mail .. 21% 21% 21% 21% I'' J V R #->•• > 10 " 1 % 4,07 lag ■* 'Pglt Coal . 22% 22% 21% 21% Pgh C pfd 94% 94% 93% 93% I Press S Car 33% 34% 33% ;i4 R C Cop.. 20% 21% 20% 21% Reading .. 140", 151% 146% 151% |R I 4 8 .. 24% 26 24% 20 I RI & S pfd 82 83 82 83 So Pacific.. 87% 90% 87% 90 % :So Railway 18 19% 18 19% jSo Rwy pfd 57 60% 5 7 60% ITenn Cop.. 31% 33 31 % 32f| Texas Co . 142% 144 141% 144% Third Ave. 54% 54% 83% 53% Union Pac. 126% 129% 126% 129% U S Rubber 69% 74 68% 7 3 U S Steel. 49% 57 49 % 57 U S S pfd. 107% 109% 107% 109% ■ I'tali Cop.. 57% 59% 57% 59% Ya C C .. 24% 25% 24% 25 West Md . 20% 26% 26% 20% j West U Tel 65% 66 65% 66 j West Mfg.. 76 78 75% 77% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE! By Associated Press ! Philadelphia, April 9. Wheat ] Ste_ady; No. 2, red, car lots, export, ; 51.53@1.55: No. 1, Northern, Dulutli, export, $1.63@1.66. I t'orn Steady; No. 2, spot, export, j 75%®>76%c; No. 2, yellow, local, 80®> 1 Oats Higher; No. 2, white, 63® 64 c. Bran Kirm- winter, per ton, $29.00; spring, per ton, 5ufi.50®27.00. Refined Sugars Steady; pow -1 dered, 0.00 c; line graifuiated, i>.9oc; eon. ! feetioners' A. B.Boc. Butter The market is firm; I western, creamery, extras, 32c; nearbv, j prints, fancy. 35c. j Eggs The market is firm; Pennsylvania »nd other nearbv first* I free cases, $0.30 per case; do., current receipts, free cases. $6.15 per . '■ase; western, extras. firstß. 're., cnt,ex. I $0,30 per c ase; do., firsts, free cases, ] sli. 1 5 per case. I Live Poultry—Weaker: fowls. 16% @ ; 17c: old roosters, 12<&12%c; chickens, 14ft 19c: turkeys. 15® 17c; ducks, lSi» ! 17c; geese. 12® 16c. I Dressed Poultry Weak; fresh killed I fowls, fancy, t0%®19%r; do., aver age. I6®18c: do., una'tractive. 14® I*>c: old roosters, 13% c; frozen fowls, IB® ! 18c; roasting chickens. 17ft20c: broil- I lng Chickens, 22®27c; turkeys. 18® I 22e; ducks. 12@18c: geese, 12®16c. Potatoes Market firmer; Penn ylvania. per htishei, 55ft60c: Maine, per bushel. 50®53c: New York, per buhel, •«- 55e; Jersey, per basket. 30 ft 35c. Flour Market nominal; winter clear, 53.50®4.10: straights, Pennsyl vania. $6.50®G.85; spring. straights. $6.75®7.00? do., patents, $7.00(8)8.00; I weKtorr. $4.26® 4.40: patents, f4.Cof> ' 4.76: Kansas strairht. lute sac»s. $< 11 ' <14.50; spring, first*, clear. $4.01)ft4 10 | ■ tr.-i'tots $4.204?4 patents $4 35« | <«0 i Hay The market Is weak; tim othy. No. 1. large bales. $18.00; No. 1. i medium bales, Sl7.Koftlß.oO: No. 2, d. . . $15.60® 16.60: No. 3. do, $14.00©15.00: samples, $13.000 14 00; no grade, $ll.OO ® 12.00. Ciover mixed • hay Light mixed. $17.00® 17.50r No 1. do. sl6.ooait.(o; No. 2, d' sl4 50016 50 DISMISS THE IDEA Dear Miss Fairfax: lam eighteen. lam deeply in love with a widow thirty-five and know that my love is returned, but my folks object on account of her having two children. I also dearly love these children. 1 now have an income of sl2. with brighter prospects, but she is willing to help support the family until I receive an advancement. What shall 1 do? ANXIOUS. You foolish boy! This woman is honestly old enough to be your moth er. She is doing a criminal thing In encouraging you to suppose you are in love with her. Ten years from now, when you are old enough to consider marrying some bright, young woman, she will be middle-aged. Dismiss the absurd thought of love from your mind at once. SYMPATHY Beggar "I haven't tasted food for a month." Dyspeptic "You ain't missing ranch. It's the same old taste."—Town Topic*. 'FORMER U. S. SENATOR LGRIMER TO BETHIED Decision in Criminal Court Comes After Motion to Quash Indictments By Associated Press Chicago. 111., April 9.—William Lorl mer, former United States senator, and other olllcialK of the defunct La Sallo Street Trust and Savings Bank, must stand trial on state charges of con spiring to wreck the institution. This was the effect of a decision in criminal court to-day in which a motion to qu&sh the indictment was overruled and twenty-four of the twenty-five coi.nts in the document were sus tained. Jack Johnson Will Not Be Given American Passports By Associated Press Washington, D. C„ April 9.—Jack Johnson, the negro pugilist, will not I carry American passports if he leaves t'uba to return to Europe. Secretary Bryan said to-day that instructions had been sent to -Minister Gonzales, in Havana, not to issue the credentials. The minister had reported Johnson's application for passports. Becretnrv Bryar said the State De partment had replied without consult ing the iJetiartnteni of Justice it was familiar with the case against Johnson and knew that he had left the United States after having been con victed under the Mann white slave law and while at liberty on $45,000 bail pending a decision of his appeal. I.YTICHEST IN TRADING ( ENTERS IV lIETHI.EHEM By Associated Press New York, April !>. lnterest in to day's stock market centered mainly around Bethlehem Steel by reason of the sensational movement in that stock yesterday. The opening transactions consisted of 2,000 shares at 110 to 107, compared with yesterday's close of 105. The stock then declined to 105. 104 and 103. It soon recovered, however, sell ing at 115. Nearly all the dealings were smal amounts, many odd lots oC less than 100 shares changing hands. TI'HN PLANT OYER TO KMPI/OYKS Boston. Mass.. April 0. A co operative plan by which the Diennison Manufacturing Company, a $5.,000,000 corporation, will be turned over to em ployes for management and. all em ployes will share in its profits was announced last night. Twenty-four hundred employes are affected. . : . 1 FOR SALE Seed Potatoes, consisting of Early Rose, Spalding Rose, Bur | banks. Golden Coin, Irish Cob ] Icrs, Peerless, Early Ohio and j others too numerous to mention. j J. W. Beshore 230 Mulberry Street HARRISB-XJRG. PA. |' ' If For Sale | Old Established Hake Stand— -1 Boas and Cowileii Sts. Dwelling, 10 rooms and store room, 2-story bake house, 21x11 ft. 1 with 2 ovens—in good condition. 1 Easy terms; immediate possession. I Good chance for a live wire. Inquire ! T. B. Rockafeilar 202 NORTH STREET ! * ( LAWYER'S ' REMOVAL NOTICE C. H. Backenstoe, Esq., j lias removed his law offices from 14 North Third street to the Bergner Building i (Rooms Nos. 203 and 204, sec ond floor), northwest corner of Third and Market Sts., Harris burg, Pa. To Housekeepers, Work- lngmcii and Salaried Em. ployes. LEGAL RATES EQUITABLE INVESTMENT COMPANY 0 N. MARKET SQUARE Room 21 4tli Floor Spooner Building fc———* NO NEED TO BE DISCOURAGED if your efforts are not appreciated and there is no chance for ad vancement. There are always good positions open in Harrisburg for competent men —positions where good conscientious effort will be rewarded by constant advance ment. Just use a Telegraph WANT AD and reach the firm who is looking for just such a man as you. 17
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers